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JanHanvoldlivein blatantcontravention ofJesusandPaul's teaching, "Christianpeople"prayforhim whenGod allowshimtohave a heart attack!
MayGodhealHanvold? Or is itSatanthroughhis demonswho rulehere? Whatis it?Forme it isobvious thatitisSatanthroughtheiruncleanspiritsbehindall this.Howcan Ibe sosure of this? BecauseHanvoldliving in sinandhe isSatan'sproperty.We humansbelong toeitherGod orSatan.Do we livein sin, we are Satan'sproperty.Do we liverightand havetherefore received ChristJesus, sowe areGod'sproperty. Itis something thatcantakeus humanswhenwe letSatanandsin unto, itisnot onlyour fleshwhichacquires, butalsodemonsscripture saysthatcould causedisease, andother unnaturalabnormalities. Thereisnothingin between,butnoteveryone who does notbelieve inJesusisdemon possessed.
Let me makeit very clear, all nonbelieversareinfluenced bySatan.ThisScripture teaches:
Efes. 2. 2You livedin thematthecurrent worldviewandletyouleadtheruler ofthe skies, the spirit that nowworketh inthe disobedient.
Weread thattheSpiritis at workinthe sons of disobedience, but fromthis pointaoftheSpiritualObsessionfar.
Allbelievers havethe Spirit of Godaresealeduntilthe day of redemption.
2Cor. 1.22 whoput hissealonus and giventhe Spiritin our hearts.
Butpeople of faithcanalsobeanimated bythe spirit of Satanat times, especially ifonedoes nottake the timemyLord.Butwhere isHanvoldherein "landscape"?
First,SatantookhisNyra, nowhe goesto heart.Whatliesbehindhere? Itis thatHanvoldliving in sin, indarkness.Thenhe givesnoGodbuttheEvildetermination.Andthe consequenceswill be thatSataneatslittleand slightlyinwardinhis body. TooperateSatan.If we givehima little, sohe takesovermore and more.It's likethe saying goes: "If we give Satanthe little finger, then he takesmy hand."
Fromkidney-heart- sodead!
Hanvoldsayshe willbe120 years.By all means, itmay wellbe thatSatankeepshimaliveso long.ButHanvoldliverexposedto!
Hanvoldstandsup seeminglyforIsrael, yet evenlivein sin. Wherewillthisend?
Nowhe had aheart attack, whatisnext? The way Isee it,the outlookforHanvoldthat heshouldrepent andlive righteouslyverysmall.He's probably beenina positionwhereheishardenedandwilllive ashealways has.Herethere is no goingback enough?!
Theuncleanspiritsthrive ina life fullofsin,Satanthroughhis demonslove thatwe do not takethingssocarefully, specialty teasifwewill"serve" God. Whenhe knows thathe gets hiswayandwill for usNevertheless it. That's howthe evilis. First, akidneyhe took offHanvold, sohe wasa little"better"andit washeart.Demonsgettheir footing, andtheyfirstgot it. Sothey give themselvesneverwithout a fight! But inHanvoldthere is nostruggle,hethrivesin sinandalso getbackingforhis sinofmanydeceivedanddeludedbelievers.
Final comment: Canwebelong toGod andSatan?Orwe belong toeitherGod orSatan?What does theword of God?
This canof coursebe misunderstood, butallpeople are createdin God's image. Butwe humansarenotjustfleshand blood, wehaveamental lifeandspiritual lifeasthe Bibledescribes as theheart.Inthisheartliveeitherthe SpiritorSatan'sspirit. This isof courseveryradical, but itis whatGod's Wordteaches.
From thispoint of view,we arenotchildren of Godby givinga few coinstoMoldova, orby having aTVchannel. Arewechildren of God, then it maywell bea fruitof beinga child, butbeinga child of Godis far morethan that.
Becominga child of Godis aboutto haveChrist andhis teachingsat the centerof their livesand live byit.MakeJanuaryHanvoldthis byneglecting, rationalizeand livecontrary tothe teachings of Jesus? Of course not, so we cansay with certaintythat heisnot atruechild of God.
Atruechild of Godlive bythe teachings of Jesus, loveit andwouldnotfor the worldgo awayfrom it.This is whatmakes ustrue disciples. Andtruechild of God, Godbe eternallypromisedbecause ofthe Lambandthebloodhegaveforus andredeemed usfrom the world andto God!
This hasnothing to do withHanvoldthatperson, heisequallyloved byGodof all men. Godeithersees ormakesa difference insomeone,butthroughthe life thatHanvoldhave lived andare living. Sohe givesdarkfullaccess totheir lives, unfortunatelythere are somanyothers whodo the same ashim.
Wemusttakeresponsibilityforour lives, or sogoesusbad.Butwe take responsibility, live inaccordancewith God'sword,God takescare ofus.
1Joh.b.3.24Andhe that keepethhis commandmentsabideth inhim, and he in him; andby this we knowthat he abideth inus,by the Spirit whichhegaveus.
He hasshort,repent, and whatis it?First andforemost,livingsingle,he livesin a relationship thatGod'swordiscohabitation. The word of Godis aboveeverything andeveryone.
Whatis going onwithHanvoldwhenheasksandcommands? These spiritualpowers inhim, they just movearoundhim. A day inNyra, the next day inhand.So whenthey approach theheart,itcomescloserand closer todeath.
Hanvoldsayshe willbe120 years!
Whatdoes it really mean. If we are tolive to100, 70 or120,it isto livewith the Lordisessential.Here comesHanvoldshort,heis not good enough. Therefore, he isaneasybyteforSatan, heis hispropertylegally. Liver andwalking thanindarkness, thatbelongsoverSatan.Liver andwe walkin the light,aswe belong tothe Lord.Itisnogolden mean. Butan eitheror!
The way Isee it, itgoeswellHanvoldfrom bad toworse? Hecamein a viciousspiralofhis life. Then one mustrepent andimprove theirown wayswith the Lord. Butwhat does he do? He believesitis the solutionto help anddo something. Thesolutionis never todo butto repent.Then we canalsodo.The important thingis to get inright relationshipto God, thencomeseverything else. we arenotina right relationshipwith God. Sincewe liveandwalk in thedark!
Butwerepentandimproveour roads, walking in the light. Then we arealsolightandsons of GodandSatancan not touchus andfahason us!
Matt. 17.14Andwhen they came tothe people,a man came tohimandknelt beforehim, saying, 15O Lord! have mercy on myson! Hehas seizures and issufferinggreatly; He often fallsinto the fireandoften into the water. 16And Ibrought him toyour disciples; butthey could nothealhim. 17And Jesus answeringsaid, O faithlessand perverse generation! how long shall Ibe with you?how long shall Isuffer you? Beforehim to me! 18AndJesusrebukedthe devil; andhe departed outofhim: andthe child was curedfrom that hour.19Then came the disciplestoJesus apart,and said, Why could notwe cast himout? 20Jesussaidunto them,Because of your unbelief; forverily I sayunto you,have faith asagrain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto thismountain, Removehence to yonder! and itshall remove, andnothing shallbeimpossibleunto you.21Howbeit this kindgoeth notout but byprayerand fasting.
Herewassomeone whowas bothsickanddemon-possessed. When thespiritsleft himbecausehe wastoofresh. Whatarthe cause of hisillness? Obsession. In other words, in some casesobsessionthat is causing thedisease, butother times it isnot.Then it'sold age, poor lifestyle, geneticloadetc.behind. Everything that camein amonghumansafter the fall!
Do notaskforHanvold, he livesin sinto deathwith beingan adultereroradulteress. Scriptureurgesnottoaskforsuchas theymust firstrepentbeforethey can workwithhealing.Thenthereare spiritualpowersthat goaround the bodyand attackone daythe foot, sothere is aperiod of time,then it may bekidney.Andtheycometo you,sowe knowthat deathoccurs.HanvoldhasgivenSatanfullsovereigntyinhis life byallowedsinto comeintohis life. Thereforepray andcommandHanvoldonboth the oneand the other, it hurtsworse. Hemust repentwhenhe livesin sinandspiritual death.
Nr. 790: Beingseparatedforlivingsingleword of Godsaysisa "luxuryproblem"!
God'sword saysthatweas believersarebound toour spousesolong as the otherstudents.Ifwesignany reason.Sospeaketh the wordsunambiguous andcleartoremain singleorbe reconciled. 1Cor.7.10The marriedI command,yet not I,but the Lord,thata wifeshould notseparateherselffrom her husband;11butdivorcedhim, thenabide,shebeingunmarriedorbe reconciledto her husband-andahusbandshould notdivorce hiswife. Rom.7. 2Themarriedwomanisbound by lawto her husband solong as heliveth;butif her husband bedead, she isloosed from the lawof her husband.3Therefore,sheis calledan adulteressif she,while her husbandlives,marries anotherman;butif her husbanddies, she isfree from that law,so that sheis notan adulteressif shemarries anotherman. PhotoofFrankMang and his family whowasdivorced,butremainedalonethe restof your lifeeven ifit happenedin theearly yearsand manyhadcountlessloverswho want tocapturehim. Scripture isnot thatweshould followa doctrinethat is impossible tofollow.
1Cor.1013 Youhavenotmet anyof thehumantemptation.And Godis faithful; hewillnot let you betemptedbeyond your strength.No,whenyouare tempted, he willshowa way outso thatyoucanendure.
God gave usmarriage assomething goodand Godwilled.
1Genesis218The LORD God said, "Itisnotgood for manto be alone.Iwillmakea helperof the samekind."19 Andthe LORDGodformed everybeast of the fieldandevery bird of theskyof earth.Hebrought themto the man tosee what itwould call them.Theman calledeach livingcreature, thatwasthename.20The mangavenames to all cattleandto thebirds of heavenandallthe wildbeasts of the field.Butto himselffoundthe manno helperof the samekind. 21 Sothe Lord God causeda deepsleep to fall uponthe man.Whileheslept, he tookarib andclosed up the flesh.22Of theribthe Lord Godhadtaken from man, he builta woman,andHe broughtherto the man. 23 Thenthe man said: "Nowthere isboneof mybones andflesh of my flesh. Sheshall be calledwoman, forthemanshe was taken. " 24 Thereforeshall a manleave his fatherand mother andhold fast tohiswife, andtheytwoshallbeone body.
Butwhenthis goessour,whatthen?Yeswhat then!?
Ithinkthebasis ofmy own experienceandwhat God'sword says, it isto livesingleto reachthe skyavery,verysmall sacrifice.Not leastwhen viewedin the lightwhat othershave had to gothrough.I'm not sayingit costs,butthatsingleisalso somanyother possibilities,depending onwhichonestandsin life.
We hearthis, so Imustgoalonethe restof your life?Yes,indeed,ifonedoes notget alongwith hisspouse.Sothis isthe way to gofora believer.
I'min noway whatsoeverthat it is nota sacrifice,but Ithinkit reallyis as difficultto livealone aswhenoneis older.Ithaswithone'sownattitudeand thattakesa decision aboutwhat you will.When God'swordis so clearonthis point, it isbecause itispossible tolive it.Otherwise, God hadneverspoken tous.
Suffering,deprivation,denialand discipleship,that is whatmakes usdisciples.Do we wantto Heaven, we mustgoon the road thatleadsthere.
We readaboutseveral places inthe word of Godthatonealsohad tostand,even ifthemarriagewasentered into.Ifit was not validandjust.Thisisof coursecompletely againstthemotherperson, buttospeakthe word of God,and Godhasnot changed.
Nehemiah1323In thosedaysalso I sawthat someoneJudahhad takenthewomenfromAshdod,AmmonandMoab.24Half oftheir children spoke thelanguage ofAshdodor thelanguage of the othernations.They couldnotspeakJudean.25Irebukedthe menand cursedthem.Someof themstruckme,andI toreout their hair.SoI letthem swear byGod.Isaid, "Youshall notgiveyour daughterstothe others'sons, ortakesome of theother'sdaughtersas wivesforyour sonsorforyourselves.26Wasitnot because ofsuchthatSolomonking of Israelsinned?Amongthe manynationsthere wasno king likehim.Hewasloved byhis God,and God madehim kingoverall Israel.Stillgotthe strangewomenhimto sin.27Ifone nowhearing aboutyouthatyou dosomuch evilandunfaithful toourGod in marryingforeign womento you? "
Marriageno. 2 fora Christianwhile the otheris "invalid" andthose whoare marriedwith no.2,thesexually immoralbythe font.Do I have torepeatthis?Unfortunately,as fewothers do,so I will have.
Itisclear thatwe humanshave very strongurges,butwe will bestrongand standSatanandthe evildesireinour livesand heartsagainst.
We humansgothrough somuch,and somethingwe mustdeny ourselvesif we comeupinthose situationsand endup inthings.However, asign thatbelievers,do not openthe word of Godintosomethingnew marriageunderany circumstances,as far as Icansee fromthe word of God.The so-calledinnocent partyexistsneitherin God'sword orinthe real world!This cameHumanistErasmusofRotterdamHollandwho managed toseducea wholeChristianitywith itsteachingsfor permissiontore-marry.Whenthe doctrine ofthe so-calledinnocent party.
The theory ofthe"innocent party"its right toremarryislessthan 500 yearsold.
The idea thatMatthew chapter5and 19passagesor "clauses"that givethe"innocent party"right toremarry,did not showupuntil this year1519,whenErasmus, a greathumanist,presented hisinterpretation ofFirst Corinthians7.Erasmus'interpretation ofScriptureintroducedhuman reasonin the interpretation,rather thanlet thetextinterprettext.Hisinterpretation ofScripturewasmarked byhumanisticovertones,in which heemphasized thepeople'shappinessahead ofobedienceto God'sword.Erasmuswas neithertraditionalistorreformer,but wantedtheutmostto be perceivedas agodlyman.He managed, however, totakepaymentfor sin andalso foundsimplersolutionsthatchedpeople.Heserved asthe Gnosticsfocusedonexcessiveintellectualexperience.
The last50 yearshave lefttheseheresiesgained a footholdinthe churches.Thereisoneparadoxthat the church hasincreasinglyfocusedonspiritualgifts,healingsand servicesthat takeour breath away, yetincreasingnumber of divorcesinthesamechurches.Frenziedmanifestationsof the spiritisintoxicationleading tomoreliberalChristian understanding, ratherthan beingmoretrue tothe word.
Biblical infallibilitywasunderminedandErasmusattacksscripturalaccuracy.Hetiedthe ChristianministrywithGod'sholinessoflife.Erasmustaughtthatlove shouldprecedeanymarriageandemphasizedthatit was not "loving"madeby the Churchto insist thatunhappy peoplewould continueto live together.He believedthat the churchshouldset them free,who livedin theso-calledbadmarriage.
ReformersadoptedErasmus'views ondivorce andremarriage,butthis ideawasnot taught innearly 1,500years beforeErasmus,fromChrist'stime andthe early Christians.Althoughthis theoryislessthan500 years old, manyChristianslooking fora "loophole" oran excuse,that makesit okayforthemtoremarry.ThereforeErasmusinterpretation offirstCorinthiansgladlyaccepted byChristians whoare looking foropportunities to followtheir carnaldesireto lovea newpersonafterone'smarriagehasbeen"destroyed"ortheystate thatyou livein an unhappymarriage.
Whyshouldthe Biblebe made available tothe common people.Althoughhe madea notableeffort toget to it.Hetranslated the NewTestamentfrom Greekinto Latin,and the ideawas that it shouldform the basisforfurthertranslation intothe languagespeople.Inaddition to thetranslationhe publishedcomments, whichmade him apioneerincriticalbiblicalscience.
Note thatit wasthe life of Jesusas "meant"something.At the same timehe wassocialiteandenjoyedthesocial strata.Learningwas nothingbut changeand adaptthe most part,he could.Thismanisthe ProtestantChristianitycharacterized more bythan any other, no wonderthat itisbecomingaBabylonthat is differentthanthe Catholic church.YetaBabylonwhere everythingisallowed.Theword of Godrefers to asNicolaitansandBalaam'steachingand preaching.
Erasmusremindsme ofthe modern manwhowillput theirown desiresalwayshigherthanGod,Scripturealsowarnsagainst(2Tim.35).
Howit goes withthe case againstPastor JanAageTorp?
Are called,andaskedotherwisepeople willknowhow it goeswith the casewhereTorphasreviewedmefirst.And Ihad toreviewinghim again.For meit goesincrediblysmoothly,although I amsomewhatlateto understandwhatI have comeup.
Picture of apig thatrefers towhat peoplecall apersonwho marriesa woman whocould behisdaughter.This is just anIllustrative imageina relationshipwhere onecallsomeone forbeing adirty old man,but this isonlyanIllustrative image. Itdawned onme that itwas not a"normal"man whohad reportedme,buta psychopathandhumanpower.Therefore, thisis "self-defense"to rain.Therefore, it cangoto "helter-skelterand" inwriting.You do nottrack everythingat once!But ithasdawnedandpassed upto mewhatIthoughtandthoughtthiswas about.Thatremarriageisa sinbased onGod's word,itisthe psychopathmanipulatedaway toapplysomething else,ifit affectshim.Buthere I havebeen able toboth viewbased on theword of Godthatremarriageisa sinfora believer.And "caught"psychopath!
ThisI wroteinmy lastreply toTorpinSearchlight,andmy last postwhereever: SeekTorp, I neverharassed,harassor doneanything againstyou.Onlypointed out thatyouare not "legally"marriedin God'sword! Andthepolice,I'dnever been"positive"to you,andtriedto getin the faceasan adult,healthy andgood man! Shouldjustrejectedyou as thepsychopathand powerof person youare! You havealwaysapproachedme, Ineveryou! (end of quote).
WasalsoatPolitiManglerudchamberto reportAnsgarBraut,but therewasno one withthat nameinNorway.Sohere it isobviouslyone that hasasynonymousname.Butokay,the big bad"wolf" is nothe,but JanAageTorphasstagedall this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But asthepsychopathand powerof person heis(this ismy opinionand manyothers)soI knowhow todeal with suchpeoplenow!
Stayas far awayfromthem as possibleafter havingwarnedthem!Towarnthemisfutile,only thing is towarnABOUTTHEM!
You learnas longasyou live,orliveas long asyou learn!
Hereis an excerptofwhat Iwrote to thepoliceas additionalforreview:
Seeing thatmyreviewTorpthere are thingsthat are bothomittedand wantto be included.
1)That itis falsereviewas JanAageTorpcomes againstme. (Falseaccusation, crimesregulated inthe Penal Code§§168-170.Whoeverthefake reviewor explanationseeks toget anothercharged with acriminal offense,punishable byimprisonment for up to8 years.Hasthe personaccusedalso had toendure thepunishment, theoffenderis punishable byup to 21years in prison.Alsothe one whowithout reasonable causeto suspect thereviewersomeoneof a criminal offensewhereitis not removedchargeis punishable,but ina milderpenal provision,up to1year in prison).
Ifileda police reporttodayby youand madesimultaneouslyan agreementwithOsloPolicethat Iwould like tofirst try tomeet youinMediationunderthe supervisionof skilledbrokers.This is ameglingsrådwhere wemeet faceto face,andeverything happensinconfidentiality,and the purposeis thatweshould be able tosign amutuallybinding agreement,so Ihave to goahead withthe police,with all thatit can cause.Theme isnaturallylimited topolitianmeldelsenscontent,and notall topicsand concernswehad toagreeordisagree. (end of quote).
ItthreatensTorpextendedthe policeif I did notobeyhim.
3)Torparguesinhis reviewofme the following: I havearguedPenal Code§135a("discriminationorproportionalitybased on religionand belief"),§247("Defamation"),and §390("PersonalHarassment")in mypolice. Thissuitdoes not atme,but those who havegone out ofthe secttoTorpsaysitfits perfectlyonhim.
4) Ido not knowwhat one shouldcallforTorp.But to mehe appears asa psychopathwhoisresponsibleforall thisthataftermyconceptsare nopolicecase.But allcovered byReligious andfreedom of speechthat Ihave written.
5)It's in thepolicemanagement that thisis the network's performance,it's there forbarely.But thathasnot happenedinKrosktiveien2 c,butin Torpconfusedheadall togetherthismadnesshereI would say.Havethefeelingthat itisthe psychopathJanuaryAageTorpis behindall this.
6)Do not wantto imprisonmentforTorp,onlya singlepenaltyas a warningnot to dosuch a thingagain!Looks to mea fine of5.000,- kr.
7)Since everythingrevolves aroundwhat ispublished onthe celestialblog, I havewritten anarticle on thissubject:http://blog.janchristensen.net/2014/10/nr-903-pastor-jan-aage-torpedo-har.html
This is whatI am reviewingTorpforwhichthe Prosecutor: False accusation, crimesregulated inthe Penal Code§§168-170.Whoeverthefake reviewor explanationseeks toget anothercharged with acriminal offense,punishable byimprisonment for up to8 years.Havethe personaccusedalso had toendurethe penalty, theoffendershall be punished byup to 21years in prison.Alsothe one whowithoutreasonable causeto suspectreviewersomeone for acrimewhichis not takenoutcharge,punishable,but ina milderpenal provision,for up tooneyear in prison.
But Ihope notfor imprisonmentforTorp,eithertreatmentwhenthereiscertainlya traumaticchildhoodorother things thatare the basisforhisactions?
ThisI wrotetheSpotlight: RobertowehaveFreedom of SpeechandFreedom of religioninNorway. Everything Ihave madeis coveredhere withvery good margin.
The restare droppedonevidenceposition asit is called. This iswhat Ithink. I also believe thatTorpis a falseapostle,psychopathandliving in sin. The latter isthe crux. Police andprosecutorsare human. ButGod andthe word of Godis aboveall!
FinalComment: Wantsto writetwo paperstowhich the focuswill includebethatit is basicallynotinaccordancewithscripturereviewingeach otheras believers. Andan article in whichIwill highlightTorp'stheology,which is not somethingclassicalPentecostaltheology,is an Americanunderstanding ofscripturefar right! ButI look atwhatI've doneas a "self-defense"against a personwhoisa sickmanpowerand acts asa ruthlesspsychopath!But beingrecklessisalsorunning agame in whichhesometimesactsas the mostinnocentpeopleone whoTorpbothlivein sin,preachingunbiblicalteachings andfit perfectlyinthepower ofman'swardLinkedInLøvåsdescribesinhis book!