No. 1500:
Already on November 6 last year 2019 I presumably showed through a parliamentary politician that this ISIL woman with her 2 children was on her way to Norway again!Let us pray for those who will now be sent from Norway to Iraq and will face major challenges regarding the Middle East conflict!

I believe that it was an encouragement from the Lord that I should contact a parliamentary politician and even pray for those who have been involved in the war in Syria and Iraq after the war is partly over.
That they should have the opportunity to return to Norway.
I have sent some messages back and forth, with it being the message I received on November 6 that made me pretty sure it had become a solution for the woman with the sick boy.
But it would take some time for these to come to Norway and everything had to be arranged.
Here is the message I received November 6:
I can understand that since nothing is happening, but I can promise you that KrF is pushing for a solution. What makes the situation difficult to get Norwegian citizens out now is the war actions in the area. However, we are working on and believe in a solution.
Hans Fr
What I wrote:
Hi Hans Fredrik Grøvan.
You probably don't know who I am, but I drive a bus here in Oslo, and you've driven with me. Otherwise, I "know" you through your work in KRF.
I would go so far as to say that I know the memory and the man to write a few words to you about a really important matter.
It is that although these IS women and others have participated in something that is completely, completely beyond evil and wrongdoing.
Then the war is over, even though the aftermath is not over.
But then it sits down in Syria, and elsewhere maybe also Norwegian citizens with children, maybe without children too?
What is the point, I mean, we should as a Christian country.
A country that believes in propriety and goodness, let these go "stingy?"
Then we are almost like IS.
I believe FRP logic does not hold. These are Norwegian citizens, none of whom have been convicted yet. Tell them not to go home until sentenced. It is against all law and form of decency. These are not convicted, therefore they are entitled to protection. If we don't give it to them, then who else?
Of course, the suffering that they go through has chosen for themselves. But should we who have the resources, opportunities and can accept them simply sit down to do nothing?
For your aftermath, and all of Norway's aftermath when you look back on this in 20 - 30 years. Then I am convinced that if we do nothing and get these homes with the children etc. then this will testify against us.
Of course, they do not deserve this. But as a civilized and Christian country. Then it is our duty and appetizer to be able to help.
Hope, believe and pray. Really know me more memory and man to say this.
That you, Kjell Inge Ropstad and the entire management of KRF should do everything you can and as soon as possible. For example, FRP will get some money for tolls, can you say that then you will do everything possible to make these homes to Norway?
Every day that goes by is really a day too much for those who do not know will live tomorrow.
That is why it is so important to get these homes to Norway.
Is convinced that this is actually one of the most important things you will do throughout your political career to get these homes,
Hope you do not share this message with anyone in public.
But do everything you can to get these homes to Norway, and share this message with other politicians.
If we don't do something, it's our fault.
Jan Kåre Christensen
Oslo / Karmøy
Deuteronomy 15. 9 Take heed that no evil thought enter into your heart, saying, Now is the seventh year, the year of remission, and you look upon your poor brother with evil eyes, and give him nothing. ! For then he will come to you to complain to the Lord, and you will sin.
Galatians 2:10 only that we should remember the poor, and I have just won to do that.
I also got this in response November 6, 2019, which shows that it was then about to settle.
I totally agree and work for that.
I wrote this:
Thank you, I believe that those who are Norwegian citizens are entitled to return home, even if the mothers should receive a prison sentence. We should be better than them, showing love and decency, even if they do not deserve it.
When the woman and the children were out of the camp and on their way to Norway I wrote this:
Congratulations, very good that now this woman has been brought to Norway.
But I do not understand why it is immediately said that the children should not be taken away from her?
Imagine, here, Norway is repeatedly convicted in the human rights court, and even then some do not get the children back. It is a great injustice.
But enough about that. What is right is to bring everyone home, and imprison the woman with a subsequent trial as soon as possible. Let them zone and then they are free.
When it comes to the children, I think the best thing is if they are placed in their families either with siblings, parents or other relatives while the mothers are zoning.
But glad that the first ones have come to Norway.
They've been doing one great wrong, but let's learn from e.g. Rwanda. There they forgave each other, and society is moving forward. This is how we must deal with this as well, let's learn here that there is forgiveness that has to come after they have been charged, convicted and given their punishment which I believe should be mild as they have obviously realized that what they have done is not good.
Also want to remind you that this IS woman has apologized and acknowledged that what she did was not right. After all, it speaks in her favor!
When said parliamentary politician was on TV, I wrote this:
Sat. 11:25
Very good what you said on Tv2.
Now you just have to get home to Norway the rest of the mothers / children.
The posterity will show that you did the right thing.
The alternative that those who remain is that you did not complete what you started 🙏
Got this answer;
Thanks for the nice feedback!
I answered this:
FRP is nothing to worry about in this matter.
It's just a game for the gallery.
After the FRP joined the government, net immigration and everything have gone their way.
That they will then leave the government is just something they lose themselves.
The peace of God!
Sent a recent message here:
Sees that the Foreign Ministry will demand this woman for money.
This can KRF and you get something done?
What one should keep in mind is that most people who come to Norway want to be law-abiding and good citizens.
The signals we are giving out here are not good.
We help with one hand and bring others.
Once you have gone in to help, your help should be unreserved!
The signals that the Foreign Ministry and the Norwegian state show above this woman, the children, and the others left in Syria.
It will again especially above all immigrants, they will feel that the way we treat them. This is how we look at foreigners coming to the country.
We will do so many times to bring back those who are in Syria.
Not least with the media coverage that we show that we are not like Isil and others.
It is our misfortune that we do not repay an oath of not being able to show care.
But it helps and does the best above even those who have been involved in a terrorist movement mentioned here.
Good night!
Final Comment:Of course, I did not go out with this. But my wife and I prayed for this and have several things that we have on our prayer list.
I encourage everyone to have that!