God's word says that remarriage Christians or whoever marries a divorced fornicators!
When I hold forth the word of God, so is the word of God in many things totally against our humanities and human understanding of the Bible.
Photo of Pastor Jan Aage Torp which we've written about here on the blog and its above 20 years younger mistress should we put the word of God because when they live in an invalid marriage as Torp has been married before, and his first and rightly wife now live with a new man.

Jesus said to Peter when he with his humanistic and human reasoning would Jesus was not going to cross. So it is with this problem thanks for remarriage, or marry a divorcee. Our human and humane ethical reasoning goes all the way across what God's word says about this subject.
1) God's word says it is adultery to remarry after a divorce.
Rooms. 7 2 For the married woman is bound by law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. 3 is why she is called an adulteress if she, while her husband lives, marries another man; but if her husband dies, she is free from that law, so she is not an adulteress if she marries another man.
2) God's word says it is adultery or sin to marry a divorcee.
Luke 16 18 Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
It is something that we must not deny. It is that it actually goes to the step to marry a divorced, are equally involved in that sin and transgression. That in itself makes the person married to a divorcee to an adulterer or adulteress shall we say on par with the living out their passions. The living out their own desires is living death scripture says!
3) God's word teaches that a believer after divorce, it's best to forgive and reconcile.
Psalm 86.5. ?? For you are good and ready to forgive; Lord, you are rich in mercy to all who call upon you.??
What did David believe in forgiveness? It's in the Bible, Psalm 51.3. ?? Have mercy on me, O God, in thy truth, blot out my transgressions: according to your great mercy.??
How is God's grace? It's in the Bible, Psalm 103:11-12. ?? For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.??
What promise is made to those who confess their sins? It's in the Bible, 1 John 1:9. ?? If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.??
Is it possible for me to be forgiven when I refuse to forgive my fellow man? It's in the Bible, Matthew 6:14-15, TLB. For if you forgive those who sin against you, so also the Father in heaven forgive you. But if you do not forgive, neither will he forgive your trespasses.?? Those who receive forgiveness of God will also forgive his fellow man. It's in the Bible, Ephesians 4.32. ?? And be kind to one another, and compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ.??
When you have really forgiven someone, pull not find a mistake they made earlier. It's in the Bible, Matthew 18.21 to 22. ?? Then Peter came to him and asked,?? Lord, how oft shall my brother when he sins against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times??? ??, Not seven times?? Jesus answered,?? but I tell you, seventy times seven????
When we receive God's forgiveness, we no longer walk around with guilt. It's in the Bible, Psalm 32.5. ?? Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said?? Now I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord.?? And you took away my guilt.??
Christ gives us complete deliverance from the penalty of sin by forgiving us. It's in the Bible, Colossians 2:13-14, TLB. ?? You were dead because of your sins, that ye were uncircumcised with their evil nature. He made you alive together with Christ, having forgiven us all our sins. For the letter that went against us because of the commandment, he stroked out and took it away by nailing it to the cross.??
The best and most important place to forgive and to forget, to his spouse.
4) If it is impossible to reconcile, one should remain unmarried or living alone.
1 Cor. 7 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband; 11 but divorced him when she abide, being unmarried or be reconciled herself with her husband - and that a man should not put away his wife.
Here is the font abundantly clear, a second marriage is adultery or living as cohabitants. But more serious than that as it also is fornication, uncleanness and to surrender to Satan.
5) God's word says that if someone living in sin or adultery, they shall be to us as a heathen or sinner. But first, they shall be warned, something that God's word speaks of is church discipline.
Matt. 18 15 But if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him privately! if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother; 16 but he will not listen, then take yet one or two with you, that every word may be established by two or three witnesses. 17 But he is not on them, tell it unto the church: but he did not hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.
Today turns one this head the warning and tell what God's word says get stuck. While living contrary to God's word is accepted into and accepted.
6) It is important that we use and apply ourselves of biblical language.
Here is an example: Matt.5: 32: "But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason other than adultery (Porneia), the cause of her adultery (Moicheia). And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery (Moicheia). Matt.19: 9: But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife for any reason other than adultery (Porneia), and marries another commits adultery (Moicheia). And whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery (Moicheia).
To Remarry
Rooms 7:3: Therefore she is called an adulteress if she, while her husband is still alive, becomes another man's wife. But if her husband dies, she is free from that law and is no adulteress if she marries another man.
In God's eyes will be married without the spouse's death, remains one problem, then you still have your first spouse's wife or husband. God's Word describes this as adultery.
Mark.10 :11-12: "He said to them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, is guilty of adultery. And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she runs adultery.
That is what makes you live in persistent sin is your sexual life with your new spouse. To stand, you could be forgiven for. To marry again, you could be forgiven if you repent and go out of it. But to live sexually with what basically is not your lawful spouse will lead you in persistent sin against God and your own body. Adultery is not a sin that is outside the body, but it is sin against your own body.
1 Corinthians 6:18 -20 Flee fornication! All sin that a man can do otherwise is outside the body. But he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. For ye are bought! Let then your body, to the glory of God!
In the New Testament describes adultery with two different meanings. The Norwegian Bible says that sin could dissolve the marriage, adultery. In Norwegian, this word still perceived as sexual activity by a married person. In Greek, the Bible tells us something completely different. The word that Jesus used for adultery is Porneia, which translates into fornication, sexual activity by unmarried persons. This applies to a person who had never been married. A person who married a divorced woman commits not Porneia but Moicheia, which translates as adultery, sexual activity by a married person. If an unmarried man and a married woman has sexual intercourse makes the man guilty of Porneia and woman in Moicheia. Porneia and Moicheia are two very different actions. Porneia used as the ordinary word for fornication and lasciviousness, an individual who is not married and has never been married. Moicheia used for adultery.
Mark.10: 11-12: Jesus said to them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, is guilty of adultery. (Moicheia) And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, so she runs adultery. (Moicheia)
Luke.16: 18: "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery (Moicheia).
7) Any person who is married to a divorced or is divorced and re-married DRIVER HOR! This is an active verb.
This is an active action in the present tense, which he / she is doing now.
Therefore, if one is divorced and re-married or married to a divorced it helps nothing. It is only by an active action of a switch up from his sin and folly, that forgiveness and restoration can be moved here and one can become involved again in God's grace.
8) Cohabitation is on par with remarriage?
Yes and no, since both are sin. But cohabiting couples are not married and do not inflict the same shame as it is to be divorced or re-married. There is a lot more demoralizing and demonic action to be divorced and then re-married. Or marry a divorced than living as cohabitants of God's word warns against both.
Psalm 119 4 You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently. Your 8 I will obey; You Do not turn me! 9 Whereby shall the young keep their trail clean? By keeping him according to thy word.
Here is the article I wrote on this subject: Question 118:
Should believers be judged or condemned?
Believers will judge both themselves and others. We condemned ourselves and condemn others, but what is this biblical? How will we possibly move forward? I wrote a few years ago is small but rich article on this topic that I post first:
Bible's most misunderstood and misinterpreted scripture by believers?
Rom.7: 1 Judge not, that ye be not judged! 2 Following judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and in the same measure that ye mete up, it will be measured back to you.
3 Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye, but the plank in your own eye you not notice? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye! Then you will see clearly enough to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
I have heard countless times that one should not judge. But is this what Jesus says? No
I ask: Should every man / woman judge, this is a gift or belong to this deed / deed ancestral church leadership?
Answer: Everyone should be so, management is actually many times more concerned with position, power and glory that makes them unfit here. Such was not to be, but the gift of spirits, is given to each one, ie an individual gift given to all believers.
1 Cor. 12, 10 and one gets the power to do miracles. One gets the gift of prophecy, to another judge spiritual revelations, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.
Judging spiritual revelation is a gift given to few Christians, to reveal, guide and show the way for all Christians.
What Jesus is saying is that one should first examine himself and judge himself first and thus check their own lives. Only then has the right to judge, not before. It also summarizes several other passages.
I ask: In what context is this scripture: It's in the context of how to live as believers, both alone and in conjunction with other
Jesus says about who shall be called great in the kingdom of God. Matt.5. 19 Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever does them and teaches others to do the same, shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Furthermore, in Matt.23.2 "in Moses' seat sits the scribes and Pharisees. 3 Whatever they say, you shall therefore make and keep. But what they do, you must not abide by. For they say one and do something else.
We first meet here that Jesus praises those people who learn that they preach contrary to the Pharisees. As preached right but who lived opposite.
All Scripture provides a unified witness that we are to judge, especially in the spiritual realm. We will even judge angels too.
But scripture, particularly Jesus points out that the prerequisite for this is to live and walk in the light itself. Then a law also point out other things. But the saying goes; too much and too little scarring. So it is with everything, why should we weigh our words carefully. But to deny other judge is not biblical teaching. God's word says in 1 Kor.2.5 But the man who has the spirit, the judge of all, and although it can not be judged by anyone.
He who has the spirit and the hostel itself in accordance with the word of God can and should judge what is of God and in accordance with Scripture and not. But it is also good to know in this context that we all see bits and pieces (end of quote).
We can condemn ourselves, something that is not God's will.
1 Jn. b 3 20 For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our hearts and knows everything. 21 Beloved, if our heart condemn us, we have confidence toward God.
Our heart may condemn us, then we must make up our sin and disobedience so that we may have boldness. We can and should also try ourselves.
2 Cor. 13 5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith, try yourself! Or makes you not know that Jesus Christ is in you? It may be that you do not pass the test. 6 I hope you will understand that we pass the test. 7 We pray to God that ye do no evil, not that it will prove that we measure, but that ye may do good. So, it tends to look as if we have not kept goal
We will also judge angels, not trifles God has for us.
1 Cor. 6 1 When one of you has a case against a brother, how can he dare to presenting it to the Gentiles, and not for the Saints? 2 Do you not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you not able to judge the small things? 3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? Then you could judge in the matters of this life. 4 But when you have such cases, how can you put people as the church looks down upon, to be judges? 5 This is a shame for you! Is there not a single one among you who has wisdom and can resolve the issues between brothers? 6 No, brother goeth to law with brother, and that before unbelievers judges. 7 Even the fact that you have lawsuits against each other, a defeat for you. Why do you not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather suffer a loss? 8 But ye do wrong, and let others suffer losses - even brothers
We will also be able to judge between each other as believers. When we are at the core of the question and that Satan has deceived the Church of God with and deliberately. We will judge, but we must ensure that we have nothing to hide. Then and we are allowed to judge, even between brothers and siblings. But we must not think that we have the final judgment, it has not even Jesus himself. It has only the one true God there; Father. Therefore, it is advantageous to be judged by others, in this time, before we stand within its God's court, Hallelujah! Therefore, it is with our spiritual education and upbringing that we are judged and heeded by side. In a healthy and good fellowship corrected we, are guided and pronounces we judge of each other. In anticipation of reaching heaven countries when there is so much in us and through us that will keep us mission. Jesus never said that we should not judge, but first we must get things out in our own lives. When we got there, we will take other stuff out of our brother's and sister's life. Be it heresy, attitudes are wrong behavior and everything else. In their dealings with others, we become fit for heaven and Christ-like.
1 Cor. 2 14 The man is, in itself, does not accept the things of the Spirit of God. For him it is foolishness, and he can not comprehend it; it can only be spiritually discerned. 15 The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he can not be judged by anyone else.
The spiritual man makes judgments about everything and knows everything needed to know about all things. We must never think that we fully pronounces the full and complete judgment, but part-dom. But it is important for us to reach out and become like Christ.
All people judge more or less. We believe always something about someone, that's how we are as people. But that's only because we ourselves have been corrected, transformed and made judgment upon our lives that Jesus speaks of in the Sermon on the Mount. We qualities and is able to correct others. If we are believers judge? Should we judge each other? Yes, but of course in moderation. But we will not be able to think, pronounce "judge" and the other as needed. The church is like a ship that should not have too much unnecessary ballast on the journey as it will both slow journey and when we come out in the storm, it will do too much cargo ship unsafe and not seaworthy. Too much load and poor load can shift the voyage at sea and causing a shipwreck. That is what is about to happen in the day when no judge each other and none of this dangerous cargo being thrown overboard to make the ship seaworthy again. We as a church are in great danger, but do not realize it.
Here is some of what we find online when this topic is being addressed: "We have no right to judge others is because we all have flaws and shortcomings in our lives. If we judge someone says the Bible fact that we judge ourselves. The only one who can judge is God, he is the only one who has never done anything wrong and sinned. "
This is really a Satan's lies and not true. It is clear that God the Father is the final and only judge of the true sense. But now we have taken so many scriptures it says that we are to judge one another judge ourselves and the final judgment belongs to God. All this is right, therefore we should not rule out anything. We will judge here in time, each other and ourselves. But anyway, this is the judgment within its God to be milder and not as great as we have already been convicted here in time and when the verdict will be less there.
To compare. We just bought a new house here in town and will pay a fixed amount when there is a new building. Then it helps with equity so that we will be paying less at the later installments. So it is when we stand within its God, if we reach. The fact that we are condemned here in time either by ourselves or others, will be as an equity when we stand before God and everything in our lives will be tried. Our faith, learning, attitudes, motives and everything else!
1 Cor. 3 11 No one can lay any foundation other than that which is laid, Jesus Christ. 12 Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay or straw, 13 and it will again prove what sort of work each one has done. The day will show it, because it revealed with fire, and the fire will test each individual's work is. 14 If someone has built on it endures, he will receive his reward. 15 If his work is burned up, he will suffer loss. Although he shall be saved, yet so as through fire
Rooms. 3:10 p.m., But why do you judge your brother, or why do you look down on your brother? We must all appear before the judgment seat.
We should all be tried by fire. This is the act of believing people, heathen. All nations shall be burned up and destroyed, but we redeemed will be tested by fire! Then we will either get full pay, little pay or lose all pay.
You learn a lot right, but we should also judge or condemn each other here in time. When the judgment will come for all of us, when we stand within its God the Father and our lives should be tried, verified and everything will come to light, even the hidden and neither we nor anyone else knows.
How can I serve Christ in this life, so that my works consist ordeal that day? There are three areas we should examine ourselves: Designs, obedience and power.
1 We shall examine our motives. Is the purpose of ministry and life to satisfy ourselves or win glory, or we do it in sincerity to honor Christ and do his will?
2 We must examine ourselves in obedience. We seek to serve Christ on the principles and methods that are revealed in the Word of God? Or we shape our own worship and religious titles or phrases?
3 We must examine ourselves when it comes to power ... Paul says, "For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power." (1 Cor. 4:20) Are we to serve God in their own, insufficient, carnal power? Or have we become renewed and empowered by the Holy Spirit? If the latter is true, we can say with Paul, "For this is what I'm working, as I contrary to His power that works in me mightily: (Col. 1:29)
This shows us that the aim is the big day when we stand within its God. Once we have taken into account to buy the house, then it is to stay there and ready to ride with it. What is the secret to it? Two things, equity and our fixed income. Equity provides the foundation and fixed income is an unpredictable thing when we ourselves never know 100% what you will have in income and the interest rate will be. Then a great and good equity very important. Likewise, it is important that we both judge ourselves and others, this is a community of opinion, that we adjust, directing and judging one another.
Word. 27 17 Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
We meet the same throughout the word of God, we should help each other on the path to heaven. The doctrine is that we should not point out something in some, it is directly from Satan and it was Cain who was the first who said this.
1 Genesis 4 9 Then the LORD said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" He replied, "I do not know. Should I watch my brother? "
Should I watch my brother said Cain, even though he had just killed him. Therefore, to say that we should not judge one another, it is to do the evil deed and it is false humility.
I have eg. received up of believers I say that TV Pastor Jan Hanvold living in sin when He manifested living in open sin. But what does he? Sitting to judge all crash and burn, he says eg to raised by anyone who does not agree that I am re-married for the third time. Who is judging? I judge based on God's word and Hanvold defends really sin! Therefore, it makes me courage to keep up this many quite sure will misunderstand and do not want to see this. This will really Satan revealed in the church, but that's exactly what he did not want to be exposed as a liar, and the author and finisher
Had Hanvold never been on a soapbox and scream for mercy, so he might have got it? But when he sets himself in the forefront and proclaims its judgment towards all, he is really in trouble to run
Peter judged Ananias and Sapphira, did not he? Jesus condemned the scribes and Pharisees etc. We find countless examples of this in Scripture, it is just starting to read.
Zechariah 7 9 Then said the LORD of hosts, true justice and show mercy and compassion to one another.
We as believers can never be condemned, so long as we are under the blood of Jesus. But to judge and condemn ourselves, it is biblical, spiritual and correctly. It's like an "equity" to be judged here in time, before judgment before the only true God, then our lives will be tried by the fire of God!
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Related article taken from the network: To judge or not to judge?
God's word says that we should not judge. But also we will judge. The Bible contradicts itself? No, when we read what the Bible says about this in context, we will by the Spirit clarify.
And it is not unimportant to be clear about this, for the words to condemn or judge has been misused so often. We should not judge says no and put too much into it, so that the judgment we should make, are neglected. Others are so keen to judge and point out the faults and sins that they are unloving, legalistic and judgmental.
An example: You will be Bible-believing, what do you think if you see a woman who is a priest? Thinking quickly, "She can not be a Christian, for God's word forbids women to be priests." -? Or do you think, "Yes, yes, we should not judge, she's probably a good Christian she, from her point of view it is perhaps not so wrong."?
Both of these two ways of thinking is wrong. For the first mindset: It takes more to debarment man Christian faith. Then we either know for certain that she did not want to follow God's will, or that she has no knowledge of Christ and the gospel. That she makes a mistake or an erroneous opinion, makes her not necessarily a lost, unbelieving person, God can forgive our mistakes, if we otherwise believe in Jesus and obey Him. And then you can gradually get clearer understanding of right and wrong in the various questions.
To the other thinking: What do we know about her is a good Christian or not? And we know about the error her maybe just due to a deliberate violation of God's word and condemns unbelievers? It may be that she really could use some cautionary words of love. Then we can not just pull indifferent on the shoulders and think unimportant.
When we find answers to what believers should judge, this must be seen in light of the Bible to judge and evaluate, and interpret them so that it does not come as opposed to what it says not to judge. And just about how we should not judge - also in this we see what the Bible says directly about it, and interpret it so it does not come as opposed to what is about to judge and judge. This we try to do below.
Fundamental assumptions
But first we must conclude that God's Word gives us some fundamental assumptions that form the foundation of how we should relate to this judge and not judge
1) All people are sinners (Romans 3:23, et al. Places). This means that we can not boast about ourselves or exalt us above others, for we live by undeserved grace. And that means that we can not expect perfection out of anyone.
2) We understand in part (1 Corinthians 13). Believers people do not have perfect insight and judgment for sin is still in human nature and obscures sanity. Spirit provides information and graces to judge, but as long as we live here and have a sinful flesh, then our insights piecemeal. This means that no Christian can trap perfect judge of all questions, thus we must be cautious, study the matter carefully from the word of God, and seek advice from other mature Christians.
3) Jesus has atoned sin and forgives whoever confesses and believes in Him (1 John 2:2, Colossians 1:20, Romans 4:24, 1 John 1:9 et al. Places). It causes us to seek salvation for ourselves and for others, and believe in forgiveness, both for our own and for others' sins. If other people have other faults and sins than I have, so it may not be unbelieving, but can be forgiven as well as I get forgiveness for my sins.
4) It is only the word of God can judge right (John 24:48, Heb 4:12). This means that when we judge whether something is right or wrong, it must be based on God's word and by the Spirit. Only a judge who agrees with the Word of God is rightly judge. Therefore, it requires knowledge of the word of God to judge. See section 2 and the final judgment which God Himself will lead on the last day, the only perfect and universal judgment, and on the basis of His own Word.
5) God's laws and commandments require perfection, but the gospel release and forgive the believers (Hebrews 7:19, Romans 8:3, 3:9 File). This is very important and entails the that those who judge others only by the law - God's requirements and commandments, without letting the gospel prevail, it is even condemned by the law and does not favor the gospel! And whoever uses the gospel to excuse and acquit works of the flesh, will give liberty to the flesh and walk therefore not in the Spirit, but gives sin room. ("For you were called to freedom, brothers. But do not use your freedom to excuse the flesh, but serve one another in love." Gal 5:13) A legal assessment of what is sin, what is right and wrong to do, how to be, etc., should be based on God's commandments and admonitions. But to judge the faith and provide guidance for the faith, let the gospel of Jesus' saving work have their proper place. A proper use and distinction between law and gospel is therefore essential.
6) Spirit of God gives the increase in faith, love and understanding (Col. 1:9-11; File 1:9-11, 1 Tim 6:11 et al. Places). Believing Christians bear fruit, they study the word of God, they have greater insight and goodness, and thus greater ability to directly indulgence and right judgment.
7) Any person who has gotten much, of him shall be much required (Luke 12:47-48; 2 Peter 2:20-22, Hebrews 6:4-6, James 4:17). Jesus clearly says that those who have gained much of God, heard and know the power of God's word, have had ample opportunity to follow God's will, of him shall be much required also. That does not mean believing people with good skills and a lot of knowledge to be saved when the powers to do much good. Salvation is by grace, without exception. But the more we know, the more serious it is to do the opposite. He who knows what good he ought to do, but do it anyway, he sins, while those who for various reasons do not know, they are more excused. And he who has known Jesus and then turn him back, him being perdition worse. This hearing is to say nothing about preaching, Christians who harden their hearts, being incredulous to his last day, to know that they have a harder judgment in store than those who have never known Jesus.
What and how should we judge?
Most places in the New Testament that refer to it to judge strictly and settled, shed a the valid judgment, using the Greek words Krinos and Crimea. Onar can have many meanings depending on context, but it goes on to be convicted, convict, excrete. Crimean means judgment, conviction or punishment. Such judgments should we be cautious, it is first and foremost God and the Word of God with authority to judge. Let's look at some aspects of this:
1) Do not shed a hasty judgment on people's inner intentions.
God's word says in 1 Corinthians 4:5: "Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes. He will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal counsels of the hearts. Then shall all get their praise of God. "- We can not know the other's innermost thoughts and intentions. Therefore we should not be hasty to judge others' intentions.
We are so easy to see what others say and do, and without thinking that there might be intent and circumstances behind which we do not know, and so we judge, slanders, denigrates and negative. Therefore also states that we should not judge by the outside - by "sight" (John 7:24). One factor that can affect a person's behavior, his aptitudes, for example. abilities, the opportunity for training, difficult childhood mm Or there may be other specific weaknesses one can be born with, eg. a very hot-tempered and impulsive nature, which causes easily say or do something ubetenkt and stupid. While others may have a very from conduct, may still plagued by equally sinful thoughts, but it is hidden from others, because they have a careful and thoughtful nature.
This does not mean that we should judge the obvious sinful deeds. But when it is a question of the heart's nature, intentions, how others think, we must be cautious. We can probably get some insight into other people's innermost motives when we get a thorough, confidential conversation with that person, and then we can give guidance.
Are we concerned about other people's spiritual condition because we observe bad behavior or heresy, then it is not contempt and slander is to it, but loving and wise guidance and admonition.
2) Do not judge people in a harsh and legalistic manner
Judging legalistic means to judge others according to legal requirements, so that the sins of others is immediately taken as evidence of unbelief and wickedness. Also, it will say that one is harsh and unloving, because you do not have a forgiving heart in. The focus is on people's deficiencies, interpret things in bad opinion it difficult to excuse others. Man accused soon, but defends rare. By themselves, however, one can then feel free to excuse and defend, in order to find extenuating circumstances for themselves, which they doubt others. To a way to judge on, Jesus speaks strongly in Matthew 7:1-5:
"Judge not, that ye be not judged! For with the judgment you judge, you shall be judged, and with the measure you measure, you shall even be measured. Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye, but the plank in your own eye you were not? Or how can you say to your brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye! So you can see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. "
Read also Rom 2:1-4 and Romans 14:10-13.
Do we judge by a measure that requires perfection, according to law, and not awards second sinners to be faithful Christians, we shall also be judged by the same goal: perfection statutory requirements, and then it goes corruptly! It is often the case that those who have the same flaws and vices that we have, those we apologize. But once some fellow Christians have completely different faults and vices, when we judge hard, and strongly doubt that they can be Christians.
But we shall not call evil for good. Neither our own or others' sins may be different than rebellion against God and Christian believers repent and confess our sins when they discover them. And the obvious evil in people who openly say that they simply will not follow the word of God can not be believed to be Christians, for the word of God judge this as infidels.
But when a fellow Christian sins, perhaps a pity we ourselves could never imagine doing, maybe something that irritates us really, we will not immediately stamp it as the fruit of unbelief, but believe that this fellow Christians may well be under God's grace. It may be that this Christian brother struggle with these sins, that there is a weakness in the person, which he wanted to be rid of. Or it could be he is not aware that it is sin. Instead of judging, we seek a confidential opportunity to remind of gentleness and guide, for that we need all of them.
Hardness and contempt can easily lead to resentment, it might give offense to both fellow Christians and to people who do not believe in Jesus. Instead of contempt and harsh judgments, we will do as it says in Galatians 6:1-2: "Brothers! If a man would be caught off guard by some sin, then help him up, O spirit, the spirit of gentleness. Considering thyself, lest you also be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. "
The Apostle Paul exhorts us to be humble and gentle, "with longsuffering, you bear with one another in love" (Eph. 4:2).
3) Do not be eager to condemn, but to save
Even when we have good reason to fear for others 'souls' condition, and although we should judge heresy and gross wickedness, we will in all that we say and do seek to help people to recognize the truth and be saved. It's not about making condemn people but to get them saved. As Jesus says in Luke 6:36-37: "Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged. Condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned. Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. "
Jesus Christ, the Son of God was born into our world to save people, to give us grace. He said: "If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. "(John 24:47) Even though Jesus rebuked sometimes, indeed, condemned the hypocrites and self-righteous, so was his main vocation to save the world. This will also be our main vocation, which is to work for the salvation of souls. As the Apostle puts it in 2 Corinthians 5:20: "Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us. We pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God "
4) Do not judge those who are outside
Christians are responsible for each other. They will not let blatant sin have dominion in the church upåtalt. But those who are outside of Christendom, those who openly deny Jesus Christ and do not belong to any Christian community, these should Christians do not judge! It sounds strange, it is not just these unbelieving people we should be able to safely judge and considered lost? No. Well, we can not praise them happy, and all wickedness shall be given the judgment that God's word. But our task is not to go on to utter condemnation of people who are outside Christianity, for God does. We should rather go in to get them saved
People who have not heard about Jesus and dies, the God will judge. We can not say that they might be saved. But we can not judge. Here God holding out on us, and entrusted only to themselves to judge.
The Apostle Paul criticizes the Corinthians not to have cast a gross sins, but says in this connection: "What have I to do to judge them also that are without? Is it not those inside, you judge? But those who are outside, God judges. Put away the evil from among you "(1 Corinthians 5:12-13)
What and how should we judge?
The faithful, however, is also called to judge. But the Greek words used such methods to judge on is rarely Krinon or Crimea. It is used preferably in other words, namely anakrino, domikázo and diakrino. Anakrino means to search, evaluate, examine, evaluate, interrogate. Domikázo means to try, explore, test, distinguish between good and bad. Diakrino means to consider, try, determine, discern. Thus we see that this way of judging of not just the valid, it is more a question of judging something, identify right and wrong, good and bad. But sometimes Christians judge fairly strict anyway.
1) Judging doctrinal
The individual Christian, church, and particularly church leaders are called to judge the doctrine, whether it agrees with the word learn. The Bible admonishes many places. In the File 1:9-10 it says: "And this I pray, that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and all knowledge, that you may discern what is right in the different questions that you may be sincere and without blemish for Christ. "(judge is here dokimázo).
Preaching and prophecy to be tested, "Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others try it" (1 Corinthians 2:29 p.m.). (try: diakrino).
Jesus and the apostles warned against false prophets. For example, in 1 John 4:1: "Beloved! Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God! Because many false prophets have gone out into the world. "(Try are here dokimátsete / dokimázo).
It is very important to judge doctrine, for the more false and unhealthy preaching and teaching is, the more dangerous it is for the spiritual life. Even if a person learns errors, and this has been pointed out, it does not mean that person is immediately considered an apostate heretic. But when serious shortcomings and errors are fixed and maintained, then it will be necessary to "escape" and regard him as a false prophet, and warn other Christians against such teaching. The more fundamental teachings deviate from the true and wholesome doctrine, the more consistent you must teachings and those who stand for the doctrine rejected. It is the Lord's command. So strong Apostle says it: "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned. Turn yourselves from them "(Romans 4:17 p.m.)
This is our duty must not be neglected under the guise of man "should not judge." The doctrine should be judged. In our time it must be emphasized, because many Christians seem to be little conscious that, and because it advocated many false teachings today. We must be alert. As already in the first Christian heresy came in among them, are hardly less danger of this today. See how Paul warned the elders of Ephesus: "Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers of, that you would guard the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. I know that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Yes, among your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them "(Acts 20:28-30).
This means that we can not relate indifferent to the many different lessons that the different denominations have. Everything is not as good. Although God preserves his among Christians in churches that have false teachings in some questions - provided they adhere to the fundamental truths of faith in the gospel, and we will not fail to judge doctrine and seek growth in true knowledge. See Eph. 4:13-15.
Yet it must also be cautioned not to trap too harsh sentences here. Any minister or fellow Christian stumbles in his speech, so that errors and omissions arrives. And no man has the full right understanding of all the learning issues. Therefore we should not poke down any errors, then courage to witness and preach easily damaged. We should help each other to keep us healthy, biblical teaching.
2) Judging ethics
Just as the doctrine, exhorts us the word of God to judge ethical issues, what is right and wrong to do and think, how we should be. God wants us to follow His will, grow in goodness, have a living faith working in love and good deeds. Although belief in Jesus and His righteousness is the only salvation reason and vitality, so give us the word of God many admonitions about how to live and be. And the living faith want to follow God's will.
It is important to remember that we should be forgiving and gentle towards each other, recognizing that all are sinners and commit many mistakes and need God's grace every day. But this is not unlike our duty to have perfection as the highest ideal. Today it is common to adjust the standards for the majority habits. If one example. find that almost no one stays away from sexual sins in his youth, as many people believe that we should not put sexual purity as ideal, because you have to walk around and not feel guilty constantly for something that virtually everyone does anyway. This is a terrible mistake thinking. All sins, no one can keep God's commandments perfectly; but God's commandments must still always stand firm. It is necessary for two to three reasons: We will realize our sin and helplessness to recognize the need for salvation in the finished work of redemption. And as Christians we are constantly reaching out for improvement, where God's unchanging bid stands as wizards. Moreover, should the commandments of God be our guide for the bourgeois laws and regulations for the benefit of society.
This we understand when we read the word of God with sincerity and faith, for it is full of exhortation and encouragement to live according to God's will and pleasure, and learn to know the difference between good and evil. It says among other things: "Try everything, hold fast that which is good. Stay away from every kind of evil "(1 Thessalonians 5:21-22). (try are here dokimátsete / dokimázo). And in Colossians 1:9-10: "... We ask that you be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, that you may walk worthy of the Lord and please him in all things, in that you bear fruit and grows in every good work through the knowledge of God. "- See also Eph. 4:22-32.
We have enough regret that we Christians all too often children in the faith, which has grown in the knowledge of God's will so that we can tolerate solid foods. It's like Hebrews says in chapter 5: "For though by the time you ought to be teachers, you again need someone teaches you the first basic things in God's word. You have become such as have need of milk, not solid food. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness, for he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil "(Hebrews 5:12-14).
In our days we must be especially wary of the unbiblical "softness" that neglected to distinguish between good and evil, and instead more or less allows sin and immorality under the guise of being "evangelical" and "loving". Many also seem to want to exclude certain areas of life from being ethically judged by the word of God, such as clothing, movies, video games - and - which is very serious - of expression, musical forms and instruments of Christian meetings.
Many believe, for example, that music is only aesthetics perceived completely individual depending on culture and habit, and therefore are free to choose music forms. When one forgets that the music conveys the message that specifically plays on emotions and feelings, and that the word of God also says a lot about the emotions and feelings that are in the pleasing and not. Naturally we can to a certain extent perceive music differently depending on the habit and culture. Nevertheless, both the experience and music research that much of the effect of music is universal to humans. Therefore, it is sad that hideous, hypnotic, sensual, and frivolous music largely be used among many Christians today.
The Christian's sense of decency has also been weak. What most people for quite a few decades ago considered for indecent behavior and indecent dress (or bare hands), has now become commonplace - even among Christians. Are we about to forget and explain away what God's Apostle said, "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the will of God: the good, that which he delights in, it's perfect. "(Romans 12:2)
How rubbish is it that the marriage, family and respect for life is destroyed among people who want to be Christians. It allows cohabitation and homosexual unions, we stand by all manner of reasons, one kills the fetus to avoid unpleasantness, one neglects the small child's safety in the home, etc.
The salt loses its force when Christians are materialistic, the fear of man or conforms to the world of desire to be recognized and popular. But the Lord has serious word to us then: "Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets" (Luke 6:26). - "And all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Timothy 3:12).
We have, in other words, a major challenge to hold on to the Word of life and try everything on this.
3) Judging blatant denial and wickedness
As mentioned in the previous point, there is much immorality among Christians today. This obvious and often stubborn wickedness in Christendom must be prosecuted and sentenced, without the we thus becomes unloving.
The obvious wickedness often caused rejects belief in the Bible as God's perfect and eternally valid words, and will not bow to the will of the Lord. This has its clear judgment in the Bible, and this must be preached on Lord's behalf. It's about Christianity's credibility, and it says about the salvation of souls. See the apostle Paul says about obstinate wickedness among Christian brothers
"But now I have written unto you, were you not to keep company with anyone who calls himself a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or robber. With such an one no not to eat with "(1 Corinthians 5:11). The apostle speaks of "cleaning out the old leaven", ie to break the spiritual community with stubborn, coarse sinners who will not bow to God's clear admonitions. It may sound harsh and judgmental out in our days, because of beside the point snillisme. But God's word stands. Read Chapter 5 in 1 Cor.
The objectives of judging blatant denial and evil within Christianity are:
1) to prevent such evil leaven is spreading even further (1 Corinthians 5, Gal 5:9),
2) to wake people up to the conviction of sin and repentance (2 Corinthians 2:5-7, Acts 2:37-38), and
3) to show the world what true Christianity is and is not - for eg To be credible in preaching and evangelism (Rom. 2:22-24, 1 Peter 2:12; File 2:15-16, 1 Timothy 3:7).
4) Also, when the word of God is preached clearly, both the law (God's will and admonitions) and the Gospel as honorary God and his righteousness to be revealed
4) Replace right between religious brothers
Sometimes, unfortunately, that Christians are in conflict with each other. While at some of these conflicts may have to be necessary to clarify certain legal aspects of professional legal judgment, then it is a bad testimony when Christians bicker and unforgiving, especially when you have to go to court to have the matter resolved. A conflict should be resolved amicably between Christian and a mature and knowledgeable Christian, preferably a church shepherd can get other Christians to help to judge or judge between them in a difficult conflict.
Let's see what God's word says about this:
"Dare any of you, having a matter against his neighbor, to have the case adjudicated by the unjust, and not the Saints? Know ye not that the saints shall judge the world? And now if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels, how much more then in the matters of this life! When you then have issues that pertain to this life, set them to you to be judges who are not esteemed in the church! To the shame of you I say this? So is there not some wise man among you, not a single one who can judge between his brethren? But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before unbelievers judges! Already this that ye have lawsuits against each other, a defeat for you. Why do you not rather suffer wrong? Why stand ye not rather loss? But you do wrong, and causes loss, even against the brothers. "(1 Corinthians 6:1-8)
9) world children living contrary to God's word should not we as believers judge.
1 Cor. 5 12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? 13 But them that are without God judgeth. Put away the wicked man from among yourselves!
It is important that we let the world children live in "peace" and concentrate and focus on the inner and important affairs of the congregation. Not hazards around like some Borre Knudsen and Ludvig Nessa and over everything sin and immorality in the church. Today should Nessa have programs in the old pig and goat whore January Hanvold. How bad can it be? Not particularly worse!
10) This is really simple and clear, but we obscure the word of God, in fact, to our and other destruction in extreme cases.
Ecclesiastes 7 29 Behold, this only have I found, that God made man as it should be, but they have sought out many inventions.
God's word is really very clear and easy to us believers, right? We have an opportunity right away to marry us as Christians. Does not it? So is our genre "exhausted" when the marriage is the only death can separate us from each other as believers.
Rooms. 7 2 For the married woman is bound by law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. 3 is why she is called an adulteress if she, while her husband lives, marries another man; but if her husband dies, she is free from that law, so she is not an adulteress if she marries another man.
Final Comment:
My experience is that when one opens up for re-marries, the so-called innocent party humanist Rasmus came with. Then comes the issues and demons is free to soar in God's church and among Christians.
Who was this Rasmus? Here is a brief description of him and his work seemed the same with Luther during the Reformation. No true believer, but a great humanist.
Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536), a great humanist, believed that it was important to take into to people's feelings than to follow God's commandments. He presented the idea of the "innocent party", which today is perhaps the most tenacious delusion in the church of God. Here I think it is important to distinguish between God's attitude and human relationship. Even if a person were to file for divorce or be divorced, then there not that the marriage is over in God's eyes. If the divorce has been through, then you are physically separate, but they are still bound their spouse while the other is still alive. A man and a woman are bound to each other until death them apart if they have entered into a legal marriage; this in the sense that none of them has been legally married to someone else before they got married. The idea that one can invalidate a marriage settlement which is eternal, in that one of parties did something that void God's rules, is really bizarre. When word of God states that the prenuptial agreement is valid until one of the parties is dead, that means all the options that you put God's commands on sidelines.
If one follows Erasmus' thought further, it eventually so that a cheating person can seek divorce because he or she "no longer love» the other person in the marriage. There is nothing new under the sun, according to Bible, and the loss of love is often the reason you give for seek divorce - the day before. The same reasons that existed in the 1500s, the reasons they used to stand and pick up a new spouse, there remains today. Think about it. E n 'u n g »lea r e. Not until 1519 appeared the train who claim that Matthew Chapters 5 and 19 passages or "clauses" that provides the so-called "innocent party" right to remarry. It was then Erasmus of Rotterdam presented his interpretation of 1 Corinthians 7 In Erasmus' interpretation of Scripture he introduced something he called "human sense. "His interpretation of the Bible was marked by humanistic overtones, and Erasmus emphasized people's happiness more than obedience to God's command. Erasmus believed love to go ahead any marriage, and he thought it was not "loving" made by the Catholic Church to insist that unhappy people should continue to living with a spouse they no longer had feelings for. Erasmus believed that the church would set people free who lived in the so-called "bad Marriage. "The Christian reformers assumed Erasmus' views on divorce and remarriage. Before Erasmus was no Christian churches taught so. The church thus had the opposite doctrine from the first Christian times until the Erasmus presented his interpretation in 1519. In 1532, used the King of England, Henry VIII (1491-1547), Erasmus' new learning as a pretext for attempting to divorce his wife Catherine of Aragon. The king wanted to marry his mistress, Ann Boleyn, whom he had made pregnant. This child was later Queen Elizabeth I.
King Henry sought the Pope in Rome for permission to dissolve their marriage. It failed. The Pope replied Henry that since marriage was accomplished - that is, he and his wife had slept together - and the couple had three children, was regarded as a valid marriage. They were thus bound to each other while both were still alive. The "woman mad" King Henry, however, wanted so desperately to marry the mistress Ann Boleyn, he did Erasmus' interpretation Bible widely known. King also claimed that he no longer loved his wife Catherine of Aragon and tried with the acquiring freedom to differ, based on Erasmus' interpretation of 1 Corinthians. That the Pope refused to annul the marriage of the king and his wife, led to a direct violation of the Catholic Church and the establishment of the Anglican Church in the British Isles. the creation of This denomination is thus based on a king's adultery and unfaithfulness. With this knowledge in mind, you might get a little more understanding why Erasmus' learn about "the innocent party" does not hold water in the biblical context?
King Henry VIII abolished the Catholic influence in England because his mistress, Anne Boleyn, was with child. In addition, commanded King Henry Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, was to cancel his marriage with Catherine of Aragon. He did it. road thus lay open, and the king could execute the divorce and take their mistress as his new wife. But the king did not stop with that. Henry VIII of England had six wives, women he either divorced or beheaded. The most famous of them is just Anne Boleyn and her daughter were Thus, later the famous Queen Elizabeth I. Henry's other wives were Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves (divorced) Catherine Howard and Catherine Parr.
As the king lost interest in women, he ditched with them, one by one. Two of them were accused of adultery and treason and beheaded, while others simply were pushed out in the cold and divorced. Only one of Henry's wives died a natural death.
Retrieved from the book The big pitfall of Øyvind Olav Sydow Kleiveland.
Final Comment:
Shall make a final comment very simple lists some points and you wonder any more, so ask on the blog or contact us by mail or phone.
1) Everyone has basically allowed to marry once. Possesses a favor and deed before God, then there is no opportunity to refuse to marry. This practice the Roman Catholic Church and it is demonic deny people to marry, said the Apostle Paul.
1 Tim. 4
2) If one is separated as a believer, and marries again one living in sin. Confesses this sin without repenting, then the person confessing no value.
3) Forgiveness is tied together with repentance. Is married to a divorced, so one must go out of that relationship to expect and believe that forgiveness is also present for this.
4) No sin is greater than others. But marriage is so tied to another person as well have to leave if you do not live in a relationship. Is marriage # 2 ..... or is married to a divorced, live one in an invalid marriage after the font.
5) Marriage # 2 or # 10 is as much a sin or adultery. It is not like many likes to think that you are some kind of limit to marriage. As stadigvek becomes larger. All marriages with a new partner a the first while the first lives are void marriage before God.
6) There are dubious marriages where eg. it shows that one party did not go into the marriage with honest intentions and had everything up to the light. Then I will say in such dubious affairs that one must ask God for guidance what one should do and what is right. But if after this the start of a new action, a never under any circumstances hold a service in the church of God which is public.
7) Marriage is sacred to all, but especially for those who will teach others to their conduct be flawless here.
8) To enter into a relationship with a divorced without even being divorced, is as great a sin to God as being divorced to remarry. Marriage with a divorced excluded.
9) God's word says that remarriage Christians or whoever marries a divorced fornicators!
10) That's pardon also for adulterers, but they can not continue to live in the relationship that they have gone into and live in, and expect God to forgive and get back on the path to heaven. It needs a confession and repentance to where one leaves the new spouse and seek back to the old if possible. Or live alone the rest of your life or the first spouse's death. It is only and alone death as "nullify" a marriage. All other reasons can make a man be forced to file for divorce and living alone, perhaps for a time. But a second marriage is the only and alone death provides the opportunity to enter into a new relationship for a Christian.
Rooms 7:3: Therefore she is called an adulteress if she, while her husband is still alive, becomes another man's wife. But if her husband dies, she is free from that law and is no adulteress if she marries another man.
In God's eyes will be married without the spouse's death, remains one problem, then you still have your first spouse's wife or husband. God's Word describes this as adultery.
The same is to marry a divorced without being divorced.
Luke 16 18 Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
Related links: http://www.sokelys.com/?p=3881 http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2014/03/no-687-trinity-doctrine-is-heretic-and.html http://janchristensen.net/ http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/ http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2013/08/nr-573-searchlight-write-about-me-in.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2013/08/nr-566-storm-bjorn-johansen-wrote-that.html
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