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Pastor and author Øyvind Olav Sydow Kleiveland |
Questions to Øyvind Olav Sydow Kleiveland about the release of the book THE GREAT Pitfall
1) What led you to write the book THE GREAT pitfalls and what it covers and takes up themes?
- Hello, and thank you for the opportunity to answer such questions. In 1999, a Christian friend to me and wondered what he could do, since he had been separated. We went at that time in Oslo Christian Center, and the pastor of the church had shortly before starting to teach the topic of "marriage, divorce and remarriage." The pastor always urged congregation members to not take the preacher said, good fish, and study the Bible itself. I told my friend that I was going to study the Bible to find out his question, and since I have studied the subject. The book THE major pitfall is the result after 15 years of study, including five years of writing. The book takes up "all" of topics that Christians are concerned today, and has a large branch just with questions and answers on issues related to marriage, divorce and life after.
I am direct and honest, and you get clear words for money. I know God as a Father who loves me - a real dad - and all he asks me to do, he does because he loves me. This promoter I of the book.
2) You are even separated, you had the same vision as you have today, as before you were divorced? And has this affected you?
I was separated in 2009 and divorced in 2010. I come from a family that supposedly have NOT had any divorces in 15 generations, so in my heart I have always known that if I were to get married, it's "one life, one wife. "But it has affected my life getting divorced? YES, but not in this area. I can not teach a thing for myself and another thing for the people around me. I must relate to the love of God's commands, like everyone else. But the way it has affected me is that I have an enormous amount greater understanding of how difficult it is to live with a broken heart and live in a dissent between reality and what we wish had happened in one's life. There have been plenty of tears in my life since I was divorced, but it's not going to change me.
3) Looking for a life of celibacy for life or reconciliation with your former spouse?
According to the Bible, my Heavenly Father commanded me to relate my solitary, or to reconcile myself with my spouse. If this would be possible. When I relate to it. Do I have feelings for other women? Yes. Can I let them evolve beyond friendship? No. Is it tough? Yes and no. My door is not just purely down by Christians, single super models who wants me to marry them, so it is not very difficult. But to have a person in their lives is a huge loss, but something you have to live with that is not the case.
Of course there are women out there who you are attracted to, but the idea of "the right" is pagan ideas from Greece, and therefore I must relate that I am divorced and have their own commandments in the Bible. This is it difficult to constantly take every thought captive to the obedience of God and the word of Christ, and worship before the cross again - and again and entrust his life to the Lord.
I have the door open for reunification if this ever going to be the case, but I live on as a single parent and working to relate single. Both in mind and in my physical life.
4) I think if I had been divorced, is there anything I can change me to get back my spouse. Do you think so? So it is to be married, one has to change for the better every day, to remain married.
I was far from a perfect spouse, and have found many reasons why I have thought and acted the way I did. Through having grown up with a widow mother, I have clearly lacked good role model on how it is to be a real man, but I have good experience from my childhood on how to be a good parent. But I go to a psychologist, working on myself and trying to live in the development, both in my mind and with my body. If you ask if I can do anything to get my spouse back, then I think it should be entirely up to God, if this happens. I put my life in God's hands, and want to be more like Jesus. Every day. I do not live "in limbo" and wonder what I can do to restore my marriage. I live as a solitary Christian father who wants to tell the world about the resurrected Jesus Christ. If - and only if - there would be talk of a reunion, so there are of course many changes as needed, both in my life and in general. But that's not my focus. My focus is to follow Jesus.
5) What influenced you preaching in youth or as you will pull out. With the radical opinions that go against what the majority of Pentecostal Charismatics practice, then your thoughts and views very difficult, right?
I became a Christian at 22 in Oslo Christian Center, and lots of good I am in my life, I am due Åge Åleskjær preaching. And the preachers who visited the church, including Ulf Ekman. My great preacher hero is Tommy Lee (TL) Osborn and I have had the opportunity to meet him on several occasions and observing the Osborn family in full vigor in the mission field. It changed my life and I am extremely grateful that I have had the ballast I have received.
When it comes to Bible teachers, I have gained much inspiration and taken a lot of lessons from Alf Simonsen, who for many years was a teacher at OKS Bible. I am inspired by Egil Black Dahl ability to be compassionate and his pastor's heart, and Emmanuel Minos its ability to be faithful to the word of the 21st century.
6) Do you think you can hold a pastoral role for itself having been divorced? Or do you see yourself as the only Bible teacher / Evangelist?
I believe that it IS possible for a person who is divorced, being a leader in a congregation. The Bible puts up limitations, it is a "woman's man". We talk about that in terms polygamy, and therefore not relevant to us today, but any person who has been man more than a woman, is thus not lead material. But remember! It's not just that he should be a woman's husband will apply. It is MASNGE other criteria to be followed in order to be a church leader, who must also be met.
I am of the opinion that the church leadership is a team-work, and it's not up to me to decide whether I am "leadership material", but people who may need help in his church. If I do not meet the church's leadership should have, I find myself to be a leader.
But if someone who is not "one woman man" is introduced as the leader of a congregation where I stand as a leader, I will put my space available. For the external testimony, being remarried is as important as the other, the inner values of a Christian leader should have. The Bible says that Christians should be able to produce fruits worthy of repentance, and since the fruit of the Spirit includes both faithfulness and self-control, then a leader who is not "one woman man" could refer to this.
Faithfulness does not end when the marriage does. Faithfulness is something that is from God, then it is eternal. Lover man's faithfulness, I promise you that for your entire life. Even after a divorce has occurred.
7) How do you think the trend will be in past Christianity in relation to this here record. More or fewer divorces? With subsequent remarriage!
The Bible says that the earth will be like in the days of Noah, where one taken marry and are given in marriage, so I expect it to get worse. Both in Norway and in the rest of the world. Christians around the world are struggling with this theme about marriage unbreakable, even evangelical Christians in Catholic countries. It is sad to see, but it is also something the Bible has warned us as a sign of the Son of man. However commanded repentance - to stop their works - is something that not all people can accept. Look at Jesus' words in Matthew 19, right after he talked about that whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery against his first wife, and his disciples exclaimed: "If there is such a man and his wife, it is the better not to marry. "
Matt 19.11-12 But He said to them, "Not everybody can understand this word, but only those to whom it has been given: For there are eunuchs who were born so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made to the of people. And there are eunuchs who have made themselves to it for heaven's sake. Whoever is able to accept this should accept it. "
This message of holiness and repentance are strongly incompatible in modern people's lives, if you look at it just on the basis of their human standpoint. When God commands us people "too hard" and "legalistic" for many people to recognize the word that you are bound to their spouse until death. And we just have to accept. Since Christianity is a revealed religion, so one can only pray to God that people's spiritual eyes to be opened, for it is the revelation that makes people adhere to the right path, not passing on knowledge.
Christians refer to "grace" all the time and want it to be a "license" to continue sinning. It is not a biblical idea. The Bible says the exact opposite.
Tit 2.11 to 12 For God's saving grace to all people is obvious, and this teaching us that we should deny ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age ...
God's grace includes a denial of ungodliness and worldly lusts, it is not an opportunity to "ask God for forgiveness and continue with what you do." The Bible uses the word "Teaching us" to explain what God's grace to do with people's lives - to live without indulging in works of the flesh. Is this easy? No, but for those who have misunderstood completely, then it is much harder to turn and admit you have been wrong.
Therefore they will not do it. They come either to get lost in even bigger trouble.
8) If two pieces are living in an invalid marriage, what should and should they do?
With that one is divorced or married to a divorced example.
They must humble themselves before God, reading God's Word and ask God to reveal to them what is His will. And act on it he commands them to do. Not what they feel they want to do. But what he says. The Bible says that "In the beginning was the Word. Word was with God and the Word was God. "(John 1.1) What God has said from the beginning, as he still says. The Bible is God's spoken word to all people. What he said then, he says now. For singles, the married, the divorced and widows and widowers. For more information, read my answer seven questions again. And read Paul's letters. Again and again.
We will be judged based on what we did while we were in the body, whether good or bad. The Bible states emphatically what needs to be done in our lives, we have just forgotten to take it seriously. Sex should only happen in an approved marriage; his first and her first. Anything beyond this is carnality.
Just the fact that I asked this question is a little strange. Although I like it. For it shows that they still think that the old covenant; where all runnable to the "seer" and asked "What does God want us to do?" and so they expect that "seer" to say something, and then they relate to it.
God has spoken in his word, and he's not going to change. According to Jeremiah 31 we shall all know the Lord, from the largest to the smallest. This means that it is easy to know what God says in His word, and from what one should do it.
But it must come from a revelation; if not, it's just a doctrine; something handed. When the revelation comes, are you on what you have seen. If you have only heard from a pastor say-or-so or prophet say or so, then drops you fast.
8) There are two ditches, either being too fair or too liberal. To have such a position that you are now doing, you have made your thoughts about this?
Relationship is the key to what is happening in the Christian life. In all areas.
If you relate to God as a tyrant, so you will find "everything" he commands us to do, as unacceptable and cruel.
I know God as my dad, a loving father who loves me. All the time, anyway. He IS love. So when God commands me to do something, whether I like it or not, I can rest in the knowledge that he is doing it because it is the best for me. Therefore, it is not difficult to know that his orders are just that - something he commands me to do. Or NOT to do.
When God - my father loves me - tells me that when I divorced, I will relate a single or be reconciled me with my spouse - so I do not perceive this as something difficult, which he says to be mean to me. I know my Heavenly Father and know that he will my best - always.
I am not writing this book to "foist upon" folks my opinion. I'm writing this book for people to stop abusing the word of God and say "God allowed me to ..." or "The Bible says I'm allowed to ...". I want people to take what's in the Bible for what it is: God's word and commandments to all people. Today. And there MUST be consequences. In all areas of life.
9) Do we have something to learn from Catholics who see marriage as a sacrament in the same way eg baptism, sacrament, etc.? Where remarriage is to violate against the commandments of God, whatever! The first marriage must be broken, which happens only by death.
To be honest - no. No, we have nothing to learn from the Catholics in this area. They have understood the same as the early Christians knew about marriage, that it is only broken by the first death, but we need to go to the source; The word itself and deal with it. And in that context, the understanding of the Jewish marriage ritual is very important. And it does not speak Catholicism anything about, I know.
The Jews had their ritual with Kiddushin (trolovelsesfesten) and at least 12 months later Nisuin (wedding night party), which is fundamental for understanding marriage indissoluble, and why Jews could stand only in the intervening period.
I understand your question - and it's always nice to have support from other allies, although we are hacking disagree on almost everything else we stand on either side, but we need to study the Word and the Jewish tradition much more thoroughly to get this under the skin.
There are other churches we have much more in common with than the Catholics, but I will not mention them here. The most important thing is that people go to the Word and see it as God's Word to Norwegians in the 21st century.
11) Last point is that you can fill with your own thoughts, opinions and views on this subject. Answer here:
I want as many people read the book BEFORE they come with a blissful blowout of what it contains. That's all I want. God's peace!
Related links: http://www.finn.no/finn/torget/annonse?finnkode=48398769
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