mandag 21. oktober 2013

Nr. 602: PS ! A final farewell for now , we need as believers to get together in smaller units today - as the first Christians !

Nr. 602:

PS ! A final farewell for now , we need as believers to get together in smaller units today - as the first Christians !

An old clock with pendulum on , this is where the term pendulum swing the law comes from

Kids Turn The law - it does always current ! What is the pendulum swing the law?

This is an old expression. We know if the pendulum swung up against the right comes in almost the same speed against the left . So if it really pulled up right as it comes sharply on the other side again . And it comes up slightly to the right, then comes the low back . In other words , it becomes a kind of counterweight if things get too extreme , so it is also too extreme to one side again .

Today Christianity subordinate leaders and ministers who have failed totally , this creates a kind of counter - reaction.

Now, a week that has gone so wanted eight of twelve bishops that homosexuals or " rompiser " would get married with their own liturgy of the church . Also as lesbians , we include that otherwise soon the entire Protestant Christian Norway accepts remarriage among believers , even among preachers and pastors . So we need only note that it is all black in the spirit realm here in Norway . Norway is a spiritually developing countries become.

Above all , it is the leaders and shepherds who have failed !

Here the shuttle wing - law evidence. I'm also meet in larger assemblies, but now fails congregation and churches to the time . To protect themselves and even be under the sovereignty of God , I believe that small entities is appropriate . Not least in this time . And there were so many ways Christianity started out from small devices often associated with homes where one lived out the Christian life in the everyday life of the people as also worshiped God and shared God's word with.

Apostasy is so large , to protect themselves against it while having someone as a share spiritual fellowship with . So, bible study groups or small units where one is often in conjunction with other without passing "control " of others ( the major denominations etc. ) right way to go today? !

We Smyrna Oslo aims to be an alternative to what Christianity stands for the major and all.

I believe that Christian Norway has failed on most items if not on all counts. What is the solution? To go on to try to change this? I have tried with mostly bad experiences when there are so many power people and others who control and manage , this is very difficult and demanding. When is small or smaller units where one comes together in solution . I wrote: " And there were so many ways Christianity started out from small devices often associated with homes where one lived out the Christian life in the everyday life of the people as also worshiped God together with ."

When revival broke up on the day of Pentecost , they were small devices in homes the key . And we read further later in Acts , and also in the letters of Paul and the other apostles . So homes and smaller units very central . Think we 're about to return there again in many respects . Not because it is a more "right" face shape, but because the Christian Norway no longer follow Christ , especially the leadership . Then it must be a "solution" for those who will follow the Lamb wherever he goes . When I am more and more convinced that the smaller units, and the people that one has in life . That 's right, healthy and well by coming together to worship God and share God's word.

Me and my wife we ​​pray together every day , this is essential for all . And we Smyrna Oslo has two meetings a week in our home . Tuesday . 19.00 is the prayer and Bible sing . And Sunday . 18.00 is about the same again, but we have also sometimes had refreshments . and a cup of tea or coffee. You are welcome to come dear friend, we have an open home and an open house for those who want to share the word of God and worship the one true God the Father and share fellowship with us and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Next to this, so I have a lot of projects (which you also can support here : Account number in item : 0535 06 05 845 ), which allows for me is Jesus and God's word through the whole week , all glory to God and to the Lamb !

Want to be part of any of this? Please contact us or me. Do it so that Smyrna Oslo and my service is my oasis out in the spiritual desert that it is in Christian Norway today , and where development probably will not get better , but rather worse!

When Jesus mentions prayer, and come together as he says , " when two or three come together ," in other words. For Jesus was the smaller unit equal importance and significance that fill the large, and where many came together. The key was to get together in his name.

Furthermore , Jesus says , " there are two or three of you agree to request , shall have whatsoever ( or given ) you ! ".

Form this is one of the sweetest , tastiest and most words spite against the sky . Jesus entered its most significant fill and greatest things to a minimum of people would agree . There were two or three who agreed to have one or more prayer requests . And they would get what they asked for in his name when he had all the power and authority of the Father . To be on our side and give us what our heart and soul yearns and needs to be overcomers and true Christians in this dark and difficult world !

Final comment :

This was a small PS ! I've decided to take a longer stay with blog writing if nothing special pops up . Will now include start writing commentaries again . And try to post some lessons with speech , as the different ways in which we already lying there, but developing and releasing even more.

At the same time we meet here in Smyrna Oslo and you / you are welcome . See more here:

Still has a lot of heart , but come back later in the blog. And, as I said notify me in other ways in the years ahead if the Lord tarries and we're live !

Taking to finish with something from Wikipedia about house churches :

House churches are used for a Christian community gathered in the home of someone in the community. They gathered in a house church , is like a handful of friends and family members.

The term is derived from the texts in the New Testament , where it is spoken of " the church in thy house ."

Greet Prisca and Aquila, and all the Onesiforos ' house . 2 Paul's second letter to Timothy 4.19 .

Greet the brothers at Laodicea , and Nympha and the church that meets at her house . Paul's letter to the Colossians 4.15

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple , and breaking bread and ate together with glad and generous hearts . Acts 2.46 .

A house church is not the same as home groups , bible study groups or cell groups that are subject to a larger church. The house church is meant usually a group that is independent , unconnected to a larger church. But the use of these terms are used somewhat interchangeably .

The first house church is described in Acts 1:13 . , Where Jesus' disciples met in a room in a house. The next three hundred years was the most common that Christians met in homes. In many cases, they have this because public persecution of Christians did not allow the construction of their own places of worship . One of the early church fathers , Clement of Alexandria ( 150-215 ) , wrote about worship in a house. A private house that was found during archaeological excavations in Dura - Eropos in Iraq in 1930 , had been a Christian gathering in 232, and had a separate room with a baptismal font .

The first Christians had no churches. It is estimated that the first churches in the Western Church was built in the 4th century. Until then, the Christians collections mainly in homes , eventually the homes of more affluent believers , or in special facilities associated with these homes.

Although church buildings became the regular meeting place for Christians, it appears that at the time also existed house churches . Writings from the 1500s tells of house churches . Through the ages there have been many different Christian groups that have held worship services in homes , often as a result of oppression from the state church or the government.

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