Nr. 346:
We need your support to realize the call of God and the service of our lives
Account number in the record for the "project" of the New Testament, see here:
1204 33 59280
From my commentaries Colossians Dispenser Letter 4 17 Say to Archippus sure the service you have received of the Lord, as you complete it.
It looks like Archippus has followed Epaphras that the church Board?!
He got the call from Paul to complete the service. There may be those who would have Epaphras back. But it probably was not God's will. Revival Meetings shall be replaced by biblical hours and congregation members become students of God's word. Then it's a straight spiritual development
Here my lovely wife who stands with me in life, marriage and ministry. We celebrate the silver anniversary of January, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen!
We feel that God has called us to do something groundbreaking. It is to translate the New Testament to Norwegian. Therefore, we need your support. Comes with a 20-point explanation of it, and I ask you only one thing. Pray over this, if you know the peace that you support. If not, look on the Lord and to support and blessing to others. Do not think everyone will support me, but some I think then! Or so I would not have written this and gone out with it, glory be to God and the Lamb from now until forever, Amen!
Here is the account number for this project in the Post: 1204 33 59 280
1) I and my wife Berit will do this together. Before when I traveled preaching both full time and part time. And not much else I have done much alone when his wife has been home to take care of the kids. Now the youngest 18 years and we are much freer. Therefore, I will do as Peter, and that is biblical and healthy. Serve the Lord with his wife, also that we both do everything together, this will in turn strengthen marriage which I see as a investment.
1 Cor. 5 Do we not have the right to have a sister with us as a wife, as the other apostles and the Lord's brothers and Cephas?
2) We need a completely new translation of the New Testament. There is so much wrong and dubious cases translated for it should match with the "adopted" truths. And when needed correction and to be revealed what is not true. Obviously I can not do this alone. But with God's help and other support and prayers, the possibility of an improvement can be considerable.
3) Pentecostals are most "fit" to "do the job". This may sound like a cliché and arrogance. But when one has experienced even the biblical message, then have a much greater chance of success with that one is doing. For an example. One who is born with a language and have to learn it as an adult, who has the greatest ability to speak and write it fluently? The answer is obvious. Think for example. the world's best Bible study book, for example. released a Pentecostal, so I could have continued. When I think of the Dake's Bible study Bible!
4) Jan Hanvold and other false prophets fleas God's people for funds. It is sad to see how some yes unfortunately all too many support the false and foolish preachers. And those who preach clean, straight and clear and live like a preacher. They are too much overlooked. I'm not going to dig down, but it is a thought-provoking when so many who preach the itching ears guys and going forward. But those who preach and teach clearly and biblically, is ignored and must have work besides studying and preaching God's word. Hence my request that supports those who preach and practice law, and not the false prophets of the time.
Ecclesiastes 10 5 There is an evil which I have seen under the sun - a blunder that emanates from those in power: 6 folly sits in exalted positions, while the gentry must sit low. 7 I have seen servants riding on horses and princes go on foot like slaves.
5) Here is an example of many bad translations. To translate Matt. 7. 23 correct: "When will it be revealed to them, they not recognized me, and I in them when their lives were in lawlessness!"
When will this section be like, "Matt. 7. 21 Far from everyone who says to me, Lord! Lord! shall come into the coming kingdom, but it makes my Heavenly Father. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, Lord! Lord! have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many mighty works in your name? Then it will be obvious to them, they not recognized me, and I in them when their lives were in lawlessness. "
6) We will zero in state aid and do not have disability insurance or other benefits. There are many believers who have naturally a good opportunity to study and do other things. Among other things, I know that many believers, disability or in other ways have income without working. But this is not for me and my wife. We are both currently working full time, and we will do anything we need on one or more ways to earn income and support.
7) We got home and blog to inform us. I am very happy and proud of our website and blogs. There we have the opportunity to inform us that we've never been able to before. Read and pray over whether to support us. It's the only thing I ask you dear friend!
8) We are God's people and need each other.
5 What is Apollos? And what is Paul? The servants who helped you to believe! Both did what the Lord had put us. 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. 7 Therefore, they are not anything, neither the plants and he who waters. Only God is anything, he that giveth the increase.
(1 Corinthians 3, 5-7) For many people will hear about Jesus must be three things: Someone who plants the word of the Bible with people and like to take care of those who actually planted with him. It needs someone to follow up what has been started by the person concerned and make sure that the person does not come away from Jesus. And last, but by no means least; God that giveth the increase!
It is not the individuals that provide growth, but each person can contribute to the work of God will be easier to implement. Anyone can contribute to the work of God's kingdom on its site, and in its own way. Everyone is good at something, no one is good at everything!
9) Support those who serve the Lord, not those who manipulates and deceives others. When Pastor Hanvold traveling to Moldova and showcases liposuctioned and poor people. When God gives people the ability, so easily allows one to manipulate and control. It is important to support those who live and preach in accordance with the word of God, everything else is a sham and deceit!
10) We do not ask for specific amount of money and supporters, but you give that a willing heart. Before that, I asked for an exact dollar amount, and got it as a rule. Has taught me that one should not ask for specific dollar amounts that God knows better than me what I need. So if you support us with 1 $, 10 $, $ 100, 1 000, 10 000, 100 000 and 1 million. Give the amount and how much you want, only you will know the peace, joy and pleasure of what to give.
I put everything into that X when I pray. God I need this or that, and you bless and support me X amount of money when you know best what I need and is good for getting, glory to the name of Jesus from now until forever! I ask you to support us with X amount of money as it will be an act between you and the Lord how much to support us and how often. Regular donors we need and providing a one-time gift. All are equally welcome, great and wonderful!
11) I \ we know what is calling! That I will translate the New Testament experience for me in the flesh as totally incorrect, but in my heart it feels totally right. I was born in Denmark and Danish is my language, schooling I had no time to when I practiced morning, noon and night, understand it who can. I think this is God's will, why would I \ we do it. Me and my lovely wife!
12) The Reformation began with Luther translated the New Testament. Luther Bible is a translation of the Old Testament and the New Testament from Greek and Hebrew into German, made by Martin Luther. He undertook the revision of the translation until his death. After his death they dared Lutheran churches not to make any changes in the translation before the second half of the 1800s. Translation and availability of God's Word is essential for all spiritual life, glory be to God and the Lamb, from now until forever, Amen!
13) Will things be done properly and professionally the need thorough preparation and the work being done wholeheartedly. Smith Wiggelsworth was criticized for its lack of grammar. He said the following: "I use my gram tick if it is incomplete, what do you do with yours?". He was of course an answer, I want to use everything and in me. All for the glory of God, Jesus be praised!
Psalm 103 1. My soul, praise the Lord, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!
14) After I started with Bible commentaries for 3 years ago I realized that I needed and needed a new Bible translation of the New Testament. The shock, surprise and disappoint me to see how inadequate, improper and incorrect the Norwegian Bible translation is in many things. We will do anything!
15) Lack of knowledge goes my people perish says the prophet Hosea (Hosea 4.6). The "wise" and "prudent" to keep the people down in bondage. God's word says and does show, however, if the word of God is incomplete and mistranslated, what then? Unfortunately, the word of God, especially the New Testament mistranslated several places. It is therefore necessary and it is necessary with a new translation. Want to be part of this dear friend? Then support us, me and my wife so that we can do "work"! Amen!
16) Not one tittle of the law shall perish. Earth and sky will pass away before God's word death. More sure we have the prophetic word. God's word is so tremendously important, the main thing that surrounds us and has, nothing can and should replace God. It is God directly speak to us even today. Although the Bible was finished for good 1900 years ago and was written in a period of 1500 years, there is no book that is the bible. And not even an iota of the word of God will pass away!
17) Love In statement to the word of God as my most expensive possession. For me and my wife now wants to translate the New Testament from Greek and Norwegian so it is a declaration of love to God. It is our most expensive possession on this earth.
18) This brings us to a higher level! Jude says we have a high holy faith, and that we'll never get but by and through God's word. It is God's word that conveys God's thoughts and opinions, all else is supplemental to dreams, signs, wonders and miracles. Although prophecy is from God, can never replace God's word.
2 Pet. 1. 19 And the more firmly we have the prophetic word, that ye do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, 20 since I mainly know this that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation, 21 for no prophecy arrived at by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke by the Holy Spirit.
19) I think that it should be done as well, that this translation will also be available in other languages. As I see it, and if the Lord delays his coming. So we want to make this work that the New Testament also be translated not only to Norwegian, but several other languages. Then you need the Norwegian translation to be so good and thorough that we can have it as a template and translate into the other languages
20) You will be blessed. Scripture says that those who refresh others to even be slaked, wonderful words!
Ordspråkesboken 11 Whoever blesses shall flourish, and the refresh others, he gets watered.
I am convinced that you will not become poorer, but richer by giving to us. God is in heaven, but to give to us to give to him. And he will bless you and then give you their peace, joy and love. Glory to God and the Lamb from now until forever!
Final Comment: I hope and believe that this has been of help and encouragement to you. And give and support us is to support God. He will richly bless you back and do not forget it. That prayer and donor service should go hand in hand, God bless you and your glory be to God the Father is the one true God. But the faith of his beloved son, we are God's workers, servant and his envoy!
You do not really support me, but the Lord when it is His work and determination that the word of God, especially the New Testament will be available at one's own language
Account number in the record for the "project" of the New Testament, see here:
1204 33 59280
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