No 1626:
The evil Haman and the Bailiff are obviously governed by the same spirit and disposition!
The case against us is vandalism. Not that they themselves do it - the congregations.
But we will do it, never in our lives.
All charges against us are a narrative and demonic, as they are based solely on lies and they do not remember!
These are people who are directly ruled by dishonesty, lies and love to create strife. These are intriguers, love to divide and rule!
The demons obviously trigger them!
Book of Esther 3. 7 In the first month, that is the month of Nisan, in the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus, lots were cast, that is, lots, in the sight of Haman for every single day and every single month until the twelfth month, that is the month adar.
8 And Haman said to King Ahasuerus: Here is a people who live scattered and by themselves among the other peoples in all the provinces of your kingdom, and their laws are different from all other peoples; they do not obey the king's laws, and it is not for the king to leave them alone.
9 If it seems good to the king, let a writ be drawn up that they shall be exterminated; and I shall then be able to provide the officials with ten thousand talents of silver to put into the king's treasury.
10 Then the king took the signet ring from his hand and gave it to Haman the Agagite, the son of Hammedata, the enemy of the Jews,
11 and said to him: The silver shall be yours, and with the people you may do as you see fit.
12 The king's scribes were then called together on the thirteenth day of the first month, and a letter was drawn up just as Haman commanded, both to the king's governors and to the governors of each province and to the princes of each people - to each province in its writing and to every people in its tongue. In King Ahasuerus' name the letters were drawn up, and they were sealed with the king's signet ring.
13 Then letters were quickly sent to all the king's provinces that all Jews were to be destroyed, killed and exterminated, both young and old, small children and women, all in one day, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, that is the month of Adar, and their goods were to be given over to plunder.
14 In order that the command should be known in every province, a copy of the letter was announced to all the peoples, so that they could keep themselves ready for the mentioned day.
15 At the king's command, the emissaries set off in haste as soon as the command was completed at the fortress of Susan. Then the king and Haman sat down to drink, but the city of Susan was horrified.
The bailiff writes:

"The car must be handed in "voluntarily" to the Tax Collector, otherwise it will be collected on 13.12.23 by the Tax Collector's staff.
The property will be collected on 13 December 2023.
The date that Satan and the demons have set is pretty obvious.
Satan obviously likes the 13th of the month extra well to plunder and punish!!!!!
"Then letters were immediately sent to all the king's provinces that all Jews should be destroyed, killed and exterminated, both young and old, small children and women, all in one day, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, that is the month of Adar, and their goods were to be given over to plunder.”
Mordecai's great "misdeed" was the same as mine. We would not bend to what was "accepted" as right.
We have a wall that we were guided by PBE how to build.
Where PBE claims we have a steep plot. Which they claim is toad flat. Therefore it is illegal, must be demolished. If not, then there are fines and other things they come up with out of malice, lies and fabricated "truths!"
Book of Esther 3. 1 Some time after, King Ahasuerus exalted Haman the Agagite, son of Hammedata, and gave him rank and seat over all the princes who were with him.
2 And all the king's servants who were in the king's gate fell on their knees and prostrated themselves before Haman, for so the king had commanded about him; but Mordecai did not kneel down and prostrate himself before him.
3 Then the king's servants who were in the king's gate said to Mordecai: Why do you transgress the king's command?
4 And when they had said this to him day after day, and he would not listen to them, they reported it to Haman to see if the reason Mordecai gave would be accepted: for he had told them that he was a Jew .
5 When Haman saw that Mordecai did not kneel or prostrate himself before him, he was filled with anger.
6 But it seemed to him far too little to lay hands only on Mordecai; for he had learned to what people Mordecai belonged; therefore he sought to have all the Jews exterminated throughout Ahasuerus' kingdom, because they were Mordecai's people.
Note that the date that Satan and the demons agree on.
It is the 13th of the month. Here we see that it is the same Satan and the demons that worked imot Mordecai and the children of Israel.
Which works and manages our case.
Satan and the demons will demonstrate that they are behind the persecution and harassment of me and my wife Berit.
Look, Haman was so enraged that he wouldn't even just take Mordecai.
But we read:
"But it seemed to him far too little to lay hands only on Mordecai; for he had learned to what people Mordecai belonged; therefore he sought to exterminate all the Jews who were in all the kingdom of Ahasuerus, because they were the people of Mordecai."
What are the authorities doing against us?
They are trying to break us by depriving us of our car, house, property and everything they can do of damage because WE HAVE UPGRADED OUR PROPERTY.
Greater madness than what the authorities are up to in this case.
Will be looking for a long time!
1.) We were guided how to build the wall by the planning and building authority through our case manager at the time. Kaja Aubert Lange who said that as long as we built a wall under 2 metres. On top of the old wall, we didn't have to search. When we didn't get higher than the neighbors. With a fence of 1 meter on top. As we have done!
2.) The fall on our property is not what PBE claims it is. It makes PBE some liars and abusers who are not telling the truth. All decisions are based on the fact that PBE claims that our sloped plot is flat, toad flat. It is precipitous and has a drop that makes PBE some liars, which they are.
3.) Others get dispensations and approvals that we can only dream about. Up to 60 times what we need. PBE claims they build under roofs, terraces etc. If you look closer at the seams, everything is a lie and only part of the truth. They have built under roofs, but only a minimal part of what has been built.
Final comment:
Satan and demons are now triggering the bailiff to want to take my wife's car on the 13th of this month.
Yes, you read that right. It is obvious that our case is a battle of the spirit.
Good versus evil.
Darkness against light.
From Wikipedia on Purim
The day before Purim is a fast day called Ta'anit Ester, Esther's fast, which commemorates the three days Esther fasted before she went in to the king.
The Purim holiday in Israel
The Purim celebration is above all a day of celebration for children in the Jewish tradition. The children dress up in carnival costumes, usually to represent heroes and villains from the biblical story of how Esther saved her Jewish people from the royal advisor Haman's plans to exterminate the Jews.
On Purim, everyone is obliged to hear the reading of the Book of Esther. It is a tradition to stamp your feet, shout, swing ratchets or make other noise every time the name Haman is mentioned. This is to "wipe out" Haman's name.
Wrote this article here a while ago.
Attaching it at the end.
No. 1621:
is exactly the same evil Devil Spirit that works in planning and the
building agency here in Oslo that worked in Nazi Germany and Adolf
Hitler against the Jews! And the majority sit and watch, or participate
in it by tacitly accepting it!
Nazism and
Adolf Hitler's regime in Germany promoted the belief in the superiority
of the white race and the goal of a "pure" Europe in which unwanted
groups such as Jews, Gypsies and others they saw as deviants.
This is also the case with PBE and the authorities here in Oslo, Norway.
believe that they can do whatever they want with us. When we have
upgraded our property the authorities make up a robbery story that it is
Oppose this, that we believe that what they are doing is an assault.
Must be punished in the most brutal way possible.
Then with being deprived of control over one's own house and home.

1. 9. What has been is what will be, and what has happened is what will
happen, and there is nothing new under the sun.
Hindsight is the world's worst wisdom - it is acting NOW TOMORROW WRONG THAT CREATES CHANGE!
Me and my wife have been once in Yad Vashem - World Holocaust Remembrance Center.
feeling of being there is overwhelming. Therefore, it is a place that I
have not wanted to visit again even though we have been to Jerusalem,
Israel afterwards.
So senseless what happened. What was the reason for this annihilation?
In short, the Aryan race was to be preserved pure.
The Jews did not belong to it, and were thus to be exterminated.
is of course very simplified, but still in short. What happened when
Adolf Hitler and the Nazis came to power in Germany and started World
War 2.
Now, of course, the scope, size and brutality cannot be compared to what we are exposed to by the authorities here in Norway.
But there are many similarities – strikingly many similarities!
have we done wrong? Tried to upgrade our property. Where we have got
rid of storm water and other unwanted things. And create a property that
is better for outdoor living and get a greener lawn.
What have we done wrong then, and will be punished by having our house forcibly sold.
is that the planning and building authority claims that we have a flat
plot of land. Therefore, we are not allowed to have a wall higher than
0.5 metres.
We claim that our plot is not flat, therefore we can have a wall like ours.
According to PBE's own regulations, our wall is legal, why do we have to tear it down????? I ask in this article:
Then it's not just that, we were guided by PBE how to build the wall.
Take this and the fact that our wall is set up on a plot of land that is steep.
Then we are miles away from having a legal wall.
What are the similarities between us and what the Jews experienced during the Second World War?
Several, not least that we are being persecuted for conditions that are completely beyond and meaningless!
is clear that there are also other factors to consider as to why the
Jews were persecuted and killed. But that it was built on conditions as
mentioned is, in short.
We are also now being tried first to be ruined. Something that they have not succeeded in so far.
Now they are trying to forcefully sell the house! But what happens then?
What they are doing is totally baseless and evil. Just like what Adolf Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jews!
But unfortunately, now and then the majority are silent and allow this to happen!
It is the demons and Satan who work through Hitler and the Nazis.
But it is the same Satan, and the same demons that work through the Planning and Building Agency in Oslo.
State Trustee, the Collection Agency, the Bailiff, the Civil Ombudsman,
Oslo District Court, Borgarting Court of Appeal and Norway's Supreme
Only in a more veiled, elegant, refined, sophisticated and friendly way than through Hitler and the Nazis.
But the result is the same, break, ruin and destroy those who are to be taken.
Why are the majorities silent and allowing this injustice to happen?
wife Berit and I are probably the two most law-abiding and calm people
living in Oslo City. Don't own a gun - something we never did.
Have worked and paid taxes and are and have always been law-abiding citizens.
Throughout life, from youth to today as well-grown adults.
But now we will be deprived of the house and try to get broke. For what?
For record only graded our own property and will not demolish what we have been ordered to do.
Since the decisions and judgments against us are only fabrications and lies!
How is it possible that neither the press nor others will speak our case? Everyone is silent on our behalf!
feels surreal. But that in fact almost no one - only a few - will speak
our case against this serious abuse. It is just as crazy to me that so
many did not want and wanted to defend the Jews before they were
deported and gassed to death. Knowledge in our case is greater than it
was during the war. But for those who wanted to know, the knowledge is
always available.
Clearly, it is the same Satan who is behind what is happening to us.
Why does no one react - almost?
Is it the case that evil is tolerated and accepted?
Here one turns evil into good. Good to bad. Truth to lies. And lies to truth.
Darkness to light, and light to darkness!
Final comment:
We know that many did not stand up for the Jews during World War II.
They really did after the war.
with a bit of knowledge and common sense knows that what the
authorities are trying to do against us - a single married couple. Is
completely pointless, rigid and just evil.
There are so few who do anything for US NOW, IT IS REALLY THE SAME THAT HAPPENED TO THE JEWS.
We don't need any help and sympathy when the case is over.
it is too late, as it was for 6 Million Jews who never received the
help and protection they needed during the Second World War!