lørdag 7. oktober 2023

No. 1624: What we experience with the authorities - is typically demonic activity - turning right and wrong upside down!

No. 1624:

What we experience with the authorities - is typically demonic activity - turning right and wrong upside down!

What we are experiencing here, with Norway's Supreme Court, the State Administrator, the Revenue Agency, the Bailiff, the Civil Ombudsman, Oslo District Court, Borgarting Court of Appeal, Oslo City Council, the Planning and Building Agency in Oslo and all agencies involved!
Is downright animalistic and irrational. Completely out of control where we are now required to pay NOK 300,000 to build a fully legal wall.
Everything to upgrade our property. The whole matter is directly demonic and is based on the fact that we were guided how to build this wall.

Here the demons are given free rein and lies are not just one. But they take place all the way. And if we do not bow, we shall be punished. Talk about giving Satan free rein in their lives like these downright evil and Devilish people here do!
Does none of them see their own folly and madness?
They should have done that a long time ago if they had just a little self-awareness and sense of what is right and wrong.

Satan has his world, and his God!

There are two kingdoms that stand for the opposite values and everything.
But the fact is that there are actually two "Kingdoms" fighting each other.
We read e.g. in Matthew 4 and Luke 4 that Satan has power.
And in many ways operate as "Ruler".

Luke 4. 5 Then the Devil took him up on a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a flash of time.
6 And the Devil said: “Absolutely all powers over this I will give you, with all their glories, for to me they are given, and I can give them to whom I will!
7 So if you will only bow down to me and honor me, all this will be yours!”
8 But Jesus answered him and said: "[Get behind me, Satan.] For it is written: 'You shall honor Jehovah your God, and only him shall you serve.'" Deuteronomy 6,13

Matt. 4. 8 Again the Devil took him up a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world with all their splendor.
9 And he said: "All this I will give you if you will only fall down on your knees before me and honor me."
10 But Jesus answered: “Go away, Satan. For it is also written: 'You shall honor Jehovah your God, and only him shall you serve.'" Deuteronomy 6,13
11 Then the Devil went away from him, and, look! — messengers came and helped him!

The real power belongs to God - and in his Kingdom is the opposite of Satan.

Here in our case, all agencies are lying and distorting approximately what is true.
Be it Norway's Supreme Court, the State Administrator, the Revenue Agency, the Bailiff, the Civil Ombudsman, Oslo District Court, Borgarting Court of Appeal, Oslo City Council, the Planning and Building Agency in Oslo and all agencies involved! What a concoction!

It is quite incredible that we should suffer here that has a wall that is perfectly legal in every way. As well as storage and stairs.
Where we were guided how to build the wall. We have a plot of land that says we are allowed to put up a wall like we have. Others have received exemptions and approvals that exceed ours astronomically. In other words, here it is Satan and his demons who are at work.

Jesus did not say that Satan had some kind of power in this world.
This was before Calvary, but he still gets to rule on "borrowed" time.

Heb. 2. 8 And when all things shall be put under his feet, it means that all things shall be subject to him. For nothing is excepted that shall not be subject to him. But we see that not everything has yet been subjected to him.

Although Satan and his demons are a beaten enemy at Calvary.
Scripture says:
Col. 2. 15 He disarmed princes and authorities and brought them into disrepute by triumphing over them so openly.
1930 translation: Col. 2. 15 He disarmed the powers and authorities and exposed them openly, showing himself as the victor over them on the cross.

Notice what is written in Matt. 4 and Luke 4.
Satan had dominion over this world and it is this power that he fought to keep. Therefore in this matter of ours he uses the authority in a diabolical and demonic way where he through these demons.
Inspires and influences people to take away our cars, houses and finances.
We have been aware for several years that this is Satan's agenda:

Completely in line with Satan's will, these people operate and maintain. No scruples, and they actually think they have "legal" decisions and judgments. All the judgments and decisions in this case are outright lies, and have zero credibility in them.
Satan uses Norway's Supreme Court, the State Administrator, the Revenue Agency, the Bailiff, the Civil Ombudsman, Oslo District Court, Borgarting Court of Appeal, Oslo City Council, the Planning and Building Agency in Oslo and all agencies that are involved!

In our case tries than through lying decisions and lying judgments to turn lies into truth. Right to wrong and distorts the fact which is so obvious that this should not even be mentioned in any decisions and judgments

Scripture says:
Isaiah 5. 20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness into light and light into darkness, who turn bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter!

Not only is the wall an abuse built on lies and demonic activity by the authorities.
But also stairs and storage are exactly the same.

The stairs are 100% on our property. If we contact PBE, they refuse to answer. Although Norwegian law is clear here, they must answer says the Administrative Law. The whole case against us is rotten!
The state administrator has, for once, tried to get PBE to respond.
Of course they refuse to answer. And if they are going to answer, it is guaranteed to be an answer to be as difficult as possible for us.
These people are full of lies, intrigue and hatred, and this is Oslo and Norway.
The demons and the activity of darkness are also given free rein as no press and media will cover this madness and abuse.

The stall is also legal!

When we built the shed in 2014, then Solberg urged the government to build without applying for things that were under 15 sq m. Something we did as we had done before here in Oslo. Then it turned out that the shed was a few square meters too "big" in terms of the utilization rate of the plot. Then this diabolical and evil agency launched almost a war against us.
Although all rules were in our favor and favor.
Not least that of granting dispensation and approval.
Which says that in short. Are there more advantages than disadvantages. And the law is not substantially set aside, a dispensation and approval must be obtained.
With us, there are only advantages, no disadvantages. However, the law is not substantially set aside.
That others get dispensation and approval up to 60 times what we need who build at the same time as us. And a few meters from us, these obviously evil people in the public sector pay no attention.
Pill-rotten and evil are not really the law, but the people they honor and keep.

Final comment

Here, Oslo Municipality and all agencies lie about everything all the time.
A triad of lies and manipulation. Of course this is evil, but it is also demonic!
Satan uses Norway's Supreme Court, the State Administrator, the Revenue Agency, the Bailiff, the Civil Ombudsman, Oslo District Court, Borgarting Court of Appeal, Oslo City Council, the Planning and Building Agency in Oslo and all agencies that are involved!
They all lie and protect each other here all the time, unbelievable!

Satan wants to rule us humans, and he uses the authorities that he once "owned".
He said to Jesus "Absolutely all powers over this I will give you, with all their glories, for to me they are given, and I can give them to whom I will!"
Yes, this was before Golgotha. He still tries to use the same authority and if one does not bend. Should one be taken.
This is a very big topic. So I just want to say in the end!
Satan is really trying here against us!
Never if we obey His will one iota!
Never if we give in here in a single area, under any circumstances!
Here there is nothing but demonic attack. How to know?
It is not difficult, as it is human to lie once.
But not like here, where one constantly lies in all situations.
The authorities and all public bodies protect each other throughout.
Whether it's Norway's Supreme Court, the State Administrator, the Collection Agency, the Bailiff, the Civil Ombudsman, Oslo District Court, Borgarting Court of Appeal, Oslo City Council, the Planning and Building Agency in Oslo and all agencies involved!
No one can stop God's plan for us except ourselves.
We do not allow the enemy to distract us from having all God wants you to have, being all God wants us to be, and doing all God wants us to do.
Have faith in God and Jesus, stand strong and believe in God's infallible word.
This is a matter we have left in God's hands, and which he will take care of in Jesus' name! Amen!

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