tirsdag 5. desember 2023

No. 1627: The Evil Haman built a gallows for Mordecai in which he himself was hanged. The planning and building agency here in Oslo is trying to break me and my wife in the same way, how will God deal with these evil people?

No. 1627:

The Evil Haman built a gallows for Mordecai in which he himself was hanged. The planning and building agency here in Oslo is trying to break me and my wife in the same way, how will God deal with these evil people?

Ester 5. 12 And Haman said: Nor did queen Esther let anyone but me come with the king to the banquet she had prepared, and I am also invited by her together with the king for tomorrow.
13 But all this is not enough for me all the while I see Mordecai the Jew sitting in the king's gate.
14 Then his wife Seres and all his friends said to him: Let them prepare a gallows; fifty cubits of hay, and tomorrow ask the king that Mordecai must be hanged in it; then you can happily go with the king to the banquet! This advice pleased Haman, and he had the gallows repaired.

Why the great hatred of Mordecai on Haman's part?

It was that he would not bow to Mordecai. Who had an ego of another world.
In other words, it was really for nothing.


This is how it is with us too. We have upgraded our property, for this we shall be punished in the harshest possible way.

To skip part of the story.
What resulted from this folly and hatred of Haman?
It resulted in his own downfall and death.
The gallows that he had made for Mordecai. It was for him.
The scriptures say, dig a grave for others. Then you fall into it yourself.

Solomon's Proverbs 26,27: "He who digs a grave will fall into it, he who rolls a stone will overcome it."
Book of Psalms 57.7: "They spread a net for my feet, they pressed me down." They dug a pit for me, but they themselves fell into the pit.”
Ecclesiastes 10:8: "He who digs a grave may himself fall into it; whoever tears down a border fence may be bitten by a snake.”

We read about what happened to Haman. He ended up in the gallows he had made for Mordecai!

Esther 7. 1 Then the king and Haman came to the banquet at Queen Esther's. Est 5,8 Est 6,14
2 While they were sitting drinking wine, the king also said this second day to Esther: What is your prayer, Queen Esther? It must be confessed to you. And what is your wish? If it were less than half the kingdom, it must be fulfilled. Es 5,6
3 Then Queen Esther answered: If I have found favor in your eyes, king, and if it pleases the king, then let my life be given to me at my request, and the life of my people according to my wish!
4 For we are sold, both I and my people, to be destroyed, killed and exterminated; if it were only to be slaves and slave women we were sold, then I would have time, but now our enemy is not able to make up for the king's loss.
5 Then King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther: Who is he, and where is he that has dared to do so?
6 Esther replied: An adversary and enemy, this evil Haman there! Then Haman was horrified at the sight of the king and queen.
7 The king got up in anger, left the banquet and went out into the palace garden; but Haman stayed back to beg Queen Esther for his life; for he perceived that the king had determined his misfortune.
8 When the king returned from the palace garden to the house where the banquet had been held, Haman lay bent over the bench on which Esther was sitting; then said the king: Dare he even practice violence against the queen here in my own house? No sooner had these words left the king's mouth than they covered Haman's face.
9 Harbona, one of the king's courtiers, said: Look, at Haman's house there already stands a gallows, fifty cubits of hay, which he himself had arranged for Mordecai, he whose words were once of such great benefit to the king. Then the king said: Hang him in it! Est 2,22 Est 5,14
10 Then they hanged Haman on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai, and the king's anger subsided.

The Planning and Building Agency is trying to punish me and my wife Berit in the worst possible way.
Just as Haman made a gallows for Mordecai.
Have we received fines of almost NOK 300,000. and the case is ongoing.


Final comment:

Crazy. 6. 6 He who is taught the word must share his benefits with him who teaches.
7 But do not be deceived, for God is not mocked. What a man sows, that shall he also reap.
8 Whoever sows the things of the flesh will reap the corruption of the flesh. But he who sows the things of the spirit shall in the spirit reap eternal life.
9 Do not grow weary of doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not give up.

This is the new testament.
God allows people to be repaid for what they do.
God is a consuming fire.
God says that as you sow, you will reap. As happened to Haman.
This will also happen to the hateful and lying people within public Norway.
I don't know how, but it never pays to go around hating, lying and trying to break other people!
Love, forgiveness and indulgence. It is what leads forward.
With the same measure one measures up for other people.
Will it be measured opp to you.

Luke 6. 37 “Judge not, lest ye yourselves be judged. Do not condemn, so that you yourselves will not be condemned. Forgive, that you yourselves may be forgiven.
38 Give, and it shall be given unto you — an overflowing measure, pressed together and well shaken until it overflows, shall be given in your lap. Because with the measure you measure yourself for others, it will be measured back for you.”

Will stop here, but there is a great darkness over these people!

Who live this way. That is for sure!


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