lørdag 30. mai 2020

No. 1529: Unibuss with Personnel Manager Per Christian Bing says he does not want to listen to the Discrimination Energy, as he knows better!

No. 1529:
Unibuss with Personnel Manager Per Christian Bing says he does not want to listen to the Discrimination Energy, as he knows better!

Got my wife to read through that customer complaint.
I asked her to say what she thinks, is it credible?

She immediately said it was staged and a lie that it was loud.

It is 2 m between us and we had a conversation.
Then between me and the customer.

If the sound had been loud, we could never have communicated when the radio had made it impossible.
But for the sound was moderate, then we could talk.

It shows that I speak true.
While the customer fabricates a robbery story.

Per Christian Bing is again lying, not credible what he is doing.
Nice with smart ladies 😁😁😁😁
See for yourself, I have the radio 30 cm from the ear, and 20 cm in from the head.
The customer I talked to stood 2 meters away.
Had I had a loud sound, it would have been impossible to talk in unison.
In other words, the complaint is a lie and fabricated.

This one was a real cervulant. I actually switched channels, but he had decided.
I politely asked him if it was the content he was responding to, but rude as he was, he didn't answer.
After two stops he left, such people partying Unibuss with Per Christian Bing his trust.
Not credible at all!

Meeting with the leadership of Unibuss, they are considering termination when a new fabricated customer complaint has come in that I had on a radio program about Israel and the Palestinians.

In other words, it is free now for Muslims and others to criticize us Christian, and we get the fuck.

Personnel manager Per Christian Bing and others in management said they would not comply with anything from the Discrimination Energy Committee. they give the flap and run their own race.

Then we'll see where this ends, I'm on mine. Then those who support the Muslims get on with it. When I take over the bus with many others, for example. Their Muslims bail music at a lot higher than me.

It's hard to stand up for Jesus and the gospel today, now they really refuse to listen to their own radio that everyone else is allowed to listen to!

What I experience is harassment, bullying and discrimination against an employer that allows the bullies and cervulants through the Ruters complaint system to recover,
They welcome me.

See here for a page at the Labor Inspectorate: https://www.arbeidstilsynet.no/tema/trakassering/

It is harassment when a person is exposed to unwanted negative acts, omissions or utterances that act or are intended to be offensive, intimidating, hostile, degrading or humiliating. This can be, for example, unwanted sexual attention, teasing, freezing or hurtful whining and teasing.

Harassment can be both single events and incidents that happen repeatedly. If it is a single incident, it must be of a certain degree of seriousness in order for it to fall under the concept of harassment. On the other hand, if the negative and abusive actions happen systematically and are repeated over time, it will rather be bullying, which is a form of harassment.

Section 4-3 (3) of the Working Environment Act requires employees not to be subjected to harassment and other undue conduct. In addition, there is special protection against sexual harassment and harassment due to gender, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in section 13 of the Gender Equality and Discrimination Act. Section 6, first paragraph. It is the employer's duty to prevent this.

Final Comment:

I get a ton of positive, encouraging and good feedback.
Am convinced that I do my job as a bus driver exemplary.
But there are some who dislike Jesus and the good and the bright.
But unfortunately, there are a few who manage to create so much negative that it is absolutely incredible!
But my wife revealed to him as a liar that Per Cristian Bing and the management choose to believe the lie rather than the truth. Unfortunately, this is nothing new, but it never works out!

tirsdag 26. mai 2020

No. 1528: Job friends - or friends!

No. 1528:
Job friends - or friends!

Picture of Job's friends blaming Job, his wife in the background.

Job Book 2. 11 And when Job's three friends heard of all this calamity that had befallen him, they came every man from his place: Eliphaz of Teman, Bildad of Suah, and Zophar of Naamah; and they agreed with one another to go to him to show him compassion and to comfort him. 12 But when they looked up from a distance, they did not know him, and they burst into tears and tore their robes and threw dust against the heavens, over their heads. 13 And they sat with him on the earth seven days and seven nights, and no man spoke a word to him; for they saw that his torment was very great.

What is so exciting, rewarding and educational with the Word of God, especially for us believers. It's that here we read about our lives, what's going on. The entrance, the course of events and the exit!
The Word of God speaks directly into time and into our lives, today!

Job's children are referred to as living well because Job was blessed. Can even say that fat lived on Dad's blessing. But they did not have the intimate relationship with God, neither did their parents? This was not ideal, but Job's love for his children was as intense and great as if they were living completely with God.

Furthermore, we read about Job's friends who, after all, had the most to say about Job in his difficult trials he had now entered!

What is noticeable here are many things. Job's book is full of examples, educational ones. It is a book of real depth.
But to bring out some things, I only take out certain verses and events.

Job Book 2. 11 And when Job's three friends heard of all this calamity that had befallen him, they came every man from his place: Eliphaz of Teman, Bildad of Suah, and Zophar of Naamah; and they agreed with one another to go to him to show him compassion and to comfort him.

Today, it is not rumor we hear first and foremost. But through mass media, Facebook, blogs and other things we get involved in what is happening. Here was actually the response laber you ask me. The wife stood by Job's side, if she did not fully support him. No one who lived near supported Job, only 3 who came from afar.

Eliphaz of Teman, Bildad of Suah, and Zophar of Naamah; and they agreed with one another to go to him to show him compassion and to comfort him.

These are locations located south of Israel on the border with Jordan and Egypt today. Yes, the areas are further south than the city of Eilat in today's Israel, opposite Petra in Jordan and Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt. But that is not crucial, there were three people who talked among themselves and decided to go to Job.

It's about Job. Job 1. 1. In the land of Uz there was a man named Job; he was an immaculate and righteous man, who feared God and departed from evil.

This seems to be in today's Jordan or Iraq when it goes on to say that he was more powerful than all the children of the East? But come in from the land of Us.
Anyway, we read that there were only three long-distance travelers who came to Job in his hardships and difficulties. They did not live close by, but gathered together and consulted.
Then they went to Job to have compassion and comfort him. It doesn't matter how long the trip took, but it was probably a trip with several nights as we know that people without a car and other modern means of travel max managed to travel more than 5 miles in one day.

Why did Job's friends come?

Job Book 2. 11 And when Job's three friends heard of all this calamity that had befallen him, they came every man from his place: Eliphaz of Teman, Bildad of Suah, and Zophar of Naamah; and they agreed with one another to go to him to show him compassion and to comfort him.

Notice that they sat for a whole week without saying anything, "for they saw that his torment was very great."

If they had been on "facebook" and of the few who had clicked, they would have liked the click and it turned out in retrospect that it had been better that they had not come. But had been on Facebook and clicked Likes.
This of course in transferred meaning. But that's exactly the problem with so many people.
They understand very, very little what others are going through. Especially when it is spiritually related.
Therefore, the account of Job tells very much.

Room. 15. 4 For all that is written before, it is written unto us for doctrine, that we may have hope in the patience and comfort of the scriptures.

Scripture also says: Preacher 5. 1. Do not be too hasty with your mouth, and do not let your heart rush to speak a word before God! For God is in heaven and you are on earth; therefore let your words be few!

We get it wrong so often, why? We cannot and cannot see into the spiritual world that governs everything in this natural and human world.
We do not see what is behind it, and then we cannot let natural and human wisdom and understanding guide and guide us.

What is the testimony of God about Job's friends?

Job. 42. 7 When the Lord spoke these words to Job, he said to Eliphaz of Teman, My anger is kindled against you and your two friends; for you have not spoken of me as my servant Job.

Read what Job's friends were talking about, it was largely biblical and true. Men anyway, it was the words of unbeliever and of the evil into Job's life and case.

So it was with all those who were also to guide Jesus. We read about the apostle Peter and Jesus the following.

Matt. 16 20 Then he commanded his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah. 21 From that time Jesus began to make known to his disciples that he should go to Jerusalem, and suffer much of the elders, and the high priests, and the scribes, and be slain, and be raised on the third day. 22 Then Peter took him aside, and began to rebuke him, saying, God save thee, O Lord. this must by no means be acknowledged to you! 23 But Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Fold me behind, Satan! You will lead me to fall.

The human thoughts and ideas, they are not from God.
Therefore, the old and fallen man does not realize this. He will always reject from him everything that has to do with God.

What did Judas say when Jesus was anointed?

Joh.e. 12. 3 Then Mary took a pound of real, very precious nard's ointment, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the scent of the ointment. 4 One of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was to betray him, then says: 5 Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence and given to the poor?

This is typically the old man. As we humans are in ourselves, we are so often completely out in the open. We do not understand and understand the spiritual where the real struggle is and is.

Job's struggle - as every believer's struggle is - is not against some people first and foremost. But it was spiritual, and it was a battle against Satan.

We read that it was Satan who came before God and challenged God to let him be tried.
Likewise, the Apostle Peter felt that Satan was allowed to "try and test" Peter.

Luke 22. 31 Simon! Simon! behold, Satan demanded you to be violent in order to aim you as wheat; 32 But I prayed for you that your faith might not fail, and that once you repent, strengthen your brothers!

The purpose of what we are going through - is also that we should become like Jesus. As he grows and grows, we are being erased more and more.

Joh.e. 3. 30 He will grow, I will slow down.

Final Comment:

It is strange that when one gets into difficulties, there are very few who can help. And the "help" one gets is usually not of the good kind, why?
I do not have a satisfactory answer to this. The closest answer I have is that if you have not gone through serious difficulties yourself, you cannot help others who are going through the same thing.
This is a very simplification but the closest I get is an answer.
Finally, include what the Apostle Paul wrote.

2 Cor. 1. 3 Praised be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father who is rich in mercy, the God who gives all comfort! 4 He comforts us in all our distress, that we may comfort those in need, with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 5 For just as we have abundant part in the sufferings of Christ, so also through Christ we are given abundant comfort. 6 If we suffer pain, it is for your comfort and salvation. If we are comforted, it is for you to receive the comfort that helps you to endure the same suffering we must endure. 7 Our hope for you stands firm. Because we know that as you share in the suffering, you also share in the comfort.

Notice that it was with the same comfort - the same "level" one has experienced things himself. That one will be able to help and comfort others.
The Christian life must be endured to be tested, and then we can be enriched and comforted!

mandag 4. mai 2020

No. 1527: Jan Aage Torp compares the case between me and him and the upcoming review of Levi Fragell as comparable, but Fragell gets the support of absolutely everyone - I got it from only Vebjørn Selbekk!

No. 1527:
Jan Aage Torp compares the case between me and him and the upcoming review of Levi Fragell as comparable, but Fragell gets the support of absolutely everyone - I got it from only Vebjørn Selbekk!

Picture of Aina Anine Lanton whom Jan Aage Torps married after he divorced his former wife. Here, warn against others, that they should live by the commandments of God.
But be careful with yourself, it doesn't matter.

It is directly demonic to allow remarried publishers to appear on the pulpit.
I was in the US about 1 1/2 years ago and was totally put off.
It turned out that I was right.
This preacher was divorced himself, and remarried with a divorced.
It is with dismay and sadness that so many accept married married preachers.
And notice it, when older Christian men get divorced.
Then they marry a younger lady.
When this happens so often, why?
Meat, meat and meat again.
We read about the church in Pergamon, where Satan has his throne.
Satan has been given a throne in the congregation by remarried male elder preachers.

This is my view and for such a Bible view one will be convicted in Norwegian law.

What does Levi Fragell mean? Opposite a me, that it is terrific of Torp's remarriage with his former nanny.
What does he get? Massive support among the Christian people, of the world - of absolutely everything and everyone.
The world hates God's Word, but loves the shit, that's it!

Here is something from Facebook that shows that Torp does not understand anything, and act as he does not realize that it is all a spirit match.
He could probably "win" me over when the world loves its own, and the world is a deception.
But above Levi Fragell he will probably struggle, because he is loved, admired and accepted.
He and Torp are actually quite similar, they enjoy life in this world.
They live in sin, and think that God's Word and God's commandments are nothing to take into account.
Therefore, Torp and Fragell are in agreement that Torp has made a "warp" of marrying his former nanny.

Here are some statements in from Facebook.

Levi Fragell

It is the fight against religious "abuse of power" you thank me for, Frank Rossavik, and since active participation in this environment can strengthen unworthy and harmful practices, I these days add that leading cultural profiles should avoid being perceived as advertising posters for Vision Norway.
Here is a section from Fritt Ord's Vice President Frank Rossavik's speech: (
Rossavik is also one of Aftenposten's highly respected commentators).
"For decades, Fragell has promoted sharp but factual criticism of abuse of power in God's name. He is still deeply concerned about how the charismatic movements he once belonged to use different forms of pressure, manipulation of "ecstasy", demonic expulsions and frightening prophecies in the spirit struggle. Not least, he has been concerned with children in such environments.

Vision Norway's partner Jan-Aage Torp attacks the cathedral on the web today
Elisabeth Thorsen for supporting the rescue campaign Stans money preachers, and again scares the police. As an atheist and humanist, I am grateful that precisely a number of Christians help to warn of the conditions that have developed in extreme parts of religious life in Norway - and which are now also legitimized by the fact that well-known cultural figures act as advertising figures for the "Vision". On the basis of my own experience, I have in particular reacted to the extreme Christian environment's abuse of children (the front page of the rescue operation), which has also been the concern of several brave warnings in recent years.

The hornet and manipulative Jan Aage Torp

Now there is enough for today's "muck digging" in the participation of journalists, officials and priests in the dark "Stop the money preachers!"
Necessary work, but drinking from the springs of Jesus is my joy!

The hate and hate group "Stop the Preachers!" proves time and time again its injustice.
In 2019, the group took on the honor of having "notified" the Children's Ombudsman
on child abuse on TV Vision Norway.
Unfortunately, the anti-Christian forces at the Ombudsman's office were so outspoken that they used the heat group as expert witnesses, and "Stop the money preachers!" stirred up the mood in the interior even led by the leading cathedral priest in Oslo Cathedral Elisabeth Thorsen used to hit TV Vision.
But the police dropped the cases because of "no criminal offense" - without the Ombudsman for Children or the priest Thorsen complaining about any of the world's things.
Are a public child ombudsman and a state-employed cathedral priest scammers trying to trick the police with false reviews?
That "Stop the Preachers!" do it, we knew.
But the Ombudsman and a cathedral priest!?!

In the aggressive and fiery anti-charismatic and anti-Christian environments that have increased their level of ambition over the last four to five years, there is something lost along the way, namely that public officials, state-sponsored media, and the state-funded church have a particular responsibility to watch over their own ability and impartiality.
The media has the Be Varsom poster which should prevent journalists from
VG (Marie Golimo K ingsrød), Aftenposten (Ingeborg Senneset), and Dagen (Karl Almedal) can take on missions that hit Christian businesses that they themselves are against (documented by their membership in the heat group with the aptly named "Stans money preachers!"). The minimum requirement must be that these journalists disclose this duplicity as an interview begins, and afterwards readers and viewers should be given a marking of the posting (similar to what happens with goods produced in Israel).

The fact that leading priests in the Norwegian Church participate in such dual roles is startling, but is hardly affected by the law of habilitation.
But undoubtedly it contradicts the Christian attitude to justice that both liberal and conservative Christians have.
The Progress Party FrP has shown an exemplary attitude when, over the years, the Party has strongly criticized the Norwegian Church's bishops and leaders for interfering with political special issues. But I notice that some in the younger guard of Frp no longer see clearly in such questions.
If leading bureaucrats in affected ministries and agencies should have such dual roles, it would be startling. Unfortunately, we have some horrifying examples of incompatibility here, which we are slowly progressing to publish. The best part is that people even realize that it is wrong. Habitat law requires that each individual manages to display such a minimum measure of discretion. Otherwise, they are hardly suited to the deed.

Until tomorrow, I did not know that Leading cathedral priest in Oslo Cathedral Elisabeth Thorsen has been a member of the hate and hate group "Stop the money preachers!" for two years while performing her work for the Lord of the Church, Jesus Christ.
"Stop the Preachers!" engages in open hatred, hatred, rumor spread and a number of speculative responses to the Oslo Cathedral siblings. This is likely to be a criminal activity, among other things in accordance with the Norwegian Supreme Court's double ruling of January 29, 2020 on "Hatefulle Statements on Facebook".
Although current Oslo Bishop Kari Veiteberg is extremely liberal theologian, I choose to believe that she wants to set foot in order for her Leading Cathedral Priest to actively participate in such a hate and hate group.
Is it any wonder that the Oslo Church is sought out by defectors from the Oslo Cathedral!?!
I have made some inquiries to the Oslo Cathedral to have a dialogue about such matters, but so far I have been overlooked.
I have always defended the Oslo Cathedral against the charges, but now I realize that something must be right.
We pray that the Lord of the Church will again be given the Lordship of Oslo Cathedral.

For three years, Aftenposten's journalist and commentator Ingeborg Senneset has written countless journalistic articles and strong opinion comments against charismatic businesses and leaders WITHOUT SHOWING ABOUT HIS ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP IN "STAN MONEY PREACHERS!"
How has this been able to happen in the country's foremost and most serious opinion-making newspaper?!?
What kind of consequences should Aftenposten and the journalist take for themselves?
On July 9, 2018, VG journalist Marie Golimo Kingsrød became an active member of "Stans money preachers!" when she posted this on their Facebook page.
Numerous times (well documented) the group's administrators have emphasized that one cannot be a member of this group without supporting the fight against Hanvold & TV Vision Norway and many related movements.
 A journalist who is a member of this group, and who covers such cases for his medium without informing the interview subjects in advance, definitely violates the ethical guidelines in the Weather Varsom record of the PFU (Press's Academic Committee) Norwegian Press Association

A newspaper or media that publishes such material is obliged to make readers and viewers explicitly aware of the journalist's dual role.

Final Comment:

Jan Aage Torp insults others incessantly, but when he himself is violated for the least.
It is so ridiculous, tacky and rigid it is possible and remains.
He tricked the Oslo police and the courts with me as he bluffed and made undocumented claims that they obviously loved when they hated everything that had to do with true Christianity.
That Torp now thinks he should arrive with a review of Fragell, which will be defended by everyone. I have no faith in that.
A new trial between him and me, where everything had been disclosed, had obviously ended with a conviction by Jan Aage Torp, Ansgar Braut and Torodd Fuglesteg.

See more here: http://justismord.janchristensen.net/