No. 1711:
need no repulsion and liberation of Norwegian or European law, knowing
that I am innocent "convicted" and cleansed in the blood of Jesus and
has a perfectly pure conscience!
Jesus hangs on the cross. He also lay innocent there, but took all the punishment for me and you. Oh, that's more than enough for all of us, bigger frikjennelse than there is not hallujah!Torp could make me doom to pay the boat to have written that he is a wizard, but it helps a little bit. God's word will judge him to extinction on the last day, he will be "spared" to the fire - sooner or later.
Joh. e. 12. 47 And if anyone hears my words and does not take care of them, I do not judge him; for I have not come to judge the world, but to save the world; 48
He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath him that judge
him: the word that I have spoken shall judge him on the last day.
has made a very good series about Birgitte Tengs who was killed night
to May 6th in 1995. She was on her way home when she was gone. The following morning she was found raped and killed in a forest cave just next to her home on Karmøy.TV »has made a series of 9 episodes where me and my wife have seen all episodes. "Who killed Birgitte?" - the series is called.We lived at Karmøy, from 1993 to 2005. So it was also of great interest to see this series for several reasons.It is obvious that there have also been several justice issues here in court in Norway than just mine. Thinking of that the cousin of Birgitte Tengs who had to pay 100,000 SEK to her parents after being acquitted in court. The so-called Baneheia murder where they sentenced Wiggo Kristiansen only to the indian and witness of his mate. It is obvious that this is justism, and several others. Also,
how does Child Protection operate in Norway, then there are probably
hundreds of things, not thousands and more, which are things that one
must call justice words. Unfortunately, one is taking child welfare cases here in Norway, so I'm spoiled by the authority in this country.It is understandable that some will fight to wash, remove the judgment, etc.For my part, I really do not care very much about it, since the judgment against me has no real value. When it tells me that I have done something criminal, it's very uncertain what this really is. When the court has never discussed it or it was in the trial, in other words, a justice word.There are no obstacles or restrictions on anything I preach, speak or write today!Therefore,
it looks like a waste of time, money and effort to do something more, I
have been exposed to a word of justice, finished work.What more does one do then? Taken up the case and go against the state and Torp? It will soon cost more than it tastes. I have very little to win on this as long as I can preach, speak and write today unobstructed. The verdict against me is really a daddy when they were so busy making me judged. That
hatred and folly blamed all of them that they did not get anything in
the judgment what it should contain of any limitations.Narreapostel
Jan Aage Torp and Horkarlen, according to God's Word, writes the
following on one of his countless websites as he spreads out his dirt
and poison:The
blogger fought against the police in Oslo Tingrett in January 2016. His
appeal against the law enforcement was rejected by Borgarting
Lagmannsrett in April 2017 and then by the Norwegian Supreme Court in
June 2017. Finally, the cousin arrived in November 2017 when the
European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg refused to treat his appeal.Now Christensen tries to make himself a victim. He
believes that he has had to shut down his latest blog because he and
his family have been subjected to "harassment, persecution and liar".The
truth is, either, that the blog sooner or later would have to be closed
because it produced more of the same "harassment, persecution and liar"
that he has already been properly convicted of.His hat-writings nevertheless continue as in his "Heavenly Blog".We will accompany you from week to week. We waited for 2 1/2 years from May 2011 until we in September 2014 notified him to the Police. We are still patient.Our attorney is patiently following his thefts and abuse of photographs by Aina & Me.Since the unanimous verdict fell in January 2016, another 2 1/2 years have elapsed.There is legal authority to impose sanctions on him. We will probably promote this instrument in the near future. There is good case law here. 12,000 crowns as a one-off fine hardly fails so much. But 1,200 kroner per day for 1000 days may be a little worse?(quote ending).Sam common poems narreapostel Jan Aage Torp up everything he writes, including that he and the police will give me daily fines. Where is the law? And I do not write more about Torp that he is psychopathic, narresist and leprosy. But that he is a fool and a fiddler. He does not mention this with a word, why?I know that he will put me in the least possible light to exploit this to his advantage. Narreapostelen is not willing to take innovation
that he lives against the word of God in all areas of his life, his
"service" and all that he is doing.
Final comment:
I write this in the
headline: I do not need any redress and freeing of Norwegian or European
law, as I know that
I am innocent "convicted" and cleansed in the blood of Jesus, and has a
perfectly pure conscience! When this world lies in evil, I am free to
proclaim, speak and write as before. I have a perfect conscience when I know that I have not been close to breaking any Norwegian law. Should I "clean" me? I
am already pure in Jesus' blood, hallelujah!
In Rom 4.25, it is stated
that Jesus was "given for our transgressions and raised to our
justification." It is this scripture Luther calls a bundle that
summarizes the entire Christian faith. "Given for our violations". He was given to death. He was made to sin for us.
2 Cor. 5.21. The curse of the whole law came upon him. Gal 3.13. "Risen
to Our Righteousness" The blame and punishment took Jesus upon him, so I
can say that I am acquitted when he took the blame, the punishment and
the judgment, Hallelujah!
Heavenly blog! We need your support: Account number of Post: 0535 06 05 845 How is that coming to the New Jerusalem? We have many questions that we want to answer! Now you can experience the sky in advance, you can submit your spiritual-related questions here: Questions may be sent by mail to me or SMS. Jk.chris @ SMS: 004799598070.See also:
onsdag 26. september 2018
tirsdag 25. september 2018
No. 1710: A "everlasting" non-burning fiery hell is a total unbiblical and Jewish thought and meaning about what it means to stand in the book of life!
I look forward to not only the 1000-year kingdom, but even more that day when God has removed both the evil and the evil from existence and he creates a new earth and new heavens.

The Jews have a completely different understanding of eternal, dead and much more than us others who, after all, have a wildly Catholic balast, as well as paganism at the bottom of the Gentile Christian.
When, for example, The Jews look at this to stand in the book of life, versus being scattered. Then they are allowed to live for 1 year. In other words, one does not stand in the book of life, one dies. Standing in the Book of Life is something one needs to have mercy at all times.
It's the same thing that will happen when we all meet God, invade the white throne. When we all people who have not come before God have come to the conclusion, decide whether to enter into eternity with God. Or that one is not found worthy and one is destroyed in the lake of fire with Satan, Antichrist, the false prophet, the fallen angels, the demons and all ungodly.
Does the Word of God teach a perpetual burning hell for the lost? Or should they "cease" to exist? What does the scripture say?
The Bible is clear that the so-called annihilation lesson is what the scriptures teach.
What is annihilation lesson?
He who hardships the gospel or fails to receive salvation and comes upon God's side.Will eventually be destroyed. The destruction is then understood as the cessation of existence, destruction. This is what the Bible teaches, nothing else!
Øystein Skarholm writes the following:
The Bible's mention of the loss
In the Bible we find many texts that directly refer to the loss. Understanding what these texts are meant to convey is a crucial factor in an analysis of annihilation learning. Therefore, I will study some aspects that are throughout the Bible's mention of the loss, as well as examining some of the most important texts in particular.
Disappointment in NT
It may be helpful with some introductory words regarding what is contained in New Testament texts associated with the perdition. In the synoptic gospels, Matthew finds more references to hell. The one time this is mentioned in Mark, as well as all Luke's references, can be found at Matthew. In addition, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus is exclusively found at Luke, a text that is often drawn in this context.125Johannes uses a more unique conceptual usage, without references to either hell, hades, torment, fire or the like. Instead, expressions are used as destruction, death and judgment. There is no mention of hell in the apostles' acts. It is spoken of salvation and resurrection, and although God's judgment is sometimes mentioned, it never specifies what this implies.Neither in the letters to Paul can we find specific mention of hell. However, a number of closely related topics are written. In Romans 6.23, death is the wages of sin, while in 1 Cor. 15, 26, the last enemy is destroyed. A repetitive theme is the wrath of God, which will come upon the disobedient (Rom 2.8f; 9,22; 1,18; 2,5; 3,5; 4,15; 5,9; 12,19; 13,4f If 2.3; 5.6; Col 3,6; 1Tess 1.10; 2.16; 5.9). Furthermore, it is clear to Paul that everybody must appear before God's court (eg Romans 2,6: 3,6) and that those who are guilty will perish (eg Romans 2:12, 1 Cor. 1:18). Despite extensive talk about the possibility of destruction, it is only in 2 Thess 1.9 that Paul directly describes what this implies. In the Norwegian translation, it is written: "Your punishment will be eternal destruction away from the Lord's face and from His glory and power." To better understand Stott's view of perdition as destruction, it might be useful to look at the English translation: "They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might." 128 Greek word used, translated125 ACUTE, 2000, p. 42 126 ACUTE, 2000, p. 47 127 ACUTE, 2000, p. 48-49 128 The translation is derived from the English Standard Version (ESV). "Destruction" and "destruction" are "olethron". The word itself does not mean annihilation, but to lose everything that gives its worth value.In this way, the verse can also be used to defend a traditional view of the loss. It may therefore be necessary to remind you that Stotts argumentation in this area is not based on this verse alone, but on the Bible's holistic terminology associated with the destruction. A "passing away from the Lord's face" is not self-explanatory and must be understood in the light of the other Biblical texts.In the other letters we find a mention of the destiny of the lost in Heb. 10,27, where they will be consumed by the judgment and the burning eagerness of God. Hebrews 6,2 describes the judgment as eternal. In Jacob's letter, terminology is used as "death" and "destroys" (James 1:15; 4,12), while in Peter's two letters they speak (1 Pet 4,17) and perdition (2 Pet 3,7). In 2 Pet 2,9 it is unclear whether reference is made to what follows the judgment or what precedes it. In Jud 1.7 draw
It is a parallel between the destruction and the eternal fire that punished Sodom and Gomorrah. In addition, 2 Pet 2,12 talks about the lost destiny. Finally, there are a series of verses in John's revelation. Here, the destruction is described as "the second death" (2.11; 20.6), which is further described as a lake of fire and sulfur (21.8). In 22:15, the lost ones are placed "outside" the new Jerusalem, while 11.18 talks about "destroying those who destroy the earth." In addition, the devil will be thrown into the fire, together with the beast and the false prophet, where they will be tormented day and night forever and ever (20.10). Even the death and death kingdom itself will be thrown into the lake of fire (20,14). In addition, there are a number of references in GT. The cultural and religious context makes these more challenging to interpret, and it will therefore mainly focus on the New Testament texts. Concept Uses in Revelation of Destruction In his statement, Stott focuses on language and imagery when analyzing the biblical texts.132 In his book, "Eternal Life or Death," Berg makes some of the same. However, instead of focusing on destruction as destruction, the Bible's description of death is examined as the destiny of lost ones (eg Romans 6,21; 6,23; 1,15; Ezek 18,4; 18,20; Sal 143,3; Open 2.11; 20.6; 20.14; 21.8). These verses can not mention anything other than the final and absolute death. In addition, there are other words that express the same meaning. In Sal 9,6 they are wiped out, while those in Sal 37.38 go to bed and have their future cut off. In Malatians 4.1-3, all who do injustice should burn up, the same is true in Matt 3.12. Other expressions used for the lost ones include to be destroyed (Job 4:20), destroyed (Sal 145:20), destroyed (1 Corinthians 3:17), destroyed (2 Thess 2,8), consumed (Hebrews 10,27) and walked to the ground in the same way as the animals (2 Pet 2,12; Sal 49,13; Fork 3,18f). In particular, Berg draws Sal 37.20 where we find: "But the lawless goes to bed. The enemies of the Lord disappear like the flower fairy on the ground, they are gone like smoke. "Bergen's argument for destruction as an eternal and absolute death largely reflects Stott's thoughts of destruction as destruction. Their conclusion is the same. Berg writes himself: [...] The destruction must consist of an absolute destruction, as the many biblical places tell us, not in perpetual torment. The Greek words used for destruction or perishment are by the way the same as other places are translated with: go to the ground, be destroyed, be consumed, destroyed. To be lost means: to be destroyed. Eternal death will meet those who do evil and show eternal life. Fudge also deals with the different expressions used for the destruction of the Bible, and, like Stott, he specifically focuses on those who deal with fire. He highlights the words of Jesus in Matthew 13, 40, 43, where they were thrown into the furnace. Fudge emphasizes that an unreasonable fire is a recurring theme both in GT and NT, with reference to Ezek. 21.3f; Am 5.6 and Matt 3.12. The fire of this God expresses an unreserved destruction of what is thrown in it. Consistently, the fire is eternal, a symbol that there is no hope for what burns in it. The furnace itself is also something we know from the GT. In Dan 3 Shadrak, Meshach, and Abednego are thrown into the furnace of Nebuchadnezzar without burning. This because the angel of God rocked them (v. 28). It is clear, however, that God will not save those who are thrown into the fire of destruction. Maternity 13: 40-43 also offers examples of paralysis sources beyond the use of fire: in the furnace they will lose crying and cutting teeth. We also find the same expression. in Luke 13.28 and Matt 25.30. Like our everyday associations, crying in the Bible is used to express fear, sorrow and pain. In Isaiah 22:12 the Jews cry over the destruction of Jerusalem, and in your 9,1 we cry over the fallen in the people. Cutting of teeth occurs both in GT and NT in conjunction with anger (Sal 37,12; Complaint 2.16; Apg 7.54). Neither the Matthew text nor the term of the Bible in the Bible suggests that the lost cry and the cutting of teeth will last forever. On the contrary, they describe the lost cuts of teeth in Sal 112, where the continuation is that they are thrown away and their longings become nothing (v. 10). An assumption that crying and cutting of teeth is a description that refers to the perpetual torment of the lost one does not originate in the biblical texts, but occurred a long time after the creation of the Bible. The lost fear, sorrow, pain and anger are their reaction when they realize their destiny. This does not mean that this destiny must consist of an eternal conscious mind. It can deal with the certainty of an eternal exclusion from the kingdom of God, and instead they must perish in the devouring fire. Gehenna Among the terms used in the Bible's dissemination of destruction, we find the Greek word Gehenna. Jesus' first reference to this is found in Matthew 5,22, where it is translated in Norwegian to "hell." A natural question is whether we, with the word hell, get the same associations as Jesus' listeners received when he taught Gehenna. "Hell" is often associated with the medieval divorce
calling, including torture. "Gehenna", in its view, does not make sense if one is not familiar with the geography around Jerusalem today. This is probably the reason why the word is used only once outside the gospels (Jas 3,6 - without reference to the final destiny of the lost), and that other terminology is used in NT's books aimed at heathen and relocated Jews. Because of different frame of reference, therefore, a Norwegian Bible translation might seem misleading when it refers to "hell." Gehenna is derived from the Hebrew "ge'hinnom" or the valley of Hinnom. This was located just south of Jerusalem and was a notorious place for idolatry was sacrificed to Molech - the god of the dead. In addition, here were the bodies and the sacrifice bag was thrown (Jer 31.40). This may indicate that Gehenna was a garbage site, which has been a popular assumption. However, archaeological findings suggest that the valley did not work like this, but that it contained inter alia burial sites and crematoriums. This fits well with the thought of Hinnom's valley as a place of flames and bodies. This is probably the place Isaiah refers to when he speaks about the land that will not die and the fire that does not extinguish (Isaiah 66:24). Arthur Hoyles has written a full description of Gehenna. The details of the description can not be fully demonstrated historically, but it conveys the core of the Jewish perception of the place: Here the fire burned day and night, destroying the garbage and purifying the atmosphere of the smell of rotten fish or decaying vegetation. In de tijd van oorlog zullen de carcasses of vanquished vijanden mengen met de vuil, waardoor de patriottische schrijvers zijn voorzien van een clue als de bestemming van hun eigen vervolgers. De var bestemt for at blive ødelagt i de fires, som aldrig blev quenched. In the gospels, it is only Jesus who uses Gehenna as a description of the destruction. This occurs on four occasions: 1. In Matthew 5,22 Jesus mentions various sins that lead to Gehenna. 2. In Matthew 5,29f and Mark 9,43ff, it is conveyed that it is better to go blindly in life than to end up in Gehenna. In Mark 9, then, the quotation from Jes 66, 24 follows. 3. Nos. Matthew 10,28, and Luke 12,5, describes that we should only fear Him who has the power to destroy / throw the soul in Gehenna. 4. In Matthew 23,15; 23.33 Jesus condemns some Pharisees who lead people to Gehenna. None of the aforementioned texts mention the duration or function of punishment.143 Jesus' preaching is based on the knowledge of the Jewish audience, where the valley of Hinnom is commonly known as the place of condemned and lost. How to convey the perilability of being lost. Based on this, Gehenna is used frequently in literary literature when talking about the loss. However, the literature is not consistent with what this destruction really means. What one can safely conclude is that Gehenna conveyed terror and disgust to the Jewish audience. The lack of consensus in literature reflects the lack of clarity in the original texts as to the content and duration of the penalty placed in Gehenna. We therefore find no direct connection between Jesus' use of Gehenna and an understanding of perdition as eternal conscious mind. Jesus and inter-Testament authors use the term in a manner similar to our own use of "hell"; It describes the perilability of being lost. The Jews' associations with Gehenna are, however, different from Western beliefs of hell. When Jesus spoke of Gehenna, this did not convey a place of eternal torture, but a place where they died disappeared in fire and indignation. God's Wrath In his article "Luther's View of Hell," Erling Utnem points out that Luther's understanding of the loss is directly related to God's wrath. Both hell, fire and other biblical denominations of destruction should be understood as synonyms of this. Such a thought is supported, among other things. of Sal 21,10: "You make them a flaming furnace when you show. The Lord will devour them in their wrath and the fire will devour them. "146 Such an interpretation is basically consistent with the annihilation lesson, unless the judgment is defined as eternal torment. Utnem specifies that Luther understands the loss as just this, but not on the basis of "metaphysical speculation about the immortality of the soul." The suppression is understood as eternal pain because the judgment contains all the judge's characteristics. Therefore, it is also eternal and infinite. However, it can be discussed whether this is a matter of course. That the wrath of God always potentially exists is not the same as always being exercised. In that case, God's wrath must have had an outlet before this world was created. Nor can it be argued that His actions are eternal in what they enter into force, without simultaneously implying that creation can not cease to exist. If God's creative power can cease, may the same be true of His anger? It is therefore necessary to present the reasons why God chooses to maintain his anger over the lost. This must also match the understanding of God's kindness and righteousness, an aspect we shall now seearmor on. The Sea of Fire in Revelation of John The interpretation of Rev. 14, 9-11 is challenged by another text found in John's revelation. In chapter 20, verse 10, we read: "And the devil who had seduced them was thrown into the sea with fire and sulfur, where also the beast and the false prophet are. There they will be tormented day and night forever. "Unlike the other texts we have investigated, this is neither the fire nor the smoke described as eternal, but the torment itself. Stott states that this is the only scripture where pain is directly related to eternity. He also emphasizes that the description includes only the devil, the beast and the false prophet. Stott thus suggests that the verse alone can not serve as a basis for a traditional understanding of the loss, as it does not directly refer to people who are lost. Traditional interpretation will therefore depend on support from other texts. This does not mean that the verse can not be interpreted in such a direction, but it is a relevant point to bring along.185 In the text, the devil's, the beast's and the false prophet's torment is placed in the sea of fire and sulfur, as other places in the Revelation book mention like the "lake of fire". The term is used solely in among the interesting texts to look into, if one wishes to investigate whether such an interpretation holds water, there are a number of inter-tribal and apocryphal works. Fudge points out that it has been common to assume that these support the understanding of loss as eternal pain, but also emphasizes that this is not necessarily the case (Fudge, 1994, pp. 191-192). In this task, I have chosen to disregard this debate and focus on the Biblical texts. This book, but both annihilationists and traditionalists agree that this describes the same final destiny that the gospels describe with "Gehenna". Earlier in the book we are already familiar with the lake of fire, and it is also described later in the book. To understand its meaning, we must look into all these verses. The beast and the false prophet The first to be thrown into the fire is the beast and the false prophet (Rev. 19:20). Like Stott, Fudge understands these as symbols of different evil in the world. These will neither exist forever nor be able to experience pain. See for example 1 Corinthians 15:24, "Then comes the end when he surrenders his royal power to God, his Father, after he has destroyed all powers, powers and powers." In this context, the fire can not be a tool for eternal conscious consciousness. Instead, it indicates God's total victory over the wickedness of the world. An absolute annihilation of the evil forces that oppose Him. The lake of fire thus acts as a picture a total destruction. The devil When we come to the verses dealing with the devil (20.7-10), we see that they refer to Esek 38-39. Gog and Magog, as mentioned in verse 8, we know from these chapters. In the chapters of Ezekiel God exterminates the evil forces by pouring rain, hail stones, fire and sulfur over them (38,22). Fudge points out that this is in direct contradiction to the verses that follow, where their destruction will be given by giving birth to birds of prey and wildlife (39,4) and that the people of Israel will loot the remains (39,10). The pictures taken are different, yet the paintings are in perfect harmony. This because their message is the same: Gog and his people will be destroyed. The last battle that John witnesses, where Satan brings his people to battle, reflects this struggle. Satan is defeated and thrown into the fire. Here he will be tormented with the beast and the false prophet day and night forever and ever (v. 10). A common interpretation, in which the beast and the false prophet are understood as the evil of the world, implies a literal interpretation of this. That these are personalized is necessary to enable John to reveal his revelation. Berg thus describes it like this: In verse 10 it is said that the devil was thrown into the sea with fire and sulfur. [...] As mentioned above, it is identical to the absolute and final extinction. Rev.. 20.10 is thus the story of the devil's destruction. Fudge admits that if the fire still symbolizes annihilation, this seems to be contrary to John being able to witness the devil's eternal torment. There is no obvious interpretation, but until now the text has not mentioned the destiny of the lost people. No people have been thrown into the fire, and no verse has described their destiny as eternal torment. A more satisfactory interpretation of this verse could help to strengthen the durability of the annihilation teacher, but it does not depend on this. Death and Death Kingdom In verse 14, death and death is also thrown into the lake of fire. This fits well with the other biblical texts. In Isaiah 25,8, it is prophesied that God will extinguish death forever, and in 1 Corinthians 15,26 Paul proclaims that the last enemy destroyed is death itself. In this context, the fire lake can not symbolize other than annihilation, just as it was the animal and the false prophet. Death must be destroyed. An interesting point can be made
out of John so precise: "And the fire of fire, it is the second death" (v. 14b). The wording is a linguistic tool John uses on several other occasions in the Revelation: "[...] Gold is full of incense, they are the prayers of the saints" (5,8), "Linen is the righteous deeds of the saints" (19.8) [...] The other dead were not alive until the thousand years passed. This is the first resurrection »(20.5). On all these occasions, the second description is the interpretation of the first. If this also applies to the fire and the second death, "the second death" is a clearer description of what the lake of fire really is. Such an understanding means that even the fire will end. It will be swallowed up by God and destroyed, as the Bible describes the destiny of death. Fudge admits that the interpretation is not obvious, but he argues that it is in coherence with the Bible's other texts. If both death and fire are biblical images of destruction, and this is an eternally conscious torment, what does it mean that the torment itself is to be tormented? On the other hand, if the destruction is extinction, the Bible's message seems to be fulfilled. Death shall be no more (Rev 21.4), Death is destroyed (1 Cor. 15, 26). Never more will somebody die.193 Regardless of whether such an interpretation is correct, Fudge is its main point: The verse uses the lake of fire as a picture of complete destruction. The lost people in Chapter 20, verse 15, the fate of human beings are mentioned for the first time in connection with the fire: "And if anyone was not written into the book of life, he was thrown into the fire." In chapter 21, this is repeated, as well as the description of the lake of fire as "the second death" (v. 8). An interpretation of what this implies depends on what understanding one has of the fire. If the lake of fire represents annihilation, as it has been argued for here, this verse will also underline the annihilation lesson. Traditionists have often interpreted the verses to describe an existence without God.194 Without hope of resurrection to life, without communion with God and without His presence. Such a description can not be found in the text itself.195 An understanding of the loss as an absence of God refers to Hegstad as follows: Such an expulsion undoubtedly has a point, namely that the destruction is the last consequence of which ultimately human beings themselves have chosen to take responsibility for. [...] But it does not yet come to terms with the biblical thought of God as the active in the loss-because the loss is an expression of God's judgment, it also implies a meeting with God himself. It is difficult to get beyond God's presence too in the loss. See for example Hebrews 10,31: "It is terrible to fall into the hands of the living God!". If one acknowledges that God at all times maintains everything in existence, it is clear that neither lost human beings can exist without Him. A simple description of the loss as "absence of God" is therefore not sufficient. A more durable understanding would be that the loss is the absence of God's kindness. Verses like 2 Thess 1.9 can be used to promote such a vision, and it can be combined with the idea of God as active in the destruction. But none of the verses that talk about this suggests eternal existence, and they are therefore not contrary to the annihilation teachings. The presence of His judgment is to be found in the destruction of the lost, as is the absence of His goodness. At the same time, their choice to reject God will have the consequence that they do not share in the kingdom of heaven, and their destruction will end in destruction. Summary on the Fire of the Sea On two occasions, first by the beast and the false prophet, then by death and death kingdom, the fire lake appears to represent annihilation. As far as Satan's fate is concerned, we have not reached a final conclusion, but this is a separate theme. Fudge claims that nothing in the text prevents the idea of annihilation, but instead points in that direction, when it suggests that the real meaning of the fire's lake is the second death. Matthew 10,28 I have previously described how the Bible's general mention of destruction utilizes terminology that supports the annihilation teacher. Expression as extinction (Sal 9,6), burning up (Mal 4,1), destruction (1 Corinthians 3:17), extinction and destruction (2 Thess 2,8) to undergo as the animals (2 Pet 2, 12) and to disappear like the flowers on the ground (Sal 37,20) point in the direction of a final eradication of those who are lost. In order to deepen this perspective, it may be fruitful to look into one of the most important texts in this context. In Matthew 10,28 we find the text we also examined in conjunction with Augustin's thoughts about the soul: "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but can not kill the soul. Fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. "Here it is clear that God has the power to destroy both body and soul. Unless Jesus exaggerates or comes with empty threats, the verse seems to imply that this is exactly what will happen to hell. This is supported by the holistic understanding of soul and body as the Bible works
to convey the question therefore becomes if the lost can be destroyed and still exist. In 1 Cor. 15.42ff is the resurrection of the saved. Among other things, they will arise into indifference (v. 42), which they lost will not inherit (v. 50). Also immortality is given to the saved (v. 53f). If immortality and immortality are the characteristics of the saved receive in the resurrection, it seems clear that the destruction of body and soul that will take place in hell can only have one conclusion: Annihilation. The argument is closely linked to the one we have investigated regarding the immortality of the soul, but it is especially difficult in this context to understand how Jesus can speak of the destruction of the soul if it will forever be in existence. In this connection it has been claimed that A resurrection from death in itself will affect human nature. Therefore, the wicked will also be qualitatively different after a resurrection. Fudge rejects this idea by referring to Henry Constable. All resurrections until Jesus' resurrection occurred without the resurrected acquiring new qualities. For example, Jesus' resurrection of Lazarus in John 11 demonstrates that it is fully possible to arise from the dead and still to be fatal. Constable therefore calls for evidence that resurrection itself results in changes in human mortality. According to him, this applies solely to the resurrection that happens through the power of Jesus. The Bible contains several examples of resurrection of human beings from death to die again. A description of destruction like "the second death", in which it is eternal, seems to make sense. Resurrection to eternal life, with immortals, "spiritual bodies" ("soma pneumatikon") belong to the resurrected in Christ. In addition, it is worth noting that in the Matthew verse Jesus describes the body and soul of the lost in the same way. They will both be destroyed. Unless otherwise insinuated in the text, it would therefore be unnatural to assume that the destruction that takes place will have different results. If the bodily destruction will result in the body going away, the natural interpretation will be that the same applies to the soul.
torsdag 20. september 2018
No. 1709: It feels like we have reached a milestone, and now laid the foundation for further work and service for God and the Lord Jesus Christ!
No. 1709:
It feels like we have reached a milestone, and now laid the foundation for further work and service for God and the Lord Jesus Christ!
I met lawyer Jon Wessel-Aas and asked him about the verdict against me. He said clearly that it was completely wrong to use that law parade against me, it was an abuse.If Torp had done the right thing, and the courts had followed Norwegian law.Then Torp had to sue me in court for a civil lawsuit for injurious claims, not to violate section 390a.Anyone who is frightening or annoying or other reckless behavior violates another's peace.
Picture of media lawyer Jon Wessel-Aas.
After we were "finished" to publish on Norwegian Bible comments on all the books in the Bible, Bible and Sound file of all the books in the Bible.The 66 books belonging to our Bible. So it feels and feels that my joy is perfect. It is as if we have achieved a lot of goals, and we can start again for future tasks, opportunities and services for God and people.At the same time, it has revealed that the believers are very cowardly, and when a brother like me has come to an end, being persecuted by fake brothers, authorities and others. So, unfortunately, one can count on very little help, support and consideration from other believers.But at the same time, this also saw the apostle Paul, we read in the word of God.2 Tim. 4 16 In my first defense there was none with me, but all left me; guess it must not be charged to them! 17 But the Lord stood by me, and strengthened me, that the preaching might be fulfilled by me, and all the people heard it, and I was freed out of the lion's gap. 18 The Lord will deliver me from all evil works and deliver me into his heavenly kingdom; him be the glory forever and ever! Amen.Notice the words of the apostle "but all left me"!That the word of God is so striking, also to me / us is striking. What happened?We started a "campaign" against revered publishers around 2010 and beyond. This did not go unnoticed with Satan and the Evil spirits.There they got on several, bla. Narreapostel Jan Aage Torp who himself was and is divorced and renegotiated as a believer.What did Torp do? First, he tried to make me stop writing by asking me to chat with me. We meet over a cup of coffee and cake.When this did not go, what did he do then?Hat The pastor went to the police with false accusations, having found some words I had written about him. As he notified me, there was never a "crowd" of writing. But that I had called him for Horkarl, Narresist, leper and various other things. As the police went on the "limpin" right away, they could catch someone who believed in Jesus. When the world and Satan are always ready, take someone who believes in Jesus, it is most common with them.I was appointed Brynjar Meling as my lawyer, who in the aftermath was a big mistake in the sense that his argumentation was merely an act. They allowed him to hold on and the jersey he brought was 120% correct.That meant nothing, I should be judged about the paragraph that they judged me was a different paragraph than what I had done.That they let Meling get out for hours, it did not mention in the judgment. Just something they found out afterwards that it was repeated for many times the same, so I was a lawyer and was to be judged. This is Norway's greatest justice word. I am charged with one thing the court dealt with just about law enforcement. Then I was convicted of something that the court did not discuss for a second, amount of writings. Greater justice words than this are not possible.On top of all, all Christian newspapers write about this largely, not least our country, the day and the cross victory. But what happens then? It is deeply deeply tragic that the believers do not see that this is a Spirit Camp, where Satan entered into the Christian marriage, me and our freedom of expression and belief!The Apostle Paul experienced the same as me, but he was shortly afterwards killed. But here God has held his hand over me and my family, we are allowed to work and proclaim as before, "Satan obviously" forgot "that he should not just judge me. But that judgment should put its limitations, talk about forgetting the most important thing! It was too "easy" to get me judged, "Satan forgot" the most important thing. To get me shut to continue to proclaim the word of God untouched.
Final Comment:
2 crowns. 16. 9a. For the eyes of the Lord perish over all the earth, that with his power he can support those whose heart is completely with him.
I have enough mistakes to calculate a part here, but also learn a lot. Are you clean yourself, have not released sin, wickedness or Satan into your life, then Satan can never really touch you. You win win anyway!It's fine that much could have been done differently, not least, and been my own lawyer as this was a Spirit Camp. Not a "normal" trial, since I have never broken any Norwegian law or paragraph above. Everything is just an act to get me. But fortunately, they fail!Therefore, I can go ahead, proclaim the word of God and convey the message
It feels like we have reached a milestone, and now laid the foundation for further work and service for God and the Lord Jesus Christ!
I met lawyer Jon Wessel-Aas and asked him about the verdict against me. He said clearly that it was completely wrong to use that law parade against me, it was an abuse.If Torp had done the right thing, and the courts had followed Norwegian law.Then Torp had to sue me in court for a civil lawsuit for injurious claims, not to violate section 390a.Anyone who is frightening or annoying or other reckless behavior violates another's peace.
Picture of media lawyer Jon Wessel-Aas.
After we were "finished" to publish on Norwegian Bible comments on all the books in the Bible, Bible and Sound file of all the books in the Bible.The 66 books belonging to our Bible. So it feels and feels that my joy is perfect. It is as if we have achieved a lot of goals, and we can start again for future tasks, opportunities and services for God and people.At the same time, it has revealed that the believers are very cowardly, and when a brother like me has come to an end, being persecuted by fake brothers, authorities and others. So, unfortunately, one can count on very little help, support and consideration from other believers.But at the same time, this also saw the apostle Paul, we read in the word of God.2 Tim. 4 16 In my first defense there was none with me, but all left me; guess it must not be charged to them! 17 But the Lord stood by me, and strengthened me, that the preaching might be fulfilled by me, and all the people heard it, and I was freed out of the lion's gap. 18 The Lord will deliver me from all evil works and deliver me into his heavenly kingdom; him be the glory forever and ever! Amen.Notice the words of the apostle "but all left me"!That the word of God is so striking, also to me / us is striking. What happened?We started a "campaign" against revered publishers around 2010 and beyond. This did not go unnoticed with Satan and the Evil spirits.There they got on several, bla. Narreapostel Jan Aage Torp who himself was and is divorced and renegotiated as a believer.What did Torp do? First, he tried to make me stop writing by asking me to chat with me. We meet over a cup of coffee and cake.When this did not go, what did he do then?Hat The pastor went to the police with false accusations, having found some words I had written about him. As he notified me, there was never a "crowd" of writing. But that I had called him for Horkarl, Narresist, leper and various other things. As the police went on the "limpin" right away, they could catch someone who believed in Jesus. When the world and Satan are always ready, take someone who believes in Jesus, it is most common with them.I was appointed Brynjar Meling as my lawyer, who in the aftermath was a big mistake in the sense that his argumentation was merely an act. They allowed him to hold on and the jersey he brought was 120% correct.That meant nothing, I should be judged about the paragraph that they judged me was a different paragraph than what I had done.That they let Meling get out for hours, it did not mention in the judgment. Just something they found out afterwards that it was repeated for many times the same, so I was a lawyer and was to be judged. This is Norway's greatest justice word. I am charged with one thing the court dealt with just about law enforcement. Then I was convicted of something that the court did not discuss for a second, amount of writings. Greater justice words than this are not possible.On top of all, all Christian newspapers write about this largely, not least our country, the day and the cross victory. But what happens then? It is deeply deeply tragic that the believers do not see that this is a Spirit Camp, where Satan entered into the Christian marriage, me and our freedom of expression and belief!The Apostle Paul experienced the same as me, but he was shortly afterwards killed. But here God has held his hand over me and my family, we are allowed to work and proclaim as before, "Satan obviously" forgot "that he should not just judge me. But that judgment should put its limitations, talk about forgetting the most important thing! It was too "easy" to get me judged, "Satan forgot" the most important thing. To get me shut to continue to proclaim the word of God untouched.
Final Comment:
2 crowns. 16. 9a. For the eyes of the Lord perish over all the earth, that with his power he can support those whose heart is completely with him.
I have enough mistakes to calculate a part here, but also learn a lot. Are you clean yourself, have not released sin, wickedness or Satan into your life, then Satan can never really touch you. You win win anyway!It's fine that much could have been done differently, not least, and been my own lawyer as this was a Spirit Camp. Not a "normal" trial, since I have never broken any Norwegian law or paragraph above. Everything is just an act to get me. But fortunately, they fail!Therefore, I can go ahead, proclaim the word of God and convey the message
tirsdag 18. september 2018
No. 1708: The capture of the Third World War, the Gog war is underway, now a Russian plane was shot down and Israel is blamed!
No. 1708:
The capture of the Third World War, the Gog war is underway, now a Russian plane was shot down and Israel is blamed!
Picture from war - which will be like a little kinaputt against what comes with the great tribulation that will include World War 3 at the Gog War and World War Four and the last World War, the 4th of the Armageddon battle. After the last world war, people will be rare on earth before the coming 1000 years of the empire.
Isaiah 24. Behold, the Lord drains the earth, and puts it desolate; He changes his form and adsorbs those who live on it. 2 Then the priest as the people, the lord the servant, the wife as the maid of honor, the seller as the buyer, the borrower as the lender, the governor as his debtor. 3 Empty, yea, the earth shall be emptied, and plundered, and looted; for the Lord has spoken this word. 4 The earth is mourning and fading away; earthly sicknesses and fades away; the utmost of those who dwell on the earth are sickening away. 5 And the earth is profaned among them that dwell therein; for they have violated the laws, transgressed the commandment, broken the eternal covenant. 6 Therefore the curse consumes the earth, and the inhabitants thereof shall be fined; therefore the peasants burn and there are only a few people left.
From ABS News:Russian authorities accuse Israel of an "international provocation" after a Russian plane was shot down by the Syrian missile defense accidentally.According to the Russian Department of Defense, Israeli airplanes pushed the Russian reconnaissance plane into an area where it was subjected to missiles from the Syrian Air Force.Israel used the Russian plane as a shield, the ministry argues, calling the event of "an international provocation".A spokesman said Israeli fighters used the Russian plane as coverage so they avoided being hit by the Soviet-produced Syrian missile defense while attacking targets in Syrian Latakia province.15 Russians lost their livesThere were 15 people aboard the Russian plane, which was a reconnaissance plane of the type Il-20. The plane crashed in the Mediterranean, where there was a search operation on Tuesday. Everyone on board is believed to be dead.- As a result of the irresponsible acts of the Israeli military, 15 Russian soldiers died. We consider these provocative acts of Israel as hostile, "said spokesman for the Russian military, Igor Konasjenkov.A statement from the military also states that Russia reserves the right to repay the attack against Israel.Syria shot down Russian military aircraft by accident- One minute noticeIsrael is also accused of giving only one minute's notice before the attack was initiated, which would have made it impossible for the Russian plane to get away.The plane that was shot down is a four-engine propeller plane, not unlike the American Orion.(quote ending).
Israel answers and gives Syria and Iran the blame, as right and right.
From Reset:Israeli authorities express grief over the 15 who died when a Russian plane was shot down by Syrian air defense and blamed for the Syrian regime and Iran.- Israel expresses sorrow of the dead crew on the Russian plane shot down Monday night by Syrian Antiluftskyts, the first official statement from the Israeli army said Tuesday.Israel keeps the Assad regime whose military shot down the Russian plane, fully responsible for this incident. Israel also holds Iran and the Hezbollah terrorist organization responsible for this unfortunate event, it is called on.Israel also contests the Russian version of the incident, which states that Israeli fighters used the Russian plane as a shield for even avoiding being hit."During the attack on targets in Latakia, the Russian plane was hit, out of reach of our operation," the statement said.advertisement"When the Syrian army sent up missiles who hit the Russian plane, Israeli airplanes were already back in Israeli airspace," says the statement from Israel.Russia owes Israel to the shooting. Russia responded to calling Israel's ambassador to Moscow on the rug and with defense minister Sergei Sjoigu calling his Israeli counterpart to say he is holding Israel in charge.(quote ending).
This is of course the recording of the Third World War we see, and unfortunately most people are not aware of it, as they have not studied the scripture, the word of God.2 Pet. 1. 19 And our fastest, we have the prophetic word which you do well to act as in a light shining in a dark place, until the day lights up and the morning goes up in your hearts 20 as you know first and foremost That no prophecy in Scripture is given to your own interpretation; 21 For no prophetic word has ever been obtained by the will of man, but the men of the holy God spoke the power of the Holy Ghost.We have written relatively much about this, in several articles and in my Bible remarks, John Revelation.Take the time to put yourself in these very dramatic, exciting and powerful events that we find that the word of God refers beforehand
it happens.http: // // -3-and-4 world war-will-do-not-go.htmlAre also recommends a book that we have free-standing available to anyone who reviews these events.http: // Page = links Book of the Great Prophecies of the Bible - John F. Walvoord. Russia's last attempt at world rule! Background In the twentieth century, Russia's growth and fall, the largest and most significant state in the former Soviet Union, has been a major factor in world history. The dominant Russian state will survive and occupy a central place in the events. It is the great power north of Israel. The dramatic prophetic picture of Russia's last attempt on world rule, described in Ezekiel 38.1-39.24, is placed in a prophetic context that relates to Israel's restoration. In Ezekiel 37,1-28, Israel's restoration as a nation and their resurrection from the dead in time for the second coming is symbolic by the valley with the dry legs, those who are awakened alive. Following the description of the wars of Russia in Ezekiel 38.1-39.24, another prophecy of Israel's assembly in their country comes as a stage in the restoration. Conflict with Russia is thus seen in this end-time perspective. Politically, the fast-paced events in the end of time form the background of the war. In the end, ten nations will merge under a Roman ruler and form a resurrected Roman Empire. This ruler will enter into a seven-year peace agreement with Israel, as it is stated in Daniel 9,27. Some time during these seven years preceding the second coming, Russia will attack Israel. The last seven years will be divided into two halves. The first half becomes a peacetime, while the other will be the great tribulation that will culminate with Armageddon. As prophesied in Ezekiel 38, Russia will attack Israel in a peacetime, in an attempt to conquer the country and establish a dominant position in the Middle East. Although Israel is far superior to the countries around, one has long feared the possibility of a Russian attack. Russia has lost much of its glory as world power, but the country still constitutes a formidable power factor that can break a small country like Israel, if it happens by a surprising attack, as Ezekiel describes. An in-depth study of the chapter reveals a lot about end-time events that lead to the Second Coming of Christ. The invasion force of Ezekiel writes that the main force of the military invasion army attacking Israel will come from the land Magg: "The word of the Lord came to me, and it sounded like this: Son of man, Turn your face to Gog in the land of Magog, the prince of Ros, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him! You must say. Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, Gog, reign over Ros, Meshech, and Tubal. I will turn you around and put hooks in your jaws and carry you out with all your army, horses and riders, all of them dressed in a fairy dress, a large crowd with big and small shields, all with swords in hand "(38.1- 4) .The names of Russia and the Soviet Union do not appear in Scripture, but this description of the invasion army is suitable for Russia. The military invasion is led by "Gog," which refers to the leader, and "Magog's land", which refers to the area from which he comes. Magog is referred to as one of Jafet's sons in Genesis 10.2 and in the first chronicles book 1.5. There are two references to this in Ezekiel 38,2,6 and finally in John's revelation 20.8. Gog as ruler is described as "Prince of Roses, Meshek, and Tubal" (Ezek. 38,2). Since Ros, or Rosh, is the root of the modern word Russia, there seems to be a connection with this country north of Israel. Gog is also related to "Mesek" and "Tubal" (verse 2). Some have found that one is a variant of Moscow, while Tubal resembles Tobolsk, an area of Ural in Russia. Although identification is uncertain, Tubal seems to refer to the old shooters who traveled north from the Middle East and ended in the area currently described as Russia. The invasion force from Russia is supported by armies from five other countries. Persia (Esek 38,5) is easy to identify. It is modern Iran, which, although located east of Israel, can easily join Russia in an attack from the north. Ethiopia is included (verse 5). One thinks of Cush or Ethiopia as the people who lived in an area between Egypt and the Red Sea. Geographically, they are thus south of Israel, but it will not be difficult to transport the sea force so that it can join Russia in the attack. Libya is also mentioned (verse 5). Gomer (verse 6) is often identified as the ancient chimeras, who once lived in Asia Minor and Eastern Europe. The Tram Force (verse 6) was a nation that lived just north of Israel and was well placed to participate in the invasion. Any invasion of Israel shows lack of respect for the God of Israel and fits into Russia's atheist background in the twentieth century. Geography of the army
Background, the theological point of view and the terms used to describe them provide the full proof that the force comes from Russia and invades Israel from the north. In support of this, you have the information that the invasion force comes from "the far north" (Ezek 38,6,15; 39,2). As Israel is not so many hundred kilometers from Russia, the description of a nation in the far north, seen from Israel, can not mean anyone other than Russia. It is also interesting that Moscow is located just north of Jerusalem. The ancient weapons of war Although the description of the invasion force is such that it is relatively easy to identify it, the problem lies in the interpretation of the paragraph in the fact that the author describes the use of old-fashioned weapons. This is what is stated in the introductory section: "I will turn around and put hooks in your jaws and carry you out with all your army, horses and riders, all of them dressed in a great crowd with big and small shields, all with swords in hand. Persia, Ethiopia and Libya are with them, all with shield and helmet. Gomer and all its crowds, the people of the Tram of the Far East, and all its crowds, many peoples are with you "(Ezek 3: 4-6). The fact that the army is equipped with these old-fashioned weapons of war instead of modern weapons has meant that many do not regard the description here as literally. Instead of tanks, they are on horseback, which in Russia's case does not pose particular difficulties, as Russia still uses cavalry as part of the military force. But the shields, swords and helmets do not indicate that it is a modern army. Some have tried to explain the word usage by saying that Esekiel described the critic in terms he understood and that we must exchange the expressions with those who design modern weapons. As the description progresses, more weapons are added, such as arcs and arrows, spears and spears (Esek 39,9). The fact that these weapons will be burned later (verse 9) make it difficult to accept them as images of modern weapons, as these are usually metal and not wood. The final answer may not be in an attempt to explain this section of history, but merely state that it indicates that before this war there will be a major disarmament in the world. Under such conditions, if Russia wants to attack Israel and lacks modern weapons, one can quickly fabricate large quantities of weapons of this kind and equip the army with them. The main idea of the section, however, does not change with the description of the weapons. Israel described as a peaceful and unsuspecting nation In trying to determine the time of this war in the prophetic schedule, it is important to note the importance of Israel living in peace when the invasion happens. Apparently the attack is unexpected. Israel is not military prepared for this. There is no mention that the invaders encounter resistance. Instead, Israel is described as a nation who lives in peace: "Rest and complete everything, you and all your crowds who have gathered with you. You must be their guardian. When a long time has passed, you must be patterned. By the end of the years you shall come to a land which is redeemed from the sword. Its people are gathered from many peoples, up upon the mountains of Israel, as if you were desolate. But now it's taken from the people, and they live there safely. This is what you should pull up. You will come as a cloud, like a cloud, you will hide the land, you and all your multitudes and many peoples with you "(Ezek. 38: 7-9). The invasion force is anxious to attack Israel, but the land of Israel is described as an area "liberated from the sword," and the people of Israel are described as "gathered from many peoples, upon the mountains of Israel, to which you were desolate." Israel is further described as a people "brought forth from the people, and they all live safely" (Ezek. 38,8). As pointed out earlier, this corresponds with the prophetic image of the first half of the seven years leading to Christ's Second Coming. This will be a time of peace, when Israel lives in a covenant with the ruler over the ten nations. The fact that Israel lives in peace is further described in the mention of the invasion force: "Thus says the Lord Yahweh: In that day thoughts shall rise in your heart, and you shall conceive an evil plan, saying," I will go up to a land With open cities, I want to come across peaceful people who live safely, as everyone lives without walls and neither have bombs nor gates - to rob and rob and take a rampage to turn your hand against ruins that are rebuilt, and against a people gathered together from the peoples who have gathered feathers and goods living on the belly of the earth "(Ezek. 38: 10-12). The cities of Israel are described as without walls, which corresponds to the current situation, when walls no longer hold intruders away (verse 11). It is also said that there are "peaceful people who live safely, as all live without walls and neither have bombs nor gates" (verse 11). They live in a country described as "ruins rebuilt", and the people are said to be "gathered from the nations" (verse 12). A
This is more consistent with the situation Israel experiences during the peace agreement with the ruler over the ten nations. It is clear that this is a political situation in which not only Israel is attacked, but the entire tistat group that controls the Middle East at this time. This supports the idea that we have Russia's last desperate attempt to conquer the world. Israel is described as "my (God's) people Israel" who "lives safe" (verse 14). The purpose of invasion The section describing this future war makes it clear that those who invade seek material gain. It is said that they have decided to "rob and rob and take revenge, to turn your hand against ruins rebuilt, and to a people gathered from the peoples who have gathered fairy and goods that live on the belly of the earth "(Ezek. 38:12). In verse 13, they are described as taking braces, silver and gold, fairy and goods. The great numerical supremacy of the invasion army is described as follows: "As a storm shall you come, as a cloud, you shall conceal the land" (verse 9). The army is said to come from "many peoples". It will be "a great crowd and a tall army" (verse 15). Even if they are looking for material gain, it is really God who draws them into the war: "And you shall come up against my people Israel like a cloud and hide the land. In the last days it will happen. Then I will let you come over my land, that the people may come to know me when I reveal my holiness to you, Gog! "(Verse 16). The prophet describes The prophet describes in detail what will happen when this mighty the army invades the land of Israel: "But on that day, when Gog is coming over the land of Israel, says the Lord Yahweh, my wrath will rise in my presence. And in my jealousy, in my burning anger I say, Surely in that day there shall be a great earthquake over the land of Israel. The fish of the sea, and the birds of the sky, and the beasts of the field, and all the creeping things that are upon the earth, and all the inhabitants of the earth shall tremble before me. The mountains shall fall, and the mountains shall fall down, and every wall shall fall to the ground. And I will call upon him the sword upon all my mountains, saith the Lord Jehovah. The one's sword must be turned to the other. And they will know that I am the Lord. I will deal with him with plague and blood, and with a rinse of rain and hail stones. I will make fire and sulfur over him and his multitudes, and upon the many nations that are with him "(Ezekiel 38: 18-22). As evident from prophecy, the invasion will awaken God's wrath (Ezek. 38:18) ) and there are a number of disasters. First, there will be a great earthquake in the land (Ezek. 38:19). This earthquake will affect fish, birds, animals and all creatures on the ground. The mountains are bursting and building walls fall (verse 20). The next great judgment from God leads to confusion in the multinational army, so that they begin to fight each other: "The sword of the one shall turn to the other" (Ezek. 38,21). In the confusion that arises in connection with the earthquake, it is easy to understand that the troops can begin to fight each other. A third sentence comes across the army in the form of plague and bloodshed. God will use a plague against the enemies of Israel, which has also been used in other situations (eg Isaiah 37:36). On top of all this, there is a judgment from God in the form of rubbish rain and hailstones and burning sulfur (Ezek. 38,22). Although it seems like natural disasters for the army, it is God's supernatural deeds that are triggered. As illustrated in John's Revelation 16.21, unusually large hail can be deadly. The burning sulfur reminds of the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19:24). Some have interpreted the burning sulfur as a result of the earthquake triggering slumbering volcanoes, so they spell out their burning fire. No matter how to explain this, the result is clear. The invasion army is destroyed. God uses this as a means of demonstrating his power to the people: "And I will reveal my greatness and my holiness, and make me known to the eyes of many people, and they shall know that I am the Lord" (Ezek. 38:23). The invasion army is destroyed The prophecy continues. Now the complete destruction of the invasion army is described: "I will turn your bow out of your left hand and let your arrows fall out of your right hand. In the mountains of Israel you shall fall, you and all your multitudes and the peoples who are with you. I give you food for all birds of prey and for the wild animals of the field. On the ground you must fall. For I have spoken, says the Lord the Lord "(Ezek. 39.3-5). When God attacks the attackers, they will release their arcs and arrows. Their dead bodies become food for vultures and wildlife. In verse 4 it is stated that the whole army will be wiped out and that no one will survive: "In the mountains of Israel you shall fall, you and all your multitudes and peoples who are with you." After the battle After it has been established that God's purpose is to proclaim power in his holy name (Ezek. 39,7-8), saying that what remains after the battle will be sufficient fuel for seven years: "Then shall those who live in IsrAel cities, go out and burn fire and keep it alight with armor and small and large shields, with bows and arrows and spears and spears, and they will keep the fire on fire for seven years. They shall not catch wood from the field, neither shall they chop in the woods, but with the armor they shall keep the fire burning. They shall rob them that robbed them, and rob them that have robbed them, saith the Lord Jehovah. "(Verses 9-10) .The announcement that the fire will last for seven years, asks a little about how this should be understood in relation to Christ's Second Coming, as it appears to be that the attack will take place towards the end of it before the three and a half year period of the seven years preceding the second coming. That means there is enough time for it to burn up before the second coming. But the burning does not in itself create a prophetic timetable, and even after Christ's second coming, life will go on and it becomes necessary to have heat. This is therefore no objection to placing the invasion towards the end of the first three and a half years. The prophecy describes in detail how the dead are to be buried (Ezek. 39: 11-16). It will take seven months to bury the dead, and after that one will still find dead bodies to be buried. The scene is similar to the one describing Christ's Second Coming, when the vultures are invited to attach to dead bodies (verses 17-20). However, it is something completely different from that described in John's revelation 20.7-9, when the earth is destroyed immediately after the war mentioned. God's purpose of destroying the invasion army Ezekiel quotes God, as in the destruction of the invasion army proclaims its resistance to evil and his desire to restore Israel: "I will reveal my glory among the nations, and all the people shall see the judgment which I have held, and my hand as I have put upon them. And the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord your God, from that day and in the future. The people will realize that it was for their iniquity. The house of Israel was abducted. It was because they had been unfaithful to me, so I hid my face before them and gave them into the hand of their enemies. And they fell for the sword all together. This I did with them because of their uncleanness and their transgressions, and I hid my face for them "(39,21-24). Collection of Israel Ezekiel continues to describe how God will restore Israel:" Therefore says the Lord the Lord: Now I will put an end to the captivity of Jacob, and will rejoice over all the house of Israel, and I will envy my holy name. They shall bear their shame and all the wickedness they have shown against me when they live safely in their land, and no one despises them. When I bring them back from the people, and gather them from the land of their enemies, and reveal my holiness to them in the eyes of many people, they shall know that I am the Lord your God. For I have taken them to the people, but gathered them again to their land, and I will not let any of them return. I will no longer hide my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit upon the house of Israel, says the Lord Jehovah. "This seems to be fulfilled at the second coming. Although some details in this prophetic report are not necessarily clear, the outcome of the battle is clear. Russia's last attempt at world rule completely fails. Their armies are broken, and even in their own country, they will be exposed to fire from heaven (Ezek. 39.6). The final form of pagan power will follow as the tinning group becomes world government. Russia may have been a hindrance to this, and the fact that they are now completely eliminated can explain how the dictators in the tinational group can proclaim themselves as rulers all over the world without resistance. This war may well be the springboard that causes the ruler of the Middle East to come to power for the last three and a half years before Christ's Second Coming. During that period, Israel will undergo a terrible tribulation, and the world will largely be destroyed. Since this prophecy has never been fulfilled earlier, its fulfillment is a reminder that God is still on the throne and that there will be a settlement with God's enemies in the time of God and in God's way.
The capture of the Third World War, the Gog war is underway, now a Russian plane was shot down and Israel is blamed!
Picture from war - which will be like a little kinaputt against what comes with the great tribulation that will include World War 3 at the Gog War and World War Four and the last World War, the 4th of the Armageddon battle. After the last world war, people will be rare on earth before the coming 1000 years of the empire.
Isaiah 24. Behold, the Lord drains the earth, and puts it desolate; He changes his form and adsorbs those who live on it. 2 Then the priest as the people, the lord the servant, the wife as the maid of honor, the seller as the buyer, the borrower as the lender, the governor as his debtor. 3 Empty, yea, the earth shall be emptied, and plundered, and looted; for the Lord has spoken this word. 4 The earth is mourning and fading away; earthly sicknesses and fades away; the utmost of those who dwell on the earth are sickening away. 5 And the earth is profaned among them that dwell therein; for they have violated the laws, transgressed the commandment, broken the eternal covenant. 6 Therefore the curse consumes the earth, and the inhabitants thereof shall be fined; therefore the peasants burn and there are only a few people left.
From ABS News:Russian authorities accuse Israel of an "international provocation" after a Russian plane was shot down by the Syrian missile defense accidentally.According to the Russian Department of Defense, Israeli airplanes pushed the Russian reconnaissance plane into an area where it was subjected to missiles from the Syrian Air Force.Israel used the Russian plane as a shield, the ministry argues, calling the event of "an international provocation".A spokesman said Israeli fighters used the Russian plane as coverage so they avoided being hit by the Soviet-produced Syrian missile defense while attacking targets in Syrian Latakia province.15 Russians lost their livesThere were 15 people aboard the Russian plane, which was a reconnaissance plane of the type Il-20. The plane crashed in the Mediterranean, where there was a search operation on Tuesday. Everyone on board is believed to be dead.- As a result of the irresponsible acts of the Israeli military, 15 Russian soldiers died. We consider these provocative acts of Israel as hostile, "said spokesman for the Russian military, Igor Konasjenkov.A statement from the military also states that Russia reserves the right to repay the attack against Israel.Syria shot down Russian military aircraft by accident- One minute noticeIsrael is also accused of giving only one minute's notice before the attack was initiated, which would have made it impossible for the Russian plane to get away.The plane that was shot down is a four-engine propeller plane, not unlike the American Orion.(quote ending).
Israel answers and gives Syria and Iran the blame, as right and right.
From Reset:Israeli authorities express grief over the 15 who died when a Russian plane was shot down by Syrian air defense and blamed for the Syrian regime and Iran.- Israel expresses sorrow of the dead crew on the Russian plane shot down Monday night by Syrian Antiluftskyts, the first official statement from the Israeli army said Tuesday.Israel keeps the Assad regime whose military shot down the Russian plane, fully responsible for this incident. Israel also holds Iran and the Hezbollah terrorist organization responsible for this unfortunate event, it is called on.Israel also contests the Russian version of the incident, which states that Israeli fighters used the Russian plane as a shield for even avoiding being hit."During the attack on targets in Latakia, the Russian plane was hit, out of reach of our operation," the statement said.advertisement"When the Syrian army sent up missiles who hit the Russian plane, Israeli airplanes were already back in Israeli airspace," says the statement from Israel.Russia owes Israel to the shooting. Russia responded to calling Israel's ambassador to Moscow on the rug and with defense minister Sergei Sjoigu calling his Israeli counterpart to say he is holding Israel in charge.(quote ending).
This is of course the recording of the Third World War we see, and unfortunately most people are not aware of it, as they have not studied the scripture, the word of God.2 Pet. 1. 19 And our fastest, we have the prophetic word which you do well to act as in a light shining in a dark place, until the day lights up and the morning goes up in your hearts 20 as you know first and foremost That no prophecy in Scripture is given to your own interpretation; 21 For no prophetic word has ever been obtained by the will of man, but the men of the holy God spoke the power of the Holy Ghost.We have written relatively much about this, in several articles and in my Bible remarks, John Revelation.Take the time to put yourself in these very dramatic, exciting and powerful events that we find that the word of God refers beforehand
it happens.http: // // -3-and-4 world war-will-do-not-go.htmlAre also recommends a book that we have free-standing available to anyone who reviews these events.http: // Page = links Book of the Great Prophecies of the Bible - John F. Walvoord. Russia's last attempt at world rule! Background In the twentieth century, Russia's growth and fall, the largest and most significant state in the former Soviet Union, has been a major factor in world history. The dominant Russian state will survive and occupy a central place in the events. It is the great power north of Israel. The dramatic prophetic picture of Russia's last attempt on world rule, described in Ezekiel 38.1-39.24, is placed in a prophetic context that relates to Israel's restoration. In Ezekiel 37,1-28, Israel's restoration as a nation and their resurrection from the dead in time for the second coming is symbolic by the valley with the dry legs, those who are awakened alive. Following the description of the wars of Russia in Ezekiel 38.1-39.24, another prophecy of Israel's assembly in their country comes as a stage in the restoration. Conflict with Russia is thus seen in this end-time perspective. Politically, the fast-paced events in the end of time form the background of the war. In the end, ten nations will merge under a Roman ruler and form a resurrected Roman Empire. This ruler will enter into a seven-year peace agreement with Israel, as it is stated in Daniel 9,27. Some time during these seven years preceding the second coming, Russia will attack Israel. The last seven years will be divided into two halves. The first half becomes a peacetime, while the other will be the great tribulation that will culminate with Armageddon. As prophesied in Ezekiel 38, Russia will attack Israel in a peacetime, in an attempt to conquer the country and establish a dominant position in the Middle East. Although Israel is far superior to the countries around, one has long feared the possibility of a Russian attack. Russia has lost much of its glory as world power, but the country still constitutes a formidable power factor that can break a small country like Israel, if it happens by a surprising attack, as Ezekiel describes. An in-depth study of the chapter reveals a lot about end-time events that lead to the Second Coming of Christ. The invasion force of Ezekiel writes that the main force of the military invasion army attacking Israel will come from the land Magg: "The word of the Lord came to me, and it sounded like this: Son of man, Turn your face to Gog in the land of Magog, the prince of Ros, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him! You must say. Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, Gog, reign over Ros, Meshech, and Tubal. I will turn you around and put hooks in your jaws and carry you out with all your army, horses and riders, all of them dressed in a fairy dress, a large crowd with big and small shields, all with swords in hand "(38.1- 4) .The names of Russia and the Soviet Union do not appear in Scripture, but this description of the invasion army is suitable for Russia. The military invasion is led by "Gog," which refers to the leader, and "Magog's land", which refers to the area from which he comes. Magog is referred to as one of Jafet's sons in Genesis 10.2 and in the first chronicles book 1.5. There are two references to this in Ezekiel 38,2,6 and finally in John's revelation 20.8. Gog as ruler is described as "Prince of Roses, Meshek, and Tubal" (Ezek. 38,2). Since Ros, or Rosh, is the root of the modern word Russia, there seems to be a connection with this country north of Israel. Gog is also related to "Mesek" and "Tubal" (verse 2). Some have found that one is a variant of Moscow, while Tubal resembles Tobolsk, an area of Ural in Russia. Although identification is uncertain, Tubal seems to refer to the old shooters who traveled north from the Middle East and ended in the area currently described as Russia. The invasion force from Russia is supported by armies from five other countries. Persia (Esek 38,5) is easy to identify. It is modern Iran, which, although located east of Israel, can easily join Russia in an attack from the north. Ethiopia is included (verse 5). One thinks of Cush or Ethiopia as the people who lived in an area between Egypt and the Red Sea. Geographically, they are thus south of Israel, but it will not be difficult to transport the sea force so that it can join Russia in the attack. Libya is also mentioned (verse 5). Gomer (verse 6) is often identified as the ancient chimeras, who once lived in Asia Minor and Eastern Europe. The Tram Force (verse 6) was a nation that lived just north of Israel and was well placed to participate in the invasion. Any invasion of Israel shows lack of respect for the God of Israel and fits into Russia's atheist background in the twentieth century. Geography of the army
Background, the theological point of view and the terms used to describe them provide the full proof that the force comes from Russia and invades Israel from the north. In support of this, you have the information that the invasion force comes from "the far north" (Ezek 38,6,15; 39,2). As Israel is not so many hundred kilometers from Russia, the description of a nation in the far north, seen from Israel, can not mean anyone other than Russia. It is also interesting that Moscow is located just north of Jerusalem. The ancient weapons of war Although the description of the invasion force is such that it is relatively easy to identify it, the problem lies in the interpretation of the paragraph in the fact that the author describes the use of old-fashioned weapons. This is what is stated in the introductory section: "I will turn around and put hooks in your jaws and carry you out with all your army, horses and riders, all of them dressed in a great crowd with big and small shields, all with swords in hand. Persia, Ethiopia and Libya are with them, all with shield and helmet. Gomer and all its crowds, the people of the Tram of the Far East, and all its crowds, many peoples are with you "(Ezek 3: 4-6). The fact that the army is equipped with these old-fashioned weapons of war instead of modern weapons has meant that many do not regard the description here as literally. Instead of tanks, they are on horseback, which in Russia's case does not pose particular difficulties, as Russia still uses cavalry as part of the military force. But the shields, swords and helmets do not indicate that it is a modern army. Some have tried to explain the word usage by saying that Esekiel described the critic in terms he understood and that we must exchange the expressions with those who design modern weapons. As the description progresses, more weapons are added, such as arcs and arrows, spears and spears (Esek 39,9). The fact that these weapons will be burned later (verse 9) make it difficult to accept them as images of modern weapons, as these are usually metal and not wood. The final answer may not be in an attempt to explain this section of history, but merely state that it indicates that before this war there will be a major disarmament in the world. Under such conditions, if Russia wants to attack Israel and lacks modern weapons, one can quickly fabricate large quantities of weapons of this kind and equip the army with them. The main idea of the section, however, does not change with the description of the weapons. Israel described as a peaceful and unsuspecting nation In trying to determine the time of this war in the prophetic schedule, it is important to note the importance of Israel living in peace when the invasion happens. Apparently the attack is unexpected. Israel is not military prepared for this. There is no mention that the invaders encounter resistance. Instead, Israel is described as a nation who lives in peace: "Rest and complete everything, you and all your crowds who have gathered with you. You must be their guardian. When a long time has passed, you must be patterned. By the end of the years you shall come to a land which is redeemed from the sword. Its people are gathered from many peoples, up upon the mountains of Israel, as if you were desolate. But now it's taken from the people, and they live there safely. This is what you should pull up. You will come as a cloud, like a cloud, you will hide the land, you and all your multitudes and many peoples with you "(Ezek. 38: 7-9). The invasion force is anxious to attack Israel, but the land of Israel is described as an area "liberated from the sword," and the people of Israel are described as "gathered from many peoples, upon the mountains of Israel, to which you were desolate." Israel is further described as a people "brought forth from the people, and they all live safely" (Ezek. 38,8). As pointed out earlier, this corresponds with the prophetic image of the first half of the seven years leading to Christ's Second Coming. This will be a time of peace, when Israel lives in a covenant with the ruler over the ten nations. The fact that Israel lives in peace is further described in the mention of the invasion force: "Thus says the Lord Yahweh: In that day thoughts shall rise in your heart, and you shall conceive an evil plan, saying," I will go up to a land With open cities, I want to come across peaceful people who live safely, as everyone lives without walls and neither have bombs nor gates - to rob and rob and take a rampage to turn your hand against ruins that are rebuilt, and against a people gathered together from the peoples who have gathered feathers and goods living on the belly of the earth "(Ezek. 38: 10-12). The cities of Israel are described as without walls, which corresponds to the current situation, when walls no longer hold intruders away (verse 11). It is also said that there are "peaceful people who live safely, as all live without walls and neither have bombs nor gates" (verse 11). They live in a country described as "ruins rebuilt", and the people are said to be "gathered from the nations" (verse 12). A
This is more consistent with the situation Israel experiences during the peace agreement with the ruler over the ten nations. It is clear that this is a political situation in which not only Israel is attacked, but the entire tistat group that controls the Middle East at this time. This supports the idea that we have Russia's last desperate attempt to conquer the world. Israel is described as "my (God's) people Israel" who "lives safe" (verse 14). The purpose of invasion The section describing this future war makes it clear that those who invade seek material gain. It is said that they have decided to "rob and rob and take revenge, to turn your hand against ruins rebuilt, and to a people gathered from the peoples who have gathered fairy and goods that live on the belly of the earth "(Ezek. 38:12). In verse 13, they are described as taking braces, silver and gold, fairy and goods. The great numerical supremacy of the invasion army is described as follows: "As a storm shall you come, as a cloud, you shall conceal the land" (verse 9). The army is said to come from "many peoples". It will be "a great crowd and a tall army" (verse 15). Even if they are looking for material gain, it is really God who draws them into the war: "And you shall come up against my people Israel like a cloud and hide the land. In the last days it will happen. Then I will let you come over my land, that the people may come to know me when I reveal my holiness to you, Gog! "(Verse 16). The prophet describes The prophet describes in detail what will happen when this mighty the army invades the land of Israel: "But on that day, when Gog is coming over the land of Israel, says the Lord Yahweh, my wrath will rise in my presence. And in my jealousy, in my burning anger I say, Surely in that day there shall be a great earthquake over the land of Israel. The fish of the sea, and the birds of the sky, and the beasts of the field, and all the creeping things that are upon the earth, and all the inhabitants of the earth shall tremble before me. The mountains shall fall, and the mountains shall fall down, and every wall shall fall to the ground. And I will call upon him the sword upon all my mountains, saith the Lord Jehovah. The one's sword must be turned to the other. And they will know that I am the Lord. I will deal with him with plague and blood, and with a rinse of rain and hail stones. I will make fire and sulfur over him and his multitudes, and upon the many nations that are with him "(Ezekiel 38: 18-22). As evident from prophecy, the invasion will awaken God's wrath (Ezek. 38:18) ) and there are a number of disasters. First, there will be a great earthquake in the land (Ezek. 38:19). This earthquake will affect fish, birds, animals and all creatures on the ground. The mountains are bursting and building walls fall (verse 20). The next great judgment from God leads to confusion in the multinational army, so that they begin to fight each other: "The sword of the one shall turn to the other" (Ezek. 38,21). In the confusion that arises in connection with the earthquake, it is easy to understand that the troops can begin to fight each other. A third sentence comes across the army in the form of plague and bloodshed. God will use a plague against the enemies of Israel, which has also been used in other situations (eg Isaiah 37:36). On top of all this, there is a judgment from God in the form of rubbish rain and hailstones and burning sulfur (Ezek. 38,22). Although it seems like natural disasters for the army, it is God's supernatural deeds that are triggered. As illustrated in John's Revelation 16.21, unusually large hail can be deadly. The burning sulfur reminds of the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19:24). Some have interpreted the burning sulfur as a result of the earthquake triggering slumbering volcanoes, so they spell out their burning fire. No matter how to explain this, the result is clear. The invasion army is destroyed. God uses this as a means of demonstrating his power to the people: "And I will reveal my greatness and my holiness, and make me known to the eyes of many people, and they shall know that I am the Lord" (Ezek. 38:23). The invasion army is destroyed The prophecy continues. Now the complete destruction of the invasion army is described: "I will turn your bow out of your left hand and let your arrows fall out of your right hand. In the mountains of Israel you shall fall, you and all your multitudes and the peoples who are with you. I give you food for all birds of prey and for the wild animals of the field. On the ground you must fall. For I have spoken, says the Lord the Lord "(Ezek. 39.3-5). When God attacks the attackers, they will release their arcs and arrows. Their dead bodies become food for vultures and wildlife. In verse 4 it is stated that the whole army will be wiped out and that no one will survive: "In the mountains of Israel you shall fall, you and all your multitudes and peoples who are with you." After the battle After it has been established that God's purpose is to proclaim power in his holy name (Ezek. 39,7-8), saying that what remains after the battle will be sufficient fuel for seven years: "Then shall those who live in IsrAel cities, go out and burn fire and keep it alight with armor and small and large shields, with bows and arrows and spears and spears, and they will keep the fire on fire for seven years. They shall not catch wood from the field, neither shall they chop in the woods, but with the armor they shall keep the fire burning. They shall rob them that robbed them, and rob them that have robbed them, saith the Lord Jehovah. "(Verses 9-10) .The announcement that the fire will last for seven years, asks a little about how this should be understood in relation to Christ's Second Coming, as it appears to be that the attack will take place towards the end of it before the three and a half year period of the seven years preceding the second coming. That means there is enough time for it to burn up before the second coming. But the burning does not in itself create a prophetic timetable, and even after Christ's second coming, life will go on and it becomes necessary to have heat. This is therefore no objection to placing the invasion towards the end of the first three and a half years. The prophecy describes in detail how the dead are to be buried (Ezek. 39: 11-16). It will take seven months to bury the dead, and after that one will still find dead bodies to be buried. The scene is similar to the one describing Christ's Second Coming, when the vultures are invited to attach to dead bodies (verses 17-20). However, it is something completely different from that described in John's revelation 20.7-9, when the earth is destroyed immediately after the war mentioned. God's purpose of destroying the invasion army Ezekiel quotes God, as in the destruction of the invasion army proclaims its resistance to evil and his desire to restore Israel: "I will reveal my glory among the nations, and all the people shall see the judgment which I have held, and my hand as I have put upon them. And the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord your God, from that day and in the future. The people will realize that it was for their iniquity. The house of Israel was abducted. It was because they had been unfaithful to me, so I hid my face before them and gave them into the hand of their enemies. And they fell for the sword all together. This I did with them because of their uncleanness and their transgressions, and I hid my face for them "(39,21-24). Collection of Israel Ezekiel continues to describe how God will restore Israel:" Therefore says the Lord the Lord: Now I will put an end to the captivity of Jacob, and will rejoice over all the house of Israel, and I will envy my holy name. They shall bear their shame and all the wickedness they have shown against me when they live safely in their land, and no one despises them. When I bring them back from the people, and gather them from the land of their enemies, and reveal my holiness to them in the eyes of many people, they shall know that I am the Lord your God. For I have taken them to the people, but gathered them again to their land, and I will not let any of them return. I will no longer hide my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit upon the house of Israel, says the Lord Jehovah. "This seems to be fulfilled at the second coming. Although some details in this prophetic report are not necessarily clear, the outcome of the battle is clear. Russia's last attempt at world rule completely fails. Their armies are broken, and even in their own country, they will be exposed to fire from heaven (Ezek. 39.6). The final form of pagan power will follow as the tinning group becomes world government. Russia may have been a hindrance to this, and the fact that they are now completely eliminated can explain how the dictators in the tinational group can proclaim themselves as rulers all over the world without resistance. This war may well be the springboard that causes the ruler of the Middle East to come to power for the last three and a half years before Christ's Second Coming. During that period, Israel will undergo a terrible tribulation, and the world will largely be destroyed. Since this prophecy has never been fulfilled earlier, its fulfillment is a reminder that God is still on the throne and that there will be a settlement with God's enemies in the time of God and in God's way.
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