No. 1526:
Throughout the history of the congregation in the past - the present - and forever, God will not accept that someone who is married should serve "at the tables!"
Heb. 13. 8 Yesterday and today Jesus Christ is the same, yes forever.
One of Satan - our enemy's - great "tricks" is that God has changed his image of man.
He has not done that, it is always the same demands, opinions and everything that God has stood for and stands for today.
There is no change or writing shadow with God, He is not like us humans who need to change, improve and change our minds.
James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change or changing shadow.
God is eternal, and unchangeable, hallelujah!
It goes like a "red" thread throughout the entire Word of God, that no one who is married should be a member of the leadership of God's congregation to bear responsibility!
This is something that was in ancient Israel by priesthood there.
It applies to the New Testament congregation, and the coming 1000 years of Kingdom approaching.
That one today allows those who are remarried to perform on the podium and be in the lead is something that totally breaks with God's word, this is God's word very clear on.
But even though one has been divorced as a believer and one holds a ministry, more stringent criteria are set. There are several places in Paul's teaching that one should be one woman's husband (see Pastoral Letters). What?
Jacob says in his letter chapter 3: 1: “My brothers! Not many of you must become teachers! Because we know that we will get the more stringent judgment ”.
The responsibility is very great to be a preacher. Being a regular congregation member and being a preacher makes a big difference.
This is not to say that one is more loved by God, but it has to be faith in the area of responsibility God has given one. I believe that God will forgive every sin. But here are other things that need to be taken into consideration, which proclaims you to have a special responsibility.
Would anyone in a profane context allow a pedophile to work with children? No. Equally clear is the Scripture that we should not allow a married preacher to preach to other people with a Pastoral and Teacher responsibility.
That one is an Evangelist such as Frank Mangs was after he got divorced, we can admit. But do not be ordained as Pastor, Shepherd or Elder. One does not have to be the leader of the flock and the herd, but to be himself under some form of supervision.
But when one holds a ministry that proclaims, much is required.
Therefore, Jacob says that not many should be preachers. Therefore, a preacher cannot take liberties only at his own expense; he has a special responsibility for God and his fellow human beings.
When it comes to marriage, it is not allowed for a preacher to remarry under any circumstances, as he disqualifies himself for the office he has been given. It's like an athlete cutting off his legs, he is no longer fit to be an athlete, if he so wishes. A preacher should be a woman's man we see Paul teaching time after time. (1 Tim. 3.2 and Titus 1: 6).
We read that scripture gives a clear testimony of the pastor in the old covenant how to live, who stood in the same relationship of responsibility to God and his fellow men as the preacher and overseer in the new covenant. Leviticus 21:14: “A widow, or a divorced woman, or a dishonorable woman, or a harlot, he shall not marry such a thing. Only a virgin of his people shall he take to wife. "
We read that God gives the same testimony and demands the same of the Pastor during the coming 1000 year Kingdom to serve the people of Jerusalem in Israel, where law and justice are to be assumed. Ezekiel 44:22: “A widow or a woman whom her husband has divorced, they shall not take to wife, but only virgins of the house of Israel. But they can take a widow who is a widow after a priest. "
When Scripture is so clear about the pastor in the Old Covenant and during the 1000's, it is no less clear when it comes to the church's timekeeping, we who live under the most glorious and greatest privilege of all; "One woman's man".
Final Comment:
Jesus no to remarriage
When doing a very thorough analysis of Jesus' answer to the Pharisees in Matthew 19.9 to their question of when it is permissible to divorce.
Then shows that the exception clause in this verse ("for some reason other than adultery") is only related to the divorce ("the one who divorces his wife" and not to the remarriage ("and marries another").
Also, the disciples' response to Jesus' response, which Andersen points out, suggests that Matthew 19.9 should not be understood as permission for remarriage: Jesus' disciples probably shared the common view among the Jews that valid divorce meant valid remarriage.
Therefore, they respond with dismay to the strict conditions of marriage that Jesus expressed in the conversation with the Pharisees and believe that the conditions Jesus assumes must be better not to marry than to marry (19:10).
Thus, the reaction of the disciples seems to be an expression of their perception Jesus' answer to the Pharisees as an absolute no to new marriage.
In the review of Paul's teaching on marriage and unmarried status in 1 Corinthians 7, a Christian spouse is not "bound" by a mixed marriage in which the non-Christian party will be divorced (7.15), as a reference to the divorce ban the apostle has " from the Lord ", reproduced a few verses earlier (7.10-11), not for the dissolution of the matrimonial bond.
Also, an abandoned spouse should abide by the rule: either remain unmarried or reconcile with the spouse.
The profound exegetical review of Gospel texts, Paul and the Church Fathers provides me with a very solid basis for concluding that these texts do not give any right to remarriage after divorce.
Only two reasons for remarriage are in the New Testament.
1.) When one has been abandoned then one received salvation and the other then will not live as a believer.
1 Cor. 15 But if the unbeliever part, he shall do so; The brother or sister is not enslaved in such things, but God has called us to peace.
2.) At death, it provides an opportunity to enter into a new marriage.
Room. 7. 3 Therefore she shall be called an adulteress if, while the husband is alive, she is married to another man; but if the husband dies, she is free from the law, so that she does not become an adulteress if she marries another man.
Heavenly blog! We need your support: Account number of Post: 0535 06 05 845 How is that coming to the New Jerusalem? We have many questions that we want to answer! Now you can experience the sky in advance, you can submit your spiritual-related questions here: Questions may be sent by mail to me or SMS. Jk.chris @ SMS: 004799598070.See also:
torsdag 30. april 2020
fredag 17. april 2020
No. 1525: Personally, I believe that Jesus will come again in a period of time between 20 - 40 years, when Israel will first build the temple, begin with sacrifices and wait for the Antichrist with whom they will enter into a "pact of peace"!
No. 1525:
Personally, I believe that Jesus will come again in a period of time between 20 - 40 years, when Israel will first build the temple, begin with sacrifices and wait for the Antichrist with whom they will enter into a "pact of peace"!
Antioch 4. Epiphanes is called the Old Testament Antichrist.
We find him in Daniel's book chapters 8 and 11.

After the Macedonian-Greek world empire disintegrated, the kingdom was divided into four under his army leaders. Antioch came from the Syrian part. He ruled in the years 175-163 BC This is where the idea of the Antichrist's example comes in.
All in the early Christian era, one pointed out that John, with "the Antichrist," undoubtedly meant the same person Paul calls the man of sin, the son of perdition, the lawless. (1 John 2: 18: 4.3. 2 Thess. 2,3: 8.)
Paul says of the man of sin that he is "who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or sanctuary, so that he sits in the temple of God and pretends to be God". (2.Tess.2,4). The similarity and reference are not to be mistaken, the wording is almost the same as in Dan.11,36!
Antichrist law firms
He could do the most terrible blasphemy, the violation of God's temple in Jerusalem. The gold-plated incense altar, the golden candlestick, and the curtain between the holiest and the holiest of the temple were removed. After three years of profanation, in the year 164 BC the temple could be cleansed and re-consecrated under the leadership of the macabre family. At the time when the news reached Antiochus of how his army lost to the Jews, he was ill and later died in Babylon in 163 BC.
Many of the God-fearing Israelites never really finished Antiochus Epiphanes, the man who had hurt them so much. He lived on in the minds of many as an example of the wickedness to come in the end time before the Messiah came and took power from the wicked.
In Daniel's prophecies we read about “the little horn” emerging from the next world empire (the Roman) which is the end-time kingdom. (Dan.7,7-8; 19-26). Antichrist is both a person and a system. He is the individual who forms the pinnacle of a satanic system, and whose spiritual power and direction are always present as the secret of lawlessness. (2.Tess.2,7).
“The king will do as he pleases. He shall exalt himself and exalt himself above every God, and to the God of gods he speaks terrible words. He shall prosper until the wrath is ended. For that which is determined will be accomplished. " (Dan.11,36)
Here many Bible scholars believe that a theme change is taking place, and we look past Antioch to Antichrist himself. This goes far beyond what Antiochus did. He made the Jews worship the Greek gods, but the Antichrist should not care about the gods of his fathers. He is greater than all of them, and here the true nature of the Antichrist is revealed. He invokes divinity and rewards the worship of men.
Neither should he heed women's desire! (Dan.11,37). This has led Bible scholars to ask if he can also be a sodomite, which may resonate in our time. (1.Mos.19,4-5.Rom.1,18-28).
In Daniel 7:25 it is also said of Antichrist: “He shall speak words to the Most High, and suppress the Holy One of the Most High, and think of changing times and the law. And they will be surrendered in his hand for a time and times and a half. "
It is the last 3.5 years of the 70 years of tribulation for Israel and the nations before the time of the Gentiles is over. (Dan. 9:27. Lk.21,24).
Antiochus is the prototype of the coming Antichrist, and we find great similarities between them, only that the Antichrist's regime will be so much more terrible in scope, and the nature of his deeds so much more cruel.
The Word of God speaks very clearly of Israel being deceived and deceived - again!
Joh. e. 5. 43 I have come in my Father's name, and you do not receive me. But if another comes in his own name, you receive him.
One could say that Israel has been misled in all areas throughout history. Idolatry, sin, heresy etc.
But never been deceived that a false Messiah and Savior whom they have believed and trusted. Jesus rejected them, and all others who have also tried themselves.
This is what is going to happen, which Jesus and the prophets talked about.
And that the temple will be rebuilt, and we must expect that the sacrificial system will somehow get started again.
Of course, this is seduction.
Then Jesus has fulfilled the law once and for all, and the Old Testament sacrificial system is no longer "valid"!
Heb. 7. 23 And of their priests there were more, because at death they were prevented from persevering; 24 but this one has an incorruptible priesthood, because he abides forever, 25 and therefore he can also perfectly save those who come to God through him, as he always lives to intercede for them. 26 For such a high priest we also had to have, holy, innocent, pure, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens, 27 one who does not every day need, like the high priests, first to offer sacrifices for his own sins, then for the people; for this he did once for a Even when he sacrificed himself.
As long as Israel - and every human being - does not believe in Jesus and his finished work on Calvary. Then one is really under the control and influence of darkness.
It is wonderful what has happened to Israel.
They have not only got Canaan on their hands, but above all the great city of Jerusalem. It is a "forgotten" event, which is of the utmost importance.
Luke 21. 23 But woe unto them that are fruitful, and to them that give suck, in those days! 24 There shall be great distress upon the earth, and wrath upon this people; 24 And they shall fall at the edge of the sword, and shall be taken captive unto all peoples; and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the time of the Gentiles be ended.
When King Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem, we reads the book of Daniel, the Book of Kings and the Book of Jeremiah, then the time of the Gentiles began.
From Wikipedia:
When Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem in 597 BC and destroyed the city nine years later, he took captive large numbers of the people of Judea into Babylon to ensure that the country could not return. This Babylonian captivity is described in chapters 24–25 of the Second Book of the Old Testament. According to Hebrew tradition, the king captures the prophet Daniel and tries to convert him to Babylonian faith, but the young prophet opposes all attempts.
The book of Daniel tells Daniel that he becomes a dreamer of the court and that Nebuchadnezzar, who shows pride in his own kingdom, and does not give God the honor, is punished for eating grass and living like a wild animal for seven years without meeting other people. [read Daniel's book]
It is also told how Nebuchadnezzar casts the three godly men Shadrak, Meshach, and Abed-Nego into a fiery furnace, but without being consumed or harmed by the fire.
(quote at the end.)
Jesus himself says that when Israel reigns and has control over Jerusalem, the time of the Gentiles is over.
In 1967, a partial fulfillment of this prophecy happened.
Large Norwegian Encyclopedia:
The Six Day War, the term of the third Israeli-Arab war, which lasted for the six days from June 5 to 10, 1967, and fought between Israel on the one hand and several Arab states - primarily Egypt, Jordan and Syria - on the other. The Six Day War was short-lived, but has had long-lasting political repercussions for much of the Middle East, and not least for Israel, which subsequently became an occupying power. Israel still has control over much of the West Bank, and over the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem that are annexed.
(quote at the end.)
There is also a lot of nonsense here that East Jerusalem is annexed, this is of course a lie. It belongs only to the Jews, no one else.
But that in many ways Israel gained dominion over Jerusalem, it announces that the Gentile's time is soon over and it is Israel in conjunction with the Lord Jesus Christ and King David who will rule the whole earth, where law and justice will go from Jerusalem to the utmost of the earth.
Ezekiel 34. 23 And I will raise up one shepherd over them, and he shall smite them - my servant David; he shall smite them, he shall be their shepherd. 24 And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David shall be prince among them; I, the Lord, have spoken.
37. 24 And my servant David shall be king over them, and there shall be one shepherd for them all, and they shall obey my laws, and they shall keep my commandments and do them. 25 And they shall dwell in the land which I gave Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers dwelt; they shall dwell in it, they, and their children, and their grandchildren for ever: and David my servant shall be their prince forever. 26 And I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them; and I will settle them in my land, and I will make them numerous; and I will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for ever. 27 And my dwelling shall be upon them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 28 And the people shall know that I am the Lord, who sanctifies Israel, when my sanctuary is in the midst of them for ever.
This is the future of Israel, but Israel will also do things that announce the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
Blue. they will rebuild the temple, that is where the Antichrist will sit down and demand worship. Then Israel will reveal him, and the great tribulation begins.
With a 3 ½ years of hardship outside our grasp.
Only with 3 ½ years of false peace when Israel and the Antichrist will have made a covenant with each other. Then Jesus' words will come true.
Joh. e. 5. 43 I have come in my Father's name, and you do not receive me. But if another comes in his own name, you receive him.
At the same time, Jerusalem will for the last time "deprive" Israel, and they must flee from the Antichrist and the whole world will actually pursue them.
In other words, things will also happen to Israel as Scripture speaks clearly.
Read here:
Final Comment:
In many ways, one can say that the congregation is like the great watch on the clock.
But the little pointer is Israel.
When Israel regained its land in 1948, the bell of God struck a mighty blow.
Israel's rebirth lse is a powerful show at this time.
Two parallel things happen. The gathering of Jews in Israel and the selection of the Bride of Christ. Just as the Lord is now allowing Israel to go through difficulties in physically occupying and retaining the promised land, God spiritually cleanses his church on earth.
Jesus does not return until the Jews cry, "Baruch atah beshem adonaj."
Blessed be he who comes in the name of the Lord!
Personally, I believe that Jesus will come again in a period of time between 20 - 40 years, when Israel will first build the temple, begin with sacrifices and wait for the Antichrist with whom they will enter into a "pact of peace"!
Antioch 4. Epiphanes is called the Old Testament Antichrist.
We find him in Daniel's book chapters 8 and 11.

After the Macedonian-Greek world empire disintegrated, the kingdom was divided into four under his army leaders. Antioch came from the Syrian part. He ruled in the years 175-163 BC This is where the idea of the Antichrist's example comes in.
All in the early Christian era, one pointed out that John, with "the Antichrist," undoubtedly meant the same person Paul calls the man of sin, the son of perdition, the lawless. (1 John 2: 18: 4.3. 2 Thess. 2,3: 8.)
Paul says of the man of sin that he is "who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or sanctuary, so that he sits in the temple of God and pretends to be God". (2.Tess.2,4). The similarity and reference are not to be mistaken, the wording is almost the same as in Dan.11,36!
Antichrist law firms
He could do the most terrible blasphemy, the violation of God's temple in Jerusalem. The gold-plated incense altar, the golden candlestick, and the curtain between the holiest and the holiest of the temple were removed. After three years of profanation, in the year 164 BC the temple could be cleansed and re-consecrated under the leadership of the macabre family. At the time when the news reached Antiochus of how his army lost to the Jews, he was ill and later died in Babylon in 163 BC.
Many of the God-fearing Israelites never really finished Antiochus Epiphanes, the man who had hurt them so much. He lived on in the minds of many as an example of the wickedness to come in the end time before the Messiah came and took power from the wicked.
In Daniel's prophecies we read about “the little horn” emerging from the next world empire (the Roman) which is the end-time kingdom. (Dan.7,7-8; 19-26). Antichrist is both a person and a system. He is the individual who forms the pinnacle of a satanic system, and whose spiritual power and direction are always present as the secret of lawlessness. (2.Tess.2,7).
“The king will do as he pleases. He shall exalt himself and exalt himself above every God, and to the God of gods he speaks terrible words. He shall prosper until the wrath is ended. For that which is determined will be accomplished. " (Dan.11,36)
Here many Bible scholars believe that a theme change is taking place, and we look past Antioch to Antichrist himself. This goes far beyond what Antiochus did. He made the Jews worship the Greek gods, but the Antichrist should not care about the gods of his fathers. He is greater than all of them, and here the true nature of the Antichrist is revealed. He invokes divinity and rewards the worship of men.
Neither should he heed women's desire! (Dan.11,37). This has led Bible scholars to ask if he can also be a sodomite, which may resonate in our time. (1.Mos.19,4-5.Rom.1,18-28).
In Daniel 7:25 it is also said of Antichrist: “He shall speak words to the Most High, and suppress the Holy One of the Most High, and think of changing times and the law. And they will be surrendered in his hand for a time and times and a half. "
It is the last 3.5 years of the 70 years of tribulation for Israel and the nations before the time of the Gentiles is over. (Dan. 9:27. Lk.21,24).
Antiochus is the prototype of the coming Antichrist, and we find great similarities between them, only that the Antichrist's regime will be so much more terrible in scope, and the nature of his deeds so much more cruel.
The Word of God speaks very clearly of Israel being deceived and deceived - again!
Joh. e. 5. 43 I have come in my Father's name, and you do not receive me. But if another comes in his own name, you receive him.
One could say that Israel has been misled in all areas throughout history. Idolatry, sin, heresy etc.
But never been deceived that a false Messiah and Savior whom they have believed and trusted. Jesus rejected them, and all others who have also tried themselves.
This is what is going to happen, which Jesus and the prophets talked about.
And that the temple will be rebuilt, and we must expect that the sacrificial system will somehow get started again.
Of course, this is seduction.
Then Jesus has fulfilled the law once and for all, and the Old Testament sacrificial system is no longer "valid"!
Heb. 7. 23 And of their priests there were more, because at death they were prevented from persevering; 24 but this one has an incorruptible priesthood, because he abides forever, 25 and therefore he can also perfectly save those who come to God through him, as he always lives to intercede for them. 26 For such a high priest we also had to have, holy, innocent, pure, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens, 27 one who does not every day need, like the high priests, first to offer sacrifices for his own sins, then for the people; for this he did once for a Even when he sacrificed himself.
As long as Israel - and every human being - does not believe in Jesus and his finished work on Calvary. Then one is really under the control and influence of darkness.
It is wonderful what has happened to Israel.
They have not only got Canaan on their hands, but above all the great city of Jerusalem. It is a "forgotten" event, which is of the utmost importance.
Luke 21. 23 But woe unto them that are fruitful, and to them that give suck, in those days! 24 There shall be great distress upon the earth, and wrath upon this people; 24 And they shall fall at the edge of the sword, and shall be taken captive unto all peoples; and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the time of the Gentiles be ended.
When King Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem, we reads the book of Daniel, the Book of Kings and the Book of Jeremiah, then the time of the Gentiles began.
From Wikipedia:
When Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem in 597 BC and destroyed the city nine years later, he took captive large numbers of the people of Judea into Babylon to ensure that the country could not return. This Babylonian captivity is described in chapters 24–25 of the Second Book of the Old Testament. According to Hebrew tradition, the king captures the prophet Daniel and tries to convert him to Babylonian faith, but the young prophet opposes all attempts.
The book of Daniel tells Daniel that he becomes a dreamer of the court and that Nebuchadnezzar, who shows pride in his own kingdom, and does not give God the honor, is punished for eating grass and living like a wild animal for seven years without meeting other people. [read Daniel's book]
It is also told how Nebuchadnezzar casts the three godly men Shadrak, Meshach, and Abed-Nego into a fiery furnace, but without being consumed or harmed by the fire.
(quote at the end.)
Jesus himself says that when Israel reigns and has control over Jerusalem, the time of the Gentiles is over.
In 1967, a partial fulfillment of this prophecy happened.
Large Norwegian Encyclopedia:
The Six Day War, the term of the third Israeli-Arab war, which lasted for the six days from June 5 to 10, 1967, and fought between Israel on the one hand and several Arab states - primarily Egypt, Jordan and Syria - on the other. The Six Day War was short-lived, but has had long-lasting political repercussions for much of the Middle East, and not least for Israel, which subsequently became an occupying power. Israel still has control over much of the West Bank, and over the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem that are annexed.
(quote at the end.)
There is also a lot of nonsense here that East Jerusalem is annexed, this is of course a lie. It belongs only to the Jews, no one else.
But that in many ways Israel gained dominion over Jerusalem, it announces that the Gentile's time is soon over and it is Israel in conjunction with the Lord Jesus Christ and King David who will rule the whole earth, where law and justice will go from Jerusalem to the utmost of the earth.
Ezekiel 34. 23 And I will raise up one shepherd over them, and he shall smite them - my servant David; he shall smite them, he shall be their shepherd. 24 And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David shall be prince among them; I, the Lord, have spoken.
37. 24 And my servant David shall be king over them, and there shall be one shepherd for them all, and they shall obey my laws, and they shall keep my commandments and do them. 25 And they shall dwell in the land which I gave Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers dwelt; they shall dwell in it, they, and their children, and their grandchildren for ever: and David my servant shall be their prince forever. 26 And I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them; and I will settle them in my land, and I will make them numerous; and I will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for ever. 27 And my dwelling shall be upon them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 28 And the people shall know that I am the Lord, who sanctifies Israel, when my sanctuary is in the midst of them for ever.
This is the future of Israel, but Israel will also do things that announce the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
Blue. they will rebuild the temple, that is where the Antichrist will sit down and demand worship. Then Israel will reveal him, and the great tribulation begins.
With a 3 ½ years of hardship outside our grasp.
Only with 3 ½ years of false peace when Israel and the Antichrist will have made a covenant with each other. Then Jesus' words will come true.
Joh. e. 5. 43 I have come in my Father's name, and you do not receive me. But if another comes in his own name, you receive him.
At the same time, Jerusalem will for the last time "deprive" Israel, and they must flee from the Antichrist and the whole world will actually pursue them.
In other words, things will also happen to Israel as Scripture speaks clearly.
Read here:
Final Comment:
In many ways, one can say that the congregation is like the great watch on the clock.
But the little pointer is Israel.
When Israel regained its land in 1948, the bell of God struck a mighty blow.
Israel's rebirth lse is a powerful show at this time.
Two parallel things happen. The gathering of Jews in Israel and the selection of the Bride of Christ. Just as the Lord is now allowing Israel to go through difficulties in physically occupying and retaining the promised land, God spiritually cleanses his church on earth.
Jesus does not return until the Jews cry, "Baruch atah beshem adonaj."
Blessed be he who comes in the name of the Lord!
torsdag 16. april 2020
No. 1524: That the Oslo police and the courts let Jan Aage Torp, Torodd Fuglesteg and Ansgar Braut get away with everything they wrote about me, shows that the case against me was so bad it is possible to remain!
No. 1524:
That the Oslo police and the courts let Jan Aage Torp, Torodd Fuglesteg and Ansgar Braut get away with everything they wrote about me, shows that the case against me was so bad it is possible to remain!
Picture of Ansgar Braut which is the name he has signed on the internet, as far as I know and have been informed of, his real name is Arnt Arnesen from Stavanger.
That the police did not care about him who has gone 100 times longer than me in verbal words and expressions, of course he has not been as bad as Jan Aage Torp and Torodd Fuglesteg.
I live well by being subjected to a murder case, so I am in the company of both Jesus, Paul, Hans Nielsen Hauge, Jan Hus, Jeremiah, Stefanus and many, many other godly and good people.
These three, have no self-understanding of how scary and harmful their own actions are, and presumably believe that they have the exclusive right to define what is scary behavior, and that it is okay to be hypersensitive and very scared to criticize themselves.
This applies in particular to Jan Aage Torp, but also Torodd Fuglesteg and Ansgar Braut.
But let's stop at Ansgar Braut, where I post his threats and frightening behavior towards me and my family.
Ansgar Braut, which is the name he has signed online, as far as I know and have been informed of, is his real name Arnt Arnesen from Stavanger.
I have plenty of other stuff too, but may stop a little here. I have not threatened anyone near this, showing just how rotten the Oslo police and the courts have been against me and my family.
Ansgar Braut 3
Berit Nyland Christensen
fr. 16.10.2015 20:30
Have a lot more of Braut, but think you've had enough for now.
Jan K.
Police report by Ansgar Braut! Case number. 13146985
Ansgar Braut has created above all serious fears with several statements. Especially this one:
I have great resources, and a very large network of contacts, and I intend to use this to stop you, once and for all.
Here's what will happen:
1. Post an unreserved apology to your blog to all who have done you wrong and hurt, and ask them for forgiveness.
2. This message should be out for 1 week. Then, remove the blog in its entirety and stay away from all social media activity.
(quote at end).
See this in light of the false police review of Jan Aage Torp has come up against me and that I then had to report him.
Torp has tried to report me to cover that I have kept what God's word says to a Christian that he is living in adultery if he / she remarries after a breakup. Then one lives in adultery after the script, Torp's review of me must then be seen as false. It is to cover another.
Have experienced a very threatening person who sent me mail that I did not know before October 2, 2014 18:45 when the first mail came in.
He threatens directly, will take me and write that he will use his network of contacts to fuck me in Jesus name! This Jesus I do not know, but it is awkward and painful for us as a family to receive such threatening mailers.
Adds a mailer that he has sent and that I have replied to.
Sees this as threats and comes under:
Section 135a of the Criminal Code ("Discrimination or incitement because of religion and beliefs"), § 247 ("Defamation"), § 390 ("Persian harassment"), § 5.8 (Threats) and for creating fear.
I do not know who this is and lives, but have written here on the blog;
Here is his email address: Ansgar Braut
Think he lives in Klepp in Rogaland. (err, Ansgar Braut which is the name he has signed on the internet, as far as I know and have been informed of, his real name is Arnt Arnesen from Stavanger.)
Jan Kåre Christensen
Crockstone 2 c
0672 Oslo
Tel: 22611610/99598070
Here are also some things we have written on the Searchlight website:
jan kåre christensen on 20/10/2014 at 19:50 said:
This is directly threatening, is just about to write the police review, and talked to a police investigator whom I obviously do not name. got the Ingwersen couple to look at this and my wife. People I trust.
What you write Braut:
I have great resources, and a very large network of contacts, and I intend to use this to stop you, once and for all.
Here's what will happen:
1. Post an unreserved apology to your blog to all who have done you wrong and hurt, and ask them for forgiveness.
2. This message should be out for 1 week. Then, remove the blog in its entirety and stay away from all social media activity.
(quote at end).
These are several threatening things: You have a very contact network that you will use to crack and silence me!
jan kåre christensen on 20/10/2014 at 19:06 said:
Ansgar Braut I print all the mails that I have kept, from the first tin to the last. So the police get everything, you are the worst person n I've experienced until now as a Christian on the web. It tells you a lot about you!
The first was this one;
From: Ansgar Braut [mailto:]
Posted: October 2, 2014 6:45 PM
Subject: About keeping order in your own house…
I have therefore decided to follow you in the seams, to do what I can to gag you;
In Jesus name!
With regards
Ansgar Braut
He also wrote this on
Ansgar Braut on 03/11/2014 at 22:57 said:
To "Someone": As I understand it, he lives with his wife, and a well-grown son is registered at the address.
But, if he had had minor children, I would have long ago collected all the material I have and sent a concern message to the child welfare service.
But, of course, one can question whether the wife is as sick as him? Or if she is completely cowed? Threatened to silence and submissiveness?
Ansgar Braut on 03/11/2014 at 20:11 said:
JKC has no support from anyone: He even posted some supporting statements from Ingwersen. If Ingwersen really supported them, they would have supported him here. Neither does his wife support him! And not the kids, either ... But why do they let this man do this madness?
He must be forced now! He obviously needs extensive help, and society needs a long break from him!
Ansgar Braut on 01/11/2014 at 17:05 said:
I can confirm that I have sent a thoroughly documented report to Unibuss AS.
I received a confirmation from them that they had received several complaints about this bus driver.
We simply have to "pick apart" this evil man, bit by bit… ..
Ansgar Braut on 30/10/2014 at 17:11 said:
Now JKC has published a long report on Jan Hanvold on his blog. I just got physically unwell from reading it. I hardly believed my own eyes ...
Now it should be said that I am not a super fan of Hanvold (for several reasons), but of course I do not want to hurt him, and he is definitely a man of God!
That JKC dares to say that others live in sin is absolutely amazing, all the while he himself is living in sin. He steals and lies deliberately many times a day. And we know that God does not rank any sin worse than anyone else.
I hope that Torp's case can be brought to the police soon, so that this will hopefully be the beginning of the end for Christensen's life in public.
When it comes to whether he is in mental imbalance / suffering from psychiatric illness, several have questioned whether he is fit to ride a bus.
On Tuesday I therefore sent a comprehensive mail to Uni-Bus, where I explain Christensen's activity online, and ask them to make an assessment of whether he is mentally fit to ride a bus.
I received feedback from Uni-Bus today, where they confirmed that they had received several complaints about Christensen.
Look here and enter my name in the search box on and you will get a lot of what Braut has written.
Final Comment:
To end this, it is extra bad that he also contacted my son and hung out as something I would not even mention.
The man is, of course, criminal, that the Oslo police overlooked everything he wrote completely proven.
As well as what Jan Aage Torp and Torodd Fuglesteg wrote, just shows that the agenda was to take me.
Although Dag Paulsen in the Oslo District Court admitted that what I have written was not criminal.
It just shows the rottenness of the Oslo police and the courts, Christians should take precedence over someone else!
That the Oslo police and the courts let Jan Aage Torp, Torodd Fuglesteg and Ansgar Braut get away with everything they wrote about me, shows that the case against me was so bad it is possible to remain!
Picture of Ansgar Braut which is the name he has signed on the internet, as far as I know and have been informed of, his real name is Arnt Arnesen from Stavanger.
That the police did not care about him who has gone 100 times longer than me in verbal words and expressions, of course he has not been as bad as Jan Aage Torp and Torodd Fuglesteg.
I live well by being subjected to a murder case, so I am in the company of both Jesus, Paul, Hans Nielsen Hauge, Jan Hus, Jeremiah, Stefanus and many, many other godly and good people.
These three, have no self-understanding of how scary and harmful their own actions are, and presumably believe that they have the exclusive right to define what is scary behavior, and that it is okay to be hypersensitive and very scared to criticize themselves.
This applies in particular to Jan Aage Torp, but also Torodd Fuglesteg and Ansgar Braut.
But let's stop at Ansgar Braut, where I post his threats and frightening behavior towards me and my family.
Ansgar Braut, which is the name he has signed online, as far as I know and have been informed of, is his real name Arnt Arnesen from Stavanger.
I have plenty of other stuff too, but may stop a little here. I have not threatened anyone near this, showing just how rotten the Oslo police and the courts have been against me and my family.
Ansgar Braut 3
Berit Nyland Christensen
fr. 16.10.2015 20:30
Have a lot more of Braut, but think you've had enough for now.
Jan K.
Police report by Ansgar Braut! Case number. 13146985
Ansgar Braut has created above all serious fears with several statements. Especially this one:
I have great resources, and a very large network of contacts, and I intend to use this to stop you, once and for all.
Here's what will happen:
1. Post an unreserved apology to your blog to all who have done you wrong and hurt, and ask them for forgiveness.
2. This message should be out for 1 week. Then, remove the blog in its entirety and stay away from all social media activity.
(quote at end).
See this in light of the false police review of Jan Aage Torp has come up against me and that I then had to report him.
Torp has tried to report me to cover that I have kept what God's word says to a Christian that he is living in adultery if he / she remarries after a breakup. Then one lives in adultery after the script, Torp's review of me must then be seen as false. It is to cover another.
Have experienced a very threatening person who sent me mail that I did not know before October 2, 2014 18:45 when the first mail came in.
He threatens directly, will take me and write that he will use his network of contacts to fuck me in Jesus name! This Jesus I do not know, but it is awkward and painful for us as a family to receive such threatening mailers.
Adds a mailer that he has sent and that I have replied to.
Sees this as threats and comes under:
Section 135a of the Criminal Code ("Discrimination or incitement because of religion and beliefs"), § 247 ("Defamation"), § 390 ("Persian harassment"), § 5.8 (Threats) and for creating fear.
I do not know who this is and lives, but have written here on the blog;
Here is his email address: Ansgar Braut
Think he lives in Klepp in Rogaland. (err, Ansgar Braut which is the name he has signed on the internet, as far as I know and have been informed of, his real name is Arnt Arnesen from Stavanger.)
Jan Kåre Christensen
Crockstone 2 c
0672 Oslo
Tel: 22611610/99598070
Here are also some things we have written on the Searchlight website:
jan kåre christensen on 20/10/2014 at 19:50 said:
This is directly threatening, is just about to write the police review, and talked to a police investigator whom I obviously do not name. got the Ingwersen couple to look at this and my wife. People I trust.
What you write Braut:
I have great resources, and a very large network of contacts, and I intend to use this to stop you, once and for all.
Here's what will happen:
1. Post an unreserved apology to your blog to all who have done you wrong and hurt, and ask them for forgiveness.
2. This message should be out for 1 week. Then, remove the blog in its entirety and stay away from all social media activity.
(quote at end).
These are several threatening things: You have a very contact network that you will use to crack and silence me!
jan kåre christensen on 20/10/2014 at 19:06 said:
Ansgar Braut I print all the mails that I have kept, from the first tin to the last. So the police get everything, you are the worst person n I've experienced until now as a Christian on the web. It tells you a lot about you!
The first was this one;
From: Ansgar Braut [mailto:]
Posted: October 2, 2014 6:45 PM
Subject: About keeping order in your own house…
I have therefore decided to follow you in the seams, to do what I can to gag you;
In Jesus name!
With regards
Ansgar Braut
He also wrote this on
Ansgar Braut on 03/11/2014 at 22:57 said:
To "Someone": As I understand it, he lives with his wife, and a well-grown son is registered at the address.
But, if he had had minor children, I would have long ago collected all the material I have and sent a concern message to the child welfare service.
But, of course, one can question whether the wife is as sick as him? Or if she is completely cowed? Threatened to silence and submissiveness?
Ansgar Braut on 03/11/2014 at 20:11 said:
JKC has no support from anyone: He even posted some supporting statements from Ingwersen. If Ingwersen really supported them, they would have supported him here. Neither does his wife support him! And not the kids, either ... But why do they let this man do this madness?
He must be forced now! He obviously needs extensive help, and society needs a long break from him!
Ansgar Braut on 01/11/2014 at 17:05 said:
I can confirm that I have sent a thoroughly documented report to Unibuss AS.
I received a confirmation from them that they had received several complaints about this bus driver.
We simply have to "pick apart" this evil man, bit by bit… ..
Ansgar Braut on 30/10/2014 at 17:11 said:
Now JKC has published a long report on Jan Hanvold on his blog. I just got physically unwell from reading it. I hardly believed my own eyes ...
Now it should be said that I am not a super fan of Hanvold (for several reasons), but of course I do not want to hurt him, and he is definitely a man of God!
That JKC dares to say that others live in sin is absolutely amazing, all the while he himself is living in sin. He steals and lies deliberately many times a day. And we know that God does not rank any sin worse than anyone else.
I hope that Torp's case can be brought to the police soon, so that this will hopefully be the beginning of the end for Christensen's life in public.
When it comes to whether he is in mental imbalance / suffering from psychiatric illness, several have questioned whether he is fit to ride a bus.
On Tuesday I therefore sent a comprehensive mail to Uni-Bus, where I explain Christensen's activity online, and ask them to make an assessment of whether he is mentally fit to ride a bus.
I received feedback from Uni-Bus today, where they confirmed that they had received several complaints about Christensen.
Look here and enter my name in the search box on and you will get a lot of what Braut has written.
Final Comment:
To end this, it is extra bad that he also contacted my son and hung out as something I would not even mention.
The man is, of course, criminal, that the Oslo police overlooked everything he wrote completely proven.
As well as what Jan Aage Torp and Torodd Fuglesteg wrote, just shows that the agenda was to take me.
Although Dag Paulsen in the Oslo District Court admitted that what I have written was not criminal.
It just shows the rottenness of the Oslo police and the courts, Christians should take precedence over someone else!
onsdag 15. april 2020
No. 1523: Elin P. Gregusson bears false testimony of Jan Aage Torp!
Elin P. Gregusson bears false testimony of Jan Aage Torp!
Now Jan Aage Torp has a feud against Levi Fragell. I very much doubt that he is coming. Comparing the case with me and Fragell is an impossibility that Torp does in several posts on his many websites.
The Oslo police and the courts hated me for my Christian faith and confession, and behaved completely, completely behind targets.
I had never written, spoken or otherwise done anything punishable by what they convicted me of.
Section 390a of the Criminal Code "for violating another's peace by intimidating or troublesome behavior or other reckless conduct".
The truth was that Torp and Fuglesteg were the ones who called for ABB's followers, successor and twin soul. As well as Birding's goal was to kill me which was the most bad thing that was said and written. This completely overlooked the police and the courts, although this was brought forward.
That I call and call Torp a whore, a narcissist and a cynical manipulator, I stand for, as I have written and spoken.
It is, above all, true, which is not what is written and spoken about me.
That they will do this to Levi Fragell I highly doubt that he will be charged, punished and convicted. He is of this world, and is basically a Christian hater, and such does not punish society!
Fragell also said that Torp's remarriage with his nanny was terrific. It shows that Fragell and Torp are both on the same "team" and belong to the same realm and have the same values. They are both children of darkness and belong to the kingdom of Satan. Believe that Torp can compare me and Fragell, who will probably be overprotected by the police and the courts, would get me started. It was a very dirty game.
Here, Levi Fragell accepts Torp's threats of review. He could report me and win when the Oslo police and the courts did everything to get me convicted, but I highly doubt that it goes to others.
Then there will be fright.

1.) This is what Elin P. Gregusson writes:
Although Torp is controversial and never so reviled, he is not "stupid".
Jan Aage Torp is not only stupid, but hateful and stupid.
When Torodd Fuglesteg had a campaign for probably over 2-3 years to call me for everything possible as a child murder supporter, Anders Behring Brevik twin soul, follower, successor and most of all what else could be mentioned. Who hung out with the same karastics? Jan Aage Torp.
Jan Aage Torp is both stupid and evil.
2.) He is not spiteful, ironic or educated either.
Jan Aage Torp is probably the most spiteful, naughty, ironic and non-formed person one can imagine?
He cannot tolerate being contradicted or taught at all. He is constantly offended and constantly seeks attention for his own person.
Here is some of what Jan Aage Torp has called me, it speaks.
As well as what he has labeled others for.
It is Torp who hates me, what we preach and reveal on the Heavenly Blog!
He himself can condemn anything and everyone. The homosexuals are scum and are a cancerous force in society that must be removed. I am a liar and Demon etc.
But when he himself is required to live by the word of God as a public "Pastor" and "Apostle" the whole world goes down. He is really a diaper boy who needs supervision as he is unable to stand up as a man and accept a noise that he demands of everyone else except himself! But it does not go into the world of God!
The kingdom of God also has its laws, ordinances and something is required to call itself a citizen of the kingdom of God.
We find this not least in the teaching of Jesus and Paul that speaks of remarriage for a believer is adultery, adultery, and living in sin!
Torp's statements about me:
"Anders Behring Breivik sympathizer, twin soul and follower". (many, many times).
"If you want a" wish opponent ", Jan Kåre Christensen is" perfect ".
Furthermore, Torp writes that I am filthy, stalker, totally unintelligent, a bullshit, the "hat-blogger", idiot, demon, lusts, mean-spirited blogger, protagonist who lacks the mind of Christ, ordinary judgment and social intelligence. Rumor JKC and, to say the least, his insight into English and Norwegian is pretty limited too!
I am struck by what low level JKC is acting on…. "
About the Heavenly Blog: "who is confused, naughty, evil and stupid - throughout. It should be closed, short and good. He also writes this on the Heavenly Blog: "Jan Kåre Christensen's Un-Heavenly Blog!"
"I want the police to bring charges and bring him to justice. I have no qualms about having to atone. "
You should probably call it a variant of social pornography »+ Much, much more!
Think, Pastor Jan Aage Torp has admitted everything too, but is not charged or punished for anything. Yes, the children of the world and the evil know how to protect and fend for each other.
Torp himself also admitted in his testimony that he also called Christensen on his website both "lies", "idiotic", "rumor spread", "bad", "evil and stupid" and communicates "social pornography" +++ a lot , much more!
Why does Jan Aage Torp call me for all these ugly things? By several reasons, first and foremost, that I have revealed him as who he really is, through evil, dangerous, manipulative and a truly narcissist.
Description of Jan Aage Torp here.
Some narcissism
You should not always believe in flattery. Sometimes the intention is really just to lower your defenses and make it easier to manipulate you. When someone flames you, they serve your good will. But they do not always do it with good intentions.
The best antidote to flattery is knowing yourself well. No one knows your strengths and weaknesses better than you. If you know yourself, unpleasant admiration and flattery will come as a surprise to you. Other people will not be able to "smear you".
Torp also played offended and wore and always has many hats on forever to achieve his goals and intentions as the manipulator and psychopath he is and remains.
With me Jan Aage Torp did not come any way.
Then he went to the police and the courts who were more than willing to do the job for psychopath Jan Aage Torp.
Notice that everything I've written and spoken about Jan Aage Torp has been true,
From what he has written and talked about me, it is a lie from beginning to end, just like the Devil is. Torp is obviously one of his "initiated" ones, and is so far away from healthy and true evangelical Christianity it is possible to come!
Joh. e. 8. 44 You have the devil to father, and you will do your father's lusts; he was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth; for truth is not in him. When he speaks lies, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Jan Aage Torp can for example. run a person for 1.5 Million, take the money, spend them and then say that they are ill and have to fend for themselves.
It is so contradictory it can remain. He is bad, evil and ugly, this is the real Jan Aage Torp,
Elin P. Gregusson's testimony of Jan Aage Torp that he is a smart and fine man is so far away from the truth it is possible to come.
He is really an old "pig" who ravages and keeps on reaching his goals and selfish goals. The scriptures say about the following:
Obvious. 2. 2 I know of thy works, and of thy work, and of thy patience, and that thou canst not bear the wicked; you have tried those who say they are apostles and are not, and you have found them to be liars;
2 Cor. 11. 13 For these are false apostles, deceitful workers, who make themselves apostles of Christ. 14 And it is no wonder; for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light; 15 Therefore there is nothing great about him, and his servants turn to the servants of righteousness; but their end shall be according to their deeds.
From My Bible Commentaries Jude 10 These, on the other hand, mock what they do not know, and what they understand with their senses, like animals without reason, only serves to destroy them themselves.
A very famous preacher said that he treated the Holy Spirit like a dog. They do not know what they are doing.
If we enter into the spiritual realm then know that it must be on the Lord's premises not our own.
It's bad about homosexuality with it getting 10 times worse when those people want God's recognition for their sin! The same is true with remarriage and other sins. The worst place one can put up a remarried person is on a lectern! It is an abomination in the eyes of God, but if he sits on the last bench, it is not so severe if God never accepts sin.
11 Woe to them! They have turned in the same way as Cain; they have gone out in the same delusion as Balaam, the one who was seeking their own gain, and they have rebelled as Korah and perished.
Here it is warned not to go against the Lord's messengers and to deal less with them and to hate them.
Cain hated Abel when his sacrifice was appreciated by God but not his.
Balaam was a heathen that the Spirit of God worked through, but it was when he went against the Lord for some money that judgment came upon him.
Korah went against Moses and it became his course. Moses was a trusted man to God and to go against him was like going against the Lord Himself.
12 They are ashamed of your love-meals; where they participate without fear. They are shepherds who only provide for themselves, clouds that run in the wind without rain. They are trees without fruit in the fall, twice dead, yes, torn up with root.
One of the most serious things one can do is make mistakes with the sacrament.
Whether to take this lightly. On the day of taking the sacrament there must never be any obvious sin in life, then it is infinitely better to let go.
Or one must not attach sacrificial significance to the sacrament by saying that there is salvation in it or that it is literally the blood and body of Jesus. It's a memory and sample meal.
There are many who believe they support the cause of God and the church but keep a life in the False Prophets. This is what the Lord will one day give you to account for.
In reality, many are spiritually dead if they can quote a Bible verse and sit in their own studio to carve out their own message that is similar to the Bible's true message. Twice dead then all hope is out and about only judgment and death await.
13 They are waves upon the sea of turmoil, which foams its own shamelessness, astray stars, as the eternal night darkness awaits.
The verdict on these people had not been so catastrophic, they had buzzed and not misinterpreted God in their lives.
The strangest thing I see is people cursing a God they say does not exist. They make it worse for him to interfere with his life. God demands full respect and recognition of everything he stands for or you have to leave something to do with him.
James 4 5 Or do you mean empty words when Scripture says: With burning zeal does God claim the spirit He has placed in us? 6a But the grace he gives is greater.
tirsdag 14. april 2020
No. 1522: The Oslo police and the courts were like "blood-dogs" against me, and I was exposed to the murder of the time, that Jan Aage Torp pulls this into his feud with Levi Fragell showing only his own evil and manipulative ability!
The Oslo police and the courts were like "blood-dogs" against me, and I was exposed to the murder of the time, that Jan Aage Torp pulls this into his feud with Levi Fragell showing only his own evil and manipulative ability!
Then the narcissist and manipulator Jan Aage Torp managed to distort and deceive both the Oslo police and the courts. Then no one found anything punishable by what I had written and spoken, but judging me they would anyway.
Therefore, I was subjected to the murder of justice of the time (by that I mean that everything I have spoken and written is covered by the freedom of belief and expression, and that Jan Aage Torp had gone much further than me in his statements).
We had a word shift with a lot of reasoning back and forth.
In court, this was not emphasized at all, not even discussed.
But when the verdict came, this was the only and conclusive "evidence" against me.
Although I said in the Court of Appeal that the figures that Jan Aage Torp operated with were false numbers and did not document.
No one was more excited than me by Jan Aage Torp, Ansgar Braut, Torodd Fuglesteg and others.
But when the police and the courts he would convict me, and they were like "bloodhounds" and behaved as if they had dark and lying powers that controlled and deceived them. Then I was exposed to the judicial murder of the time.
They were simply hunting for me, excited by Jan Aage Torp's lies and the making of it all. That he will succeed in this I highly doubt as Levi Fragell is a servant of Satan and belongs to the evil side. Then I do not mean on the human plane, since I do not know Levi Fragell. But it was undoubtedly the satanic and dark forces of power in and around Jan Aage Torp that prevailed. The man is obviously consumed by alien powers and is as far away from God in all that he is doing as possible.
Picture of the evil and manipulative Jan Aage Torp.
But Jesus said, "If they persecuted me, they will persecute you."
Satan used against me the very same people who persecuted Hans Nielsen Hauge, false Christians, the police and the courts.
And against Jesus - our Savior and Lord - who suffered as a criminal without being.
1 Cor. 2. 8 he whom none of the lords of this world knew; for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory;
Acts 13 13 The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his servant Jesus, whom ye betrayed and denied before Pilate, when he judged that he should be released; 14 But you denied the holy and righteous, and prayed for a murderer to be given to you, 15 but you killed the chief of life, whom God raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses.

I am out of this discussion forever, my goal has only been to point out Jan Aage Torp as a false apostle and who lives in adultery with being remarried.
Everything else has been immaterial, but I stand by everything I've written about him.
Personally, I think he will struggle to get Levi Fragell charged, convicted and punished as he got it with me.
In my case there was a lynching mood towards me. I should be taken anyway.
But what about Levi Fragell and Co.? They have the whole world in the back as they are of the world and are to be judged by a rigid system as it works today as there are so many unjust and false people who govern and hold in the Norwegian courts today.
Here's some of what Jan Aage Torp has written about me, and everything is a lie. That he has not been punished for this just shows how rotten the Norwegian justice system is when they let Torp go free. But punish me for a fabricated crime.
Call someone what Pastor Jan Aage Torp labels me, as "Anders Behring Breivik sympathizer, twin soul and follower". (many, many times).
It is 1 Million times worse than anything that others have ever been hated and harassed for. Others are convicted, Pastor Jan Aage Torp is protected even though he is obviously a criminal and deals with harassment and anger.
It is impossible to call anyone for worse things than what Torp has labeled. It's not possible.
At the same time, Pastor Torp should receive ten times punishment as this is only to spread false rumors and create a charged mood against me. So that everyone would take me!
The man is super-criminal obviously.
Look here for what Pastor Jan Aage Torp has called me for and not punished for this, call me "Anders Behring Breivik sympathizer, twin soul and follower". (many, many times).
Here are some of what Jan Aage Torp has called me, not a little:
"Anders Behring Breivik sympathizer, twin soul and follower". (many, many times).
'You should If a "wish opponent" happened, then Jan Kåre Christensen is "perfect".
Furthermore, Torp writes that I am filthy, stalker, totally unintelligent, a bullshit, the "hat-blogger", idiot, demon, lusts, mean-spirited blogger, protagonist who lacks the mind of Christ, ordinary judgment and social intelligence. Rumor JKC and, to say the least, his insight into English and Norwegian is pretty limited too!
I am struck by what low level JKC is acting on…. "
About the Heavenly Blog: "who is confused, naughty, evil and stupid - throughout. It should be closed, short and good. He also writes this on the Heavenly Blog: "Jan Kåre Christensen's Un-Heavenly Blog!"
"I want the police to bring charges and bring him to justice. I have no qualms about having to atone. "
You should probably call it a variant of social pornography »+ Much, much more!
Final Comment:
Think, Pastor Jan Aage Torp has admitted everything too, but is not charged or punished for anything.
Torp himself also admitted in his testimony that he also called Christensen on his website both "lies", "idiotic", "rumor spread", "bad", "evil and stupid" and communicates "social pornography" +++ a lot , much more!
søndag 12. april 2020
No. 1521: Personally, I believe that Jesus will come again in a time period between 20 - 40 years, when the world will get worse, Christians will evangelize the whole world, and all prophecies will be fulfilled!
No. 1521:
Personally, I believe that Jesus will come again in a time period between 20 - 40 years, when the world will get worse, Christians will evangelize the whole world, and all prophecies will be fulfilled!
A security guard was previously a public watchman in the cities. They provided peace and order at night, notified fire, reported time and wind direction, and looked after the streetlights.
We as believers - not least the preachers - should be like a watchman, who can say things that no one else knows. We will inform about important things.
German Guard (Nachtwächter), a nightly city watchman, produced on a copper engraving from 1799. The watchman has a warning horn and a stick.

A security guard was previously a public watchman in the cities. They provided peace and order at night, notified fire, reported time and wind direction, and looked after the streetlights.
We as believers - not least the preachers - should be like a watchman, who can say things that no one else knows. We will inform about important things.
German Guard (Nachtwächter), a nightly city watchman, produced on a copper engraving from 1799. The watchman has a warning horn and a stick.
2 Pet. 3. 11 Now that all these things are dissolved, wherefore do ye strive for holy works and godliness, 12 waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, whereby the heavens shall be dissolved in fire, and the heavenly bodies melting in the fire! 13 But we wait for his promise new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. 14 Wherefore, beloved, when ye wait this, win ye to be found without spot, and obey him in peace, 15 and observe the patience of our Lord for salvation, even as also our beloved brother Paul hath written unto you according to the wisdom which has been given to him, 16 as in all his letters when he speaks in them; in them there is something that is difficult to discern, and which the uneducated and unconfirmed seem to misrepresent, as they do with the other scriptures, to their own downfall. 17 Then, beloved, who know this before, take heed that ye be not enthralled by the deceit of the wicked, and fall out of your own steadfastness; 18 But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Him be the glory both now and forever! Amen.
Scripture speaks that only the Father who knows the time of the rapture of the congregation and the Antichrist and the false prophet entered this world.
Mark 13. 32 But that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, not even the Son, but my Father alone.
The Apostle Peter speaks that we can influence the coming of the Lord. There are very strong words here: "Now that all these things are dissolved, wherefore must ye strive for holy works and godliness, 12 waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God,"
I cannot say with an assurance that I am 100% right with certainty, but I have a clear feeling in my heart and mind. Explaining this to the fullest, of course, I cannot, then you must enter my heart and mind. Of course, this is an impossibility, but to try and explain this, I do this through this article.
I 2 Pet. 3. 11 and 12 it is freely reproduced from the basic text.
Here, from Arne Jordly's translation, the greatest human being we have on our website.
2 Pet. 3. 11 Because all this is to be disintegrated, how much more should you not live as holy and godly? 12 Wait and hasten the day of the Lord's presence. For on that day the heavens shall burn up, and the elements shall melt as with burning heat.
Here it is actually true that it is up to us that the congregation - us Christians - is influencing when Jesus comes to bring the bride and Antichrist and the false prophet appear in the arena.
We read clearly that we "speed up" the coming of the Lord, or "slow down" the coming of the Lord. Do we need so many more Bible words? Not really, but you should get some.
Furthermore, Scripture speaks of the following.
From My Bible Commentaries 13. 1. As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Master! Look, for some rocks and some buildings! ”
The temple in Jerusalem was huge. There had been several temples there. Solomon's Temple was the first, further rebuilt after the abduction to Babylon, the so-called Temple of Zerubbabel.
And now what was called Herod's Temple. The building itself was also very large with the Temple Square which was located in Jerusalem at the height of Moria. There were also the administration buildings that Solomon built. It is believed that the temple site was just behind the site of the Rock Mosque now, but the exact location is debated. Before that, David had his palace on the second hill, Zion. In Roman times, several other important buildings were located on or near Moria, such as the colonnades and the Antoniaborg. Both temples had two large rooms or halls, the sacred and the most sacred, and they also had side buildings with several rooms.
Two temples will be built in Jerusalem. The first to Antichrist, 2 Thess 2, John 11 and the second and last to Jesus Christ, Ezek. 40-48.
2 He answered, "Yes, do you see these great buildings? There shall not be stone left on stone; everything has to be torn down. ”
This prophecy came true in the year 70. Emperor Titus then destroyed the Jewish Temple and everything else in year 70 AD According to historian Josephus, the Jewish population was then between 5 and 7 million, but was greatly reduced by persecution, about 1 Mill of Jews were killed in Jerusalem in the year 70 by the destruction of the city.
3 As he sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the Temple, and Peter, James, John and Andrew were alone with him, they asked him:
Here was Jesus on the Mount of Olives that he descended from and will be returning to at the beginning of the 1000's. It will be a wonderful future for the Jews and everyone else who believes in God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
4 "Tell us: When will this happen, and what is the sign when all this will be accomplished?"
Here were his closest disciples, Peter, Jacob, John and Andreas. Two brothers who had followed the Master and Rabbi Jesus Christ during the 3 1 \ 2 years of his public ministry. They were keen on when it was going to happen and he gives many details later in his end-time speech.
5 Jesus answered and said,
Make sure no one gets you lost!
Jesus' first and most important warning to his disciples was not to be led astray by faith. We live in a time when other religions are asserting, but the seduction will come from within the evangelical congregations learning the word of God.
Acts 20. 29 For I know that when I go away, fierce wolves will invade you, and they will not spare the flock. 30 And among you some men shall rise up and go forth with false teaching to draw the disciples with them.
6 For many shall come in my name, saying, "It is me." And they must mislead many.
When they say they will come in my name. Then it is meant that they say they are sent and led by God. But they do not adhere to the words of scripture neither in life nor in teaching.
They are trained, says Peter. These false Prophets who are doing today are skilled, good, and know what they are doing. There are many false prophets, not least within Pentecostal cries. But they spread to all Christian congregations and movements that open up to this. Satan does not allow himself to pray twice before he starts!
7 When you hear of wars, and there are rumors of war, do not be alarmed! This must happen, but the end has not yet come.
This Jesus speaks here are also words of comfort and admonition to us as his brothers and sisters that we should not be alarmed by what is happening. Even wars and rumors of war will continue, and the great progress people make on every level.
8 People shall rise against people, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be earthquakes in many places, and famine. This is the beginning of the birth paths.
Even great advances for mankind at all levels do not create peace between men, it will escalate in the end times all these things that Jesus mentions here. War, rumors of war, earthquake, famine and etc.
9 Watch out! They will surrender you to the courts, they will whip you in the synagogues, you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake and stand as witnesses for them.
Watch out, Jesus says again and again. There are dangers at every level whether one is being pursued or not. Satan knows he has little time left and will either try with persecution or seduction!
10 And the gospel must first be preached to all peoples.
Notice the wording, here Mark mentions the gospel. In Matthew 24. 14 And the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached throughout the world for a witness unto all peoples, and the end shall come. The Jews, especially the 144,000 of which the Book of Revelation speaks, will in the end preach the gospel of the kingdom - the 1000 year kingdom. But we, as believing Gentiles, but also Jesus-believing Jews have the gospel and cross-preaching at the center. 1.Kor.1. 18 For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who perish, but to us who are saved, it is the power of God.
11 But when they carry you away and surrender to the authorities, you should not be worried about what to say. Say what is being given to you at the same time! For it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.
We should not walk around worrying about anything or anyone, but watch and pray. All the challenges and difficulties that come our way, God has given us a resource for dispensation. His own Spirit, the Holy Spirit who will give us the right words at the right time in every occasion.
12 Brother shall set brother and send him to death, and a father his child, and children shall rise up against their parents and cause their death.
One would think that as much preaching as it is about love that it had created more love. But it is the truth of love that is missing, then the result is then. Normality creates hard and cold hearts.
13 And you shall be hated by all for my name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.
This applies to all saved and believers at all times to endure to be saved and saved. But especially Israel and Jesus believing people like the Antichrist, the False Prophet and the whole world would try to eradicate. What Hitler fails with, Antichrist will do everything to succeed.
Obvious. 14. 12 Here it is true that the saints stand firm, those who keep the commandments of God ( Israel) and the faith in Jesus (all who believe in Jesus). This is Satan's greatest goal to exterminate Israel and all Jesus believers, especially when the Antichrist comes to power with the False Prophet.
But during the great tribulation which is a period of 7 years divided into two periods of 3 1 \ 2 years. It is the Prophet Daniel who speaks of there remaining a year of seven years in Daniel 9.
When it comes to the 70 year weeks, each week is 7 years. Daniel saw in a vision where he saw the angel Gabriel come to him with a message. 70 years is measured by your people. Which people? You, the Israelites. We know that Daniel was abducted to Babylon at that time. From the time the word goes out to rebuild and rebuild Jerusalem, until an anointed prince appears. Dan.9,25. Nehemiah was told that he would go to his native land and rebuild Jerusalem. The king allowed him to do so. This was in the year 445 BC Gabriel had said that it would first take 7 weeks = 49 years to renovate the city, and then it would take 62 weeks for an anointed to come, ie Jesus. 62 * 7 = 434 years + 49 years = 483 years with 360 days a year. Ie that when we divide 483 by 7 we get 69 weeks. Now we notice that it was for the Jews that mattered. After Jesus died for all of us, the Jews' timing stopped for 69 years. Now we live in the pagan household. as it has been for 2000 years. Thus, when the saved are promoted into heaven, the last week of remnant that remains for the Jews begins. This one week week of 7 years is also called the great tribulation. During this period, God will concentrate on the Jews. In 1 day they will be saved.
Exactly in the 69 week, 483 years after the word of Jerusalem was to be built, Jesus stood up. It is in Gal 4,4. But when the fullness of time came, God sent His Son ... He came in the right day and hour
14 But when you see "the destructive abomination" standing where it should not stand - understand it, the one who reads! - then those in Judea must flee into the mountains.
The devastating nonsense about what it is and what content it is Paul speaks of in 2 Thess. 2 3b The lawless man shall appear, he that shall perish. 4 He is the one who resists and exalts himself against all that is worshiped and called God. Yes, he sits in God's temple and makes himself god.
When the GT sacrifices are resumed in Jerusalem again, those whom Jesus has abolished with his sacrifice on Calvary. Hebr.10. 12 But Jesus made a single sacrifice for sins and then sat down at the right hand of God forever.
Then those who are in Judea and otherwise Jews who have loved their lives must flee up into the mountains and across to Jordan to the rocky city of Petra and where one can hide. This is Jesus' clear call to his fellow countrymen, the Jews.
15 Whoever is on the roof must not go down and into the house to take anything with him,
Even those who are on the roof and what to do. Flee for the sake of your life, Antichrist and the wrath of the world over Israel and the Jews will be very great.
16 And he that is in the field shall not return to fetch his robe.
Anti-Semitism is a common term for racially justified hatred of Jews. The term originated in 1879 when the German Wilhelm Marr defined the Jews as their own race. Marr introduced the term anti-Semitism as a euphemism for the German Jew-hatred, ie "Jew hatred". In normal language, therefore, the term anti-Semitism is used only for hatred of people of Jewish origin. However, in Arab countries that oppose the State of Israel, it has been argued to extend the term to people of Arab descent. Their reasoning is that both Hebrew and Arabic belong to the Semitic language family. The critics of this redefinition believe that it represents a mix of a linguistic concept with a political concept.
Anti-Judaism, which is a religiously motivated hostile attitude toward Judaism, is akin to anti-Semitism, a recent phenomenon and primarily racially motivated. Anti-Semitism is really a bad word, anti-Jewish or anti Israel is really a right word.
17 Poor ones who are expecting children and those who are breastfeeding in those days!
Now there are no inhibitions anymore. No laws or conscience that hold. Everything is allowed and allowed. Here, anarchy and Antichrist rule the ground.
18 But pray that it may not be her in winter!
It is more difficult in winter than in summer to escape. When one is premiered to kill, persecute and enter all believers, especially Jews and Jesus believers. Is darkness that has taken over completely.
19 For in those days there shall be such tribulations as have not been since God in the beginning created the world, and which it will never again be.
This will happen in the midst of the great tribulation, the last 3 1 \ 2 years teaching scripture. Then it will be Jacob's tribulation says Jeremiah 30. 7 Yes, great is this day,
its like doesn't exist.
It will be a time of trouble for Jacob,
but he shall be saved out of it.
20 Unless the Lord shortened that time, no man would be saved. But for their sake, which he has chosen, hahe shortened that time.
Had the Antichrist, the False Prophet, Satan, his demons and all other wicked people been kept for long enough, not a single human being would have remained after Satan and his allied ravages. Satan's goals and his thoughts are not unknown to us, says Paul. Here, Satan's true program and intentions are and will remain if he also goes sneaky to achieve his goals and purposes.
Joh.10. 10a The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy.
Final Comment:
Luke 17. 26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of the Son of man: 27 They ate and drank, and married, and married, even unto the day when Noah entered into the ark; then came the flood and destroyed them all. 28 In the same way - as it did in the days of Lot: they ate and drank, they bought and sold, they planted and built; 29 But on the day that Lot went out of Sodom, God caused fire and brimstone to rain from heaven and destroy them all - 30 so it shall be on the day of the Son of Man being revealed.
We are not here now, so why is there much talk about Jesus' delay?
But how long? I don't know, but can it be somewhere between 20 - 40 years?
The shout sounds at least.
Isaiah 21. 10 You my broken, my pierced people! What I have heard from the Lord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel, I have made known unto you. 11 Statement on Duma. To me they shout from Se'ir: Guards! How far is it at night? Weights! How far is it at night? / 12 The watchman replies: It will come tomorrow, but also night; would you ask, then ask - come on!
Personally, I believe that Jesus will come again in a time period between 20 - 40 years, when the world will get worse, Christians will evangelize the whole world, and all prophecies will be fulfilled!
A security guard was previously a public watchman in the cities. They provided peace and order at night, notified fire, reported time and wind direction, and looked after the streetlights.
We as believers - not least the preachers - should be like a watchman, who can say things that no one else knows. We will inform about important things.
German Guard (Nachtwächter), a nightly city watchman, produced on a copper engraving from 1799. The watchman has a warning horn and a stick.

A security guard was previously a public watchman in the cities. They provided peace and order at night, notified fire, reported time and wind direction, and looked after the streetlights.
We as believers - not least the preachers - should be like a watchman, who can say things that no one else knows. We will inform about important things.
German Guard (Nachtwächter), a nightly city watchman, produced on a copper engraving from 1799. The watchman has a warning horn and a stick.
2 Pet. 3. 11 Now that all these things are dissolved, wherefore do ye strive for holy works and godliness, 12 waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, whereby the heavens shall be dissolved in fire, and the heavenly bodies melting in the fire! 13 But we wait for his promise new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. 14 Wherefore, beloved, when ye wait this, win ye to be found without spot, and obey him in peace, 15 and observe the patience of our Lord for salvation, even as also our beloved brother Paul hath written unto you according to the wisdom which has been given to him, 16 as in all his letters when he speaks in them; in them there is something that is difficult to discern, and which the uneducated and unconfirmed seem to misrepresent, as they do with the other scriptures, to their own downfall. 17 Then, beloved, who know this before, take heed that ye be not enthralled by the deceit of the wicked, and fall out of your own steadfastness; 18 But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Him be the glory both now and forever! Amen.
Scripture speaks that only the Father who knows the time of the rapture of the congregation and the Antichrist and the false prophet entered this world.
Mark 13. 32 But that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, not even the Son, but my Father alone.
The Apostle Peter speaks that we can influence the coming of the Lord. There are very strong words here: "Now that all these things are dissolved, wherefore must ye strive for holy works and godliness, 12 waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God,"
I cannot say with an assurance that I am 100% right with certainty, but I have a clear feeling in my heart and mind. Explaining this to the fullest, of course, I cannot, then you must enter my heart and mind. Of course, this is an impossibility, but to try and explain this, I do this through this article.
I 2 Pet. 3. 11 and 12 it is freely reproduced from the basic text.
Here, from Arne Jordly's translation, the greatest human being we have on our website.
2 Pet. 3. 11 Because all this is to be disintegrated, how much more should you not live as holy and godly? 12 Wait and hasten the day of the Lord's presence. For on that day the heavens shall burn up, and the elements shall melt as with burning heat.
Here it is actually true that it is up to us that the congregation - us Christians - is influencing when Jesus comes to bring the bride and Antichrist and the false prophet appear in the arena.
We read clearly that we "speed up" the coming of the Lord, or "slow down" the coming of the Lord. Do we need so many more Bible words? Not really, but you should get some.
Furthermore, Scripture speaks of the following.
From My Bible Commentaries 13. 1. As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Master! Look, for some rocks and some buildings! ”
The temple in Jerusalem was huge. There had been several temples there. Solomon's Temple was the first, further rebuilt after the abduction to Babylon, the so-called Temple of Zerubbabel.
And now what was called Herod's Temple. The building itself was also very large with the Temple Square which was located in Jerusalem at the height of Moria. There were also the administration buildings that Solomon built. It is believed that the temple site was just behind the site of the Rock Mosque now, but the exact location is debated. Before that, David had his palace on the second hill, Zion. In Roman times, several other important buildings were located on or near Moria, such as the colonnades and the Antoniaborg. Both temples had two large rooms or halls, the sacred and the most sacred, and they also had side buildings with several rooms.
Two temples will be built in Jerusalem. The first to Antichrist, 2 Thess 2, John 11 and the second and last to Jesus Christ, Ezek. 40-48.
2 He answered, "Yes, do you see these great buildings? There shall not be stone left on stone; everything has to be torn down. ”
This prophecy came true in the year 70. Emperor Titus then destroyed the Jewish Temple and everything else in year 70 AD According to historian Josephus, the Jewish population was then between 5 and 7 million, but was greatly reduced by persecution, about 1 Mill of Jews were killed in Jerusalem in the year 70 by the destruction of the city.
3 As he sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the Temple, and Peter, James, John and Andrew were alone with him, they asked him:
Here was Jesus on the Mount of Olives that he descended from and will be returning to at the beginning of the 1000's. It will be a wonderful future for the Jews and everyone else who believes in God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
4 "Tell us: When will this happen, and what is the sign when all this will be accomplished?"
Here were his closest disciples, Peter, Jacob, John and Andreas. Two brothers who had followed the Master and Rabbi Jesus Christ during the 3 1 \ 2 years of his public ministry. They were keen on when it was going to happen and he gives many details later in his end-time speech.
5 Jesus answered and said,
Make sure no one gets you lost!
Jesus' first and most important warning to his disciples was not to be led astray by faith. We live in a time when other religions are asserting, but the seduction will come from within the evangelical congregations learning the word of God.
Acts 20. 29 For I know that when I go away, fierce wolves will invade you, and they will not spare the flock. 30 And among you some men shall rise up and go forth with false teaching to draw the disciples with them.
6 For many shall come in my name, saying, "It is me." And they must mislead many.
When they say they will come in my name. Then it is meant that they say they are sent and led by God. But they do not adhere to the words of scripture neither in life nor in teaching.
They are trained, says Peter. These false Prophets who are doing today are skilled, good, and know what they are doing. There are many false prophets, not least within Pentecostal cries. But they spread to all Christian congregations and movements that open up to this. Satan does not allow himself to pray twice before he starts!
7 When you hear of wars, and there are rumors of war, do not be alarmed! This must happen, but the end has not yet come.
This Jesus speaks here are also words of comfort and admonition to us as his brothers and sisters that we should not be alarmed by what is happening. Even wars and rumors of war will continue, and the great progress people make on every level.
8 People shall rise against people, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be earthquakes in many places, and famine. This is the beginning of the birth paths.
Even great advances for mankind at all levels do not create peace between men, it will escalate in the end times all these things that Jesus mentions here. War, rumors of war, earthquake, famine and etc.
9 Watch out! They will surrender you to the courts, they will whip you in the synagogues, you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake and stand as witnesses for them.
Watch out, Jesus says again and again. There are dangers at every level whether one is being pursued or not. Satan knows he has little time left and will either try with persecution or seduction!
10 And the gospel must first be preached to all peoples.
Notice the wording, here Mark mentions the gospel. In Matthew 24. 14 And the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached throughout the world for a witness unto all peoples, and the end shall come. The Jews, especially the 144,000 of which the Book of Revelation speaks, will in the end preach the gospel of the kingdom - the 1000 year kingdom. But we, as believing Gentiles, but also Jesus-believing Jews have the gospel and cross-preaching at the center. 1.Kor.1. 18 For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who perish, but to us who are saved, it is the power of God.
11 But when they carry you away and surrender to the authorities, you should not be worried about what to say. Say what is being given to you at the same time! For it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.
We should not walk around worrying about anything or anyone, but watch and pray. All the challenges and difficulties that come our way, God has given us a resource for dispensation. His own Spirit, the Holy Spirit who will give us the right words at the right time in every occasion.
12 Brother shall set brother and send him to death, and a father his child, and children shall rise up against their parents and cause their death.
One would think that as much preaching as it is about love that it had created more love. But it is the truth of love that is missing, then the result is then. Normality creates hard and cold hearts.
13 And you shall be hated by all for my name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.
This applies to all saved and believers at all times to endure to be saved and saved. But especially Israel and Jesus believing people like the Antichrist, the False Prophet and the whole world would try to eradicate. What Hitler fails with, Antichrist will do everything to succeed.
Obvious. 14. 12 Here it is true that the saints stand firm, those who keep the commandments of God ( Israel) and the faith in Jesus (all who believe in Jesus). This is Satan's greatest goal to exterminate Israel and all Jesus believers, especially when the Antichrist comes to power with the False Prophet.
But during the great tribulation which is a period of 7 years divided into two periods of 3 1 \ 2 years. It is the Prophet Daniel who speaks of there remaining a year of seven years in Daniel 9.
When it comes to the 70 year weeks, each week is 7 years. Daniel saw in a vision where he saw the angel Gabriel come to him with a message. 70 years is measured by your people. Which people? You, the Israelites. We know that Daniel was abducted to Babylon at that time. From the time the word goes out to rebuild and rebuild Jerusalem, until an anointed prince appears. Dan.9,25. Nehemiah was told that he would go to his native land and rebuild Jerusalem. The king allowed him to do so. This was in the year 445 BC Gabriel had said that it would first take 7 weeks = 49 years to renovate the city, and then it would take 62 weeks for an anointed to come, ie Jesus. 62 * 7 = 434 years + 49 years = 483 years with 360 days a year. Ie that when we divide 483 by 7 we get 69 weeks. Now we notice that it was for the Jews that mattered. After Jesus died for all of us, the Jews' timing stopped for 69 years. Now we live in the pagan household. as it has been for 2000 years. Thus, when the saved are promoted into heaven, the last week of remnant that remains for the Jews begins. This one week week of 7 years is also called the great tribulation. During this period, God will concentrate on the Jews. In 1 day they will be saved.
Exactly in the 69 week, 483 years after the word of Jerusalem was to be built, Jesus stood up. It is in Gal 4,4. But when the fullness of time came, God sent His Son ... He came in the right day and hour
14 But when you see "the destructive abomination" standing where it should not stand - understand it, the one who reads! - then those in Judea must flee into the mountains.
The devastating nonsense about what it is and what content it is Paul speaks of in 2 Thess. 2 3b The lawless man shall appear, he that shall perish. 4 He is the one who resists and exalts himself against all that is worshiped and called God. Yes, he sits in God's temple and makes himself god.
When the GT sacrifices are resumed in Jerusalem again, those whom Jesus has abolished with his sacrifice on Calvary. Hebr.10. 12 But Jesus made a single sacrifice for sins and then sat down at the right hand of God forever.
Then those who are in Judea and otherwise Jews who have loved their lives must flee up into the mountains and across to Jordan to the rocky city of Petra and where one can hide. This is Jesus' clear call to his fellow countrymen, the Jews.
15 Whoever is on the roof must not go down and into the house to take anything with him,
Even those who are on the roof and what to do. Flee for the sake of your life, Antichrist and the wrath of the world over Israel and the Jews will be very great.
16 And he that is in the field shall not return to fetch his robe.
Anti-Semitism is a common term for racially justified hatred of Jews. The term originated in 1879 when the German Wilhelm Marr defined the Jews as their own race. Marr introduced the term anti-Semitism as a euphemism for the German Jew-hatred, ie "Jew hatred". In normal language, therefore, the term anti-Semitism is used only for hatred of people of Jewish origin. However, in Arab countries that oppose the State of Israel, it has been argued to extend the term to people of Arab descent. Their reasoning is that both Hebrew and Arabic belong to the Semitic language family. The critics of this redefinition believe that it represents a mix of a linguistic concept with a political concept.
Anti-Judaism, which is a religiously motivated hostile attitude toward Judaism, is akin to anti-Semitism, a recent phenomenon and primarily racially motivated. Anti-Semitism is really a bad word, anti-Jewish or anti Israel is really a right word.
17 Poor ones who are expecting children and those who are breastfeeding in those days!
Now there are no inhibitions anymore. No laws or conscience that hold. Everything is allowed and allowed. Here, anarchy and Antichrist rule the ground.
18 But pray that it may not be her in winter!
It is more difficult in winter than in summer to escape. When one is premiered to kill, persecute and enter all believers, especially Jews and Jesus believers. Is darkness that has taken over completely.
19 For in those days there shall be such tribulations as have not been since God in the beginning created the world, and which it will never again be.
This will happen in the midst of the great tribulation, the last 3 1 \ 2 years teaching scripture. Then it will be Jacob's tribulation says Jeremiah 30. 7 Yes, great is this day,
its like doesn't exist.
It will be a time of trouble for Jacob,
but he shall be saved out of it.
20 Unless the Lord shortened that time, no man would be saved. But for their sake, which he has chosen, hahe shortened that time.
Had the Antichrist, the False Prophet, Satan, his demons and all other wicked people been kept for long enough, not a single human being would have remained after Satan and his allied ravages. Satan's goals and his thoughts are not unknown to us, says Paul. Here, Satan's true program and intentions are and will remain if he also goes sneaky to achieve his goals and purposes.
Joh.10. 10a The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy.
Final Comment:
Luke 17. 26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of the Son of man: 27 They ate and drank, and married, and married, even unto the day when Noah entered into the ark; then came the flood and destroyed them all. 28 In the same way - as it did in the days of Lot: they ate and drank, they bought and sold, they planted and built; 29 But on the day that Lot went out of Sodom, God caused fire and brimstone to rain from heaven and destroy them all - 30 so it shall be on the day of the Son of Man being revealed.
We are not here now, so why is there much talk about Jesus' delay?
But how long? I don't know, but can it be somewhere between 20 - 40 years?
The shout sounds at least.
Isaiah 21. 10 You my broken, my pierced people! What I have heard from the Lord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel, I have made known unto you. 11 Statement on Duma. To me they shout from Se'ir: Guards! How far is it at night? Weights! How far is it at night? / 12 The watchman replies: It will come tomorrow, but also night; would you ask, then ask - come on!
fredag 10. april 2020
No. 1520: The case between me and Unibuss is above all that Unibuss has discriminated against me according to the Equality and Accessibility Act §6.
The case between me and Unibuss is above all that Unibuss has discriminated against me according to the Equality and Accessibility Act §6.
In Unibuss and other bus companies, all bus drivers choose the channel they want to listen to. That they should deny me, and now Per Christian Bing has stated that it is p.g.a. high sound. This is both a lie and not documented. Have never listened to higher noise than others, and had this been proven. Then of course I had turned the sound down. I have an excellent hearing, I do not party, fill myself or play loud music.
I actually live a little ascetic with minimal alcohol consumption, and other pleasures.
There is no indication that I need to have loud sound.
There are those who sit with the Star of David, Hijab and more. Others play powerful Muslim radio, others Rock and some classical.
That this should be allowed, but not to listen to religious / Christian programs is to me the crazy and "happy" frenzy!
Picture of me Jan Kåre Christensen as Per Christian Bing writes and states that I play high. None of this is documented, and had it been. Then of course I had the shot down or off the radio.

Unibuss has violated Norwegian law.
Here is the conclusion of the email in from my lawyer.
After this, it is stated that Christensen is discriminated against under the Equality and Accessibility Act §6.
Now the Labor Inspectorate is also inside as Unibuss has been discriminating, bullying and discriminating against me for a long time, which is unacceptable!
Ultimately, this case is not settled by me, my lawyer in YTF (the union), or Unibuss.
Here are some of the most important emails from Lawyer and me that illustrate the legal, which the case is in many ways ultimately about.
Unibuss AS
v / Linda Ellingsen
PO Box 210 Alnabru
0641 Oslo
Oslo, 150217
Your ref .: Our ref .: Case no .:
JW: 20170105 20170105
The undersigned represents Jan Kåre Christensen through his membership in the Professional Traffic Association.
Christensen was presented with a new written service claim in replacement 08.02.17 to replace the previous service claim of 30.09.16, which was drawn at the same time.
The new service claim makes it necessary to make some comments of a general and more specific nature. I first consider the specific comments on the individual points in the legal action.
05.02.14: Christensen explains that he did not ask anyone to leave the bus. He explains that it was detour that day and that two stops were temporarily closed. He therefore stated this at the last stop before the detour. Many people then decided to step down. He didn't talk to anyone. Christensen further explains that this case was brought up when the complaint came up, and that he felt that the case was open and settled, having heard that he was not to blame for the complaint, and that it had to be due to a misunderstanding.
At that time, personal leader Dag Frode Lundeby thought I had done the right thing, even though some might have misunderstood.
Here we see the review melody with this service claim, that one turns everything into something negative even if it is "normal" and positive!
21.10.14: Christensen explains that he has used the washroom for washing his own car, but cannot remember that he has been told that this is not allowed. He has not been in the way, and has never had any counter-notions to this until 2016, see below. There are several drivers who have at least washed their own cars in the washroom before.
11.02.15: Christensen does not recognize the description of driving style. At the continuing education course on October 15, he was the best at economics.
That said, he accepts the criticism and will try to be even more conscious. He feels in any case that it is undeserved to get a service claim for this feedback, since he has a generally good driving style.
04.02.16: This customer complaint too, Christensen has experienced was taken up and checked out. About the incident he explains that he usually listens to P1, and then there is a devotion that also goes on the radio. He does not remember that there was any criticism of other religions or that he said he decided, but he can remember that it was a passenger who wanted him to change radio channel. Christensen states that he usually goes very far for the sake of the passengers, but the sound from the radio does not reach very far, and he does not think he has done anything very clandestine in this case.
12.02.16: As mentioned above, Christensen does not recognize in this description of driving style, and indicates that it is a single complaint, which can not be taken into account for driving recklessly.
23.02.16: Christensen explains that on a couple of occasions he has reported on a wrongly parked car, which was then moved before TL and OPL have managed to do something about it. He understands that TL and OPL have a lot to do, but believes it is necessary for traffic safety reasons to report these types of situations. Beyond this he can in not see what he has reported that he should not, and have difficulty identifying what it is that makes him feel difficult to work with. Instead, he asks for a more detailed description of what conditions he / she should not report, and more specific feedback on what he must improve in communication with TL.
15.03.16: Christensen asked if he could get one of the tires on his own car. He accepted this, and could not see that this was a disadvantage or that it was not allowed. After this, however, he was told that it was not okay even if he agreed with those in the washroom. He has aligned himself with this message from the time he received it, and will not wash the car in the laundry hall again.
17-18 March 2016: Question is asked why an additional training service has been given. Christensen received positive feedback during the training.
21.09.16: Christensen acknowledges that he should not stop in the bicycle field, and accepts this correctly, but believes there is something strict on written service claim, cf. dispute with the service claim that was drawn, v. Attorney Birgitta Onarheim.
The following are general objections:
- All conditions, except one, are of older date. It is stated that the service charge was given too late. Once a decision is made to close the case without warning / written service claim, this is binding and the service claim must lapse. In other words, "catches the table" what applies to the reaction form in personnel matters. In support of this rule, reference is made to Rt-1982-1729:
"When the school authorities in 1977 complied with a warning, this meant that A could not be dismissed later without something new coming."
- It is stated that customer complaints should not be given warning without a certain degree of certainty that they represent the objective truth. From the service claim, it appears that Christensen has received a total of 3 customer complaints. It doesn't seem like much to a bus driver in Oslo, who carries many passengers, daily. It is questioned whether it is good personnel policy to provide service portals for all customer complaints, or whether this should be reserved in case the driver receives a striking number of complaints in a short time for the same conditions, citing aml. §4-1 and 4-3. It is also stated that including customer complaints in a service complaint, without the complaints representing a marked deviation from the normal, is a disproportionate measure under the Personal Data Act, cf. popl §11 letter d.
After this, you are asked to consider whether the service claim should be maintained, withdrawn or converted into an oral / written warning for bicycle parking.
If the service claim is maintained, request that this letter be enclosed in the staff folder.
With best regards
Josefine Wærstad
Unibuss AS
to Linda Ellingsen
Oslo, December 4, 2017
Regarding service charges
I refer to the service claim of November 08, 2017.
Firstly, I would like to point out that it is unnecessary to give warning of things that I would like to address by a simple request from the nearest manager. Blue. that I leave the bus "grumpy" and that I've been to SAS Nydalen.
That said, I dispute the warning on the following points:
- I do not recognize that I leave the bus grumpy.
- I haven't run on a red light.
- I haven't stolen food / drink at SAS Radisson Nydalen. I've occasionally stopped by and bought a coffee at the hotel, and sometimes I've had a coffee and maybe an apple. The service has been very nice, until there was someone who suddenly thought I had to pay for the full buffet for a cup of coffee, something I said willingly. I don't think that warns me, and I won't go back there anyway.
Request that this written be stored along with the warning in the staff folder.
With best regards
Jan Kåre Christensen
Unibuss AS
v / Abdullah Hatay
PO Box 210 Alnabru
0614 Oslo
Oslo, 20.11.19
Your ref .: Our ref .: Case no .:
JW: 02132 02132
The undersigned represents Jan Kåre Christensen through his membership in the Professional Traffic Association.
Christensen received a written service complaint on 11 November 19. This is contested and it is requested that it be waived and shredded.
The service charge is disputed on the grounds that Christensen has not broken any guidelines. Furthermore, it is unclear what the service charge orders Christensen to do differently.
Christensen and union representative Leif Arne Myhre state that it is allowed and accepted that employees get to listen to music or radio while driving a bus. Headphones are not allowed. There are no guidelines for how loud you can listen to radio / music, or whether you are required to switch off if a passenger requests it. There are also no guidelines for what one is allowed or not allowed to hear.
Christensen states that he has not listened to any volume higher than usual. The complaint e may be due to the content of the radio program. If it is not allowed to listen to Christian content programs, please clarify this.
The warning is required to be withdrawn and replaced with some guidelines that apply to everyone.
We would also like to point out that it is very unfortunate that it takes so long from the first complaint until Christensen is informed that such a complaint has come. He did not hear anything about these complaints until he was given a service charge for the circumstances.
Their prompt feedback is met.
With best regards
Josefine Wærstad
Oslo, 12.03.20
Your ref .: Our ref .: Case no .:
20 / 42-9 JW: 02132 02132
Support letter in complaint 20 / 42-9
Complainant: Jan Kåre Christensen
Complaint party: Unibuss AS
Reference is made to the complaint in the above-mentioned case, as well as Unibuss's reply with date 04.03.2020
The warning given by Unibuss AS to Christensen is discriminatory. The complaint is based on warnings from customers sent to Routes. Unibuss AS therefore points out that the request for discrimination cannot be addressed to Unibuss AS.
When Unibuss AS receives complaints, they choose which complaints they choose to disregard, and which ones they choose to take up with the employee to moderate their behavior. They also have decision-making authority regarding the changes they impose on their drivers.
It is thus not the complaints themselves, or Ruter's handling of those who are the subject of the case, but the warning Unibuss AS has chosen to give.
Religion Expressions
Listening to Christian radio must be considered a religious expression and treated similarly to the use of religious symbols such as hijab, cf. Ot. Proposition. Ranked. 33 (2004-2005) p 103, or cross, cf. LDN 46/2014.
Fact - volume and content
The warning is based on a combination of volume and content of what Christensen has heard on radio.
Christensen states that he has not had a very high volume, and that the complaints would not have been given if he had listened to other content. Unibuss AS assumes that the volume has probably been too high based on the information in the complaints.
The question whether Christensen has listened to high volume or not is not relevant in the case because the warning according to its content also touches on the content of what Christensen has heard.
Clarification of the subject matter of the dispute
When the warning deals with both volume and content, the warning means that Christensen feels that his working conditions are in danger if he listens to radio with Christian content, regardless of volume.
The warning must therefore, for Christensen's part, be regarded as a prohibition against listening to radio with religious content.
This is a prohibition that is not practiced consistently, as there is no general prohibition on listening to religious content on the radio in the business. In other words, other employees, who have not already received a warning, can freely listen to what content they want.
Direct / indirect discrimination - Sections 7 and 8
The warning must be judged as directly discriminatory.
The complaint does not apply to the generally drafted rule in the personnel manual, but the specific warning that also includes the content of what Christensen has heard.
The warning thus has a direct and inextricable link to the religious content. The case would have been different if the warning was only about the volume.
Purpose and proportionality - Section 9
Unibuss AS refers to the consideration of the passengers, and that these should be exempted from being forced on the outlook of others.
The question of the purpose is objective is not decisive. The warning must nevertheless be regarded as a disproportionate measure.
The consideration of passengers will usually be taken care of by the fact that they can move in the back of the bus.
On Christensen's part, the warning is far-reaching as it is seen as a total ban on listening to religious content on the radio. It will be possible to safeguard the purpose of less restrictive measures. Some examples of alternative measures are:
- To define what volume the employees can listen to on radio.
- To change the instruction that it is not allowed to listen to religious content if the bus is so full that it is not possible to move backwards in the bus.
- To change instructions that the driver is obliged to turn the radio off or on if the customer complains about the content / volume.
Christensen has requested other, less restrictive measures, cf. Appendices 1 and 2.
The fact that clear guidelines for volume and content have not been provided, in itself, indicates that the warning constitutes a disproportionate interference with religious freedom, cf. LND 46/2014:
"The NRK's ban on news program leaders from wearing religious symbols during television broadcasting is termed" a rule, "but this, according to the committee, does not understand written formalization. As the Board sees it, the rule should have been written in the form of guidelines or similar. The concern for clarity and predictability for employees, but also the consideration of journalists seeking vacant news program management positions in NRK, indicates this. "
After this, it is stated that Christensen is discriminated against under the Equality and Accessibility Act §6.
Josefine Wærstad
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