tirsdag 20. november 2018

No. 1733: Narreapostel Jan Aage Torp's hat and shaman against me and the heavenly blog have finally "cooled" after 5 years of hate hatred, lies and police reports!

No. 1733: 
Narreapostel Jan Aage Torp's hat and shaman against me and the heavenly blog have finally "cooled" after 5 years of hate hatred, lies and police reports!

 Screenshot of one of countless articles where Torp put me in the same "stall" like Levi Fragell. Although Levi Fragell praises Torp's horsi as something noble and a good fortune for an old man to have a young mistress. This is of course antiquarian and disgusting in the eyes of God, the life and the lack of morality and decency that Torp is completely missing in its life. It is absent just as it is with Jan Hanvold and like-minded.

Regularly in the last 5 years there has always been a flow of hate speech, harassment and hatred from narrator Jan Aage Torp once he has been able to comment and say something to me and the heavenly blog, which is Torp's hatred object!He has, after all, done the maximum to swear, harassed and convicted of something that I have never done, harassed or sought him.

But only pointed out from God's word that he is living in adulthood.Torp has always enjoyed placing me in with Levi Fragell. This I have never understood why then there are no links between us two, this is clear!I and Fragell are like night and day, Fragell praises Torps horeri, I warn against this!That Torp now only mentions Fragell is a game for the gallery, Fragell and Torp live both in the dark. And both of them are obvious on a joint journey towards the fire!Narreapostel Torp has for five years mentioned me in his hatred rhetoric regularly with Levi Fragell, although Fragell and Torp agree on the most. Even that Torp has been charged with a far younger lady who in my eyes is completely obscene since he has been married before. That's something Fragell has written several times that Torp is "lucky" who lives with her. He does not despise and feel this is disgusting, obscene and degrading for the name of Jesus. On the contrary, Fragell praises Torp's sin and horror!Final Comment:The fact is that Levi Fragell and the narrator are quite similar, both of them opposing God and his words.Both they emphasize what what God's words say that marriage is lifelong is something they both care about!

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