mandag 13. juni 2011

Nr. 10: What are your thoughts, vision and dreams for Smyrna Oslo in Norway? Is there something you want to share with us?

Question 10:
What are your thoughts, vision and dreams for Smyrna Oslo in Norway? Is there something you want to share with us?

1) Become a church that makes disciples.
2) Establish our own local church in central Oslo.
3) Be an evangelical church that affects Norway and as far as possible with the gospel and the message that God has entrusted us.
4) Build the most content and rich web side and reach out through radio, internet etc.
5) Influence the Christian Norway. Especially on the moral and doctrinal level.
6) Build an "equivalent" church all over Scandinavia and worldwide who reject the Trinity, reject that God will torture people for eternity, remarriage among preachers is not allowed, etc.
7) We want to be a prophetic church that reveals sin and erroneous ideology in the nation, sin and heresy in the church and who stands up for Israel!
8) We want to be a church that builds a more social network between church members in which one takes responsibility for each other and also admonish one another in God's love.
9) Build up a Bible school with a degree in theology, media, language, etc.
10) The last and not least point is: Always be open to God what he wants at any time!

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