torsdag 25. oktober 2012

Nr. 395: Ten reasons or opportunities to get a good or bad marriage \ cohabitation as a Christian! Part 3

Nr. 395:

Ten reasons or opportunities to get a good or bad marriage \ cohabitation as a Christian! Part 3

Marriage is under attack today, but love is stronger than hatred so that light is stronger than darkness. Therefore, it is possible and it should have been natural for the faithful - who believe in God - had stayed together for life as husband and wife. I and my beloved Mrs. has silver wedding on 22 January next year, why? God is good Hallelujah!

1) Commitment to change in themselves rather than their spouse? Have been to counseling and talked to many who have either ended in divorce or otherwise have had problems in the marriage. Unfortunately, most especially believers have the attitude that there is something wrong with the other - not with himself! It left open for a second marriage. With such an attitude are the believers in the same world with people. Is it good - is doing fine! For a believer is always good, just do something themselves and work on themselves.

From my commentaries Philip Wiper letter 1 12 My dear, you have always obeyed, while I was with you. But much more now in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; Paul talks about the church as a father speaks to his children when it should begin to stand on their own two feet and fend for themselves. A present but gone. Now it's really up to the child - as in the church - to see what it will and abilities. The premise is there, but on the way, and decides the direction and decide your self. 13 For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure. But Paul comes from a fact that he had experienced himself: it is God who makes one able to serve and love Him. We will take our decisions and have our goals, but all this is God behind. In him we live and move, and have our pipes. 14 Do everything without complaining or arguing, Will not it all from the heart and want it, then make it one of dissatisfaction and an object to do God's will. To serve the Lord with joy, if one does them a must is the dead works, says the Scripture. 15 that ye may be blameless and pure, children of God without fault in the middle of a crooked and perverse generation. You shine among them as lights in the world The world's children thrive in darkness and sin. For a believer happy one but to be the opposite, by living as a child of light which one also. We read in the Sermon on the Mount, where we find the same standard as Paul describes the believer. Paul says, that ye may be blameless and pure. Jesus says in Matt.5. 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect. 16 and holding fast the word of life, and I will get the praise of Christ today that my hard work and my life's work has not been in vain. Paul was aiming for all that he did, Jesus Christ. The day we will meet Jesus and be his equal and will be again what has happened to our lives as believers, whether good or evil. Shall we get something in return that day, it depends upon how we place ourselves above God's word and organize our lives by living accordingly.

2) Determine itself when a married, never cheat and stand with their spouse in good as evil days! Most people, especially believers go into marriage with the attitude. Is it good everything will be okay. But going over into the marriage with the attitude that this goes well anyway and I'll never be unfaithful, then you will see that it goes well! The secret to a good marriage is good and healthy attitudes. I decided when I got married that I would never be untrue, and then, all good one way. Better and better day by day.

Word. 4. 18. But the path of the just is like a shining light, that shineth more and more unto the broad daylight.

3) Be patient and tolerant with his wife, you married the wrong end and inadequate man who needs to get your grace and patience, not only God!

From my commentaries Colossians Dispenser Letter 3 12 You are God's chosen ones, holy and beloved by him. Dressing up therefore compassion, kindness and humility. Take care not even to correct, but you stretch far We did not choose him but he chose us. We are sanctified through the salvation that God accepts us and we are and will remain loved by him. Now Paul begins to tell what we should dress us, compassion, kindness, humility, have you not even to the right and stretch you far. It was the only word that is appropriate for a Christian. All this Jesus is our hero, he had these characteristics and descriptions filled out. 13 as you hold one with another, and forgiving one another, if one has to blame the other. As the Lord has forgiven you, be ye. When we look at the Lord's Prayer is a prayer addressed to the Father who is in heaven. And as we are forgiven infinitely We have to forgive each other. But the assumption is that they ask for forgiveness. We should forgive but forgiveness is also based on the confession. And specifically what is done and the act is bad and sin. But when we must and should forgive and forget that God has forgiven us of our sins in Christ Jesus. 14 And over all this, clothe yourselves in love, which is the bond that unites and finisher. Love is Christianity's essence and the only thing that will endure forever. Therefore love is also the largest and most important. Dress us in love from head to toe. Love also works on healing ourselves. A man filled with the love of God has the best prospects of success, be healthy and be a servant of God church. Love binds us together as believers in nothing else. It is not only to believe and think alike, but to love and be loved by God and each other. Joh.e.13. 34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another. As I have loved you, that ye love one another. 35 Do you have love for one another, then everyone will know that you are my disciples. " 15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, for it was you called when you were one body. And be thankful! Before, our life, mind and process filled with anxiety but now there is peace. To constantly be up session for all and all, not a Christian one. There are times we can and must speak out, but it is compulsory necessity. We should not have too strong opinions and views about other's religion, faith and color. God is the one who knows every person and our focus is not how vulgar and bad faith of the others are. But how big and precious Christ is for us. And be thankful. It is the finest and most natural for a believer, to be thankful!

4) Leaving their parents - now has a home yourself, especially for the woman comes to this! Leaving their parents physically, mentally, and in that it is not the parents' opinions that it is essential is very important for a good and healthy marriage.

From my commentaries Mark's Gospel 10 2 Also some Pharisees came, and to test him they asked, "Should a man be allowed to divorce his wife?" These situations and events relevant to us today. People are concerned with the same issues and stuck in the same things as 2000 years ago and it is not easier but harder to be both human and a believer! 3 "What did Moses command you?" He said. What did Moses command you asked Jesus. But it is not Moses who is our master, but Jesus. Joh. AD 1 17 For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. 4 They said, "Moses allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce and divorce her." This was a permit had been something like one in carnal desire remained very high. We see here how hopeless the law was up against God's will and God's purpose for mankind. 5 Then he said to them, "Because of your hardness of heart, Moses has given you this commandment. In truth stone heart that we all could not remove the law and Moses, they had to take into consideration. How much more glorious is the new covenant, it transforms us. Ezekiel 36 26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 I will put my spirit within you, and make it so that you follow my statutes and keep my ordinances, so that you live by them. 6 But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. Jesus taught about marriage he went to the back to creation. God created a man and a woman should and should live in a lifelong marriage \ relationships. It is also the paradise of God regard to man's best. 7 Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, One should not commit themselves to their parents while being married. The bonds to be broken and to live with fidelity in marriage. 8 and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. So the two are no longer two but one. In Norway we have a public ceremony with at least two witnesses and sign the papers declaring that one is married, it is a scheme instituted by God as Norway in writing takes very good care of. 9 What therefore God has joined together, let man not separate. " This God has ordained here is sacred and inviolable. Mismanage this is to open up to anything but God's will and give the enemy power in life. The true joy is only found in doing the will of God, everything else is counterfeit that will never succeed. 10 When they entered the house again, the disciples asked him about this. Now the disciples were curious and felt perhaps a form of insecurity? Jesus was so clear and the impact that many felt offended and perturb? John the Baptist had just lost his head because of his preaching against remarriage. 11 He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. Jesus spoke to people who knew the word of God, believing Jews. Jesus' teaching is very clear and really simple. Remarriage for believers is not allowed, period. 12 And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery. " If one begins a new relationship that believers while others live, apply a self and a possible marriage with God's judgment. One puts both himself and one marries outside the grace and is a servant of Satan and ownership changes. Both go from being God's children to be children of wrath, and they belong to neither God nor the church anymore. They have denied God through his life, it is only a conversion that can salvage one. To ask for forgiveness never helps if one does not repent. Repentance and forgiveness belong together. Titus 1 16 They say about themselves that they know God, but by their works they deny him. They are detestable and disobedient, unable to do any good.

5) Be respectful of each other in all areas of life! Jesus lifted up all men, but most women to an equal partner to man. There a was equal and both were subject to one another learned Apostle Paul.

From my commentaries Ephesians 5 21 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ! While this verse is a transition to the next section that specifies what submission means in practice between spouses, between parents and children and between masters and servants. But as the title begins with Paul saying that we should all submitting to one another. Subordination is a universal Christian obligation. It applies to all relationships, in church, at work and in every home. Jesus Christ is itself prototype of what subordination means. He emptied himself, he renounced his rights and came to serve. He worked out his disciples by washing their feet even though he was their Lord. There are many who are struggling to get this to submit to each other to harmonize. Logically one thinks that some under, someone has to be over. But the word "parent" does not exist in our Bible! Subordination is sadly a negatively charged term. We think lightly of oppression, subjugation, submissiveness. And we must confess with shame that there has been a lot of it in Christian homes with support in these words. Many a so-called Bible-believing husband has been a tyrant at home - and he was supposed Bible-believing! But today it's gone completely the other way where the kids decide everything and the parents are sidelined. Both through legislation, what is being served on TV and whatever else comes up. It is from one extreme to the next. Subordination can also be expressed positively as Paul does in ROM 12.10 Love each other dearly as siblings of others as better than yourselves. When I put others above myself, I submit them. Or, as Peter puts it: 1Peter 5.5 And all you shall be clothed with humility toward one another. For "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." The mutual submission should be in awe of the Lord. This means that in the home, both spouses stand on the Lord's face and ask: How do you want our relationship to be? Then it will not fit dominant domineering either from the male or female side! - A lot of women struggle has been justified, but unfortunately, some fell in the same trench as the man and ruled him so he ruled over her. Although female subordination mentioned first, I think we need to start with the admonition to us men to put her subordination in the right light.

6) Healthy economy - creating harmony and unnecessary conflicts in your marriage! Money in itself solve very little, but without money will hardly resolved. Money is a means, but not the solution. But without money, then things get difficult that could be easy, there are many couples who have gone from one another because dispute regarding finances. It must and should all pull in the same direction, you know it is not always easy. But my offrordring is one has a spacious or narrow economy so is moderation and not pageantry as bad and hard to tackle as poverty and deprivation. The "golden" middle way is preferable. But should one feel that one has too much then just start giving, there are so many people who need funds.

Proverbs 30:8 Let falsehood and lying words be far away from me! Give me not poverty nor riches! Let me eat my allotted bread.

7) Set up the ups and downs of marriage! There are those who simply love good days, for them it will go bad before or since. In a marriage that is the glue not sex and other things. But there is and will remain faithful. The time a married pledged than God and each other that one would be faithful for life. Without this decision, it will go on charcoal in a marriage. It is impossible to have the same feelings for each other for life, and well it is. But to be faithful until death, it's quite possible! And should be no impossibility for anyone, especially those believers who have God with them.

9 It is better to have two than one, they have a good reward for their labor. 10 For if they fall, the one will help the other up. But pity those who are alone! When he falls and has no one to help him up. 11 When two lie together, they are warm, but how can the single be hot? 12 If someone wins over him that is alone, two will be able to stand against him. A tretvinnet thread can not easily wear off. Ecclesiastes 4.9 to 12

8) A is not necessarily a bad marriage with a lack of sex desire! Having met quite a few people who have experienced either a so-called bad marriage, divorce and other things that made that than have had a turbulent marriage that sex is something in my opinion totally exaggerated according to the importance of a good marriage. The reality is that a good marriage producing good sex, while a bad marriage produces good sex. Sex is the fruit, not "tree". Hence the focus on sex if it is positive or negative is and will remain a dead end, the focus is all that different. When it works, you will also want sex and sex pleasure etc.

Song of Solomon 1:2 He kisses me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine. Song of Solomon 1:4 Drag me! We will run after thee. The king has brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will praise your love more than wine; honestly love the dig. Song of Solomon 2:4 He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me is love. Song of Solomon 2:5 Strengthen me with grape cakes, cattle me with apples! For I am sick of love. Song of Solomon 3:10 Its posts he made of silver, its backrest of gold, its seat of purple; inside is paved with love by the daughters of Jerusalem. Song of Solomon 4:10 How fair is thy love, my sister, my bride! How much better is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your ointments than all spices! Song of Solomon 5:8 I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem If ye find my beloved, what shall I tell him? - That I am sick of love. Song of Solomon 7:6 How fair you are, and how wonderful you love in your joy! Song of Solomon 7:12 Let us rise before going to the vineyards, let us see if the vine has been shot, the flowers have sprung, the pomegranate trees are blooming! There will I give thee my love.

9) Be than good communicator - you are a good husband! Here are all the cards, but it's so important to be a good conversation partner or than good communicator. Especially in today's society where one must deal with so many things, not least to answer and refute so many people! And his wife is a collaborative partner to solve all the tangles of life with its challenge! Note that we humans have a mouth to speak with and two ears to hear, it is not without reason.

James 1:19 I know that, yes, my beloved brethren! But every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.

10) Marriage is about tackling life with than the other! Relating to another person to be in with every day offers more than a challenge, but many challenges. We know that marriage is a God given gift to humanity. If you are saved or not that marriage is instituted on the basis that we should not commit adultery, neither of believers or non-believers. Marriage based on the Bible are monogamous, woman and man should find its equal in purity. Jesus says clearly that those who stand up and marry a divorced man / woman commits adultery. Paul says that the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate from her husband, but she is separated from him when she vedbli to be unmarried or be reconciled to her husband - and that a husband should not divorce his wife. 1.kor.7 0.10 to 11. Here Paul states clearly that this was not from him, but the Lord Himself who commanded him to say this. Now it is clear that the Bible is written to believers who are saved. This is not a book for the unsaved, for the Bible's a testament that always comes into force when one is dead, and after Jesus died for us slow Testament with His power to us. Therefore, these passages about marriage to the believers. I know several Christians who have divorced and married several times while they are believers. In the bible, this is to commit adultery and such are not allowed in heaven because they are living in an active sin. This sin does not forgive God, not until they have separated. Now we know that part before they were saved had several one one marriage behind her. When they come to the belief it is a problem that many people have trouble with, but here I think it is our responsibility to eject someone after they have been saved and rescued from the world. Paul takes this up in the same kapt that in the condition in any was called in, in that he will be with God. v.24 In the time that Paul wrote to the Corinthians the church was in its infancy to marriage problems before salvation was probably an unknown concept. The Jews had been under the law, but now it was probation. Thus began a churches to get this into their midst. Therefore, when this issue came was enough Paulus under the Lord's direction when he wrote to Timothy when he would give Timothy advice for appointment of officers, elders and pastors. When he says that a servant should be immaculate, a woman's husband .. etc. This means that those who have more marriages behind him in the world will not have a spiritual mission of the church as pastor, elder or servants. While these are saved, they have a life destructive in their work because they are divorced and re-married. There are certainly many who will think that there should be an a or b Christian life, but it is not. When God will give us even pay for our deeds are the win rate something different. Something gets wreaths, other crowns. Some will shine brighter than others. God is not unfair. So I think those who are married, divorced and re-married again before they were saved, will present themselves in it without any problems. There are many other things they can serve God in the church, but just not the spiritual things. For there will be those who will guide others in these matters in the church, and then they can not have multiple marriages behind him. Basically they do not live after the pattern of the church has built up, but in this situation I think God let them grow in the church without alienating them from themselves. There are also those who have been saved in recent years with children from before they became a believer. For them I would recommend celibate if they do not make a sin if they marry. They will take some of the destructive and carnal attitude with him further into the new life that makes them less apt to have a spiritual calling. It's about to do to be 100% prepared for marriage is a sacred and divine intuition instituted by God himself who created human beings to one man and one woman. Nothing else is God given although I believe that two people of the same sex can feel love and polygamy can also be perceived as right and good. But the intrigues and the jealousy that it entails, is quite sure one of the reasons that God is not for polygamy through essentially the entire Bible.

Matt. 19. 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has sammenføiet, let not man separate.

Final Comment: This was the third and last article about marriage for now, it will probably more. it says that we should be standing after having done everything, this includes marriage more than anything else!

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