lørdag 26. januar 2013

Nr. 539: The sum of God's word is truth!

Nr. 539:

The sum of God's word is truth!

It does not help to have some passages that speak about a triadegud when scripture does not teach that. Trinity doctrine comes from Satan basically, not of the one true God, the Father or Jehovah! The real heretics are those who believe in a triadegud or the Trinity, not anyone else! Those who believed in the Trinity has always persecuted those who claimed that God is one, whether they were Jews or Gentile, this is the real and unvarnished truth! Illustration picture shows Jesus who had to go through suffering to stand for the truth and keep the word of God and the Bible's message

Psalm 119:160 The sum of Your word is truth, and forever is all your righteous law firm

"Truth is so obscured in our time, and the lie is so good that one can not know the truth again, unless you love it." - Blaise Pascal

To lay out against the Trinity is to be branded a heretic for many

Heresy, originally applied to members of a religious movement in the 1100s who were persecuted by the Pope, see Katara. The word was later term for a person who knowingly shelves (and seeks to propagate) a doctrine that differs from the official church, particularly on important points, and who steadfastly cling to their deviation, ie heresies. The heresy is also used for person with opinions that differ from adopted (especially religious) beliefs and that is generally regarded as forargerlige. Katarerene learned including Christ was considered an angel who had preached the true doctrine. (From large Norwegian lexicon).

This was written by Katarerene opponents 900 years afterwards, but it shows that throughout the history of the church there are those who have tried to claim what God's word says that God's word does not speak of a triadegud has now followed the Christian Church of ca. 1700 really as a heresy. How then has the error that Trinity is survived so long? The main reason is twofold, I believe.

1) The official Christian church has, on the whole, been the majority church has always persecuted the true believers to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore it has always been difficult to stood and stand before God, even in this time we live in today.

2) All revivalist movements have emphasized experience and the truth that they have stood for. Lutherans on justification. Methodists of sanctification, Baptists in the baptism of water. Frelsarmeen the remedy all difficulties, Pentecostal baptism of the Spirit. Free friends in what Christ has done for us. How has the individual revival movement is stagnant and not gone ahead with the living God.

Almost all Jews or Israelites, Jesus is faithful not assume the Trinity!

How can the Word people - those who belong to God - which had the word of God in their midst not accept such a doctrine as a matter of course for most believers?

As I see it, they are not so affected and dirty in their spiritual and life of faith which unfortunately most Gentile Christians are.

If we compare scripture with scripture that Jesus can not be the only true God, and our Savior, Lord and the intermediary between us and the only true God, the Father.

Each Bible verse is God's word, but the way it has been translated on may be incorrect, incomplete and sometimes downright misleading!

"Adds" we are together all the scriptures that deal with this subject, the Bible gives a self-testimony is very clear and strong. There is only one who is the only true God, it is only and only God the Father. Secondly, the Spirit is no separate person, then every time the Spirit or the Spirit mentioned in God's word. Whether as Devil's Spirit, Antichrist Spirit, the human spirit, God's Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, it is never mentioned as a separate person, but as a part of the person or persons mentioned in connection with the people and in this context it mentioned.

"The problem" is Jesus, what scripture says about Jesus? And what does Jesus say about himself?

God's word teaches that Jesus is the only true God (Cf. Joh.e. 17.3 and similar passages). But he mentioned either as one among many Gods, or as the Son of God, but never as the only true God. Ergo, the Trinity is a man-made doctrine at best, if not demons learn and seducing spirits behind. There must be many cases in which this doctrine is riveting in so many without they know exactly what they believe.

I have the answer to "everything", Trinity teachers have no answers as have coverage if a read God's word in context.

Trinity doctrine is a doctrine based on some certain passages that are interpreted in a weird and pointless direction. While the belief in one God, is a teaching that is biblical and that is good enough. An example is where Jesus says that He and the Father are one in Joh.e. 10.30. This says more seats about real people that they are a. If I and my wife are one, then I do not cease to be a man and she a woman. Or she is not male and I female? It is here that the Trinity has found a strange and deceitful way to interpret the word of God. There are many Trinitarian doctrine that acknowledges that Jesus is never mentioned in the Scriptures as the only true God, but it is only and solely the Father mentioned here. When one can not begin to transfer such opinions as the Father is the only true God, and hence the Son because he and the Father are one. This sounds most remarkable and out is nonsense, Jesus is the only true God, only and alone the Father.

Make Jesus the only true God, because he says that he and the Father one?

Had a confrontation with an ardent Trinity teaches that came with the argument that: "Jesus is the only true God, because he says that he and the Father of one."

But this is very easy to parry. It's also about real people that the two are one! Ends are being mi wife being a woman and being a man because she married me? Will Jesus as the only true God as He and the Father are one? Of course not! For any nonsense and nonsense Trinity teachers are doing, the whole doctrine is at best humanity. Or is it Satanic when it tells and teaches truth! The real heretics are those who believe, defend and argue for a triadegud or Trinity which actually is not founded on the sum of God's word. It does not help if it appears that one or a few passages suggest that God is a triadegud then the sum of God's word says that God is one and the only true God is only and solely the Father.

Joh. AD 17 3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, whom thou hast sent, Jesus Christ.

1 Tim. 1. 17 But the eternal King, the immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever! Amen.

1 Cor. 8. 4b. there is no God but one. 5 For if there are also so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth - which there are many gods and many lords - 6 so it's dog for us only one God, the Father, of whom all are, and we to him, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all are, and we through him.

Jesus himself claimed, learned and taught never said he was the only true God, it was just alone and only God the Father as it is the only one who is from everlasting to everlasting. Jesus has a beginning and has been withdrawn from the Father! They are one as a married couple is, but still two separate individuals with their own function and title. Notice that the scripture is the Holy Spirit never mentioned by name, why? He is not a separate person, just as our spirit is not. But with features and equipment that our spirit is. Therefore to do God and the Spirit of Christ to a third person in a God, it is so utterly pointless and ugrammatisk and unbiblical that must and should keep it as a heresy and a teaching that comes from the father of lies, Satan!

Related links: http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/ http://janchristensen.net/index2.php?side=video http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution

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