Nr. 425:
King David had the choice to resist and reject the temptation or open up to it and give in to it. The choice was his, not God!
King David even chose to sin and follow their own carnal desires even though he showed better. When we choose sin before the Lord is never anything wrong with the Lord and us. This illustration of King David and Bathsheba
James 1 13 No one say when he is tempted, I am tempted by God. For God can not be tempted by evil and he himself tempts no one. 14 But every man is tempted when he is drawn and enticed by his own lust, then 15, when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: but when sin has become full-grown, brings forth death. 16 Be not deceived, my beloved brethren!
God tempts no one and all who are tempted and drawn enticed by his own lust and ego!
Satan appears in 1 Chronicles 21 1. And Satan stood up against Israel and incited David to number Israel.
But the very name shows up there for the first time does not necessarily mean that the character has not appeared previously. He also goes by the names that serpent, the dragon, the devil, etc. (and here I would remind you that most people probably agree that the Devil and Satan are one and the same - but know that the term "devil" does not show up until Matthew Gospel., it does not mean that the Devil appeared also in GT).
Especially with a mario logical understanding of original sin story is easy to see the connection between the devil of 1 Genesis and Revelation from the devil. It is written:
"The great dragon was hurled down-that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels with him" (Revelation 12, 1-2).
The devil deceived the world by luring the first human sin, that Adam and Eve. Thus we are all tainted by original sin (with a few exceptions), and the devil has thus "seduced the entire world." This is the classic story of 1 Exodus where the devil slangeham lures Eve to eat of the Tree of Life, in which she again lures Adam with him.
King David had every chance of experiencing a life away from Sin
In many ways lived the life of David in God's special blessing. God tells him that all he wanted and pointed out, he did. God spared not the candy to him. Talk about having everything it takes to live holy and clean!
1 Sam. 12. 7 Then Nathan said to David, Thou art the man. Thus says the Lord God of Israel, I anointed thee king over Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul, 8, and gave thee thy master's house and your master's wives into your bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and Judah, and it was too little, I would moreover have given thee still more, both the one and the other. 9 Why have you despised the word and done what is evil in his sight?
To get everything or nothing is never Conditions to experience victory over sin
We read here about King David who fell deeply, deeply. He committed adultery and to hide his shame he killed the husband of the woman he committed adultery with and thus opened up to sin and Satan wide gap in their lives.
2 Sam. 12. 9 Why have you despised the word and done what is evil in his sight? Uriah the Hittite you have struck with his sword, his wife, and hast taken his wife to thyself, and hast slain him with the sword of the Ammonites. 10 Now therefore the sword shall never depart from your house, because you despised me and taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be his wife for yourself. 11 Thus saith the Lord: Behold, I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, I will take your wives before your eyes and give them to your neighbor, and he shall lie with your wives, as the sun here is witness to that. 12 For what you did, you did in secret, but I will do this thing before all Israel and before the sun. '
There was no excuse for King David's sin!
The Psalmist writes the following about one of God's foremost covenant promises: "If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments, if they violate my statutes, and keep not my commandments, then I will punish their sin with the rod, and their iniquity with strokes. But my mercy I will not take from him, and my faithfulness I will not fail. I will not break my covenant and did not change it that went over my lips. "(Psalm 89:31-35).
We rejoice when we read these wonderful words of the New Covenant. God promises to never take away his mercy from us, no matter how bad we fail. But many believers skips lightly over the grave warning in this verse: If we leave God's law and refuse to keep His commandments, He will punish our offenses, with its divine rice.
There is simply no way one can depleted these words. God tells us plainly, "If you continue in sin, so I'm going to have to take care of you in a very strict manner. I will give you grace and forgive you. But I have to do in return for your sin. And you will feel my lashes on your back. "
The Bible says that the Lord loves, he chastens. We see this truth vividly illustrated in David's life. Consider how the Lord dealt with this man, a faithful servant who enjoyed pleasure of the Lord's favor. At one point in her life sinned David cruel - just did it and kept it hidden for months. Finally God said "Enough" - and sent Nathan the prophet to expose David's sin. Nathan used an analogy to tear up any excuse David had to have, until the king finally admitted, "I have sinned - I'm guilty."
But to simply admit sin is not enough. God not only revealed David - he also left his divine spell falling over his servant's back. We know of course that the Lord always uses his wand in love. But David's life shows us clearly, that to feel God correcting spelling is no small matter. The kind that falls are painful and agonizing. And often falls not stick only on us but also on our loved ones and those who are close to us.
Look at the direct result of David's sin of those who stood near him: The illegitimate child he bred with Bathsheba died. Thousands of Israelite soldiers were killed in combat. He brought scandal over his nation, and made Israel a laughingstock in the enemy's eyes. And as if that were not enough of ailments, David went through an endless personal pain because of his sin: he lost the throne of Israel to his rebellious son Absalom. He was chased by Absalom's army like a wild animal. He had to flee into the wilderness from his son that he loved so much. And he wept uncontrollably when Absalom was killed.
David knew that all of this could have been avoided. Each outrageous event was a painful reminder of the consequences of his sin. He expressed his endless pain through the Psalms, and wrote that his soul was in constant agony, he was cast down in confusion, his rent was a bed full of tears. He cried out in pain, "God, why have you forsaken me?" And he cried in fear, "God did not take your Holy Spirit from me."
God belief spelling led David to the brink of his sanity. And, as you'll see, as it led him to the grave.
If you continue in sin, you will experience an increasing loss of peace and strength.
David wrote: "My strength is broken because of mine iniquity, and my bones are wasted." (Ps. 31:11). Like a hole in the fuel tank of a car, your sin slowly drain you of all resources. Your peace, joy and strength will literally drip away until it is completely empty.
David confessed: ".... there is no peace in my bones for my sins. "(Ps. 38:4). He said: "All my strength is gone because of my sin. My body has become weak because of what I've done. My sin makes me simply not allowed to rest. "
David experienced God's piercing arrows. He wrote: "For your arrows have hit me and your hand is heavy on me." (Ps. 38:3). Still had the dear servant be trained in the fear of God. And part of the painful lesson he had to learn was that he had lost the peace of God. Now, he cried out, "He weakened my strength ...." (Psalm 102:24).
I know Christians who live a life of utter confusion because they continue to indulge in sin. These hollow souls are always degraded, weak, always struggling, but going nowhere. I also know of pastors who can not sit still because of their sin. They are constantly on the move, work and never come into the Lord's rest.
It does not matter who you are - if you harbor a hidden sin, you will experience frequent disruptions in your life, your home, your family, your work. Everything you touch will be in disarray. You will become increasingly restless, confused, tossed about by endless worries and fears. And all your peace and strength will be drained out of you.
Do we need more and more time to prepare to avoid falling or living in sin?
I know that there are those who believe that King David did not live enough consecrated subject before he sinned with Bathsheba
1 Sam. 11. 1. The year after, the time when kings go forth to battle, that David sent Joab, and his servants, and all Israel, and they ravaged the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem. 2 Then it happened one evening that David arose from his bed and walked around on the roof of the king, when he received from the roof a woman bathing, and the woman was very beautiful in appearance.
We all need time to be alone with God and ourselves. King David also. But he abused this time by looking at contemporary porn. He was "porno depends." His house was higher than the other which mostly took place on the rooftops with regard to swimming etc. King David used this to study other women as they bathed naked and incited and goaded him up. The truth was that he was defiled and possessed of the same spirit and attitude that those who look and depend on porn today.
Porn creates dependency and again opens up sin and demonic activity in your and my life if we open up for it! Porn is a gateway for all sins, but it starts with porn. Therefore abhor it like the plague!
If we read through Jesus teaching that we understand that Jesus went further than Moses, for example in saying, "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart" Matthew 5:27-28
Coveting or shine on a different woman from the one you are married to is wrong. Because opening the heart door open for sin and being plagued by demons. Thus, the fruit is ultimately a big hassle.
It does therefore not that most men manage to overcome all thoughts, but it is not impossible. It deals well with what Jesus said the way to life is narrow, Matt 7:14. The deal ultimately what's good for your own soul, and the goal is always to live a sanctified life.
Pornography is Satan's big attraction today, to turn people's minds away from God. It is simply evil. And we should talk about it, because drugs and alcohol, we often hear about and warn against, but rarely pornography. But it can be just as addictive and almost impossible to break unless the Lord intervenes.
I once heard a story about a little place in the U.S. that banned pornographic outlets (before the Internet's time). And the crime rate fell by over 50%. I know that violence and pornography hangs happily together.
Sometimes sincere Christians seeking pornography online because they seek to comfort themselves or try to fill up one kind of void / pain in their life. But generally increased, pain, and you get problems like relationships with people who are important in your life. Moreover, if you are doing pornography in secret, it is very possible that your own children would do the same. Open the home for various spirits of lust, it also carries consequences for others. Just look at the fruit of David's lust.
The issue is how one becomes free? One tries and tries but is not free. It's actually not always as easy as it looks.
Most commonly desire that can not be cut out, spirits, or what we call demons. They enslave you. One can cast out demons in Jesus' name. But generally, if you are bound by this, it may be deeper stuff sitting in the soul. It could be unforgiveness / bitterness example. against his father, or the other. And then you have to actually start there. One must bless the people you have spoken negatively about and forgive anyone who you think has done something stupid to you, or people in authority (including parents) who might have abused you / or committing violence against you. It does not deal with your feelings, just that you do it in faith. Certainly bless those you can not bless, 2-3 times per day until the bitter feelings disappear.
Moreover, one must also love yourself. One can not love his neighbor without loving themselves and forgive themselves.
So you have to put your name on the different types of spirits that bind you, by seeking God in prayer and fasting. One takes only down one paper, and write down the thoughts the Lord gives you (like, resentment, inferiority, rejection, self-loathing, etc. etc. ...)
So happy to find a brother (or sister if you are female) and confess your sins, and then in the eyes of God, there they were no more. The blood of Jesus is enough! So you have to actually drive out demons. And one must not give up. This can often be just over a match. Demons would often not leaving you (it is, after all, their place of residence) and often they try to may hide themselves.
Demons can ease the pressure of desire, and suddenly you notice for a while that it is good. But then you come into the presence of God, and desire flare ups. Demons can not stand the presence of God, just as they did when Jesus appeared in the synagogue, Mark 1:23
(But sometimes, it is enough to say: I pronounces you spirit of lust / desire, and it leaves you on the spot).
Many Christians, who may never have surrendered to the Lord in the deep, wild might see pornography as something "natural". But if you have the Holy Spirit inside, so it would be a match for your bad choices, and what are the right choices, a struggle for the pure and the impure in your life. There are also a lot of what Paul writes about in Romans 8 (read entire Romans)
Therefore wild some Christians think it's okay with pornography, but one that is godly, wild him / her feel that this is wrong. And about mixing the crude with a pure, one can get a mental breakdown.
When the Bible talks about faith struggle, as is much of the battle going on inside oneself. More than the external pressure. When God has cleansed us on the inside, and built one deep foundation in his Word, so wild nor any external pressure could rip you over. One is whether "the weather". Because the roots of their food in the clean source, and all the weeds are weeded out.
Final Comment: Too bad in all forms is and remains dangerous, destructive and negative for a believer. It is important to take their precautions and Loathing sin in all its forms like the plague. If than not it does so sin will make a distinction between you and the only true God, and him he sent Jesus Christ. Than to lose the community and it is not even saved, always saved. Salvation is something we need to experience every day and live in salvation!
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mandag 31. desember 2012
søndag 30. desember 2012
Nr. 424: The Holy Spirit is blue!
Nr. 424:
The Holy Spirit is blue!
When I ca. 4 years ago was taken x number of years ago I got to see everything from the beginning before anything was. And before anything was there was only where Father and the Holy Spirit was and is a part of God. The blue of the Holy Spirit had I tried to use on our website. See here:
The little boy Colton Burpo did look into the sky. He saw many things: "Among other things, that the Holy Spirit is hard to describe, other than that he's blue!".
Some descriptions Colton Burpo and come here as a report from the newspaper the day:
FACTS ABOUT "The sky is the or'ntli": Original Title: "Heaven is for Real" (2010). Acting on barely four year old Colton Burpo, who in 2003 allegedly was three minutes in heaven. In the U.S., the book sold over six million copies. The Norwegian translation is by far the year's best-selling Christian book in Norway in 2012. In second place is Bible bokmål 2011 hardcover. In the book we read that Colton told his parents that he was outside the body during surgery for a ruptured appendix. He described exactly what his parents were doing at the time, in another part of the hospital. The little boy told of meeting with a sister - no mother had ever told him that she had a miscarriage. Colton surprised the parents with detailed and accurate descriptions of heaven that matched the Bible, even though he had not learned to read.
Here are also some more from what one commentator describes after reading the book:
Colton claims that "Jesus was the only one in heaven who was dressed in purple." Daddy Todd inject so that the Bible is purple royal color. It is true that Jesus was given a purple robe of Pilate and that this was a symbol of an earthly king by the Romans to be mocked, but Jesus will continue with this in the sky? We know from the Gospels that Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John, Jesus 'clothes' shiny, perfectly white, as no fuller on earth can make clothes so white. "
But scarlet or purple? Helgenglorien. According to the four year old Colton had everyone in Heaven "a light over his head." Daddy Todd explains the Biblical account of Stephen, who shortly before his death during interrogation of the Sanhedrin were given a "face like an angel's face." Although the reference to the incident with Stephen is fanciful at best, one should also ask whether they are going to heaven walking around with candles on their heads? (Todd acknowledges later that he can not remember Colton said this, but omit it still does not). Angel song on Jesus' lap. Colton says that the angels sang for him when he arrived in heaven. "They sang to me dad, because I was so scared. I felt better afterwards .. when I put on the lap of Jesus." A little boy is scared on the lap of Jesus, and only angel song to comfort him? Wings. Daddy Todd asks his son Colton once how everyone looks in the sky. "Everyone has wings," he replies and says most people look like angels.
It is not difficult to understand that Colton did not have as great Biblical knowledge, but Pastor Todd ought to know better. According to the Bible, not angels wings - just cherubim. What are heavenly beings with wings, by the way? In glorified bodies? Hester. "Hey Dad, did you know that Jesus has a horse?" asks Colton one day. "He has a rainbow horse, and I got the clap. There was a lot of colors." Expecting Dad and Pastor Todd that ordinary Christians should believe in such things? (As recently as this year, Norway was visited by the American preacher Robert Liardon as the 80's also published a book - also published in Norwegian - on his visit to heaven where he met various animals. My former pastor refused the book sold in the parish kiosk) . Todd grabs the narrative in the book of Revelation where the colors of the rainbow is mentioned to solve the mystery.
Gabriel. Colton says that Jesus sits on his "daddy" right side and the left side is the Archangel Gabriel. Rainbows. Colton has been fascinated by rainbows. He begins to ask for a separate rainbow in retrospect, and find that a rainbow appears in the sky the following day. Again takes dad Todd supportive and refers to Revelation: "And he that sat was to look to the sort of jasper and sardius stone, and there was a rainbow round about the throne .."
Here I describe about my experience I had for approx. 4 years ago:
But it is important to think straight. I got a wonderful experience for 2 years makes me for my part makes me even more sure that both the Trinity is wrong and likewise Jesus only doctrine. Jesus alone doctrine is actually more right, but those who believe in the doctrine seems so hard against others, I do not like.
I taught from Revelation and began to look at this with the Trinity again. Then one Saturday morning in March 2009 Well, I was first back in the Spirit to speak. Before everything and saw that it was the Father who was there alone with the Holy Spirit. Then the Holy Spirit is a part of him, the clear understanding I received. And Jesus was there when not only the Father alone. The idea of three Gods who found each other out in space and became a God, it is difficult for me to believe in a Big Bang itself. It is and remains nonsense and nonsense. As I see it, it's this: The Father is from before time, Jesus is His firstborn and that is his right hand and reigns, performing and acting on behalf of the Father fully. And who showed us who the Father is when he was here on earth!
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and of the Son Spirit seems that the will of God, his power and maintaining of all life when he is present everywhere and unlimited as God himself!
Final Comment: experiences are important. But it is God's word which is a guideline for life and learning. More sure we have the prophetic ors says the apostle Peter. And we have more sure word of prophecy, which you do well to pay attention. It is like a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts (2 Pet. 1.19).
Related links:
The Holy Spirit is blue!
When I ca. 4 years ago was taken x number of years ago I got to see everything from the beginning before anything was. And before anything was there was only where Father and the Holy Spirit was and is a part of God. The blue of the Holy Spirit had I tried to use on our website. See here:
The little boy Colton Burpo did look into the sky. He saw many things: "Among other things, that the Holy Spirit is hard to describe, other than that he's blue!".
Some descriptions Colton Burpo and come here as a report from the newspaper the day:
FACTS ABOUT "The sky is the or'ntli": Original Title: "Heaven is for Real" (2010). Acting on barely four year old Colton Burpo, who in 2003 allegedly was three minutes in heaven. In the U.S., the book sold over six million copies. The Norwegian translation is by far the year's best-selling Christian book in Norway in 2012. In second place is Bible bokmål 2011 hardcover. In the book we read that Colton told his parents that he was outside the body during surgery for a ruptured appendix. He described exactly what his parents were doing at the time, in another part of the hospital. The little boy told of meeting with a sister - no mother had ever told him that she had a miscarriage. Colton surprised the parents with detailed and accurate descriptions of heaven that matched the Bible, even though he had not learned to read.
Here are also some more from what one commentator describes after reading the book:
Colton claims that "Jesus was the only one in heaven who was dressed in purple." Daddy Todd inject so that the Bible is purple royal color. It is true that Jesus was given a purple robe of Pilate and that this was a symbol of an earthly king by the Romans to be mocked, but Jesus will continue with this in the sky? We know from the Gospels that Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John, Jesus 'clothes' shiny, perfectly white, as no fuller on earth can make clothes so white. "
But scarlet or purple? Helgenglorien. According to the four year old Colton had everyone in Heaven "a light over his head." Daddy Todd explains the Biblical account of Stephen, who shortly before his death during interrogation of the Sanhedrin were given a "face like an angel's face." Although the reference to the incident with Stephen is fanciful at best, one should also ask whether they are going to heaven walking around with candles on their heads? (Todd acknowledges later that he can not remember Colton said this, but omit it still does not). Angel song on Jesus' lap. Colton says that the angels sang for him when he arrived in heaven. "They sang to me dad, because I was so scared. I felt better afterwards .. when I put on the lap of Jesus." A little boy is scared on the lap of Jesus, and only angel song to comfort him? Wings. Daddy Todd asks his son Colton once how everyone looks in the sky. "Everyone has wings," he replies and says most people look like angels.
It is not difficult to understand that Colton did not have as great Biblical knowledge, but Pastor Todd ought to know better. According to the Bible, not angels wings - just cherubim. What are heavenly beings with wings, by the way? In glorified bodies? Hester. "Hey Dad, did you know that Jesus has a horse?" asks Colton one day. "He has a rainbow horse, and I got the clap. There was a lot of colors." Expecting Dad and Pastor Todd that ordinary Christians should believe in such things? (As recently as this year, Norway was visited by the American preacher Robert Liardon as the 80's also published a book - also published in Norwegian - on his visit to heaven where he met various animals. My former pastor refused the book sold in the parish kiosk) . Todd grabs the narrative in the book of Revelation where the colors of the rainbow is mentioned to solve the mystery.
Gabriel. Colton says that Jesus sits on his "daddy" right side and the left side is the Archangel Gabriel. Rainbows. Colton has been fascinated by rainbows. He begins to ask for a separate rainbow in retrospect, and find that a rainbow appears in the sky the following day. Again takes dad Todd supportive and refers to Revelation: "And he that sat was to look to the sort of jasper and sardius stone, and there was a rainbow round about the throne .."
Here I describe about my experience I had for approx. 4 years ago:
But it is important to think straight. I got a wonderful experience for 2 years makes me for my part makes me even more sure that both the Trinity is wrong and likewise Jesus only doctrine. Jesus alone doctrine is actually more right, but those who believe in the doctrine seems so hard against others, I do not like.
I taught from Revelation and began to look at this with the Trinity again. Then one Saturday morning in March 2009 Well, I was first back in the Spirit to speak. Before everything and saw that it was the Father who was there alone with the Holy Spirit. Then the Holy Spirit is a part of him, the clear understanding I received. And Jesus was there when not only the Father alone. The idea of three Gods who found each other out in space and became a God, it is difficult for me to believe in a Big Bang itself. It is and remains nonsense and nonsense. As I see it, it's this: The Father is from before time, Jesus is His firstborn and that is his right hand and reigns, performing and acting on behalf of the Father fully. And who showed us who the Father is when he was here on earth!
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and of the Son Spirit seems that the will of God, his power and maintaining of all life when he is present everywhere and unlimited as God himself!
Final Comment: experiences are important. But it is God's word which is a guideline for life and learning. More sure we have the prophetic ors says the apostle Peter. And we have more sure word of prophecy, which you do well to pay attention. It is like a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts (2 Pet. 1.19).
Related links:
lørdag 29. desember 2012
Nr. 423: Destruction is a punishment that is eternal owing to that it can not be reversed!
Nr. 423:
Destruction is a punishment that is eternal owing to that it can not be reversed!
The lake of fire and all that ends there will be destroyed right before God the Father makes all things new, and all evil will be destroyed forever! Lake of Fire is a symbol expresses where God will fire frame everything and everyone within its range and it is the people, fallen angels, demons, the false prophet, the Antichrist and Satan himself who will be destroyed by the fire of God!
Matt. 25. 46. "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous to eternal life." (Bible of 1611. Copyright: Morten Gjemlestad 2003)
2 Thess. 1. 9. "These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power." (Bible of 1611. Copyright: Morten Gjemlestad 2003)
It is obvious that the word of God is not speaking of a literal eternal torment, but a torment that will last forever in the sense that the judgment that affects those who do not accept Christ will find their unbelief and disobedience had eternal consequences when their rejection of Christ inflicted them an eternal separation from the only true God!
Eternal damnation in God's word is to be destroyed!
As fire struck Sodom and Gomarra will fire again meet the unbelievers and Satan with his conspirators, and he will forever be removed by the fire of God that is to be destroyed if not in the light of his life which it is obvious that Satan and the unbelievers are not!
From my commentaries Revelation 20 10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are. There shall be tormented day and night forever and ever.
Here Satan and all who followed him last end. That they will be tormented day and night is biledelelig voice when night shall cease when God creates a new heaven and a new earth. The Bible does not speak of literal eternal torment, but when you have turned away from God and the opportunity is passed. So it becomes an agonizing and painful entrance into nothingness and destroyed - do!
One day God will create a new earth and new heavens where no unclean or wrongdoing should be. Then it is obvious that Satan and all his accomplices are wiped out, in what way? Just as Sodom and Gomorrah was the fire of God. When the fire - the fire of God - hit the towns became destroyed. The same demise is for all unbelievers and do not follow the Lamb!
Jude writes that "Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them" is "given as examples, and they suffer the punishment of eternal fire" (Jude 7). The doctrine of an eternally burning hell where sinners will be tormented forever, do not belong in the Bible. This idea derives from Greek philosophy, and was mixed into Christianity long after the first missionaries had gone out with the gospel. It was mainly in the Roman Catholic Church that hell doctrine found footing, and over the centuries, threats of eternal punishment in hell brought grief, fear and suffering to thousands of people. The doctrine has been argued for so long that many people today think it really has its roots in the Bible. Understandably enough, many choose to reject such a God. It is directly macabre wanting to torment people with fire for eternity, not to mention letting the redeemed and the angels witness it. It would make heaven a place of sorrow. But that's not true. The Bible gives no support to this hell doctrine. Instead we are told about eternity: "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither will mourning nor crying nor pain will be no more, for the former things are passed away." (Revelation 21 , 4). Sodom, Gomorrah and the cities around them would be an example of "the punishment of eternal fire." No flame burner there today. All that is left is ashes. It could burn, burned up. Nothing is left, everything was destroyed. The legacy of those who are being saved it is eternal life in God's kingdom. The wicked are not part of this legacy. They will not receive eternal life. Instead, they will be destroyed forever. "For evildoers shall be cut off. But they that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the land. It's just a little while, and the wicked are not there anymore. Surely, you will look carefully for his place, but it is no more. But the humble shall inherit the land, and shall delight themselves in abundant large peace. "(Psalm 37.9 to 11).
First mentioned in Scripture what the wages of sin is:
1 Genesis 2 15 And the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man: You may freely eat of every tree in the garden, 17 but the tree of knowledge of good and evil you must not eat, for in the day you eat of it you shall surely die.
Rom. 6. 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Lifting is unambiguous and clear in both the Old and New Testament, death awaits those who will believe and obey.
We first meet the consequences of sin and live a life without communion with God is that he shall die. We first meet a truth of God's word is essential. And the times we face the truth again is just to illustrate the same truth just from a different page. Lift is ready for human if they reject Christ. There are literally dying, not right away. But it is the consequence and result of putting God without passing in his life.
Here is an article I wrote a few years ago:
What does the eternal damnation?
What comprises it to perish? Will people burn in an eternal hell and a perfect loving and just God will torment it forever? Or is this an old Catholic doctrine? This I shall try to answer. The Greek word AION is often translated into FOREVER. But that does not mean forever, but it means an age, a full period. Here, for example Youngs Literal Translation fine. Rev 8:10 p.m. and the Devil, who is leading them astray, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where are the beast and the false prophet, and they Shall be tormented day and night - to the ages of the ages. and the devil, which leads them astray, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet, and they shall be tormented day and night - to the ages of ages.
It translates the Greek word aion, aionos much better than eg King James.
And this with hell. If you and I could Hebrew and Greek to the fingertips - and had never read the Bible before, and never had been littered with poisonous sermons, we would read the Old and New Testament, without having an idea of such a terrible place.
Hell theology emerged as a result of the Catholic theologian Jerome, who already believe in a burning hell after death for not believing (This idea occurred ca. 500 years after Jesus' death, and has roots in Egyptian and Greek pagan philosophy of an existence after death in either a kind of heavenly paradise or a terrible place with fire and torment. In the Bible we find 4 words wrongly been translated into HELL of Jerome. His Bible, The Latin Vulgate, the basis for most modern translations today, and has led to the erroneous doctrine of an eternal hell is continued. It's Oden Sheol (the grave, as Job begged God to send him to), Hades (the grave in Greek), Tartarus (a spiritual prison where a group of fallen angels who seduced earth women before the flood is imprisoned), and Gehenna. Jesus spoke of Gehenna, which is a physical place in Jerusalem. Ironically enough, Gehenna today a very beautiful garden in Jerusalem. Jerome translated all these four words Infernus - meaning an inferno of flames - HELL. He has, in other words, done that Jesus says we should not do: namely, remove anything and add anything to God's word. When Jesus spoke of Gehenna indicted him the future judgment in the Lake of Fire. This is a very interesting study - but Jesus never once suggested that Gehenna is eternal punishment place, where people will be tortured forever.
Php 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; Php 2:11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Php 2: 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, things in heaven and things in earth, and things under the earth; Php 2: 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Some preachers claim that everyone must bow their knees and confess that Jesus is Lord before being cast into the lake of fire to be tormented. Such a theory does not make sense, because it makes absolutely no credit at all to God. It asks God so, in the same class as Hitler, no - it's getting really Hitler to emerge as a good altar boy ...)
In full harmony with eg. 1 John 4:14, John 4:41, Col. 1:19,20 - 1TIM4: 10 etc etc. I just had to get this in order to complete the argument. In God's plan, there are several ages. The only thing that is eternal is that which begins after the judgment and the lake of fire, namely the Kingdom of God in the New Earth with the New Heaven, where God himself will be all in all the earth. It is an age which has a beginning, but no end. Therefore, it becomes synonymous words here forever as here in Matt. 28. 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the end. " The basic text is that until this age. Thus also annihilation process of all wicked, it will take an age! A beginning to an end. So it is with this age we are inside now. Mercy and the church age that has lasted for 2000 years.
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Destruction is a punishment that is eternal owing to that it can not be reversed!
The lake of fire and all that ends there will be destroyed right before God the Father makes all things new, and all evil will be destroyed forever! Lake of Fire is a symbol expresses where God will fire frame everything and everyone within its range and it is the people, fallen angels, demons, the false prophet, the Antichrist and Satan himself who will be destroyed by the fire of God!
Matt. 25. 46. "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous to eternal life." (Bible of 1611. Copyright: Morten Gjemlestad 2003)
2 Thess. 1. 9. "These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power." (Bible of 1611. Copyright: Morten Gjemlestad 2003)
It is obvious that the word of God is not speaking of a literal eternal torment, but a torment that will last forever in the sense that the judgment that affects those who do not accept Christ will find their unbelief and disobedience had eternal consequences when their rejection of Christ inflicted them an eternal separation from the only true God!
Eternal damnation in God's word is to be destroyed!
As fire struck Sodom and Gomarra will fire again meet the unbelievers and Satan with his conspirators, and he will forever be removed by the fire of God that is to be destroyed if not in the light of his life which it is obvious that Satan and the unbelievers are not!
From my commentaries Revelation 20 10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are. There shall be tormented day and night forever and ever.
Here Satan and all who followed him last end. That they will be tormented day and night is biledelelig voice when night shall cease when God creates a new heaven and a new earth. The Bible does not speak of literal eternal torment, but when you have turned away from God and the opportunity is passed. So it becomes an agonizing and painful entrance into nothingness and destroyed - do!
One day God will create a new earth and new heavens where no unclean or wrongdoing should be. Then it is obvious that Satan and all his accomplices are wiped out, in what way? Just as Sodom and Gomorrah was the fire of God. When the fire - the fire of God - hit the towns became destroyed. The same demise is for all unbelievers and do not follow the Lamb!
Jude writes that "Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them" is "given as examples, and they suffer the punishment of eternal fire" (Jude 7). The doctrine of an eternally burning hell where sinners will be tormented forever, do not belong in the Bible. This idea derives from Greek philosophy, and was mixed into Christianity long after the first missionaries had gone out with the gospel. It was mainly in the Roman Catholic Church that hell doctrine found footing, and over the centuries, threats of eternal punishment in hell brought grief, fear and suffering to thousands of people. The doctrine has been argued for so long that many people today think it really has its roots in the Bible. Understandably enough, many choose to reject such a God. It is directly macabre wanting to torment people with fire for eternity, not to mention letting the redeemed and the angels witness it. It would make heaven a place of sorrow. But that's not true. The Bible gives no support to this hell doctrine. Instead we are told about eternity: "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither will mourning nor crying nor pain will be no more, for the former things are passed away." (Revelation 21 , 4). Sodom, Gomorrah and the cities around them would be an example of "the punishment of eternal fire." No flame burner there today. All that is left is ashes. It could burn, burned up. Nothing is left, everything was destroyed. The legacy of those who are being saved it is eternal life in God's kingdom. The wicked are not part of this legacy. They will not receive eternal life. Instead, they will be destroyed forever. "For evildoers shall be cut off. But they that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the land. It's just a little while, and the wicked are not there anymore. Surely, you will look carefully for his place, but it is no more. But the humble shall inherit the land, and shall delight themselves in abundant large peace. "(Psalm 37.9 to 11).
First mentioned in Scripture what the wages of sin is:
1 Genesis 2 15 And the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man: You may freely eat of every tree in the garden, 17 but the tree of knowledge of good and evil you must not eat, for in the day you eat of it you shall surely die.
Rom. 6. 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Lifting is unambiguous and clear in both the Old and New Testament, death awaits those who will believe and obey.
We first meet the consequences of sin and live a life without communion with God is that he shall die. We first meet a truth of God's word is essential. And the times we face the truth again is just to illustrate the same truth just from a different page. Lift is ready for human if they reject Christ. There are literally dying, not right away. But it is the consequence and result of putting God without passing in his life.
Here is an article I wrote a few years ago:
What does the eternal damnation?
What comprises it to perish? Will people burn in an eternal hell and a perfect loving and just God will torment it forever? Or is this an old Catholic doctrine? This I shall try to answer. The Greek word AION is often translated into FOREVER. But that does not mean forever, but it means an age, a full period. Here, for example Youngs Literal Translation fine. Rev 8:10 p.m. and the Devil, who is leading them astray, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where are the beast and the false prophet, and they Shall be tormented day and night - to the ages of the ages. and the devil, which leads them astray, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet, and they shall be tormented day and night - to the ages of ages.
It translates the Greek word aion, aionos much better than eg King James.
And this with hell. If you and I could Hebrew and Greek to the fingertips - and had never read the Bible before, and never had been littered with poisonous sermons, we would read the Old and New Testament, without having an idea of such a terrible place.
Hell theology emerged as a result of the Catholic theologian Jerome, who already believe in a burning hell after death for not believing (This idea occurred ca. 500 years after Jesus' death, and has roots in Egyptian and Greek pagan philosophy of an existence after death in either a kind of heavenly paradise or a terrible place with fire and torment. In the Bible we find 4 words wrongly been translated into HELL of Jerome. His Bible, The Latin Vulgate, the basis for most modern translations today, and has led to the erroneous doctrine of an eternal hell is continued. It's Oden Sheol (the grave, as Job begged God to send him to), Hades (the grave in Greek), Tartarus (a spiritual prison where a group of fallen angels who seduced earth women before the flood is imprisoned), and Gehenna. Jesus spoke of Gehenna, which is a physical place in Jerusalem. Ironically enough, Gehenna today a very beautiful garden in Jerusalem. Jerome translated all these four words Infernus - meaning an inferno of flames - HELL. He has, in other words, done that Jesus says we should not do: namely, remove anything and add anything to God's word. When Jesus spoke of Gehenna indicted him the future judgment in the Lake of Fire. This is a very interesting study - but Jesus never once suggested that Gehenna is eternal punishment place, where people will be tortured forever.
Php 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; Php 2:11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Php 2: 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, things in heaven and things in earth, and things under the earth; Php 2: 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Some preachers claim that everyone must bow their knees and confess that Jesus is Lord before being cast into the lake of fire to be tormented. Such a theory does not make sense, because it makes absolutely no credit at all to God. It asks God so, in the same class as Hitler, no - it's getting really Hitler to emerge as a good altar boy ...)
In full harmony with eg. 1 John 4:14, John 4:41, Col. 1:19,20 - 1TIM4: 10 etc etc. I just had to get this in order to complete the argument. In God's plan, there are several ages. The only thing that is eternal is that which begins after the judgment and the lake of fire, namely the Kingdom of God in the New Earth with the New Heaven, where God himself will be all in all the earth. It is an age which has a beginning, but no end. Therefore, it becomes synonymous words here forever as here in Matt. 28. 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the end. " The basic text is that until this age. Thus also annihilation process of all wicked, it will take an age! A beginning to an end. So it is with this age we are inside now. Mercy and the church age that has lasted for 2000 years.
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tirsdag 25. desember 2012
Nr. 422: Pentecostal Charismatic Christians have lower morale and self-knowledge, but greater self-esteem and belief in their own excellence than other believers!
Nr. 422:
Pentecostal Charismatic Christians have lower morale and self-knowledge, but greater self-esteem and belief in their own excellence than other believers!
Matt. 7. 21 "Not everyone who says 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but those who do my Father's will. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and we have not driven out demons in Your name, and done many wonderful works?' 23 And then I will declare to them, 'You have never known me. Depart from me, you who are doing lawlessness. " 24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words, and doeth them, compared to a wise man who built his house upon a rock. 25 The rain came, the flood and the winds blew and beat, but it did not fall, for it was built on a rock. 26 But anyone who hears my words and does not do them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came, the flood and the winds blew and beat against that house until it collapsed - and the fall was heavy. "
In today's Pentecostal Charismatic movement so are all kinds of people were brought forward. From the most wholehearted and good Christians, to directly probe and false prophets. The reason for this is no doubt that the Bible teaching followed by church discipline has been replaced by experience Christianity. This is where the Pentecostal Charismatic great strength and weakness is that it is the experience itself that is in the center, not Christ and God's word. Here an illustration with Todd Bentley is a very well known within its preaching the Pentecostal Charismatic movement who was married with several children. But that was cheating with his babysitter under the influence of drugs and alcohol as it should be obvious that he is dependent. He is now remarried with his nanny and still works within its the Pentecostal Charismatic branch of Christianity. Jesus said that those who do iniquity, he will not recognize! Here he is with his 2 woman who is not his wife Jessa Hasbrook Bentley that he is living in fornication with for what Jesus and the apostle Paul taught and learn! But we find many such preachers here in Norway who are divorced and re-married as believers January Hanvold, Jan Aage Torp, Albert Ånensen, Ivar Helmersen, Asbjørn Skjortnes and many more.
Pentecostalism began as a protest movement against the established Christianity that emphasized the formal theology and sacraments!
Matt. 22. 29 But Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.
Are Pentecostals and charismatics worse than other believers? Yes and no!
There was a statistic I read a few years back where it was all within its Faith Movement which topped the statistics with regard to divorce and remarriage throughout the United States. Then within its sphere of society. It tells me that then have a total failure of the new life with Jesus. God's word speaks of believers who are divorced shall either settle or live single.
1 Cor. 7. 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband; 11 but she is separated from him when she vedbli being unmarried or reconciled with her husband - and that a man to separate himself from his wife.
Jesus went on even longer then the even married a divorced committed adultery and then living in sin!
Luke 16 18 Whosoever putteth away his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
In Norway it is at least as extreme as in the United States with regard to divorce and remarriage. But in the Roman Catholic Church and all other Churches and congregations is probably at least as extreme and "sinful", but more subtle and hide!
Within its the Roman Catholic church that has a celibate promise that God's word says is demonic:
1 Timothy 4 1. Now the Spirit clear words that in the latter times some will fall away from the faith, as they hold themselves to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils 3 b as forbidding to marry.
The Roman Catholic church is demonic people who refuse to get married!
Pedophilia scandals that have hit the Catholic Church has recently followed the Catholic Church in 1700 years throughout its history when God has said in his own words, that everyone should get married and not burning with desire in such 1. Cor. 7.
Pentecostals, Charismatics are as opposite as they live and act like the world, many times worse! Than create their "own" theology of faith in a triadegud to torment and harass anyone who does not believe and think like them. But while FLORES sin in all churches!
All churches are sadly backsliding to a greater or lesser extent in life and learn!
I wrote an article a few years ago that hit the nail on the head when I expounded that really is all congregations, churches and denominations for sects to work when no one lives up to the Apostolic standard in life or learn! Here are some excerpts from the article:
Various Christian sects, who are they?
What is a cult and who are they? Various Christian sects, who are they? For me, a sect that emphasizes the full and complete truth. But shorten it and add something to yourself. The word cult comes from the Latin "sectus" meaning shared. The related word pie means "part of the whole." In different NT versions translated the Greek word "hairesis" with "sect" or "party". "Hairesis" means a group that has a penchant for a particular section / sector / selection of the truth. However, a sector may also be a group that perverts truth. This was exactly what Jesus warned against making. Biblical Revelation 22 18 I say to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book; Here are some really strict word, yea a message that particularly concerns our time where one would think that they had the best assumptions to follow God's word. The plagues that one here will get can not be anything but the second death - the lake of fire or hell. How I see it as serious than it is. 19 and if anyone takes away some of the words of this prophecy, God shall take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are written in this book. Here we encounter the same just rewritten. Now it is to pull something away from God's word in question. If we pull something away to our part in the heaven be taken away. Do not have access to the tree of life and come into the city or the city, the New Jerusalem. This is about to do or is it not? For me this means everything! When we take the first place in it, it is indeed all Christian churches a cult! I have yet to experience a single Christian community or church based on God's word. It's just part of God's word, and they always add something. Therefore, we consider that all Christian churches, denominations and movements are a Christian sect! David did see something in the spirit and on the basis of it so his son Solomon built the temple. How have I gained in youth seen anything in his youth that makes me have to classify all Christian churches Christian sects. We read about the glorious churches of the first Christians. As the church in Jerusalem, Antioch and Ephesus. It is such a glorious church, everyone must be our goal. I write about this here: Preaching the whole counsel of God to salvation has been my passion since his youth. And do not add anything to the font or draw anything from too. It falls all churches through, but we believe that God will raise up churches and preachers who truly preach the whole counsel of God to salvation and holds nothing back or adding to. Here is a brief overview of all Christian sects: The Catholic church: Purgatory. The Catholic Church does not teach about hell as a real alternative. To get there, you only if you have horrible light. Otherwise you get the opportunity to review what they call "purgatory" Before this was in the literal sense a fire, but if you had the money you could buy yourself free from it. Now this is also replaced by a kind of abstract "cathartic state". They say little about what it going on there, but it will certainly not be so terribly bad. The doctrine of purgatory is based primarily on two passages in the Bible. One is Matthew 12:32. Here Jesus talks about the unforgivable sin that can not be forgiven either in this world (or "age" in some translations) or the next. From here, they draw the conclusion that it is otherwise possible to be forgiven sin in the world. This I would say is to read too much into this verse. Especially in light of other passages like Matthew 25:10-13 and Luke 13:23-25, which clearly indicates that you have one chance. After that there will be no opportunity. The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin (1 John 1:7). It is our salvation. If you accept this, then you will be perfectly cleaned. If not, there's nothing that can cleanse you. The second passage used to defend the doctrine of Purgatory is 1 Corinthians 3:15. Here it is that the individual's "spiritual building" should be tried with fire, but even if it does not pass one should even be saved, but "as through fire". This verse tells us how our salvation is not dependent on our performance and our "edifice", but that we have accepted Jesus Christ as our lord and savior. So if our building collapses, it is acidic and will probably sting at the human level, but our salvation does not depend on it. In addition, it may be worth noting that Paul is talking about something that will happen "at the last day" while Catholic teaching says that purgatory occurs right after death. If your right eye tempt thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee! for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. Matt 5:29 Thus, we can conclude that purgatory supporters have little to show for the Word of God. Especially when the rest of the Bible says otherwise. According to the Bible hell is a very real possibility that one repeatedly being warned against. For example, Matt 5:29, Matt 7:13, etc. Saints. The Catholic Church has saints. And they ask them for prayer. But what is a saint? Yes, it is a normal human being after his death has been canonized by the Vatican. An ordinary man, who might have lived a life more in line with Catholic teaching than most others, but that's all. Trying to communicate with the dead is by definition evocation, which the Bible condemns several places in the strongest. I know of no biblical justification for the practice of saint worship. "And I will not call anyone on earth your father, for one is your Father, He who is in heaven." (Matthew 23:9). The word "pope" means "father". Pope is another thing the Catholic Church has that has no roots in the Bible. The Catholic tradition dictates that the Pope is the successor to the disciple Simon Peter. To him, Jesus says that "on this rock I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18). Peter was also a central figure in the establishment of the first church. One of the Pope's titles is "Vicar of Christ". A task that surely was given to the Holy Spirit (See eg. Jn. 14:25-26) Faith or works? This is perhaps the most serious flaw in the Catholic doctrine. The Bible says we are saved by faith (Mark 16:16, John 3:16, Romans 10:9, etc.) The Catholic Church teaches, however, that the works is the way to salvation. You must confess so and so often, you need to be anointed with the recent oil before you die, etc. It makes Catholicism a legalistic religion. You must perform religious acts for salvation. (Or in other words as to avoid purgatory, which really is not that bad anyway.) But it must also be noted that the Bible gives a relationship between faith and works. Belief in God, if it is true, automatically lead to certain actions. Not religious acts, but good works, evangelism etc. The Lutheran Church Is a place between the Catholic Church and independent congregation. They teach the children \ infant is Satan's children through original sin and should and must be baptized to be a child of God. This is of course a lie. They are a popular church as God's word warns when the righteous and the wicked shall not stand in together. They are of course more educated clergy of the Lutheran church one independent congregation that makes them after all is not so foreign to God's word that the vast majority are non-conformist congregations. Various free churches Here I can mention Baptists, free friends (not many friends it's there too), Methodists, mission churches, etc. Maranta All of these have in common is that they are something between Pentecostalism and the Lutheran church. They believe in the unbiblical doctrine of the Trinity, the eternal burning hell where God will harass and torment people forever is an old medieval doctrine really is from ancient Egypt and Greece. They baptize in three titles not in the name of Jesus that the early Christians. All the directions are a Christian sect! Messiah believers This is a variation of the true Christian faith as God's word warns against. We're not going back to the law, the Sabbath and Jewish regulations. But while I have great sympathy for them when the church or the church has failed the Lord at all points so emphatically. They learn just about Deity: Jehovah and Jeshua common spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Bible expresses Yahweh and Yeshua presence. But wrong about the Christian life and faith: Yahweh's Torah, His Sabbath and His feasts are all Biblical and Jeshuatroende people and should not be replaced by man-made days and traditions. This is not true when we in the New Testament and the New Covenant not follow Jewish Holidays and the law. The dead are we from and live our lives for God, and him alone! The Pentecostal \ Charismatic Movement Matt. 23. 2 in Moses' seat sit the scribes and Pharisees. 3 Everything that they say, shall ye observe and do. But what they do, you will not conform to. For they say one and do something else. PB and TB can apparently look very biblical out, as did the Pharisees, and Jesus commended them to learn right about many things. How is it with the PB and TB, it is more of a Christian sect one most people are aware of. They lack substance, content and context of faith and doctrine. One could compare it to a straight pattern, but due to lack of experience and education is the chef unfit and dangerous. It does not help to have a lot of jurisprudence, when it seems counterproductive. We know that it is possible to run 100 m in 10 seconds, but to achieve it as there is a lot of training. That is exactly what is PB and TB big dilemma. They believe in a great God, but to share in what he has, so lacking an understanding, desire and determination to go on the road as it costs to share His blessings, it does to be a Christian sect, and not a true Christian movement. This I could have written a lot about, but there is a lack of the substance, understanding and desire to get in the way of the Lord with their lives and communities. If we include that it is much heresy, especially in TB, we understand that this is also a Christian sect when comparing the movement and the churches of God. They also think further on the false doctrine of the Trinity, the eternal burning hell where God will torment all eternity. Meanwhile, remarriage and loose morals of rock music to the youth especially common. It only reinforces that PB and TB are a Christian sect, at least here in Norway and the Nordic countries. While there is much double standards and manipulating very prevalent coming from a low level of knowledge, both spiritual and secular level. Do some improvement, but there is a bottom line in the Pentecostal \ Charismatic movement that is experience Christianity. As always, and remains a derailment. It is God's word to be a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path. So come experience # 2 but it should always be checked against the word of God. And have a "big" spiritual experiences need not be a sign of a holy life, but the opposite. Moses experienced its largest sub when he disobeyed, by turning off the cliff. And the water flowed out anyway! Jesus ONLY \ spikenard Founded Norwegian Pentecostal orientation including denying the Trinity and baptize his followers in the name of Jesus alone. The movement that was founded by "apostle" Torkild Terkelsen early 1980 counts less than 300 members spread of 5-6 local assemblies as well as a few smaller home groups. Terkelsen that originally came from the Pentecostal movement broke with this having assumed its not trinitarian view of the Godhead. Beyond denying the Trinity worship spikenard so called predestinasjonsdogmet (predestination) and the assertion that the Catholic Church is Babylon the great whore of Revelation. Further claims spikenard that the Protestant churches and organizations are 'harlot daughters. " Nardusbevegelsen who likes to be seen as embarrassing Saints, according to former members strongly influenced by impurity and liberal attitudes toward remarriage, premarital sex and alcohol. However, both the use of tobacco and contemporary Christian music condemned by the cult. In recent years, the movement experienced significant spalling and a number of famous Nardusnavn have either left voluntarily or sect and become ostracized. Brunstad Christian Center (Smith friends) Norwegian founded sect that has received international distribution. The sect whose local churches in several cities were founded by Johan O Smith in 1900. Sect internationally counts approx. 30,000 members have 6,000 members in Norway. Sect characteristics are tongues, loud screaming and a "shouting preaching". Sect growth is primarily due to the fact that members have many children. The movement sees itself as the only true. Sect reviews of other denominations as "skjøgesekter!" Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall International sect with offices in almost all Norwegian cities. Is perhaps the most famous cult in Norway. In Norway counts witnesses about 15,000 members which ca. 10,000 consider themselves to be active. Sect members refuse to participate in civic duties as election and military service. Sect members are celebrating not Christmas or other holidays and they refuse to receive a blood transfusion. Defectors from the sect claims that it is been doing hardcore justice within and that former members and outcasts are treated as if they were hit by the plague. Sect reviews other Christians as "swine class" Jehovah's Witnesses were founded by Charles Taze Russell and the sect has published his own translation of the Bible, called the "New World translation." Sect conduct extensive recruiting efforts throughout the world and are very active in spreading their religious message. Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints. (Mormons) International major sect founded by Joseph Smith jr. in 1830 when he published the Book of Mormon that is similar to the Bible, the sect that has its headquarters in Salt Lake City USA operates an extensive mission work throughout the world. Sect send out thousands of well-dressed young Americans that conveys the message of the angel Mormoni people of the world. Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints is one of the biggest denying Trinity Church community that exists. The movement counts millions of members and believe both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. In Norway counts movement that is easily visible with its young American and suit-clad missionaries more than 4,000 members. Adventists \ Seventh Day Adventist Seventh-day Adventist desperate arguments for retaining part of the Mosaic law as an ordinance for Christians today, you will see just how they wrap themselves up in the most foolish contradiction of the word of truth, that we got by Paul. Even after Paul spent so much effort and so much learning to convince the faithful that we are saved outside the law, then point argues Adventists. Sabbath as claimed by them, is demonstrably diverter out. The same regulations on holidays and food.
Christianity in the whole is like spoiled kids who think they know things better than God the Father himself!
Without knowing you, and be aware of it. Then we see today a Christianity that behave as hidden children, where one will not abide by the word of God in the life and teachings. And the fruits are then!
The solution is always the word of God, where we find the source of everything.
Psalm 119 4 You have commanded your precepts that a man should keep them diligently. 5 O that my ways may be fixed, so I keep your statutes! 6 Then shall I not be ashamed, When I look into all Your commandments. 7 I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I learn your righteous judgments. Your 8 I will obey, you must not leave me clean! 9 Whereat to the young keep his way pure? By keeping him according to your word.
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Pentecostal Charismatic Christians have lower morale and self-knowledge, but greater self-esteem and belief in their own excellence than other believers!
Matt. 7. 21 "Not everyone who says 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but those who do my Father's will. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and we have not driven out demons in Your name, and done many wonderful works?' 23 And then I will declare to them, 'You have never known me. Depart from me, you who are doing lawlessness. " 24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words, and doeth them, compared to a wise man who built his house upon a rock. 25 The rain came, the flood and the winds blew and beat, but it did not fall, for it was built on a rock. 26 But anyone who hears my words and does not do them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came, the flood and the winds blew and beat against that house until it collapsed - and the fall was heavy. "
In today's Pentecostal Charismatic movement so are all kinds of people were brought forward. From the most wholehearted and good Christians, to directly probe and false prophets. The reason for this is no doubt that the Bible teaching followed by church discipline has been replaced by experience Christianity. This is where the Pentecostal Charismatic great strength and weakness is that it is the experience itself that is in the center, not Christ and God's word. Here an illustration with Todd Bentley is a very well known within its preaching the Pentecostal Charismatic movement who was married with several children. But that was cheating with his babysitter under the influence of drugs and alcohol as it should be obvious that he is dependent. He is now remarried with his nanny and still works within its the Pentecostal Charismatic branch of Christianity. Jesus said that those who do iniquity, he will not recognize! Here he is with his 2 woman who is not his wife Jessa Hasbrook Bentley that he is living in fornication with for what Jesus and the apostle Paul taught and learn! But we find many such preachers here in Norway who are divorced and re-married as believers January Hanvold, Jan Aage Torp, Albert Ånensen, Ivar Helmersen, Asbjørn Skjortnes and many more.
Pentecostalism began as a protest movement against the established Christianity that emphasized the formal theology and sacraments!
Matt. 22. 29 But Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.
Are Pentecostals and charismatics worse than other believers? Yes and no!
There was a statistic I read a few years back where it was all within its Faith Movement which topped the statistics with regard to divorce and remarriage throughout the United States. Then within its sphere of society. It tells me that then have a total failure of the new life with Jesus. God's word speaks of believers who are divorced shall either settle or live single.
1 Cor. 7. 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband; 11 but she is separated from him when she vedbli being unmarried or reconciled with her husband - and that a man to separate himself from his wife.
Jesus went on even longer then the even married a divorced committed adultery and then living in sin!
Luke 16 18 Whosoever putteth away his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
In Norway it is at least as extreme as in the United States with regard to divorce and remarriage. But in the Roman Catholic Church and all other Churches and congregations is probably at least as extreme and "sinful", but more subtle and hide!
Within its the Roman Catholic church that has a celibate promise that God's word says is demonic:
1 Timothy 4 1. Now the Spirit clear words that in the latter times some will fall away from the faith, as they hold themselves to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils 3 b as forbidding to marry.
The Roman Catholic church is demonic people who refuse to get married!
Pedophilia scandals that have hit the Catholic Church has recently followed the Catholic Church in 1700 years throughout its history when God has said in his own words, that everyone should get married and not burning with desire in such 1. Cor. 7.
Pentecostals, Charismatics are as opposite as they live and act like the world, many times worse! Than create their "own" theology of faith in a triadegud to torment and harass anyone who does not believe and think like them. But while FLORES sin in all churches!
All churches are sadly backsliding to a greater or lesser extent in life and learn!
I wrote an article a few years ago that hit the nail on the head when I expounded that really is all congregations, churches and denominations for sects to work when no one lives up to the Apostolic standard in life or learn! Here are some excerpts from the article:
Various Christian sects, who are they?
What is a cult and who are they? Various Christian sects, who are they? For me, a sect that emphasizes the full and complete truth. But shorten it and add something to yourself. The word cult comes from the Latin "sectus" meaning shared. The related word pie means "part of the whole." In different NT versions translated the Greek word "hairesis" with "sect" or "party". "Hairesis" means a group that has a penchant for a particular section / sector / selection of the truth. However, a sector may also be a group that perverts truth. This was exactly what Jesus warned against making. Biblical Revelation 22 18 I say to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book; Here are some really strict word, yea a message that particularly concerns our time where one would think that they had the best assumptions to follow God's word. The plagues that one here will get can not be anything but the second death - the lake of fire or hell. How I see it as serious than it is. 19 and if anyone takes away some of the words of this prophecy, God shall take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are written in this book. Here we encounter the same just rewritten. Now it is to pull something away from God's word in question. If we pull something away to our part in the heaven be taken away. Do not have access to the tree of life and come into the city or the city, the New Jerusalem. This is about to do or is it not? For me this means everything! When we take the first place in it, it is indeed all Christian churches a cult! I have yet to experience a single Christian community or church based on God's word. It's just part of God's word, and they always add something. Therefore, we consider that all Christian churches, denominations and movements are a Christian sect! David did see something in the spirit and on the basis of it so his son Solomon built the temple. How have I gained in youth seen anything in his youth that makes me have to classify all Christian churches Christian sects. We read about the glorious churches of the first Christians. As the church in Jerusalem, Antioch and Ephesus. It is such a glorious church, everyone must be our goal. I write about this here: Preaching the whole counsel of God to salvation has been my passion since his youth. And do not add anything to the font or draw anything from too. It falls all churches through, but we believe that God will raise up churches and preachers who truly preach the whole counsel of God to salvation and holds nothing back or adding to. Here is a brief overview of all Christian sects: The Catholic church: Purgatory. The Catholic Church does not teach about hell as a real alternative. To get there, you only if you have horrible light. Otherwise you get the opportunity to review what they call "purgatory" Before this was in the literal sense a fire, but if you had the money you could buy yourself free from it. Now this is also replaced by a kind of abstract "cathartic state". They say little about what it going on there, but it will certainly not be so terribly bad. The doctrine of purgatory is based primarily on two passages in the Bible. One is Matthew 12:32. Here Jesus talks about the unforgivable sin that can not be forgiven either in this world (or "age" in some translations) or the next. From here, they draw the conclusion that it is otherwise possible to be forgiven sin in the world. This I would say is to read too much into this verse. Especially in light of other passages like Matthew 25:10-13 and Luke 13:23-25, which clearly indicates that you have one chance. After that there will be no opportunity. The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin (1 John 1:7). It is our salvation. If you accept this, then you will be perfectly cleaned. If not, there's nothing that can cleanse you. The second passage used to defend the doctrine of Purgatory is 1 Corinthians 3:15. Here it is that the individual's "spiritual building" should be tried with fire, but even if it does not pass one should even be saved, but "as through fire". This verse tells us how our salvation is not dependent on our performance and our "edifice", but that we have accepted Jesus Christ as our lord and savior. So if our building collapses, it is acidic and will probably sting at the human level, but our salvation does not depend on it. In addition, it may be worth noting that Paul is talking about something that will happen "at the last day" while Catholic teaching says that purgatory occurs right after death. If your right eye tempt thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee! for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. Matt 5:29 Thus, we can conclude that purgatory supporters have little to show for the Word of God. Especially when the rest of the Bible says otherwise. According to the Bible hell is a very real possibility that one repeatedly being warned against. For example, Matt 5:29, Matt 7:13, etc. Saints. The Catholic Church has saints. And they ask them for prayer. But what is a saint? Yes, it is a normal human being after his death has been canonized by the Vatican. An ordinary man, who might have lived a life more in line with Catholic teaching than most others, but that's all. Trying to communicate with the dead is by definition evocation, which the Bible condemns several places in the strongest. I know of no biblical justification for the practice of saint worship. "And I will not call anyone on earth your father, for one is your Father, He who is in heaven." (Matthew 23:9). The word "pope" means "father". Pope is another thing the Catholic Church has that has no roots in the Bible. The Catholic tradition dictates that the Pope is the successor to the disciple Simon Peter. To him, Jesus says that "on this rock I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18). Peter was also a central figure in the establishment of the first church. One of the Pope's titles is "Vicar of Christ". A task that surely was given to the Holy Spirit (See eg. Jn. 14:25-26) Faith or works? This is perhaps the most serious flaw in the Catholic doctrine. The Bible says we are saved by faith (Mark 16:16, John 3:16, Romans 10:9, etc.) The Catholic Church teaches, however, that the works is the way to salvation. You must confess so and so often, you need to be anointed with the recent oil before you die, etc. It makes Catholicism a legalistic religion. You must perform religious acts for salvation. (Or in other words as to avoid purgatory, which really is not that bad anyway.) But it must also be noted that the Bible gives a relationship between faith and works. Belief in God, if it is true, automatically lead to certain actions. Not religious acts, but good works, evangelism etc. The Lutheran Church Is a place between the Catholic Church and independent congregation. They teach the children \ infant is Satan's children through original sin and should and must be baptized to be a child of God. This is of course a lie. They are a popular church as God's word warns when the righteous and the wicked shall not stand in together. They are of course more educated clergy of the Lutheran church one independent congregation that makes them after all is not so foreign to God's word that the vast majority are non-conformist congregations. Various free churches Here I can mention Baptists, free friends (not many friends it's there too), Methodists, mission churches, etc. Maranta All of these have in common is that they are something between Pentecostalism and the Lutheran church. They believe in the unbiblical doctrine of the Trinity, the eternal burning hell where God will harass and torment people forever is an old medieval doctrine really is from ancient Egypt and Greece. They baptize in three titles not in the name of Jesus that the early Christians. All the directions are a Christian sect! Messiah believers This is a variation of the true Christian faith as God's word warns against. We're not going back to the law, the Sabbath and Jewish regulations. But while I have great sympathy for them when the church or the church has failed the Lord at all points so emphatically. They learn just about Deity: Jehovah and Jeshua common spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Bible expresses Yahweh and Yeshua presence. But wrong about the Christian life and faith: Yahweh's Torah, His Sabbath and His feasts are all Biblical and Jeshuatroende people and should not be replaced by man-made days and traditions. This is not true when we in the New Testament and the New Covenant not follow Jewish Holidays and the law. The dead are we from and live our lives for God, and him alone! The Pentecostal \ Charismatic Movement Matt. 23. 2 in Moses' seat sit the scribes and Pharisees. 3 Everything that they say, shall ye observe and do. But what they do, you will not conform to. For they say one and do something else. PB and TB can apparently look very biblical out, as did the Pharisees, and Jesus commended them to learn right about many things. How is it with the PB and TB, it is more of a Christian sect one most people are aware of. They lack substance, content and context of faith and doctrine. One could compare it to a straight pattern, but due to lack of experience and education is the chef unfit and dangerous. It does not help to have a lot of jurisprudence, when it seems counterproductive. We know that it is possible to run 100 m in 10 seconds, but to achieve it as there is a lot of training. That is exactly what is PB and TB big dilemma. They believe in a great God, but to share in what he has, so lacking an understanding, desire and determination to go on the road as it costs to share His blessings, it does to be a Christian sect, and not a true Christian movement. This I could have written a lot about, but there is a lack of the substance, understanding and desire to get in the way of the Lord with their lives and communities. If we include that it is much heresy, especially in TB, we understand that this is also a Christian sect when comparing the movement and the churches of God. They also think further on the false doctrine of the Trinity, the eternal burning hell where God will torment all eternity. Meanwhile, remarriage and loose morals of rock music to the youth especially common. It only reinforces that PB and TB are a Christian sect, at least here in Norway and the Nordic countries. While there is much double standards and manipulating very prevalent coming from a low level of knowledge, both spiritual and secular level. Do some improvement, but there is a bottom line in the Pentecostal \ Charismatic movement that is experience Christianity. As always, and remains a derailment. It is God's word to be a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path. So come experience # 2 but it should always be checked against the word of God. And have a "big" spiritual experiences need not be a sign of a holy life, but the opposite. Moses experienced its largest sub when he disobeyed, by turning off the cliff. And the water flowed out anyway! Jesus ONLY \ spikenard Founded Norwegian Pentecostal orientation including denying the Trinity and baptize his followers in the name of Jesus alone. The movement that was founded by "apostle" Torkild Terkelsen early 1980 counts less than 300 members spread of 5-6 local assemblies as well as a few smaller home groups. Terkelsen that originally came from the Pentecostal movement broke with this having assumed its not trinitarian view of the Godhead. Beyond denying the Trinity worship spikenard so called predestinasjonsdogmet (predestination) and the assertion that the Catholic Church is Babylon the great whore of Revelation. Further claims spikenard that the Protestant churches and organizations are 'harlot daughters. " Nardusbevegelsen who likes to be seen as embarrassing Saints, according to former members strongly influenced by impurity and liberal attitudes toward remarriage, premarital sex and alcohol. However, both the use of tobacco and contemporary Christian music condemned by the cult. In recent years, the movement experienced significant spalling and a number of famous Nardusnavn have either left voluntarily or sect and become ostracized. Brunstad Christian Center (Smith friends) Norwegian founded sect that has received international distribution. The sect whose local churches in several cities were founded by Johan O Smith in 1900. Sect internationally counts approx. 30,000 members have 6,000 members in Norway. Sect characteristics are tongues, loud screaming and a "shouting preaching". Sect growth is primarily due to the fact that members have many children. The movement sees itself as the only true. Sect reviews of other denominations as "skjøgesekter!" Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall International sect with offices in almost all Norwegian cities. Is perhaps the most famous cult in Norway. In Norway counts witnesses about 15,000 members which ca. 10,000 consider themselves to be active. Sect members refuse to participate in civic duties as election and military service. Sect members are celebrating not Christmas or other holidays and they refuse to receive a blood transfusion. Defectors from the sect claims that it is been doing hardcore justice within and that former members and outcasts are treated as if they were hit by the plague. Sect reviews other Christians as "swine class" Jehovah's Witnesses were founded by Charles Taze Russell and the sect has published his own translation of the Bible, called the "New World translation." Sect conduct extensive recruiting efforts throughout the world and are very active in spreading their religious message. Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints. (Mormons) International major sect founded by Joseph Smith jr. in 1830 when he published the Book of Mormon that is similar to the Bible, the sect that has its headquarters in Salt Lake City USA operates an extensive mission work throughout the world. Sect send out thousands of well-dressed young Americans that conveys the message of the angel Mormoni people of the world. Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints is one of the biggest denying Trinity Church community that exists. The movement counts millions of members and believe both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. In Norway counts movement that is easily visible with its young American and suit-clad missionaries more than 4,000 members. Adventists \ Seventh Day Adventist Seventh-day Adventist desperate arguments for retaining part of the Mosaic law as an ordinance for Christians today, you will see just how they wrap themselves up in the most foolish contradiction of the word of truth, that we got by Paul. Even after Paul spent so much effort and so much learning to convince the faithful that we are saved outside the law, then point argues Adventists. Sabbath as claimed by them, is demonstrably diverter out. The same regulations on holidays and food.
Christianity in the whole is like spoiled kids who think they know things better than God the Father himself!
Without knowing you, and be aware of it. Then we see today a Christianity that behave as hidden children, where one will not abide by the word of God in the life and teachings. And the fruits are then!
The solution is always the word of God, where we find the source of everything.
Psalm 119 4 You have commanded your precepts that a man should keep them diligently. 5 O that my ways may be fixed, so I keep your statutes! 6 Then shall I not be ashamed, When I look into all Your commandments. 7 I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I learn your righteous judgments. Your 8 I will obey, you must not leave me clean! 9 Whereat to the young keep his way pure? By keeping him according to your word.
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søndag 23. desember 2012
Nr. 421: The new bishop in college married not divorced, but omits to explain why. Have a say A, then you must also say B!
Nr. 421:
The new bishop in college married not divorced, but omits to explain why. Have a say A, then you must also say B!
The news that the newly appointed bishop Stein Reinertsen will vie divorcee has caused consternation, anger and harsh words. Aftenposten intermediary reactions from politicians: - My God! I'm very surprised, Helga Pedersen's immediate reaction. Labor parliamentary leader says it is "important that the Church carries wisdom when it appoints new managers, and that the new bishops appointed, represent the diversity that exists among its members." Her colleague in Sp, Lars Peder Brekk, characterizing it as sad that there is still such attitudes among the bishops. He warns the church not to be so narrow that its position as the national church is threatened. Social Minister Kristin Halvorsen says bishop adds "to the mess for people who finds love again and wants to share the rest of your life" and encourages him to read Paul with a little more spaciousness.
The apostle Paul taught and learned that religious believers who split would either settle or live single. Jesus taught the same thing, and went even further when he lectured and taught it also to marry a divorced woman is to commit adultery! Illustrative image of the Holy Apostle Paul that we must not reject his words and teaching when he was put by God to fulfill God's word to us Gentile!
1 Cor. 7. 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband; 11 but she is separated from him when she vedbli being unmarried or reconciled with her husband - and that a man to separate himself from his wife.
Luke 16 18 Whosoever putteth away his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
The bishop is unlike sadly too many free church pastors and preachers on safe Evangelical mark!
Leste in Value Debate on Our Country's pages where a Bore says about developments in the Norwegian Christianity from holding fast to Jesus and Paul teaching on this point. Has really opened up new theology, liberal theology and sin. By allowed remarriage, especially remarriage preachers are more serious than anything else.
Drilling: "I remember well that was the 50's knew the names of the few priests who were divorced. And right up to the 70 years it could be difficult for a divorced and re-married priest to hold an office. Today the question is mostly undramatic. A few years ago, Bishop Per Oskar Kjølås divorced and married again - without specific reactions. When divorce occurs in the immediate family, we have also seen how theologians change stance Several priests have over the years refused to devote divorced, and have argued that Jesus and Paul forbids remarriage. Other priests have tried to distinguish between the guilty and the innocent party, and has been willing to devote the innocent party. More and more people find it difficult - if not impossible - to cast such judgment. "
How can such. Find Jarle Sele in the newspaper Norway today defend the bishop when he is completely open to the gjengiftetde January Hanvold?
I heard on Radio Norway debate program on Friday 19 December where Finn Jarle Sele supported the new bishop in college, Stein Reinertsen in his practice of not devoting divorced. But how can Sele simultaneously cooperate and accept other divorced and gjengiftetde? It is a mystery to me and then runs over a double game. I do not accept remarriage, much less that ministers are re-married as believers. And they work I do not, but warns the driver when they sin, judgment and apostasy in the church of God which Achan, Ananias, Sapphira, and many others have done before them.
Thanks to Pastor Jan Aage Torp who accused me of being in ledertog with Two Shoes!
It is strange accusations, but in fact Pastor Jan Aage Torp accused me of being in ledertog with moving two shoes and the Roman Catholic Church when I do not accept the remarriage of believers. And is 100% opposed to divorced and gjengiftetde shall hold an office or service in the church of God. I've never been Roman Catholic or had anything to do two shoes. But what Torp has enlightened me with their accusations that both have said many good things and the right to say what the New Testament teaches about divorce and remarriage.
This accuses Torp me that is 100% lies, false accusations and taken out of his evil and perverse mind: "I recently discovered the blog of Jan-Kåre Christensen, a Pentecostal preacher running mate buses near our home in Southern Nordstrand in Oslo. His bus-driving, I appreciate. Worse enough with his scribblings, where Espen Ottosen raised, and where he calls Emanuel Minos, Jan Hanvold & me for "wolves in sheep's clothing", "opening doors for demons" and he declares leprosy with King Uzziah ... I do not accept this Type mention of myself, nor of others. We should all work together to set a standard for acceptable and honorable mention, regardless of opinions. I smile not curses, but let me tell you that I do not lose sleep either night. It may be helpful to know tankegrumset happening in the environment that I've uncovered in this blog post. On his website Christensen posted a link to a text from "Two Shoes", a group of Norwegian soil working for the restoration of marriage - which in principle is good - but that parallel work by prayer and info pieces demolition of marriage in which the One or both remarriage. This is to some degree a Roman Catholic view, but really much, much worse, because in "Two Shoes", efforts are being targeted by "prayers" that are nothing less than curses. Christensen has posted on his site a text which has been translated into Norwegian by the leader of this group. The link contains only a tiny part of the mind in "Two Shoes", which I know very well from real life. "
Since Pastor, or to use the correct term for him. The false apostle January Aage Torp said I stand in ledertog with both the one and the other, I want to take in some of what's on the homepage of the two shoes. Read and study yourself and compare it with the scriptures, like those in Berea.
Acts 17. 11 Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with all readiness, and searched the scriptures daily whether it was just as it was told them.
Here are some excerpts of what two shoes writes on its website as opposed to Bishop College Reinertsen also justifies why they are against remarriage. There will never be able to walk the church of God opens up for remarriage of believers when it is against what the Apostle Paul and what Jesus taught and taught.
Nothing but the truth! "Nothing but he truth" Covenant keepers Canada-autumn 2007 Volume 10, no 3 This spring I was in Waterloo for a marriage conference hosted by NAME Canada. Leo Godzich, who always has great insights, shared the following. "One of the biggest tragedies in the world today is that people forget that in every person there an expression of God. This means that human beings express something special from God that can only be expressed through the individual. You can ask the Christians why they are against abortion and most will say because they are against murder and there is a good reason, but not the main reason. The main reason that we should be against abortion is that the image of God that the person should express did not be expressed! " The values of marriage receives a new content, think so! Leo's words gave me a revelation. Even how tragic it is that a tiny human being killed, however, the greatest tragedy that the image was destroyed. Satan attacks people to frame God and His kingdom. If that person is killed as wiper Satan out the image of God should be expressed through this man. He destroys God's purpose as just the man to express and complement. Do that this is more about God than about the people? We are so self-absorbed that we only see that abortion is about people. It touches feelings because it could have been us. We are hurt and disappointed because it could have been someone we love. We look at abortion from our human side, physical rather than seeing abortion from an eternity and God's viewpoint. As soon as I began to compare this with marriage and divorce. Satan attacks and destroys marriages owing to what they represent. But how many humans actually see the truly divine values in a marriage? While I another was with my wife so I thought of marriage as an important value because our own happiness. Beyond that, it was something that was ordained of God to defend family. My perspective on marriage has widened after I was divorced. I looked at marriage as a place where I was trained to make change, to have intimacy, victim , Security and much more. All this is right, but God taught me more. I discovered that marriage is an image of God, an image of the eternal sacrificial love that Jesus has for each of us. Leo's illustration awakened this again to live in me. What we will show the world when it shows the divorce statistics over 50%? What we say Jesus at this? When we stand in faith for our spouses and our families as regards the more than our own happiness and joy, we think it's more than what is right and wrong and our loved one's salvation. Even if we never get to see the restoration of our families, so show we are the world Jesus unmerited love for his bride! Surrender to the will of God is important in our covenant relationship with the Father, just as Jesus' death shows Father's covenant relationship with us. Our family compass. Where were we wrong the way in this case? Most have changed forever the fear of humanism. Humanism has become god for many in our culture though humanists do not see themselves as religious. Spring fallen nature, imagines himself that I know what is right and wrong, I can find out of my destiny. The root of this attitude is pride. This pride showed the first time in the Garden of Eden. Satan's lies and pride Dad told Eva that she knew best, and Adam came Eva's advice. When this happened lost humanity moral direction pass completely. The compass needle always points north. No matter where you are in the world you can orient after the compass needle because it always, everywhere on the globe pointing north. This makes The travelers get help to find their destination. The truth is our eternal compass showing us the direction and helps us to find our destination. The truth is the eternal perspective that we should live our lives in accordance with. The truth will always point in one direction, namely against God. If we look up / search the encyclopaedia: "Encarta" God is the first word that pops up when you search the word truth. It's a great reminder of what truth is and where to find it. The truth is about God! Humanism compass, however, will always point to the man himself; marriage to meet my needs and makes me happy! Truth tells us that marriage is a covenant that reflects God's love for each individual. A Christian's life will always point to God and his eternal truth, Thy kingdom come, may God get the glory, the God's will be done here and now God knows best He is Lord, He is my only resource. It is interesting to notice that there is a point where the compass needle exits of focus. It is on the north pole of the target. When we arrive at the North Pole will not Compass can help. Likewise with God. When we come to heaven we do not need God's direction anymore when we are together for him, then we are one with him in his perfect truth. But before we get to heaven is truth compass needle that will guide us as we do not go our way. One reason to build. In this teaching of Leo I have spent much time thinking through what it This means that the truth will guide us in our lives and also what it means for us who are in faith for our marriage. Unwavering came to me. Something is unwavering when it is safe, solid and unchangeable. It is the truth that we must build our marriages. Jesus speaks about it in Matt.7 0.24 to 27: "So - everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a hen wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house. And it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. But the one who hears these words of mine and doeth them not, He is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall. " This foundation, Jesus' words and examples, they will never change. They stand for ever time! We can be confident because Jesus said, "But he who sent me is true, and I've heard of him, I speak to the world. "Joh.8, 26 We know that what God says is truth, "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man as he should repent. " 4 Mos.23, 19 Our circumstances often go against what is written in the Word. The date of payment is come and God has not made money. My spouse says he / she does not come back even if God has spoken that to happen. We can mention several things, the list can be long. What do I do when circumstances say anything other than Word? The choice When we face such circumstances that contradict the Word we must make our choice. These choices will challenge our soul, our emotions and our intellect. Our eyes and ears tell us that it is impossible. Our feelings cry that it's too hard for us. We come quickly to the conclusion that it will never happen. And again, we have been anthropocentric and humanistic and listening to our human advice. I pride shout our souls that we know best! And our humanistic compass gets completely out of direction. Or we can choose to believe God's truth is revealed and spoken to us, and go in obedience in spite of what we see, feel or think. This is the essence of faith. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Heb.11: 1 Which builder would you be? One who builds a beautiful house on the sand watching nice, feels comfortable and like everyone around you says will stand? Or are you of those who want to build a building on a rock, a building that is standing and not fall if the storm comes? Search the truth, reach for it and pray God will reveal it to you. Ask God to give you an eternal and divine perspective of your life and your marriage. Finally, we see that Jesus gives a wonderful promise to those who seeking the truth. There we read in Joh.8, 31: "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. "Believe me, freedom is good.
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The new bishop in college married not divorced, but omits to explain why. Have a say A, then you must also say B!
The news that the newly appointed bishop Stein Reinertsen will vie divorcee has caused consternation, anger and harsh words. Aftenposten intermediary reactions from politicians: - My God! I'm very surprised, Helga Pedersen's immediate reaction. Labor parliamentary leader says it is "important that the Church carries wisdom when it appoints new managers, and that the new bishops appointed, represent the diversity that exists among its members." Her colleague in Sp, Lars Peder Brekk, characterizing it as sad that there is still such attitudes among the bishops. He warns the church not to be so narrow that its position as the national church is threatened. Social Minister Kristin Halvorsen says bishop adds "to the mess for people who finds love again and wants to share the rest of your life" and encourages him to read Paul with a little more spaciousness.
The apostle Paul taught and learned that religious believers who split would either settle or live single. Jesus taught the same thing, and went even further when he lectured and taught it also to marry a divorced woman is to commit adultery! Illustrative image of the Holy Apostle Paul that we must not reject his words and teaching when he was put by God to fulfill God's word to us Gentile!
1 Cor. 7. 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband; 11 but she is separated from him when she vedbli being unmarried or reconciled with her husband - and that a man to separate himself from his wife.
Luke 16 18 Whosoever putteth away his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
The bishop is unlike sadly too many free church pastors and preachers on safe Evangelical mark!
Leste in Value Debate on Our Country's pages where a Bore says about developments in the Norwegian Christianity from holding fast to Jesus and Paul teaching on this point. Has really opened up new theology, liberal theology and sin. By allowed remarriage, especially remarriage preachers are more serious than anything else.
Drilling: "I remember well that was the 50's knew the names of the few priests who were divorced. And right up to the 70 years it could be difficult for a divorced and re-married priest to hold an office. Today the question is mostly undramatic. A few years ago, Bishop Per Oskar Kjølås divorced and married again - without specific reactions. When divorce occurs in the immediate family, we have also seen how theologians change stance Several priests have over the years refused to devote divorced, and have argued that Jesus and Paul forbids remarriage. Other priests have tried to distinguish between the guilty and the innocent party, and has been willing to devote the innocent party. More and more people find it difficult - if not impossible - to cast such judgment. "
How can such. Find Jarle Sele in the newspaper Norway today defend the bishop when he is completely open to the gjengiftetde January Hanvold?
I heard on Radio Norway debate program on Friday 19 December where Finn Jarle Sele supported the new bishop in college, Stein Reinertsen in his practice of not devoting divorced. But how can Sele simultaneously cooperate and accept other divorced and gjengiftetde? It is a mystery to me and then runs over a double game. I do not accept remarriage, much less that ministers are re-married as believers. And they work I do not, but warns the driver when they sin, judgment and apostasy in the church of God which Achan, Ananias, Sapphira, and many others have done before them.
Thanks to Pastor Jan Aage Torp who accused me of being in ledertog with Two Shoes!
It is strange accusations, but in fact Pastor Jan Aage Torp accused me of being in ledertog with moving two shoes and the Roman Catholic Church when I do not accept the remarriage of believers. And is 100% opposed to divorced and gjengiftetde shall hold an office or service in the church of God. I've never been Roman Catholic or had anything to do two shoes. But what Torp has enlightened me with their accusations that both have said many good things and the right to say what the New Testament teaches about divorce and remarriage.
This accuses Torp me that is 100% lies, false accusations and taken out of his evil and perverse mind: "I recently discovered the blog of Jan-Kåre Christensen, a Pentecostal preacher running mate buses near our home in Southern Nordstrand in Oslo. His bus-driving, I appreciate. Worse enough with his scribblings, where Espen Ottosen raised, and where he calls Emanuel Minos, Jan Hanvold & me for "wolves in sheep's clothing", "opening doors for demons" and he declares leprosy with King Uzziah ... I do not accept this Type mention of myself, nor of others. We should all work together to set a standard for acceptable and honorable mention, regardless of opinions. I smile not curses, but let me tell you that I do not lose sleep either night. It may be helpful to know tankegrumset happening in the environment that I've uncovered in this blog post. On his website Christensen posted a link to a text from "Two Shoes", a group of Norwegian soil working for the restoration of marriage - which in principle is good - but that parallel work by prayer and info pieces demolition of marriage in which the One or both remarriage. This is to some degree a Roman Catholic view, but really much, much worse, because in "Two Shoes", efforts are being targeted by "prayers" that are nothing less than curses. Christensen has posted on his site a text which has been translated into Norwegian by the leader of this group. The link contains only a tiny part of the mind in "Two Shoes", which I know very well from real life. "
Since Pastor, or to use the correct term for him. The false apostle January Aage Torp said I stand in ledertog with both the one and the other, I want to take in some of what's on the homepage of the two shoes. Read and study yourself and compare it with the scriptures, like those in Berea.
Acts 17. 11 Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with all readiness, and searched the scriptures daily whether it was just as it was told them.
Here are some excerpts of what two shoes writes on its website as opposed to Bishop College Reinertsen also justifies why they are against remarriage. There will never be able to walk the church of God opens up for remarriage of believers when it is against what the Apostle Paul and what Jesus taught and taught.
Nothing but the truth! "Nothing but he truth" Covenant keepers Canada-autumn 2007 Volume 10, no 3 This spring I was in Waterloo for a marriage conference hosted by NAME Canada. Leo Godzich, who always has great insights, shared the following. "One of the biggest tragedies in the world today is that people forget that in every person there an expression of God. This means that human beings express something special from God that can only be expressed through the individual. You can ask the Christians why they are against abortion and most will say because they are against murder and there is a good reason, but not the main reason. The main reason that we should be against abortion is that the image of God that the person should express did not be expressed! " The values of marriage receives a new content, think so! Leo's words gave me a revelation. Even how tragic it is that a tiny human being killed, however, the greatest tragedy that the image was destroyed. Satan attacks people to frame God and His kingdom. If that person is killed as wiper Satan out the image of God should be expressed through this man. He destroys God's purpose as just the man to express and complement. Do that this is more about God than about the people? We are so self-absorbed that we only see that abortion is about people. It touches feelings because it could have been us. We are hurt and disappointed because it could have been someone we love. We look at abortion from our human side, physical rather than seeing abortion from an eternity and God's viewpoint. As soon as I began to compare this with marriage and divorce. Satan attacks and destroys marriages owing to what they represent. But how many humans actually see the truly divine values in a marriage? While I another was with my wife so I thought of marriage as an important value because our own happiness. Beyond that, it was something that was ordained of God to defend family. My perspective on marriage has widened after I was divorced. I looked at marriage as a place where I was trained to make change, to have intimacy, victim , Security and much more. All this is right, but God taught me more. I discovered that marriage is an image of God, an image of the eternal sacrificial love that Jesus has for each of us. Leo's illustration awakened this again to live in me. What we will show the world when it shows the divorce statistics over 50%? What we say Jesus at this? When we stand in faith for our spouses and our families as regards the more than our own happiness and joy, we think it's more than what is right and wrong and our loved one's salvation. Even if we never get to see the restoration of our families, so show we are the world Jesus unmerited love for his bride! Surrender to the will of God is important in our covenant relationship with the Father, just as Jesus' death shows Father's covenant relationship with us. Our family compass. Where were we wrong the way in this case? Most have changed forever the fear of humanism. Humanism has become god for many in our culture though humanists do not see themselves as religious. Spring fallen nature, imagines himself that I know what is right and wrong, I can find out of my destiny. The root of this attitude is pride. This pride showed the first time in the Garden of Eden. Satan's lies and pride Dad told Eva that she knew best, and Adam came Eva's advice. When this happened lost humanity moral direction pass completely. The compass needle always points north. No matter where you are in the world you can orient after the compass needle because it always, everywhere on the globe pointing north. This makes The travelers get help to find their destination. The truth is our eternal compass showing us the direction and helps us to find our destination. The truth is the eternal perspective that we should live our lives in accordance with. The truth will always point in one direction, namely against God. If we look up / search the encyclopaedia: "Encarta" God is the first word that pops up when you search the word truth. It's a great reminder of what truth is and where to find it. The truth is about God! Humanism compass, however, will always point to the man himself; marriage to meet my needs and makes me happy! Truth tells us that marriage is a covenant that reflects God's love for each individual. A Christian's life will always point to God and his eternal truth, Thy kingdom come, may God get the glory, the God's will be done here and now God knows best He is Lord, He is my only resource. It is interesting to notice that there is a point where the compass needle exits of focus. It is on the north pole of the target. When we arrive at the North Pole will not Compass can help. Likewise with God. When we come to heaven we do not need God's direction anymore when we are together for him, then we are one with him in his perfect truth. But before we get to heaven is truth compass needle that will guide us as we do not go our way. One reason to build. In this teaching of Leo I have spent much time thinking through what it This means that the truth will guide us in our lives and also what it means for us who are in faith for our marriage. Unwavering came to me. Something is unwavering when it is safe, solid and unchangeable. It is the truth that we must build our marriages. Jesus speaks about it in Matt.7 0.24 to 27: "So - everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a hen wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house. And it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. But the one who hears these words of mine and doeth them not, He is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall. " This foundation, Jesus' words and examples, they will never change. They stand for ever time! We can be confident because Jesus said, "But he who sent me is true, and I've heard of him, I speak to the world. "Joh.8, 26 We know that what God says is truth, "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man as he should repent. " 4 Mos.23, 19 Our circumstances often go against what is written in the Word. The date of payment is come and God has not made money. My spouse says he / she does not come back even if God has spoken that to happen. We can mention several things, the list can be long. What do I do when circumstances say anything other than Word? The choice When we face such circumstances that contradict the Word we must make our choice. These choices will challenge our soul, our emotions and our intellect. Our eyes and ears tell us that it is impossible. Our feelings cry that it's too hard for us. We come quickly to the conclusion that it will never happen. And again, we have been anthropocentric and humanistic and listening to our human advice. I pride shout our souls that we know best! And our humanistic compass gets completely out of direction. Or we can choose to believe God's truth is revealed and spoken to us, and go in obedience in spite of what we see, feel or think. This is the essence of faith. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Heb.11: 1 Which builder would you be? One who builds a beautiful house on the sand watching nice, feels comfortable and like everyone around you says will stand? Or are you of those who want to build a building on a rock, a building that is standing and not fall if the storm comes? Search the truth, reach for it and pray God will reveal it to you. Ask God to give you an eternal and divine perspective of your life and your marriage. Finally, we see that Jesus gives a wonderful promise to those who seeking the truth. There we read in Joh.8, 31: "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. "Believe me, freedom is good.
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lørdag 22. desember 2012
Nr. 420: Summary of 2012 and the way forward!
Nr. 420:
Summary of 2012 and the way forward!
2012 has been a year of joy including new house on top Hellerud and God's blessing on your life, family, and service to the Lord! For us, the new house has been like a monument for us when we settled down to stay where the Lord would have us from his youth. This is a long story, but God is and remains good. Here is the house just before the occupation.
1 Sam 7:12 And Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and Sen, this stone he called Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.
Looking now back on a life in God's faithfulness, care and grace. In fact, at all levels and fields of life. And I was delivered at Ebenezer 25 January 1981 then it will become 32 years ago I came to believe, I have always believed in God. But it was when I took a decision and was reborn to a living God through Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead.
New house
We moved into the new house in November 2012 and we thrive already very good, pray for us, family and service. We need all the prayers we can get, and nothing is more precious and valuable than one that is asked for.
Kristen Norway still asleep unfortunately!
From my commentaries Ephesians 5 13 But all is for the day when it will be revealed by the light, Everything, yes everything will come to light. We believe that something is not recorded, but it does so in the heavenly computer. How do I know not. But when it all comes out in the light of God will be revealed! 14 and all that come to light is light. Therefore, it says: Wake up, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. Spiritual sleep and spiritual death is close to each other. It is very much that will draw down as a believer and one is hard pressed. It is only by being filled by God Himself that will prevail. 15 Therefore, be careful how you live, not as foolish people but as wise, We are very easy to make us friends with darkness. There is hardly any family in this country who are affected by divorce curse and many other negative things. But it is God's word that is our guideline about it failing even in our close circle of friends and family.
It is this sleep that is spreading more and more about themselves. I have included written against Pastor Jan Kåre Hanvold at Vision Norway. I do not understand, do not understand and wonder really how more and more in Christian Norway could accept such a mega crook and a cheat. How deep a sleep when not in the spiritual realm. He stands for everything that Satan stands for and not for what God stands for. He is divorced and re-married three times as believers, glory theologian in his throat, doing monetary manipulation and live out a mortal life on virtually all areas of their lives. Where are the limits of God's people? Or is it no longer limits to the world and the flesh? It is not very much knowledge and familiarity with the word of God and Christ to reveal Hanvold. And fail than not to expose him fail than when head to reveal any other false prophets? It must be Todd Bentley is on the same spiritual and carnal primitive level Hanvold who is recently divorced and re-married his former nanny.
God calls us to be A 4 people?
1 Tim. 3. 15 but if I wait to come, that then you may know how one should walk in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation.
Yes and no. God has set a clear framework for our lives, it applies to all believers, especially preachers and those who will teach others a pattern of the flock, and Jacob, not many should become teachers than shall then become harder convicted.
Remarriage among preachers, pastors and priests are like a cancer!
We must understand the biblical approach to understanding God right. He learns and teaches us there about what he believes, what plans he has for our lives and what he expects and demands of our lives. I've looked through your paddle race in the Pentecostal Charismatic movement where prophecies, opinions and everything other than the word of God and the teachings which we find is essential for us. God's word speaks to heed the teachings, and themselves! Here, albeit not act on themselves but others and God's word radars and explain away than. Then to his and others' downfall, tragic but sadly true in a too large extent.
The marriage is in God's eyes a picture of Christ and the church
From my commentaries Ephesians 5 25 Husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it Love Life as dispensing of the spouses has thus their pattern of love that Christ exhibits in his saving action against church. But if Christ ministering care of the church, his bride, will be the model for the earthly corporeality in gender relations, it means that the relationship between the sexes is nothing more than a kind of autonomous "worldly" in creation. By parallel the relationship between man and woman in marriage the relationship between Christ and the church in salvation, Paul is giving the earthly-physical love between spouses one Christological grounds. Salvation relationship between Christ and the church is the model for the relationship of marriage, but the pattern also applies vice versa - marriage between a man and woman should be an image of the relationship between Christ and the church. 26 to sanctify and cleanse it with the bath water in the power of a word. TIT 3.5 And he saved us, not because of our righteousness, but because He is merciful, He saved us through the bath re-feed and renewing by the Holy Spirit. The whole Christian life is a prominent process that will last a lifetime and totally secure well into eternity! But one day we will stand before God and still be the bride of Christ, even though God has a piece of work to do in and through us. 27 So he set it before him in glory, not having spot or wrinkle or any such holy and without fault should be. The goal is that we will stand without spot or wrinkle or any such, ie without errors. What is stain, blemish and mistake for a Christian? It is sin and impurity. The Bible talks about Jesus coming again, as a bridegroom to pick his bride to the wedding. When our Bridegroom comes, we stand as sanctified Christians. It is now that we are in such a preparatory period before the heavenly wedding feast. Then it is important that we use this time to get ready. Philippians 1:9-10 says, "And this is my prayer, that your love may become more and more rich in insight and judgment, so that in the different questions may discern what is right. Ye shall be clean and no errors on the day of Christ. " We will be pure and blameless in Christ's day. Colossians 1:22 also says something similar: "But now he has reconciled you to himself, since Christ suffered death with his earthly body. Holy, without blemish and unassailable, he would ask you to himself." This is thus continuously. You are supposed to go through a process called sanctification. The goal of this sanctification is that you will stand up without sin and injustice. 28 In the same way, ie men love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. When Jesus sacrificed everything for the church, God calls man to take his example. To love his wife is to love oneself. Love is the universe's strongest and most important. Song of Solomon. 8. 6 Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal on your arm! For love is strong as death, passion fierce as the grave. The blazes like fire, like a mighty flame. 29 For no one ever hated his own body, on the contrary, gives one the industry and usually it just as Christ does the church. As Christ gave himself for the church, as a man should give to his wife. True love is about giving, not getting. It will be important for man to meet his wife's needs. In the Old Testament is also used marriage as a picture of the relationship between God and His people. In the same manner as in the New Testament as shown above. An example is given below: Isaiah 54 4-5 Do not be afraid, you will not be ashamed. Do not be ashamed, you will not be disgraced. Now you can forget the shame of your youth and remember no more your widowhood disgrace. For he who created you, your husband, the Lord Almighty is his name. Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, who is called the God of the earth. The purpose of marriage is then to help each other get to heaven, and to show how non-Christian reference to Christ and the church is.
Smyrna Oslo church stands or falls with God's people reject the Trinity!
2 Genesis 20 1 Then God spoke all these words, saying, 2 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, the house of bondage. 3 You shall have no other gods before me. 4 You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 You shall not bow down to them nor serve them: for I the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punish fathers' sins upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations, those who love me and keep my commandments.
We have been doing Smyrna since summer 2009, ie in 3 ½ years. I or we do not have to be excessively concerned with truth from God's word. The truth I might have pointed out most strongly in relation to others is that marriage is ordained by God and should be sacred to believers of Scripture clearly teaches that it is only by this death ceases. And should one be separated to an either live alone or else, a new marriage or marry a divorced are Christians and believers sin and adultery!
But the feedback I get is crystal clear, it is my "new" view of God that is essential what other believers think, think and think about their view of the Trinity.
I have said not gone in to promote than or more biblical truths, but preach the whole counsel of God to salvation as the Apostle Paul did.
Acts 20. 20 how I kept back nothing that could be of benefit to you, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and in the houses, 27 for I held nothing back, but preached unto you the whole counsel of God.
Belief in one God belongs to the Christian foundation of why Satan attacks this so strongly by, among other things, to believe in a triadegud that is totally foreign to the Bible's teachings.
Heb. 6. 1. Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and stride forward towards perfection, so we are not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and faith in God.
Children's lesson for the first Christians believe in one God, not a so-called Christian triadegud. Also, the first commandment is to believe in one God, the only true God as God speaks of as the most important.
I have nødtvunget post about my teaching!
That I take this up with the Trinity perhaps somewhat too often comes not only what I want and want? But it's the objection we Smyrna Oslo and through my teaching are confronted, attacked and boycotted by time after time, why?
There has scribbled for me, but I have to deal with reality and where criticism is against my teaching.
That said, I'm not even excessively concerned with belief in 'one God, who is the only true God is the only essential. But having driven Smyrna Oslo and our website over the last 3-4 years, it tells me that I need, albeit nødtvunget against the relatively heavy and harsh accusations against me I get. But the writing is very clear and what the early Christians believed and taught, that it is only and only God the Father and none other that is the only true God, and he has a son who is his enbåren.
1 Cor. 8. 4b. and that there is no God but one. 5 For if there are also so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth - which there are many gods and many lords - 6 so it's dog for us only one God, the Father, of whom all are, and we to him, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all are, and we through him.
I'm going ahead to concentrate more on two things.
1) Start with the Bible my comments again and finish it.
2) CRD EFFICIENCY Meet and explain that it is only and only God the Father and no other is the only true God, and He has a Son, Jesus Christ. And they have a common Spirit mentioned in the Scriptures as such The Holy Spirit, the Spirit, the Spirit of God, Jesus Christ spirit etc.
Teaching about the belief in one God will be key going forward!
Pray for me and my ministry and under the wing. Support us well financially, God will reward you abundantly back. The way I learned it now, so I need your prayers and financial support in order to be of help, blessing and guidance for many driving companion in faith in the one true God and His Son Jesus Christ.
Here you / you support us financially:
Account number of Post: 0535 06 05 845 or Account number in the record for the Bible translation project: 1204 33 59 280
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Summary of 2012 and the way forward!
2012 has been a year of joy including new house on top Hellerud and God's blessing on your life, family, and service to the Lord! For us, the new house has been like a monument for us when we settled down to stay where the Lord would have us from his youth. This is a long story, but God is and remains good. Here is the house just before the occupation.
1 Sam 7:12 And Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and Sen, this stone he called Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.
Looking now back on a life in God's faithfulness, care and grace. In fact, at all levels and fields of life. And I was delivered at Ebenezer 25 January 1981 then it will become 32 years ago I came to believe, I have always believed in God. But it was when I took a decision and was reborn to a living God through Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead.
New house
We moved into the new house in November 2012 and we thrive already very good, pray for us, family and service. We need all the prayers we can get, and nothing is more precious and valuable than one that is asked for.
Kristen Norway still asleep unfortunately!
From my commentaries Ephesians 5 13 But all is for the day when it will be revealed by the light, Everything, yes everything will come to light. We believe that something is not recorded, but it does so in the heavenly computer. How do I know not. But when it all comes out in the light of God will be revealed! 14 and all that come to light is light. Therefore, it says: Wake up, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. Spiritual sleep and spiritual death is close to each other. It is very much that will draw down as a believer and one is hard pressed. It is only by being filled by God Himself that will prevail. 15 Therefore, be careful how you live, not as foolish people but as wise, We are very easy to make us friends with darkness. There is hardly any family in this country who are affected by divorce curse and many other negative things. But it is God's word that is our guideline about it failing even in our close circle of friends and family.
It is this sleep that is spreading more and more about themselves. I have included written against Pastor Jan Kåre Hanvold at Vision Norway. I do not understand, do not understand and wonder really how more and more in Christian Norway could accept such a mega crook and a cheat. How deep a sleep when not in the spiritual realm. He stands for everything that Satan stands for and not for what God stands for. He is divorced and re-married three times as believers, glory theologian in his throat, doing monetary manipulation and live out a mortal life on virtually all areas of their lives. Where are the limits of God's people? Or is it no longer limits to the world and the flesh? It is not very much knowledge and familiarity with the word of God and Christ to reveal Hanvold. And fail than not to expose him fail than when head to reveal any other false prophets? It must be Todd Bentley is on the same spiritual and carnal primitive level Hanvold who is recently divorced and re-married his former nanny.
God calls us to be A 4 people?
1 Tim. 3. 15 but if I wait to come, that then you may know how one should walk in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation.
Yes and no. God has set a clear framework for our lives, it applies to all believers, especially preachers and those who will teach others a pattern of the flock, and Jacob, not many should become teachers than shall then become harder convicted.
Remarriage among preachers, pastors and priests are like a cancer!
We must understand the biblical approach to understanding God right. He learns and teaches us there about what he believes, what plans he has for our lives and what he expects and demands of our lives. I've looked through your paddle race in the Pentecostal Charismatic movement where prophecies, opinions and everything other than the word of God and the teachings which we find is essential for us. God's word speaks to heed the teachings, and themselves! Here, albeit not act on themselves but others and God's word radars and explain away than. Then to his and others' downfall, tragic but sadly true in a too large extent.
The marriage is in God's eyes a picture of Christ and the church
From my commentaries Ephesians 5 25 Husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it Love Life as dispensing of the spouses has thus their pattern of love that Christ exhibits in his saving action against church. But if Christ ministering care of the church, his bride, will be the model for the earthly corporeality in gender relations, it means that the relationship between the sexes is nothing more than a kind of autonomous "worldly" in creation. By parallel the relationship between man and woman in marriage the relationship between Christ and the church in salvation, Paul is giving the earthly-physical love between spouses one Christological grounds. Salvation relationship between Christ and the church is the model for the relationship of marriage, but the pattern also applies vice versa - marriage between a man and woman should be an image of the relationship between Christ and the church. 26 to sanctify and cleanse it with the bath water in the power of a word. TIT 3.5 And he saved us, not because of our righteousness, but because He is merciful, He saved us through the bath re-feed and renewing by the Holy Spirit. The whole Christian life is a prominent process that will last a lifetime and totally secure well into eternity! But one day we will stand before God and still be the bride of Christ, even though God has a piece of work to do in and through us. 27 So he set it before him in glory, not having spot or wrinkle or any such holy and without fault should be. The goal is that we will stand without spot or wrinkle or any such, ie without errors. What is stain, blemish and mistake for a Christian? It is sin and impurity. The Bible talks about Jesus coming again, as a bridegroom to pick his bride to the wedding. When our Bridegroom comes, we stand as sanctified Christians. It is now that we are in such a preparatory period before the heavenly wedding feast. Then it is important that we use this time to get ready. Philippians 1:9-10 says, "And this is my prayer, that your love may become more and more rich in insight and judgment, so that in the different questions may discern what is right. Ye shall be clean and no errors on the day of Christ. " We will be pure and blameless in Christ's day. Colossians 1:22 also says something similar: "But now he has reconciled you to himself, since Christ suffered death with his earthly body. Holy, without blemish and unassailable, he would ask you to himself." This is thus continuously. You are supposed to go through a process called sanctification. The goal of this sanctification is that you will stand up without sin and injustice. 28 In the same way, ie men love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. When Jesus sacrificed everything for the church, God calls man to take his example. To love his wife is to love oneself. Love is the universe's strongest and most important. Song of Solomon. 8. 6 Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal on your arm! For love is strong as death, passion fierce as the grave. The blazes like fire, like a mighty flame. 29 For no one ever hated his own body, on the contrary, gives one the industry and usually it just as Christ does the church. As Christ gave himself for the church, as a man should give to his wife. True love is about giving, not getting. It will be important for man to meet his wife's needs. In the Old Testament is also used marriage as a picture of the relationship between God and His people. In the same manner as in the New Testament as shown above. An example is given below: Isaiah 54 4-5 Do not be afraid, you will not be ashamed. Do not be ashamed, you will not be disgraced. Now you can forget the shame of your youth and remember no more your widowhood disgrace. For he who created you, your husband, the Lord Almighty is his name. Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, who is called the God of the earth. The purpose of marriage is then to help each other get to heaven, and to show how non-Christian reference to Christ and the church is.
Smyrna Oslo church stands or falls with God's people reject the Trinity!
2 Genesis 20 1 Then God spoke all these words, saying, 2 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, the house of bondage. 3 You shall have no other gods before me. 4 You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 You shall not bow down to them nor serve them: for I the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punish fathers' sins upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations, those who love me and keep my commandments.
We have been doing Smyrna since summer 2009, ie in 3 ½ years. I or we do not have to be excessively concerned with truth from God's word. The truth I might have pointed out most strongly in relation to others is that marriage is ordained by God and should be sacred to believers of Scripture clearly teaches that it is only by this death ceases. And should one be separated to an either live alone or else, a new marriage or marry a divorced are Christians and believers sin and adultery!
But the feedback I get is crystal clear, it is my "new" view of God that is essential what other believers think, think and think about their view of the Trinity.
I have said not gone in to promote than or more biblical truths, but preach the whole counsel of God to salvation as the Apostle Paul did.
Acts 20. 20 how I kept back nothing that could be of benefit to you, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and in the houses, 27 for I held nothing back, but preached unto you the whole counsel of God.
Belief in one God belongs to the Christian foundation of why Satan attacks this so strongly by, among other things, to believe in a triadegud that is totally foreign to the Bible's teachings.
Heb. 6. 1. Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and stride forward towards perfection, so we are not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and faith in God.
Children's lesson for the first Christians believe in one God, not a so-called Christian triadegud. Also, the first commandment is to believe in one God, the only true God as God speaks of as the most important.
I have nødtvunget post about my teaching!
That I take this up with the Trinity perhaps somewhat too often comes not only what I want and want? But it's the objection we Smyrna Oslo and through my teaching are confronted, attacked and boycotted by time after time, why?
There has scribbled for me, but I have to deal with reality and where criticism is against my teaching.
That said, I'm not even excessively concerned with belief in 'one God, who is the only true God is the only essential. But having driven Smyrna Oslo and our website over the last 3-4 years, it tells me that I need, albeit nødtvunget against the relatively heavy and harsh accusations against me I get. But the writing is very clear and what the early Christians believed and taught, that it is only and only God the Father and none other that is the only true God, and he has a son who is his enbåren.
1 Cor. 8. 4b. and that there is no God but one. 5 For if there are also so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth - which there are many gods and many lords - 6 so it's dog for us only one God, the Father, of whom all are, and we to him, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all are, and we through him.
I'm going ahead to concentrate more on two things.
1) Start with the Bible my comments again and finish it.
2) CRD EFFICIENCY Meet and explain that it is only and only God the Father and no other is the only true God, and He has a Son, Jesus Christ. And they have a common Spirit mentioned in the Scriptures as such The Holy Spirit, the Spirit, the Spirit of God, Jesus Christ spirit etc.
Teaching about the belief in one God will be key going forward!
Pray for me and my ministry and under the wing. Support us well financially, God will reward you abundantly back. The way I learned it now, so I need your prayers and financial support in order to be of help, blessing and guidance for many driving companion in faith in the one true God and His Son Jesus Christ.
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torsdag 20. desember 2012
Nr. 419: The Old Testament and the New Testament prophet service is not equal to either the calling, mission, scope or procedure?
Nr. 419:
The Old Testament and the New Testament prophet service is not equal to either the calling, mission, scope or procedure?
Prophets service in the old and the new covenant is both different and there are similarities just as there is between the old and the new covenant. For me it was Rein Seehus a New Testament prophet. But today there's the preponderance of false prophets within its Christian churches in the Western world, it looks like. Therefore it is so important not to support and give money to the false prophets but the real, true and those whom God has anointed and called to work for him
Here we Jorunn and Rein Seehus who worked for God in a supernatural way
A review on Seehus.
Carl Rein Seehuus was a little kid when the Pentecostal movement started in Norway. He got a very strong calling for his life. - As early as the age of ten, he reacted to the fact that Jesus was beaten and crucified. He believed that this was highly unfair because he loved Jesus. Already at the age of ten, he was filled with God's power. Through Seehuus his life was clearly a prophet stood up, said Flaaten. - How he decided to travel to the United Nations? - Soon after he was saved, he was in a meeting and heard a man speak in tongues. It was Aage Samuelsen. Interpretation of what was said in tongues was that my father was going to the United Nations this fall. He traveled to the United Nations and met there as press husband because he worked in a Christian magazine. - What impact did your father on the people in the UN? - If he belonged to the press and therefore could go almost anywhere, he went among statesmen and preached. That which lay heavily on his heart was that Israel would become an independent state. He even got to present Israel's case to the UN. One time he was sitting with a representative from China. In May 1948, Israel an independent state, saying the fleet. - UN Secretary-General Trygve Lie, who also came from Norway, once having said the following: "Norway took no position on what the country should vote until they had talked to Carl Rein Seehuus." Seehuss had a big star in the UN. - In 1947 came two Norwegians who wanted to see the United Nations. It turned out that my father would turn them around. When they came to where the flags stood, there was a flagpole without a flag between the Iraqi flag and the Lebanese flag. The flagpole missing flag, flagpole was number 59 There was some talk about the bare flagpole, and my father told this was the flagpole as the Israeli flag would hang on. The two men responded only to laugh at it all. But years later, Israel was becoming a state - and a Member of the United Nations - with the Israeli flag on the flagpole number 59, said Flaaten. - When I think of this, I know that Norway has a special calling in relation to Israel - and to stand up for and bless Israel. It is interesting to see that God can use us humans for everything - even to the discoverer my father carried in UN, says Aida Marie Seehuus Flaaten. Establishment - How did the Pentecostal movement in Norway? - My grandfather lived in Skien in 1905 - already this year, things began to happen. Pastors and preachers had need for the country and come together every Monday to pray to God. After the prayer meeting continued for some meetings at the home of the individual pastor or preacher who had collection. After a while, broke out revival - and localities were still too small. The revival spread across the country, says Seehuus Flaaten. - When was the first church established? - The church was established on 18 May 1908. That said, it was a great revival in the area and need to form a church to take care of the new believers. My grandfather led this first Pentecostal church. - I have read some books about the revival 100 years ago. There is no doubt that the revival was powerful and touched the earth and all of Norway. In books about this time, the words "pleading on his knees" which recur as a foundation in this strong of revival that spread quickly, said Seehuus Flaaten. - What about the roads ahead? - It happened 100 years ago was strong. But I think that again, will soon experience a similarly strong revival, she said. End of quote.
There are many "rogue stories» op profeiseier which is false, be aware of it, I will mention two examples from Oslokirken but deceiver and manipulator Pastor Jan Aage Torp as some of the worst.
1) This is from Oslo church's own website: "Read this powerful portrayal of Dr. Emanuel Minos' prophecy Jan-Aage Torp in 2001. Dr. Emanuel Minos September 2001 the phone rang at the home of Pastor Jan-Aage Torp. It was Dr. Emanuel Minos, who went straight to the point: "Jan-Aage, you know how careful I am to convey prophecies, because I have seen so much abuse. But I am led by the Holy Spirit to speak to you you to build up an international church in Oslo by the grace of God will get the same effect and power of Kensington Temple in London. Thou shalt not fear, because the Lord will guide future work. This is the provision that the Lord has for you, Jan- Aage. The best lies ahead! " Yes, the "best" with a 20 year younger wife and everything else Rolpa and nonsense! This is what it is. Nothing mega church or else, just lie, control techniques and more is going to Pastor Torp's footsteps.
2) This story, I know when I know the person. It was around shekels replace a burning and wholehearted believers who joined the Oslo Church that was manipulated and misled through totally crazy and I would say manipulative pressure, prophecies and other misleading as religious promise and Caller Torp to sell his apartment and give it excess of 1.5 Million to Torp so he bought himself a Mercedes and invite the so called big apostles and prophets over to Norway. When Torp before he had sold the apartment had failed in two innings to get out by manipulation and so-called prophecies to get them to take out loans at 2 times a half a million before the apartment was sold, while sales gained by the remaining half million. Then we have a cynical and manipulative Christian who runs a cabal and engaged in manipulation with prophecy and another that is not nothing but false and deceitful from the beginning to the end. At Dr. and Evangelist Emanuel Minos is on this is alarming and frightening. And all who follow him and those so-called leaders of the Pentecostal charismatic branch of Christianity is in danger of being totally misled and end to end in the destruction and under the judgment of God when they open up for Satan and the father in his life at all. Jesus said that even if the blind lead the blind so they both fall into the ditch. At Minos Torp and spiritual blind is a fact, but all who believe in them and follow them will experience the same blindness, Jesus was his speech and preaching, the berries being beyond all doubt!
The prophet in the Old Testament spoke of a people under God's rule
Therefore, it is also a stricter judgment for Israel than any other nation. Something that history shows us happened. Secondly, history also shows that no nation has been, is going to be so blessed as Israel.
Prophets in the New Testament does not speak for an entire people first and foremost, but to those who are called out of this world
Prophet of service in the New Testament is primarily directed against the church, secondly against the world. To compare the service completely prophet in the Old and New Testaments are and remain incorrect.
The prophet in the Old Testament was more of a "pure" prophet
Just as there are different units and similarities with the old and the new association. Such are the similarities and differences between service prophets of the Old Covenant - legal pact. And the new covenant of grace and faith covenant.
The prophets of the new union has very often prophesied the deed as part of his work, it's not all their work
This I wrote a few years ago and it is just as relevant today: The prophetic gift of works by the Spirit of God communes with a Spirit-filled person who is open and able to allow themselves to be used by God and who desires and longs to be used by the Lord. 1. Cor. 12. 4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but the same God, who worketh all in all. 7 At each Spirit gives to know to make it beneficial. 11 All of this is one and the same Spirit, who distributes his gifts to each one, so he will. Regarding the Prophetic service as we read in Ephesians. 4 that the prophetic ministry is one of the five ministry gifts given to the church. My view on this is that a person who is called to work for God who preaches is not necessarily a pure prophet but a part of the prophetic ministry as part of its fittings. Some very much second almost. I personally feel that I have all the five different gifts in my service as minister, but I'm no prophet distinctly. It's like it's 1 \ 5 of my gift. But for others they are both 2 \ 5 and 3 \ 5 Prophets. The Prophetic ministry is very often part of the equipment one has to preach, not the whole that we see in the Old Testament that some prophets had. I also have a part of the Evangelist, Teacher, Shepherd and Apostle in me. I feel that I have a little of all service offerings in me, but others such. much of the evangelist himself and little of the teacher himself. And some have a lot of teacher in them and little of the evangelist. It varies from preachers and in some situations as the need is there. We are all different but we need more of God and the gifts he has put in us, he will refine and further develop to our benefit and edification of the church and further guidance in the future. But it is also sad to see that when people come with false prophecies and leads the Christian way of siding is the common practice, especially in past the Pentecostal \ Charismatic churches that everything gets swept under the rug and ignore it all and go on as if nothing happened! So far one can get in delusion therefore warns Jesus and the apostles received this in the strongest delusion. But the positive side of this is that God reveals everything before it happens and leads us forward with his Spirit. This is something that God has always wanted to do with their beloved children. 1. Numbers 18 17 Then the Lord thought, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I want to do? 18 Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and in him shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. Amos 3 7 For the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets (1930 translation). God will use the prophetic anointing and the prophetic ministry to perfecting and empower his church, also in this time! It is through the prophetic anointing of the church and we are aligned, adjusted and successfully hit the "nail" not only approximate but just the "head". The prophetic anointing creates: "Thus saith the Lord" in church. This will create the sanction of the church when it is genuine. That bastard of a spiritual congregation will be revealed and be put in place! It is with our slagkraftighet both internally and externally, we are so dependent that it is both people with the prophetic gift in the church and the prophetic ministry is up and running in the Body of Christ! We also compare the five (5) different service offerings with our hand. Thumb's Apostle. Pointing finger is Prophet. Langmann's evangelist. Ring finger is a teacher. And the little man's little finger ¸ shepherd, who does everything there the other fingers have done and done. And it comes to where the other four are not going to. How important is a home visit? It performs many times that the other services not performed and acts supplementary and complementary. The nine gifts of the Spirit, a comparison with a grape cluster where all the gifts complement each other and all stand in a mutual dependency relationship. And they complement each other to perfection and the divine. The church at Corinth had all nine (9) gifts in their midst, and it is God's will to have for each ward. The church in Antioch had all five (5) different service offerings in their midst, there is also a role model for us to have today. This is fine and good with gifts and prophet gifts and healing gifts, but we must not forget that even as perfect church may be, it is the love of the Lord in our hearts that is important. Think of the church in Ephesus, they had a lot of good, but they had left their first love and the Lord very seriously. They had to repent otherwise there was a danger that the candlestick would be moved. The difference of the prophets service in the Old and New Testament include that the prophet in the Old Testament prophets had a clean service. But in the NT it is very often a part of our spiritual equipment. A prophet in the New Testament and in the New Covenant and are usually also more than just a prophet. But he can and is and also some of the Evangelist, Apostle, Prophet and pastoral service. Example of Prophet services can be David Wilkerson, Hal Lindsay and Chuck Smith, but has also some of the other service offerings in their preaching. Example of False Prophets are: Benny Hinn, Jan Hanvold, Åge Åleskjær and others. They of course also have a lot of good, but they have one or more major flaws in his life and in his teachings that are so big and lascivious. That one should disqualify them as true ministers and make them false prophets. So we have also examples of Christians who are not prophets but the prophetic gift. We need preachers who are prophets and believers who are open to God and let the Lord use them to prophesy! End of quote.
Prophet of the New Testament speaks milder than those in the old connected when sin is atoned and debt paid
From my commentaries Hebrews 9 18 Therefore, neither the first covenant was inaugurated without blood. Here Paul refers to what Moses did. 2. Numbers 24 3 And Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord and all the judgments: and all the people answered with one voice, All the words which the Lord hath spoken, we will stick by. 4 And Moses wrote all the words of the Lord, and he rose up early in the morning and built an altar under the hill, and twelve pillars for the twelve tribes of Israel. 5 And he sent young men of the children of Israel there, and they offered burnt offerings and sacrificed peace offerings of oxen to sacrifice to the Lord. 6 And Moses took half of the blood and put it in bowls, and half of the blood he sprinkled on the altar. 7 Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read in the audience of the people: and they said, All that the Lord has spoken we will do and obey. 8 And Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people, and said, See, this is the blood of the covenant, the covenant of the Lord unto you create with all these words. 19 When Moses had proclaimed to all the people all the words contained in the law, he took the blood of calves and goats together with water, scarlet wool and hyssop, sprinkled with the blood both the book and the entire people This was right after the law on Sinai and after the bids were announced as none of them could and managed to follow it had Divine grace to create equilibrium and balance. If that blood was shed signify someone is guilty and must die. So it was always an animal that was sacrificed in the other's place. 20 and said, "This is the blood of the covenant that God has set for you." A covenant is a conclusion for two or more people agree on something. That blood is included here indicate that the Sinai covenant is imperfect in contrast to Calvary Pact is perfect. 21 Just one blood he sprinkled the tabernacle and all the vessels that were used during the service. Now there will be excessive if we are to go into details. But I draws the reader's attention to either read even in the Pentateuch, or even Bible study commentary on the Pentateuch. 22 After the law is almost all things are cleansed with blood, and sins are not forgiven without blood being spilled. Blood was essentially all the time because the blood is life and life is in the blood. When there was always a blood covenant between God and man as he carried the children of Israel even when they had sinned. But the condition for this was that one lived and practiced this. 23 The underground images of the heavenly things must therefore be cleaned this way. But the heavenly sanctuary must be cleansed by the sacrifices that are better than these. When we talk about Moses and the old covenant, it is modeled on what Jesus did and what he represents within its the living God in the heavenly sanctuary. Jesus is our great High Priest and Priestess. 24 For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made by human hands and just a picture of the true sanctuary. He went into heaven itself, now would he appear in the presence of God. The high priest did foreshadow the Day of Atonement did Jesus really and actually after the resurrection. Then he carried out his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption and salvation. All this was for our sake. 25 He did not go in to offer himself repeatedly, as the high priest enters year after year into the sanctuary with blood that is not his own. We see all the time that our idols are halting and incomplete. But they are there and tell us about what happened and they said that God the Father demanded perfection that only Christ alone. 26 In that case he must have suffered many times since the world was founded. But now he has revealed himself once for all at the end of time to destroy sin by his sacrifice. We understand that the High Priest's sacrifice was not good enough for God the Father why God had to have a new victim every year due to the fragility of the human beings. But Jesus' sacrifice was so perfect and the blood was no trace of sin in itself! 27 Likewise, certain that it is appointed unto men once to die, and the judgment, It is a fact that every man must admit, death catches person before or since. But then it's a judgment if one does not accept Jesus and be saved and born again! 28 so also Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many, and since he is the second time to appear, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who wait for him. Jesus took away sin by the sacrifice of Calvary and after the resurrection he carried the blood within its Father in heaven, and there was, and he found an eternal redemption and salvation for us all. Just as sure that he came into the world it is that he will come back in two departments. 1) but to save those who are waiting for him. 2.) 2. Tess. 1. 7 but you needed, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, 8 in flaming fire, when he takes vengeance on them that know not God, and on those who do not obey our Lord Jesus gospel, 9 who shall suffer punishment, eternal damnation away from the Lord and from the glory of His power, 10 when he comes on that day to show himself wonderful in his saints, and in full of all the faithful - for thought was our witness to you. End of quote.
It is in and through Jesus' death and resurrection that God keeps his hand back. Had it not been for Jesus Christ, Son of God had been out with us. Therefore, delays and waiting and waiting on God that men should repent and believe the gospel. But when the grace period has passed judgment, sentence and people will regain the life they have lived. Then there will be a gap. An either or. Where the redeemed will of God and our New Jerusalem where God the Father creates a new earth and new heavens. But they are not believers will meet the same demise as Sodom and Gomorrah and will be totally wiped out forever! Therefore being a prophet service today also pointing the way out of the waiting as much as pointing out what awaits those who will believe the gospel!
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The Old Testament and the New Testament prophet service is not equal to either the calling, mission, scope or procedure?
Prophets service in the old and the new covenant is both different and there are similarities just as there is between the old and the new covenant. For me it was Rein Seehus a New Testament prophet. But today there's the preponderance of false prophets within its Christian churches in the Western world, it looks like. Therefore it is so important not to support and give money to the false prophets but the real, true and those whom God has anointed and called to work for him
Here we Jorunn and Rein Seehus who worked for God in a supernatural way
A review on Seehus.
Carl Rein Seehuus was a little kid when the Pentecostal movement started in Norway. He got a very strong calling for his life. - As early as the age of ten, he reacted to the fact that Jesus was beaten and crucified. He believed that this was highly unfair because he loved Jesus. Already at the age of ten, he was filled with God's power. Through Seehuus his life was clearly a prophet stood up, said Flaaten. - How he decided to travel to the United Nations? - Soon after he was saved, he was in a meeting and heard a man speak in tongues. It was Aage Samuelsen. Interpretation of what was said in tongues was that my father was going to the United Nations this fall. He traveled to the United Nations and met there as press husband because he worked in a Christian magazine. - What impact did your father on the people in the UN? - If he belonged to the press and therefore could go almost anywhere, he went among statesmen and preached. That which lay heavily on his heart was that Israel would become an independent state. He even got to present Israel's case to the UN. One time he was sitting with a representative from China. In May 1948, Israel an independent state, saying the fleet. - UN Secretary-General Trygve Lie, who also came from Norway, once having said the following: "Norway took no position on what the country should vote until they had talked to Carl Rein Seehuus." Seehuss had a big star in the UN. - In 1947 came two Norwegians who wanted to see the United Nations. It turned out that my father would turn them around. When they came to where the flags stood, there was a flagpole without a flag between the Iraqi flag and the Lebanese flag. The flagpole missing flag, flagpole was number 59 There was some talk about the bare flagpole, and my father told this was the flagpole as the Israeli flag would hang on. The two men responded only to laugh at it all. But years later, Israel was becoming a state - and a Member of the United Nations - with the Israeli flag on the flagpole number 59, said Flaaten. - When I think of this, I know that Norway has a special calling in relation to Israel - and to stand up for and bless Israel. It is interesting to see that God can use us humans for everything - even to the discoverer my father carried in UN, says Aida Marie Seehuus Flaaten. Establishment - How did the Pentecostal movement in Norway? - My grandfather lived in Skien in 1905 - already this year, things began to happen. Pastors and preachers had need for the country and come together every Monday to pray to God. After the prayer meeting continued for some meetings at the home of the individual pastor or preacher who had collection. After a while, broke out revival - and localities were still too small. The revival spread across the country, says Seehuus Flaaten. - When was the first church established? - The church was established on 18 May 1908. That said, it was a great revival in the area and need to form a church to take care of the new believers. My grandfather led this first Pentecostal church. - I have read some books about the revival 100 years ago. There is no doubt that the revival was powerful and touched the earth and all of Norway. In books about this time, the words "pleading on his knees" which recur as a foundation in this strong of revival that spread quickly, said Seehuus Flaaten. - What about the roads ahead? - It happened 100 years ago was strong. But I think that again, will soon experience a similarly strong revival, she said. End of quote.
There are many "rogue stories» op profeiseier which is false, be aware of it, I will mention two examples from Oslokirken but deceiver and manipulator Pastor Jan Aage Torp as some of the worst.
1) This is from Oslo church's own website: "Read this powerful portrayal of Dr. Emanuel Minos' prophecy Jan-Aage Torp in 2001. Dr. Emanuel Minos September 2001 the phone rang at the home of Pastor Jan-Aage Torp. It was Dr. Emanuel Minos, who went straight to the point: "Jan-Aage, you know how careful I am to convey prophecies, because I have seen so much abuse. But I am led by the Holy Spirit to speak to you you to build up an international church in Oslo by the grace of God will get the same effect and power of Kensington Temple in London. Thou shalt not fear, because the Lord will guide future work. This is the provision that the Lord has for you, Jan- Aage. The best lies ahead! " Yes, the "best" with a 20 year younger wife and everything else Rolpa and nonsense! This is what it is. Nothing mega church or else, just lie, control techniques and more is going to Pastor Torp's footsteps.
2) This story, I know when I know the person. It was around shekels replace a burning and wholehearted believers who joined the Oslo Church that was manipulated and misled through totally crazy and I would say manipulative pressure, prophecies and other misleading as religious promise and Caller Torp to sell his apartment and give it excess of 1.5 Million to Torp so he bought himself a Mercedes and invite the so called big apostles and prophets over to Norway. When Torp before he had sold the apartment had failed in two innings to get out by manipulation and so-called prophecies to get them to take out loans at 2 times a half a million before the apartment was sold, while sales gained by the remaining half million. Then we have a cynical and manipulative Christian who runs a cabal and engaged in manipulation with prophecy and another that is not nothing but false and deceitful from the beginning to the end. At Dr. and Evangelist Emanuel Minos is on this is alarming and frightening. And all who follow him and those so-called leaders of the Pentecostal charismatic branch of Christianity is in danger of being totally misled and end to end in the destruction and under the judgment of God when they open up for Satan and the father in his life at all. Jesus said that even if the blind lead the blind so they both fall into the ditch. At Minos Torp and spiritual blind is a fact, but all who believe in them and follow them will experience the same blindness, Jesus was his speech and preaching, the berries being beyond all doubt!
The prophet in the Old Testament spoke of a people under God's rule
Therefore, it is also a stricter judgment for Israel than any other nation. Something that history shows us happened. Secondly, history also shows that no nation has been, is going to be so blessed as Israel.
Prophets in the New Testament does not speak for an entire people first and foremost, but to those who are called out of this world
Prophet of service in the New Testament is primarily directed against the church, secondly against the world. To compare the service completely prophet in the Old and New Testaments are and remain incorrect.
The prophet in the Old Testament was more of a "pure" prophet
Just as there are different units and similarities with the old and the new association. Such are the similarities and differences between service prophets of the Old Covenant - legal pact. And the new covenant of grace and faith covenant.
The prophets of the new union has very often prophesied the deed as part of his work, it's not all their work
This I wrote a few years ago and it is just as relevant today: The prophetic gift of works by the Spirit of God communes with a Spirit-filled person who is open and able to allow themselves to be used by God and who desires and longs to be used by the Lord. 1. Cor. 12. 4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but the same God, who worketh all in all. 7 At each Spirit gives to know to make it beneficial. 11 All of this is one and the same Spirit, who distributes his gifts to each one, so he will. Regarding the Prophetic service as we read in Ephesians. 4 that the prophetic ministry is one of the five ministry gifts given to the church. My view on this is that a person who is called to work for God who preaches is not necessarily a pure prophet but a part of the prophetic ministry as part of its fittings. Some very much second almost. I personally feel that I have all the five different gifts in my service as minister, but I'm no prophet distinctly. It's like it's 1 \ 5 of my gift. But for others they are both 2 \ 5 and 3 \ 5 Prophets. The Prophetic ministry is very often part of the equipment one has to preach, not the whole that we see in the Old Testament that some prophets had. I also have a part of the Evangelist, Teacher, Shepherd and Apostle in me. I feel that I have a little of all service offerings in me, but others such. much of the evangelist himself and little of the teacher himself. And some have a lot of teacher in them and little of the evangelist. It varies from preachers and in some situations as the need is there. We are all different but we need more of God and the gifts he has put in us, he will refine and further develop to our benefit and edification of the church and further guidance in the future. But it is also sad to see that when people come with false prophecies and leads the Christian way of siding is the common practice, especially in past the Pentecostal \ Charismatic churches that everything gets swept under the rug and ignore it all and go on as if nothing happened! So far one can get in delusion therefore warns Jesus and the apostles received this in the strongest delusion. But the positive side of this is that God reveals everything before it happens and leads us forward with his Spirit. This is something that God has always wanted to do with their beloved children. 1. Numbers 18 17 Then the Lord thought, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I want to do? 18 Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and in him shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. Amos 3 7 For the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets (1930 translation). God will use the prophetic anointing and the prophetic ministry to perfecting and empower his church, also in this time! It is through the prophetic anointing of the church and we are aligned, adjusted and successfully hit the "nail" not only approximate but just the "head". The prophetic anointing creates: "Thus saith the Lord" in church. This will create the sanction of the church when it is genuine. That bastard of a spiritual congregation will be revealed and be put in place! It is with our slagkraftighet both internally and externally, we are so dependent that it is both people with the prophetic gift in the church and the prophetic ministry is up and running in the Body of Christ! We also compare the five (5) different service offerings with our hand. Thumb's Apostle. Pointing finger is Prophet. Langmann's evangelist. Ring finger is a teacher. And the little man's little finger ¸ shepherd, who does everything there the other fingers have done and done. And it comes to where the other four are not going to. How important is a home visit? It performs many times that the other services not performed and acts supplementary and complementary. The nine gifts of the Spirit, a comparison with a grape cluster where all the gifts complement each other and all stand in a mutual dependency relationship. And they complement each other to perfection and the divine. The church at Corinth had all nine (9) gifts in their midst, and it is God's will to have for each ward. The church in Antioch had all five (5) different service offerings in their midst, there is also a role model for us to have today. This is fine and good with gifts and prophet gifts and healing gifts, but we must not forget that even as perfect church may be, it is the love of the Lord in our hearts that is important. Think of the church in Ephesus, they had a lot of good, but they had left their first love and the Lord very seriously. They had to repent otherwise there was a danger that the candlestick would be moved. The difference of the prophets service in the Old and New Testament include that the prophet in the Old Testament prophets had a clean service. But in the NT it is very often a part of our spiritual equipment. A prophet in the New Testament and in the New Covenant and are usually also more than just a prophet. But he can and is and also some of the Evangelist, Apostle, Prophet and pastoral service. Example of Prophet services can be David Wilkerson, Hal Lindsay and Chuck Smith, but has also some of the other service offerings in their preaching. Example of False Prophets are: Benny Hinn, Jan Hanvold, Åge Åleskjær and others. They of course also have a lot of good, but they have one or more major flaws in his life and in his teachings that are so big and lascivious. That one should disqualify them as true ministers and make them false prophets. So we have also examples of Christians who are not prophets but the prophetic gift. We need preachers who are prophets and believers who are open to God and let the Lord use them to prophesy! End of quote.
Prophet of the New Testament speaks milder than those in the old connected when sin is atoned and debt paid
From my commentaries Hebrews 9 18 Therefore, neither the first covenant was inaugurated without blood. Here Paul refers to what Moses did. 2. Numbers 24 3 And Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord and all the judgments: and all the people answered with one voice, All the words which the Lord hath spoken, we will stick by. 4 And Moses wrote all the words of the Lord, and he rose up early in the morning and built an altar under the hill, and twelve pillars for the twelve tribes of Israel. 5 And he sent young men of the children of Israel there, and they offered burnt offerings and sacrificed peace offerings of oxen to sacrifice to the Lord. 6 And Moses took half of the blood and put it in bowls, and half of the blood he sprinkled on the altar. 7 Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read in the audience of the people: and they said, All that the Lord has spoken we will do and obey. 8 And Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people, and said, See, this is the blood of the covenant, the covenant of the Lord unto you create with all these words. 19 When Moses had proclaimed to all the people all the words contained in the law, he took the blood of calves and goats together with water, scarlet wool and hyssop, sprinkled with the blood both the book and the entire people This was right after the law on Sinai and after the bids were announced as none of them could and managed to follow it had Divine grace to create equilibrium and balance. If that blood was shed signify someone is guilty and must die. So it was always an animal that was sacrificed in the other's place. 20 and said, "This is the blood of the covenant that God has set for you." A covenant is a conclusion for two or more people agree on something. That blood is included here indicate that the Sinai covenant is imperfect in contrast to Calvary Pact is perfect. 21 Just one blood he sprinkled the tabernacle and all the vessels that were used during the service. Now there will be excessive if we are to go into details. But I draws the reader's attention to either read even in the Pentateuch, or even Bible study commentary on the Pentateuch. 22 After the law is almost all things are cleansed with blood, and sins are not forgiven without blood being spilled. Blood was essentially all the time because the blood is life and life is in the blood. When there was always a blood covenant between God and man as he carried the children of Israel even when they had sinned. But the condition for this was that one lived and practiced this. 23 The underground images of the heavenly things must therefore be cleaned this way. But the heavenly sanctuary must be cleansed by the sacrifices that are better than these. When we talk about Moses and the old covenant, it is modeled on what Jesus did and what he represents within its the living God in the heavenly sanctuary. Jesus is our great High Priest and Priestess. 24 For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made by human hands and just a picture of the true sanctuary. He went into heaven itself, now would he appear in the presence of God. The high priest did foreshadow the Day of Atonement did Jesus really and actually after the resurrection. Then he carried out his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption and salvation. All this was for our sake. 25 He did not go in to offer himself repeatedly, as the high priest enters year after year into the sanctuary with blood that is not his own. We see all the time that our idols are halting and incomplete. But they are there and tell us about what happened and they said that God the Father demanded perfection that only Christ alone. 26 In that case he must have suffered many times since the world was founded. But now he has revealed himself once for all at the end of time to destroy sin by his sacrifice. We understand that the High Priest's sacrifice was not good enough for God the Father why God had to have a new victim every year due to the fragility of the human beings. But Jesus' sacrifice was so perfect and the blood was no trace of sin in itself! 27 Likewise, certain that it is appointed unto men once to die, and the judgment, It is a fact that every man must admit, death catches person before or since. But then it's a judgment if one does not accept Jesus and be saved and born again! 28 so also Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many, and since he is the second time to appear, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who wait for him. Jesus took away sin by the sacrifice of Calvary and after the resurrection he carried the blood within its Father in heaven, and there was, and he found an eternal redemption and salvation for us all. Just as sure that he came into the world it is that he will come back in two departments. 1) but to save those who are waiting for him. 2.) 2. Tess. 1. 7 but you needed, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, 8 in flaming fire, when he takes vengeance on them that know not God, and on those who do not obey our Lord Jesus gospel, 9 who shall suffer punishment, eternal damnation away from the Lord and from the glory of His power, 10 when he comes on that day to show himself wonderful in his saints, and in full of all the faithful - for thought was our witness to you. End of quote.
It is in and through Jesus' death and resurrection that God keeps his hand back. Had it not been for Jesus Christ, Son of God had been out with us. Therefore, delays and waiting and waiting on God that men should repent and believe the gospel. But when the grace period has passed judgment, sentence and people will regain the life they have lived. Then there will be a gap. An either or. Where the redeemed will of God and our New Jerusalem where God the Father creates a new earth and new heavens. But they are not believers will meet the same demise as Sodom and Gomorrah and will be totally wiped out forever! Therefore being a prophet service today also pointing the way out of the waiting as much as pointing out what awaits those who will believe the gospel!
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