No. 1231:
I do not believe in the Pentecostal / charismatic movement at all when the Guro and "apostle" Enevald Fleet has been separated, then broke the last "cap"!
NB! I turned one year ago that Enevald Fleet had been separated. Then hear that that I spread rumors so far from the truth it is possible to come!
And there are some writings about what Guro and others that I can not be bothered really to comment. For me, one Guro a spiritual leader, who has no contact with the living God and the resurrected Jesus. Where does unfortunately today's Pentecostal / charismatic preachers perfectly!
Image of Olga and Enevald fleet which now has passed each one to his, this Christianity, I give nothing for where it all is a big word and a life of degradation is "the end"!
There is something strange throughout the Pentecostal / charismatic movement. When the Guro and "apostle" Enevald Fleet has been separated, then broke the last "cap"!
We who have followed this "big" man realize now that it is not a fight that has fallen, but not really a cheat and seducer!
We can read stories of fleet from its 'heyday' in Bergen and it is not trifles. Here is an article from the vile newspaper Norway in Day:
Pleasant words from a living shepherd
No one looks more be saved in immigrant work. No plans so large school system from primary school to university. No one sees more people saved on TV after Sunday meetings - Living Word is the greatest of all churches in Norway. No Norwegian church has greater outreach on several continents. No one is more prolific in spiritual warfare on Israel and Islam. How can you have so many balls in the air - in the name of Jesus?
An explanation has a name:
ENEVALD FLEET, pastor of Living Word Bible Center, Bergen.
The voice carries through the storm from the west. The message goes like havsprøyten during a hurricane. He stands as a surge against steep mountains. The opinions are clear as stars over black calm seas. That's the way we are accustomed to see him. Pastor Enevald Fleet.
- Heiiiiiii! Are you going to interview me?
- Jaaa .....
- We take an hour - give me two minutes. Should only find an office!
As suddenly as this projectile by a man came rushing into the door as suddenly he's gone. Two minutes later he goes and cheese horn in for silky smooth landing on a red sofa. Gentle eyes looking attentive on us over a cup of coffee.
boy Dream
Enevald fleet is pastor of Living Word - a congregation consisting of well over 2,000 souls. Was this what he dreamed of as a boy on pancake flat Jæren?
- I dreamed clearly about serving people - but had no idea in what manner or at what time.
I stayed me a lot in the fields, playing for myself. I imagined grain people; so for me Africans, Indians and white people .... These should I tell about Jesus, I thought.
It was an odd mix of dream and play. Today I stand in the middle of what I dreamed of the time. Both here in Bergen and internationally! But he had a way to go, pastor, before he got there. Fleet says that he grew up in a great family of Jæren, but that his mother was ill during their childhood. Seven, eight years old, he began to understand the seriousness of the situation, and realized that he could at any time lose its mother.
Fear took from that place in his life, and could sometimes be so strong that it simply paralyzed him. From he was around ten years old brought this situation to him into a refractive phase that eventually culminated in that he gave up Jesus. Alcohol became his friend in need, and served as a kind of anxiety damper.
difficult years
Ten difficult years followed. During this period, he took jobs as a carpenter, bricklayer, and other practical work. He also went several trips at sea. Eventually he began to dream of becoming an architect. He was 24 years old, married with Olga, had a young son, worked during the day and studied at night. Life was okay and the future looked bright. But suddenly died Enevalds mother and Olga's father and sister at short intervals. Enevald says that in this phase forced himself forward one particular question:
- What really happens after death? It had in fact gone up for the couple that it actually was not a matter of course to be as old as 80-90 years.
They thought a lot about Jesus in this time. But it was a very contrast between the Jesus they read about in the Bible and what they saw of the so-called Christian life there in the parish. Without really knowing what it meant, they cried anyway to God that He had to save them. They were heard, and experienced a radical salvation where God came with the whole package. Both with His power and with His healing.
- The cost to stand up in the parish at the time, and it basically cost throughout. But it's worth the price! I could probably lived a perfectly OK life, given me a good position and far more free time, but I do not regret one day! The witness that a man be saved and restored at all levels can not be described in words.
have tranquility
I marvel that the pastor of a thousand irons in the fire sitting there so peaceful in the sofa and responds wayward questions. I had expected to have to use the voice recorder, and even then fall off in the first turn.
- I am calm and relaxed as a human being. Studying nature, love the ocean, taking it easy between battles. I've even humor! Before the life I was very uneasy and restless. God has given me peace, peace and security. Although Olga alleges I have two people!
In and of itself is not so strange. He is both pastor, entrepreneur and employer.
Here are many roles to be filled. No wonder it can go a little radig at times. He adds that he changes gears when anointing comes. This happens very often in the public arena.
- Anointing redeems a very special kind of dynamism and energy.
It is enough so we are most used to seeing him.
The queen
We wonder where and how he met her he likes to call livsledsagerske.
- We met at a dance in the parish. It was Johnny-band playing, the father of the Sandman! I had just come home from the sea, had traveled for two days and was more or less a hangover still. But a pal insisted that I had to join in the dance.
He had hit the world's most amazing creature, and she had a twin sister .... It was Olga! We immediately took note. We danced, talked and enjoyed for hours. For the first time in my life had I found a man I really thrived alongside. She was genuinely interested in me as a person! And I in her ..... lovebirds spent a lot of time getting to know each other in the time to come, built houses and married.
The couple have had their crises, and has never made any secret of it.
- A crisis is not necessarily an evil. A crisis is if the parties along the way begin to look around for simple solutions.
Begin to look for ways out of a marriage. Instead of communicating. Apologies are never hard to find; a classic is "we do not fit together." One must always wonder what one initially; what it was that made that one chose the one selected ... From personal experience I can say that for every crisis coming up through rising respect for the other party.
The pastor clarifies that he never could have been where he is today without Olga at his side.
- She is for me a gift from God. She is happily not so visible in church life, but it's not because she could not have been there. That's because she wants it that way now. It is a time for everything. She is straight out of Proverbs 31. She's The Good Wife, and she gets me to be a whole person.
She criticizes me for what should have been different, but get me in a strange way to reach for the positive that is there untapped in me. And to get rid of it negative. She is a warm, genuine man who has a tremendous wisdom in the middle of their sharpness.
Kind - and determined
He thinks he's a kind man. But definitely a certain man.
- A certain man can easily become authoritarian unintentionally. It is important that the woman can not be cowed, but she knows how to initiate a positive communication. It is amazing what conversations Olga and I had and what I have learned from her!
The pastor says that Olga has many duties in the church, but she primarily stands by his side through thick and thin.
- Secondly, she hostess and represent the Living Word and me for visitors both from home and abroad. She has a tremendous concern for the families in the congregation should be happy, and she takes care of the wives of the leaders in the church. She has been out on a winter night before when it comes to handle the pressure and resistance that comes with being married to someone like me. This is very basic and valuable things.
The genius in the midst of it all is that every day she is fully busy doing his service to the family and the church with the girls at his side. She works while she takes care of her children. Finally, it must be noted that she is very engaged in prayer. She is up before 0600 every morning and seek God. For family and church, telling the pastor with stars in their eyes.
Miracles on two legs
Enevald and Olga has a teenage son, a grown son, one grandchild, and has a relatively mature age also become parents of two little girls. As far as I have got wind of was something miraculous involved here too.
- We could not initially have children. Which actually was not discovered until Olga was pregnant with our eldest son. The contradiction notwithstanding, this was the state of affairs at that time then. And perceived as a violent defeat for them both. Olga grew up with 14 siblings, and the children loved them both. When they became Christians, they realized, however, that God could do miracle.
- We got faith that He might give us children, and He spoke specifically that he would give us a son and a daughter. We began to wait for the first miracle.
13 years passed. Then God spoke. Enevald put unsuspecting car when it happened; he got a clear message that Olga would get pregnant during the month.
Nine months later notified Benjamin's arrival. The joy was great, but eventually they marveled at how her daughter was off. It was nine years to. Then they come to a point where they had almost given up hope. One evening talked a lot about this - that Enevald had been over 40 years, and that it possibly was getting rather late for familieforøkelse. The evening concluded with that they sought God regarding this matter.
Next evening slapped Benjamin hands of Olga's belly and exclaimed: "Getting pregnant - fast!" A little later, God spoke again to Enevald; Olga would become pregnant. Nine months later-born Olga Ann Elin. Three years later they were blessed with an added bonus, Olga Emilie announced their arrival!
- If someone wants children, there are promises of God that no one will need to be infertile. We can always ask!
family life
Enevald fleet is as previously indicated an exceptionally busy man and have chilling many travel days of the year.
How does he get time to family life?
- We take the time and have quality time together. I am possibly more with my kids than many other fathers. We do not waste time when we are together; turn often several birds with the same stone.
I run Benjamin at school, I make always to get talked properly with him. I fetch him from a leisure activity, sticking we like to stop by McDonald's and take a burger, while we still underway. Just to be together. A will of course always wish for more time - especially if one is sociable ... Would have gone more in coffee visit and talked with people ...
But to get family life to work, it must be tough as nails priorities. When the family is together, they spend time apart.
- We are happy to less together in the same room than many other families, but when we are together, we are together!
We meet heart to heart. I invest all my leisure in the family, and have no time for example. hobbies. At a time when we are talking about self-fulfillment, it is good to live for others. The kids give so much back tremendously. And I do not actually have that much time to myself.
When I'm traveling, I call always home wherever I find myself. So I am at all times updated on what happens in the family, and we can have lovely community in spite of geographical boundaries.
Pastor Enevald fleet has been subjected to enormous quantities criticism, accusations and direct libelous allegations from various hold over the years. He finds that he has been "exonerated" publicly? That he has been permitted honorably to explain what he really tried to say at assorted occasions?
- No. In today's media world becomes impossible. Here you put more emphasis on sensation than the truth.
> When it has stormed its worst and the lies have hail, the home has been a freedom space. When BA satirized me as a person in which nearly a week a few years back, it was very difficult emotionally.
But although I have not got explained to me or shown what I have in my heart, I'm not bitter. Besides, we have the TV channel where those who are interested in the truth can get it.
He firmly believes that the going Bergenser have realized that the media have at times gone too far. He concludes that people, after all, have common sense.
- Otherwise, it's incredibly important to have a solid platform at home, a friendly relationship with God, and good staff around him on every level. Then comes a strike anything.
Every human being valuable
- Every human being is so incredibly valuable! I can preach to thousands, but are basically only concerned one. I would like, through the grace of God, to the max for the individual. My greatest wish for people in the church, is that everyone should feel valued and loved. Despite the fact that one can be very different as people, he notes that there is a place and a task for everyone in the congregation.
- I wish with all my heart everyone to be harmonious people and know that they are taking; God's original! It's really all my heart ... the very essence of what I'm working for every day. And the fact that I can convey to the individual that I love the person - without being clichés .....
He thinks for a moment, and continued:
- I really hope that the individual can be proud of their spiritual home to the extent that they can bring their unsaved friends here. I want the to be a father in the home, crisp and mild - and it would be too crazy that people wanted father was gone to bed when they brought friends home ..... See? It resurfaces in light blue eyes. He chuckles?
City e Bergen
We just need to know why the family fleet has chosen to term park in Bergen. It could have been so much more exotic.
- I have always liked the city but had no plans to stay here! The adventure started when God in a special way spoke of Bergen was an important city for HIM.
Pastor Enevalds vision is that the individual Bergenser shall gospel presented in such an understandable way that all will have to take a stand for or against Jesus.
- Bergen will be a pioneer; People from all over the world to come here and see a genuine revival. I envision that Bergen really going to see Jesus. Imagine tens of thousands of people from Bergen - just as fanatical as when they cheer on Fire - will stand for Jesus and the truth. It is my dream to Bergen.
Never pensioner!
Spirit captain has passed 50 years. What thoughts does he looked around for the next 50?
- You think I live more like a 20, 30-year-old both cognitive, occupational and energetically, not least when it comes to the visionary. Some 50 year olds've already "parked" when they celebrate the big day ....
- Have a little difficult to imagine the next 50 years, but the next 30 are lined up. I want to be with and build Living Word church to become a viable, strong and gentle church.
52-year-old speaks warmly and enthusiastically about his plans to raise up a Christian university and a college with a new standard.
- There should be taught pure knowledge that is not mixed with humanism, but where the curriculum is founded on biblical grounds.
The pastor wants to train people to serve God. He has a strong desire to send missionaries from Living Word to the world, and a vision of a world-wide TV channel.
- I will work to ensure that my entire family to serve God; not necessarily as pastors or preachers. But they will use their education to serve God where they are. And through it, contribute something positive back to society.
I will teach them not to focus on getting rich, but to serve Him. So God bless!
Final Comment:
Matt. 7. 15 Beware of false prophets! They come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruits ye shall know them. Plucking one grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 A good tree bears good fruit, a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree can not bear bad fruit, and a bad tree can not bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Wherefore ye shall know them by their fruits.
I fully with this so-called revival now for 35 years, and it is discouraging. How has it been with all these?
Arnfinn Clemetsen who prophesied in 1985 that 1 Million Norwegians might be saved in 10 years is now KRF politician.
Sverre Granlund was the "canon" and who was pastor at Oppdal Christian Center resigned after alcohol problems.
Arvid Fosse was Pastor in both Bergen and Skien with all its women are not worthy of comment.
Arne Bakken who was pastor in the largest congregation died of overdose after remarried. This story is really too sad to write about.
Jørn Øverby - the man who ran the Lamb of God church is far out on the periphery, and his former congregation is only a handful of people again!
His Bratterud who ran Oslo Full Gospel Church and radio and TV work on the basis of this congregation writes on books and Bible work today where the main message is that the church will go through the tribulation and we must prepare ourselves for this. Contrary to what God's word says and teaches!
Leif Jacobsen who ran congregation in Bergen, Philadelphia. The church I passed by the closure and bankruptcy. It was an open door off the street and hanging audio equipment for hundreds of thousands that anyone could walk in and help themselves. Something course I did, but it was freely forward. This is what really gullible, deceived, kind and harmless Christians give money and support!
Shall I continue? Of course I can, but take note of the fruits of this Pentecostal / charismatic preaching, it is miserable and poorer than this may well not be? Unfortunately, the whole thing is really Babylon - skjøgekristendom!
Do some real on this Christianity? With today's preachers and leaders? We read about seduction, deception and false prophets in the time just before Christ's return. Who is this and who is it for?
There is no doubt today's Pentecostal / charismatic Christians!
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