søndag 31. mai 2015

No. 960: I have been hung out at worst plainly today, I have held forth what God's word says about remarriage! This can be compared and put up against each other?

No. 960:
I have been hung out at worst plainly today, I have held forth what God's word says about remarriage! This can be compared and put up against each other?

Here it is mentioned that I am a Demon, Christensen believes needs mental help and Jan Kåre Christensen mentally retarded. Is this okay that the police and everyone else let this through? And I and my family and friends is fair game?

It is strange that it has become a fictional review of me, and the police have attached little to Jan Aage Torp's explanation. I do not think for a second it. But what happened afterwards? When police chose to believe in Torp? I have become fair game and all who stand with me. Is this okay?

Join the debate and see some of the examples that I have become fair game:

Photo from Facebook page where Torp called me for a Demon


The fakeSmyrna Church in OsloQuestions from many: Is Jan Kåre Christensen mentally retarded?May 30, 2015 Smyrna Church in OsloWe've got eight emails with just this question. Let me answer these eight people and others who wonder just this but have not asked us.Our very beloved pastor Jan Kåre Christensen Mentally retarded person?He is reasonably good in practical matters like driving a bus and no one has complained about him there. He's actually a good bus driver, much popular among their Muslim and Catholic colleagues.But intellectually he is what one might call for mentally retarded. He understands around 50 words. The rest of the words he uses in his blog and in his many posts in Searchlight blog is purely a guessing game from his side.His understanding of the concepts of morality and ethics are also diffuse and unclear. He is a pastor because he has memorized Bible verses without fully understanding them. He understanding of the Bible is also diffuse and he survives by copying and stealing quotes and material from those who understand the Bible.In a normal conversation he comes nothing short when he did not quite know what he's talking about. We let him speak every Sunday and elsewhere, we are keeping something away from him when his contribution to any conversation or discussion is, at best, very limited.That he is mentally retarded is there no doubt. But it is just innocent and mentally retarded who are God sent servants to humans. It's these simpletons without any mention worthy under lid that best conveys the word of God. If you use a microphone, expect not that the microphone also works as a dishwasher and an oven. That is how Jan Kåre Christensen. A microphone without any other benefit to God.Arne Breen Smyrna Church.
From website Søkelys.com

Preachers stigmatized Heavenly blog Christensen believes needs mental helpPosted Wed 24/08/2014"Believe Christensen harasses servants of God because he is a bitter and unsuccessful preacher who does not reach some places"


 The controversial blogger Jan Kåre Christensen operations in heavenly blog is well known for a number of Norwegian ministers and pastorer.Få want to say anything publicly about Christensen and those we have received in voice strong opinions but wants to remain anonymous for the sake of his family and service the kingdom of God. "To embark in a perpetual debate with an obviously mentally ill man, is in no way fruitful and will only strengthen Christensen's ego and self-exaltation," says a minister whose name has been mentioned several times on Jan Kåre Christensen's blog. Another preacher says that many of his listeners have responded to Christensen's writings that are considered "malicious, harassing and at times nasty, -but I use to say that it is a mentally ill person who is behind this blog is to be regarded like a sewer from the abyss. Continue reading →

No. 959: I've done a good deed done to revealed a false apostle, police believe there is a wicked, this is going to win when there is persecution against Jesus by the authorities!

No. 959:
I've done a good deed done to revealed a false apostle, police believe there is a wicked, this is going to win when there is persecution against Jesus by the authorities!

Acts 9. 3 Underway, when he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" 5 "Who are you, Lord?" Asked Saul. And the answer was: "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.
Acts 20. 29 For I know that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, and they will not spare the flock. 30 Even among their own will raise up men who go with false doctrine to get ripped disciples with him. 31 Therefore watch and remember that I night and day for three years never ceased to guide each one of you with tears.

In my demise says Apostle Paul will come people who will be opposite than what they purport to be, Jan Aage Torp and very many Pentecostal Charismatic Christians are such. Scripture tells us to watch and be aware of such. In other words, a good deed done to warn against such!

Has received positive feedback on that I will not give their names more than necessary!

Since the police will not lift a finger for me or those who stand with us. We are fair game. And there comes a name for the Heavenly blog, then it becomes the name guaranteed hung out either at Torp's Facebook page, Searchlight or the new mock blog. Therefore, the only thing you can do is take care of what is written in the Heavenly blog and publish what I wrote on the blog either on one side or the other way.

Photo Oslo District Court. Here comes Christian persecution to happen on September 17, 2015. All that Torp will be "enforced" by that I and the Heavenly blog to be removed from the network, with the "help" of the authorities.

It is not difficult to know that this is Christianity persecution, really. Torp live exactly the opposite than what God's word says, isdenfor to fight against his own flesh. Then he directs artillery against those who live in accordance with God's own words! This is nothing new, but always how the evil operates!
This is a fight about marriage and God's word!


It is better that you give $ 100 than wanting to give 10,000 kr even later!

There are now more people who want to give a gift for which I am grateful. But rather start giving ten bucks, one to think to give a great gift. Giving has a great significance for yourself too. Then you become more involved in this issue and this Christianity persecution becomes "yours!"

I care for nothing, least money!

When we moved back to Oslo in 2005 to serve the Lord here in town, so I went down over 100.000, - kr in wages. But we have lacked something? No!

We have been appointed defense lawyer!

Got appointed defense lawyer Brynjar Meling at, so the bit is in place. What this persecution to God's word will end in I know nothing about. But everything is in God's hands.

The wicked newspaper Our Country!

Now there are also fake dogs ever among us Christians, which unfortunately newspaper Our Land fit in. They are constantly trying to put me in a bad light possible, which explains their agenda. Eg. so I write exclusively adulterer if they are re-married as believers that God's word calls them. But the newspaper Our Land always look away from what I write, but trying to find words that puts me in a bad light possible. So they do the same as Spotlight is an expert on, misquoted me. Reproduces some of what I say and pluses on their own words and expressions, be aware of what they write in the newspapers. Especially those who will be "Christian" newspapers, it is wrong quotes by me!

I've done a good deed done to revealed a false apostle, police believe there is a wicked, this is going to win when there is persecution against Jesus by the authorities!

Paul says: "among their own will raise up men who go with false doctrine to get ripped disciples with him."

It is my Christian duty that I have done, so I am not at all worried about the outcome of this case. Torp had been the world's least interesting person if he had not given out for being "Pastor" and "The Apostle." That's because he is pretending to be something he is not, he needed to be put in place. And unfortunately, he is not the only one of today's Pentecostal Charismatic Christians who live and teach as he does. Torp purporting to belong to an apostle movement with himself at the top! How twisted is it possible to be?

Achilles heel!

What I have pointed out, remarriage among the believers is like an Achilles heel. We know what it stands for, a problem that one will not recognize but if one does not get "healed" it, it will kill you. Try running with a bad Achilles' heel, it's an impossibility. So it is with God's church, getting a no track of Christians marriages, so the church will suffer a spiritual death!

Final Comment:
Received a call Redial of a sister who said (quoted from my memory): Jan Kåre, when this case is over so there is one thing that is certain, you will be the victorious party and Torp the pin end. You live by the word of God, it does not Torp and this he does against you, he has worked with many others, even their own children. "

Paul, Peter, John and all the early Christians came into prison for their faith. And it also has through the ages been many, many others. So it being persecuted by the government for their beliefs, there is nothing new!

The Apostle Paul says: "Above all pray for ... ..!" ¨

Yes, where you can put in my name. Most importantly, you who believe in God and believe in Jesus can do, it is to ask. Intercession is of the utmost importance and significance! More profoundly, it's the only thing I ask other people of faith, prayer. Getting a that, then arrange everything else up too!

lørdag 30. mai 2015

No. 957: Noah and his family were not defiled by this world Spirit and were saved!

No. 957:
Noah and his family were not defiled by this world Spirit and were saved!

My experience is that most people do not understand why one is reached, what and how to live! It is deeply tragic. And the believers who should be a role model is, unfortunately many times as uvitne and go in a spiritual and moral darkness that the world's children are doing. But through knowing God and His word, then you and I become and remain the champions!

Picture a schematic representation of DNA showing its structure. Why was it so important about this? Jo, had not God's judgment and Noah have been pure to not involved in this perversion. So it had never been any salvation for us humans when Heaven does not have this DNA as humans when given. It was perverted, half human and half Satanic. Therefore, the flood came, when people did not live by God's decrees longer.


Noah and his family were that contrasts and a counterweight to the community around them.

We as believers have also the same call. But let's look at Noah and his family, versus the society around them.

1 Genesis 6 4 There were giants in the earth in those days, and since too. For god's sons went into the daughters of men, who bore them children. These are the powerful ancient nation, of renown.

All people except Noah and his family had sex with these giants, and thus all mankind became perverted and different than what Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were 100% of people, but these people here were mixed with the fallen angels and thus was no longer 100% human. But Noah and his family. They lived in homogeneous and stable marriages where one had loose connections, providing apart and found "new" partners.

Time will live in today has become like the days of Noah!

Luke 17 26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the Son of man. 27 They ate and drank, marrying and being given in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark. Then came the great flood and destroyed all of them.

God's decrees are ignored, therefore this decay among humans!

Actually, God's decrees simple, and they are good and for the good of mankind.

Noah had obedient children, and this is a great blessing. The kids should always listen to their parents, respect and obey them. This is a principle which is God-given and we can not go away from it.

But what about those that it is today with stepmothers, stepfathers, stepbrothers and sisters. Stebesteforeldre, stetanter etc.?

We do not see how difficult, indeed impossible it is to follow the advice and guidance that God's word says?

From my commentaries Ephesians 6 1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

This is a very important verse. In the meantime, the empty within its ranks Christians become a spiritual battle of dimensions where the distance between parents and children will be so great that God's word says that people follow their lusts and flesh filled! We must say that there are spiritual forces of the evil behind.
2. Tim. 3. 1. But this know, that in the last days there shall come perilous times. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unreliable, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power - and these should turn away.

2 Honor your father and your mother, that is the first commandment that has a promise:

Here goes Paul back to the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 2. God gave Moses. The law is spiritual, just and good he said to the Romans and to us all. Want a good and prosperous life? Enjoy your parents, sound them and have great age for them! Next to God they stand over you.

3 so it may go well with you and you may live long in the country.

Then you promise that it will go well and live long in the land, the land that the Lord gave us. A that the important thing with the Spirit's coming is that parents and children thrive and are together. Malachi 4 6 He will turn the hearts of the children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

4 Fathers, away not anger and defiance in children, but give them the upbringing and guidance which is the Lord's will.

Proverbs 13: 24 He who saves his rod hates his son. But he who loves him chastens him early. This can also be misunderstood and one can go too far. Most kids today have chastened for small I mean. The balancing act here is very important and necessary. The kids need above all love, encouragement and gain the respect of blind parents. Grandparents and other family members who support the kids is also a good and must.
(End of quote).

Final Comment:
God has given His ordinances, for they shall be kept and it carefully!

Psalm 119. 4 You have given us Thy precepts to keep diligently.

Marriage - between a man and a woman that lasts a lifetime. And the children they have together - is them obedient. There is a regulation and principle which is God-given and that makes the church pleasing to God. Breaking this, we also lose God's good pleasure. Here is a responsibility on the individual to not violate this principle. Are you a child who has wort disobedience against what your parents told you and given you the instructions in life? Then you also have gone against what the scripture says: "You have given us Thy precepts to keep diligently."

But then it is well with the Gospel, you have failed, it is possible to come to God in Jesus' name for new grace and forgiveness. But then you have to come and bear the cost of it all. Are you willing to do this? If so, God will support you further in life, even if you've failed!

But it is quite possible to follow God and the decrees he has given, without going all the detours that disobedience and defiance entails! The choice is ours, and the individual's, everyday!

fredag 29. mai 2015

No. 956: As Manglerud police is totally unprofessional, so it is almost impossible to name some people who speak to my advantage, because then they hung out on Searchlight or Torps Facebook page!

No. 956:
As Manglerud police is totally unprofessional, so it is almost impossible to name some people who speak to my advantage, because then they hung out on Searchlight or Torps Facebook page!

I write this on the Heavenly blog: "Freedom of expression is that it should be entitled to violate other people and then defended for that!"
Here renders Searchlight, also with the quotes that it should be I who wrote it: Christensen: "I have the right to offend others as freedom of expression covers everything," - and exults over to get a lawyer at taxpayers' expense.

This is of course lying spirit behind. Here I reproduced without what I have said. And I rejoice not get a lawyer covered. The whole matter and that this is Norway's history bomskudd getting me to court, I'm convinced. I'm happy to get a lawyer who state sponsors when it is so crazy that it's been! But rejoice no, happy, yes!

Photo by Paul, that's not me police and Torp pursues, but Jesus! When Saul stalked Christians as Jesus met him and said:
Acts 9. 1. Saul raging still against the disciples and rebuked them for life. He went to the high priest 2 and asked for letters to the synagogues in Damascus to find those who belonged to the Way, both men and women, and bring them bound to Jerusalem. 3 Underway, when he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" 5 "Who are you, Lord?" Asked Saul. And the answer was: "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.


ID theft means nothing ?!

There is a new website that purports to be Smyrna Oslo. I have not read a whole article there, but criminals they are. They purport to be Smyrna Oslo and enter my private address. But what do the police? Nothing!

There are people who have written to our employers and anything else that is directly evil. Have written about this before, stop here!

But here everything is turned on head by the police, it is important to get the better of, that they care jot about. The Disregarded, it should be for the national court, poor people!

Poor Randi Ingwersen says now I am!

There are people who have been there for me, even with names. But I have said to everyone, do not write with open names. You will be hung out on the web of evil and crazy people, most writing on Searchlight or with Jan Aage Torp to do.

Eva Nilssen also tried to defend myself, but after half an hour was her whole life hung out on Searchlight with name, address and the entire life story. Poor evil and ugly people. Torp held up against her once that she had written in the Heavenly blog and was "a leper". Is the one that fits the description, then it is Torp.

Final Comment:
Let me take an example to finish regarding Randi Ingwersen who has written some here at the Heavenly blog. She was with the starch in a so-called Christian party, which changed all the statutes after founding congress. When this gets held up against her, by Jan Aage Torp and other evil and deluded people.
How rotten can be?

No and again no for an answer. Police can imagine that I've done something punishable by calling Torp a dangerous psychopath, false apostle who live in adultery with his former nanny and call it a criminal offense? Never life! It goes I, inclusive jail sentences, to preach and placating the truth. But I do not think they're going to prevail in court. If they do, then there is a kjempetap for Norway and the true democracy.

Imagine, then, all other psychopaths and false apostles and similar persons Torp. Seemingly "normal" out but it's not at all. They can get stopped all criticism against him, with this ruling in hand! When democracy is loss and dictatorship will take over. But I'm fairly certain that it will never go! So I believe in an overwhelming victory in this matter. In what way? No idea, but it goes to win, guaranteed!

Rom. 8. 31 What shall we then say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He that spared not his own Son, but gave him up for us all, he can do anything other than to give us everything with him?
    33 Who can blame them God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34 Who then can condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died, yes, more than that, he stood up and seated at God's right hand, and he prays for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Distress, anxiety, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger or sword? 36 As it is written:
           For your sake we are killed all day long,
           we considered sheep to be slaughtered.
37 But in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 Nor is the height nor depth, nor any other creature, shall able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Everything will come back again, but first we will win victory over Manglerud Police and Jan Aage Torp. Let Christ, the Word of God and the freedom of expression prevail!
There is one problem here, a "pastor" who live contrary to God's word and who can not hear the truth about themselves! Poor man, would not have been in his shoes for all the world's money. To live in accordance with God's word, it is only though, delightful and delicious, highly recommended!
It is victory, finally guaranteed for those who live and teach in accordance with the word of God!
Matt. 5. 19 Whoever breaks one of these least commandments and teaches others to do so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever practices and teaches others to do the same, shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

No. 955: Brynjar Meling appointed as my defending yourself about Jan Aage Torp hanged him on his blog and Searchlight as someone who Preserved low people!

No. 955:

Brynjar Meling appointed as my defending yourself about Jan Aage Torp hanged him on his blog and Searchlight as someone who Preserved low people!

Picture of me and my wife as opposed to Jan Aage Torp and Aina not live in sin as "Apostle" Torp makes for words of Scripture! Let's regain the standard in among the faithful that God has set!

This was written in Searchlight:
Quotes from "Pastor" Jan Aage Torp who tells about his view of me. When one has such a low standing view of a person experts say, then becomes not violated or harassed by that. As the psychopath and the narcissist Torp is, he's probably wise police. But people do otherwise, and certainly not me!

And here he points to the degrees of me, he can not feel harassed. He lacks any kind of respect and recognition of me and my opinions. Therefore it is obvious that he is lying if he feels in so many weird and whimsical note stuff! There is only one reason why he has fabricated this review and lied. It is to remove me and the Heavenly blog from the net!

One person mentioned especially this quote that reveals Torp as a psychopath and his view of me, "I consider Brynjar Meling as a serious lawyer. If he considers Jan Kåre Christensen to be appreciated his services, it would have surprised me. The category of anonymous net roll should either passed over in silence, or perhaps rather be stroked. »

Notice the wording appreciated his services. I'm not worth a shit, of course not feel Torp insulted and harassed me, everything is game, manipulation and deception from beginning to end! I shall be seen, but at the same time, he has been harassed. This is a lie and fabricate lies from Torp's side against me to achieve their fraudulent and ugly intentions.

Jan-Aage Torp
It's almost too funny to be true, but Christensen publishes photo of Brynjulf ​​Meling / Mullah Krekar. He dreams about photo well by Brynjar Meling / Jan Kåre Christensen ....
The fight for freedom of speech!
The 'right to spread terror and intimidation, the right of others to harass, clergy, bully and defame :-)
This stunt is that obtained from Strategy Handbook for the party "The Christian".

Jan-Aage Torp
I am considering Brynjar Meling as a serious lawyer. If he considers Jan Kåre Christensen to be appreciated his services, it would have surprised me.
I think that this "commitment" only exists in Jan Kåres head, possibly together with the head of his faithful party staples-cheerleader at Southern :-)
My donation of 10 dollars will probably never be paid to Brynjar Meling, but rather had to be used to finalize Christensen's major Bible translation project :-)

Here from Jan Aage Torp's blog where Torp ia says After fruitless meeting in Oslo Mediation Board today, the case will be treated in the Norwegian Criminal Court, and now with the special lawyer defending violent jihadists. Should defends the "Christian" Hate Blogger.
(End of quote).
Comment from me before the blog post coming.
There is a person who is full of hate here, it is Torp who hate me and the Heavenly blog that has managed to lure police to believe in their lies, but he is revealed. So now we know who is the criminal here, it is Jan Aage Torp, who also live in obscene adultery with his former nanny. Deeper sinking a hardly do? And afterwards believe that has anything to do with God? It's like the Nazis who went on belt buckle that God is with us and killed afterwards!

Torps blogg‏


Police have indicted "Christian" Blogger for "Troublesome Behavior"

Posted on January 08, 2015

Today, ICAL apostle Jan-Aage Torp of Oslo, Norway has met the Hate Blogger in Oslo Conflict Council in a last attempt to help him understand the negative effects of his harassment. But to no avail. Now the Hate Blogger has hired Mr Brynjar Meling as his attorney. Meling is known as the defense attorney of Mullah Krekar and other Jihadists in Norway. Mullah Krekar is now in prison for death threats against Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

To the left, screenshot of Jan Kåre & Berit Christensen from.janchristensen.net. To the right, screenshot from nrk.no of Brynjar Meling and Mullah KrekarTo the left, screenshot of Jan Kåre & Berit Christensen from.janchristensen.net. To the right, screenshot from nrk.no of Brynjar Meling and Mullah KrekarThe Oslo-based blogger Jan Kåre Christensen, who titles himself "pastor", "evangelist" and "Bible teacher", has been indicted by Oslo Police Authorities for harassment against Aina & Jan-Aage Torp. The harassment has been going on for at least 3 1/2 years. During the past 100 days alone, Mr. Christensen has called the Torp´s "whore" and "whoremonger" at least 500 times on his blogs.

Mr. Christensen has never pastored any church, and hasn´t been invited to minister anywhere for at least 5 years. Together with his wife Berit, he claims to "pastor" a "church" named "Smyrna", which consists of the couple alone, and has never been registered as a church, nor as an organization. The only visible expression of "Smyrna" is their numerous blogs, which have gained notoriety by slandering more than 100 well-known and beloved ministers of the gospel in Norway, presenting names and photographs, and targeting especially any incident of divorce and remarriage. The most well-known victims of Mr. Christensen´s slander are Norway´s most respected evangelist after World War II, Dr. Emanuel Minos, who passed away in November at the age of 89; Rev Jan Hanvold  who owns Scandinavia´s largest 24-7 Christian TV channel; and Jan-Aage Torp.

Jan Kåre Christensen is known for his ardent opposition against Trinitarian theology.

Mr. Christensen has attacked the Torp´s unstoppably for Jan-Aage´s divorce and remarriage, but also for his role as a pastor, apostle, media personality etc.

-We don´t mind that anybody criticizes us for the fact that I am remarried, nor for our age difference, says Jan-Aage Torp. -I was divorced against my own will several years ago, and my process of restoration happened under the oversight of John P. Kelly and several other spiritual leaders who knew my family well since the 1990´s. We have had nothing to hide. Mr Christensen is free to criticize us, but when the slander is presented 1000 times on the internet during 3-4 years, it has gone totally out of proportions. That is harrassment, and paragraph 390a of the Norwegian criminal law prohibits that, maintains Torp, who is happy that the police have taken this matter seriously.

-We can´t accept this kind of harrassment, says Jan-Aage Torp. -We believe that this case will set a precedent in Norway, and even internationally. Our digital age gives evil people endless opportunity, and we accept that. But with opportunity comes responsibility, and Mr Christensen has proven that he has not taken that seriously.

-I have previously permitted that lots of harrassment against me has taken place, but not any more, says Jan-Aage. -As a Christian leader, I will not permit that slander and lies are presented about us, nor about other men or women of God. We will never be able to stop all of it, but let us stake our claims as citizens of a modern democracy! Even the Apostle Paul stated his rights as a citizen of the Roman Empire.

-In 2011 our church was attacked by the national media, and we did file a complaint, which led to good results. However, if the same happens again, we will choose much stronger measures, warns Torp.

Oslo Police Authorities have chosen to present the case against Jan Kåre Christensen as a criminal case before the Norwegian Conflict Council, which will seek to influence Mr Christensen to change his ways. He will at least be fined, but if he does not comply, paragraph 390a may lead to 2 years imprisonment for the so-called "pastor".

After the unsuccessfell meeting in Oslo Conflict Council today, the case will be handled in the Norwegian Criminal Court, and now with the special attorney of violent Jihadists as the defense attorney of the "Christian" Hate Blogger.

Final Comment:
That we are dealing with a false apostle, scam, adulterer, narcissist and liar is nothing to wonder well anymore? It should be obvious to everyone, even the police? I will never go back on a millimeter of what I have written and spoken! I should be punished if and imprisoned for saying speak that everyone knows is true ?!
Abra kadabra I say about Manglerud Police, they are like clip out of his nose in a dictatorship government taxed Saudi Arabi or North Korea? Not Norway or a western country at least!