No. 866:
Why I oppose demo trans missions against Muslims and other religions!
In recent times there have been demonstrations against Muslims in Oslo.
Arranged by Pegida here in Norway which has its origins in Pegida from Germany.
Picture Pegida its page on Facebook. I think that's enough Pegida also a reaction to something that is gone too far in society. But as Christians is not our foremost and most important task to rectify society. But pointing to the Gospel!
The main reason that I am opposed to demonstrate the contrary is twofold.
1.) We are set to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, all others are not Jews or Christians. Bible operates with three groups of people. There are Christians, Jews and Gentiles. Muslims and others who are not Christians or Jews, they are pagans.
2.) What we have experienced, believe and live as Christians is infinitely bigger, better and more glorious than what Muslims have to offer!
Final Comment:
Do not drag out this article, but here's something that I've written before about the way to salvation. That is our main concern as Christians:
But "norm" for us as believers are not Muslims, Buddhists or Catholics. But what the word of God and above all the New Testament believe and teach.
We can become so blinded of looking at things, whether it is positive or negative. It is a guide for us at any time what God's word says and teaches. And there are two main paths we must follow.
There are the following:
1.) We must preach repentance and remission of sins to nonbelievers.
2.) Those who are believers must become disciple-done. Learn to do every good work speaks about the font.
Here is our task as believers twofold where both are equally important and necessary in their own way.
1.) We must preach repentance and remission of sins to nonbelievers.
Jesus spoke about being born again, to see the kingdom of God!
Gospel of John 3.3 to 7 Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he can not see the kingdom of God." "How can one who is old be born?" Said Nicodemus. "Can someone get into the womb, and be born a second time?" Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, but that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'
From my commentaries Titus 3. 4 But our God and Saviour goodness and love for mankind were revealed.
But still God good and the opportunity is as great and glorious in Christ, even when darkness reigns both in the world and in the church of God.
We can choose to go with or without umbrella umbrella. It's raining anyway, but you will have rained from the sky or you re dismissive towards his goodness and mercy? I know what I want, set with 100% open to God.
5 And he saved us, not because of our righteousness, but because he is merciful; he saved us, by the bath which regenerates and renews by the Holy Spirit,
Our righteous and good works are as filthy garments for God and he finds out errors in their own Holy Angels. Yet he loves us and has adopted us into his family and made us his own children.
Larger grace does not exist. Meanwhile he will pour out his Spirit to salvation and renewal. It is the Spirit who creates life and growth in a believer's life.
6 that he so richly poured out on us through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
This he has plenty goals poured upon us all. There is nothing in God that is interfered, patronizing and changing that with us.
Constantly he stands with outstretched hands and scout for us as father in Luke 15. When the son returned home he got infinitely more than what he asked for. So also with us, more we realize that we ourselves are hopelessly lost more grace, love and goodness bestows he us.
7 How should we stand righteous before God by his grace and become heirs of eternal life, which is our hope.
When we come before God, it is not with a downcast look and with shame. Jo in ourselves is so. God can not tolerate sin and we are sinners in ourselves.
But now everything has become new, we are no longer sinners and sin Registry which was contrary to us, he has reset. There are no sinners account as long as everything is up in the light. Why? Because 1 John 1. 7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.
We stand now before God that we have never sinned and done something gærent because the blood of Jesus!
(end of quote).
There must a new birth to become transformed, changed and come into God's eternal kingdom!
2.) Those who are believers must become disciple-done. Learn to do every good work speaks about the font.
This is so much about. That we as believers should be repaired for every good work. Scripture says:
2 Tim. 2. 2 and what you have heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also!
2 Cor. 3. 6 who also made us sufficient as ministers of a new covenant, not of letter but of spirit; for the letter kills, but the spirit giveth life.
We will both be repaired itself, able to teach others. And may be fitted for the new covenant default, purpose, intent and spirit. We should simply aim to be Christ-like, in one and all!
Final Comment:
We can and should be thankful that we live in the free West, which must be the best for us humans. But there is still something that is bigger, more important and better. Being a believer, one who believes in the finished work. That is the message we are set to convey.
I could eg. never thought me to set up demonstration against Muslims etc. It is not what is our message, our message is and remains Christ Jesus. And he presented to the world!
I am something, not against something! I am for the gospel, not against others actually. What we as believers have experienced, believe and preach. It stands on its own feet, and do not turn out the crutches and stilts on everyone else!
It is that it is just a name we must be saved. It is Jesus' name. I wrote something about the way to salvation and the way to God, put it out again and in this article at the end:
Here, the Bible answer, there is salvation, protection and purity through and through faith in Jesus Christ as mediator and savior between humans and God.
1 Tim. 2. 5 For there is one God
and one mediator between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus,
6 who gave himself as a ransom for all.
Such was the testimony when the time came.
Scripture says that there is only one God, the Father. To get to him, we must go through Jesus. He is the door, he is the way, he is the leading and brings us to God the Father. No other!
Joh.e. 10. 9 I am the door; whoever enters through me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture.
14. 6 Jesus says: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
To take part in this salvation, to be a child of God. How, and in what way can and should this happen? By accepting Jesus as their personal savior.
Joh.e. 1. 12 But as many as received him,
to them He gave the right to become children of God,
those who believe in His name.
13 They are not born of flesh and blood,
not by the will of man
and the will of man,
but of God.
How does this happen? By believing it, and by admitting it as a think. That Jesus is my savior and Lord. Faith in his name and what he did on Calvary.
This word of God says:
Rom. 10. 6 But the righteousness that comes by faith, says: Think not with yourself, Who shall ascend into heaven? - Ie, to bring Christ down - 7 Or, Who shall descend into the abyss? - Ie, to bring Christ up from the dead. 8 But what does it say? The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. This is the word of faith, which we preach. 9 For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 A heart that you believe and are fair, with the mouth that you confess and are saved.
It is by faith, and by proclaiming Jesus, that He died for my sins, and rose for our justification, that we are saved.
Rom. 4. 23 But Scripture does not say this for his sake, 24 it also applies to us: We shall be counted as righteous when we believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, 25 who was put to death for our sins and was raised that we might become the righteousness.
It is this that is the solution for Princess Märtha Louise. It is this that is the solution for those who read and hear this, and it was and is the solution for me and my family.
Jesus Christ - the only way to God!
Simpler, clearer and better can not be said.
Or should be said. It is only a name, which is given among us people we can be saved and born again by. As we can get in touch with God, it is through and by Jesus' name.
Acts 4. 10 ye shall all and the people of Israel know this: When this man stands healthy before you, it is by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead. 11 He is
stone which was rejected by you builders,
but which has become the cornerstone.
12 There is salvation in no one else, for the sky is not given people any other name that we might be saved. "
It is wonderful with angels - angels of God - but they neither transforms or savior. To see Jesus with his physical eyes had been great. But there is something that is far much better. It is to see that he died for my sins and rose to my justification! Only and alone by looking at this at an inner belief glance, admitting that one believes in this. And then he shall be saved, and God and Jesus will then acknowledge us. And when he is not ashamed of calling us brothers and siblings by himself!
Matt. 10. 32 Whosoever shall confess me before men, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever denies me before men, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.
Confess you the name of Jesus, and live by his teachings? When you are saved, born again and have found the answer to "everything" that is important in life! To become and remain to be a child of God is the answer to everything in life. "Will" we have something more, so it's just a plus!
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Heavenly blog! We need your support: Account number of Post: 0535 06 05 845 How is that coming to the New Jerusalem? We have many questions that we want to answer! Now you can experience the sky in advance, you can submit your spiritual-related questions here: Questions may be sent by mail to me or SMS. Jk.chris @ SMS: 004799598070.See also:
lørdag 31. januar 2015
fredag 30. januar 2015
No. 865: Asbjørn Kvalbein will shut out the insignificant, but the significant is gjengifede as Jan Hanvold, be defended and set up!
No. 865:
Asbjørn Kvalbein will shut out the insignificant, but the significant is gjengifede as Jan Hanvold, be defended and set up!
I'm not surprised somewhat longer among Christians. But I still take powerful and strongly opposes Norea Radio and Asbjorn Kvalbein. He poses happily on Vision Norway. But others gjengifede, the rods he happily outside. This is double standards and hypocrisy. Scripture says that we will not even eat with those gjengifede as Christians.
Photo by Asbjørn Kvalbein who gladly line up on the occult and unclean television channel Vision Norway. Jan Kaare Hanvold is editor of TV Vision Norway. Hanvold is both a heretic when he stands for glory theology that is totally alien teachings. And he is also an adulterer by Scripture when he is re-married as a "believer". Something he obviously is not, but one forger.
This is serious, set up than together with those who live in sin and doing heresy as Hanvold and Vision Norway does. Then becomes an accomplice also scripture says:
2. Joh. b. 9 He who does not adhere to the teachings of Christ, but goes beyond it, does not have fellowship with God. Whoever sticks to teaching, he has fellowship with the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, so receive him not in their home, and greet him not to attend. 11 For whoever greets him becomes an accomplice in his evil deeds.
Jacob 3. 1. My brothers! Not many of you should become teachers, knowing that we will be as much stricter judged.
Luke 17. 1. He said to his disciples: "It is impossible to avoid that offenses come, but woe to him through whom they come! 2 It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone around his neck, than that he should offend one of these little ones. 3a Beware!
It amazes me how little enlightened believers is about these things. That we are in a relationship to all other believers we want it or not. We are like a body and belong together. And when a limb does not live in step with the head - which is Christ - so it rubs off on everyone else. When a limb is obedient, then the consequence is that it also affects the others. This has nothing to do with anything other than that we are in direct life connection with each other because we have the same life and the same Spirit. And the same Saviour, Lord and Father. All this binds us together as believers in spite of divisions and disagreements. This is a fact and a reality.
Those preachers and are accountable to the others, this even stronger. I have preached has an extra large responsibility, this also applies to everyone else.
When preachers set up in conjunction with other ministers who live in sin or doing blatant heresy, then we become accomplices. Yes, it is so severe in some cases that Jesus said that it had been better received a millstone around his neck and been thrown with it around your neck and then had a just destroyed itself. But here ruining a not only for themselves but also for others. We lead others to destruction, out of disability and into delusion by itself to influence and preach to others. It says in Rom. 10. 17 that faith comes by hearing. It applies not only religion but also heresy and unbelief also comes by hearing, have you thought of that? Or are you one of those who accept everything and not have their own opinions and attitudes? Everything is not of God if it is not in accordance with God's word. It is only that which agrees with God's word, as we shall align ourselves. Everything else should we shun as "plague", it will lead us down from Christ and the simple fidelity to him!
Here comes my question to Asbjørn Kvalbein:
Hi! Have read what you're writing about divorce and remarriage. And it's very good! But I have trouble following you when I see both you and others line up on eg Vision Norway where Hanvold live by Scripture in sin when he is re-married as a believer. That one has intercourse with gjengifede people and others, it is no problem for me. But to set up a channel that accounts for such unbiblical view, it is very, very problematic. Or do you think it is perfectly allright to set up in conjunction with people who live in blatant violation of God's word? Scripture says that you and everyone else that pops up in conjunction with gjengifede ministers are involved in their sin. Or do you mean that I do not interpret the word of God in the right way? We will meet people, but here we are talking about being a role model and example. There is a vast difference between being a fiduciary and a "normal" man.
Reply from Asbjørn Kvalbein:
Dear January
Thanks for writing. Yes, I have thought about this, and I know there are some who see it as you.
I think there is a difference between a church and a large mass medium.
In a church we must operate learn discipline and making sure not heresy to release.
When it comes to a mass medium, we can not consider the same way. At Vision Norway comes touches that I can not stand. And there are certainly people who do not learn and live right. But such a large channel that has 168 send hours a week, no one can be responsible for everything. I have responsibility in Flekkeroy media, and we have taken decisions there about what we will not send and who we will not use. But if we should put such a goal at all which is on the channel, we would not be able to drop some places. I've even had devotions in NRK, but I do not feel thus accept anything sent there, or agree in doctrine and life of those who let otherwise.
So whether Hanvold fronts Vision Norway, he is not regarded as a church leader, and I do not think he sees it that way either. I will leave it to the Lord to judge, my calling is to preach the gospel and enter through open doors.
Answer me that I have not gotten any response:
For me this is a big, big disclaimer.
Hanvold is the leader, "director" and responsible for everything on Vision Norway. Jan Kaare Hanvold is editor of TV Vision Norway, this will not help out.
Shall I say straight out what I mean, then you and everyone else that pops up on Vision Norway gotten into Balaam's way. Balaam "found" that there was more positive than negative to go against what God had said.
But that said, you get to stand for what you do!
But I believe that remarriage and homosexuals have really this same struggle. They must renounce their desires to live as a Christian. But this is now, homosexuals are fair game, but remarriage is now essentially complete affirmed.
Heard that on Evangeliesenter it was so that if they were divorced, they could not stand on the platform, but they were re-married when they were accepted!
Yes, here everything is turned on head!
Think there is only one that is "satisfied" with developments among us Christians today, it is not God but Satan.
Not saying you from having a healthy and biblical view of this, you expect that the current Pentecostal / charismatic Christians should speak out who do not see the difference between something else? You have got to be their responsibility proven and think big and comprehensive. Are you saying yes to Vision Norway, so there is no other who do not say yes!
I experienced Hanvold first time in 1983, even when he was extreme! Today he married for the third time, and walks off! I realize me at this kind of Christianity, it is not something we should deny longer as believers, everything is permitted?
Then you come into the Nicolaitans learn which is akin to teaching of Balaam. Nicolaitans doctrine is really Aage Åleskjær "grace preaching" where there is always grace to get and once saved always saved!
In many ways, one can say that sin is like an infection. It always begins as small, innocent and it does not take so seriously.
But the little infection, no matter how small it is. It is dangerous if it is not defeated and stopped. Today we have among others pens distributions that stops so much for us humans, and we are very excited.
But what about the sin in the church of God? I have now been a Christian for 34 years, and the boundaries have constantly been moved, little by little.
Imagine Hanvold had to be homosexual. Would you go into the Vision Norway? You will then preach the gospel?
No, in my estimation Asbjorn, throw yourself on your knees in front of the living God. Ask him to help you to be the man preaches he wants.
This we all need. It is not how much we do, but what we do and what we do not do that tells the person we really are.
You've written about pornography. And how do you define here? 1 minute, 1 hour or?
Beginner first to look at one minute, then it becomes one hour and finally it has you. I do not see a second such, why? I know that I certainly could have seen, once. But next time, what then? Suddenly I had been captured!
Unfortunately there God's church is today, and therefore it was about making sure they got eyesalve Lord tells the church in Laodicea. Pray the prayer, and pray for me and all of us that we must get eye salve! I need it, you do it?
Seems there were several issues here that are very relevant. Want to use your answers to our blog. Talked with his wife around the dinner on your answer, and it was with amazement she heard what you wrote.
Then read through what you wrote again, and there were several problem positions you provide that are easy to answer.
You can not compare NRK Vision Norway, it is not relevant when NRK is a commercial channel that operates with universal radio station broadcasts.
You write that you shut out elsewhere. Imagine, here it is perhaps one that has a chance somewhere to preach, but he is upward married. You rods he lost, and all doors are closed then for him.
But Hanvold live in clover, frolic in sin, gorge his flesh, he and his new "wife" scoops Millions. You set up there, there was someone who really should have been boycotted so was he.
Here it is almost like the rich man and Lazarus. "Lazarus" is blocking you out, while the "rich" go free. This is in my opinion hypocrisy!
No, here you simply inconsistency and unnfallende. I would never set up a channel where the editor, "director" and boss lived in adultery.
Whether you need to allow all gjengifede, homosexuals and others to preach everywhere. Or so you must be consistency, and stay away from those who do not live in accordance with regulations and shall be public preachers.
It is not so difficult, it is just to be consistent, then it goes very well.
Jan K
Final Comment:
For me this is hypocrisy, unbiblical and not true it Asbjorn Kvalbein doing. I have given him the opportunity to come to a similar, but have not heard anything.
He writes: So whether Hanvold fronts Vision Norway, he is not regarded as a church leader, and I do not think he sees it that way either.
(end of quote).
Through Vision Norway looks Hanvold of himself as a Guro, Apostle and much more than this too. He is explosive finished in an ego that exceeds our wildest imagination. No, Kvalbein live in a lie that everyone else that pops up on the perverse and lascivious TV channel Vision Norway Drammen / Hokksund Norway / Norway!
Related Links:
Asbjørn Kvalbein will shut out the insignificant, but the significant is gjengifede as Jan Hanvold, be defended and set up!
I'm not surprised somewhat longer among Christians. But I still take powerful and strongly opposes Norea Radio and Asbjorn Kvalbein. He poses happily on Vision Norway. But others gjengifede, the rods he happily outside. This is double standards and hypocrisy. Scripture says that we will not even eat with those gjengifede as Christians.
Photo by Asbjørn Kvalbein who gladly line up on the occult and unclean television channel Vision Norway. Jan Kaare Hanvold is editor of TV Vision Norway. Hanvold is both a heretic when he stands for glory theology that is totally alien teachings. And he is also an adulterer by Scripture when he is re-married as a "believer". Something he obviously is not, but one forger.
This is serious, set up than together with those who live in sin and doing heresy as Hanvold and Vision Norway does. Then becomes an accomplice also scripture says:
2. Joh. b. 9 He who does not adhere to the teachings of Christ, but goes beyond it, does not have fellowship with God. Whoever sticks to teaching, he has fellowship with the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, so receive him not in their home, and greet him not to attend. 11 For whoever greets him becomes an accomplice in his evil deeds.
Jacob 3. 1. My brothers! Not many of you should become teachers, knowing that we will be as much stricter judged.
Luke 17. 1. He said to his disciples: "It is impossible to avoid that offenses come, but woe to him through whom they come! 2 It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone around his neck, than that he should offend one of these little ones. 3a Beware!
It amazes me how little enlightened believers is about these things. That we are in a relationship to all other believers we want it or not. We are like a body and belong together. And when a limb does not live in step with the head - which is Christ - so it rubs off on everyone else. When a limb is obedient, then the consequence is that it also affects the others. This has nothing to do with anything other than that we are in direct life connection with each other because we have the same life and the same Spirit. And the same Saviour, Lord and Father. All this binds us together as believers in spite of divisions and disagreements. This is a fact and a reality.
Those preachers and are accountable to the others, this even stronger. I have preached has an extra large responsibility, this also applies to everyone else.
When preachers set up in conjunction with other ministers who live in sin or doing blatant heresy, then we become accomplices. Yes, it is so severe in some cases that Jesus said that it had been better received a millstone around his neck and been thrown with it around your neck and then had a just destroyed itself. But here ruining a not only for themselves but also for others. We lead others to destruction, out of disability and into delusion by itself to influence and preach to others. It says in Rom. 10. 17 that faith comes by hearing. It applies not only religion but also heresy and unbelief also comes by hearing, have you thought of that? Or are you one of those who accept everything and not have their own opinions and attitudes? Everything is not of God if it is not in accordance with God's word. It is only that which agrees with God's word, as we shall align ourselves. Everything else should we shun as "plague", it will lead us down from Christ and the simple fidelity to him!
Here comes my question to Asbjørn Kvalbein:
Hi! Have read what you're writing about divorce and remarriage. And it's very good! But I have trouble following you when I see both you and others line up on eg Vision Norway where Hanvold live by Scripture in sin when he is re-married as a believer. That one has intercourse with gjengifede people and others, it is no problem for me. But to set up a channel that accounts for such unbiblical view, it is very, very problematic. Or do you think it is perfectly allright to set up in conjunction with people who live in blatant violation of God's word? Scripture says that you and everyone else that pops up in conjunction with gjengifede ministers are involved in their sin. Or do you mean that I do not interpret the word of God in the right way? We will meet people, but here we are talking about being a role model and example. There is a vast difference between being a fiduciary and a "normal" man.
Reply from Asbjørn Kvalbein:
Dear January
Thanks for writing. Yes, I have thought about this, and I know there are some who see it as you.
I think there is a difference between a church and a large mass medium.
In a church we must operate learn discipline and making sure not heresy to release.
When it comes to a mass medium, we can not consider the same way. At Vision Norway comes touches that I can not stand. And there are certainly people who do not learn and live right. But such a large channel that has 168 send hours a week, no one can be responsible for everything. I have responsibility in Flekkeroy media, and we have taken decisions there about what we will not send and who we will not use. But if we should put such a goal at all which is on the channel, we would not be able to drop some places. I've even had devotions in NRK, but I do not feel thus accept anything sent there, or agree in doctrine and life of those who let otherwise.
So whether Hanvold fronts Vision Norway, he is not regarded as a church leader, and I do not think he sees it that way either. I will leave it to the Lord to judge, my calling is to preach the gospel and enter through open doors.
Answer me that I have not gotten any response:
For me this is a big, big disclaimer.
Hanvold is the leader, "director" and responsible for everything on Vision Norway. Jan Kaare Hanvold is editor of TV Vision Norway, this will not help out.
Shall I say straight out what I mean, then you and everyone else that pops up on Vision Norway gotten into Balaam's way. Balaam "found" that there was more positive than negative to go against what God had said.
But that said, you get to stand for what you do!
But I believe that remarriage and homosexuals have really this same struggle. They must renounce their desires to live as a Christian. But this is now, homosexuals are fair game, but remarriage is now essentially complete affirmed.
Heard that on Evangeliesenter it was so that if they were divorced, they could not stand on the platform, but they were re-married when they were accepted!
Yes, here everything is turned on head!
Think there is only one that is "satisfied" with developments among us Christians today, it is not God but Satan.
Not saying you from having a healthy and biblical view of this, you expect that the current Pentecostal / charismatic Christians should speak out who do not see the difference between something else? You have got to be their responsibility proven and think big and comprehensive. Are you saying yes to Vision Norway, so there is no other who do not say yes!
I experienced Hanvold first time in 1983, even when he was extreme! Today he married for the third time, and walks off! I realize me at this kind of Christianity, it is not something we should deny longer as believers, everything is permitted?
Then you come into the Nicolaitans learn which is akin to teaching of Balaam. Nicolaitans doctrine is really Aage Åleskjær "grace preaching" where there is always grace to get and once saved always saved!
In many ways, one can say that sin is like an infection. It always begins as small, innocent and it does not take so seriously.
But the little infection, no matter how small it is. It is dangerous if it is not defeated and stopped. Today we have among others pens distributions that stops so much for us humans, and we are very excited.
But what about the sin in the church of God? I have now been a Christian for 34 years, and the boundaries have constantly been moved, little by little.
Imagine Hanvold had to be homosexual. Would you go into the Vision Norway? You will then preach the gospel?
No, in my estimation Asbjorn, throw yourself on your knees in front of the living God. Ask him to help you to be the man preaches he wants.
This we all need. It is not how much we do, but what we do and what we do not do that tells the person we really are.
You've written about pornography. And how do you define here? 1 minute, 1 hour or?
Beginner first to look at one minute, then it becomes one hour and finally it has you. I do not see a second such, why? I know that I certainly could have seen, once. But next time, what then? Suddenly I had been captured!
Unfortunately there God's church is today, and therefore it was about making sure they got eyesalve Lord tells the church in Laodicea. Pray the prayer, and pray for me and all of us that we must get eye salve! I need it, you do it?
Seems there were several issues here that are very relevant. Want to use your answers to our blog. Talked with his wife around the dinner on your answer, and it was with amazement she heard what you wrote.
Then read through what you wrote again, and there were several problem positions you provide that are easy to answer.
You can not compare NRK Vision Norway, it is not relevant when NRK is a commercial channel that operates with universal radio station broadcasts.
You write that you shut out elsewhere. Imagine, here it is perhaps one that has a chance somewhere to preach, but he is upward married. You rods he lost, and all doors are closed then for him.
But Hanvold live in clover, frolic in sin, gorge his flesh, he and his new "wife" scoops Millions. You set up there, there was someone who really should have been boycotted so was he.
Here it is almost like the rich man and Lazarus. "Lazarus" is blocking you out, while the "rich" go free. This is in my opinion hypocrisy!
No, here you simply inconsistency and unnfallende. I would never set up a channel where the editor, "director" and boss lived in adultery.
Whether you need to allow all gjengifede, homosexuals and others to preach everywhere. Or so you must be consistency, and stay away from those who do not live in accordance with regulations and shall be public preachers.
It is not so difficult, it is just to be consistent, then it goes very well.
Jan K
Final Comment:
For me this is hypocrisy, unbiblical and not true it Asbjorn Kvalbein doing. I have given him the opportunity to come to a similar, but have not heard anything.
He writes: So whether Hanvold fronts Vision Norway, he is not regarded as a church leader, and I do not think he sees it that way either.
(end of quote).
Through Vision Norway looks Hanvold of himself as a Guro, Apostle and much more than this too. He is explosive finished in an ego that exceeds our wildest imagination. No, Kvalbein live in a lie that everyone else that pops up on the perverse and lascivious TV channel Vision Norway Drammen / Hokksund Norway / Norway!
Related Links:
torsdag 29. januar 2015
No. 864: Normisjon / Jesus networks legitimizes Vision Norway by sending the channel and that Hanvold use this as everything else for all it's worth!
No. 864:
Normisjon / Jesus networks legitimizes Vision Norway
by sending the channel and that Hanvold use this as everything else for all
it's worth!
How does Normisjon to TV Vision Norway and to the way
channel uses the organization's name? The following is a kind of open letter to
Normisjon but also (again) criticism of Vision Norway verbal transgressions and
sloppiness with significant units.
"Normisjon welcomes everyone to a program
(...)" (my emphasis) wrote TV Vision Norway on their Facebook page ahead
of yesterday's Jesus Network broadcast.
I've never heard Normisjon by General or other
centrally, confirm that such a discussion is accepted by them. It is Jesus Net,
which belongs to at Normisjon but takes part independent choices, which
cooperates with TV Vision Norway. Here, as many a time before, marketer Vision
Norway Studio Direct broadcasts with Jesus Net as if they officially partnered
with Normisjon.
Photo by Lise Karlsen who also lends itself to this
perverse TV channel which is completely distant from the Gospel. I do not
understand that they allow themselves to be used as such by Hanvold and Vision
Norway and think that all this is allright? This is no doubt a lot of
Previously Vision Norway for a period moderated
slightly in its discussion of cooperation - eg. often referred to "Jesus
Nett / Normisjon" instead of "Normisjon". This happened after we
were some who took up how the "advertised" with Normisjon name etc.
With "some" I mean the undersigned as well as two people who have a
certain affinity to the organization.
Now they see visionaries seem to be more at ease
Maybe Normisjon v / General, and / or Jesus Mains v /
Helge and Mary Anette Skaaheim should clarify one thing and another - opposite
belief Movers in Dunstable and Drammen? Or to the public - if Normisjon
actually said, "Okay, go on with the use of our name" to Vision
Dear Normisjon!
As long Vision Norway does not take carefully at this,
it looks obvious like Normisjon is a good friend and partner of the TV channel.
It is mildly strange if it never comes any public statement or clarification of
their stance.
The undersigned has not time ago had some email
contact with former Secretary General Rolf Kjøde. Kjøde was clear enough - not
only with what he wrote to me, but - according to himself - directly opposite
Jan Hanvold * - the organization's official position.
I hope that NORMISJON General / board is afraid of
being perceived as "enemies of Christian unity" if they explain
clearly and openly that it is not Normisjon as an organization that works with
Vision Norway.
Or is it been now? It is so, something a bit new and
Is Vision Norway been living pure? Or is it
"dangerous" much taboo linked to the channel?
Vision Norway is a controversial TV channel - who
claims to speak on behalf of God that viewers will provide 50 000, 100 000 and
200 000 to the channel **. The channel claims to be "a storehouse"
where Christians can "bring the tithe" (J. Hanvold Studio Direct,
9/24/14). Claiming status as "all the Christian people TV channel" as
"preach the gospel 24 hours" (ref. Various statements by J. Hanvold).
Being pragmatic or see between subtle with individual
cases, it is not necessarily wrong. But a collaboration with TV Vision Norway,
religious movement "steamroller" anno 2015 is indeed a serious
Although I have not even stayed me a lot just in
Normisjon context, I feel justified in earnest to say about this. I still have
a kind of Christian belief, and I think that there are a lot of good work for
children, young people and the elderly in Normisjon auspices. As found in the
direction of other Lutheran / Christian organizations with a certain sense
intact in Norway. I have the opinion that in Normisjon auspices are many who
have been meeting a positive form of Christianity where it is allowed to think
and to be themselves - not so different it I have had the pleasure to attend
the events at KFUK- YMCA.
How long such a good work in Normisjon can last and be
kept up - if religious movement extreme healing learn and seed extremism
associated with the organization due. "media cooperation" and
"unity"? It is an interesting question, and I hope that Normisjon
have to experiment to find the answers to it.
One important underscore:
This post is not criticism of Helge and Mary Anette
Skaaheim or Jesus Nett, who gets to take the assessments they take out of their
convictions and their discretion. There is severe enough. It is part fine that
have come to the live broadcasts I've seen them as program managers. That does
not mean I think it's wise of Alright Christian organizations (which Jesus Net
seems) to cooperate with media enterprises within religious movement. However,
this is not the topic of this post text, which is more an inquiry to Normisjon
central, and often partial to the grassroots level - and a critique of Vision
Norway as little truthful in his rhetoric.
Greeting someone scratching their heads to see how far
Vision Norway gets going with its rhetorical misfortunes - without reasonable
church leaders taking public distance.