Nr. 639:
Time of reckoning with Bill Johnson - but the man is quite right that Jesus did not do anything by virtue of their deity power , but only by the power of God's Spirit!
I know not much to Bill Johnson, who is pastor of a free church in Redding , England. Correction, that is if the United States he is Pastor, not England. But they attack him , I give him a lot right out of the word of God .
Arne Helge Teigen , associate professor at Fjellhaug International College lashed out against Johnsen both in its own weird blog that there are a lot unbiblical and whimsical in , and in the newspaper the day . Renders a part of this here:
Pastor Bill Johnson, Bethel Church Redding, is a significant agenda for radical charismatic .
He has visited Norway several times. In particular, Oasis , IMI Stavanger Church , Christ Church in Bergen and Filadelfia Church in Oslo opened doors for him.
In Norway , there has been little focus on the theology of Johnson 's representative. The relationship is different in the United States. There are particular Bill Johnson's teachings about Jesus Christ ( Christology ) controversial . Bible School Teacher Jan Helge Aarseth has written readable on this NLM Southwest website. Johnson's Christology is the key theme of this article.
This writes Jan Helge Aarseth : According to Johnson was the earthly person of Jesus itself unable to do something extraordinary and supernatural. "He had no supernatural powers whatsoever. " ( From "When heaven invades earth ", 2003)
He could not heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead . Jesus had in fact in his earthly life " poured out " or " laid his divinity aside ". Among other Phil.2 0.5 to 7 and Joh.5 , 19 are used as coatings for this. In the underground , the " temporary realm / domain ", he is a human being like us. Alongside this he is "eternal God" , but this is part of the "eternal realm / domain ".
A main point of Johnson is that when Jesus did wonders, he did not like God. He was however a man who was given over to God. He was equipped for supernatural signs and wonders through the anointing . This is one of the key words in Johnson's theology.
This emphasis on getting Johnson to the use of isolated single cross from the Bible , and by redefining the "Christ - title ". The Bible and the overall church promises Jesus voted " Christos " - "The Anointed One ." Always Christ in specific terms related to the historical person of Jesus of Nazareth . Johnson , however , converter "Christ ," "the anointed one" , to be " anointing ". Something that Jesus experienced , and that all believers can partake in the same manner .
Johnson's Christology build this vision . According to Johnson , Jesus never did miracles by the power of his divinity, but by virtue of a Spirit -industrial complex that is also accessible to people . Jesus laid his divinity aside when he lived on earth , to be models for Christians. If he had performed miracles because He was God, he did it would have been unattainable for us , writes Johnson in "When heaven invades earth " ( 29).
It is claimed that Johnson with this denies that the historical Jesus was in possession of the divine nature . In an attempt to save him from heresy , others claim that he represents so-called " functional kenoselære ." If he believes that Jesus was divine when he lived on earth , but that divinity was put out of action . My objection is that " functional kenoselære " does not save Johnson out of his problematic Christology . What is the difference between saying that Jesus zeroed out his divinity by incarnation , and to say that his divinity was put out of action ?
Johnson's Christology are unbiblical for several reasons. Among other things, it leads to that it is not possible to maintain that God is the subject of Jesus works. God is unchanging and indivisible . God's " properties" can not be " disconnected " from the Son of God person , so Johnson does when he teaches that Jesus' divinity was not involved in his wondrous works . The Bible teaches the way that Jesus did miracles by the power of his divine person. An example of this is found in the story of the demon - expulsion in Luke 8:28 ff . Having driven out the spirits , Jesus said to the freeing him to go and tell what God has done for him . It meant that he told what Jesus had done ( V.39 ) . Thus Jesus did God's work .
From the early church time professing church that Jesus' divine and human nature can not be separated from each other . They are united in the Son of God eternal person. Both natures are therefore always involved in Jesus' deeds. Because Jesus alone was and is gudmennesket , the infinite difference between his and our deeds . Johnson breaks down the understanding of this difference. He reduces Jesus by looking away from his divinity. At the same time he exalts the Spirit-filled man to Jesus level. This is most clearly reflected in Johnson's learn about how Jesus was a " Christ" , that is , the anointed
According to Johnson , Jesus was able to make only after having experienced the Spirit's anointing after his baptism . The anointing Jesus qualified to be a " Christ," writes Johnson. The word Christ ( anointed ) is used with other words not exclusively about Jesus. People can also share in Christ - anointing . That is when it is able to do more under than Jesus. Those contesting this represents the antichrist claims Johnson. ( Johnson, Face to face with God , 109). I still dare to show to Luke 2 : 11, showing that Jesus was called the Messiah ( Christ) the Lord , even at its birth . Christ - worthiness is otherwise just him. Jesus alone is anointed to be our substitute , priest, prophet and king.
This summer we saw the beginnings of a settlement in Oase movement concerning prophetic activity. It is high time , but not enough. It is also necessary to take issue with theology providing premises for the extreme Charismatics in Norway . Take a gaze directed at Bill Johnson and his business in Redding.
( end of quote ) .
Johnsen preach absolutely right about Jesus , it was only after his baptism in water and Spirit , he began to preach and heal the sick. And it was by virtue of his anointing by the Holy Spirit he worked, taught and healed the sick :
Acts 10 38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil , for God was with him.
We must be able to withstand a debate and different representations of this. I think that both Arne Helge Teigen and other theologians are not sitting with pat answers neither regarding this topic or other topics .
Jesus' life into three " levels ".
Here on Earth : From my commentaries Hebrews 1.2 But now, when they are come , he has spoken to us by his Son . Him God hath appointed heir of all things , and through whom he created the world.
Now the Son. Joh . e 1 17 For the law was given by Moses , but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. By him have him created the world that makes Jesus the same as God, yet he is not the Father who is the source of everything.
Kol . 1 15 He is the image of the invisible God ,
the first begotten of all creation .
16 For by him were all things created ,
in heaven and on earth ,
visible and invisible ,
whether thrones or dominions ,
principalities or authorities -
All things were created through him and for him.
17 He is before all things ,
and all composed by him .
Father does nothing except by and through the Son.
3 He is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being , sustaining all things by his powerful word. When he had made purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
Kol.1 . 18 He is the head of the body, the church.
He is the beginning,
the firstborn from the dead;
he saw in all things may be the foremost .
Jesus is both the largest and foremost . He is the first to have gone out of the Father. As the Father created and the only one like him . He exudes the Father as he is without it being in fragments . As it was with the Prophet and all other people. Kol.1 . 17a He is before all things.
When he became a man he served our sin and then sat down at the Father's right hand!
4 How he has become better than the angels , for the name he has received , is so much greater than theirs.
The Jews believed in angels. But Jesus was not super angel, but something far more than that. He was God's only begotten Son . We are adopted sons and daughters of God, but never Begotten .
5 For unto which of the angels has God ever said :
You are my son ,
I have begotten thee ?
Or , as it says:
I will be a father to him ,
and he shall be a son to me .
Here the author takes up what God has for ministry and mission of the Son but not to the angels . Jesus stands in a unique position . You are my son, I have begotten thee referring to the resurrection.
Rooms . 1 4 by the Spirit of holiness as God's Almighty Son when He rose from the dead .
Furthermore, if the intimate contact and relationship the Father and the Son .
Joh.e.17 . 11 I will no longer be in the world but they are in the world , and I go to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name , the name you gave me , that they may be one as we are one.
6 When he shall bring his firstborn into the world again , he says:
All the angels of God worship him .
When Jesus came to earth and became man so stood the angels at his disposal .
Mark 1 12 Then the Spirit drove him out into the wilderness , 13 and there he was forty days and was tempted by Satan. He was with the wild beasts ; angels ministered to him. The angels ministered to him on several occasions and they worship him.
Phil.2 . 9 Therefore God has highly exalted him
and gave him the name above all names ,
10 that every knee will bow to Jesus' name ,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth ,
11 and every tongue confess
Jesus Christ is Lord, to God's glory !
Even the angels are included here to worship and recognize Jesus.
About seven angels , he said :
He makes his angels winds ,
his ministers a flaming fire.
The angels are nothing to be postponed . They complete and does his work and service. They perform the will of God , yet the servers do not communicate with us humans at our level full. They obey God first and foremost and only that.
8 But about the Son he says :
Thy throne , O God, is for ever;
righteousness spelling is your scepter .
Jesus deed included also in being human , and from what he will reign and show who God is man . Jesus was 100 % human but also 100 % God not as Father.
9 You have loved righteousness and hated iniquity ;
therefore God , even thy God, hath anointed thee
with the oil of gladness above thy brethren .
Jesus was perfect in hatred and fullommen in love. He hated sin in all its shapes and facets , but loved God and His righteousness above all else . Therefore God anointed him like no other.
Joh . e 3 34 He whom God has sent speaks the words of God , for God gives the Spirit in full measure.
10 And further:
You , Lord , in the beginning founded the earth;
and the heavens are the work of your hands .
Jesus was with the actual creation and by and to him are all created . Jesus is the center and even the sky , he helped to shape , form and create. Jesus was before he became man , in his pre-existence .
11 They will perish , but you remain .
They will all wear out like a garment ;
All this made subject to vanity and b corruption . But not so with Jesus. He will always be and remain the same.
Heb . 13 8 Jesus Christ is yesterday and today the same , and forever .
12 you roll them up like a robe,
be replaced as clothing .
But you are the same ,
Your years will never end.
Jesus has the same substance as the Father , He is eternal. Isaiah 9 6 For a child is born,
a son is given .
Dominions of masters is laid on his shoulder ,
and his name shall be:
Under Full Counselor , Mighty God ,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace .
There are some who believe that Jesus is not God with a capital G , but it is an absurd opinion. Jesus is also God.
Joh . AD 20 28 "My Lord and my God ! " Said Tomas
13 To which of the angels has he ever said,
Sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies
that thy footstool ?
It's only Son, who sits at the Father's right hand. No one else , just him.
We read in verse 3b. When he had made purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
14 Are not all angels spirits in the service of God , sent forth to be of help to those who will inherit salvation ?
Paul writes nothing derogatory or anything reprehensible about angels . He put them into their proper and biblical function: sent out to be helpful for those who will inherit salvation .
2 1 Therefore, we have so much more heed to what we have heard, so we do not slip away from it.
The church in Jerusalem had entered the same as the church at Ephesus did a few decades later we read about in Obvious. 2 Slowly but surely as Christ lost his grip on the heart and mind . They drifted away from Jesus like a ship without anchor that is out at sea.
2 For also the word spoken through angels was valid , so that each offense and disobedience received its deserved punishment.
It mentions Paul (who I think wrote the letter ) that even under the law did sin , crime and everything else that was against God 's judgment and to reap the bitter fruits of going its own way . Reminds readers of Ezekiel 20 and 1 Cor. 10 as good reference points .
Acts 7 53 you who received the law given by the imposition of angels, but have not kept it . This passage and others shows us that this revelation is referring to the law and the entire GT .
3 How shall we escape if we do not care about the salvation that is so much bigger? It was first announced by the Lord, and since confirmed unto us by them that heard him .
This letter is addressed to the church in Jerusalem. Reference points on how big and wonderful that God did through Jesus and the early Christians that we have in the four Gospels and Acts . The church here was not really come out of this business of Jesus and the apostles .
4 God also has given the testimony by signs and wonders and various miracles, and by handing out the gifts of the Spirit according to his will .
This is mentioned here that was not foreign to them. That God himself had confirmed the message with the accompanying signs and handed out by His Spirit among them. They were people with firsthand knowledge . But now they were about to depart away from this.
5 It is not under the dominion of angels God has subjected the world as we speak.
Here , Paul stated that God never put angels in the center . And in 1 14 he says that they are ministering spirits . It is we humans who should be in control , not the angels .
Rooms . 8 17 And if children, then heirs . We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ , provided we suffer with him, we shall also share in glory with him .
6 If this is the one who has testified somewhere :
What is man that You are mindful of him ,
a son of man , that You care for him ?
It is a paradox that we humans are made lower than the angels but anyway it was a human Son of God was . Should not he rather be an angel and save 1 \ 3 of those who fell and became Satan? No, it's a human being and God takes us down. The angels who have fallen have no way of restoration.
7 A short time you put him lower than the angels.
But you have crowned him with glory and honor;
Even Jesus by becoming human was lower set lower than the angels . The angels can see out the Father's presence and be in his presence without perishing . We humans can not.
8 everything you put under his feet.
When it says , " put all things under him" , then nothing except , everything should be subject to him. Yet we can not see that everything is put under him.
But even Jesus as " focused " God the Father all on him. Should be salvation , redemption, and we humans could have to do with God . Was all nodes of whether Jesus passed the test and the Father would recognize it!
9 But we see Jesus , who for a short while was made lower than the angels , crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death . How was he by the grace of God taste death for everyone.
Jesus held out to be human and completed his work . But it was in the most bitter way . He was not spared nothing , even death received him into her embrace.
10 For God is all things shallow and rise , bringing many sons to glory . Then he had to let the captain who leads them to salvation , made perfect through sufferings of the Son of God .
This is such a great paradox that we must take eternity to help to understand and get to the bottom of this. That God might permissible and acknowledge that salvation might and should go through the humiliation , suffering and death.
11 He who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have the same origin . Therefore ashamed of the Son over to call them brothers.
Now we get into the deeper things in the Christian life . That Jesus was so overwhelmingly large was not just that Jesus died for sin , but the sinner died with him, then biledelig spoken.
Sanctification process lasts a lifetime , but it is a vital necessity that it works for us to be living God's children.
12 He says:
I will declare your name to my brothers
and sing to you in church.
It is in Jesus name, not in our own name or any denomination named opportunity to win is . Then also worship when we have experienced in Jesus' name .
13 Furthermore :
I will put my trust in him.
And even a place :
Behold, I and the children God has given me.
That this relates Jesus is no doubt . He is not ashamed to call us brothers. God has set its bit to Jesus so He can and will also rely on us !
14 Since the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself part of the same . How was he by his death destroy him that had the power of death , that is, the devil ,
Jesus became man and not an angel. Without that he had become as one of us so had he been able to save and redeem us from sin , bondage and death , our last enemy that Jesus also defeated.
1 Cor . 15 54 And when it happens, and this corruptible and mortal shall have put on incorruption and immortality, then fulfilled that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory
16 It is not angels he takes care of , but he takes the seed of Abraham .
Here we go again , it's not the angels which are objective but God 's people. And the blessing is within the reach only through partaking of the same faith that Abraham had , and then we are also a part of his family .
Gal . 3 14 This happened that the peoples through Jesus Christ should partake of the blessing that was promised to Abraham, and that through faith would receive the Spirit as it was promised .
17 Therefore, He had to be made like His brethren , that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God and zone sins of the people .
Through that Jesus remained to just be with God and be like Him in His likeness. But the man and knew everything like us. Then scroll he our perfect High Priest .
( end of quote ) .
Since Jesus could not do any works in Nazareth because of people's unbelief , then it is an indication that all the miracles Jesus did was not by virtue of his divinity, but that he was under the same terms as his disciples and later followers. But Jesus' unique conception tell anyway that he was divine , as concerns that Teigen notes about Johnson's Christology seems here to be somewhat unwarranted. That Jesus did his subjects because he was filled with the Holy Spirit and not because he was divine nor is there any particular theology from Johnson's side - I've heard preached decades ago . So one can discuss what Jesus meant when he said that his disciples would do "major character " than he did. Was it more powerful miracles or was it for larger amounts of people?
Final Comment:
What will Arne Helge Teigen , associate professor at Fjellhaug International College and Jan Helge Aarseth Assembly Leader in Misjonssalen , Sandnes achieve? It seems more like a scare tactics , but to guide the people . And the streak wording without being able to make the reflections are also a weakness of what they write .
Jesus says: Matt . 26: 52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword ! for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. 53 Or do you not know that I at this moment can pray the Father , and he would send me more than twelve legions of angels? 54 But how then shall the scriptures to be fulfilled, that thus it must be ?
Jesus renounced all this , only to have it again .
Joh . AD 17 4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which You have given Me to do ; 5 And now , glorify thou me, O Father, with thyself, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was !
How and to what power did Jesus all his miracles? In the power of God's Spirit , this teaches writing , so when we submit to it :
Luk 5:17 And it happened one day, as he was teaching, there were Pharisees and teachers of the law who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem , and the power of the Lord was with him to heal :
Why was the Lord's power over and in him? This happened after the baptism in the Jordan and beyond his 3 ½ -year ministry.
Luke 4:18 The Spirit is upon me , because he anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor : he hath sent me to preach the prisoners that they will get freedom, And to blind receiving of sight , to set at liberty ,
Think more of Jesus and God's word than both the current and previous day's theologians. They build their scarecrow theology around something they have very little clue and revelation around, unfortunately . But this is nothing new, it's history repeating itself.
2 Pet. 3 14 Wherefore, beloved , seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent to be found without spot or blemish before him in peace , 15 and heed our Lord's patience for salvation , even as our beloved brother Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom is given him , 16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; them it is something that is very understand , and that the unlearned and unstable suggests interfered, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction .
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