Nr. 446:
Why I think that TV founder, Evangelist and Pastor Jan Hanvold is a wolf in sheep's clothing that God's word speaks to arise among the faithful and do great damage!
It is obvious to me that Hanvold is a wolf in sheep's clothing, this justifies here in this article, photo of him here so that there is no doubt who I point to
Why I think that Hanvold is a wolf in sheep's clothing, justifies and expands I here:
1) He is purely theologically glory belongs theologian or religious movement is a Christian heresy cult of the worst kind.
What Hanvold stand for? In short it is to believe in God's miracles etc. but do not follow the word of God carefully otherwise, as in particular the life and teachings. I've written a lot about the fanatical and occult PinseKaresmatiske movement Hanvold and Vision Norway is a part.
2) He is divorced and re-married as a "believer" and the live date. biblical definition of adultery and live as permanent in sin and is therefore not a Christian.
Hat also written a lot about this before, ask why readers read this. Scripture teaches that a believer Hanvold purports to be, and not only that, a preacher. Shall after a break either live solitary or else. And he should marry again, Hanvold has done this 2 times. Something that demonstrates the arrogance without equal. Then he is no true believer, but an adulterer and we should not even eat with him or his "new" wife.
1 Cor. 7. 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband; 11 but she is separated from him when she vedbli being unmarried or reconciled with her husband - and that a man to separate himself from his wife.
Luke 16 18 Whosoever putteth away his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
3) He has on several occasions even said that he is a deceiver and a false prophet, we must believe his own testimony!
Hanvold even act he is a false prophet, I believe him. Were such. Not Hillary Clinton President in 2008/9 he was a false prophet, this did not happen. Ergo, Hanvold has himself testified that he is a false prophet. I believe him!
4) Fundraising His manipulative.
Scripture is clear, is not love than nothing on a blank give his body to be burned. Hanvold manipulate and deceive constantly. He gets to the screen where poor children in Moldova and elsewhere, and naive in many ways deceived people and in depressions and demands a forger and impostor. I can not believe how easily fooled and gullible many are, they do not check what your business stands for before they give or what is it? Seducing spirits that affect the believers must be!
5) He promises more through their fraudulent fundraising than what God's word and God promises, so he is also a liar and forger.
Hanvold say it to give to him is to sow into the kingdom of God is lie number one, according to Hanvold is to give to perhaps Satan's foremost ambassador in Norway. Lie number two is that if one gives example. ten percent, a few hundred times again, etc. The word of God never gives any such promises that we'll get back here in time by giving material things and money that this will always be increased for our part as Hanvold teacher and preacher who is an old Hagin and the Faith movement. God bless always a happy and good donor, but first and foremost in the world and here in the time of such a good and happy marriage etc. Not opulent wealth etc. Hanvold is and remains a forger and a wolf in sheep's clothing.
6) God's people have become so similar in all the world that they no longer respond to a false prophet Pastor Jan Hanvold.
I prayed to God and asked why Hanvold so easy and comprehensive with a miserable life and a false proclamation could manage to win such a foothold among the broad strata of Norwegian Christianity. The answer I got from God was: "The world, mind, thoughts and actions have become the confessing believer mind, thoughts and actions. The world and the believers are so close together that there is no longer a no difference in them anymore! ". This was the answer from the Lord, it tells a lot
7) The fruits that Hanvold life, ministry and what he has gone through witness an extremely human.
Hanvold is and remains extreme. The witnesses all his failures and lady acquaintances about and everything he stands for is and remains extreme and not healthy and Gudlikt.
8) According Hanvold although he did not have school books promotion but Cocktail leaves.
Hanvold slev says that his next door neighbor while growing up were the ones who pressed hard porn magazine Cocktail was his discourse not school books and more. Is it any wonder that he's been he's been? I feel sorry for him, but a Christian leader, he is dangerous to have that. Then one than wolves in sheep's clothing who would come said the apostle Paul. One who is uprooted, double dead when he has no contact with the living God and as clouds without rain is Vision Norway and other so-called Christian organizations.
Acts 20. Acts 8:29 p.m. I know that after my departure shall grievous wolves come in among you, not sparing the flock.
9) The testimony of a soul saved never justify something that's wry, wrong or lascivious.
Apparently Hanvold and Vision Norway and other impostors much good. This is where the seduction is that they not only do the "evil", but also "good". Hanvold have a miserable life and learn that he also collects the poor and needy in Moldova and takes so much money to himself that he raises millions in salary, and believers still defending him is me a true enigma. I understand and do not understand that one can be so deceived and deceived, but the word of God has warned and spoken that this would happen now in the last days before Jesus returns several places in God's word. Among other in:
2. Tim. 4. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure the healthy doctrine, but after their own lusts take themselves teachers in droves, having itching ears, 4 and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and be turned unto fables.
10) Everyone agrees Hanvold and Vision Norway will participate in their evil deeds.
Here is a portion of an article I wrote a few years ago, it hit the nail on the head. Put it out in the end, it is just as relevant if not more than when I wrote it.
Are you an accomplice?
2. Joh. b 9 He who does not adhere to the teachings of Christ, but goes beyond it, does not have fellowship with God. Those who adhere to the teachings, he has fellowship with the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not approach welcomed him into their home, and greet him heartily. 11 For he who greets him is partaker of his evil deeds.
James 3 1. My brothers! Not many of you should become teachers, knowing that we will be so much stronger judged.
Luke 17 1. He said to his disciples: "It is inevitable that offenses come, but woe to him through whom they come! 2 It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone around his neck, than that he should offend one of these little ones. 3a Beware!
It amazes me how uninformed people of faith are about these things. That we are in a relationship with all other believers whether we want it or not. We are like a body and belong together. And when a limb does not live in time with the head - which is Christ - then rubs it over all others. When a limb is obedient, then the consequence will be that it also affects the other. This has nothing to do with anything other than that we are in direct life connection with each other because we have the same life and the same Spirit. And the same Saviour, Lord and Father. All this binds us together as believers in spite of divisions and disagreements. This is a fact and a reality.
Those preachers and are in a liability to others, this is even stronger. I proclaim that has an extra big responsibility, this also applies to everyone else.
When preachers set up in conjunction with other ministers who are living in sin or doing blatant heresy, then we become complicit. Yes, it is so severe in some cases that Jesus said that it had been better received a millstone around his neck and thrown to the neck and then had just destroyed itself. But here destroys one not only for themselves but also for others. We lead others to perdition, into disability and into the delusion of self to influence and preach to others. It says in Rom. 10. 17 that faith comes by hearing. It is not only religion but also heresy and unbelief are also of hearing, have you thought about that? Or are you of those who accept everything and not have their own opinions and attitudes? All is not of God if it is not in accordance with God's word. It is only that which agrees with the word of God, which we must accommodate ourselves after. Everything else should we shun as "plague" that will lead us down from Christ and the simple fidelity to him!
Here is an explanation of why the priest collar around the neck as figuratively have its merits: Enno today are priests often drawn with the old priest collar. But what was the idea behind this under medical creation?
One of the explanations is that the collar should remind priest millstone. Not the bottom of the mill in the village, but the stone that Jesus spoke of, "The lure to drop one of these little ones which believe in me, he was better lit with getting a millstone hung around his neck and sunk in the ocean's depths."
It would therefore be better to have a millstone around your neck than to cause one who believes in Jesus, on the wild roads. So serious is the man to lead a different way than what God says.
Emanuel Minos - a cheat!
It is sad to have to write this in public, but it is absolutely necessary when he is a role model for so many. Paul says to Timothy, his young employee in the 2nd letter to him in chapter 3 10 You have followed me in life and doctrine, in attitude, faith, patience, love, endurance, 11 persecutions, and sufferings, such as I was exposed to in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra. What I have not had to endure the persecutions! But the Lord has saved me out of all of them.
It was also in attitude and life etc. young Timothy had followed Paul. Emanuel Minos even a straightforward preaching, but for some terrible and unbiblical beliefs. He works with both the first and second adulterers, who pastors January Hanvold and Jan Aage Torp. Saws, he prophesied something terribly Torp him to get a multicultural mega-church here in Oslo. Today Pastor Torp living in open sin, which prophesies than he provides helps nothing when he lives out his sin registry and acts like he is both insane and a psycho this Jan Aage Torp. It is bad that a man such as Minos do not see this, but sets up empty on the podium and prophesy over them! He comes into this sentence here and can ultimately lose their salaries. But as a preacher, he judged \ judged extra hard so that he can not perish. 2. Joh. b 11 For whoever greets him is partaker of his evil deeds. Therefore, Paul was so extra careful with his own life as revealed Minos is not. 1. Cor. 9. 27 No, I'm fighting against myself and forces the body to obey, lest I who have preached to others, even to be rejected.
Final Comment: Why do Evangelisenteret, Nor Mission, Emanuel Minos, Lise Karlsen, David Ostby, Arvid Bentsen etc. to Hanvold and Vision Norway? Am I saying unkind to communicate this?
A country and a wealthy have their laws and regulations to be followed. God's kingdom has rules, laws and regulations to be followed. Hanvold has edge and breaks many of them, and make it the norm. When to follow and set up for and with him is to participate in Satan's kingdom and subdue the darkness and demons. This will be the last I write about Hanvold and Vision Norway for a while, all that I think and think about him and the many ways occult PinseKaresmatiske movement or religious movement finds a blog or on our website. God bless you and your dear friend!
3. Joh. b The oldest one - to the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in truth, and not only I, but also all who know the truth,
2 for the sake of truth that is in us and will be with us forever:
3 Grace, mercy and peace will be with us from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.
4 I rejoiced much because I have found some of your children walking in truth, as we have been commanded by the Father.
5 And now I ask you, lady, not as though I wrote to you a new commandment, but that which we had from the beginning, that we should love one another.
6 And this is love that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, as you heard from the beginning, that I should walk after that.
7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh This is the deceiver and the antichrist.
8 Take heed that you do not lose what I have gained through your work, but that you may receive a full reward
9 Whoever turns into the wrong hands and not in the doctrine of Christ, he hath not God: he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
10 If any man come to you and bring not this doctrine, then take not receive him in your house, and bid him not welcome!
11 for those who bid him welcome, being an accomplice with him in his evil deeds.
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