No. 1201:
When the lowest common denominator is to believe in "Jesus", then one can believe everything else also simultaneously! Greater deception than we see today has not been in church history!
There were some strange encounters with Guillermo Maldonado where they sang, but cried first in English. And even higher in Spanish when Guillermo Maldonado stirred up the to both scream, dance and act like Israelites behaved under Balaam son.
It's nice to believe in Jesus, but when a simultaneous believe in everything else too. There are really New Age. What we have seen in the Telenor Arena, formerly known as Fornebu Arena, which is an indoor multi-purpose arena at Fornebu in Bærum in Norway.
With the false apostle and juggler Guillermo Maldonado who had a team of 64 people with him. And the false prophet and "businessman" Jan Hanvold, is nothing else than a gigantic huge and horrible bad acting!
Belief in "Jesus" is "common", so is everything else allowed only one not support anyone!
It is allowed to be re-married once, twice, three times, four times, five times or otherwise as many times than wants. Jesus "unite"!
But it is not the biblical Jesus. Like dance and so-called praise, but or believe and live as you wish. So is the Christianity that Jan Hanvold will introduce, it fits perfectly in his own life patterns and beliefs!
Where will this end?
It will end in a "super-church" which will end in the lake of fire, the second death
These are harsh words, yes, but that is exactly what God's word says and teaches.
We sing a song; "Will you go to heaven, you have to go on the road leading yours!"
Here you song, unfortunately, he who wrote this song even chosen a different path today!
The song is inspired by a house on the old E18 Sør¬lan¬det stood there for a few decades ago in large type:
- Want to Him¬me¬len, you must go the road leading there.
Hans Inge Fagervik - Want You To Himlen
What I'm going to tell it to fetch
In a so-called road trip
Traveling across country
I went from place to place
I and the car sit there sweating
Us reach oil gravel
When fekk I see something that was painted
On the wall of a house (there was)
Will you go to heaven
Yes, when you have to go the road that leads there
Orda shone against me
They stood there in black and white
Will you go to heaven
Yes, when you have to go the road that leads there
Orda burned into my memory
Verse 2:
We stopped and fekk know that she had painted
So it was important that this song diaper told
Many years have since passed and the old lady is gone
The wall is painted again, but e can remember what was!
Let them burn into your memory
(End of quote).
This is really bad that so few see this, even the so-called big players that day, Our Country and Cross Victory warns not accept this masseforførelsen. But rather defends this and give it big place and sometimes support!
We are living in the end times, where we must put on our hearts all the words that speak of seduction and deception before Jesus comes and fetch the bride to join!
Here is an article I wrote a few years ago, which is more relevant than ever:
Nr. 584:
Worse than the world is now become standard in the congregation , especially now through Vision Norway and Jan Hanvold!
Had decided not to write more about Vision Norway and Pastor Jan Hanvold . But after his vulgar , unorthodox , provocative , nasty and ugly way he has profiled itself and the political party the Christians in the past, which is again left to speak out . Searchlight writes that there is a broken record , but when the truth is suppressed and neglected , they must be repeated , if anything would hear and repent? !
Image ar the old whore goat Jan Hanvold is on the spiritual and moral area as a pig , and his use of language so vulgar and disgusting it is possible to be.
1 ) This is a spiritual law , when one has not taken the " bull by the horn " as is Jan Hanvold whoring out the word of God in that he is re-married to a believer then release than all the spirits who live and work in him and forward . No one who is re-married to a Christian law or the right to hold a service Hanvold . Now Christian Norway "pay" following this with his vulgar , unorthodox , provocative , nasty and ugly way he has profiled itself and the political party the Christians in the past. The resting "blood guilt " (Ezekiel 34 , etc. ) on the Christians in Norway for not having warned others against this man and his business . They should all be held accountable for this , and they did not fail to do well.
2 ) I have been asked over must be so strange and weird to be a Christian who is Hanvold . Thousands if not hundreds of thousands have been banished from Jesus and the gospel through this activity and Jan Hanvold . That he he "won" others that are almost as strange and weird as himself , it could maybe be true ? But his business and he himself is and remains anything but healthy and evangelical .
3 ) Hanvold is a nasty broiler that throughout their appearance resembles anything but a man of God and the Apostle who he says he is now. Ridiculous , seductive , lying and demonic it !
4 ) Here are some statements of those who support Hanvold : " Hanvold hit the nail on the head! ". Next : " Hanvold telling the truth . Hanvold speeches where other tier . Jan Hanvold is almost the only voice in Norway as they speak Biblical truths , most second serves currently no sugar sweet pjott I have been dritlei off. Lots pjottetaler and activities without substance or force - out pjott = empty churches. Tragic ! » .
These people are so innsauset and seduced . All p.g.a. that Christians have tacitly accepted this man to come forward . And he " fleas " the faithful for 100 Million as he gets through his business. Jesus himself said of Hanvold -minded in the end times .
Matt . 24th 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them , Take heed that no man lead you astray ! 11 And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray . 12 And because iniquity shall abound , the love of many will grow cold most . 24 For false Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders, so that even the elect would be deceived , if that were possible .
This development permits and are accepted in Christian Norway today , either tacitly or that one should believe a lie rather than the truth!
5 ) Hanvold is vulgar and has an appearance that the world's people and those who are upwardly think is inappropriate , vulgar and primitive . He lives in adultery and the glory theologian . Promotes the Christians which is a party that no true believer should and should have nothing to do with . Where will this end? In "Babylon the great whore I think "!
6 ) Who will be attracted to Hanvold ? He is no true believers and followers of Jesus . Ask yourself within its God , why have you been on his screen , supported him or in any way warrant for him . Ask God to open your eyes and frisk you . I do not know why people are so deluded , but Scripture says about those that they have rejected the truth and therefore sender and permits God a demonic delusion upon them .
2 Tess . 2 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they received not the love of the truth , that they might be saved. 11 And therefore God shall send them strong delusion , that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness .
7 ) world people laugh Hanvold , they are fairly "normal" . While there are those weird and outcast are attracted and seduced believers are my impressions . Hanvold live neither in the level of God or its environment , think yourself well about. Is it worth supporting such a man and such a business ? Embed this within its God in prayer and scripture study and compare Hanvold preaching the word of God . I have done that and been horrified !
8 ) Scripture says that a little leaven leavens the whole lump . What is it ?
" Purge out therefore the old leaven , that ye may be a new lump , as ye are unleavened . For our passover is sacrificed for Christ. So let us keep the feast, not with old leaven , not with evil and the load sourdough , but with sincerity and truth unleavened bread "( 1 Cor 5:5)
We know that as fermented penetrates the dough or flour that is at elevation . Here , one or more of our sins penetrate our lives . In Hanvold there are at least two major cardinal sins. One is :
1 ) He lives in adultery when he is re- married to a Christian .
2 ) He is heresy of the worst kind as he is glory - theologian .
9 ) Scripture says in Fork 10:1 Poisonous flies get ointment creator's ointment to stink and ferment , even a small grand folly destroys a man distinguished himself by wisdom and honor.
Hanvold has apparently also some good things , but one look at the bad things about him , it is like poisonous flies in the ointment ointment warehouse that smells bad and opens up Satan both in his life and everyone else that he comes in contact with. It is the Spirit of infiltration or "transfer" of the worst kind . This has the Norwegian Christianity open up for now by allowable Hanvold and Vision Norway to hold onto.
10 ) The world's poor standard had been God allowed that it could again set difference of the world's children and the Christians , but here is the faithful and the world in sin and immorality.
Final comment :
For me it's like " train " has gone for the Norwegian Christianity . Will there be change or revival , I believe only God must and will intervene. But I will still say , do not give up dear friends. But seek the Lord again , we have the word of God and his promises that he will be found of us if we seek Him . Whether it's light or dark times in the church of God and the world.
Jer 42:12 And I will let you mercy , and he will have mercy upon you , and cause you to return to your country .
Jer 29:13 And ye shall seek me , and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Jer 6:16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see , and ask for the old paths, where is the good , and walk in it ! Ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein .
Only in these three verses is so much good and Tips and ideas that makes us know that after all pays to seek the Lord and walk in His way. Hanvold -minded is the way of sin and death and the living dead and the road against destruction. And the scripture says that if a blind Hanvold manage others, then they will get his end . But for you as we go way of the Lord , live as God's word teaches , study God's word and let it be and be your guide for everything in life. And then God will answer us in time, but scripture says that now is the day of salvation . So expect great and mighty things that should and will happen in life and service your meds siblings !
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