Nr. 538:
It is "yesterday's" pastors and leaders who are to blame for the current unequal and direct lascivious development in Christian Norway, especially in the Free Church Norway!
Image shows a hand. Why? Because Satan give little finger, he will also take the whole hand. That is what we see today, that "yesterday's" Christian leaders and pastors have given Satan little finger, today he soon my hand, there is not much that remains.
Today apostasy, deception and deviation huge word of God that God's church today believe that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right! It's like the dark ages spiritual darkness come upon the church of God once again!
Isaiah 5 20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
2 Thess. 2 9 And his coming is after the working of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And therefore God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Matt. 24th 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many will grow cold most.
Joh. AD 16 2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, whoever beats you to death, will think that he doeth God service.
There are many sites and things to grasp here, want to mention a ten (10) pages at why today we see such a gigantic drop in light of the fact that it was "yesterday's" Shepherds who did not "work" her. I know best to Pentecostalism and writing in the light of it. So when I attack the current leaders and pastors, it is "yesterday's" men who have in the main blame for the uneven and disastrous development.
1) The "old" Pentecostal leader and other free church leaders is that the priest Eli.
The priest Eli lived in many ways a "good" life, but was unable to warn and guide their sons Hophni and Phinehas. Eli's two sons behaved very badly, but he intervened in a small degree. There was war with the Philistines and his two sons went out and brought the ark. In this war fell two sons and the ark was stolen. The message of this he fell from his chair and broke his neck.
We read about Hophni and Phinehas in 1 Samuel 2 12 But Eli's sons of Belial, they made light of the Lord. 13 such was the priests' behavior towards the people: So often man came with an offering, and the meat was cooked, the priest's servant, and had a fork with three branches in his hand, 14 he struck it into the pan, or kettle, or caldron, or pot, and all that fleshhook the priest took for himself. Thus they did with all the Israelites who came there to Shiloh. 15 Also before they burnt the fat, the priest's servant came, and said to the man that sacrificed, Give flesh to roast for the priest; He will not have sodden flesh of thee, but raw. 16 Then the man said to him, burn the fat presently, and then take to thee by which you would like to. Then he answered: No, now once you make it, or I'll take it by force. 17 And the young men's sin was very great before the LORD: for men abhorred the offering of the LORD.
What are these "old" shepherds do? They have unfortunately made "youth" hold on as they wanted, that we see the fruits of today.
The story of Samuel, Saul, Eli, David and the people we find in the books of Samuel tells us much. Not least that there is a spiritual battle not only to the world but also within the church where the carnal elements resist the spiritual. Who fought against who? Yes, Saul was used by God while he was humbly followed God and obey His word through Samuel. But what happened? Jo, who God used first, but failed. He was a persecutor of the one God used the anointed and in turn, it was David. How unfortunately happens at all times. This happens today as well, it shows that eg. that what God is doing in this country is being held without passing by all churches, denominations, Christian magazines etc. When I think of what God does, not least through Smyrna Oslo and my service. But this that I and we are experiencing is actually "old news"! nothing new under the sun as King Solomon wrote.
2) Misunderstood leadership - the left has created this that we see today that most of it is allowed and nothing is being warned against when everything is just "grace."
One of the things that a mistake was made that allow "list" lower than God's Word. That was the slogan of the 80s among so-called Christian youth that it was better that they left things in from the world, only one managed to "preserve" the youth. To compromise the word of God we always punish themselves in the long run.
3) To give Satan the little finger, he will also take the whole hand. That is what we see today, that "yesterday's" Christian leaders and pastors have given Satan little finger, today he soon my hand, there is not much that remains.
Let me take a concrete example, could take as many others. Before then it was unthinkable in congregations to have female elders, pastors and pastors. But that women could be Evangelists and have a prophetic ministry. Or the gifts were by the word of God and the New Testament teachings. But what do we see today? Starts than claiming this is what God's Word says, so they think that one has come from another planet. So far, one arrived today that one takes oneself to the right and only inserts blank women in a service that is reserved for the man. King Uzziah was a leper, today it is all churches and denominations who have been there!
4) Female Pastors, elders, teachers, and female worship leaders who act in male clothes and exposes during his life has now become so common and in that there is no apparent responsive. This provoked only one thing, it's sex and the sex lives of people. No wonder that divorce and remarriage statistics and other things are on top in the PinseKaresmatiske movements and churches.
Scripture speaks again and again to dress modestly and that a woman should be covered during the service. Here is the opposite and it has become "normal". Saying than accept this as they curse you or laugh at you. Everything since! Here we have wolves in sheep's clothing, I am much afraid.
5) One does not make up sin, but pushes it under "blanket".
Something that many Free Church and other Christians also do. Yet I will say that the worst is where the Pentecostal Charismatic Christians. Those qualities, can not and do not about make up either their own or point out the sins of others so they get the opportunity to go in themselves and repent. I'm warning against this is that said hearing that I have certain sin in your life, alleged, etc. But those who this applies, they are by and large it all mostly free. God is "gracious" and we are not the promised etc. All of this is an excuse for not making up his sin and get everything up and brought to light.
6) Prophecies
It is amazing this I have now seen in more than thirty years. A prophecy is so important and great that all other realities do not apply. Whether it is the word of God, the circumstances or what it may be. If a person gets a prophecy, it shall be tested scripture says. But what have I learned? In fact, if the prophecy is tried, and it turns out that it is not true. What I have been told time and time again? That I'm negative, judgmental and do not see what God is doing etc. I believe in prophecy, but I believe in "control" it up with reality. And above all, the word of God. And there are some simple rules of thumb. Does a person prophesied before? Was it a true prophecy? Checking the "new" about the prophecy with forje struck, if not then forget it "new", it will in all probability fail. And try it on the word of God, and try it on if he lives a holy life and not eg. is married to a believer.
7) The truth is beginning to come to light.
There is something strange I've seen. It is the existence of so-called Christian "stars." But communicates the word of God? If anyone comes up and the church of God but are liberal or live a life indecent. Then it is never true progress. Then it is a "proof" that the church is in apostasy way. Are the ministers and others who come up and forward, and they do not live for Christ. Then it is a sign of weakness and a strong sign that the church curve is downward and not upward.
8) Those who are truly dangerous for the church of God is taken in and with kid gloves.
Something I have seen time and time again is the injustice it is that they will follow the word of God, they are some of the closest nedsablet and stamped by the so-called Christian leaders and pastors. While those who really should have been shut out and "frozen" out and been handed over to Satan that the Apostle Paul speaks to the Corinthians. They are either kept silent about or closed in the heat of the parish community. Everything gets really turned on its head as to how it should be according to God's word.
9) They are an asset and something has to give, they are often treated very tough.
Church Life in Norway loves mediocrity. It is not exactly the same world, nor what is right 100% according to the word of God. It's mine between what God wants, and that is according to God's word. And it is not as extreme as the world is doing. There we find the so-called "healthy" church. It is neither healthy, good or right. And those are really a capacity, they are being held without past. But that's what I say, my everything in between, they are praised, it is mediocrity that prevails. Or as scripture says about the church at Laodicea that you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold. Therefore, I will spew thee out of my mouth God says about today's Norwegian Christian I am much afraid and convinced. And I do not find any change in the positive for the large and the whole among the believers here in Norway and Europe.
10) History repeats itself, as it has unfortunately always been!
We all know the shuttle wing law. Such is unfortunately also the church and revival Christendom. Today it is about to be the deepest, bigger drop than it was in medieval darkness. Not least in the Protestant world here in Norway where everything is now permitted. One can live in the sins of wills, there is always a church, church or community that welcomes you. I've written a lot about the remarriage of believers sin by God's word. This and many other sins that go with the evil eye, lie, slander, and more are also available, but more sophisticated and hidden. Let me take an example of this that I have experienced. I have on several occasions asked to help with food in some way, but to get it paid back. What has happened? Can not remember that some church leaders about who stands behind his words, if they are Christians. But my experience of the world's children is that they always keep their word about if it comes to money. That's how I see it so prevalent among believers not to keep his word that I would call it lying?
Final comment:
Yesterday's leaders are "Saul leaders", as we hope and believe that today's youngsters had been "David Christian". But unfortunately it has gone from bad to worse! I know anyway remedy. It is prayer, surrender, purification and to start studying the scriptures again. Then you will see that the next generation will be like an army that stands up for the one true God in Jesus' name!
We must unfortunately say that yesterday's leaders and pastors have failed. And then, today's leaders and pastors have not had the opportunity and privilege to be trained, reconditioned and become aware of what is really required. The Christian life is to require all of us. Therefore, it is about making sure we have role models, examples and pastors who live and wander please God. And that teaches what it involves going way of the Lord.
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