Nr. 438:
We're never going to meet some holy spirit neither on the earth, under the earth or in heaven. Believe this is the doctrine of devils and seducing spirits learning, thinking and infiltration!
I know that such Benny Hinn teaches that the Holy Spirit has a body, and believes that we should meet three gods in heaven. As I understand the vast majority of Christians they know very little about this subject and has thus not taken a position on this except that than condemn those who take up this subject. But what scripture teaches? Scripture teaches that there is one on the throne, the only true God, the Father. At his right sits his beloved Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only true God, and our Lord and Savior and mediator between us and him.
I think it is biblical to imagine that we will meet two people sitting on the throne. A centerpiece of the Father. And the son sits at his right side. But I'm excited and it will be great if I get to experience this, along with everyone who reaches there. Illustration picture shows the only true God the Father is the one that should be asked and worshiped more than any other, even the Son Jesus Christ urged again and again to call him their God, which he also did himself. And pray to him. Even in Jesus' model prayer was, "Our Father who is in heaven" that applied!
Do we need to know who God is?
This is of course a very topic, but we need to know something about God's character, what he requires of us and especially to have a false and unbiblical understanding of him. God is both good and rigorous teaching writing.
Rom. 11. 22 Then watch as God's goodness and severity: Strictness against those who have fallen, but the dig is God's kindness, if you hold thee to his kindness, otherwise you too will be cut off.
We meet all the places in Scripture that it is God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ we are dealing with, never a second divine person called the Holy Spirit.
Daniel 7 9 As I watched this, was it put chairs up, and the Ancient of days sat: his garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was aflame, and the wheels on it were burning fire . 10 A stream of fire flowed forth and went out from him: thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him, the court was set, and the books were opened.
This must be God, Father, no one else fits that description.
Daniel 7 13 I saw in the night visions, seeing how one like a son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was brought to him. 14 And there was given him dominion and glory and kingdom, and all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom is a kingdom that can not be destroyed.
This must be Jesus Christ? There is no one else who fits that description. Where do we find a third divine person here or elsewhere? Never, except to the bluff with the wrong Bible translation which I reproduce here:
Since the New Testament of the Greek manuscripts were published in 1516, a scholar named Erasmus did not include these verses to the great hubbub of his theological opponents who maintained that he was viciously removed trinity from the Bible. Erasmus replied that he could not find this part in any of the Greek manuscripts he knew. And here goes the story. He challenged his opponents to produce a Greek manuscript of the Trinity. If they did it, he would include it in the next edition of the NT. In response produced his opponents a manuscript or at least they got a produced. Some copied John's first letter from the Greek and added these verses and presented them to Erasmus. As the honorable man he was, he included these verses in the next edition.
It was this version that became the basis for the King James version, which was important in the historical Bible in English. These verses are still in the King James version but not the newer and more reliable translations.
This is why an older generation of readers of the English Bible was assumed that the Bible taught the dogma of the Trinity, although this is not found in any Greek manuscripts in more than a thousand years.
So what is the most reliable? The Greek manuscripts or the much later Latin?
Now let this be very clear, I stick to the original Greek manuscript. Then one must reject both the Trinity and Jesus only doctrine and belief in only one God, the Father, and that he only has one and only Son, Jesus Christ!
This is from my commentaries Revelation 5 1. And I saw him that sat on the throne, had a book in his right hand. It was written both inside it and out, and it was sealed with seven seals.
It sits on the throne of the Father. Here is a book that is sealed with seven seals.
It is in both interior and exterior. What is written and the content is not known. But God knows much more about everything than those we find in the Bible. God is infinite, incomprehensible great, rich and he is inscrutable.
2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, "Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?"
But this rich and important scroll are some worthy to open it and break its seals?
Here we see what God sees when it comes to humans.
Rom. 3. 10 For it is written:
There is no one who is righteous, not even one. 11 There is no one who is sane,
no one who seeks God.
12 All have gone astray, everyone is corrupt,
there is no one who does good, not even one.
13 Their throat is an open grave;
they are false words on the tongue,
lower lips, they ormegift,
14 in mouth curses and harsh words. 15 They are fast on foot when they want to shed blood, 16 Destruction and misery in their footsteps. 17 The way of peace they have not known, 18 and the fear of God they know not of.
3 But neither in heaven or on earth or under the earth was someone who could open the book and read it.
For the Apostle everything seemed hopeless now. No one can be allowed to open the book, neither to look thereon. Neither in heaven, on earth or under the earth.
Jeremiah 30 21 Their leader will be one of their own,
their ruler shall proceed from themselves.
I let him come and appear before me.
For who would otherwise venture life
by approaching me? says the Lord.
4 And I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open the book, neither to look thereon.
If God does not have a solution that has no other, either. Here the apostle cries much, because no one is found worthy to open the book. The world has many great people like Gandhi, Buddha, and many others. Religion Founders as Mohammed, Vardhaman Mahavira and many others. But none of them are worthy!
5 And one of the elders said to me, "Do not weep! For the lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed, and he is the one who can open the scroll and its seven seals. "
But one of the twenty-four elders with good tidings. It was one that is found worthy. He is worthy to open the scroll and its seven seals. Lion of Judah is Jesus. Jesus came from the tribe of Judah and lived to please God the Father at 100% and is found worthy. Root of David, he is also when King David through Joseph his ste Dad came out of the house and lineage of David.
6 Then I saw a Lamb: It was the middle of the circle, between the throne and the living creatures and the elders, and the Lamb looked like it was slaughtered. It had seven horns and seven eyes, and the eyes are the seven spirits who are sent out into all the earth.
Here something strange, a lamb that has been slaughtered in the center. That it has seven horns and seven eyes and seven Spirits of God goes with witnesses of Jesus' perfection therefore his dignity. Jesus is complete strength, wisdom, and he has the Spirit without measure. Seven are also seven sides and seven stands for perfection or complete,
At the seven Spirits of God, was sent beyond the Earth has to look at that all that God provided in Christ was and wanted God to get us to the part of man.
Joh. e 3 16 For God loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
7 Lamb came to him that sat on the throne, and took the book out of his right hand.
No one can come close to God and live. But when God the Son can acknowledge him fully. There is nothing impure and rebellious in him. Only dignity, grandeur, beauty, and goodness.
8 Then it took the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of saints.
When the Lamb takes the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb.
It is not only the Father who receives adoration and admiration, but also the Son.
But I also think that when we get to heaven, on earth. Is it only the Father and the Son to be asked to, adored and glorified and worshiped.
9 And they sang a new song:
You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals.
For You were slain
and with your blood ransomed for God
people of all tribes and tongues,
of all peoples and nations.
Here the Son is worshiped and glorified with the Father, then he is worthy. And it is out of all tribes and tongues of all nations. But the gateway to all of them is the same, with your blood ransomed for God.
10 To a kingdom you have done them,
priests to our God;
and they will reign on earth.
In Israel under the Old Covenant was only a few priests out of a tribe, the tribe of Levi. But the church's time and during the upcoming 1000 årsriket are all born-priests of the living God.
1. Pet. 2. 5 Be yourself living stones built up a spiritual temple! Become an holy priesthood, and offer spiritual sacrifices that God welcomes, through Jesus Christ.
11 And I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the living creatures and the elders - it was ten thousand times ten thousand, thousands upon thousands of them.
We read in Hebrews. 12. 22 to tens of thousands of angels. Or as it also says; angel myriads. There are a number of angels but now there is not room for them all before the throne. Now not only the four twenty representatives of all the saved to the throne. But all saved through time so there will be few angels now before the throne. The redeemed of all time will be so many that angels must give way.
12 And they cried with a loud voice:
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain,
worthy to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength,
honor and glory and thanks.
Again the ropes with a loud voice. In heaven there will be shouted loud because Jesus has been found worthy of the Father. Had Jesus been found worthy we'd all gone and lost forever been destroyed together with all unbelievers and all fallen angels.
13 And every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, yes, all that's there, I heard saying: He who sits on the throne, and the Lamb shall have all the thanks and praise, honor, and power forever and ever.
Here are two that shall be praised and glorified, who sits on the throne, and the Lamb shall have all the thanks and praise, honor, and power forever and ever.
Praying to the Holy Spirit and believe that the Holy Spirit is a separate divine person is nonsense and 100% unbiblical.
14 The four living creatures said, Amen. And the elders fell down and worshiped.
We read in Ezekiel these livsvesne. Ezekiel 1 14 Conduct for forward and back and was like lightning.
Then fold the four twenty elders fell down and worshiped the Father and the Son.
Fil. 2. 9 Therefore God has highly exalted him
and gave him the name above all names,
10 that every knee shall bow in the name of Jesus,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue confess
Jesus Christ is Lord, to God's glory!
To pray to and worship the Father and the Son is to "heaven" in advance!
Here is an article I wrote a few years ago, but slightly corrected:
Ap.gj.17. 29 Because we are God's offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like an image of gold or silver or stone, shaped by human art and thought.
This scripture is as far as I know the only deity mentioned in the Bible (and this are almost the same, here from my commentaries Colossians Dispenser Letter 2 9 In Him the fullness of the Godhead bodily present,
Again we are reminded of Christ. In him is all, not just some parts of the fullness present. Joh.e.1. 16 From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. This we have come in are super grace. Scripture must say, grace upon grace. We begin to suspect that the range for this is incredibly large. It includes all people and will last forever with resources and content that will always be satisfying and contains content that no one should have to feel tilkort kommenhet and unsatisfactory). Who is it? And which God himself gives testimony about himself?
Having been a Christian for 30 years so I understand that much of what we are engaging with church politics and much else that has to bring us forward in the spiritual realm. But so are many other things in life.
Remember when I was a kid and played football with buddies for hours was often the nicest time football kicking. As if one were to drive it organized so everything was so streamlined and controlled.
But such is progress and it must just accept.
So it is with the development of the "doctrine" of the deity in which the Trinity is strongest, but Jesus only doctrine also believe many of.
When we try to get some insight on this as well as understand the historical aspects, that its "dogma" is reached over time, we can not find the word trinity in the Bible only once. For many, this is shock to hear, but it is fact.
Much of today's Christianity is the result of several church meetings (an assembly of representatives from the church). The first was held in Nicaea in 325 After the separation between the Western Church and the Orthodox in 1054, it has not been possible to conduct meetings in which all Christendom has been collected.
Various Christian "society" (Protestants, Catholics, Orthodox, etc.) accept the results of different encounters, making their faith a little bit different from each other.
At such meetings, the decision of the Trinity, which gospels to include in the Bible, etc., have been taken (not sure about consensus or majority decisions was the prevalent). Possibly it was a good deal of lobbying and threats too.
At the Council of Nicaea in 325, a solution on a "to agree" with God and Jesus promoted. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity was first developed at the Council of Constantinople in 381
Trinity can be brought back to the ancient mythologies that existed long before Christianity. Eg. Egyptian. Osiris, Isis and Horus. Many of the elements of Christianity are taken from earlier religions, including in the process of introducing a new religion became part feasts, symbols, etc. "adopted" in order to ease the transition for those who are not quite ready for a new religion.
It was apparently also an option to decide that the Trinity consisted of God, Jesus and the Virgin Mary. It struck the fort down because it would be too controversial with a female member of the Trinity.
But what is it about the Trinity and Jesus only doctrine is wrong?
Firstly, to believe in a God who is either Trinitarian or shows itself in different ways, it was God who died on the cross. It does not teach the Bible, it was the human Jesus who died.
It is only the Father who is from everlasting son has gone out from him and got the same kind of glory in his pre-existence. It let him off for being you and me equal and died not as God, but as a human being. So he cried out on the cross. Matt. 27. 45 From the sixth hour was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. 46 At the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" It means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Moreover, it is totally against the Bible's presentation to make the Holy Ghost a second god or a second person in the Godhead.
The Holy Spirit is part of God as my and your spirit is a part of us.
This is where so many are wrong. But while it is Jesus after the resurrection of a certain kind become a part of God or deity. Jesus is a person beside the Father, but it is not the Holy Spirit.
Let me mention three passages where we see the Father and the Son together yet as two separate persons as the persons who saw them also perceived that way.
You can read John. Revelation. 5 and Acts 7 when Stephen saw the Father and Jesus.
We read in Daniel 7 9 I watched as
Tron chairs were set up,
and one that was ancient of days did sit.
His clothes were white as snow
and the hair of his head like pure wool.
His throne was fiery,
and its wheels were blazing fire.
10 A stream of fire flowed out,
and it went out in front of him.
Thousand thousands served him,
ten thousand, even tens of thousands stood before him.
Judgment was set, and the books were opened.
11 As I looked at this, the animal was killed for horn speaking great things. The body was destroyed and thrown into the fire to be burned. 12 The other animals were deprived of their sovereignty, time and the hour appointed for their lifetime.
13 Moreover, I saw in the night visions:
Behold, with the clouds of heaven
there came one like a son of man.
He approached the Ancient of Days
and was presented before him.
14 He received dominion, and glory;
peoples and tribes with different languages,
all nations shall serve him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
it shall not pass away;
his kingdom will never be destroyed.
The Ancient of Days is the Father and the Son is Jesus. It is to me very clearly and obviously both from God's word and my experience of we have to do with two people. This is what the apostle John also says in his 1st letter. And the first chapter V. 3 That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, that ye should have fellowship with us, we who have fellowship with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
But what about the Holy Spirit? Firstly this is a Spirit that is Holy! Who is it to reality? God the Father himself, and after Jesus' resurrection and ascension, even himself.
Acts 2. 33 He was exalted to the right hand of God and received of the Father the Holy Spirit that was promised us, and poured it. This is what you see and hear.
What does it say about God? That he is a Spirit more seats.
Joh.e. 4. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. "
Therefore we must not break the Holy Spirit from God himself, much less make him a person.
We as believers have received something from God Himself in our lives and hearts. It is the Holy Spirit, it is God himself who then dwells in our inner being, our spirit.
1. Joh.b. 4. 13 That we abide in him and he in us, we know because he has given us of his Spirit.
But this also says Jesus, the Holy Spirit will be sent. But he and the Father who dwells in us.
Joh.e. 14. 21 Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father. I too will love him and manifest myself to him. "22 Judas, not Iscariot, said to him," Lord, what is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world? "23 Jesus replied:
Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. 24 Whoever does not love me does not keep my words. And the word which you hear is not mine but the Father's who sent me. 25 These things have I told you while I was still with you. 26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
We read several places in the word of God the Father by his Spirit that dwells in us both now and the same Spirit to be in us forever.
Efes. 4. 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
1. Cor. 15. 28 And when everything is subject to him shall the Son also himself be subject to the God who put all things under him, that God may be all in all.
God will be all in all both in time and in eternity long.
But is this so important? I think that both those who believe in Jesus alone doctrine and unbiblical doctrine of the Trinity can be saved. But I like to go straight on the road with him and always let his words and truth will be crucial.
Heb. 13. 18 Pray for us! for we console ourselves that we have a good conscience, and would like danger right in all things.
Why go and believe and defend a doctrine is wrong and unbiblical teaching such that only Jesus and the Trinity?
Jesus was not God when He walked upon the earth, and He was God from all eternity with the Father.
Jesus has a beginning and have gone out from the Father, and he was 100% dependent on the Holy Spirit when he was human on Earth in 33 1 \ 2 years.
Acts 10. 38 namely, that Jesus of Nazareth was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit and power, and he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.
It is a two agreements but a trinity in the sense that the Father and the Son have a common spirit and power. Here it is right that the Holy Spirit is power and not a person.
Final Comment: This is a lot to say about. But I'll just end with the Holy Spirit is not a separate god person or something like that or direction. It is God the Father Spirit, if we have a spirit. Satan is a spirit, God has a Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is a general term for God and the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Just as Satan and Antichrist also get a feles term for the same. This is not really difficult, it's just a 1700 year tradition that has dogged this script provides a clear testimony that God is not vague and something that is a mystery. But he is the only true God, and he has a son who is his equal and has shown us who he is, it is his beloved Son Jesus Christ.
Joh. AD 14 8 Philip saith unto him, Lord! show us the Father and it is us enough! 9 Jesus saith unto him, so long time I have been with you, and you do not know me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father, how can you say, 'Show us the Father?
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