Nr. 436:
A reply to Mr teaching Apostle Pastor Torp! As fornicators one font, which also will "defend" PinseKaresmatiske Christianity in Norway, it must lead the wild?!
Pastor and Apostle January Aage Torp reveals again and again his lack of respect for others. He also emphasizes again and again his big ego grows bigger and bigger! Here he attacks me on his blog that he of course deleted that God showed me long ago that he is going to do with all that I have written well before then I have discovered that he is a true apostle, but a fake one and he is no true shepherd, but a hireling of the worst kind.
Pastor Torp attack me on his blog, referring more of their true colors than one could ask for. Self-centered, nasty, rude, narcissistic, and have left no qualms about trying to hit me hardest possible for yourself to get the best out of a situation he has put himself in by living as he has done and is doing. Hope for a conversion, self-awareness and change in Torp, I see almost an impossibility when he grayling have crowded it out so to himself that he would wake up I'm afraid that he had been so frightened of himself that even the expression as one finds in the picture screams had Torp cry over themselves become as bad as Judas who could not bear to see themselves and acknowledge their own mistakes that unfortunately he chose to end his own life. Do not hope something happens with Torp, but the massive delusion he lives in and leading others into is nothing short of a monumental disaster and scary! Here illustrated with photos scream painted by the renowned Norwegian artist and priest son Edvard Munch
Here is the statement that was a few days on his blog before he deleted it but a subsequent comment (all that God showed me that this is Torps tactics so that he does it again as expected, God spoke to me about it a long time ago) :
"Cut and Paste-Jan Kåre" about disease cause!
Posted on 13th January 2013 by Jan-Aage Torp
I discovered this morning to a recent blog post by Jan Kaare Christensen during the long title "Pastor Torp make a big deal out of the fact that he was healed! And it is then understandable when he was not living right with God! "
I'm not going to say much about this, as I know Jan Kåre over many years as a man without the deepest thoughts. He has learned to "cut and paste" functions on their PCs, and from there, his "theological" thundering speeches, including his volume strong regurgitation against remarriage and the Trinity doctrine, and untalented, obnoxious character executions of January Hanvold, Emanuel Minos, Aril Edvardsen & Co. I invited Jan Kåre a call for eight to ten months ago, to see if I could help him to find himself, but I realized sadly that Jan Kåre has found its decibel strength, and I removed as soon as a couple of comments from my blog, which I probably will do this too. I cuisine instead always focus toward sincere people with independent thoughts and integrity!
But his long headline today surprises even me, believe it or not. At the good (?) Jan Kåre even in their emotions argue that my hip surgery because I was "not living right with God," beyond my wildest imagination about what his mindless cutting and pasting could commit.
Comment on posts by Andreas Hesselberg: I'm just saying: Uffa me. Being fairly stated by Mr. Christensen. I even got a congenital hip disease which means I most likely have to operate your hip when I'm older. I do not think that makes me a servant of Satan. Until January Kåre enlightenment: although Paul had some "thorn in the flesh". (End of quote).
"Apostle" and "Pastor" Torp trying to hit me hardest possible in order to protect themselves, the Bible describes as hireling
The prophet writes, "when I know Jan Kåre over many years as a man without the deepest thoughts."
This says a man who really did fail altogether with regard to live as a Christian when he has left everything to a young new wife, talk to even have deep thoughts?! This is the way I read my Bible to be carnal, sensual, and take care to ensure maxi painted himself. Everything other than being Christlike and his successor! But it is so important to the apostle? He loves to promote themselves and be in the spotlight, it outweighs everything else about it is to throw one or the other on the door. Torp appear more and more like a tyrant, psychopath and self-centered that it's scary, but poor guy does not see it himself. Far from those who follow him and believe in his message! But I have not said that a man with deep thoughts even though I now celebrate sølvbryllups days these days and going to a regular job and otherwise manage me excellent and good in society.
Torp broadsides against me all he could, poor Torp, attack is the best defense, but we need to even have your back to the turn through Mr teaching Apostle Pastor Torp!
The Apostle writes: "He has learned to" cut and paste "functions on their PCs, and from there, his" theological "thundering speeches, including his volume strong regurgitation against remarriage and the Trinity doctrine, and untalented, obnoxious character executions of January Hanvold, Emanuel Minos, Aril Edvardsen. "
Torp, I have been involved in the PinseKaresmatiske environment over 30 years so I do not get my information by anyone other than myself, as the over 30 years I have experienced so much of unbiblical teachings, failed prophecies, humbug, hypocrisy, megalomania and much else that paste and cut is not what I base myself on. But what I have experienced and it will then see if you want it I'll get from others is only possible to illustrate that there are so many really who has experienced much of the same. That there were wolves in sheep's clothing and you are one of them and why are you so angry, sullen and unfair against me when I have both revealed up and gone right with you!
Apostle and Prophet Torp stamps me and judge me, but he can not even be judged, when one goes against the "Lord's" servant, this is narcissism and psychopath in action
The Apostle writes: "I always dishes instead focus towards sincere people with independent thoughts and integrity!"
How can Torp write something such nonsense? For I am 100% sincere and believe that I have my on dry land. And of course, God is my ultimate judge. And is there anyone who has independent thoughts, then it must be me. Is there something I'm really, it's opinions that go beyond the norm without. But fine, if Torp mean I do not have integrity, but he? When I became not how a five child's father divorce and marry shortly afterwards with one that is 20 years younger and I who has three children and is now celebrating Silver Weddings and have not ever initiated relative to other than my beloved wife has less integrity than a dirty old man?!
Comment by Andreas Hesselberg
I'm just saying: Uffa me. Being fairly stated by Mr. Christensen. I even got a congenital hip disease which means I most likely have to operate your hip when I'm older. I do not think that makes me a servant of Satan. Until January Kåre enlightenment: although Paul had some "thorn in the flesh". (End of quote).
Where "dirty" is where collected "flies"!
Do Hesselberg from Christian blog that he was, and here he has no head read what I've written about the disease and the cause of the disease. That he has a congenital disease what does that Torp and his alleged healing that still was no cure I do not know. It's just a regurgitation Hesselberg this comes with and a thank you for last. I have never claimed and thought along these lines he writes that because Torp was not healed as regards all matters equally to all. This is as unthinkable and meaningless it is possible to have remained Hesselberg to come by. You can not mix bananas and oranges or pears and apples. Wake up yourself and do not go with an evil eye to someone, it always turns back on yourself! That we were in fundamental disagreement etc. It can not blend into this debate here!
The Apostle writes: "That the good (?) Jan Kåre even in their emotions argue that my hip surgery because I was" not living right with God. "
Torp has understood one thing, that I think that he is not healed because he is living in adultery, he shall have!
The real issue is that I believe that an honest and biblical life also produces biblical fruit. Here Torp fails completely. He does not live in accordance with God's words when he's divorced and re-married as believers, Pastor and Apostle. And this happened quickly and indecent. It's not just that Torp was separated, but in what way. All testify that here we are dealing with an extreme, self-centered and self-confident person can do what he did. All witnesses against harbor that he is not a true believer Jesus. How Torp is, Jesus Christ just the opposite. Therefore it's a mistake that Torp shall in any way defend and stand up for the Christian message, and when he makes himself as a proponent of Pentecostal message I do not understand that the Pentecostal movement in Norway is publicly saying that he does not realize we are being neither Christian and belong to our movement?
Final Comment: Why do Apostle Torp always clear what he writes about me? Does not he for it or what is it?
It is something that God spoke to me when I first had to do with Torp. That he was going to remove all that he had before written about me. It's good to be informed by God in advance! He he Torp. Are you not good recovery, but you must repent total from everything. Step out of your alleged Apostle ministry and the Apostle network you think you have is just nonsense! Wake up, repent and get your marriage annulled and go back to your first right and wife, or live alone. Then you will see that God is going to bless you and give them their peace far beyond what you ever before have experienced, God loves you. Her you now have is not your wife said John the Baptist Herod was "illegal" and married the same words apply to you wanting to be anything out of the ordinary!
This is from his wedding with his 20 years younger new wife, where Dr. Emanuel Minos gives an address for the new couple. It is in that Torp has won acceptance, particularly Pentecostal charismatics such Oddity Minos endorse him. But they should and should remove themselves as far away from Torp as possible and throw him out of everything Christian church community to do. It is biblical church discipline as God's word recommend!
Scripture teaches that we are to rejoice in our first and straight wife, not number two or three in a row! Torp, you are living in sin and need to repent and get your marriage annulled so that you live as a true Jesus believer and a true Christian is the message to Torp and peers!
Proverbs 5.18 to 19
"Enjoy your youth wife, the loving hind, graceful gazelle! Rejoice always at her bosom, her love alone fill up!"
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