No. 1100:
It is nit-picking to be concerned with whether Jesus is born, created or formed, as long as it is God Yahweh is his origin!
Picture Jesus's resurrection there an Angel "guarding" the grave but Father had already awakened Jesus and he had been given a new and wonderful glorious body that we one day will get, as long as we have faith.
Room. 1 3 It is the gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, come as a human descendant of David, 4 by the Spirit of holiness vindicated as God's mighty Son by the resurrection from the dead.
Joh. 13. 3 Jesus knew that the Father had given all things into his hand and that he was come from God and went to God.
16. 28 I came from the Father and have come into the world. I am leaving the world and going to the Father.
Through several article powerful evidence that Jesus is the only true God, but a created being that we all others. It is only and solely Yahweh God Father Who only hath immortality, and that no one can juxtapose themselves with and when. Even Jesus said that God was bigger than him, but denying than Jesus' own words, so one can also defend the Trinity. This is all really about liberals versus theology. Where the word of God says that Jesus is the firstborn among many brothers etc.
No people are literally children of God - we are all adopted sons and daughters. But God's word says that we are children of God, we shall not believe God that we are his children? Or should we engage with nit-picking and waive adoption?
We are actually as much a child of God who Jesus is, although we are not legitimate children like him. We are all adopted into God's family. Not just that we have adopted, we are also adopted from God's enemy - Satan. Yet scripture says we are BORN AGAIN! HMMM, should not the Trinity contradict God even here, they invent a trinity doctrine which is absolutely absurd and that really no one can understand, why this mystification and this arcane regarding the Trinity.
I wrote this in a previous article that I will bring, illustrating what I here say:
If Jesus is born or created has no significance as the word of God says it's the same thing! Here only confuses than ignoring what's important, that Jesus came forth from God the Father - Yahweh.
Psalm 139. 13 For thou hast possessed my reins:
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I thank you that I am so wondrously made.
During your works are wonderful, I know that well.
15 The bones mine was not hidden from you
when I was made in secret show and woven deeply into the soil.
16 Your eyes saw me when I was a fetus.
All days are written in your book,
they got form before one of them came.
17 Your thoughts, O God, is precious to me,
the sum of them is unimaginable!
There is a huge, huge nonsensical when one is concerned about Jesus are created or born, that cause the same after the word learn.
Is a totally twisted religious as are more concerned with words and expressions, than with what lies behind the words and what they represent. If one says that Jesus is shaped, formed, created, or born, so it cause the same. Jesus came forth from the Father, as he himself said (Joh.e. 16. 28 I came from the Father and have come into the world. I am leaving the world and going to the Father.)
Here reviewing David how he was in the womb and then born.
Notice how David describes everything that happened to him in the womb before he was born.
For thou hast possessed my reins; you knit me in my mother's womb. Furthermore, he writes, wondrously made. Even the bones were not hidden from you when I was made in secret show and woven deeply into the soil.
The Bible describes the new birth and being a creature in the same way. Why a suspended up in if I or others use this about Jesus that he is a creature, or if he is born? There is something totally stupidity of it all, all together it is Yahweh who is behind, it keeps to know.
Joh.e. 3. 3 Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he can not see the kingdom of God."
Same experience describes the apostle Paul here: 2 Cor. 5. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come!
And not only this, here we find the Bible describes the new birth once more: Titus 3 5 He saved us,
not because of our righteousness,
but because he is merciful.
He saved us
the bathroom which regenerates
and renewing by the Holy Spirit,
When the new birth referred to as a bathroom. Thought so wonderful and great that the Bible describes the same issue, just from different angles so that the whole, the diversity and the details will manage and better off!
Final Comment:
Now you can choose either to be difficult, or open up for biblical truths. What is the point of this I here teach, it is that Jesus has a beginning, which Yahweh has not. This is the Bible's clear teaching, that it is only and only God - Yahweh who has no beginning, and immortality. Jesus died, which says that he has something that Yahweh does not have. And who raised him from the dead? Yahweh, not himself, he was dead.
From my commentaries Ephesians 1. 19 and where very His power is with us who believe. With this power and strength
I must say that the term fullness of him who fills all in all, has been the subject of many interpretations. I will not weary you with them. I think the verse must be understood from the parallel in Colossians 2.9 to 10 In him the whole fullness deity bodily present, 10 and in Christ, who is the head of all principalities and powers, you also have taken part in this fullness.
All that Jesus is and has, he has given to the church by the Holy Spirit. We are filled with him. Therefore, the same force that God showed by raise Jesus from the dead, available with us who believe ,!
We believe this? Why complain when we so often over his own impotence? It is not interesting at all. God is able to let his force working through our weakness, yes, just when it seems the strongest!
This is what Paul testifies in 2 Corinthians 12.9. He struggled with a weakness, a thorn in the flesh, and asked to drop it. But God answered: "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." - And then comes the strong words: therefore will I rather glory in my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest in me.
II. How do we get triggered this power between us?
Yes, this is all well and good, but to be honest, we see not so much to this mighty force. Will it be just fine words of a preacher who is paid to say it, or is it experienced reality in our own lives and in our congregation?
I think we have a lot of good with God, but he must be allowed to escape to in our lives.
And he does when we praise, give thanks, pray as Paul does in this paragraph - and when we obey Him.
When we pray that God's word, then we can be certain that we pray in accordance with God's will, and when our prayers are fulfilled.
1. Praise and prayer are inextricably linked.
When we praise and thank God, whether by our words or with our song, either with the good old songs or new choirs, so attention is drawn towards God and opens us for everything he has given us in Christ.
Thank Prayer focuses on who we pray to. The lift our gaze from the problems that can make us discouraged, the problem solver, and then we will be bold.
b. And when we pray, we stretch up our empty hands and welcomes what he wants to give us. In prayerful conversation with God the Holy Spirit to show us what he wants us to do.
c. And so we see that Paul thank God for the church he writes to. Now there was good reason for it, for he had heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, v.16
20 he traveled Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in heaven,
You bear Christ oppstandelskraft in you. Then you share in his resurrection. When Jesus rose from the dead, so we stood up with him, because we are in him. How blessed it is to be in Jesus.
Hugo Odeberg say about our resurrection that it means "the whole human personality restoration of full stature, whereby nothing of what is man himself, is missing in it." In our profession, we say that we believe in the resurrection of the body. We should occur with our whole person, with our personality touch. When Jesus was human, he is human forever. In the same way you should be human in eternity. 1 Cor 15,42.43 speaks of the resurrection: "It is sown is perishable, it occurs in sincerity. It is sown in dishonor, it arises in glory. It is sown in weakness, it occurs in power." 1 Corinthians 15.42 to 43.
"Son of man shall send his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and those who do iniquity. And shall cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like sun in their Father. He who has ears, let him hear! " Matt 13.41 to 43.
But we shall also be spiritual people filled when we shall be like Jesus and the angels. My commentaries Mark 12. 25 For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
When we go into the eternal state and get a new body that Jesus. We will not have children as we get here. The Bible speaks little about our eternal state, but few words we have. One of the best is the apostle Peter.
2. Pet.3. 13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
So we conclude by saying that "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and to go through the gates into the city." Rev. 22.14.
21 over all principalities and powers, above all the majesty and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in the coming.
Matthew 28 from verse 18:
"And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying: I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth! Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you until the end! "
Power = authority
I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth! What does that mean?
We meet the expression "all power" twice in the Bible:
1 Corinthians 15.24: Then comes the end, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all rule and all authority and power.
Kol 2,10: And in him you have been filled, he who is the head of all rule and authority.
What do you understand by the word power? Imagine a little about, what other words do you think could be replaced here without changing opinion? We have a saying that reads: "It is the power that reigns" With this expression we believe that brute force or psychic powers are what ultimately determine what happens. It comes in the schoolyard, in many homes and in world politics.
Now it is clear that a word in one language is never completely identical to a word in another language. Thus we see that a word can be translated several different in another language, depending on the context in which it is used. So it is with the Bible translations, and we will take a closer look at. For if we are to understand the meaning of words in the Bible, we must look at how the Bible uses the words.
The Greek word translated power in the word of Jesus as the theme is "exusia."
It translates a little different, and I think we should look at some verses that use this word, but the translation is a little different. Let's begin with some verses in Colossians:
For in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers (exusia). All things were created by him and for him. Kol 1,16
And in him you have been filled, he who is the head of all rule and authority. (exusia) Kol 2,10
There are various powers and authorities in both the visible and the invisible world. But over them all come Jesus who created them and who is their head, we read here. In prophecy we read that Jesus would make this power / authority, as in Daniel 7.14:
And there was given him dominion, (exusia) glory and kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages, should serve him. His dominion (exusia) is an everlasting dominion (exusia) which shall not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never perish.
It was a Roman officer who understood this to be granted authority, and stated in connection with his meeting with Jesus:
For I myself am a man under authority (exusia), and I have soldiers under me. I say to one, 'Go! and he goes, and to another, Come! and he comes, and to my servant, Do this! he does it. Mt 8.9
Jesus has all power, all authority. It is not something he has robbed to him, or something he in any unlawfully has acquired. No, he has been given all authority in heaven and on earth as we have read. Jesus also is under a higher authority, namely the Father himself. And he has not gotten his authority for his own part, empowerment and authority assigned always for a purpose:
As thou hast given him power (exusia) over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to all whom you have given him. Jn 17,2
Therefore hear the word about att Jesus is given all power so closely connected with the Great Commission or dåpsbefalingen as we call it. It is he who is appointed by the highest authority who calls his people to bet.
Many have doubted that he really has this authority to forgive sins. We remember how it was back then some men tore open the roof to four his lame friend down to Jesus. When he forgave the paralyzed man his sin. The scribes thought inwardly that this was blasphemy, for no one but God had authority to forgive sin. But when Jesus answered their thoughts by saying:
But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins Mrk 2.10
And so he healed the lame man right before their eyes as proof that he had the authority both to forgive sins and heal the sick.
Jesus has already done the main job so we can read it in Colossians:
He disarmed the principalities and powers (exusia) and asked them openly, as he proved triumphing over them in it. Kol 2,15
Wherefore fact that we have been granted authority / power to become children of God in John 1.12.
Jesus calls his friends to a victorious battle where the outcome is already known. But here queried by faithfulness and obedience to Christ, the head and the very highest authority. He who calls you is the same as that gave the disciples the authority both to:
Have power (exusia) to heal diseases and cast out demons: Mrk 3.15
We can basically advantageously learn of the Pharisees and scribes in their encounter with Jesus. They asked him by what authority he healed and forgave sin. (NB 11.33) Where he had been authorized to do it from. They were right in that there were only two options: either it was with authority and authority of God, or else it was with authority from Satan that he did this. The sad thing was that they were not willing to take the consequences of what they must have realized on the basis of their knowledge of the Bible, that Jesus had to have his authority from God himself.
There are many different principalities and powers in the human sandbox. But in the real world there are mentioned two power spheres reflecting that there are two kingdoms. And we are not talking about nations or powers in the ordinary sense, but the darkness and the kingdom of light:
He is the one who rescued us from the power of darkness (exusia) and brought us into his dear Son. Col. 1.13
It's known to us, but what is perhaps not so well known is that Satan also authorized. Now he mostly tried to rob them of power and authority as the great lies and phoney he is. But it is strange that, when people bow down to him, so they give him power and authority even if he should not have had it!
These have one mind, and their own power and the power they give to the animal. Rev. 17.13
Therefore Satan when he tempts Jesus say:
To you I will give all this authority and their glory. For me it has been given, and I give it to whomever I want. Lk 4,6
Otherwise we recall from the Old Testament that God allowed Satan to afflict Job, he was awarded the power and authority.
When Jesus was captured and crucifixion, it was an interesting conversation between him and Pilate. Pilate, Jesus reminds that he has the power to crucify him or set him free. Jesus answered:
You would have no power over me if it were not given you from above. Jn 19.11
Although Pilate by human reasoning was right, as he demonstrated how we think in our human sphere. We have our power structures, but forget that there is a higher power outside ourselves that has the final say.
So one could Saul travel around with authority from the chief priests to throw Christians in jail, but found that he stood over the high priests would use him for something completely different. Thus he writes in his letter to the Romans about the potter who is lord (exusia) over the camp. And we remember the words of the prophet Jeremiah who tells us about the Master who has the authority to reprogram us so he will.
Precisely because sin is to go beyond their jurisdiction, to disobey God and His instructions, also belongs power and strength with power and authority.
Short one can say that Jesus has exusia, authority and thereby also the power and strength that allows him to carry out what he says. When he drives out demons he does it with "exusia" and "dynamis," with authority and power (Luke 4.36). The first word we have already talked about, secondly, we know from the word dynamite. But this is more powerful cases of dynamite has no power to do anything about Satan and his servants. When we read in the Gospels about the miracles Jesus did, so is the dynamis deeds.
And this force, dynamis, is because God Himself is dynamis, and Jesus will sit at the right hand. Mtt 26.64
Therefore, Jesus not only with authority but also with power from on high. The same "exusia" and "dynamis" he gave to his disciples:
He called together the twelve and gave them power (dynamis) and authority (eksusia) over all devils, and to cure diseases. Lk 9.1
That does not mean we always can take authority over diseases such individual claims. For Jesus could with authority to heal the sick in their own name. We must do it in his name by asking him to do it. We can not command him standing over us! It has no authority.
But we read about the first Christian martyr, Stephen, that he was full of grace and power, dynamis. And we read in Acts that the disciples did miracles. Paul writes more about this in 1 Corinthians 12.29 where he emphasizes that this is grace fitting for service where God equips some such and other such. God's "dynamis" hear words with even today.
What kind of power and power is what Jesus received? It is the power that the United States show in the Persian Gulf or youth gangs show with a knife or other weapon?
No, this question here considerably stronger than matters such pusleri. But we should understand that, we must learn to think differently. We must learn to look at the universe in a different way than the radio, TV and newspapers do.
That's about as Elisha and the servant who saw an army come to take Elisha prisoner, and where the server was terrified and desperate. But God opened his eyes to the boy so he could see and what he saw:
the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
But how did God saw this over power? Came to fight there on the mountain? Yes, it did, but in a completely different way: God smote them with blindness so that they do not recognize him. Then he led them to Samaria where they got their eyes opened when they were surrounded by the army of Israel. They escaped with humiliation, and God defended his prophet.
God's power / power manifests itself in a different way than the human.
We think based on what we see and experience on a daily basis. Maybe it can help in the understanding to compare the difference between animals and humans. The animals know nothing of armed force, and then either nothing to line up with the guns. The finding that there is a stronger power, but they do not understand what it is like. Something similar is the relationship between humans and the spiritual world. Here we meet forces beyond our control with. But there are also forces acting on an entirely different way than what we are used to.
We see this clearly through biblical history as in the example of Elisha. But we read through the Bible we see all the way that it is as follows:
We remember the Israelites who won when Moses kept his arms raised (in prayer) but lost when the arms sank. (2.Mos 17.10 to 11)
Gideon won with so few men that there could be no doubt that it was a completely different force that gave victory.
The siege of Samaria where the entire enemy army fled from all over the neck and head, and enemy army around Jerusalem who hastily returned home.
Calvary, is probably the strongest, where God chooses suffering and death to save us! It is so obvious that here it is quite different weapons of war than the people put their trust. And we are called to be followed also in this.
and how overwhelming greatness of his power (dynamis) is for us who believe, by the working of his mighty power. It was this he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in heaven above all principality and power (exusia), of all might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in the coming. Ephesians 1.19 to 21
Then comes the end, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all rule and all authority (exusia) and power. (dynamis) 1 Corinthians 15.24
The power of God is stronger than human power, and of an entirely different character. Therefore, it is dangerous when we maketh flesh our arm and trust human power and strength. When we liter of weakness, while we intend to weakness, infirmity, in reality strength. Paul writes bluntly that when he is weak he is strong, "dynamis". And now we come into the midst of the Sunday school work we stand up in, and everything else Christian work for that matter.
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onsdag 30. desember 2015
mandag 28. desember 2015
No. 1099: Jesus greatness lies in his origins - Yahweh! Our humiliation lies in our origin - the first fallen and sinful Adam!
No. 1099:
Jesus greatness lies in his origins - Yahweh! Our humiliation lies in our origin - the first fallen and sinful Adam!
Photo of Adam - that makes us human in ourselves is hopelessly lost.
"The Fall and expulsion of the Garden of Eden", frescoed by Michelangelo to Sistine Chapel Ceiling in Rome, painted ca. 1509.
Origin of Jesus is God the Father - Yahweh.
Our origins as humans are much, much worse, indeed it is in many ways useless. It is Adam that God himself had to cast out of the Garden of Eden when he was a rebel and saw it myself.
We humans have an impossible starting to save and preserve ourselves, because everything the first Adam when we all have his genes and seed in us.
Paul teaches about this in Romans 5. Here we see the contrast between Jesus and us humans. And what is the big, big difference? Basically.
We can compare it to run 100 m. Against the world's fastest man and have a backpack on 1 Tonn. We are guaranteed to lose in advance.
Taking from Carl Olof Rosenius commentaries on this subject in Romans 5. 12 - 21. concerning our starting point.
Now we come to the second part of this chapter, verses 12-19. In the first and second chapter, Paul has described the prodigal state all men are in: sin, but also the only way to salvation: Settlement / reconciliation through Christ, and justification by faith (chapter 3). This has apostle affirmed with scriptural evidence (Chapter 4). So he has in the first part of this chapter briefly hinted that blissful state, the eternal grace and confidence, which they own, those who are justified by faith. Now he sums up all this in one big and wonderful portrayal of
God's grace in our salvation. He shows that as sin, death and condemnation came upon all men, only through one, Adam, so also grace, justice and life come only through one, our Lord Jesus Christ.
First (v.12) directed our attention to the ancestor we inherited sin from. He shows that "because of sin" death entered the world. This means then of course that "the wages of sin is death" (as he fly closer in chapter 6:23) and therefore not strike any man who has not sinned. This is not just a conclusion we have found, but the apostle's own words, that "death came to all men, because all sinned." With this, he stated without equivocation that all those who are subjected to death, are sinners. But Paul foresaw the many would perceive this as very hard speech, and that the interior specifically supposed to go on that sin (which is always this that a law is broken) in any case could not be imputed to the people before the law was given through Moses. Therefore Paul responds promptly to such (v.13-14) when he says that the fact that death ruled over people even before Moses, proving that sin was in the world and was counted people. But this follows then also that a law had to be given them. This is the meaning and reasoning in v.12-14.
In v.14 he stated that Adam "typifies the one who was to come". This refers to that Adam was the origin of sin and death, even as Christ is the source of justice and life. But then he v.15-17 the great inequality that it simultaneously is: How far greater gift is through Christ than we lost through Adam. Following these conclusions, he takes up again (v.18-19) the introduction he began with v.12: "Just as sin entered the world through one man". And now comes the sequel one waiting for mentioned earlier, "even so by one man's act of righteousness leads to justification of life all people".
12: Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned -
Therefore, i.e. now that we are reconciled with God through Jesus Christ (v.10-11), so we, who are all under sin (Chapter 1 and 2), however, are justified by faith in Christ (chapter 3 and 4 ) *, have peace with God and the hope of his glory in heaven, and glory of God Himself - then it follows that happened, these counsels of God the reasons themselves: "Just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin, "so also comes justice, and because of righteousness: life through one man. The addition has thus Paul, as mentioned earlier, not immediately expressed here. The suggested albeit through the words that Adam typifies the one who was to come (v.14). But in v.18-19 gets this Addendum clearly stated.
* It could probably appear to be most natural to assume that dia touto ("therefore") just referring to what was said immediately preceding (v.10-11). But it is clear that here summarizes Paul absolutely everything he has taught so far in the letter, that both of mankind's sin, and of salvation through Christ. When one understands that he has everything he previously preached in mind, right from Chapter 1: 18 before he next three chapters begins to speak in more detail about what follows from their faith.
Wake up, all you who are thirsty! Come and get water! Here you will find a ineffable, very comforting. Is this God's advice and opinion, that, as we were sinners, wrath and death children, through one man's disobedience, - we shall also through one man's obedience receive justice, friendship of God and eternal life? Yes, it is ultimately the Law covenant terms - for the thirsting and receive the justice of Christ -! End of that we live a fearful Christian life built on our own obedience and righteousness.
In this text states everywhere: "Through one man". Through one man we inherited sin and death. Through one we have righteousness and life. Because it is not called through each one, but through one, then we poor sinners begin to rejoice in hope. Then road through our own righteousness annihilated. Just like a large mountain crashed down over a small rickety houses, and shattered it completely so crushes also this message every individual merit, and shows us that we will have to turn to an entirely different way, so we can be fair and saved through one.
Often we know that both in soul and body, that we have inherited sin and death through Adam. Shall we, likewise receive the justice and life only through one, Jesus Christ? When we begin to rejoice in hope. "Rejoice, you heavens! Rejoice, O earth!" Then shall the sinners be heaven heirs, and in eternity just praising one for the eternal gift of life -. But before we study this mighty consolation more, we will first see what this text talks about how sin and death entered the world. Paul says:
Sin entered the world through one man. With this, the apostle not only say that sin began through one, but that it "came into the world" (ie come in all humans) through this one. Only when one understands the expression, becomes the apostle's main idea forward, when he compares Adam's sin - which gave us death, with the righteousness of Christ - who gave us life. That sin entered the world through one, namely mankind ancestor, is precisely the main issue in this message. Therefore, do not mention Paul Eva, which was actually the first man who sinned. But we shall immediately speak more about how all men were made sinners through one.
"Sin". With sin we mean everything that conflicts with God's will, in a human. Even the first thought of something evil, like popping up. Before the Fall, or the devil's temptation, there was not anything in the people who stood in opposition to the Almighty. They did not know if something evil (1MOS 3: 5,22). But by the fall of man was this innocence dead and gone from men, which was now filled with sin married in his whole being. And when Paul here speaks of sin that entered the world through one man, he means this entire Gudfientlige "mass" in humans, whether it just manifests itself in fixed or inclinations, thoughts and desires - or in words and deeds. It is all that Scripture calls "sin," "sin root, syndebrodden and sin fruits collected" (Melanchthon). Sin "entered into the world", that is, human world, or the whole human race. Sin poured into everything that had names of man. Not even the smallest babies are exempt, as we will see.
And death through sin. It tells us that not only was sin itself, by its very nature and in their impact, but also sin, follows that of Adam came over all people. We've already established that as this Psalm talks about sin source and how it came into the world, so include the word "sin" all Scripture calls sin. But in the same way must then also the word "death" include all that Scripture calls death.
Scripture speaks explicitly about three kinds of death: The corporeal death, as in John 11: 4, 12:33 18:32, File 1:20. The spiritual death, as in 1 John 3:14, Ephesians 2: 1, Colossians 2:13, Mat 8:22. I.e. that man is no longer at his spirit lives in God and by God, who was the source and the life of the human spirit (cf.. Eph 4:18). And finally: eternal death, which is the opposite of eternal life. It is also called the "second death", which is the continuation and completion of the spiritual death, after life on earth is over. It is the eternal death spoken of in Romans 1:32, 2 Corinthians 2:16, 7:10, Jak 1:15, 5:20, 1 John 5:16, Rev. 2:11, etc.
Through sin, death came to all these figures of Adam and his descendants. The sentence which first of all was stated: "The day you eat of it you shall surely die," was promptly fulfilled. How Adams spirit was separated from God immediately after the fall, there we see that he tried to hide from Him who sees everything. And when God called him up, gets it through many terrible attitudes revealed that now it is the spiritual death which already prevails: Adam tries to explain away his guilt, and in a bitter spirit pushes he blamed not only on Eve, but on God himself had given him the woman (1MOS 3:12). Embody was also his death process now begun, because his body was now given the impermanence which would eventually end his earthly life. But for spiritual and bodily death comes eternal death, if man is not through a new birth is a new creature that lives in and of Christ, who alone is life (John 1: 4, 6: 48-57, 1 John 5:11 -12).
The physical death is the wages of sin for all sinners. But when God took Enoch and Elias live up to heaven, he gave us while a picture of how God's children ultimately will fare up transfigured bodies. If not sin had entered the world, Adam and his family been in that blissful state that they had been free from the bodily death and all suffering. Both on earth and in heaven homes they would have been able to rejoice in an eternal bliss. Death is the black "border street" which marks that man is separated from God. A standing proof that man by nature is separated from the source of life.
And thus death spread to all men, because all sinned. "And death came to all men". That death through sin came to all people, it's obvious. Both the word we read, and all the experience, tells us that. But Paul mean by the words "because all sinned" is often misunderstood. Generally perceived it as that because all people have sinned with his body, then death will "penetrate" into / frame them. But we will soon realize that it is not what is the apostle's meaning here. Firstly contradict such an opinion against the main objective of this text, where Paul just want to show that since we've got sin and death through one, and we will also get justice and life through one. If we imagine the word given such (erroneous) interpretation here, that since we all have sinned, which in fact is a consequence of Adam's fall, we die just because we have sinned - so had the opposite: salvation in Christ, read as follows: since we all become righteous and has fulfilled the law through the work of Christ in us, then we get eternal life.
Everyone will see that this is a big contradiction against this text (and the whole message of salvation), which states that it is "by the obedience", or "one man's act of righteousness," we are righteous. Ye therefore also the opposite of this, the message of Adam, read as follows: "By one man's disobedience," or because of "one man's transgression" is death penetrated to all people.
Second was supposed to also share this view, that any die as a result of their obvious sins, cause the newborn children were not affected by the death. For they've not yet even broken God's law. No, opinion is contrary it that, as we all were present in Adam, and he, as the family's ancestor and deputy sinned, we have all, in and with his fall, sinned. This is an interpretation that match both the text's main message, and with the way Paul speaks elsewhere. When he eg. speaks of foreshadowing, Christ in 2 Corinthians 5:14, he says that "we have made it clear to us, when one died for all, then they all died." The same is he here would have said about the first deputies for our family. With his spiritual sight, Paul has seen us all present in Adam. And as Hebrews looks Levis family through Abraham giving tithes to Melchizedek (Heb 7: 9), solely on the basis that Levi at the time was only present in Abraham, as has Paul sets us all sin - in Adam. In this case all the more, because Adam in temptation stood or fell on behalf of all mankind, as we all see it proven through the consequences it got.
Paul says in Romans 11:16: "Is firstfruits is holy, so is also the dough holy. And the root is holy, so are the branches." Of such words we can understand the apostle's expression. But the real proof lies, as I said, the main message: In this place speaks of both sin and justice, which is what is crucial for eternal judgment or eternal life, that we have one. And not that it is the main message of this text, it is the same message that Paul quite explicitly, and many times, adding to each of the following verses. In v.15 he says that "the many have died because of man's fall." In verse 16: "verdict came after man's sin and in condemnation". In V.17: "death reigned through the one, because this one fell." In v.18: "One man's offense was condemnation for all men", etc.
Paul teaches words here very emphatically that Adam under the first covenant acted in entire human name, so that we all sinned in and through his sin. And, as I said, we all notice this, because the consequences of the fall penetrated to us all. If we do not all have sinned in our ancestor, we would not all have to bear consequences of sin, punishment and death, both spiritual and corporeal. But we experience the concrete that both the spiritual and the corporeal death is something our natural man carries within itself, completely independent of and before we start doing sinful deeds - because none of nature lives in God, and neither has an immortal body .
But the difficulty for our faith, when it comes to this doctrine that death has penetrated through to us because of man's sin is that we thus have encountered the deepest secret in the counsel of God, and can not fathom this. We poor, fallen beings can not fathom God, the infinite, - it is the difficulty -! But we for that reason should plead with God, and ask: "What are you doing?" - Ask how his advice can vote with his nature - "Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker" (clay and potter - Isaiah 45: 9) - it is just another proof of how deeply we have fallen. The Lord says: "Where were you when I founded the earth - while the morning stars sang?" etc. (Job 38 and 39).
That should be enough for us that the Word, which has proven itself to be the big word of God, has this strange doctrine that as condemnation came upon all men through one transgression, so we also should justice and life given to us through one's obedience " that no flesh should boast before God. " The heavens will forever resound of praise to this one, because his obedience unto death gave us justice salary. Luther says: "We must leave this state that Adam after this bid (1MOS 2:17) has dragged us all into the same sin fall, for we are all as one implanted him and his flesh and blood, so it had to Visit us as it went with him. For God had decided this, that all people should be descended from this one man, and we are indeed all his children. Therefore, what he has done, and the curse that was placed upon him, meetings including without limitation all of us, so we must be counted as one dough and cake with him, all that is called for human "(W. III p.90).
But although we have now found that Paul in these words: "all have sinned", really speak about that we sinned in and with Adam in his fall, so must no forget the other side of the issue: that we also inherited his fallen nature, and thus are full of the same sin poison that also proved by Adam immediately fall was a fact. Also in this way we all become sinners. Paul speaks in many places on how the consequences of the fall came inheritance and went over on Adams Family. Therefore we are also in reality and in our own people, all sinners "by one man." And if we do not always see it, and us there deliberately, so even though this is the sin that is inherited in us, an abomination in God's eyes, and something that arouses the wrath of God. Our conscience, even if it is only a relic of the law God of creation entered the man, witnesses clear about this as soon as we somehow stand in Yahweh's eyes. For when we experience always our sinfulness as guilt.
Because we all sinned in and with Adam's fall, we were also in ourselves, all, like him, sinners, and set the wages of sin, death -. And that applies even for those who might be unfamiliar with this relationship. This is Paul now will show us hereafter. He says:
13 and 14: for sin was in the world before the law came, but where there is no law, sin is not imputed. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned by an offense, such as Adam - who typifies the one who was to come.
With these words would Paul now explain more about, and prove what he just said, that "sin entered the world through one man". He speaks here as if he is prepared for the objection that when sin is that a law is broken, so it can not be said that all sinners in the long period that went from Adam to the law was given by Moses, but if they do not, like Adam, had received special decree of God, so they by breaking it "sinned by an offense, such as Adam." The fact that death is ruled over the people even before Moses, proving that they may have pity. And when there was sin, it proves that there also must have been a law.
He states that where there is no law, sin is not imputed *. But he proves that sin really must have been in the world, and been counted men, before the law was given on stone tablets. And he proves with the obvious fact that death reigned in the world. If the fact that death is ruled, proving that there was no sin, then it follows incontrovertibly that it has found a law. In addition to the law that is written in the conscience, God revealed also more and more their will through explicit words to people. And sin has always been reckoned upon the bright people have had about God. But God spoke to Adam's first son so harshly for his sin, that he hid from the LORD, and became "a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth" all his life. There were therefore both law and sin in the world before Moses. This proves Paul just with the assertion that death ruled yes too. Previously he had said that it was through sin that death penetrated to all people. And because death reigned in the world well before the law of Moses, which after it was given, the consequence must be that sin was in the world, even before the law came through Moses.
* Because it here all the way is talking about how God acts as a result of sin, so must go ellogeitai how God imputed people sin, not how people themselves assessed their situation from sin.
Death reigned, says Paul - reigned like a king - from Adam until Moses. We see that all the people also in this time died the physical death. But not only that, we will also remind you how God in this time before Moses let death come upon the whole world at once, by the deluge that hit everything alive, young and old, even babies. And the Lord God said explicitly that this happened only because of all the sin and evil that had corrupted all flesh. How prevailed thus death even before the law came through Moses.
Even over them that had not sinned by an offense, such as Adam. Adam had violated a commandment God had expressly granted him. Thus, he fell under the death sentence God had warned him. Now, Paul reminded that death reigned even over them that had not sinned against as explicitly stated the commandments of God, and even of the little children who had not yet been able to do anything specific offenses. This must necessarily follow exactly what Paul wants to prove that sin has been imputed to all men, even before we received the written law on stone tablets. This sin is generally present in all meat as a result of Adam's fall, proving indeed what Paul has previously explained, and that all his preaching aims: that Adam, as Christ, was a deputy who stood and fell on the whole mankind's behalf so that the whole family had to bear the consequences thereof.
And when then even babies, as though no offense had done was subject to the same penalty of sin, that is death, so we there yet proof that only the original sin and the inherent sin seed, enough that we understand God stands in mortal guilt. Thus Paul briefly but strongly proved what he has said in v.12, that "sin entered the world through one man, and death entered by sin". And then comes the addition we are waiting for, after it was omitted in v.12. He speaks of Adam:
he typifies the one who was to come. When the Lord God put Adam into a "universal father" (sv: world father - wisdom 10: 1), as head of a family that is equal to him, and thus subject to sin and death, as he did in gracious prescience about him that was to come, the "other" or "last" Adam (1 Corinthians 3:45 p.m., 47). It is him the first Adam is a "role model" (typos) on.
The similarity it refers (in that the first is a model of the second Adam), consists in that
as Adam was an ancestor who brought with him what belonged to him, to whom he was a deputy for - so also Christ a new ancestor who likewise brings with it what belongs to him, to whom he is a deputy.
Or as Krysostomus puts it: "For all those who are of him, Adam was the cause of death, which penetrated to them because of what he ate, even though they had not eaten of the forbidden tree. Similarly, Christ all those who are of him, despite the fact that they themselves are not fair, a deputy to justice as he has so graciously provided for us on the cross. " Oh, eternal grace! Inexhaustible consolation!
Just as we got sin and death through another, we shall also get justice and life through another. All those who are born of Adam, that that is people have already at their birth inherited his corruption, sin and death, and all the misery this entails. Likewise also all those who are born again in Christ, and his descendants (sv. His semen), through our new regulars father justice received eternal life with all that implies. I.e. that we are already in this life, now, have reconciliation with God, an eternal grace, the Holy Spirit in the heart, and in the resurrection celestial and eternal bliss. Paul writes to the believers in Corinth, which was "sanctified in Christ Jesus," and says, "as in Adam all die, so shall all be made alive in Christ" (1 Corinthians 3:22 p.m.). "The first man was of the earth, earthy. The second man is of heaven (sv.: The andra människan passionate Lord of heaven). As is the earthy, such are they also underground. As the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly be. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly "(1 Corinthians 15: 47-49).
This is the indescribably great comfort. That we bear the earthy image, sin, death and all misery, that we know, as I said earlier, in our whole being. But now say then Paul that by the grace of God, "as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly", which is righteousness and eternal life.
Although we thus through the first Adam has got a great destruction, then we have yet through the second Adam one yet greater happiness and blessings. Compensation is much greater than the loss. And it will go Paul strongly onto hereinafter. Luther says: "Through one man named Adam, is so much evil occurred that all men must die, both he himself and all of us. It had to happen, in spite of that we had even been guilty of it, but stood sin and death only because we are his descendants. For after the fall there is no longer an alien sin. It is at once we were born become our own sin. This is of course a terrible situation and a terrible judgment of God, though the would been yet worse if we all would have to remain in death. But this need God has willed meeting, in that he has now sent an other services, human named Christ. For the first Adams guilt should we have to die, whether we have inflicted on us no sin. So shall we now, for the second Adam, Christ, without any our profits, receive life. And as we in Adam must take the consequences of that we are his limbs, is of his flesh and blood - then we thus in Christ, also already here on earth, just live on that he is our head, and is a grace and gift, so we did not have any own merits to boast of. "
In addition to the apostle's main topic we have here also a very important lesson about sin. Paul lets us understand that we all are equally condemned sinners as Adam, that in this we are all equal, and that death is proof of this. We should all think deeply over this. It belongs to every human nature that when we see how sin reigns all around us, so we consider ourselves not even being in the same situation. Unsaved, spiritually dead people, but who lives a morally praiseworthy life, will naturally not believe they are as great sinners before God, like thieves and murderers, publicans and harlots. With this attitude they have thus no use for God's exhortation to repentance, and stands can be against all that God uses to save them.
But also the God has got to wake up, and those who have believed, are infected with the same attitude. By God's work in our hearts, we have become convinced and astonished at our own sin and guilt.
We have been watching salvation in Christ alone and have become children of God by grace.
But when it happens to very many that we forget that we still carry with us the same depraved nature as Adam.
Our attitude is like that we are of a better family than the gravest sinners, publicans and harlots. When we are so terribly sad and dejected whenever sin wakes up and becomes effective in us, so it is the best proof that there is this attitude we live in. When the murky depths of the heart's corruption opens, and it breaks out really frightful things, for example. such as Christ says goes out of men's hearts: "sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness" (Mark 7:21) - when we know something so terrible in us, then we jolted and keep on despair -!
There are Christians in great affliction, perhaps in prayer moment, even experiencing a resistance to God. Or we know how completely cold we are to God, and know of an excessive love of visible things, yes, know the strong desire for specific sins. And we know that we simply are not broken over all this, but on the contrary is harsh and frivolous. Or, when the should love our neighbor as ourselves, instead know on envy. Or to a friendly reproof know resentment, and even hatred rise in heart. Not to talk about the worst sin: that we do not appreciate Christ's suffering more than we do. We can hear that he was tortured, tornekront and nailed to the cross, for our salvation and blessedness. Nevertheless, not our love for him more! We have more love for small, useless things. Oh, when we know this, we become frightened and scared.
But why are we so surprised to experience this in us? Just because we do not have believed we were so depraved! We have seen other children of Adam are so overtly bound in sin. Suppose they still defend themselves and have no use for the word of God, but reject and persecute Christ. It has not surprised us. But we must therefore have calculated that even belonged we another family -!
Now it is clear that when we are born of God, we've got a new and holy Spirit. But the part of our being that is born of flesh, it is after all still meat. And this is always so poisoned and evil. So we also learn through Scripture, Paul teaches here that sin is every man's nature. It is every man's common heritage from Adam, - whether we want it or not. "There is no difference", all together we are sinners. "The Lord looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. They're all gone away, everyone is corrupt. There is none who does good, not one" (Psalm 14). Already on the first leaf of the Bible (1MOS 6) we see God complain that "the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." How are the people of nature, that is, in all descended from Adam.
If we believed this, and always kept clear to us, then we would not be horrified and despair when we find that this also live in ourselves. No, then we'd rather love and praise God for his great mercy, that precisely for this our lost condition gave us his Son for salvation.
If we are to remain in the faith, it is very important that we keep this for a settled, indisputable truth, and inculcates strongly in us, because we all through Adam is so prodigal creatures, that in our nature does not exist other than sin.
Related links:
Jesus greatness lies in his origins - Yahweh! Our humiliation lies in our origin - the first fallen and sinful Adam!
Photo of Adam - that makes us human in ourselves is hopelessly lost.
"The Fall and expulsion of the Garden of Eden", frescoed by Michelangelo to Sistine Chapel Ceiling in Rome, painted ca. 1509.
Origin of Jesus is God the Father - Yahweh.
Our origins as humans are much, much worse, indeed it is in many ways useless. It is Adam that God himself had to cast out of the Garden of Eden when he was a rebel and saw it myself.
We humans have an impossible starting to save and preserve ourselves, because everything the first Adam when we all have his genes and seed in us.
Paul teaches about this in Romans 5. Here we see the contrast between Jesus and us humans. And what is the big, big difference? Basically.
We can compare it to run 100 m. Against the world's fastest man and have a backpack on 1 Tonn. We are guaranteed to lose in advance.
Taking from Carl Olof Rosenius commentaries on this subject in Romans 5. 12 - 21. concerning our starting point.
Now we come to the second part of this chapter, verses 12-19. In the first and second chapter, Paul has described the prodigal state all men are in: sin, but also the only way to salvation: Settlement / reconciliation through Christ, and justification by faith (chapter 3). This has apostle affirmed with scriptural evidence (Chapter 4). So he has in the first part of this chapter briefly hinted that blissful state, the eternal grace and confidence, which they own, those who are justified by faith. Now he sums up all this in one big and wonderful portrayal of
God's grace in our salvation. He shows that as sin, death and condemnation came upon all men, only through one, Adam, so also grace, justice and life come only through one, our Lord Jesus Christ.
First (v.12) directed our attention to the ancestor we inherited sin from. He shows that "because of sin" death entered the world. This means then of course that "the wages of sin is death" (as he fly closer in chapter 6:23) and therefore not strike any man who has not sinned. This is not just a conclusion we have found, but the apostle's own words, that "death came to all men, because all sinned." With this, he stated without equivocation that all those who are subjected to death, are sinners. But Paul foresaw the many would perceive this as very hard speech, and that the interior specifically supposed to go on that sin (which is always this that a law is broken) in any case could not be imputed to the people before the law was given through Moses. Therefore Paul responds promptly to such (v.13-14) when he says that the fact that death ruled over people even before Moses, proving that sin was in the world and was counted people. But this follows then also that a law had to be given them. This is the meaning and reasoning in v.12-14.
In v.14 he stated that Adam "typifies the one who was to come". This refers to that Adam was the origin of sin and death, even as Christ is the source of justice and life. But then he v.15-17 the great inequality that it simultaneously is: How far greater gift is through Christ than we lost through Adam. Following these conclusions, he takes up again (v.18-19) the introduction he began with v.12: "Just as sin entered the world through one man". And now comes the sequel one waiting for mentioned earlier, "even so by one man's act of righteousness leads to justification of life all people".
12: Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned -
Therefore, i.e. now that we are reconciled with God through Jesus Christ (v.10-11), so we, who are all under sin (Chapter 1 and 2), however, are justified by faith in Christ (chapter 3 and 4 ) *, have peace with God and the hope of his glory in heaven, and glory of God Himself - then it follows that happened, these counsels of God the reasons themselves: "Just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin, "so also comes justice, and because of righteousness: life through one man. The addition has thus Paul, as mentioned earlier, not immediately expressed here. The suggested albeit through the words that Adam typifies the one who was to come (v.14). But in v.18-19 gets this Addendum clearly stated.
* It could probably appear to be most natural to assume that dia touto ("therefore") just referring to what was said immediately preceding (v.10-11). But it is clear that here summarizes Paul absolutely everything he has taught so far in the letter, that both of mankind's sin, and of salvation through Christ. When one understands that he has everything he previously preached in mind, right from Chapter 1: 18 before he next three chapters begins to speak in more detail about what follows from their faith.
Wake up, all you who are thirsty! Come and get water! Here you will find a ineffable, very comforting. Is this God's advice and opinion, that, as we were sinners, wrath and death children, through one man's disobedience, - we shall also through one man's obedience receive justice, friendship of God and eternal life? Yes, it is ultimately the Law covenant terms - for the thirsting and receive the justice of Christ -! End of that we live a fearful Christian life built on our own obedience and righteousness.
In this text states everywhere: "Through one man". Through one man we inherited sin and death. Through one we have righteousness and life. Because it is not called through each one, but through one, then we poor sinners begin to rejoice in hope. Then road through our own righteousness annihilated. Just like a large mountain crashed down over a small rickety houses, and shattered it completely so crushes also this message every individual merit, and shows us that we will have to turn to an entirely different way, so we can be fair and saved through one.
Often we know that both in soul and body, that we have inherited sin and death through Adam. Shall we, likewise receive the justice and life only through one, Jesus Christ? When we begin to rejoice in hope. "Rejoice, you heavens! Rejoice, O earth!" Then shall the sinners be heaven heirs, and in eternity just praising one for the eternal gift of life -. But before we study this mighty consolation more, we will first see what this text talks about how sin and death entered the world. Paul says:
Sin entered the world through one man. With this, the apostle not only say that sin began through one, but that it "came into the world" (ie come in all humans) through this one. Only when one understands the expression, becomes the apostle's main idea forward, when he compares Adam's sin - which gave us death, with the righteousness of Christ - who gave us life. That sin entered the world through one, namely mankind ancestor, is precisely the main issue in this message. Therefore, do not mention Paul Eva, which was actually the first man who sinned. But we shall immediately speak more about how all men were made sinners through one.
"Sin". With sin we mean everything that conflicts with God's will, in a human. Even the first thought of something evil, like popping up. Before the Fall, or the devil's temptation, there was not anything in the people who stood in opposition to the Almighty. They did not know if something evil (1MOS 3: 5,22). But by the fall of man was this innocence dead and gone from men, which was now filled with sin married in his whole being. And when Paul here speaks of sin that entered the world through one man, he means this entire Gudfientlige "mass" in humans, whether it just manifests itself in fixed or inclinations, thoughts and desires - or in words and deeds. It is all that Scripture calls "sin," "sin root, syndebrodden and sin fruits collected" (Melanchthon). Sin "entered into the world", that is, human world, or the whole human race. Sin poured into everything that had names of man. Not even the smallest babies are exempt, as we will see.
And death through sin. It tells us that not only was sin itself, by its very nature and in their impact, but also sin, follows that of Adam came over all people. We've already established that as this Psalm talks about sin source and how it came into the world, so include the word "sin" all Scripture calls sin. But in the same way must then also the word "death" include all that Scripture calls death.
Scripture speaks explicitly about three kinds of death: The corporeal death, as in John 11: 4, 12:33 18:32, File 1:20. The spiritual death, as in 1 John 3:14, Ephesians 2: 1, Colossians 2:13, Mat 8:22. I.e. that man is no longer at his spirit lives in God and by God, who was the source and the life of the human spirit (cf.. Eph 4:18). And finally: eternal death, which is the opposite of eternal life. It is also called the "second death", which is the continuation and completion of the spiritual death, after life on earth is over. It is the eternal death spoken of in Romans 1:32, 2 Corinthians 2:16, 7:10, Jak 1:15, 5:20, 1 John 5:16, Rev. 2:11, etc.
Through sin, death came to all these figures of Adam and his descendants. The sentence which first of all was stated: "The day you eat of it you shall surely die," was promptly fulfilled. How Adams spirit was separated from God immediately after the fall, there we see that he tried to hide from Him who sees everything. And when God called him up, gets it through many terrible attitudes revealed that now it is the spiritual death which already prevails: Adam tries to explain away his guilt, and in a bitter spirit pushes he blamed not only on Eve, but on God himself had given him the woman (1MOS 3:12). Embody was also his death process now begun, because his body was now given the impermanence which would eventually end his earthly life. But for spiritual and bodily death comes eternal death, if man is not through a new birth is a new creature that lives in and of Christ, who alone is life (John 1: 4, 6: 48-57, 1 John 5:11 -12).
The physical death is the wages of sin for all sinners. But when God took Enoch and Elias live up to heaven, he gave us while a picture of how God's children ultimately will fare up transfigured bodies. If not sin had entered the world, Adam and his family been in that blissful state that they had been free from the bodily death and all suffering. Both on earth and in heaven homes they would have been able to rejoice in an eternal bliss. Death is the black "border street" which marks that man is separated from God. A standing proof that man by nature is separated from the source of life.
And thus death spread to all men, because all sinned. "And death came to all men". That death through sin came to all people, it's obvious. Both the word we read, and all the experience, tells us that. But Paul mean by the words "because all sinned" is often misunderstood. Generally perceived it as that because all people have sinned with his body, then death will "penetrate" into / frame them. But we will soon realize that it is not what is the apostle's meaning here. Firstly contradict such an opinion against the main objective of this text, where Paul just want to show that since we've got sin and death through one, and we will also get justice and life through one. If we imagine the word given such (erroneous) interpretation here, that since we all have sinned, which in fact is a consequence of Adam's fall, we die just because we have sinned - so had the opposite: salvation in Christ, read as follows: since we all become righteous and has fulfilled the law through the work of Christ in us, then we get eternal life.
Everyone will see that this is a big contradiction against this text (and the whole message of salvation), which states that it is "by the obedience", or "one man's act of righteousness," we are righteous. Ye therefore also the opposite of this, the message of Adam, read as follows: "By one man's disobedience," or because of "one man's transgression" is death penetrated to all people.
Second was supposed to also share this view, that any die as a result of their obvious sins, cause the newborn children were not affected by the death. For they've not yet even broken God's law. No, opinion is contrary it that, as we all were present in Adam, and he, as the family's ancestor and deputy sinned, we have all, in and with his fall, sinned. This is an interpretation that match both the text's main message, and with the way Paul speaks elsewhere. When he eg. speaks of foreshadowing, Christ in 2 Corinthians 5:14, he says that "we have made it clear to us, when one died for all, then they all died." The same is he here would have said about the first deputies for our family. With his spiritual sight, Paul has seen us all present in Adam. And as Hebrews looks Levis family through Abraham giving tithes to Melchizedek (Heb 7: 9), solely on the basis that Levi at the time was only present in Abraham, as has Paul sets us all sin - in Adam. In this case all the more, because Adam in temptation stood or fell on behalf of all mankind, as we all see it proven through the consequences it got.
Paul says in Romans 11:16: "Is firstfruits is holy, so is also the dough holy. And the root is holy, so are the branches." Of such words we can understand the apostle's expression. But the real proof lies, as I said, the main message: In this place speaks of both sin and justice, which is what is crucial for eternal judgment or eternal life, that we have one. And not that it is the main message of this text, it is the same message that Paul quite explicitly, and many times, adding to each of the following verses. In v.15 he says that "the many have died because of man's fall." In verse 16: "verdict came after man's sin and in condemnation". In V.17: "death reigned through the one, because this one fell." In v.18: "One man's offense was condemnation for all men", etc.
Paul teaches words here very emphatically that Adam under the first covenant acted in entire human name, so that we all sinned in and through his sin. And, as I said, we all notice this, because the consequences of the fall penetrated to us all. If we do not all have sinned in our ancestor, we would not all have to bear consequences of sin, punishment and death, both spiritual and corporeal. But we experience the concrete that both the spiritual and the corporeal death is something our natural man carries within itself, completely independent of and before we start doing sinful deeds - because none of nature lives in God, and neither has an immortal body .
But the difficulty for our faith, when it comes to this doctrine that death has penetrated through to us because of man's sin is that we thus have encountered the deepest secret in the counsel of God, and can not fathom this. We poor, fallen beings can not fathom God, the infinite, - it is the difficulty -! But we for that reason should plead with God, and ask: "What are you doing?" - Ask how his advice can vote with his nature - "Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker" (clay and potter - Isaiah 45: 9) - it is just another proof of how deeply we have fallen. The Lord says: "Where were you when I founded the earth - while the morning stars sang?" etc. (Job 38 and 39).
That should be enough for us that the Word, which has proven itself to be the big word of God, has this strange doctrine that as condemnation came upon all men through one transgression, so we also should justice and life given to us through one's obedience " that no flesh should boast before God. " The heavens will forever resound of praise to this one, because his obedience unto death gave us justice salary. Luther says: "We must leave this state that Adam after this bid (1MOS 2:17) has dragged us all into the same sin fall, for we are all as one implanted him and his flesh and blood, so it had to Visit us as it went with him. For God had decided this, that all people should be descended from this one man, and we are indeed all his children. Therefore, what he has done, and the curse that was placed upon him, meetings including without limitation all of us, so we must be counted as one dough and cake with him, all that is called for human "(W. III p.90).
But although we have now found that Paul in these words: "all have sinned", really speak about that we sinned in and with Adam in his fall, so must no forget the other side of the issue: that we also inherited his fallen nature, and thus are full of the same sin poison that also proved by Adam immediately fall was a fact. Also in this way we all become sinners. Paul speaks in many places on how the consequences of the fall came inheritance and went over on Adams Family. Therefore we are also in reality and in our own people, all sinners "by one man." And if we do not always see it, and us there deliberately, so even though this is the sin that is inherited in us, an abomination in God's eyes, and something that arouses the wrath of God. Our conscience, even if it is only a relic of the law God of creation entered the man, witnesses clear about this as soon as we somehow stand in Yahweh's eyes. For when we experience always our sinfulness as guilt.
Because we all sinned in and with Adam's fall, we were also in ourselves, all, like him, sinners, and set the wages of sin, death -. And that applies even for those who might be unfamiliar with this relationship. This is Paul now will show us hereafter. He says:
13 and 14: for sin was in the world before the law came, but where there is no law, sin is not imputed. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned by an offense, such as Adam - who typifies the one who was to come.
With these words would Paul now explain more about, and prove what he just said, that "sin entered the world through one man". He speaks here as if he is prepared for the objection that when sin is that a law is broken, so it can not be said that all sinners in the long period that went from Adam to the law was given by Moses, but if they do not, like Adam, had received special decree of God, so they by breaking it "sinned by an offense, such as Adam." The fact that death is ruled over the people even before Moses, proving that they may have pity. And when there was sin, it proves that there also must have been a law.
He states that where there is no law, sin is not imputed *. But he proves that sin really must have been in the world, and been counted men, before the law was given on stone tablets. And he proves with the obvious fact that death reigned in the world. If the fact that death is ruled, proving that there was no sin, then it follows incontrovertibly that it has found a law. In addition to the law that is written in the conscience, God revealed also more and more their will through explicit words to people. And sin has always been reckoned upon the bright people have had about God. But God spoke to Adam's first son so harshly for his sin, that he hid from the LORD, and became "a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth" all his life. There were therefore both law and sin in the world before Moses. This proves Paul just with the assertion that death ruled yes too. Previously he had said that it was through sin that death penetrated to all people. And because death reigned in the world well before the law of Moses, which after it was given, the consequence must be that sin was in the world, even before the law came through Moses.
* Because it here all the way is talking about how God acts as a result of sin, so must go ellogeitai how God imputed people sin, not how people themselves assessed their situation from sin.
Death reigned, says Paul - reigned like a king - from Adam until Moses. We see that all the people also in this time died the physical death. But not only that, we will also remind you how God in this time before Moses let death come upon the whole world at once, by the deluge that hit everything alive, young and old, even babies. And the Lord God said explicitly that this happened only because of all the sin and evil that had corrupted all flesh. How prevailed thus death even before the law came through Moses.
Even over them that had not sinned by an offense, such as Adam. Adam had violated a commandment God had expressly granted him. Thus, he fell under the death sentence God had warned him. Now, Paul reminded that death reigned even over them that had not sinned against as explicitly stated the commandments of God, and even of the little children who had not yet been able to do anything specific offenses. This must necessarily follow exactly what Paul wants to prove that sin has been imputed to all men, even before we received the written law on stone tablets. This sin is generally present in all meat as a result of Adam's fall, proving indeed what Paul has previously explained, and that all his preaching aims: that Adam, as Christ, was a deputy who stood and fell on the whole mankind's behalf so that the whole family had to bear the consequences thereof.
And when then even babies, as though no offense had done was subject to the same penalty of sin, that is death, so we there yet proof that only the original sin and the inherent sin seed, enough that we understand God stands in mortal guilt. Thus Paul briefly but strongly proved what he has said in v.12, that "sin entered the world through one man, and death entered by sin". And then comes the addition we are waiting for, after it was omitted in v.12. He speaks of Adam:
he typifies the one who was to come. When the Lord God put Adam into a "universal father" (sv: world father - wisdom 10: 1), as head of a family that is equal to him, and thus subject to sin and death, as he did in gracious prescience about him that was to come, the "other" or "last" Adam (1 Corinthians 3:45 p.m., 47). It is him the first Adam is a "role model" (typos) on.
The similarity it refers (in that the first is a model of the second Adam), consists in that
as Adam was an ancestor who brought with him what belonged to him, to whom he was a deputy for - so also Christ a new ancestor who likewise brings with it what belongs to him, to whom he is a deputy.
Or as Krysostomus puts it: "For all those who are of him, Adam was the cause of death, which penetrated to them because of what he ate, even though they had not eaten of the forbidden tree. Similarly, Christ all those who are of him, despite the fact that they themselves are not fair, a deputy to justice as he has so graciously provided for us on the cross. " Oh, eternal grace! Inexhaustible consolation!
Just as we got sin and death through another, we shall also get justice and life through another. All those who are born of Adam, that that is people have already at their birth inherited his corruption, sin and death, and all the misery this entails. Likewise also all those who are born again in Christ, and his descendants (sv. His semen), through our new regulars father justice received eternal life with all that implies. I.e. that we are already in this life, now, have reconciliation with God, an eternal grace, the Holy Spirit in the heart, and in the resurrection celestial and eternal bliss. Paul writes to the believers in Corinth, which was "sanctified in Christ Jesus," and says, "as in Adam all die, so shall all be made alive in Christ" (1 Corinthians 3:22 p.m.). "The first man was of the earth, earthy. The second man is of heaven (sv.: The andra människan passionate Lord of heaven). As is the earthy, such are they also underground. As the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly be. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly "(1 Corinthians 15: 47-49).
This is the indescribably great comfort. That we bear the earthy image, sin, death and all misery, that we know, as I said earlier, in our whole being. But now say then Paul that by the grace of God, "as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly", which is righteousness and eternal life.
Although we thus through the first Adam has got a great destruction, then we have yet through the second Adam one yet greater happiness and blessings. Compensation is much greater than the loss. And it will go Paul strongly onto hereinafter. Luther says: "Through one man named Adam, is so much evil occurred that all men must die, both he himself and all of us. It had to happen, in spite of that we had even been guilty of it, but stood sin and death only because we are his descendants. For after the fall there is no longer an alien sin. It is at once we were born become our own sin. This is of course a terrible situation and a terrible judgment of God, though the would been yet worse if we all would have to remain in death. But this need God has willed meeting, in that he has now sent an other services, human named Christ. For the first Adams guilt should we have to die, whether we have inflicted on us no sin. So shall we now, for the second Adam, Christ, without any our profits, receive life. And as we in Adam must take the consequences of that we are his limbs, is of his flesh and blood - then we thus in Christ, also already here on earth, just live on that he is our head, and is a grace and gift, so we did not have any own merits to boast of. "
In addition to the apostle's main topic we have here also a very important lesson about sin. Paul lets us understand that we all are equally condemned sinners as Adam, that in this we are all equal, and that death is proof of this. We should all think deeply over this. It belongs to every human nature that when we see how sin reigns all around us, so we consider ourselves not even being in the same situation. Unsaved, spiritually dead people, but who lives a morally praiseworthy life, will naturally not believe they are as great sinners before God, like thieves and murderers, publicans and harlots. With this attitude they have thus no use for God's exhortation to repentance, and stands can be against all that God uses to save them.
But also the God has got to wake up, and those who have believed, are infected with the same attitude. By God's work in our hearts, we have become convinced and astonished at our own sin and guilt.
We have been watching salvation in Christ alone and have become children of God by grace.
But when it happens to very many that we forget that we still carry with us the same depraved nature as Adam.
Our attitude is like that we are of a better family than the gravest sinners, publicans and harlots. When we are so terribly sad and dejected whenever sin wakes up and becomes effective in us, so it is the best proof that there is this attitude we live in. When the murky depths of the heart's corruption opens, and it breaks out really frightful things, for example. such as Christ says goes out of men's hearts: "sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness" (Mark 7:21) - when we know something so terrible in us, then we jolted and keep on despair -!
There are Christians in great affliction, perhaps in prayer moment, even experiencing a resistance to God. Or we know how completely cold we are to God, and know of an excessive love of visible things, yes, know the strong desire for specific sins. And we know that we simply are not broken over all this, but on the contrary is harsh and frivolous. Or, when the should love our neighbor as ourselves, instead know on envy. Or to a friendly reproof know resentment, and even hatred rise in heart. Not to talk about the worst sin: that we do not appreciate Christ's suffering more than we do. We can hear that he was tortured, tornekront and nailed to the cross, for our salvation and blessedness. Nevertheless, not our love for him more! We have more love for small, useless things. Oh, when we know this, we become frightened and scared.
But why are we so surprised to experience this in us? Just because we do not have believed we were so depraved! We have seen other children of Adam are so overtly bound in sin. Suppose they still defend themselves and have no use for the word of God, but reject and persecute Christ. It has not surprised us. But we must therefore have calculated that even belonged we another family -!
Now it is clear that when we are born of God, we've got a new and holy Spirit. But the part of our being that is born of flesh, it is after all still meat. And this is always so poisoned and evil. So we also learn through Scripture, Paul teaches here that sin is every man's nature. It is every man's common heritage from Adam, - whether we want it or not. "There is no difference", all together we are sinners. "The Lord looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. They're all gone away, everyone is corrupt. There is none who does good, not one" (Psalm 14). Already on the first leaf of the Bible (1MOS 6) we see God complain that "the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." How are the people of nature, that is, in all descended from Adam.
If we believed this, and always kept clear to us, then we would not be horrified and despair when we find that this also live in ourselves. No, then we'd rather love and praise God for his great mercy, that precisely for this our lost condition gave us his Son for salvation.
If we are to remain in the faith, it is very important that we keep this for a settled, indisputable truth, and inculcates strongly in us, because we all through Adam is so prodigal creatures, that in our nature does not exist other than sin.
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søndag 27. desember 2015
No. 1098: Jesus Christ domination is limited to "only" 1000 years. Yahweh God domination is forever - it is unlimited and never ends!
No. 1098:
Jesus Christ domination is limited to "only" 1000 years. Yahweh God domination is forever - it is unlimited and never ends!
I meet criticism regarding several things and aspects of my preaching and teaching. It could not I do something for when I only maintains what I have become convinced is the biblical doctrine regarding the various issues I raise.
One of them is the Trinity which I head not appear consistent with the word of God where "wood" equal Gods is "one" common God. This does not correspond with what God's word says that tells us that there are many gods - but there is only one who is the true God, there is the Father.
I've written about this topic once before and therefore take and post the article I have written before, one more time. When I thought that was so enlightening and good.
Nr. 437:
God Father's Kingdom is eternal and heavenly. Jesus Christ's Kingdom is temporary and earthly. Christ's kingdom will go to God's kingdom when he surrenders everything to the one true God, the Father!
One who has taken up with the difference between Christ's kingdom and God's Father's Kingdom is the eminent and incredibly comprehensive study Bible to Finis Jennings Dake. Recommend everyone, especially those who preach the word of God to obtain, read and study this particular study Bible. It is very good, see here:
20 aspects which show the difference between Christ's kingdom and God's Father's Kingdom. I'm not so much into why Jesus taught much about the kingdom of God in us, but my focus is on the fold of Christ's Kingdom and God's Father's Kingdom, not only the purely spiritual. Spiritually it is really like, then both of Christ's Kingdom and God's Father's Kingdom is always God's will that happen, Amen, Hallelujah and thank goodness for that! The word "rich" or "kingdom" comes from the Greek word "Basileia". There can be no kingdom without a king has (gr.basilevs). In Hebrew the words "maluk" and "malak". In the different phases of the kingdom of God is either God or Christ is king. When the king is present, then acts kingdom as it was intended.
1) God Father's kingdom is eternal, unchanging and heavenly. When we read the book of Revelation from chapters 21-22 as we face the eternal state. That is when we will fully see, the only true God. Meeting him and being close to him forever. 1. Tim. 1. 17 But the eternal King, the immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever! Amen. In Adam, God came to visit, then you will have to stay with us forever!
2) Jesus Christ's kingdom is earthly, temporary and will cease. Jesus Christ's Kingdom is wonderful when the law shall extend in from Jerusalem. But it will still have its limitations. And it will be the first and foremost of earthly and not heavenly nature. And after 1000 years it will end. Of course, 1000 triumphant and glorious years! It all despots and Antichrist would wish for and never did and could, that Jesus Christ accomplished. Hitler's Third Reich was actually an advance on the Antichrist's kingdom. Just as King David and King Solomon's kingdom was a precursor to the 1000 year kingdom. We study Hitler's Third Reich, so there we where the precursor to what we will soon see when the Antichrist will emerge to try to take over the world, especially Europe.
The notion that all nations will come to Jerusalem to learn the law of the Lord appeared first in the later texts of the Old Testament. The most famous of these texts are Isaiah 2 and Micah 4 that are similar: In the last days it shall come to pass that the temple of rock should be grounded high above all mountains and rise up over the hills. There shall all the nations flow. Many people go off and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways and we may walk in his paths," For the Lord's law will go out from Zion, word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples. They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, no longer learn war. Isaiah 2:2-4
This idea can also find several other places in the Old Testament as in Psalm 22:29; 66:8 and 98:3. This notion of Jerusalem as the world center and place of pilgrimage for all people constitutes the last drive in the evolution of Judaism that Christianity really has come out of and from. How then can one say that Christianity return to Judaism. (Read Rom. 9-11).
3) When Jesus Christ Kingdom would King David upon Christ right hand. The way I see it, it was King David and King Solomon foreshadow the coming 1000 year kingdom and the glorious earthly kingdom that has ever been until now, before Jesus returns with His saints and establish his 1000 year kingdom of peace.
Ezekiel 37:25 And they shall dwell in the land that I gave to my servant Jacob, that which your fathers lived in, and they shall dwell in it, they and their children and their children's children, forever, and David my servant shall be their prince forever. Ezekiel 37:24 And David my servant shall be king over them, and one shepherd will it be for them all, and my laws they must follow, and my commandments they shall keep and do them. Ezekiel 34:24 And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David shall be prince among them, for I the Lord have spoken. Ezekiel 34:23 And I will raise up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them - My servant David: he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.
4) By the Father's kingdom is eternal, Christ will sit at his right hand.
Jesus' rightful place in the eternal kingdom of God the Father right hand, and on the way he has also subordinate to the Father. Heb 1:3 who being the brightness of His glory and avbilledet of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, and therefore, when he had made purification of sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, Luk 22:69 But from now on the Son of Man sitting at God's right hand. Acts 2:34 For David did not look up to the heavens, but he says himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand, Mark 14:62 Jesus said, I am, and ye shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand and coming with the clouds of heaven. Mark 4:19 p.m. So was the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. Mark 12:36 David himself has said in the Holy Spirit, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet! Colossians 3:1 Are ye upright with Christ, then search the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God! Eph 1:20 Which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his right hand in heaven, Hebrews 1:13 But to which of the angels has he any time said, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet?
5) When Jesus Kristi Kingdom, Israel will be lifted up. The Jews will be priests and kings in this kingdom: Jesus will be king, and the 12 apostles will sit in the temple in Jerusalem and rule over the 12 tribes of Israel. (Mat.19, 28) The Christian church should have overall responsibilities for the country time. Jesus should be the head of the Christian church. Jesus will rule from both the sky and on the basis Jerusalem.
Here is something from Ezekiel, which shows the greatness of Israel as a nation and Israel as people go in meeting: Ezekiel 36 16 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 17 Son of man, Israel lived in their country, and they defiled it by their ways and their deeds, as a woman's monthly period was their journey before me. 18 Then I poured my fury upon them for the blood guilt that they had shed upon the land, and because they had made it unclean with their idols. 19 And I scattered them among the nations, and they were scattered around the country, according to their ways and their deeds I judged them. 20 And when they came to the nations where they came, they profaned my holy name, and it was said of them: this is the Lord's people, and yet they had to go out of his land! 21 When I had compassion upon my holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations where they had gone to. 22 Therefore say to the house of Israel, Thus says the Lord God: Not for your sake, O house of Israel, I do, but for My holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the nations where you have gone to. 23 I will sanctify my great name, which has been profaned among the nations, that ye have profaned among them, and the nations shall know that I am the LORD, saith the Lord God, when I reveal my holiness upon you in your eyes. 24 I will bring you from the nations and gather you from all countries, and I will bring you to your own land. 25 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness and from all your idols I will cleanse you. 26 I will give you a new heart and a new spirit will I put within you, and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 My spirit will I put within you, and I will make sure I follow my statutes and keep my ordinances and do them. 28 I shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers, and you shall be my people, and I will be your God. 29 I will deliver you from all your impurities, and I will call for the grain and make it foldrikt and not let famine upon you. 30 I will multiply fruit trees and field crops, so I no longer hungers for the sake suffer reproach among the nations. 31 Then I will remember your evil ways and your doings that were not good, and you will loathe yourselves for your iniquities and your abominations. 32 Not for your sakes do I do it, says the Lord God, that ye may know! Blues and shame you over your conduct, O house of Israel! 33 Thus says the Lord God: In the day I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will let the people stay again in the cities, and the ruins shall be rebuilt, 34 and the land was desolate layers should be grown instead of it was a desert of each man's eyes went by. 35 And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden, and the torn and damaged and demolished cities are rebuilt and have walls. 36 And the nations that are left round about you shall know that I the LORD have rebuilt what was destroyed and replanted the damaged land. I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it. 37 Thus says the Lord God: In this I pray hear Israel, so I do it for them, I will make it as rich people like a sheep; 38 as a holy flock, as the Jerusalem flock to its festivals, thus shall the ruined cities be filled menneskehjorder and they shall know that I am the Lord. 37. 21 Then say to them, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will take the children of Israel from the nations where they have gone, and I will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land. 22 And I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be king to them all, and they shall no more be two nations and no longer divide themselves into two kingdoms. 23 And they shall no longer defile themselves with their idols and their detestable things, or with any of their iniquity, and I will deliver them out of all their places, which they have sinned, and purify them, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God. 24 And my servant David shall be king over them, and one shepherd will it be for them all, and my laws they must follow, and my commandments they shall keep and do them. / 25 And they shall dwell in the land that I gave to my servant Jacob, that which your fathers lived in, and they shall dwell in it, they and their children and their children's children, forever, and David my servant shall be their prince forever. 26 And I will make a covenant of peace with them - for an everlasting covenant with them to be, and I will settle them in my country and let them be fruitful, and I will put my sanctuary among them forever. 27 And my house shall be upon them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 28 And the nations shall know that I the Lord do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary is among them forever.
6) When God Father's Kingdom come forward will everyone be lifted and there will never be any difference, whether Jews or Greeks, pagans or carnal Israelites. Then race, color, gender, nationality, education, reputation or no separation more. Then we are all equal, equally styles and we will not be able to fall, fail or get past without grace. Garden of Eden and without the past will not be possible. Everything will be life three. The universe will be like a large cathedral, temple and church and God the Father through His Spirit, omnipotence and manner will not only be present. But the reign of his promise, angels, and saved us all! We are the next heirs - to everything.
1 Cor. 3. 21 Therefore no rose sig of people! for all are yours, 22 whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death, whether things present or things to come - all are yours, 23 but I belong to Christ and Christ is God's.
It's wonderful when Israel and the Jews are raised, not least with the idea of the injustice perpetrated against them. But God thought and opinion is that everyone should be raised, it will be filled with those who are part of this world in which God the Father is on the throne and the Son Jesus Christ is, seated at his right hand.
7) Jesus Christ's kingdom will last 1,000 years, King David and King Salamo "lasted" for 80 years, it shows their all that there were limitations and are not perfect. As said before, the thing that has limitation in time, with respect to places and ending shows that it is not perfect, no matter how wonderful it has been. So it was with the old and the new covenant, the old covenant was delightful, but ended and the new covenant took over.
Hebrews 7 7 And without all contradiction the lesser is blessed as the higher. 8 And here are the mortals who take tithes, but there one that has the testimony that He lives. 9 And if I may say: If Abraham even Levi, who takes tithes, were added to the tenth, 10 for he was still in the loins of his father at the time when Melchizedek met him. 11 Was it perfection to win by the Levitical priesthood - for this the people were bound by law - what need would it have been that another priest should arise after the order of Melchizedek, and not mentioned by Aaron? 12 vicissitudes of priesthood, because then the necessarily also a changing of the law for himself; 13 for whom this is said about, belonged to another tribe, of which no one has taken care of the altar: 14 it's familiar enough that our Lord is oprunnet of Judah, and to this tribe Moses spoke not a word about priests. 15 And still more clearly when there arises another priest after the order of Melchizedek, 16 who has not been there above a carnal commandment law, but according to an indestructible life force;
8) God Father's Kingdom is the most wonderful and greatest when it has no end. His Kingdom is eternal, unchanging, and will consist of reborn believers. The decline follows is completely wiped out and everything is perfect and perfectly.
9) Jesus Christ's Kingdom will end in a rebellion against him and those who have ruled during the 1000 year kingdom. This kingdom will be Jerusalem and Israel as its starting already mentioned and it will stretch over the world. Nor will there be a realm completely unable to submit to the world. At the end of this kingdom will it be a worldwide revolt against the empire. This period will end with the judgment.
From my commentaries Revelation 20 7 When the thousand years are expired, Satan will be released from his prison. Satan, we note are not in the lake of fire with the Antichrist and the false prophet. 1000 years in prison in the Abyss has only made him more sullen, spiteful and rebellious. Satan is incorrigible, he is evil personified, he is darkness and hate the one and same person. 8 And he shall go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle countless as the sea sand. We must not confuse the war of Gog described in Ezekiel 36-39 this war. This is really no war, there is only Satan and all who will not bow the knee and heart of Jesus during the 1000 year kingdom who gets a last chance to see what is in them. Man is also incorrigibly evil if not the gospel going. 9 They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. This latest uprising will happen in Israel, where Satan largest and most hate is the opposite. It was in the Middle East all major events happened in the spiritual realm. Where the man was driven out of the Garden of Eden. Man received the Ten Commandments, Jesus died and the Spirit came at Pentecost, etc.
10) The extent of God's kingdom Father is infinite, whereas under King David and Solomon were limited, Jesus Christ's lordship will include almost all the earth, but the heavens. Refers to my commentaries Revelation and then here especially chapter 21-22.
11) Jesus Christ's Kingdom will end, is limited and the influence is limited. There is nothing negative in this because God the Father has a plan and a will and a purpose in this. He will see what is in the individual, humans and all of his created versner. It also includes Satan, the Antichrist, the false prophet, the fallen angels, demons and all creation. Everyone will be held accountable for how behaved and used the opportunity the individual had and received.
12) The standard of the people under Christ's Kingdom is variable, under God Father's Kingdom is the standard "set." We read that those who die young during the 1000 year kingdom dies when he is 100 years old. And in God's eternal Kingdom Father dies no. It is here that small, and yet great care differences. Isaiah 65:20 There shall be no more thence something sucklings who live only a few days, or an old man who does not fill his days, no, a young man shall be die a hundred years old, and a hundred years old, the sin be as cursed.
13) The standard of the people, the angels and all under God's kingdom Father is perfect as he is perfect. Then God the Father through His Spirit be all in all, then, only then will all be complete and perfect.
1 Cor. 15. 24 then comes the end, when he surrenders the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death; 27 for he has put all things under his feet. But when he says that everything is his subject, it is clear that he is undtatt who subject him everything; 28 but when things are subject unto him, then shall and Son himself subjecting himself him who put all things under him, that God may be all in all.
14) The God Father's Kingdom, there will never be any revolt or disease, or all is evil, and the wicked destroyed. We read that there will be a judgment for the eternal rest, not LATER! We must understand that after the judgment is all evil and the evil was destroyed in the lake of fire where all who have stood against God and against Christ will end.
This is from my commentaries Revelation 20 10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are. There shall be tormented day and night forever and ever. Here Satan and all who followed him last end. That they will be tormented day and night is biledelelig voice when night shall cease when God creates a new heaven and a new earth. The Bible does not speak of literal eternal torment, but when you have turned away from God and the opportunity is passed. So it becomes an agonizing and painful entrance into nothingness and destroyed - do! 11 I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it. Earth and sky faded away before him and was no longer. Here we face the final judgment. That throne is white, talk about how it is divine and pure. While that here, all things come forth, not only works but also motifs. The earth and sky faded away talking about that now everything comes out and none of the old creation will not get a settlement. 12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to their works. Everyone will get a completely fair judgment and a settlement with God. It is only God alone can keep a 100% justice. We humans can not do it if we believe that the authority of God and that it is also for us to be something that is right and which is wrong. But our judgment is always imperfect and limited. It is the very last and decisive judgment. Here all the people come before God who has not been there before. And one will be judged, even those who have not heard the gospel will get a fair trial if I do not know how. Rom. 2. 6 He shall reward every man according to what he has done. 7 Those who tirelessly do well, and seek honor, glory and immortality, eternal life. 8 But those who only think of themselves, allowing themselves to be led by injustice and do not obey the truth, anger and wrath to come. 9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also to the Greek. 10 But glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good, the Jew first and also to the Greek. 11 For God shows no partiality. 12 All those who sinned without the law will also perish without the law. And all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For not the hearers of the law words are just before God, but the doers of the law says, should be accepted as fair. 14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law do by nature what it says, they are their own law, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that with this Act is written in their hearts. Bearing witness their own conscience, when their thoughts either accuse or defend them. 16 This should be clear that day God through Jesus Christ, judge the secrets of men, as I have preached in my gospel. 13 And the sea gave now its dead, and death and Hades gave up the dead who were there and everyone was judged according to their works. There are no forgotten. This is the last revolt, this is the latest and most important judgment. No one can stand before God and live. Slev sea provides all back. Hades is not used for long. Everything will be measured against God himself. What he has said is right and wrong. At the ten commandments also include in his will. But it's also more than that, everyone will be judged according to the light and the opportunity he had in his life. Heb. 9. 27 Likewise, certain that it is appointed unto men once to die, and the judgment. 14 Then death and Hades cast into the lake of fire - and the lake of fire, which is the second death. Here we come to a truth that has caused strife for many, even today. For those who do not have their names written in the book of life, what happens? It will experience the second death. The first time we encounter this in the words of God in Genesis to man. We humans have set before us life or death way. The choice is ours! We will settle here in time if we want to be a citizen of heaven or experience death, when we step out of the time it is too late and we have done our management. 1. Genesis 2 15 The Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden. 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day you eat of it you shall die. " 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. What is the lake of fire or hell, it's the same thing. It is to be handed over to the fire and total of Intel's remuneration and termination of life and existence. When the fire has done its effect, then all over. How will it go with Satan, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, the demon and all the people who failed to accept God's offer of salvation in Jesus Christ. Now when people die they come either to paradise or hell, waiting for either salvation or judgment. The believers havens and non believers to hell. But at last, what? I have been taught to believe (I have my background in free friends \ Pentecostal) that people will be tormented forever. And learn and think one is a misconception. But what does God's word? Jesus said it himself. Matt. 10. 28 Be not afraid of them that kill the body but can not kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Here it is right that the Father may destroy, destroy and destroy people in the lake of fire or hell. We read from the text because it is so that people can kill and kill the body. But only God can be dead \ kill \ destroy \ destroy them both, soul and body! We also see Paul says about the same. Rom. 6. 23 The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. When the wages of sin is death means separation then it means eternal separation from God. And when we start comparing other scriptures we come to the conclusion that it is not talking about eternal torment literally as an eternal punishment. But the destruction of all who do not have their names written in the Book of Life of the Lamb, even Satan and all evil spirits included. What about eternal torment in Revelation 20.10 which must be the last word, if any, to those who believe that God will torment and not destroy the people and all the demons and Satan in the end? There is no word in Hebrew or Greek meaning "eternal" (something that never ceases). In Jewish thought, the writings of which have their origin, are all seen in ages / n / ne / adj; tidsalderlig. ... - Eph. 2, 7: How would he (YHWH) in the coming ages (gr: a rubbish aiosin) show His overwhelming grace Wealth of kindness toward us in Yeshua HaMashiavch .. / 2 Tess. 1, 9: .. their punishment (the ugjenfødte) a tidsalderlig (aionion) doom away from Adonay `s face and from His Glory and Power. The Hebrew, olam and the Greek, aion (eon), represents something that "disappears in the horizon. Something to man" incalculable. "It is only YHWH & Yeshua who know the time span's length, for each age - and the length of several ages after another, and the He reveals it to through his Spirit, when it is easy. For tidsalderlig torment for the devil spirits and ugjenfødte / disobedient) - in the age of life (eoniske) fire, so this represents a painful annihilation process (by fire), resulting in complete obliteration / annihilation. It is only YHWH knows the duration (the length) of this punishment / destruction process. This translation blunder hangs sometimes after church needs to ("reinforce fear" - scare the population to pay indulgences and support (subordinate) church and church doctrine. - Each is a product of Greek pagan-philosophical thought. In our time is actually the church Bible translators still too cowardly to translate olam / aion, accurate, age / eon / time-span / adjective; tidsalderlig / eonisk / persistent / (long) term. That's churches and church that pays your wages, and churches are addicted to maintain the "tradition" to exist, also the u-biblical and erroneous - deliberately! I have certainly come to the conclusion that the words aion and olam both speak of an infinitely long period of time, which is also translated as forever, so we put in the word. When it comes to word aionos, so this seems to be used in the sense of infinity without end. But this is, as I said hard. I see that many (majority) of the Bible teachers and scripture scholars have landed on the aionos means eternal and infinite. So we then have the expression "Aion ton aionon" which means "forever" or "forever and forever." What I mean is that this "destruction" process will be so long, that it is natural to compare it with an infinity - because the fire burning all the time, as long as there is nothing to burn. It is therefore not surprising that it can be difficult to interpret with "hellfire". It was a place outside Jerusalem, a waste place called "Hell" (Gehenna). This landfills burned a continuous fire, to burn waste. It was also burned corpses of criminals. This place is in the New Testament and over in history, used as a type of punishment that would come across people who do evil deeds. - There was much evil in life, and hope of many was that God would keep a fair trial. In a society marked by violence and injustice, eg. Ancient Israel, I think it is not so strange that people elaborates this with hell fire and punishment to seem so terrible cruel as it is humanly possible to imagine. Penalties shall also act as a deterrent, and intend to get people with an "evil agenda" to desist from their actions. For me, not a show about a good God could unite with him to let people be tortured continuously for all eternity, even if these people have been guilty of evil acts. - But we have this with justice. The fact that God will hold a fair judgment? How should this be interpreted? I think this is the judgment that is "final", it is an end, not "eternal." Conclusion: Forever is a long and everlasting 2x correctly translated from Hebrew \ grsk is an age of time. Or a time that only God the Father knows. As Jesus said of his return that this only know my Father when he comes again. Jesus will return when this age is over. So it is with the Father and the final annihilation tilintelsesgjørelse of all evil and Satan with his demons. It will take an age \ Era \ (g: a rubbish aiosin) to perform this work. We read in Scripture that night shall cease to represent evil, be biledelig speech that one day, all traces of the evil and wicked deeds, and themselves be gone. Obvious. 22. 5 night will be no more, neither will they be used for the light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will illumine them. And they shall reign forever and ever. God the Father himself knows the time and how this will happen, but the Bible's teaching is not eternal torment forever. But a literal destruction as happened to Sodom and Gomarra says Judas in his letter. Jude 7 just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities all around them, which likewise acted immorally and went after strange flesh, are before our eyes as an example, suffering the eternal ilds punishment. What happened to Sodom and Gomarra? They got a deadly criminal who destroyed them because contained living. 1. Mos.b.19. 24 Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire - from the Lord out of heaven - down on Sodom and Gomorrah. 25 And he overthrew those cities and all the plain and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground. 27 Early in the morning Abraham went to the place where he had stood before the Lord. 28 And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the land of the plain, he saw that the smoke went up from the land, like smoke from a furnace. Here Sodom and Gomarra wiped with an eternal flame. According to the word of God teaches us about the eternal fire! It is people waiting who have their names written in the Book of Life of the Lamb. An eternal destruction as they got. It was like a furnace. How will it be with all the wicked in the judgment understands the white throne that do not have their names written in the book. Everything that came in there was melted and "a" with the bathroom. How will it be with the wicked on judgment day. Matt.3. 12 he has his winnowing fork in his hand, and he will cleanse his barn and gather his wheat into the garner, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. For believers, we will not understand judgment. But our lives will be judged and we may lose pay or receive a full reward This is the biblical doctrine of the eternal flame. What I mean is that this "destruction" process will be so long, that it is natural to compare it with an infinity - because the fire burning all the time, as long as there is nothing to burn. And that pain God Father's heart that something really has provided a solution for all people. And Jesus will suffer when his sacrifice was for all. For us humans have by far the greatest suffering and anguish being with this if we do not get our fleshly family on the path to heaven and all the other people that we care about and love! 1. As you probably know, is not the word "hell" in the basic text. The basic text is the "Gehenna" which also was a landfill outside Jerusalem. It was burned trash and the bodies of dead animals and criminals who were not worthy of any funeral. When Jesus talked about that we should "burn in Gehenna" Jews understood that he meant that sort of garbage and dead bodies were burned and destroyed, so God will burn up and destroy the people who refuse to repent to God. No Jews envisioned torment when they thought of Gehenna. Neither the trash or the dead bodies "screamed for mercy" or tortured. 2. Now that we know what is Gehenna, namely a junkyard where one burns up trash and dead bodies, it becomes easier to understand the truth about Hell. For what happens in Hell? Yes, Matt. 10:28 says: "Do not fear those who kill the body but can not kill the soul. Rather fear Him (God) who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Here we see that the Hell are body and soul destroyed or brought to nothing. As an ant pulverized if you put it between your palms and rub. It is gone. Or to use the example of Jesus, if anything thrown into Gehenna burned it simply her up. 3. The traditional doctrine of hell is that God will throw people in Hell (Lake of Fire). It is right that he should do so according to the Bible, but that the traditional doctrine says is that God will torment when these people forever. What is not true is that this crash with God's moral views on justice. Let me explain: In the Bible, God says that he wants "an eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth: This was a law that was fair. If you took a cow of mine had to give a cow back if you were made for the assault. If I damaged your eye, then you could damage my etc. So this was a law based on justice. then one must then ask ourselves: Is it fair that a loving and just God punishes a 3 year old baby with Afghan torture an eternity? Is it right that a 20 year old bush-man will be punished by God for years on into the endlessly because he did not know anything about Jesus, is it right to give eternal torture that judgment when the offense was to go against God will? No. Judgment and sentencing must be in proportion to each other. Moreover, a loving God be involved in an "Eternal Auschwitz"? Healthy sense says that we should confine torturers God is not so. The Word of God says is that " The wages of sin is: Death "(Rom.6: 23). If someone dies in his sins he will therefore not be tortured, but he will die (Cf. Gehenna and be destroyed forever - Matt.10: 28)., how can a loving God who asks us to love our enemies while PINE his enemies forever? 4. When it says Eternal torment in our Bibles, it could just as easily have been eternal punishment. The important thing to understand with this word is that it can mean both torment and punishment (plus some meanings to). It is not torture is Eternal, it's punishment. Let's look at the ant again. It will not be tortured forever, but the punishment is eternal because it will never come back as ants. It's gone. It is destroyed. See, for example, Jude chapter 1 verse 7 It says that "Sodom and Gomorrah is an example of our eyes and suffer the punishment of eternal fire." However, fire is there now? No. Should there be an eternal flame? Yes. What voices? Jo: The punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah got was an "eternal ilds punishment" - which means that these cities were burned up, but when they were burned up, of course, joined the fire to burn (we regard no fire or smoke where Sodom and Gomorrah is today - not true, besides, no one is calling to beg for mercy in these cities today - they are gone - all men ...). 5. One last quick argument: If the Lake of Fire / Hell was a place you were tortured by God, why Revelation says that "Death and Hades" are thrown down there? One can not PINE PINE Death or Hades!! No, this scripture tells us instead that "Death and Hades" should be destroyed - obliterated. It should therefore not death or fatal rich in paradise! Compare the Revelation 21. The result of such teaching clears Yahweh God from the charge that he might be evil, unfair and insensitive. It shows how loving, just and merciful He is. Moreover, this doctrine lead to the unsaved do not get offended God, but might easily see His justice. They do definitely not with the traditional doctrine of hell. Well, here were some of my argument. It is worth noting that there were Catholics who invented this doctrine and that the apostate Christian churches have preached them with flourish and bram. Possible that it should ring some bells with us.
15) God always has a progressive and systematic development. The whole Bible gives witness that everything God does will start one place, going through a development and then complemented it. It is found everywhere in nature, the seasons, with all creation etc.
It is found especially in the so-called resurrection in chapter 1 Cor. 15. 36 You fool! what you sow is not made alive without the door. 37 And when you sow, sow not that body that shall be, but a bare grain, perhaps of wheat or of something else kind; 38 But God gives it a body according to his will, and every seed his own body. 39 Not all flesh is the same flesh, but one is flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of birds, another of fishes. 40 And there are heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies, but the glory has the heavenly bodies, another of the terrestrial. 41 One brilliance of the sun, moon, and another, and another the stars: for one star differs from another star in glory. 42 So it is with the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption, it arises in incorruption: 43 It is sown in dishonor, it arises in glory: it is sown in weakness, it arises in force; 44 which is sown a natural body, there arises a spiritual body. Certainly that is given a natural body, and given a spiritual body. 45 Thus there and written, The first man Adam became a living soul, the last Adam has become a quickening spirit. 46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, then the spiritual. 47 The first man was of the earth, earthy, the second man is of heaven. 48 such that the earthy, such are and the earthly, and such as is the heavenly, so shall also the heavenly being, 49 and even as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall bear and the heavenly image. 50 But this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God, nor does corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 in an instant, in a moment, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall arise incorruptible, and we shall be turned. 53 For this corruptible must be clothed imperishable, and this mortal shall be clothed immortality. 54 And when this corruptible is clothed imperishable, and this mortal is clothed immortality, then fulfilled the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up of victory. 55 Death, where is thy sting? Death, where is thy victory? 56 But the sting of death is sin, and sin is the law of force, 57 but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, as ye know that your work is not useless in the Lord!
16) One day Christ will surrender everything to the Father, the only true God. After Jesus has ruled in the kingdom to Israel for 1000 years, he will make his kingdom under God's eternal kingdom, and God will be all in all. "Then cometh the end (at the Resurrection), when he surrenders the kingdom (the kingdom of Israel) to God and Father, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and all power. For he (Jesus) shall reign until he has put all enemies under his feet. " 1. Kor.15 0.24 to 25.) This phase of the kingdom will again be divided into several periods, which we are familiar today. It is the coming ages. (Ef.2, 7)
17) This time the household is a time of testing, a test time. For those who will be involved in the world, therefore it is to be saved, knowing the power of the world. We must enter the kingdom of God through many tribulations and it is to be tested, tested, and to be held accountable for all our actions, opinions and what we have spoken. And by we, we will be judged, evaluated and get our reward.
2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light affliction, which is brief and easy, seems to us an eternal weight of glory excess in excess,
18) Satan, demons and fallen angels were active under King David and Solomon rule. Under Christ's control, he will be bound and when God Father's Kingdom come forward are extinct. Here I recommend my commentaries Revelation example. Chap. 20 that this article should not be too long!
19) The flesh and fallen man will be active and present during the 1000 årsriket. And those who die young will die one hundred years old. Here I recommend my commentaries Revelation example. Chap. 20 that this article should not be too long!
20) The God Father's Kingdom, he will by his Spirit fill all in all! Here I recommend my commentaries Revelation example. Chap. 21-22for that this article should not be too long! And my commentaries on Colossians and Ephesians Dispenser The letter also fits very well into my dear friend!
Final Comment: This I could have written much more about, but it is still possible to blog and post questions regarding this topic and other topics! Send your email to me here: Jk.chris @ In many ways you could say that King David and King Solomon's rule was that the court, Jesus Christ's Kingdom as the Saints in GT. And the Father's Kingdom as the holiest then everything will be the most sacred and it will no longer be any temple or any other house of God when the earth and the heavens and everything will be a big "house of God"! All realms we have mentioned is not of this earth and earthly size, but the scale is different, its significance and duration!
Or SMS: 99598070.
Related links:
Jesus Christ domination is limited to "only" 1000 years. Yahweh God domination is forever - it is unlimited and never ends!
I meet criticism regarding several things and aspects of my preaching and teaching. It could not I do something for when I only maintains what I have become convinced is the biblical doctrine regarding the various issues I raise.
One of them is the Trinity which I head not appear consistent with the word of God where "wood" equal Gods is "one" common God. This does not correspond with what God's word says that tells us that there are many gods - but there is only one who is the true God, there is the Father.
I've written about this topic once before and therefore take and post the article I have written before, one more time. When I thought that was so enlightening and good.
Nr. 437:
God Father's Kingdom is eternal and heavenly. Jesus Christ's Kingdom is temporary and earthly. Christ's kingdom will go to God's kingdom when he surrenders everything to the one true God, the Father!
One who has taken up with the difference between Christ's kingdom and God's Father's Kingdom is the eminent and incredibly comprehensive study Bible to Finis Jennings Dake. Recommend everyone, especially those who preach the word of God to obtain, read and study this particular study Bible. It is very good, see here:
20 aspects which show the difference between Christ's kingdom and God's Father's Kingdom. I'm not so much into why Jesus taught much about the kingdom of God in us, but my focus is on the fold of Christ's Kingdom and God's Father's Kingdom, not only the purely spiritual. Spiritually it is really like, then both of Christ's Kingdom and God's Father's Kingdom is always God's will that happen, Amen, Hallelujah and thank goodness for that! The word "rich" or "kingdom" comes from the Greek word "Basileia". There can be no kingdom without a king has (gr.basilevs). In Hebrew the words "maluk" and "malak". In the different phases of the kingdom of God is either God or Christ is king. When the king is present, then acts kingdom as it was intended.
1) God Father's kingdom is eternal, unchanging and heavenly. When we read the book of Revelation from chapters 21-22 as we face the eternal state. That is when we will fully see, the only true God. Meeting him and being close to him forever. 1. Tim. 1. 17 But the eternal King, the immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever! Amen. In Adam, God came to visit, then you will have to stay with us forever!
2) Jesus Christ's kingdom is earthly, temporary and will cease. Jesus Christ's Kingdom is wonderful when the law shall extend in from Jerusalem. But it will still have its limitations. And it will be the first and foremost of earthly and not heavenly nature. And after 1000 years it will end. Of course, 1000 triumphant and glorious years! It all despots and Antichrist would wish for and never did and could, that Jesus Christ accomplished. Hitler's Third Reich was actually an advance on the Antichrist's kingdom. Just as King David and King Solomon's kingdom was a precursor to the 1000 year kingdom. We study Hitler's Third Reich, so there we where the precursor to what we will soon see when the Antichrist will emerge to try to take over the world, especially Europe.
The notion that all nations will come to Jerusalem to learn the law of the Lord appeared first in the later texts of the Old Testament. The most famous of these texts are Isaiah 2 and Micah 4 that are similar: In the last days it shall come to pass that the temple of rock should be grounded high above all mountains and rise up over the hills. There shall all the nations flow. Many people go off and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways and we may walk in his paths," For the Lord's law will go out from Zion, word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples. They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, no longer learn war. Isaiah 2:2-4
This idea can also find several other places in the Old Testament as in Psalm 22:29; 66:8 and 98:3. This notion of Jerusalem as the world center and place of pilgrimage for all people constitutes the last drive in the evolution of Judaism that Christianity really has come out of and from. How then can one say that Christianity return to Judaism. (Read Rom. 9-11).
3) When Jesus Christ Kingdom would King David upon Christ right hand. The way I see it, it was King David and King Solomon foreshadow the coming 1000 year kingdom and the glorious earthly kingdom that has ever been until now, before Jesus returns with His saints and establish his 1000 year kingdom of peace.
Ezekiel 37:25 And they shall dwell in the land that I gave to my servant Jacob, that which your fathers lived in, and they shall dwell in it, they and their children and their children's children, forever, and David my servant shall be their prince forever. Ezekiel 37:24 And David my servant shall be king over them, and one shepherd will it be for them all, and my laws they must follow, and my commandments they shall keep and do them. Ezekiel 34:24 And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David shall be prince among them, for I the Lord have spoken. Ezekiel 34:23 And I will raise up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them - My servant David: he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.
4) By the Father's kingdom is eternal, Christ will sit at his right hand.
Jesus' rightful place in the eternal kingdom of God the Father right hand, and on the way he has also subordinate to the Father. Heb 1:3 who being the brightness of His glory and avbilledet of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, and therefore, when he had made purification of sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, Luk 22:69 But from now on the Son of Man sitting at God's right hand. Acts 2:34 For David did not look up to the heavens, but he says himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand, Mark 14:62 Jesus said, I am, and ye shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand and coming with the clouds of heaven. Mark 4:19 p.m. So was the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. Mark 12:36 David himself has said in the Holy Spirit, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet! Colossians 3:1 Are ye upright with Christ, then search the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God! Eph 1:20 Which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his right hand in heaven, Hebrews 1:13 But to which of the angels has he any time said, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet?
5) When Jesus Kristi Kingdom, Israel will be lifted up. The Jews will be priests and kings in this kingdom: Jesus will be king, and the 12 apostles will sit in the temple in Jerusalem and rule over the 12 tribes of Israel. (Mat.19, 28) The Christian church should have overall responsibilities for the country time. Jesus should be the head of the Christian church. Jesus will rule from both the sky and on the basis Jerusalem.
Here is something from Ezekiel, which shows the greatness of Israel as a nation and Israel as people go in meeting: Ezekiel 36 16 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 17 Son of man, Israel lived in their country, and they defiled it by their ways and their deeds, as a woman's monthly period was their journey before me. 18 Then I poured my fury upon them for the blood guilt that they had shed upon the land, and because they had made it unclean with their idols. 19 And I scattered them among the nations, and they were scattered around the country, according to their ways and their deeds I judged them. 20 And when they came to the nations where they came, they profaned my holy name, and it was said of them: this is the Lord's people, and yet they had to go out of his land! 21 When I had compassion upon my holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations where they had gone to. 22 Therefore say to the house of Israel, Thus says the Lord God: Not for your sake, O house of Israel, I do, but for My holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the nations where you have gone to. 23 I will sanctify my great name, which has been profaned among the nations, that ye have profaned among them, and the nations shall know that I am the LORD, saith the Lord God, when I reveal my holiness upon you in your eyes. 24 I will bring you from the nations and gather you from all countries, and I will bring you to your own land. 25 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness and from all your idols I will cleanse you. 26 I will give you a new heart and a new spirit will I put within you, and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 My spirit will I put within you, and I will make sure I follow my statutes and keep my ordinances and do them. 28 I shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers, and you shall be my people, and I will be your God. 29 I will deliver you from all your impurities, and I will call for the grain and make it foldrikt and not let famine upon you. 30 I will multiply fruit trees and field crops, so I no longer hungers for the sake suffer reproach among the nations. 31 Then I will remember your evil ways and your doings that were not good, and you will loathe yourselves for your iniquities and your abominations. 32 Not for your sakes do I do it, says the Lord God, that ye may know! Blues and shame you over your conduct, O house of Israel! 33 Thus says the Lord God: In the day I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will let the people stay again in the cities, and the ruins shall be rebuilt, 34 and the land was desolate layers should be grown instead of it was a desert of each man's eyes went by. 35 And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden, and the torn and damaged and demolished cities are rebuilt and have walls. 36 And the nations that are left round about you shall know that I the LORD have rebuilt what was destroyed and replanted the damaged land. I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it. 37 Thus says the Lord God: In this I pray hear Israel, so I do it for them, I will make it as rich people like a sheep; 38 as a holy flock, as the Jerusalem flock to its festivals, thus shall the ruined cities be filled menneskehjorder and they shall know that I am the Lord. 37. 21 Then say to them, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will take the children of Israel from the nations where they have gone, and I will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land. 22 And I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be king to them all, and they shall no more be two nations and no longer divide themselves into two kingdoms. 23 And they shall no longer defile themselves with their idols and their detestable things, or with any of their iniquity, and I will deliver them out of all their places, which they have sinned, and purify them, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God. 24 And my servant David shall be king over them, and one shepherd will it be for them all, and my laws they must follow, and my commandments they shall keep and do them. / 25 And they shall dwell in the land that I gave to my servant Jacob, that which your fathers lived in, and they shall dwell in it, they and their children and their children's children, forever, and David my servant shall be their prince forever. 26 And I will make a covenant of peace with them - for an everlasting covenant with them to be, and I will settle them in my country and let them be fruitful, and I will put my sanctuary among them forever. 27 And my house shall be upon them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 28 And the nations shall know that I the Lord do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary is among them forever.
6) When God Father's Kingdom come forward will everyone be lifted and there will never be any difference, whether Jews or Greeks, pagans or carnal Israelites. Then race, color, gender, nationality, education, reputation or no separation more. Then we are all equal, equally styles and we will not be able to fall, fail or get past without grace. Garden of Eden and without the past will not be possible. Everything will be life three. The universe will be like a large cathedral, temple and church and God the Father through His Spirit, omnipotence and manner will not only be present. But the reign of his promise, angels, and saved us all! We are the next heirs - to everything.
1 Cor. 3. 21 Therefore no rose sig of people! for all are yours, 22 whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death, whether things present or things to come - all are yours, 23 but I belong to Christ and Christ is God's.
It's wonderful when Israel and the Jews are raised, not least with the idea of the injustice perpetrated against them. But God thought and opinion is that everyone should be raised, it will be filled with those who are part of this world in which God the Father is on the throne and the Son Jesus Christ is, seated at his right hand.
7) Jesus Christ's kingdom will last 1,000 years, King David and King Salamo "lasted" for 80 years, it shows their all that there were limitations and are not perfect. As said before, the thing that has limitation in time, with respect to places and ending shows that it is not perfect, no matter how wonderful it has been. So it was with the old and the new covenant, the old covenant was delightful, but ended and the new covenant took over.
Hebrews 7 7 And without all contradiction the lesser is blessed as the higher. 8 And here are the mortals who take tithes, but there one that has the testimony that He lives. 9 And if I may say: If Abraham even Levi, who takes tithes, were added to the tenth, 10 for he was still in the loins of his father at the time when Melchizedek met him. 11 Was it perfection to win by the Levitical priesthood - for this the people were bound by law - what need would it have been that another priest should arise after the order of Melchizedek, and not mentioned by Aaron? 12 vicissitudes of priesthood, because then the necessarily also a changing of the law for himself; 13 for whom this is said about, belonged to another tribe, of which no one has taken care of the altar: 14 it's familiar enough that our Lord is oprunnet of Judah, and to this tribe Moses spoke not a word about priests. 15 And still more clearly when there arises another priest after the order of Melchizedek, 16 who has not been there above a carnal commandment law, but according to an indestructible life force;
8) God Father's Kingdom is the most wonderful and greatest when it has no end. His Kingdom is eternal, unchanging, and will consist of reborn believers. The decline follows is completely wiped out and everything is perfect and perfectly.
9) Jesus Christ's Kingdom will end in a rebellion against him and those who have ruled during the 1000 year kingdom. This kingdom will be Jerusalem and Israel as its starting already mentioned and it will stretch over the world. Nor will there be a realm completely unable to submit to the world. At the end of this kingdom will it be a worldwide revolt against the empire. This period will end with the judgment.
From my commentaries Revelation 20 7 When the thousand years are expired, Satan will be released from his prison. Satan, we note are not in the lake of fire with the Antichrist and the false prophet. 1000 years in prison in the Abyss has only made him more sullen, spiteful and rebellious. Satan is incorrigible, he is evil personified, he is darkness and hate the one and same person. 8 And he shall go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle countless as the sea sand. We must not confuse the war of Gog described in Ezekiel 36-39 this war. This is really no war, there is only Satan and all who will not bow the knee and heart of Jesus during the 1000 year kingdom who gets a last chance to see what is in them. Man is also incorrigibly evil if not the gospel going. 9 They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. This latest uprising will happen in Israel, where Satan largest and most hate is the opposite. It was in the Middle East all major events happened in the spiritual realm. Where the man was driven out of the Garden of Eden. Man received the Ten Commandments, Jesus died and the Spirit came at Pentecost, etc.
10) The extent of God's kingdom Father is infinite, whereas under King David and Solomon were limited, Jesus Christ's lordship will include almost all the earth, but the heavens. Refers to my commentaries Revelation and then here especially chapter 21-22.
11) Jesus Christ's Kingdom will end, is limited and the influence is limited. There is nothing negative in this because God the Father has a plan and a will and a purpose in this. He will see what is in the individual, humans and all of his created versner. It also includes Satan, the Antichrist, the false prophet, the fallen angels, demons and all creation. Everyone will be held accountable for how behaved and used the opportunity the individual had and received.
12) The standard of the people under Christ's Kingdom is variable, under God Father's Kingdom is the standard "set." We read that those who die young during the 1000 year kingdom dies when he is 100 years old. And in God's eternal Kingdom Father dies no. It is here that small, and yet great care differences. Isaiah 65:20 There shall be no more thence something sucklings who live only a few days, or an old man who does not fill his days, no, a young man shall be die a hundred years old, and a hundred years old, the sin be as cursed.
13) The standard of the people, the angels and all under God's kingdom Father is perfect as he is perfect. Then God the Father through His Spirit be all in all, then, only then will all be complete and perfect.
1 Cor. 15. 24 then comes the end, when he surrenders the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death; 27 for he has put all things under his feet. But when he says that everything is his subject, it is clear that he is undtatt who subject him everything; 28 but when things are subject unto him, then shall and Son himself subjecting himself him who put all things under him, that God may be all in all.
14) The God Father's Kingdom, there will never be any revolt or disease, or all is evil, and the wicked destroyed. We read that there will be a judgment for the eternal rest, not LATER! We must understand that after the judgment is all evil and the evil was destroyed in the lake of fire where all who have stood against God and against Christ will end.
This is from my commentaries Revelation 20 10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are. There shall be tormented day and night forever and ever. Here Satan and all who followed him last end. That they will be tormented day and night is biledelelig voice when night shall cease when God creates a new heaven and a new earth. The Bible does not speak of literal eternal torment, but when you have turned away from God and the opportunity is passed. So it becomes an agonizing and painful entrance into nothingness and destroyed - do! 11 I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it. Earth and sky faded away before him and was no longer. Here we face the final judgment. That throne is white, talk about how it is divine and pure. While that here, all things come forth, not only works but also motifs. The earth and sky faded away talking about that now everything comes out and none of the old creation will not get a settlement. 12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to their works. Everyone will get a completely fair judgment and a settlement with God. It is only God alone can keep a 100% justice. We humans can not do it if we believe that the authority of God and that it is also for us to be something that is right and which is wrong. But our judgment is always imperfect and limited. It is the very last and decisive judgment. Here all the people come before God who has not been there before. And one will be judged, even those who have not heard the gospel will get a fair trial if I do not know how. Rom. 2. 6 He shall reward every man according to what he has done. 7 Those who tirelessly do well, and seek honor, glory and immortality, eternal life. 8 But those who only think of themselves, allowing themselves to be led by injustice and do not obey the truth, anger and wrath to come. 9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also to the Greek. 10 But glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good, the Jew first and also to the Greek. 11 For God shows no partiality. 12 All those who sinned without the law will also perish without the law. And all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For not the hearers of the law words are just before God, but the doers of the law says, should be accepted as fair. 14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law do by nature what it says, they are their own law, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that with this Act is written in their hearts. Bearing witness their own conscience, when their thoughts either accuse or defend them. 16 This should be clear that day God through Jesus Christ, judge the secrets of men, as I have preached in my gospel. 13 And the sea gave now its dead, and death and Hades gave up the dead who were there and everyone was judged according to their works. There are no forgotten. This is the last revolt, this is the latest and most important judgment. No one can stand before God and live. Slev sea provides all back. Hades is not used for long. Everything will be measured against God himself. What he has said is right and wrong. At the ten commandments also include in his will. But it's also more than that, everyone will be judged according to the light and the opportunity he had in his life. Heb. 9. 27 Likewise, certain that it is appointed unto men once to die, and the judgment. 14 Then death and Hades cast into the lake of fire - and the lake of fire, which is the second death. Here we come to a truth that has caused strife for many, even today. For those who do not have their names written in the book of life, what happens? It will experience the second death. The first time we encounter this in the words of God in Genesis to man. We humans have set before us life or death way. The choice is ours! We will settle here in time if we want to be a citizen of heaven or experience death, when we step out of the time it is too late and we have done our management. 1. Genesis 2 15 The Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden. 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day you eat of it you shall die. " 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. What is the lake of fire or hell, it's the same thing. It is to be handed over to the fire and total of Intel's remuneration and termination of life and existence. When the fire has done its effect, then all over. How will it go with Satan, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, the demon and all the people who failed to accept God's offer of salvation in Jesus Christ. Now when people die they come either to paradise or hell, waiting for either salvation or judgment. The believers havens and non believers to hell. But at last, what? I have been taught to believe (I have my background in free friends \ Pentecostal) that people will be tormented forever. And learn and think one is a misconception. But what does God's word? Jesus said it himself. Matt. 10. 28 Be not afraid of them that kill the body but can not kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Here it is right that the Father may destroy, destroy and destroy people in the lake of fire or hell. We read from the text because it is so that people can kill and kill the body. But only God can be dead \ kill \ destroy \ destroy them both, soul and body! We also see Paul says about the same. Rom. 6. 23 The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. When the wages of sin is death means separation then it means eternal separation from God. And when we start comparing other scriptures we come to the conclusion that it is not talking about eternal torment literally as an eternal punishment. But the destruction of all who do not have their names written in the Book of Life of the Lamb, even Satan and all evil spirits included. What about eternal torment in Revelation 20.10 which must be the last word, if any, to those who believe that God will torment and not destroy the people and all the demons and Satan in the end? There is no word in Hebrew or Greek meaning "eternal" (something that never ceases). In Jewish thought, the writings of which have their origin, are all seen in ages / n / ne / adj; tidsalderlig. ... - Eph. 2, 7: How would he (YHWH) in the coming ages (gr: a rubbish aiosin) show His overwhelming grace Wealth of kindness toward us in Yeshua HaMashiavch .. / 2 Tess. 1, 9: .. their punishment (the ugjenfødte) a tidsalderlig (aionion) doom away from Adonay `s face and from His Glory and Power. The Hebrew, olam and the Greek, aion (eon), represents something that "disappears in the horizon. Something to man" incalculable. "It is only YHWH & Yeshua who know the time span's length, for each age - and the length of several ages after another, and the He reveals it to through his Spirit, when it is easy. For tidsalderlig torment for the devil spirits and ugjenfødte / disobedient) - in the age of life (eoniske) fire, so this represents a painful annihilation process (by fire), resulting in complete obliteration / annihilation. It is only YHWH knows the duration (the length) of this punishment / destruction process. This translation blunder hangs sometimes after church needs to ("reinforce fear" - scare the population to pay indulgences and support (subordinate) church and church doctrine. - Each is a product of Greek pagan-philosophical thought. In our time is actually the church Bible translators still too cowardly to translate olam / aion, accurate, age / eon / time-span / adjective; tidsalderlig / eonisk / persistent / (long) term. That's churches and church that pays your wages, and churches are addicted to maintain the "tradition" to exist, also the u-biblical and erroneous - deliberately! I have certainly come to the conclusion that the words aion and olam both speak of an infinitely long period of time, which is also translated as forever, so we put in the word. When it comes to word aionos, so this seems to be used in the sense of infinity without end. But this is, as I said hard. I see that many (majority) of the Bible teachers and scripture scholars have landed on the aionos means eternal and infinite. So we then have the expression "Aion ton aionon" which means "forever" or "forever and forever." What I mean is that this "destruction" process will be so long, that it is natural to compare it with an infinity - because the fire burning all the time, as long as there is nothing to burn. It is therefore not surprising that it can be difficult to interpret with "hellfire". It was a place outside Jerusalem, a waste place called "Hell" (Gehenna). This landfills burned a continuous fire, to burn waste. It was also burned corpses of criminals. This place is in the New Testament and over in history, used as a type of punishment that would come across people who do evil deeds. - There was much evil in life, and hope of many was that God would keep a fair trial. In a society marked by violence and injustice, eg. Ancient Israel, I think it is not so strange that people elaborates this with hell fire and punishment to seem so terrible cruel as it is humanly possible to imagine. Penalties shall also act as a deterrent, and intend to get people with an "evil agenda" to desist from their actions. For me, not a show about a good God could unite with him to let people be tortured continuously for all eternity, even if these people have been guilty of evil acts. - But we have this with justice. The fact that God will hold a fair judgment? How should this be interpreted? I think this is the judgment that is "final", it is an end, not "eternal." Conclusion: Forever is a long and everlasting 2x correctly translated from Hebrew \ grsk is an age of time. Or a time that only God the Father knows. As Jesus said of his return that this only know my Father when he comes again. Jesus will return when this age is over. So it is with the Father and the final annihilation tilintelsesgjørelse of all evil and Satan with his demons. It will take an age \ Era \ (g: a rubbish aiosin) to perform this work. We read in Scripture that night shall cease to represent evil, be biledelig speech that one day, all traces of the evil and wicked deeds, and themselves be gone. Obvious. 22. 5 night will be no more, neither will they be used for the light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will illumine them. And they shall reign forever and ever. God the Father himself knows the time and how this will happen, but the Bible's teaching is not eternal torment forever. But a literal destruction as happened to Sodom and Gomarra says Judas in his letter. Jude 7 just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities all around them, which likewise acted immorally and went after strange flesh, are before our eyes as an example, suffering the eternal ilds punishment. What happened to Sodom and Gomarra? They got a deadly criminal who destroyed them because contained living. 1. Mos.b.19. 24 Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire - from the Lord out of heaven - down on Sodom and Gomorrah. 25 And he overthrew those cities and all the plain and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground. 27 Early in the morning Abraham went to the place where he had stood before the Lord. 28 And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the land of the plain, he saw that the smoke went up from the land, like smoke from a furnace. Here Sodom and Gomarra wiped with an eternal flame. According to the word of God teaches us about the eternal fire! It is people waiting who have their names written in the Book of Life of the Lamb. An eternal destruction as they got. It was like a furnace. How will it be with all the wicked in the judgment understands the white throne that do not have their names written in the book. Everything that came in there was melted and "a" with the bathroom. How will it be with the wicked on judgment day. Matt.3. 12 he has his winnowing fork in his hand, and he will cleanse his barn and gather his wheat into the garner, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. For believers, we will not understand judgment. But our lives will be judged and we may lose pay or receive a full reward This is the biblical doctrine of the eternal flame. What I mean is that this "destruction" process will be so long, that it is natural to compare it with an infinity - because the fire burning all the time, as long as there is nothing to burn. And that pain God Father's heart that something really has provided a solution for all people. And Jesus will suffer when his sacrifice was for all. For us humans have by far the greatest suffering and anguish being with this if we do not get our fleshly family on the path to heaven and all the other people that we care about and love! 1. As you probably know, is not the word "hell" in the basic text. The basic text is the "Gehenna" which also was a landfill outside Jerusalem. It was burned trash and the bodies of dead animals and criminals who were not worthy of any funeral. When Jesus talked about that we should "burn in Gehenna" Jews understood that he meant that sort of garbage and dead bodies were burned and destroyed, so God will burn up and destroy the people who refuse to repent to God. No Jews envisioned torment when they thought of Gehenna. Neither the trash or the dead bodies "screamed for mercy" or tortured. 2. Now that we know what is Gehenna, namely a junkyard where one burns up trash and dead bodies, it becomes easier to understand the truth about Hell. For what happens in Hell? Yes, Matt. 10:28 says: "Do not fear those who kill the body but can not kill the soul. Rather fear Him (God) who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Here we see that the Hell are body and soul destroyed or brought to nothing. As an ant pulverized if you put it between your palms and rub. It is gone. Or to use the example of Jesus, if anything thrown into Gehenna burned it simply her up. 3. The traditional doctrine of hell is that God will throw people in Hell (Lake of Fire). It is right that he should do so according to the Bible, but that the traditional doctrine says is that God will torment when these people forever. What is not true is that this crash with God's moral views on justice. Let me explain: In the Bible, God says that he wants "an eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth: This was a law that was fair. If you took a cow of mine had to give a cow back if you were made for the assault. If I damaged your eye, then you could damage my etc. So this was a law based on justice. then one must then ask ourselves: Is it fair that a loving and just God punishes a 3 year old baby with Afghan torture an eternity? Is it right that a 20 year old bush-man will be punished by God for years on into the endlessly because he did not know anything about Jesus, is it right to give eternal torture that judgment when the offense was to go against God will? No. Judgment and sentencing must be in proportion to each other. Moreover, a loving God be involved in an "Eternal Auschwitz"? Healthy sense says that we should confine torturers God is not so. The Word of God says is that " The wages of sin is: Death "(Rom.6: 23). If someone dies in his sins he will therefore not be tortured, but he will die (Cf. Gehenna and be destroyed forever - Matt.10: 28)., how can a loving God who asks us to love our enemies while PINE his enemies forever? 4. When it says Eternal torment in our Bibles, it could just as easily have been eternal punishment. The important thing to understand with this word is that it can mean both torment and punishment (plus some meanings to). It is not torture is Eternal, it's punishment. Let's look at the ant again. It will not be tortured forever, but the punishment is eternal because it will never come back as ants. It's gone. It is destroyed. See, for example, Jude chapter 1 verse 7 It says that "Sodom and Gomorrah is an example of our eyes and suffer the punishment of eternal fire." However, fire is there now? No. Should there be an eternal flame? Yes. What voices? Jo: The punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah got was an "eternal ilds punishment" - which means that these cities were burned up, but when they were burned up, of course, joined the fire to burn (we regard no fire or smoke where Sodom and Gomorrah is today - not true, besides, no one is calling to beg for mercy in these cities today - they are gone - all men ...). 5. One last quick argument: If the Lake of Fire / Hell was a place you were tortured by God, why Revelation says that "Death and Hades" are thrown down there? One can not PINE PINE Death or Hades!! No, this scripture tells us instead that "Death and Hades" should be destroyed - obliterated. It should therefore not death or fatal rich in paradise! Compare the Revelation 21. The result of such teaching clears Yahweh God from the charge that he might be evil, unfair and insensitive. It shows how loving, just and merciful He is. Moreover, this doctrine lead to the unsaved do not get offended God, but might easily see His justice. They do definitely not with the traditional doctrine of hell. Well, here were some of my argument. It is worth noting that there were Catholics who invented this doctrine and that the apostate Christian churches have preached them with flourish and bram. Possible that it should ring some bells with us.
15) God always has a progressive and systematic development. The whole Bible gives witness that everything God does will start one place, going through a development and then complemented it. It is found everywhere in nature, the seasons, with all creation etc.
It is found especially in the so-called resurrection in chapter 1 Cor. 15. 36 You fool! what you sow is not made alive without the door. 37 And when you sow, sow not that body that shall be, but a bare grain, perhaps of wheat or of something else kind; 38 But God gives it a body according to his will, and every seed his own body. 39 Not all flesh is the same flesh, but one is flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of birds, another of fishes. 40 And there are heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies, but the glory has the heavenly bodies, another of the terrestrial. 41 One brilliance of the sun, moon, and another, and another the stars: for one star differs from another star in glory. 42 So it is with the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption, it arises in incorruption: 43 It is sown in dishonor, it arises in glory: it is sown in weakness, it arises in force; 44 which is sown a natural body, there arises a spiritual body. Certainly that is given a natural body, and given a spiritual body. 45 Thus there and written, The first man Adam became a living soul, the last Adam has become a quickening spirit. 46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, then the spiritual. 47 The first man was of the earth, earthy, the second man is of heaven. 48 such that the earthy, such are and the earthly, and such as is the heavenly, so shall also the heavenly being, 49 and even as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall bear and the heavenly image. 50 But this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God, nor does corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 in an instant, in a moment, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall arise incorruptible, and we shall be turned. 53 For this corruptible must be clothed imperishable, and this mortal shall be clothed immortality. 54 And when this corruptible is clothed imperishable, and this mortal is clothed immortality, then fulfilled the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up of victory. 55 Death, where is thy sting? Death, where is thy victory? 56 But the sting of death is sin, and sin is the law of force, 57 but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, as ye know that your work is not useless in the Lord!
16) One day Christ will surrender everything to the Father, the only true God. After Jesus has ruled in the kingdom to Israel for 1000 years, he will make his kingdom under God's eternal kingdom, and God will be all in all. "Then cometh the end (at the Resurrection), when he surrenders the kingdom (the kingdom of Israel) to God and Father, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and all power. For he (Jesus) shall reign until he has put all enemies under his feet. " 1. Kor.15 0.24 to 25.) This phase of the kingdom will again be divided into several periods, which we are familiar today. It is the coming ages. (Ef.2, 7)
17) This time the household is a time of testing, a test time. For those who will be involved in the world, therefore it is to be saved, knowing the power of the world. We must enter the kingdom of God through many tribulations and it is to be tested, tested, and to be held accountable for all our actions, opinions and what we have spoken. And by we, we will be judged, evaluated and get our reward.
2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light affliction, which is brief and easy, seems to us an eternal weight of glory excess in excess,
18) Satan, demons and fallen angels were active under King David and Solomon rule. Under Christ's control, he will be bound and when God Father's Kingdom come forward are extinct. Here I recommend my commentaries Revelation example. Chap. 20 that this article should not be too long!
19) The flesh and fallen man will be active and present during the 1000 årsriket. And those who die young will die one hundred years old. Here I recommend my commentaries Revelation example. Chap. 20 that this article should not be too long!
20) The God Father's Kingdom, he will by his Spirit fill all in all! Here I recommend my commentaries Revelation example. Chap. 21-22for that this article should not be too long! And my commentaries on Colossians and Ephesians Dispenser The letter also fits very well into my dear friend!
Final Comment: This I could have written much more about, but it is still possible to blog and post questions regarding this topic and other topics! Send your email to me here: Jk.chris @ In many ways you could say that King David and King Solomon's rule was that the court, Jesus Christ's Kingdom as the Saints in GT. And the Father's Kingdom as the holiest then everything will be the most sacred and it will no longer be any temple or any other house of God when the earth and the heavens and everything will be a big "house of God"! All realms we have mentioned is not of this earth and earthly size, but the scale is different, its significance and duration!
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