No. 710:
Protestantism has come completely out of the free grace that Luther opene too!
Luther began his work as a Priest in the Catholic church, but he broke it, and rightly so . But while Luther opened up not only for Christ and His Word, but for a free grace preaching there ia sin and re-married were allowed. This has now turned into full bloom in the Protestant part of the world where believers are the worst in this respect.
Photo Summer Gospel in the General Skudesneshavn Rogaland Geir Atle Sommerfeldt . In return he was married in Christian context never had or have a management responsibility .
In the West it was the humanist Erasmus who first launched the interpretation that the innocent party had the right to remarry.
From Wikipedia: Philipp of Hessen's " double marriage"
That Luther was aware of the importance of keeping themselves in the Reformation territorialfyrster , shows his handling of Philipp of Hessen's desire to enter into a bigamøst marriage. In 1539 he gave a statement countries count backing to marry his mistress , it would be better than adultery. He explained that even though bigamy should be legal or a general system , it was permitted in the law of Moses and not expressly prohibited in the Gospels . The marriage took place in March 1540 .
It shows Luther from a very weak side moral theology . As this was not enough : in Eisenach ( Eisenacher Konferenz 1540 ) he met Philipp now opposed to keeping this " double marriage " secret . Luther advised him not only secrecy, but to lie about the case with a "strong lie" ( stark zu Lugen ): " To commit a fib would be better than to expose themselves to as much markskrikersk " for " committing a white lie , one new lie, a help lies would not be against God "(" a geringe Lugen zu thun , wer besser dan sovil mortgeschrei auf sich zu laden , " for " a notlugen , a nutzlugen , hilflugen zu thun , wer nicht widder Gott . ") In a letter to the country count declared himself ready to self- serve themselves by white lie for Jesus also had said that the Son does not know the hour, and that he would take advantage of their status as confessor since it is forbidden to reveal what was said during Confession seal.
Melanchthon Luther's close aide seemed also facing electors and others, where marriage # 2 was allowed. Here we stop for Luther , but the seeds of this giant apostasy and deception we see today . The foundation was already laid in Protestantism "cradle ".
God's Word on marriage , divorce and remarriage
( Norwegian Bible 1988 )
The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 :
"Train up a child in the way he should go:
So he does not shy from it when he is old . "
Scriptures on marriage , divorce and remarriage are rarely preaching in our day . A few decades ago, divorce rare in the church. Now there is a huge avalanche of divorces and the need to take these biblical words in the proclamation should be great.
But why preached it virtually does not and what happens to those who hear the word of God and teach that marriage is until death do us ? Instead, they have plenty of examples to look at the marriages that end in divorce . When Christian leaders , who many people look up to , stand , this strong negative examples.
1 Cor 6,9 :
" Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God not deceived;
Neither fornicators , nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who allow themselves to use unnatural fornication , nor men who practice fornication with men .... shall inherit the kingdom of God. "
1 Thessalonians 4.2 to 5 :
" You know that the precepts we gave you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God ,
their sanctification : Abstain from sexual immorality . Each of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor, not in passionate lust like the heathen , who do not know God . "
Marriage, a type of Christ and the church :
Ephesians 5.31-32 : " Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh . This is a great mystery - but I speak concerning Christ and the church . "
Diabolos is the devil's name in Greek, and means that the brand !
He hates what God has created .
Loving , faithful marriages and families are split , leading MUCH grief and despair with it ! The world would look at us Christians and say, " See how they love one another ! "
Our marriage would be a visible image of the love between Christ and His bride , the church.
You shall not commit adultery !
Matt 19.4-6 :
" He answered and said, Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said , For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and cleave unto his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh ? so they are no longer two , but one flesh . Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate . "
Mark 10.9 :
" Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate . "
The Bible also speaks clearly about remarriage .
Luke 16:18 :
" Whoever divorces his wife and marries another , commits adultery. And whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery. "
Rooms from 7.2 to 3
"For the married woman is bound by law to her husband so long as he lives . But if her husband dies , she is released from the law of her husband . 's Why she is called an adulteress if she , while her husband is still alive , are another husband. But if her husband dies, she is free from that law and is no adulteress if she marries another man. "
Mark 10.11-12 : " When they were come into the house , his disciples asked him again about this. , He says to them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries another , is guilty of adultery against her. and if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery . "
Paul writes as clear in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, TLB :
" And unto the married I command, yet not I , but the Lord : A wife must not separate from her husband . But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband . And a husband must not divorce his wife. "
We note that Paul refers to a word from the Lord. It is given only two options for the divorced wife, to remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband .
The theory of the innocent party
based on Matthew 19, 9 , where Jesus says: " But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness , and marries another , commits adultery . And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery . "
From this it is believed to have coverage that a man who is separated from his wife because she has committed adultery can remarry. But such an interpretation violates the parallel verses quoted above . True biblical interpretation has always been the guiding star that the clear words must illuminate the less clear, and in this case it is more clear verses that go against remarriage .
Small Bible knowledge , little teaching on topic and wrong guidance has meant that many unfortunately have ended up in tricky situations , far away from God's ways and will.
But in Jesus there is forgiveness and reparation for those who repent and confess their sin !
Isaiah 1:18 :
" Come let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be as
scarlet, they shall be as white as snow , and though they be red like crimson , they shall be as wool . "
Jesus said to the woman taken in adultery : " Go and sin no more! " She could therefore not continue as before , to live in sin ( adultery ) , but had to repent. So also must repent to be forgiven by God ( Apgj.3 , 19) . We can not live in sin as Christians , there is a big difference between living in sin and fall into sin.
Hebrews 13.4 : " Marriage is honorable in all , and the marriage bed be undefiled , for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous . "
Final Comment:
In the invasion of evil demonic spirits takes place today where the opening up of gjengiftede believers is the door opener for this.
Satan's angels have the task that seduce us , including by false revelations. But for it, which will see it look to discern the true from the false , so we do not fall into the snare .
Especially in spiritualism is where a lot of activity of lies spirits or spirits , which for example . publisher to make being a afdøde person. Such spirits can tell if afdøde people , because there is nothing for them there Hedda past and can therefore lethed udgive himself for being such a . A play , which causes people to believe them.
They can also pretend to be " Jesus " or his messenger. Then they can get radiance and distribute their messages , which may well refer to the Bible . But the main purpose of it all is that few people that focus on a false Jesus and lose sight of the word of God and what the Bible really says .
These false spirits can also skyde one of their lies scholar helpful ind in there mind in such Maad , so you think that it's one of your own thoughts , you uddyber . Such thoughts are dangerous , thi thus can blive misleading to believe the worst , occult lie.
Demons work in countless areas, which we are not aware of . Our ignorance about this is one of Satan's best work . And there reigns a sad ignorance thereon among people today , even Christians blindly .
lying Spirits
A serious deception going on, when Satan gets a word proclaims that come with lies scholar helpful. In 1 Tim . 4:1 says there: "The Spirit victory expressly , that in the sideste times nogle shall depart from the faith , giving heed mod seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils . " There are many preachers, where rejiser around and spray demons lie. And many such Recipient with åbne army. Where the opening of remarriage among believers , when in particularly among ministers and those responsible is the door opener for all of this !
In Joh . AAB . we can clearly see the satanic sammenrottelse from the Magtar , there will vindicate the people of God , who also clearly described in Eph . 6:10-18 .
Jesus predicted that people will charge deceived by these false spiritual message and said, " See that no one deceives you ! For many shall come in my name, saying, " I am Christ " And they will deceive many . " Matt . 24:4-5 . Have we charged warn us ? Some have, but many have not , and charger cheats himself in a terrifying extent of lying spirits.
It can be very costly that warn mod false . Both Paul and the Apostle John was cast into prison , because they would not follow løgneåndernes learn. Paul nævner two areas in 1 Tim . 4:3, there will blive distorted . Prohibition mod that marry, which is also a hallmark of Catholic priests. Alone it should get the world to see , they just stay there , Paul wrote would come . And abstain from eating, which especially at Easter time forbidding the Catholic Church. Millions of people worldwide is through this church indfanget so serious lies, that there is underligt , the Antichrist according to the Bible apparently will love this church . While protesters have left the free grace in which remarriage is the greatest challenge to tackle as it has become so widespread.
Many people overlook the danger of Satan's hordes of lying spirits , where udsendes that get you to that belief and acceptance doctrine , which is inspired by demons . Typical examples are Pentecostal Charismatics and other Protestants . To accept a doctrine which you do not hear about the blood, which cleanses from all sin or the significance of Jesus' death and resurrection , and get instead a plethora of theories, which are inspired by Satan. You can live with such a nice filler , but you Bliva not saved with it.
Demons learning is dangerous. Therefore God commanded the death penalty for them , which did not comply with his ban not have that with such teachings that do. As long as Israel adhered to this prohibition , it did them well. But when Moses and Joshua were gone , met Israel no more this ban , and it went ilde for them.
It will also go bad for God's people today , because they do not obey the ban , God has given in His word , and the church has opened up and have a settled attitude to demons teach . There is proclaimed not that Jesus Christ came that Saetta demo the captives free . Therefore, many today caught as they are " overwhelmed by the Devil. " Acts . 10:38 . They do not know the fullness of salvation by faith and find themselves to be slaves of Satan . Remarriage among the believers is the main gateway for the whole of the Protestant movement.
What began as innocent by Luther has become like a huge prairie brand ! But what is " fine " with this. Is that it, or the opening up of remarriage among the believers , they go with Satan is quite obvious ! Then the noble separated from the base !
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torsdag 29. mai 2014
fredag 23. mai 2014
No. 709: Are we as believers set us against the sins in the same way when Christians sin ? What scripture says about this ? !
No. 709:
Are we as believers set us against the sins in the same way when Christians sin ? What scripture says about this ? !
Kjell Andersen, who runs the website ( Spotlight) : Jan Kåre . I note disagreement with you about exactly this. I read the Scriptures to mean that everyone who sins should be warned , whether they are born again or not. Sin is sin and remain no matter who commits it. The Christian Church's mission in the world is to tell people the truth that involves warn against specific sin and wickedness.
Photo by Sveinung Espeland Ramstad with his new wife Monica from Ploiesti in Romania. Had he not been a Christian preacher as I had in no way bothered with that he has failed his life to the point . But it is that he is a preacher and pastor in Rogaland Apostolic Church. He should be a role model for others, but live according to God's word in adultery ( sin ) to be re-married to a Christian .
Should believers take special attention to when they are so weak in faith? And frail etc. ?
Heard a story I want to render. There was a bus driver, a colleague of mine who stopped two girls at approx. 10 years in a crosswalk . From behind came a car at full speed that drove these girls who were both thankfully only beaten unconscious after they were thrown up in the air . The bus driver then asked the motorist what he was doing, and with good reason. But his wife came in consternation to said he had spoken harshly to when he had a pacemaker . Ends story here .
The guiding principle for a believer is only one thing: the word of God !
I know there are believers who are " led " by mere assumptions , sensing , prophecies and everything else. But it is essential and remains a thing, what scripture says !
God's Word is the congregation and the Christian 's sole and absolute guideline for faith , life and learning .
God's word is a guideline for life both in the church , family and community . We will seek the guidance of God's Word to live a life that in all things is God's will . The word of God is living and active, powerful (Hebrews 4:12) . It reminds us of our sin and pointed out that when we confess our sins , we get forgiveness from Jesus and the power of a new life . The word of God is a source of inspiration and strength in all walks of life . Jesus said that by being in his words , we remain in communion with him. The Bible is God's word , and we need the Holy Ghost to interpret and understand the Word. It is essential for growth and development that the word of God is preached right and made relevant to our times and for different age groups. We all have a responsibility to bring to us by hearing, and try it in the light of God's word.
Are we as believers set us against the sins in the same way when Christians sin ?
1 Cor. 5 9 I wrote in the letter to you that you should not have anything to do with people living in adultery . 10 I did not mean everyone in this world immoral or greedy, or are robbers and idolaters . Then must ye needs go out of the world . 11 What I meant by what I wrote was that you are not to keep one called brother , and yet sexually immoral or greedy , or is an idolater , projectors , drunkard , or robber . These shall ye not eat with . 12 What have I to do with judging outsiders ? Is it not those inside , you should judge? 13 Those who are outside , God judges . Get when the evil away from you !
Here it is straight forward that we should not judge the world , but only within the church. Therefore, our main aim to set the standard in the church , not the world !
Here 's something I wrote several years ago : the Bible 's most misunderstood and misinterpreted scripture by believers ? !
Rom.7.1 . Judge not , that ye be not judged ! 2 Following judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged , and in the same measure that ye mete up , it will be measured back to you . 3 Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye , but the plank in your own eye you not notice? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ' Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is a plank in your own eye ? 5 You hypocrite ! First remove the plank from your own eye ! Then you will see clearly enough to take the speck out of your brother's eye .
I have heard countless times that one should not judge .
But is this what Jesus says ? No !
What Jesus is saying is that first should have nothing to hide itself. Only then has the right to judge , not before.
It also summarizes several other passages . Jesus says about who shall be called great in the kingdom of God . Matt.5 . 19 Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so , shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven . But whoever does them and teaches others to do the same, shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven .
Furthermore, in Matt.23.2 " in Moses' seat sits the scribes and Pharisees . 3 Whatever they say , you shall therefore make and keep . But what they do , you must not abide by . For they say one and do something else.
We first meet here that Jesus praises those people who learn that they preach contrary to the Pharisees . As preached right but who lived opposite.
All Scripture provides a unified witness that we are to judge , especially in the spiritual realm. We will even judge angels too.
But scripture , particularly Jesus points out that the prerequisite for this is to live and walk in the light itself . Then a law also point out other things. But the saying goes ; too much and too little scarring. So it is with everything , why should we weigh our words carefully. But to deny other judge is not biblical teaching. God's word says in 1 Kor.2.5 But the man who has the Spirit can judge everything, and although it can not be judged by anyone.
Whoever has the Spirit and walk even according to the word of God can and should judge what is of God and in accordance with Scripture and not . But it is also good to know in this context that we all see bits and pieces .
Final Comment:
It is quite obvious that we are not to judge the world , but within the church.
The cardinal sin of not believing is not what they do or do not do, but they do not believe in Jesus . Therefore , Jesus says :
John 9.16 " Sin is that they do not believe in me " ( NO78 )
( NB88 review " Jn 16:8 f 8 And when he (he = the Holy Spirit. Red.kom ) comes, he will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment : 9 Of sin, because they believe not on me. " )
But for believers , there are many sins that need to be taken into account. We will stadigvek take off the old man and put on the new man . This is sanctification , which lasts a lifetime .
Justification brings me in a right relationship with God as judge. The rebirth brings me in a right relationship with God as Father. Sanctification brings me in a right relationship with God as Lord . Justification speaks of Christ for me. The rebirth speaks of Christ in me. Sanctification speaks of Christ through me. Justification gives me a new position before God . The rebirth gives me a new nature from God. Sanctification gives me a new walk with God . Sanctification has its basis in justification , and its goal of glorification . Justification is therefore sanctification condition . First, life in God, life with God. Sanctification is about the believer's walk with God in this world. Sanctification is the ethical side to do by our practical Christian life.
Holiness belongs to God's nature . He is the thrice holy God. " Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel " ( Ps. 22.4) . He is exalted above everything and everyone, and separate from everything sin and uncleanness to do. He is sinless and perfect . Absolutely clean and good. Alone through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus he may have fellowship with the children . Isa. 57.15 .
Holiness is also part of God's child's character . God's holiness is to be reflected in his people . 1 Pet. 1:14-16 . The term " holiness " reminds us of two things : A. Separate from sin and impurity. B. consecrated to God. Set aside for God's use. To live holy does not mean living in isolation , but to live differently.
Sanctification two sides
A. Position . B. Condition . The objective and the subjective . The imputed and the dedicated . What we are and what we are . All believers are saints in Christ Jesus. " By this will we have been sanctified through the body of Jesus Christ was sacrificed once for all" ( Hebrews 10:10 ) . Sanctification is no achievement. We should not try to live holy to be holy. As saved people , we are holy to God in virtue of Christ's unique and perfect sacrifice . God has even made sure his people , on the basis of Christ's finished work , is absolutely sacred. 1 Cor. 1,2. We are holy by virtue of Christ's holiness for us. Joh . 17.19 . When it comes to our position in Christ , we are continuously in possession of a holiness that satisfies God. "... Who for us has become wisdom from God , righteousness and sanctification and redemption" ( 1 Cor. 1.30 ) .
All believers are called to live a holy life. " For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness " ( 1 Thess. 4.7) . To the same degree that we recognize that our high equivalent position in Christ , we realize the practical sanctification , and comply with the exhortation to pursue holiness . That is to dedicate our lives to Him .
In sanctification is the degree and development. Sanctification is a progressive work in the believer. It is a life process , as the life-long process , as long as we live as Christians in this world. No achieve moral perfection until the day of redemption . It is a transformation process , which includes our personality and character . Broadly , feeling and will be brought under the dominion of the Spirit . Yes , even the body shall be sanctified by earning newness of life in us. Be an instrument in the Master's hand to perform his good will for us . Sanctification is a Christ Action in us by the Holy Spirit. To increasingly like the Son of God . The old man's works are dead , and the new man shall be revealed . Rooms . 6.19 to 22 . " A Christian is sanctified not by effort, not through work . The Christian sanctified through life. Not through his own life , but the life of Christ " (Sounds Engh ) . Sanctification big secret is therefore to be in Jesus. "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch can not bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine , so neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me . I am the vine , ye are the branches . Whoever remains in me and I in him, bears much fruit. For without me ye can do nothing "(John 15.4 to 5 ) .
Sanctification is the Lord's cause . It is He who sanctifies . Indulge return is our cause . It is our responsibility to let us sanctify . Setting us pledged to the Lord who has saved us. Rooms . 12.1-2 . In sanctification takes a deeper growth in grace and knowledge of Christ. We carry the fruit and do good works. In sanctification we will see the Lord in the Word mirrors. 2 Cor . 3.18 . Sanctification happens through daily discipleship of Christ. It also turns outward in the service of love for our fellow man .
We are sanctified by God's Word and his Spirit.
"Sanctify them in the truth ! Your word is truth " (John 17:17 ) . "... To sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water in the Word" ( Eph. 5:26 ) . Cf . also 2 Thess. 2.13 ; Tit . 3.5 ; 1 Pet. 1,2. When the Spirit will use the Word in our souls , purified and holy we are in our walk . By faith and obedience to the Lord do His work deep in our souls. Let us place ourselves at the disposal of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us . Let Him through the Word cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit , so we finisher of our sanctification in the fear of God ( 2 Cor . 7.1) . Of great importance is also to " keep probably steadfastly in the apostles ' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread , and in prayers " (Acts 2,42 ) .
Sanctification heartbeat is to be apprehended of Christ . Fil . 3.12 to 14 . When our eyes are turned towards the Lord , we see all things in the right light. The Christ and Christ Embossed grip man is a holy man who seeks to live his life to the glory of God .
"May he , the God of peace sanctify you wholly , and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete come , blameless when our Lord Jesus Christ ! He is faithful who hath called you , who also will do it "( 1 Thess. 5.23 to 24 ) .
Related links:
Are we as believers set us against the sins in the same way when Christians sin ? What scripture says about this ? !
Kjell Andersen, who runs the website ( Spotlight) : Jan Kåre . I note disagreement with you about exactly this. I read the Scriptures to mean that everyone who sins should be warned , whether they are born again or not. Sin is sin and remain no matter who commits it. The Christian Church's mission in the world is to tell people the truth that involves warn against specific sin and wickedness.
Photo by Sveinung Espeland Ramstad with his new wife Monica from Ploiesti in Romania. Had he not been a Christian preacher as I had in no way bothered with that he has failed his life to the point . But it is that he is a preacher and pastor in Rogaland Apostolic Church. He should be a role model for others, but live according to God's word in adultery ( sin ) to be re-married to a Christian .
Should believers take special attention to when they are so weak in faith? And frail etc. ?
Heard a story I want to render. There was a bus driver, a colleague of mine who stopped two girls at approx. 10 years in a crosswalk . From behind came a car at full speed that drove these girls who were both thankfully only beaten unconscious after they were thrown up in the air . The bus driver then asked the motorist what he was doing, and with good reason. But his wife came in consternation to said he had spoken harshly to when he had a pacemaker . Ends story here .
The guiding principle for a believer is only one thing: the word of God !
I know there are believers who are " led " by mere assumptions , sensing , prophecies and everything else. But it is essential and remains a thing, what scripture says !
God's Word is the congregation and the Christian 's sole and absolute guideline for faith , life and learning .
God's word is a guideline for life both in the church , family and community . We will seek the guidance of God's Word to live a life that in all things is God's will . The word of God is living and active, powerful (Hebrews 4:12) . It reminds us of our sin and pointed out that when we confess our sins , we get forgiveness from Jesus and the power of a new life . The word of God is a source of inspiration and strength in all walks of life . Jesus said that by being in his words , we remain in communion with him. The Bible is God's word , and we need the Holy Ghost to interpret and understand the Word. It is essential for growth and development that the word of God is preached right and made relevant to our times and for different age groups. We all have a responsibility to bring to us by hearing, and try it in the light of God's word.
Are we as believers set us against the sins in the same way when Christians sin ?
1 Cor. 5 9 I wrote in the letter to you that you should not have anything to do with people living in adultery . 10 I did not mean everyone in this world immoral or greedy, or are robbers and idolaters . Then must ye needs go out of the world . 11 What I meant by what I wrote was that you are not to keep one called brother , and yet sexually immoral or greedy , or is an idolater , projectors , drunkard , or robber . These shall ye not eat with . 12 What have I to do with judging outsiders ? Is it not those inside , you should judge? 13 Those who are outside , God judges . Get when the evil away from you !
Here it is straight forward that we should not judge the world , but only within the church. Therefore, our main aim to set the standard in the church , not the world !
Here 's something I wrote several years ago : the Bible 's most misunderstood and misinterpreted scripture by believers ? !
Rom.7.1 . Judge not , that ye be not judged ! 2 Following judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged , and in the same measure that ye mete up , it will be measured back to you . 3 Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye , but the plank in your own eye you not notice? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ' Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is a plank in your own eye ? 5 You hypocrite ! First remove the plank from your own eye ! Then you will see clearly enough to take the speck out of your brother's eye .
I have heard countless times that one should not judge .
But is this what Jesus says ? No !
What Jesus is saying is that first should have nothing to hide itself. Only then has the right to judge , not before.
It also summarizes several other passages . Jesus says about who shall be called great in the kingdom of God . Matt.5 . 19 Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so , shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven . But whoever does them and teaches others to do the same, shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven .
Furthermore, in Matt.23.2 " in Moses' seat sits the scribes and Pharisees . 3 Whatever they say , you shall therefore make and keep . But what they do , you must not abide by . For they say one and do something else.
We first meet here that Jesus praises those people who learn that they preach contrary to the Pharisees . As preached right but who lived opposite.
All Scripture provides a unified witness that we are to judge , especially in the spiritual realm. We will even judge angels too.
But scripture , particularly Jesus points out that the prerequisite for this is to live and walk in the light itself . Then a law also point out other things. But the saying goes ; too much and too little scarring. So it is with everything , why should we weigh our words carefully. But to deny other judge is not biblical teaching. God's word says in 1 Kor.2.5 But the man who has the Spirit can judge everything, and although it can not be judged by anyone.
Whoever has the Spirit and walk even according to the word of God can and should judge what is of God and in accordance with Scripture and not . But it is also good to know in this context that we all see bits and pieces .
Final Comment:
It is quite obvious that we are not to judge the world , but within the church.
The cardinal sin of not believing is not what they do or do not do, but they do not believe in Jesus . Therefore , Jesus says :
John 9.16 " Sin is that they do not believe in me " ( NO78 )
( NB88 review " Jn 16:8 f 8 And when he (he = the Holy Spirit. Red.kom ) comes, he will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment : 9 Of sin, because they believe not on me. " )
But for believers , there are many sins that need to be taken into account. We will stadigvek take off the old man and put on the new man . This is sanctification , which lasts a lifetime .
Justification brings me in a right relationship with God as judge. The rebirth brings me in a right relationship with God as Father. Sanctification brings me in a right relationship with God as Lord . Justification speaks of Christ for me. The rebirth speaks of Christ in me. Sanctification speaks of Christ through me. Justification gives me a new position before God . The rebirth gives me a new nature from God. Sanctification gives me a new walk with God . Sanctification has its basis in justification , and its goal of glorification . Justification is therefore sanctification condition . First, life in God, life with God. Sanctification is about the believer's walk with God in this world. Sanctification is the ethical side to do by our practical Christian life.
Holiness belongs to God's nature . He is the thrice holy God. " Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel " ( Ps. 22.4) . He is exalted above everything and everyone, and separate from everything sin and uncleanness to do. He is sinless and perfect . Absolutely clean and good. Alone through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus he may have fellowship with the children . Isa. 57.15 .
Holiness is also part of God's child's character . God's holiness is to be reflected in his people . 1 Pet. 1:14-16 . The term " holiness " reminds us of two things : A. Separate from sin and impurity. B. consecrated to God. Set aside for God's use. To live holy does not mean living in isolation , but to live differently.
Sanctification two sides
A. Position . B. Condition . The objective and the subjective . The imputed and the dedicated . What we are and what we are . All believers are saints in Christ Jesus. " By this will we have been sanctified through the body of Jesus Christ was sacrificed once for all" ( Hebrews 10:10 ) . Sanctification is no achievement. We should not try to live holy to be holy. As saved people , we are holy to God in virtue of Christ's unique and perfect sacrifice . God has even made sure his people , on the basis of Christ's finished work , is absolutely sacred. 1 Cor. 1,2. We are holy by virtue of Christ's holiness for us. Joh . 17.19 . When it comes to our position in Christ , we are continuously in possession of a holiness that satisfies God. "... Who for us has become wisdom from God , righteousness and sanctification and redemption" ( 1 Cor. 1.30 ) .
All believers are called to live a holy life. " For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness " ( 1 Thess. 4.7) . To the same degree that we recognize that our high equivalent position in Christ , we realize the practical sanctification , and comply with the exhortation to pursue holiness . That is to dedicate our lives to Him .
In sanctification is the degree and development. Sanctification is a progressive work in the believer. It is a life process , as the life-long process , as long as we live as Christians in this world. No achieve moral perfection until the day of redemption . It is a transformation process , which includes our personality and character . Broadly , feeling and will be brought under the dominion of the Spirit . Yes , even the body shall be sanctified by earning newness of life in us. Be an instrument in the Master's hand to perform his good will for us . Sanctification is a Christ Action in us by the Holy Spirit. To increasingly like the Son of God . The old man's works are dead , and the new man shall be revealed . Rooms . 6.19 to 22 . " A Christian is sanctified not by effort, not through work . The Christian sanctified through life. Not through his own life , but the life of Christ " (Sounds Engh ) . Sanctification big secret is therefore to be in Jesus. "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch can not bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine , so neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me . I am the vine , ye are the branches . Whoever remains in me and I in him, bears much fruit. For without me ye can do nothing "(John 15.4 to 5 ) .
Sanctification is the Lord's cause . It is He who sanctifies . Indulge return is our cause . It is our responsibility to let us sanctify . Setting us pledged to the Lord who has saved us. Rooms . 12.1-2 . In sanctification takes a deeper growth in grace and knowledge of Christ. We carry the fruit and do good works. In sanctification we will see the Lord in the Word mirrors. 2 Cor . 3.18 . Sanctification happens through daily discipleship of Christ. It also turns outward in the service of love for our fellow man .
We are sanctified by God's Word and his Spirit.
"Sanctify them in the truth ! Your word is truth " (John 17:17 ) . "... To sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water in the Word" ( Eph. 5:26 ) . Cf . also 2 Thess. 2.13 ; Tit . 3.5 ; 1 Pet. 1,2. When the Spirit will use the Word in our souls , purified and holy we are in our walk . By faith and obedience to the Lord do His work deep in our souls. Let us place ourselves at the disposal of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us . Let Him through the Word cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit , so we finisher of our sanctification in the fear of God ( 2 Cor . 7.1) . Of great importance is also to " keep probably steadfastly in the apostles ' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread , and in prayers " (Acts 2,42 ) .
Sanctification heartbeat is to be apprehended of Christ . Fil . 3.12 to 14 . When our eyes are turned towards the Lord , we see all things in the right light. The Christ and Christ Embossed grip man is a holy man who seeks to live his life to the glory of God .
"May he , the God of peace sanctify you wholly , and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete come , blameless when our Lord Jesus Christ ! He is faithful who hath called you , who also will do it "( 1 Thess. 5.23 to 24 ) .
Related links:
onsdag 21. mai 2014
No. 708: Abortion priest Ludvig Nessa will be on TV Vision Norway to warn January Hanvold and others against remarriage!
No. 708:
Abortion priest Ludvig Nessa will be on TV Vision Norway to warn January Hanvold and others against remarriage!
According to Kjell Andersen from Kristiansand who runs the website ( Spotlight) then Abort priest Ludvig Nessa will be on TV Vision Norway to warn January Hanvold and others against remarriage . Andersen says among other things : "I spoke with Nessa about exactly this , and when the church year texts touching theme ( remarriage ) will of course Nessa present what God's word says on the matter ."
Further, an excited Andersen , who appears to be both seduced and naive as follows: "After January Hanvold threw out the Word of Life from Vision Norway as Ulf Ekman converted to the Catholic Church earlier this year, the channel that is both loved and hated sent different program the transmission time heretic Ekman originally had . There was also this broadcast time in January Hanvold promised Ludvig Nessa and if things do not intersect the channel from the month of September start sending church services from Carmel. Thus, Ludvig Nessa have the opportunity to reach significantly more people with his uncompromising preaching of the Word of God . "
Photo of Dr. Rodney Howard Browne was banned Vision Norway since 2011 when he preached against Hanvold many divorce and subsequent remarriage . Ludvig Nessa should probably plan on the same treatment if he is to go on Hanvold TV channel for preaching against remarriage . Exciting it will be to see if he lives up to it as Andersen says he will do.
This is from the dispute between me and Mr. Andersen :
Me : Kjell Andersen writing : Jan Kåre Christensen . You know exactly that I believe remarriage is a violation of God's will , you know well that we rightly exhorts believers who walk in sin to turn from his ways and repent . The same rule also applies to non-believers or unbelievers , they also have warned that sin leads to eternal death , while repentance and faith leads to eternal life. Answer: But is not there a vast difference between believers and non-believers ? Believers should live by the Christian message , while non-believers can hope that they will live as good people, something they very rarely are able to make fully when they are not born again. You write : Regarding Vision Norway I can not see that Hanvold lifestyle and theology (which I believe is incorrect ) shall preclude that one should be able to use his channel to reach out with a true gospel . As long as you do not enter tape on preaching I actually think that the media can be used even if half the staff there live in conflict with God's commandments. Answer: Whoever enters the Hanvold channel undertakes to conceal God's word , not least with regard to remarriage . If not then become ostracized . Of course this is an unwritten law . You also wrote : However, I would not preaching denying what I think is right and wrong too about remarriage . I repeat : The time has now come to lay down your blog or delete any post where naming specific people . Answer: Get behind me , Satan , Jesus said and I will say the same! Kjell writes: One thing that strikes me is that you seem to spare the Nardus sect from your criticism about remarriage . A number of key ministers also Nardus is divorced and married again . I could also have mentioned names. Answer: Do not as well extended to Nardus movement . It is no more than others , so that you reviews Nardus as a sect is not good if you believe such . the other Christian movements are not sects . For me, all Christian sects movements when no longer based on the word of God . Who else a Jon Welo is re-married to preach the word of God ? Do not know about more about it sure is, who? Regards Jan K
Andersen : Answer: 1 Remarriage is contrary to God's commandments and thus sin both reborn and ugjenfødte . This should be part of the ministry. In my view, all committed to living by the commandments of God , Christians who are not Christians. 2 If I was offered airtime on Vision Norway I have taught that remarriage is contrary to God's commandments and words. I spoke with Nessa about exactly this , and when the church year texts touching theme will of course Nessa present what God's word says on the matter. 3 Your third answer is testament to a wrong attitude on your part that you should rethink the interests of those affected . 4 Nardus , more preachers than he can mention is divorced and married again . One of the younger preacher brethren found themselves shown a " free church lady " as wife number 2 I will not mention names .. Also more of the sect elders are divorced and remarried , and thus it is propagated down the " grassroots level " in sect .
Me : Answer: 1 Remarriage is contrary to God's commandments and thus sin both reborn and ugjenfødte . This should be part of the ministry. In my view, all committed to living by the commandments of God , Christians who are not Christians. Answer: marriage intuition is for all people , but Gentiles most are the "normal" breaking Gods law . There is an almost . Christians who stand , are not allowed to remarry because they are light and the children of today . 2 If I was offered airtime on Vision Norway I have taught that remarriage is contrary to God's commandments and words. I spoke with Nessa about exactly this , and when the church year texts touching theme will of course Nessa present what God's word says on the matter. This I think not . Even Hanvold mentor and idol Rodney Howard Browne was shut out when he preached against remarriage . In other words , Nessa will experience the same if he takes up this theme and highlights the basis of God's word. Hanvold even said on Radio here in Oslo ; "To hell with all those who do not accept that I am times! » . 3 Your third answer is testament to a wrong attitude on your part that you should rethink the interests of those affected . Jesus said to Peter the same thing I say to you, you have no taste for the things of God , but the people. Preachers are role models and that's double shame for them to remarry or marry a divorcee . 4 Nardus , more preachers than he can mention is divorced and married again . One of the younger preacher brethren found themselves shown a " free church lady " as wife number 2 I will not mention names .. Also more of the sect elders are divorced and remarried , and thus it is propagated down the " grassroots level " in sect . Who he was younger ? Was the son of Rydland ? Thought I would write an article about Jon Welo , do you know him ?
Andersen : I know who they are. I thought you were going to write an article on principle . Tell the world what the Bible teaches , but does not mention a single name when you first affects the person ( couple ) you will " rebuke " . In addition, frames can personenens parents, siblings, relatives , and worst of all . You affects children . Children can be incredibly vulnerable. Not very fun for a 10 year old to hear that " your dad is a whore buck " who can not control their urges . I seemed to depersonalize the issues you write about sin among Christians = delete all blog where you tell everyone that "John and Marianne are whores and whore bows. I know who Welo is , but he has children that you must consider. Therefore I believe it is fundamentally wrong to mention people with the name and image in such a context . Create gladly fiery speech against the remarriage of principle . When you are not hurting children and innocent ... I've already heard about children who have been bullied because their dad 's been hanging out with name and picture in your blog, but what do you do if a 10-12 year old get so bullied because of your "See and Hear " method that boy or girl commits suicide ? It happens because of bullying ... and I think when God will hold you accountable .. In your answer: If Hanvold throwing out Nessa because he preaches the church year text that contains the section on remarriage , we have a bit of an issue. When censoring Hanvold preaching .
Me : Kjell please answer me the following. Hanvold great role model and mentor for up to 2-3 years ago, Dr. Rodney Howard Browne was banned Vision Norway since 2011 when he preached against Hanvold many divorce and subsequent remarriage !
Andersen , Jan Kåre . We do not know the whole story , I think . In most circles it's much wonder and it was well a relatively confidential relationship between Browne and Hanvold . In other cases one speaks of a professional lease of airtime where Hanvold clearly not have to much preaching he does not agree in. Although Adventists are the tv vision Norway , and I suppose Hanvold is deeply disagree with much of what is taught by Adventists . I gave Nessa that advice , go through the door that opens, but do not compromise on what you preach. He agreed to it and we concluded that as long Hanvold not meddle in the message so it is only running on . If he closes the door because Nessa preach what the lyrics say it is a completely different situation .
Me : You do not answer . Always elusive faced pig Hanvold . What do you think he has closed Rodney Howard Browne ? Do you think Ludvig Nessa will be better treated if he preaches against remarriage ?
Andersen : As I have written many times before, I can not see that the Bible justify some forms of remarriage among either regenerated or ugjenfødte . I see no point in flashing the named persons . I think it's good that Rodney Howard Browne is closed out . His preaching style and I have little sense of . But the foundation he is thrown out , I did not measure if it is the only reason then. Since Browne has " prophesied " over Hanvold beard and that these two have been close kindred spirits in terms of process theology recognizes that Hanvold I have nothing personal against Browne level deeper than a corporate deal. These two have been buddies and shared platform and predicted good days of each other hue, and if anything when cuts are often worse than if they solely relate to a "deal " on prime time . On your question remains the to see what happens when it eventually becomes a reality, but I doubt that Hanvold settles really indulge in preaching that is recorded in a local outside vision Norwegian television studies.
Me : What time of year comes about divorce and remarriage ? 1-2 months . afterwards Nessa fired guaranteed if it gets publicity about this. And it is not sure he gets started even if he reads my blog or that which takes up the L Nessa speak against remarriage . I know these unwritten rules, they are worse than the Ten Commandments ! To me appears you that rather naive and little reflective regarding this topic . For Hanvold gospel means 0 % and 100 % of his abdomen ! Nessa lifetime of eyesight Norway is going to be very short if he preaches against the "big" captain ! Hanvold said it right out here on the radio in Oslo. To hell with anyone who does not agree that I am re-married . Nessa does not survive long on vision Norway . Jan K
Andersen : The time the grief Jan K. Important not take sorrows in advance.
Me : Hanvold is the greatest villain I 've seen in a Christian front, and he wonders soon enough you also even more roll around !
Final Comment:
Some believe in Santa Claus and other trolls, Hanvold is also trolls. To believe that the great Chief Hanvold will accept service of remarriage that marriage should last a lifetime . Hanvold answer and boycotting all who oppose him , so must also Ludvig Nessa reckoned with if he wants to preach about divorce and remarriage ?
Related links:
Abortion priest Ludvig Nessa will be on TV Vision Norway to warn January Hanvold and others against remarriage!
According to Kjell Andersen from Kristiansand who runs the website ( Spotlight) then Abort priest Ludvig Nessa will be on TV Vision Norway to warn January Hanvold and others against remarriage . Andersen says among other things : "I spoke with Nessa about exactly this , and when the church year texts touching theme ( remarriage ) will of course Nessa present what God's word says on the matter ."
Further, an excited Andersen , who appears to be both seduced and naive as follows: "After January Hanvold threw out the Word of Life from Vision Norway as Ulf Ekman converted to the Catholic Church earlier this year, the channel that is both loved and hated sent different program the transmission time heretic Ekman originally had . There was also this broadcast time in January Hanvold promised Ludvig Nessa and if things do not intersect the channel from the month of September start sending church services from Carmel. Thus, Ludvig Nessa have the opportunity to reach significantly more people with his uncompromising preaching of the Word of God . "
Photo of Dr. Rodney Howard Browne was banned Vision Norway since 2011 when he preached against Hanvold many divorce and subsequent remarriage . Ludvig Nessa should probably plan on the same treatment if he is to go on Hanvold TV channel for preaching against remarriage . Exciting it will be to see if he lives up to it as Andersen says he will do.
This is from the dispute between me and Mr. Andersen :
Me : Kjell Andersen writing : Jan Kåre Christensen . You know exactly that I believe remarriage is a violation of God's will , you know well that we rightly exhorts believers who walk in sin to turn from his ways and repent . The same rule also applies to non-believers or unbelievers , they also have warned that sin leads to eternal death , while repentance and faith leads to eternal life. Answer: But is not there a vast difference between believers and non-believers ? Believers should live by the Christian message , while non-believers can hope that they will live as good people, something they very rarely are able to make fully when they are not born again. You write : Regarding Vision Norway I can not see that Hanvold lifestyle and theology (which I believe is incorrect ) shall preclude that one should be able to use his channel to reach out with a true gospel . As long as you do not enter tape on preaching I actually think that the media can be used even if half the staff there live in conflict with God's commandments. Answer: Whoever enters the Hanvold channel undertakes to conceal God's word , not least with regard to remarriage . If not then become ostracized . Of course this is an unwritten law . You also wrote : However, I would not preaching denying what I think is right and wrong too about remarriage . I repeat : The time has now come to lay down your blog or delete any post where naming specific people . Answer: Get behind me , Satan , Jesus said and I will say the same! Kjell writes: One thing that strikes me is that you seem to spare the Nardus sect from your criticism about remarriage . A number of key ministers also Nardus is divorced and married again . I could also have mentioned names. Answer: Do not as well extended to Nardus movement . It is no more than others , so that you reviews Nardus as a sect is not good if you believe such . the other Christian movements are not sects . For me, all Christian sects movements when no longer based on the word of God . Who else a Jon Welo is re-married to preach the word of God ? Do not know about more about it sure is, who? Regards Jan K
Andersen : Answer: 1 Remarriage is contrary to God's commandments and thus sin both reborn and ugjenfødte . This should be part of the ministry. In my view, all committed to living by the commandments of God , Christians who are not Christians. 2 If I was offered airtime on Vision Norway I have taught that remarriage is contrary to God's commandments and words. I spoke with Nessa about exactly this , and when the church year texts touching theme will of course Nessa present what God's word says on the matter. 3 Your third answer is testament to a wrong attitude on your part that you should rethink the interests of those affected . 4 Nardus , more preachers than he can mention is divorced and married again . One of the younger preacher brethren found themselves shown a " free church lady " as wife number 2 I will not mention names .. Also more of the sect elders are divorced and remarried , and thus it is propagated down the " grassroots level " in sect .
Me : Answer: 1 Remarriage is contrary to God's commandments and thus sin both reborn and ugjenfødte . This should be part of the ministry. In my view, all committed to living by the commandments of God , Christians who are not Christians. Answer: marriage intuition is for all people , but Gentiles most are the "normal" breaking Gods law . There is an almost . Christians who stand , are not allowed to remarry because they are light and the children of today . 2 If I was offered airtime on Vision Norway I have taught that remarriage is contrary to God's commandments and words. I spoke with Nessa about exactly this , and when the church year texts touching theme will of course Nessa present what God's word says on the matter. This I think not . Even Hanvold mentor and idol Rodney Howard Browne was shut out when he preached against remarriage . In other words , Nessa will experience the same if he takes up this theme and highlights the basis of God's word. Hanvold even said on Radio here in Oslo ; "To hell with all those who do not accept that I am times! » . 3 Your third answer is testament to a wrong attitude on your part that you should rethink the interests of those affected . Jesus said to Peter the same thing I say to you, you have no taste for the things of God , but the people. Preachers are role models and that's double shame for them to remarry or marry a divorcee . 4 Nardus , more preachers than he can mention is divorced and married again . One of the younger preacher brethren found themselves shown a " free church lady " as wife number 2 I will not mention names .. Also more of the sect elders are divorced and remarried , and thus it is propagated down the " grassroots level " in sect . Who he was younger ? Was the son of Rydland ? Thought I would write an article about Jon Welo , do you know him ?
Andersen : I know who they are. I thought you were going to write an article on principle . Tell the world what the Bible teaches , but does not mention a single name when you first affects the person ( couple ) you will " rebuke " . In addition, frames can personenens parents, siblings, relatives , and worst of all . You affects children . Children can be incredibly vulnerable. Not very fun for a 10 year old to hear that " your dad is a whore buck " who can not control their urges . I seemed to depersonalize the issues you write about sin among Christians = delete all blog where you tell everyone that "John and Marianne are whores and whore bows. I know who Welo is , but he has children that you must consider. Therefore I believe it is fundamentally wrong to mention people with the name and image in such a context . Create gladly fiery speech against the remarriage of principle . When you are not hurting children and innocent ... I've already heard about children who have been bullied because their dad 's been hanging out with name and picture in your blog, but what do you do if a 10-12 year old get so bullied because of your "See and Hear " method that boy or girl commits suicide ? It happens because of bullying ... and I think when God will hold you accountable .. In your answer: If Hanvold throwing out Nessa because he preaches the church year text that contains the section on remarriage , we have a bit of an issue. When censoring Hanvold preaching .
Me : Kjell please answer me the following. Hanvold great role model and mentor for up to 2-3 years ago, Dr. Rodney Howard Browne was banned Vision Norway since 2011 when he preached against Hanvold many divorce and subsequent remarriage !
Andersen , Jan Kåre . We do not know the whole story , I think . In most circles it's much wonder and it was well a relatively confidential relationship between Browne and Hanvold . In other cases one speaks of a professional lease of airtime where Hanvold clearly not have to much preaching he does not agree in. Although Adventists are the tv vision Norway , and I suppose Hanvold is deeply disagree with much of what is taught by Adventists . I gave Nessa that advice , go through the door that opens, but do not compromise on what you preach. He agreed to it and we concluded that as long Hanvold not meddle in the message so it is only running on . If he closes the door because Nessa preach what the lyrics say it is a completely different situation .
Me : You do not answer . Always elusive faced pig Hanvold . What do you think he has closed Rodney Howard Browne ? Do you think Ludvig Nessa will be better treated if he preaches against remarriage ?
Andersen : As I have written many times before, I can not see that the Bible justify some forms of remarriage among either regenerated or ugjenfødte . I see no point in flashing the named persons . I think it's good that Rodney Howard Browne is closed out . His preaching style and I have little sense of . But the foundation he is thrown out , I did not measure if it is the only reason then. Since Browne has " prophesied " over Hanvold beard and that these two have been close kindred spirits in terms of process theology recognizes that Hanvold I have nothing personal against Browne level deeper than a corporate deal. These two have been buddies and shared platform and predicted good days of each other hue, and if anything when cuts are often worse than if they solely relate to a "deal " on prime time . On your question remains the to see what happens when it eventually becomes a reality, but I doubt that Hanvold settles really indulge in preaching that is recorded in a local outside vision Norwegian television studies.
Me : What time of year comes about divorce and remarriage ? 1-2 months . afterwards Nessa fired guaranteed if it gets publicity about this. And it is not sure he gets started even if he reads my blog or that which takes up the L Nessa speak against remarriage . I know these unwritten rules, they are worse than the Ten Commandments ! To me appears you that rather naive and little reflective regarding this topic . For Hanvold gospel means 0 % and 100 % of his abdomen ! Nessa lifetime of eyesight Norway is going to be very short if he preaches against the "big" captain ! Hanvold said it right out here on the radio in Oslo. To hell with anyone who does not agree that I am re-married . Nessa does not survive long on vision Norway . Jan K
Andersen : The time the grief Jan K. Important not take sorrows in advance.
Me : Hanvold is the greatest villain I 've seen in a Christian front, and he wonders soon enough you also even more roll around !
Final Comment:
Some believe in Santa Claus and other trolls, Hanvold is also trolls. To believe that the great Chief Hanvold will accept service of remarriage that marriage should last a lifetime . Hanvold answer and boycotting all who oppose him , so must also Ludvig Nessa reckoned with if he wants to preach about divorce and remarriage ?
Related links:
søndag 18. mai 2014
No. 707: The church operates with church discipline in the world but not of themselves!
No. 707:
The church operates with church discipline in the world but not of themselves!
The logic of many who call themselves Christians (value ) conservative is apparently this : de-Christianization of Norway is terrible and those who rebukes against legal abortion , homosexuality , proarabiske / Israel -ness etc. etc. should not be criticized too much . But this is very often a cover for their own sin to be supportive of anything to avoid being put in the light of God with their lives.
The false prophet Jan Hanvold is a classic example of this is exactly described above. But even is both a false teacher , seduces , living with his third wife ( a whore buck by writing ) and in all respects it is the word of God describes as a false prophet.
Are we Christians attack the world's children living in sin? No and again no, only in the extreme case, and it will certainly not be a major issue . But we shall have an internal justice in the church , but not to the world's children by and large it all.
There are some things that are important to remember. When Jesus rebuked the Jews in his time it was on the basis that Israel in Biblical terminology was contemporary " church " . When Paul revealed to Peter sham , it was that they both belonged to the Christian community.
Similarly , Paul says that if sinners will not repent , so this should be published in the church. One would not associate with someone who is going to be a Christian brother but living in sin.
Several places in the Old Testament describes how one sinner can damage the whole congregation . When the people of Israel were about to enter the country it happened several times that someone sinned . This was the reason they lost the war and lost thousands of men. Sin was also the cause of disease , slangeinnvasjoner and many other tragedies . I have often wondered if this is a major cause of Christianity's strong decline in Norway .
But it also says :
1 Cor 5, 12: What have I to do with judging outsiders ? Is it not those inside you to judge? Those who are outside God judges . It certainly dangerous things you can do is to judge those outside while condone sins committed by those inside . Then the maximum hypocrisy .
The reason that Christianity has been marginalized not come from the outside. It comes from within. It begins with some liberal views on some more " innocent " sins . You condone this and that . But it is such " acceptable sins " which opens the way for the larger sins .
The first Christians were " known " to let the world's children astray !
Acts 19 37 For you have brought these men here who are neither temple robbers or mocked our goddess.
It was the fierce goddess one of the seven wonders . As the "whole" world worshiped and worked there she stood and was right in Ephesus. The apostles said her not a word about and when they were saved selling accessories with her idolatry that could make them rich . Then they burned everything up , and everything went to " play ".
But where did the first Christian admonition and guidance ? Solely within the church , not outward to the world and the world's children. What do Christians today? Is with right index finger to the world when they can not tolerate and will have their index finger directed at them as Scripture teaches we should. We are set to have an internal justice in the church , not outward to the world. But dark men and women darkness they walk in darkness , it looks like to be as unbiblical and far away from what the apostles were acting and was on.
They named so pious that if Christians we can endure and that we experience as unbiblical and unhealthy . They shall we leave it to God. But Scripture does not teach this. We will even judge angels , how much more not within the church? This is going in the service of Satan not to warn , we are required and that the church will survive and move forward . So it is imperative that the inner justice works and that there is healthy, biblical church discipline .
Final Comment:
How and what do we preach facing the world's children ? Scripture gives clear instructions. We are to preach the word of the cross and demonstrate the kingdom of God .
Mark 16 : 15 And he said to them, " Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all that God has created ! 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. But he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe : In my name they will cast out demons , they will speak with new tongues; 18 And they shall take up serpents . And if they drink any deadly thing , it shall not hurt them , and when they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover . "
But towards other believers , how can we be? Totally different , we should warn , admonish and guide . Or so we are complicit in their sin and transgression . Do not ignore and leave them to "God" !
It is not love , biblical or healthy to let these false prophets get to walk freely in the congregation . And those who warn against this and this , they are viewed with suspicion , boycotted and put out suspicious and bad rumors. Among other that they do not progress, even a rogue , should be concerned with other things and much, much more.
Scripture speaks who said that we should warn against other believers who do not live and preach in accordance with God's word. We will not conduct church discipline in the world , but within the church !
Related links:
The church operates with church discipline in the world but not of themselves!
The logic of many who call themselves Christians (value ) conservative is apparently this : de-Christianization of Norway is terrible and those who rebukes against legal abortion , homosexuality , proarabiske / Israel -ness etc. etc. should not be criticized too much . But this is very often a cover for their own sin to be supportive of anything to avoid being put in the light of God with their lives.
The false prophet Jan Hanvold is a classic example of this is exactly described above. But even is both a false teacher , seduces , living with his third wife ( a whore buck by writing ) and in all respects it is the word of God describes as a false prophet.
Are we Christians attack the world's children living in sin? No and again no, only in the extreme case, and it will certainly not be a major issue . But we shall have an internal justice in the church , but not to the world's children by and large it all.
There are some things that are important to remember. When Jesus rebuked the Jews in his time it was on the basis that Israel in Biblical terminology was contemporary " church " . When Paul revealed to Peter sham , it was that they both belonged to the Christian community.
Similarly , Paul says that if sinners will not repent , so this should be published in the church. One would not associate with someone who is going to be a Christian brother but living in sin.
Several places in the Old Testament describes how one sinner can damage the whole congregation . When the people of Israel were about to enter the country it happened several times that someone sinned . This was the reason they lost the war and lost thousands of men. Sin was also the cause of disease , slangeinnvasjoner and many other tragedies . I have often wondered if this is a major cause of Christianity's strong decline in Norway .
But it also says :
1 Cor 5, 12: What have I to do with judging outsiders ? Is it not those inside you to judge? Those who are outside God judges . It certainly dangerous things you can do is to judge those outside while condone sins committed by those inside . Then the maximum hypocrisy .
The reason that Christianity has been marginalized not come from the outside. It comes from within. It begins with some liberal views on some more " innocent " sins . You condone this and that . But it is such " acceptable sins " which opens the way for the larger sins .
The first Christians were " known " to let the world's children astray !
Acts 19 37 For you have brought these men here who are neither temple robbers or mocked our goddess.
It was the fierce goddess one of the seven wonders . As the "whole" world worshiped and worked there she stood and was right in Ephesus. The apostles said her not a word about and when they were saved selling accessories with her idolatry that could make them rich . Then they burned everything up , and everything went to " play ".
But where did the first Christian admonition and guidance ? Solely within the church , not outward to the world and the world's children. What do Christians today? Is with right index finger to the world when they can not tolerate and will have their index finger directed at them as Scripture teaches we should. We are set to have an internal justice in the church , not outward to the world. But dark men and women darkness they walk in darkness , it looks like to be as unbiblical and far away from what the apostles were acting and was on.
They named so pious that if Christians we can endure and that we experience as unbiblical and unhealthy . They shall we leave it to God. But Scripture does not teach this. We will even judge angels , how much more not within the church? This is going in the service of Satan not to warn , we are required and that the church will survive and move forward . So it is imperative that the inner justice works and that there is healthy, biblical church discipline .
Final Comment:
How and what do we preach facing the world's children ? Scripture gives clear instructions. We are to preach the word of the cross and demonstrate the kingdom of God .
Mark 16 : 15 And he said to them, " Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all that God has created ! 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. But he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe : In my name they will cast out demons , they will speak with new tongues; 18 And they shall take up serpents . And if they drink any deadly thing , it shall not hurt them , and when they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover . "
But towards other believers , how can we be? Totally different , we should warn , admonish and guide . Or so we are complicit in their sin and transgression . Do not ignore and leave them to "God" !
It is not love , biblical or healthy to let these false prophets get to walk freely in the congregation . And those who warn against this and this , they are viewed with suspicion , boycotted and put out suspicious and bad rumors. Among other that they do not progress, even a rogue , should be concerned with other things and much, much more.
Scripture speaks who said that we should warn against other believers who do not live and preach in accordance with God's word. We will not conduct church discipline in the world , but within the church !
Related links:
lørdag 17. mai 2014
No. 706: Continuing Ludvig Nessa and Borre Knudsen apostles ? But spreading fear, condemnation and be like the prophets in the Old Testament ?
No. 706:
Continuing Ludvig Nessa and Borre Knudsen apostles ? But spreading fear, condemnation and be like the prophets in the Old Testament ?
This writes Kjell Andersen from Kristiansand who run the site (Spotlight ): " Nessa and Knudsen rebuked the Norwegian people , parliament and government for 15,000 annual fetal homicide is nothing else than to continue the apostles " ( end of quote ) .
Photo by Leif Jacobsen standing with Borre Knudsen on his campaign in 1983, the first time I saw and experienced Borre Knudsen . Even then it went cold down over me when I saw him as a Pharisee and law scholar who had knowledge and knowledge of the gospel . I thought when I looked at Leif Jacobsen and Borre Knudsen such as enough Pharisees and scribes stood out as Jesus and the apostles against 2000 years ago in Israel. Of course continues none of these Acts business!
I have tried to shed light Ludvig Nessa and Borre Knudsen activities set out in from a New Testament point of view and what is important to communicate in time. Here they fall right through. Having already written about this , but in a recent article try to get me a part that I have not already written about these and to illustrate how bad it is when we do not preach the word of God and teach the word of God in the right way . Taking part with points so that it becomes most clear and it becomes a whole in my warning and guidance.
1 ) Continuing Ludvig Nessa and Borre Knudsen apostles ? No, the early Christians preached and healed the sick. What makes Nessa and Knudsen ? They think scarcely enough of the supernatural gospel and are steadfast in the faith of the Church and learn. Then they continue not apostles . But to take well positively to their advantage; Luther faith, doctrine and operations . And he came 1500 years after the apostles .
2 ) Abortion opponents spread fear and condemnation. Induced abortion is not Christian people , but people who walk away from God. They live and walk in darkness and not of light and the children of today . Therefore, we set out to spread the gospel is the light of God sent to the people who live and walk in darkness.
3 ) Knudsen and Nessa try to be like the prophets in the Old Testament . This service is ended when Jesus has set Israel aside in 2000, years before they shall come again to be his people " again ." Meanwhile, the congregation of God's people and the preaching of repentance from specific sins should be within the congregation. Not outwardly to the world's children , this was the Old Testament prophet service and in Israel.
When Jesus rebuked the Jews in his time it was on the basis that Israel in Biblical terminology was contemporary " church " . Today this church.
4 ) It's really not unbiblical to warn against sin , but when the church today is met, managed and sin is accepted , shut up and also defended. Then it will be giving the wrong food to warn the faithful about specific sins. Knudsen and Nessa the main focus where they should not have it.
5 ) At the end of 1980 approx . 1989 Borre Knudsen and Ludvig Nessa interviewed by Hans Bratterud on his channel . There, he was sent here on local TV in Oslo Janco TV and satellite channels . Bratterud asked freely reproduced following question: "Why do you fight this abortion fight so strenuously ? » . Nessa and Knudsen said the following: " because then they will not be baptized and become a child of God ! ". The motivation was that they would not be sprinkled as a child and incorporated in the Norwegian Church . For an error and heresy !
6 ) God's Word clearly says that we should not judge those who are outside, but those inside . Here everything is turned on its head.
1 Cor 5, 12: What have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside you to judge? Those who are outside God judges. It abslutt dangerous thing to do is to judge those outside while condone sins committed by those inside. Then the maximum hypocrisy.
7 ) Jan Aage Torp was with these priests 1980s. And several others, all of which have been with them have in common that they are spiritually completely astray. Leif Jacobsen who was also with them and others, are all delusion children. Jan Åge Torp's successor in January Hanvold is even more extreme than Torp. Here it goes from bad to worse! Now Nessa work and run their propaganda activities on his TV station . After Ulf Ekman was a Catholic , he fell out of favor with Hanvold when Catholics have a strictly and biblical view of marriage . In contradiction to the Protestants now let everything run smoothly. Torp is divorced and re-married twice, in January Hanvold three times. But Torp's new wife is apparently younger than Hanvold wife when it is about . twenty years younger wives both have . Talk to gorge themselves in the flesh !
8 ) This I convey here is really the gospel. But we know that the Catholic church would govern the development of society and the people throughout the middle ages. This is also the Lutheran church continued . But where in Scripture is this? All this is basically a mandate that God has given to His church , but to the authorities and the general public. The church must preach Christ outwardly and inwardly correct , instruct and exhort . But here one turns all this on the head.
9 ) Ludvig Nessa are now going into the occult television station to January Hanvold . Is such a blind - spiritually blind - that goes into this TV station with its own program? One can then be sure that one is both seduced and deceived !
10 ) Abortion is murder. But what do we know? Those who are doing this are people who live and walk in sin . I ask therefore an open question as to what is best here ? If someone who is not required to be forced to live ? God's ways are inscrutable . If believers abortion is the double sin. But those who live with Satan does, and perhaps those who are adopted out goes to God? If they had not been adopted , what? Then they might have grown up in a drug home , an alcoholic home , been beaten and raped. I do not know what. Sin makes itself felt really among people today. We are not set to fight against sin in the world, but sin in the church ! Across the world children we preach repentance from sin ( YOUR SIN IS THAT THEY DO NOT BELIEVE ) and to Christ.
Final Comment:
The saying goes , " Everything in moderation ". Of course it is at times too good to proclaim and illuminate what abortion is . But scripture reser voirs to pray for wisdom . Can not see that Christians are filled with or guided by wisdom. Wisdom is to do everything in the right way and not unnecessarily lead people away from God , but to God. It has been shown that people who live and walk in darkness, they do not need to be pushed further down and away from the light . But to hear the gospel and experience Christ. How do we do this - the best? Arguably convey what Jesus did and taught but he was here on earth !
Two main appeal points I have against fighting abortion controversy. One is that sin we must fight and warn against is not among the world's children , but among the believers. Secondly, as appears Knudsen , Nessa and similar people more like an Old Testament prophet. The Old Testament prophet service is closed and disregarded the church's time , but will come back when the church has been raptured and turn into full bloom during the 1000 year kingdom again ! In the meantime, we as a church and believers preach Christ ! It is possible to utter prophecies concerning also the profane life in the church dispensation , but with the intention that people will come to faith and God's children should be supervised as people. Not a fight against people who already live and walk in the dark !
Related links:
Continuing Ludvig Nessa and Borre Knudsen apostles ? But spreading fear, condemnation and be like the prophets in the Old Testament ?
This writes Kjell Andersen from Kristiansand who run the site (Spotlight ): " Nessa and Knudsen rebuked the Norwegian people , parliament and government for 15,000 annual fetal homicide is nothing else than to continue the apostles " ( end of quote ) .
Photo by Leif Jacobsen standing with Borre Knudsen on his campaign in 1983, the first time I saw and experienced Borre Knudsen . Even then it went cold down over me when I saw him as a Pharisee and law scholar who had knowledge and knowledge of the gospel . I thought when I looked at Leif Jacobsen and Borre Knudsen such as enough Pharisees and scribes stood out as Jesus and the apostles against 2000 years ago in Israel. Of course continues none of these Acts business!
I have tried to shed light Ludvig Nessa and Borre Knudsen activities set out in from a New Testament point of view and what is important to communicate in time. Here they fall right through. Having already written about this , but in a recent article try to get me a part that I have not already written about these and to illustrate how bad it is when we do not preach the word of God and teach the word of God in the right way . Taking part with points so that it becomes most clear and it becomes a whole in my warning and guidance.
1 ) Continuing Ludvig Nessa and Borre Knudsen apostles ? No, the early Christians preached and healed the sick. What makes Nessa and Knudsen ? They think scarcely enough of the supernatural gospel and are steadfast in the faith of the Church and learn. Then they continue not apostles . But to take well positively to their advantage; Luther faith, doctrine and operations . And he came 1500 years after the apostles .
2 ) Abortion opponents spread fear and condemnation. Induced abortion is not Christian people , but people who walk away from God. They live and walk in darkness and not of light and the children of today . Therefore, we set out to spread the gospel is the light of God sent to the people who live and walk in darkness.
3 ) Knudsen and Nessa try to be like the prophets in the Old Testament . This service is ended when Jesus has set Israel aside in 2000, years before they shall come again to be his people " again ." Meanwhile, the congregation of God's people and the preaching of repentance from specific sins should be within the congregation. Not outwardly to the world's children , this was the Old Testament prophet service and in Israel.
When Jesus rebuked the Jews in his time it was on the basis that Israel in Biblical terminology was contemporary " church " . Today this church.
4 ) It's really not unbiblical to warn against sin , but when the church today is met, managed and sin is accepted , shut up and also defended. Then it will be giving the wrong food to warn the faithful about specific sins. Knudsen and Nessa the main focus where they should not have it.
5 ) At the end of 1980 approx . 1989 Borre Knudsen and Ludvig Nessa interviewed by Hans Bratterud on his channel . There, he was sent here on local TV in Oslo Janco TV and satellite channels . Bratterud asked freely reproduced following question: "Why do you fight this abortion fight so strenuously ? » . Nessa and Knudsen said the following: " because then they will not be baptized and become a child of God ! ". The motivation was that they would not be sprinkled as a child and incorporated in the Norwegian Church . For an error and heresy !
6 ) God's Word clearly says that we should not judge those who are outside, but those inside . Here everything is turned on its head.
1 Cor 5, 12: What have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside you to judge? Those who are outside God judges. It abslutt dangerous thing to do is to judge those outside while condone sins committed by those inside. Then the maximum hypocrisy.
7 ) Jan Aage Torp was with these priests 1980s. And several others, all of which have been with them have in common that they are spiritually completely astray. Leif Jacobsen who was also with them and others, are all delusion children. Jan Åge Torp's successor in January Hanvold is even more extreme than Torp. Here it goes from bad to worse! Now Nessa work and run their propaganda activities on his TV station . After Ulf Ekman was a Catholic , he fell out of favor with Hanvold when Catholics have a strictly and biblical view of marriage . In contradiction to the Protestants now let everything run smoothly. Torp is divorced and re-married twice, in January Hanvold three times. But Torp's new wife is apparently younger than Hanvold wife when it is about . twenty years younger wives both have . Talk to gorge themselves in the flesh !
8 ) This I convey here is really the gospel. But we know that the Catholic church would govern the development of society and the people throughout the middle ages. This is also the Lutheran church continued . But where in Scripture is this? All this is basically a mandate that God has given to His church , but to the authorities and the general public. The church must preach Christ outwardly and inwardly correct , instruct and exhort . But here one turns all this on the head.
9 ) Ludvig Nessa are now going into the occult television station to January Hanvold . Is such a blind - spiritually blind - that goes into this TV station with its own program? One can then be sure that one is both seduced and deceived !
10 ) Abortion is murder. But what do we know? Those who are doing this are people who live and walk in sin . I ask therefore an open question as to what is best here ? If someone who is not required to be forced to live ? God's ways are inscrutable . If believers abortion is the double sin. But those who live with Satan does, and perhaps those who are adopted out goes to God? If they had not been adopted , what? Then they might have grown up in a drug home , an alcoholic home , been beaten and raped. I do not know what. Sin makes itself felt really among people today. We are not set to fight against sin in the world, but sin in the church ! Across the world children we preach repentance from sin ( YOUR SIN IS THAT THEY DO NOT BELIEVE ) and to Christ.
Final Comment:
The saying goes , " Everything in moderation ". Of course it is at times too good to proclaim and illuminate what abortion is . But scripture reser voirs to pray for wisdom . Can not see that Christians are filled with or guided by wisdom. Wisdom is to do everything in the right way and not unnecessarily lead people away from God , but to God. It has been shown that people who live and walk in darkness, they do not need to be pushed further down and away from the light . But to hear the gospel and experience Christ. How do we do this - the best? Arguably convey what Jesus did and taught but he was here on earth !
Two main appeal points I have against fighting abortion controversy. One is that sin we must fight and warn against is not among the world's children , but among the believers. Secondly, as appears Knudsen , Nessa and similar people more like an Old Testament prophet. The Old Testament prophet service is closed and disregarded the church's time , but will come back when the church has been raptured and turn into full bloom during the 1000 year kingdom again ! In the meantime, we as a church and believers preach Christ ! It is possible to utter prophecies concerning also the profane life in the church dispensation , but with the intention that people will come to faith and God's children should be supervised as people. Not a fight against people who already live and walk in the dark !
Related links:
torsdag 15. mai 2014
No. 705: Demonic forces govern , manage and manipulate the Christians so that they see God's word so clearly !
No. 705:
Demonic forces govern , manage and manipulate the Christians so that they see God's word so clearly!
For the vast majority of such thoughts, preaching and teaching I come with completely foreign . But it was also the preaching of Jesus and the apostles . Therefore, I am in good company if I bring something new , different and which initially seems incomprehensible , beyond and beyond all that is the norm and normal hearing .
Photo of the false prophet Jan Hanvold living 100 % against God's word.
How Satan " fakes " out and mislead the believers in the gay debate.
It is very much to grasp in. But it's really bad that one first clarify who this is about before initiating a debate. In the case of the non-believers who live out their desires , either as homo , trance , gay or in many extramarital relationships we have as believers really nothing to do with this .
Believers can warn against the unsaved sinner if it becomes like a parenthesis and not take focus away which is to communicate Christ to the world. And if the faithful have clean flour in the bag itself , which they unfortunately do not have.
Scripture says that the wicked (those who do not believe in Jesus as God's atoning sacrifice and God's sacrificial lamb ) . They should not be part of God's church . Only Jesus believers . This is in no way been established by some in this debate. It is only against and for homosexuals. But a non -believer who is gay , lesbian , bisexual or heterosexual should not be in the church of God , whatever!
The church is only for believers , but they mostly operate as they wish , for there is always enough grace for them to get. Tragic !
Believers people thrive and do not live in sin , in other words, this whole gay debate arbitrary , destructive and manipulation of Satan .
Children of the World stand , marries again and live out their passions and carnal needs just like in Noah and of Lot . This has put us in writing beforehand. But the Christian , he lives by the word of God , and love it. He do not live as he desires and the world's children do. But here it is all turned on its head, and do not know what's what . Therefore, it is to do to create an overview and understanding of what is what. Here are ten points that are important to include on the road :
1 ) They are not believers live and walk in the dark if they are hetro , bisexuals , gays or lesbians . Not believing people live and walk in darkness.
2 ) The non -believer cardinal sin is that they do not believe in Jesus. Everything else is secondary and really has nothing to do with the gospel .
3 ) Under the circumstances show that we as believers warn against specific sins. But in today's intellectual climate and the low standard of the faithful is something we should try to avoid when it drags the focus away from the gospel.
4 ) The believer live and walk in the light. Therefore , marriage is a lifelong him. Remarriage is excluded and live differently are also excluded.
5 ) Believers who will not abide by the word of God should first be warned privately .
6 ) Believers who will not conform to God's word will then be publicly accountable style of church.
7 ) Will they not let themselves warn they will be taken away .
8 ) focus on specific sins of unbelievers is to miss the target mostly . We shall only point out Jesus to them and keep up the Ten Commandments that we all have breaking any of . If you break one of the commandments of God , you break them all skier font. All are thus guilty in past God, not just gays and lesbians .
9 ) Believers people who want to live in sin , they can we take forward from Scripture what God's word says about specific sins.
10 ) The standard for how we should live , is basically only relevant for people of faith who believe in the Bible and adapts to the word of God.
Final Comment:
As I see it, is the most elementary become difficult when demonic forces control , manage and manipulate the Christians so that they see God's word so clearly !
This should not be difficult ? As I see it , it's far more important to focus on remarriage and sins which today has been allowed and accepted among the believers. But this is not accepted and allowed believers based on what the New Testament teaches and teaching. Let us have this very clear !
If you believe that I have a ministry , mission and ministry . So above all, pray for me , my ministry , family and Smyrna Oslo. Secondly, support to operations to come to the meetings and help to build a church here in the city of Oslo .
Secondly , support us financially also .
See here: account number in the Post : 0535 06 05 845
Be blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ !
Related links:
Demonic forces govern , manage and manipulate the Christians so that they see God's word so clearly!
For the vast majority of such thoughts, preaching and teaching I come with completely foreign . But it was also the preaching of Jesus and the apostles . Therefore, I am in good company if I bring something new , different and which initially seems incomprehensible , beyond and beyond all that is the norm and normal hearing .
Photo of the false prophet Jan Hanvold living 100 % against God's word.
How Satan " fakes " out and mislead the believers in the gay debate.
It is very much to grasp in. But it's really bad that one first clarify who this is about before initiating a debate. In the case of the non-believers who live out their desires , either as homo , trance , gay or in many extramarital relationships we have as believers really nothing to do with this .
Believers can warn against the unsaved sinner if it becomes like a parenthesis and not take focus away which is to communicate Christ to the world. And if the faithful have clean flour in the bag itself , which they unfortunately do not have.
Scripture says that the wicked (those who do not believe in Jesus as God's atoning sacrifice and God's sacrificial lamb ) . They should not be part of God's church . Only Jesus believers . This is in no way been established by some in this debate. It is only against and for homosexuals. But a non -believer who is gay , lesbian , bisexual or heterosexual should not be in the church of God , whatever!
The church is only for believers , but they mostly operate as they wish , for there is always enough grace for them to get. Tragic !
Believers people thrive and do not live in sin , in other words, this whole gay debate arbitrary , destructive and manipulation of Satan .
Children of the World stand , marries again and live out their passions and carnal needs just like in Noah and of Lot . This has put us in writing beforehand. But the Christian , he lives by the word of God , and love it. He do not live as he desires and the world's children do. But here it is all turned on its head, and do not know what's what . Therefore, it is to do to create an overview and understanding of what is what. Here are ten points that are important to include on the road :
1 ) They are not believers live and walk in the dark if they are hetro , bisexuals , gays or lesbians . Not believing people live and walk in darkness.
2 ) The non -believer cardinal sin is that they do not believe in Jesus. Everything else is secondary and really has nothing to do with the gospel .
3 ) Under the circumstances show that we as believers warn against specific sins. But in today's intellectual climate and the low standard of the faithful is something we should try to avoid when it drags the focus away from the gospel.
4 ) The believer live and walk in the light. Therefore , marriage is a lifelong him. Remarriage is excluded and live differently are also excluded.
5 ) Believers who will not abide by the word of God should first be warned privately .
6 ) Believers who will not conform to God's word will then be publicly accountable style of church.
7 ) Will they not let themselves warn they will be taken away .
8 ) focus on specific sins of unbelievers is to miss the target mostly . We shall only point out Jesus to them and keep up the Ten Commandments that we all have breaking any of . If you break one of the commandments of God , you break them all skier font. All are thus guilty in past God, not just gays and lesbians .
9 ) Believers people who want to live in sin , they can we take forward from Scripture what God's word says about specific sins.
10 ) The standard for how we should live , is basically only relevant for people of faith who believe in the Bible and adapts to the word of God.
Final Comment:
As I see it, is the most elementary become difficult when demonic forces control , manage and manipulate the Christians so that they see God's word so clearly !
This should not be difficult ? As I see it , it's far more important to focus on remarriage and sins which today has been allowed and accepted among the believers. But this is not accepted and allowed believers based on what the New Testament teaches and teaching. Let us have this very clear !
If you believe that I have a ministry , mission and ministry . So above all, pray for me , my ministry , family and Smyrna Oslo. Secondly, support to operations to come to the meetings and help to build a church here in the city of Oslo .
Secondly , support us financially also .
See here: account number in the Post : 0535 06 05 845
Be blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ !
Related links:
onsdag 14. mai 2014
No. 704: Christian People's Campaign and warning against ugjenfødte homosexuality , abortion, etc. are unbiblical and against God's word!
No. 704:
Christian People's Campaign and warning against ugjenfødte homosexuality , abortion, etc. are unbiblical and against God's word!
Borre Knudsen , Ludvig Nessa and other abortion opponents have run a questionable activities and direct unbiblical view it is meant to be a biblical and New Testament activities. Tragically, there are so few believers do not realize this. But afterwards they have warned the world's children to repent, then " forgets " the primers and their main task, to exhort the faithful to a holy and given life in accordance with God's word and God 's will.
Photo of the extreme and seduced Ludvig Nessa and Borre Knudsen .
We will not warn the unsaved receive special type of sins up and thought . But what should we do to those who profess the name of Jesus . But here turns one at the head.
1 Cor. 5 9 I wrote in the letter to you that you should not have anything to do with people living in adultery . 10 I did not mean everyone in this world immoral or greedy, or are robbers and idolaters . Then must ye needs go out of the world . 11 What I meant by what I wrote was that you are not to keep one called brother , and yet sexually immoral or greedy , or is an idolater , projectors , drunkard , or robber . These shall ye not eat with . 12 What have I to do with judging outsiders ? Is it not those inside , you should judge? 13 Those who are outside , God judges . Get when the evil away from you !
We create confusion , destroying the Christian message and the Christian remain babes in Christ through preaching today !
What should we preach ? We must know who we are to preach , and what to preach to them.
To those non believers we preach one thing only , that sin is not believing in Jesus. But for those who are believers , we will stadigvek preach against sin , admonish and advise when we will stadigvek put off the old man and put on the new !
We have lost a total understanding of our mission and the biblical standard for the church of God !
It is not the non-believers we should admonish , but the believers who turn aside from the Lord's way . But here turns one at the head. Finally, let me take five points that are important and vital to our understanding of this topic and the importance of living as a New Testament believer.
1 ) The unbelievers are and remain sinners if they live out their sin or live as cultured people.
2 ) All those who have accepted Jesus are God's children .
3 ) A believer can lose his salvation if one lives in sin and not get it to light.
4 ) We will not admonish the world , but other believers who turn aside from the way of the Lord whether in life and learning .
5 ) Believers who will not repent shall be supported out of the church .
Final Comment:
Believers people today here in Norway are so misled , deceived and out of spiritual courses that they must repent, just as the world's children need . But there is light in the tunnel for you ! Read up on our blog and website and support us in prayer and financially !
Related links:
Christian People's Campaign and warning against ugjenfødte homosexuality , abortion, etc. are unbiblical and against God's word!
Borre Knudsen , Ludvig Nessa and other abortion opponents have run a questionable activities and direct unbiblical view it is meant to be a biblical and New Testament activities. Tragically, there are so few believers do not realize this. But afterwards they have warned the world's children to repent, then " forgets " the primers and their main task, to exhort the faithful to a holy and given life in accordance with God's word and God 's will.
Photo of the extreme and seduced Ludvig Nessa and Borre Knudsen .
We will not warn the unsaved receive special type of sins up and thought . But what should we do to those who profess the name of Jesus . But here turns one at the head.
1 Cor. 5 9 I wrote in the letter to you that you should not have anything to do with people living in adultery . 10 I did not mean everyone in this world immoral or greedy, or are robbers and idolaters . Then must ye needs go out of the world . 11 What I meant by what I wrote was that you are not to keep one called brother , and yet sexually immoral or greedy , or is an idolater , projectors , drunkard , or robber . These shall ye not eat with . 12 What have I to do with judging outsiders ? Is it not those inside , you should judge? 13 Those who are outside , God judges . Get when the evil away from you !
We create confusion , destroying the Christian message and the Christian remain babes in Christ through preaching today !
What should we preach ? We must know who we are to preach , and what to preach to them.
To those non believers we preach one thing only , that sin is not believing in Jesus. But for those who are believers , we will stadigvek preach against sin , admonish and advise when we will stadigvek put off the old man and put on the new !
We have lost a total understanding of our mission and the biblical standard for the church of God !
It is not the non-believers we should admonish , but the believers who turn aside from the Lord's way . But here turns one at the head. Finally, let me take five points that are important and vital to our understanding of this topic and the importance of living as a New Testament believer.
1 ) The unbelievers are and remain sinners if they live out their sin or live as cultured people.
2 ) All those who have accepted Jesus are God's children .
3 ) A believer can lose his salvation if one lives in sin and not get it to light.
4 ) We will not admonish the world , but other believers who turn aside from the way of the Lord whether in life and learning .
5 ) Believers who will not repent shall be supported out of the church .
Final Comment:
Believers people today here in Norway are so misled , deceived and out of spiritual courses that they must repent, just as the world's children need . But there is light in the tunnel for you ! Read up on our blog and website and support us in prayer and financially !
Related links:
tirsdag 6. mai 2014
No. 703: Dr. Rodney Howard Browne banned Vision Norway since 2011 when he preached against Hanvold many divorce and subsequent remarriage!
No. 703:
Dr. Rodney Howard Browne banned Vision Norway since 2011 when he preached against Hanvold many divorce and subsequent remarriage!
Rodney Howard Browne and his first and only wife Adonica unlike Hanvold living 100 % against the word of God and is otherwise the same glory theology that Dr. Rodney Howard Browne . But they can not reach cooperate when Howard Browne holds up what God's Word says about marriage - divorce and remarriage . That it is not permissible for believers to marry again after a break !
It is striking and very strange that Emanuel Minos and other Christians called leaders do not preach against remarriage as this is the most neglected truth and the greatest sin of omission that is in God's church today? !
I could not believe my ears when Howard Browne preached against remarriage in Topsham June 2011. But this was also the last time he was in Norway , because he preached against remarriage . Hanvold even said on Radio here in Oslo the following:
" To hell with anyone who does not agree that I am re- married " .
John the Baptist lost his head preaching against Herod 's new marriage that was not right according to God's word. Something similar we are experiencing today among the so-called evangelicals that do not tolerate preaching against remarriage .
The result of it being boycotts, exclusion and obstruction .
Is the church today, the pillar and foundation when remarriage of both preachers and other Christians either accepted, defended or that those who warn against this experience exclusion , boycotts and no opportunity to preach the Bible teach about this ?
January Hanvold "spiritual mentor and role model " was Rodney Howard- Browne !
January Hanvold "spiritual mentor and role model " was Rodney Howard- Browne , belonging to religious movement and is known to proclaim the glory of theology. TV Vision Norway had for years sent several programs with Howard- Browne and other preachers in the same direction.
Got banned when he preached against remarriage !
Scriptures on marriage , divorce and remarriage are rarely preaching in our day . A few decades ago, divorce rare in the church. Now there is a huge avalanche of divorces and the need to take these biblical words up in preaching should be great.
But why preached it virtually does not and what happens to those who hear the word of God and teach that marriage is until death do us ? Instead, they have plenty of examples to look at the marriages that end in divorce . When Christian leaders , who many people look up to , stand , this strong negative examples.
1 Corinthians 6.9 : " Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God not deceived: neither fornicators , nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who allow themselves to use unnatural fornication , nor men who practice fornication with men , .... shall inherit the kingdom of God. "
1 Thessalonians 4.2 to 5 : " You know that the precepts we gave you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God , your sanctification : Abstain from sexual immorality . Each of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor, not in passionate lust like the heathen , who do not know God . "
Marriage, a type of Christ and the church :
Ephesians 5.31-32 : " Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh . This is a great mystery - but I speak concerning Christ and the church . "
Diabolos is the devil's name in Greek, and means that the brand ! He hates what God has created . Loving , faithful marriages and families are split , leading MUCH grief and despair with it !
The world would look at us Christians and say, " See how they love one another ! " Our marriage would be a visible image of the love between Christ and His bride , the church.
You shall not commit adultery !
Matt 19.4-6 : " He answered and said, Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said , For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and cleave unto his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh ? So they are no longer two , but one flesh . Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate . "
Mark 10,9 : " Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate .
The Bible also speaks clearly about remarriage .
Luke 16:18 : " Whoever divorces his wife and marries another , commits adultery. And whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery. "
Rooms from 7.2 to 3 "For the married woman is bound by law to her husband so long as he lives . But if her husband dies , she is released from the law of her husband . 's Why she is called an adulteress if she , while her husband still alive , becomes another man's wife . But if her husband dies, she is free from that law and is no adulteress if she marries another man. "
Mark 10.11-12 : " When they were come into the house , his disciples asked him again about this. , He says to them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries another , is guilty of adultery against her. and if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery . "
Paul writes as clear in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, TLB : " And unto the married I command, yet not I , but the Lord : A wife must not separate from her husband . But she is separated from him , let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband . And a husband must not divorce his wife. "
We note that Paul refers to a word from the Lord. It is given only two options for the divorced wife, to remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband .
The theory of the innocent party based on Matthew 19, 9 , where Jesus says: " But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness , and marries another , commits adultery . And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery . "
From this it is believed to have coverage that a man who is separated from his wife because she has committed adultery can remarry. But such an interpretation violates the parallel verses quoted above . True biblical interpretation has always been the guiding star that the clear words must illuminate the less clear, and in this case it is more clear verses that go against remarriage .
Small Bible knowledge , little teaching on topic and wrong guidance has meant that many unfortunately have ended up in tricky situations , far away from God's ways and will. But in Jesus there is forgiveness and reparation for those who repent and confess their sin !
Isaiah 1:18 : " Come let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be as scarlet , they shall be as white as snow , and though they be red like crimson , they shall be as wool . " Jesus said to the woman taken in adultery : " Go and sin no more! " She could therefore not continue as before , to live in sin ( adultery ) , but had to repent. So also must repent to be forgiven by God ( Apgj.3 , 19) . We can not live in sin as Christians , there is a big difference between living in sin and fall into sin.
Hebrews 13.4 : " Marriage is honorable in all , and the marriage bed be undefiled God will judge those who commit adultery and adultery. "
Final Comment:
In many ways, things are about to be turned on its head. Those who live and preach after the Gospel encounters locked doors not only in the world but also in the congregation . And such obvious things that Hanvold closes its greatest role model there, overlooked by everyone. Why ? There are issues we take up in the Heavenly blog and you have the opportunity to comment and submit questions and will receive answers about everything that you write as long as it is spiritual Bible -related questions!
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Dr. Rodney Howard Browne banned Vision Norway since 2011 when he preached against Hanvold many divorce and subsequent remarriage!
Rodney Howard Browne and his first and only wife Adonica unlike Hanvold living 100 % against the word of God and is otherwise the same glory theology that Dr. Rodney Howard Browne . But they can not reach cooperate when Howard Browne holds up what God's Word says about marriage - divorce and remarriage . That it is not permissible for believers to marry again after a break !
It is striking and very strange that Emanuel Minos and other Christians called leaders do not preach against remarriage as this is the most neglected truth and the greatest sin of omission that is in God's church today? !
I could not believe my ears when Howard Browne preached against remarriage in Topsham June 2011. But this was also the last time he was in Norway , because he preached against remarriage . Hanvold even said on Radio here in Oslo the following:
" To hell with anyone who does not agree that I am re- married " .
John the Baptist lost his head preaching against Herod 's new marriage that was not right according to God's word. Something similar we are experiencing today among the so-called evangelicals that do not tolerate preaching against remarriage .
The result of it being boycotts, exclusion and obstruction .
Is the church today, the pillar and foundation when remarriage of both preachers and other Christians either accepted, defended or that those who warn against this experience exclusion , boycotts and no opportunity to preach the Bible teach about this ?
January Hanvold "spiritual mentor and role model " was Rodney Howard- Browne !
January Hanvold "spiritual mentor and role model " was Rodney Howard- Browne , belonging to religious movement and is known to proclaim the glory of theology. TV Vision Norway had for years sent several programs with Howard- Browne and other preachers in the same direction.
Got banned when he preached against remarriage !
Scriptures on marriage , divorce and remarriage are rarely preaching in our day . A few decades ago, divorce rare in the church. Now there is a huge avalanche of divorces and the need to take these biblical words up in preaching should be great.
But why preached it virtually does not and what happens to those who hear the word of God and teach that marriage is until death do us ? Instead, they have plenty of examples to look at the marriages that end in divorce . When Christian leaders , who many people look up to , stand , this strong negative examples.
1 Corinthians 6.9 : " Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God not deceived: neither fornicators , nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who allow themselves to use unnatural fornication , nor men who practice fornication with men , .... shall inherit the kingdom of God. "
1 Thessalonians 4.2 to 5 : " You know that the precepts we gave you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God , your sanctification : Abstain from sexual immorality . Each of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor, not in passionate lust like the heathen , who do not know God . "
Marriage, a type of Christ and the church :
Ephesians 5.31-32 : " Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh . This is a great mystery - but I speak concerning Christ and the church . "
Diabolos is the devil's name in Greek, and means that the brand ! He hates what God has created . Loving , faithful marriages and families are split , leading MUCH grief and despair with it !
The world would look at us Christians and say, " See how they love one another ! " Our marriage would be a visible image of the love between Christ and His bride , the church.
You shall not commit adultery !
Matt 19.4-6 : " He answered and said, Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said , For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and cleave unto his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh ? So they are no longer two , but one flesh . Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate . "
Mark 10,9 : " Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate .
The Bible also speaks clearly about remarriage .
Luke 16:18 : " Whoever divorces his wife and marries another , commits adultery. And whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery. "
Rooms from 7.2 to 3 "For the married woman is bound by law to her husband so long as he lives . But if her husband dies , she is released from the law of her husband . 's Why she is called an adulteress if she , while her husband still alive , becomes another man's wife . But if her husband dies, she is free from that law and is no adulteress if she marries another man. "
Mark 10.11-12 : " When they were come into the house , his disciples asked him again about this. , He says to them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries another , is guilty of adultery against her. and if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery . "
Paul writes as clear in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, TLB : " And unto the married I command, yet not I , but the Lord : A wife must not separate from her husband . But she is separated from him , let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband . And a husband must not divorce his wife. "
We note that Paul refers to a word from the Lord. It is given only two options for the divorced wife, to remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband .
The theory of the innocent party based on Matthew 19, 9 , where Jesus says: " But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness , and marries another , commits adultery . And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery . "
From this it is believed to have coverage that a man who is separated from his wife because she has committed adultery can remarry. But such an interpretation violates the parallel verses quoted above . True biblical interpretation has always been the guiding star that the clear words must illuminate the less clear, and in this case it is more clear verses that go against remarriage .
Small Bible knowledge , little teaching on topic and wrong guidance has meant that many unfortunately have ended up in tricky situations , far away from God's ways and will. But in Jesus there is forgiveness and reparation for those who repent and confess their sin !
Isaiah 1:18 : " Come let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be as scarlet , they shall be as white as snow , and though they be red like crimson , they shall be as wool . " Jesus said to the woman taken in adultery : " Go and sin no more! " She could therefore not continue as before , to live in sin ( adultery ) , but had to repent. So also must repent to be forgiven by God ( Apgj.3 , 19) . We can not live in sin as Christians , there is a big difference between living in sin and fall into sin.
Hebrews 13.4 : " Marriage is honorable in all , and the marriage bed be undefiled God will judge those who commit adultery and adultery. "
Final Comment:
In many ways, things are about to be turned on its head. Those who live and preach after the Gospel encounters locked doors not only in the world but also in the congregation . And such obvious things that Hanvold closes its greatest role model there, overlooked by everyone. Why ? There are issues we take up in the Heavenly blog and you have the opportunity to comment and submit questions and will receive answers about everything that you write as long as it is spiritual Bible -related questions!
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