Nr. 274:
All Christian churches, denominations and movements are really sects because no one has the full truth, but believe they have more than they have, therefore, they deceive themselves and everyone else!
Jehovah's Witnesses are one of many Christian sects as no Christian churches teach and believe just about everything in God's word!
John. AD 16 14 I still have much to say to you, but not like you can take to you right now.
15 But when the Spirit of Truth comes, it should guide you in all truth. It shall not speak of himself, but only the voice it has itself heard spoken. And it should teach what is to come.
16 He shall glorify me, for it to take what is mine and declare it to you.
17 All that the Father has is mine. That's why I say that it will take what is mine and declare it to you.
Christianity is divided into different sects
The early Christians were a homogeneous group or church, where no one had a "monopoly" on truth. Was it so overstemmelse talked, debated and argued over through things (Gal. 2, Acts 15, etc.). But through over 2,000 years of church history is Christianity divided into different sects, factions and movements (called denominations). This is a historical fact! But to believe that all believers will go on with God, of course, who believe in "Santa Claus". But the possibility of the WILL is always present, but it costs and has a price. But the price to let the weather is actually larger. One can by not going forward with God both lose pay and salvation. Christian life is not a life of disuse. Whether we go forward or back!
How to move forward to move forward with God?
There are three pages I will focus on here to get on with God, and assigns both new spiritual experiences and see the "new" things in God's word. It is No. 1 maturation. Week. 2 humility. And finally, No. 3 that here the preachers a second great responsibility.
1) Maturing: This is from my commentaries Ephesians 4 14 Then we will no longer be immature, do not let us throw here and there and run with the wind from any doctrine, that we are prey to men fake games of error cunning tricks.
Paul encourages one to no longer be immature, but become mature. The maturation process is one from one stage to the next, but all the "steps" in our lives belong. We can not go to the next "ladder" until we have passed the "stairs" nedforbi. We must not look at all that we meet the enemy as always, but it is part of our maturation, development and learning to distinguish the noble from the base.
2. Pet. 3. 18 But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Him be glory, now and forever! Amen.
15 We must be faithful to the truth in love and in all things grow up into him who is the head, Christ.
The truth is not only God's word, but a person. Therefore, we have something to learn from Jesus in the way also to convey the message. Jesus is the message, but his manner and the intellectual force he brought it up, it sounds also with our maturation.
Matt. 11. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden light. "
16 From him comes the whole body growth, it is joined and held together by every supporting bands, depending on the task that is allotted each part, and so the body grows and is built up in love.
From him the Christ at his word and Spirit in the first instance, it is our source of faith. Once this is in place in the believer's life begins a healthy development and maturation. However, maturation and development should also take out so that we can collaborate, manage and perform the Lord's work. Will this be a continuous and progressive process, that is the love of the Lord and one another crucial. We read in sending the letters in the book of Revelation about the well 30 years later that the church had failed because they had lost and abandoned his first love. It is not something to aspire, but take care!
My commentaries Revelation Book 2 4 But this I have against you, that you have left your first love.
Of all the churches in the church 2000 years long history of the church in Ephesus, a pattern image to everyone in all parts. It is the church rather than someone else who has taken out the potential, ability and power that is in Christ. All gifts which seemed about to the Corinthians in the church there and the church in Ephesus was no less effective in this regard. Paul founded the church and both Timothy was Paul's closest co-worker worked there. The Apostle John was also one of the church leaders who had Mary Mother of Jesus with them there and who lived and died there. When the congregation to spores of the Gospel of the Lord is ready for all of us.
1. Kor. 10. 12 Therefore the person who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall! (End of quote).
Week. 2. Humility: This is from my commentaries Dispenser letter Colossians 3 12 You are God's elect, holy and beloved by him. Clothe you, therefore, in compassion, kindness and humility. Take care not even to the right, but you stretch far
We did not choose him but he chose us. We are sanctified through the salvation that God accepts us and we are and remain loved by him. Now Paul begins to tell what to wear with, compassion, kindness, humility, have you not even to the right and stretch you far. There were only words appropriate for a Christian. All of this is Jesus our great example, he had these characteristics and descriptions completed.
13 as you bear with one another and forgive one another, if one has nothing to reproach the other. As the Lord has forgiven you, you shall forgive each other.
When we look at the Lord's Prayer is a prayer that is directed towards the Father, who art in heaven. And even as we are forgiven so much, we have the ability to forgive each other. But the assumption is that they ask for forgiveness. We must forgive but forgiveness is also based on the confession. And very specifically what is done and the act is bad and sin. But when we must and should forgive and forget that God has forgiven us our sins in Christ Jesus.
14 And above all, clothe yourselves in love, which is the bond that ties together and finisher.
Love is Christianity's essence and the only thing that will endure forever. Therefore love is also the largest and most important. Dress us in love from head to toe. Love seems the healing of ourselves. A man full of God's love has the best position to succeed, be healthy and be a servant of God church. Love binds us together as believers in nothing else. It is not only to believe and think alike, but to love and be loved by God and each other. Joh.e.13. 34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another. As I have loved you, do ye love one another. 35 Do you have love for one another, shall all be able to see that you are my disciples. "
15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, for it was you called when you were one body. And be thankful!
Before, our life, mind, and a trip filled with anxiety but now there is peace. To always be up session for all and all is not worthy of a Christian. There are times we should and must speak out, but it is enforced by necessity. We should not have too strong opinions and views on other people's religion, creed or color. It is God who knows every human being and our focus is not how vulgar and bad faith of the others are. But how big and precious Christ is to us. And be thankful. It is the finest and most natural for a believer, to be grateful!
This is from my commentaries Ephesians 4 1. So I beseech you, I am the prisoner of the Lord's sake, that you live a life that is worthy of the calling you have received.
Once we have accepted Jesus as savior, it is required that he is Lord. We should live a life that is worthy of the high calling we are called to, it's a heavenly calling.
2 Be humble, do not take you to the right, stretch you far as you bear with one another in love.
It's like we find bergprekens teaching of much of what Paul is saying here. Bergprekens message was not only Jews but also to us Gentiles.
Matt 7, 12 {THE GOLDEN RULE} But it will help to understand the message to more than familiar with Jewish beliefs and way of thinking.
All you would have others do to you, you also do to them. For this is the law and the prophets in one sum.
3 careful to preserve the unity of the Spirit, in the peace that binds together:
Christians are one in him - like the branches on the vine. Thus you and I seek to preserve this device in an atmosphere that binds together. The evil is out to create conflict and division. Our sinful nature will easily put up fences. The ufreden we sometimes can feel inside of us, get us to bring about war between Christian brothers and sisters. "Blessed are the peacemakers," Jesus said. And Paul reminds us that we should seek to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. We need not be equal. God has created us different, and we may have different opinions on public issues. The real fruit of the device only created when we grow closer to Jesus.
4 One body, one Spirit, just as you got one hope when you were called,
All Christians are one in Jesus. We are each other's limbs and Jesus is the head.
1 Corinthians 12: 13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free. And we have all received one Spirit to drink. We have all been given a Spirit to drink. All we share in his Spirit, here and now. But when we get to heaven we share the same spirit as in full measure. The fact that someone does the Holy Spirit to a person and a God is 100% unbiblical and violation of all grammatical usage. The Holy Spirit is part of God himself, not a person. 1. John. 4 b 13 That we are in him and he in us, we know because he has given us of his Spirit. Notice the wording, it is not the person, but by. It indicates and explains that the Spirit is part of God himself, not a person, Amen. A common hope we have. It is heaven and the life that awaits us. We shall be like Jesus and see him as he is. What day and what the future!
5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
One Lord, which is Jesus Christ. The first Christians confessed only one Lord, Jesus Christ his son. It was the first believer concepts and understanding. A belief. We have many kinds of faith, but faith is something we are basically going to, not something that we achieve or acquire. It is already there as an island in the ocean, it is just to get there to be saved for time and eternity. A baptism. There is only one baptism in the Bible. It is after we have come to believe and be baptized in the Lord Jesus' name with the complete and full immersion. Raised to walk with Jesus. Baptism symbolizes our union with Jesus, that we put away and died away from the old. Sin and the law. We are buried with Christ and rise with him to live with God and let Jesus touch and living in and through us 100%.
6 one God and Father, who is above all and through all and in all.
God the Father, Yahweh, Elohim, Adonai, and other names tell us about who is the only true God. It is he who is the only true God and our Father. That he is over and through all and in the same time it is by his own Spirit. This Spirit can we get a richer and richer life with the Lord, both in time and in the coming kingdom.
7 Grace is given each of us according to the gift of Christ is measured.
This word is very important. Now we are all part of grace, and in a limited scope. We will also grace as we need it and as we measured, also part of God. Rooms. 12. 3 In virtue of the grace I have received, I say to every one of you: Do you not larger tanks than you should, but use your mind and be cautious! Each one should adhere to the measure of faith God has given him. (End of quote).
Week. 3) the preachers have an additional responsibility: This is from my commentaries Ephesians 4 11 It is he who gave his gifts: He put some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers.
The prophetic gift works by God's Spirit, who communicates to a Spirit-filled person who is open and able to let themselves be used by God and who desires and longs to be used by the Lord.
I think the Apostle service when it includes to be issued. As the word apostle means: The word comes from the Greek word "Apostolos" (απόστολος) which means "one sent forth" [1]. The word implies that one is sent with a power of attorney and acts with authority on behalf of the person who sent one. This is in contrast to a messenger or herald who only performs a message on behalf of another.
In Latin Bibles is the word translated "missionary". The terms apostle and missionary in use today - and throughout church history - yet on different functions, although it is formally the same word in two different languages. In some cases, however, an overlap between the functions of the apostle and missionary.
Prophet is speaking under God's inspiration, for comfort, admonition and guidance!
Shepherd is to be a Pastor, Elder or the Trustees. It is in these service tasks. Evangelist is pointing to Christ in the preaching and when they are not believers. Teacher gift is important, what we read several places in the word of God and the teachers to care for God's word and bring balance into the church. Rooms. 12. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace God has given us. Whoever has the gift of prophecy, use it as faith dictates, 7 who has deacon service, to take care of their service. Anyone who is a teacher, to take care of the study, 8 and the right leader to take care of this, the one who gives of his own, will make it an undivided heart. It is the Board, shall be with zeal, and it makes mercy, do it with joy.
God will never create the Lamb's Apostles again and Old Testament prophets who preach God's word all over again. The Apostles today, but not "pure" Apostles. The Prophets in the day, but not "pure" Prophets. There will be a part of their equipment and we find examples of both Apostles in the word of God as well as the 12, as the Prophets.
Here are examples of the Apostles: 1 Kor. 1.1. 12. 28. 9. 6 (Paul speaks Barnabas as an apostle like himself and Peter). Acts 14.14.
Here are examples of the prophets: Acts 11.27. 13.1. 21.10 and 1 Kor. 12. 28. And Acts 21. 10 We settled down here for several days, and then came down from Judea a prophet named Agabus. This is a prophet who was not among the apostles!
12 He did it to equip the saints so they can do their work, and the body of Christ may be built up,
Everyone must look at Jesus, not least those with a ministry and the task. How was Jesus? What Would Jesus Do sounded a few years ago and it is as relevant and true today. In fellowship with the Father, he's instructions for their service and power from heaven. For the Son could do nothing of himself, he could only do what He saw the Father doing (John 5:19). For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does (John 5:20).
13 until we all reach the device in the faith of the Son of God and the knowledge of him, and we are a mature man who has reached his full growth and have received the fullness of Christ.
At that preachers find each other, are restored, develop and mature. So it shall also have the same growth and development among the believers. We will grow to reach full growth and maturity in Christ.
14 Then we will no longer be immature, do not let us throw here and there and run with the wind from any doctrine, that we are prey to men fake games of error cunning tricks.
Paul encourages one to no longer be immature, but become mature. The maturation process is one from one stage to the next, but all the "steps" in our lives belong. We can not go to the next "ladder" until we have passed the "stairs" nedforbi. We must not look at all that we meet the enemy as always, but it is part of our maturation, development and learning to distinguish the noble from the base.
2. Pet. 3. 18 But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Him be glory, now and forever! Amen. (End of quote).
My "'s heart" the church in Ephesus
I think that there is so much that is here, that I will not comment on this article so much more. You see, as is the church at Ephesus and especially Ephesians as a "'s heart" for me. Bring to ending an article that wrote about the church in Ephesus in the end a few years ago, and ends with it.
The lovely church of Ephesus!
I've always had a keen interest in church growth and importance. Both today and when we look back at the church work for almost 2000 years.
At all times God has had his tools and his servants through 2000 years.
Perhaps one of the loveliest and one of the parishes with the greatest importance, is the church of Ephesus in ancient Asia Minor, the present Turkey.
It was not just one or more persons who were lit on fire for God, but a whole community!
Just get a strong enthusiasm in me, a whole church on fire for God!
What was it that made the church at Ephesus was such a wonderful tool for God?
There are of course many aspects of this, not just a reason.
But we have something to learn here. Will take 5 points why the church in Ephesus and was a wonderful church.
1. The congregation stood out from the world and the religious.
2. The church had a strong ministry gifts for a long time.
3. The congregation loved God's word and fused with the Word.
4. The church endured and enjoyed all of God's word.
5. The church experienced a supernatural dimension.
There are the 5 most important points in Ephesus church history, why it was there it was. A congregation lit on fire for God.
Looking at the Christian church life in Norway, so it's probably a lot of born-again Christians in Norway from South to North and from West to East. But that's as far as I know of no real burning churches that are near the church in Ephesus.
Try to go through the 5 points I have listed, one should understand why. Should the church in Norway get on, so we can begin to learn from history. It will create a much deeper understanding of why things are as they are.
We do not go here and there to find the answers. All answers are in God's word and in history.
History tells us that the church in Ephesus was at work and they were burning, and served the Lord with joy!
This is the way to go. History provides answers. God's Word provides an accurate and biblical answers! (End of quote).
Will you grow as a believer? And get on with God? Week. 1. maturation. Week. 2 humility. And finally, No. 3 that here the preachers a second great responsibility. They can lend your ear, it will affect you. And those who preach God's word has a second great responsibility to live according to God's word and speak God's word.
1. Pet. 4. 11 on any one speaks, he will speak God's words, on any server in the church, he has served as the strength God provides, so that God will honor in all things by Jesus Christ, the glory and power belong to forever. Amen.
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