Nr. 262:
Anyone who does not accept Jesus Christ will perish and be annihilated and destroyed by God the Father as he is the only one with immortality!
1. Tim. 6. 16 who alone has immortality, who dwells in a light that no one can come to whom no man hath seen nor can see: to him be honor and eternal power. Amen.
This is a Bible study that deals with hell and asks questions to the tradition that teaches that unbelievers will be tormented there forever. This is definitely a valid question to ask. This is about how our God is and what he sees as fair. We teach our God better to know by studying such a taboo subject. To find out these things we have to jump into the Scriptures, dive deep and see what they tell us.
Table of Contents
Part 1 - Introduction
• 1.0 - Preface
Part 2 - Review of the classic "hell" verses
• Luke 16:19-30
• Matt 25:46
• 2 Thessalonians 1:9
• Hebrews 6:2
• Mark 9:47-48
• Matthew 5:22
• Revelation 8:10 p.m.
• Revelation 20:12-15
• Revelation 14:10-11
Part 3 - Other arguments
• 3.0 - Death VS life
• 3.1 - some valid issues
• 3.2 - Four biblical considerations to think about
• 3.3 - Fair judgment
• 3.4 - Short summary of what Jesus and the apostles taught
• 3.5 - "Why I believe in hell"
• 3.6 - the topic of the Church
• 3.7 - Is the doctrine of the immortal soul lie?
• 3.8 - What Jews believed in
Part 4 - Conclusion
4.0 - The purifying fire
Part 1 - Introduction
1.0 - Preface
It is said that a very important study that will give us greater knowledge of God, His character, sense of justice, mercy, love, punishment, and more. It is important that you read this study with an open mind, and that you try all of my arguments against the Bible. Let's all try our opinions and traditions to the Word of God. Withstands the to be tested? I do not know if you have thought carefully about the consequences of our traditional view of hell. We're talking about an eternal pain. Forever! Before we look at alternatives, we should know what the traditional doctrine tells us. In short, those who have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior doomed to eternal torment in hell. There they will be tormented forever, like in flames and with kebabs as accessories, which they believe God think is fair. We can all probably envisioning this from some cartoon, where the devil is running loose in the flames and put the lost in the butt with a pitchfork. There are also some more macabre images and thoughts about what the hell can consist of (mrk. "Dante's Inferno"). The above vision makes me think of The Problem of Evil. This card is out on how it can be a God who is omnipotent (2.Mos 6:3), he is the love (1 John 4:8, 16) in perfect sense, and that it can still be so much suffering and distress in the world? With hell and eternal torment in mind it becomes the problem of evil on steroids! How can such a God torture people forever? Harmonize it with what the Bible teaches about Him? Martin Luther spoke of a side of God as he understood, he called it God's left hand. This side of God, he could not get to vote because God is love, his sense of justice and mercy. The question initially becomes: What is the biblical basis exists for such a view?
Part 2 - Review of the classic "hell-verse»
To make this clear article I'm going to take me a review of the classic "Hell verses" - verse by verse. With each verse, I will present the classical interpretation. Then we look at the verses again, but from a different angle.
Important clarification before we started - three "hells" translated as a
Will also very beginning of this program come with a small but very important clarification. The word translated as hell (hell in English Bibles) in Norwegian Bibles come from four different words in the text due to stone, so it's no wonder that it has become 1/1 confusion about the doctrine of Hell. The four different words provide three different opinions.
1) The first two words Sheol and Hades. The Hebrew word sheol, used in the Old Testament, has the same meaning as hades, one of the Greek words translated hell in the New Testament. Anchor Bible Dictionary explains the meaning of both words: "The Greek word Hades ... is sometimes, but misleadingly, translated" hell "in English Versions of the New Testament. It refers to the place of the dead ... The old Hebrew concept of the place of the dead, mashed Often called Sheol ... is usually translated as Hades, and the greek term was naturally and commonly used by Jews writing in Greek "(Source: 1992 , Vol 3, p 14 "Hades, Hell"). Both sheol and hades refers to the grave. A comparison of an Old and a nyetestamentlig passage confirms this. 4:10 p.m. Sal says, "You commit me to the grave [sheol], you do not let your faithful servant perish." In Acts 2:27 the apostle Peter quotes this verse and shows that this is a reference to Christ and how He was when he died - his spirit returned to God (Luke 11:46 p.m., High 12:7), His body was placed in a tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimitea. These two passages show us that Hades is the same as Sheol, and that Jesus' body did not perish in the grave because God raised Him up from there. Many passages that use translation hell in the King James version speaks only of the grave, the place where everyone, regardless of unfair or fair go when they die. The Hebrew word sheol is used 65 times in the Old Testament. In the English King James version, the word translated to "dig" 31 times, "hell" 31 times and "pit" 3 times. The Greek hades is used 11 times in the NT. In the King James translation is translated hades to "hell" (Eng. "success") in all cases except one. The exception, we find 1 Corinthians 3:55 p.m., where it is translated "dig" in English (KJV grave in Norwegian, and death in most others). In the New King James translation the translators used only as good as the original Greek word Hades in all 11 cases. It remains now to mention the two other words that are translated hell in the New Testament.
2) The third is tartaroo, which is only used once in the Bible (2.Pet 2:4). It should be noted that the word translated as Abyss in most Norwegian translations, but translated "hell" in the English King James translation. This word refers to 2.Pet 2:4 to the place where the fallen angels are held in custody until their trial. The expository Dictionary of Bible Words explains that tartaroo means "to keep someone in Tartarus" and that "Tartarus was the Greek name for the mythological abyss where rebellious gods were kept" (Source: Lawrence Richards, 1985, "Heaven and Hell") . Peter used this reference to the then mythology to explain in an understandable way that the angels who had rebelled were "held in the gloom until the judgment." The word is, according to the Bible tartaroo only applicable for fallen angels - not people, and it not mentioned in any of eternal torment.
3) The fourth word that is translated to hell in the Bible is Gehenna. This word refers to a punishment for the wicked - though not as tradition and human imagination has found out what the penalty will go late. Gehenna refers to a valley just outside Jerusalem - Hinnomdalen (Jos 18:16). At the time of Jesus this valley what we today would call for a landfill. A place where all garbage, trash and shit were thrown and then be consumed in the fire that burned constantly there. Carcasses of dead animals and bodies of some despised criminals were thrown there to be burned. Jesus used this particular historical place and what was going on there, to help us and them to understand the fate that awaited those who did not repent in the future.
Luke 16: 19-30 - The Parable of Lazarus and the rich man
There was a rich man who dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury and party day after day. But outside his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, full of sores. He just wanted to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table. The dogs came and licked his sores. So died the poor, and the angels carried him to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. When he opened his eyes in hell, where he was in torment, he saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. Father Abraham, calling him, have mercy on me and send Lazarus, that he may dip the finger in water and cool my tongue. For I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said: Remember, my child, that you got all the good things while you lived, and Lazarus received evil. Now he is comforted here, while you are in agony. Moreover, it is added a deep chasm between us and you, so that those who will come here and over to you, not to be there and no one can pass from you to us. Then said the rich: So I ask you, Father, that you send him to my five brothers to my father to warn them, so they will not come to this torment instead. But Abraham said, They have Moses and the prophets, they will listen to them. He replied: No, father Abraham, but if any of them from the dead, they will repent. Abraham said, they do not hear Moses and the prophets, are they not convince someone rises from the dead.
Background Knowledge: The rich man clothed in purple, a color that was one of the most rare in the ancient world, it was often associated with the wealthy. The reason why the above text mentions the fine linen is that it refers to underwear, which only the wealthiest could afford at this time. This man had not only lingerie, but lingerie from the finest linen. "Outside the gate" to the rich man was Lazarus, which tells us that this rich man had a large estate. Lazarus lay outside the gate, hoping to get "fed with what fell from the rich man's table", which is a pictorial way of telling that Lazarus lived life as a dog, a beggar. He was among the lowest on the social ladder. The rich man and Lazarus dies, becomes worn Lazarus to "Abraham's bosom" or "Abraham's flesh" as some translations say. This is a phrase that does not necessarily represent a place, but a relationship. Being close to someone's "fang" / "flesh" is a way to tell that they are close to the person, and its heart. In the old Jewish world did they imagine that Abraham, their ancestor, was the one that would meet the righteous when they went to heaven. In a similar way as our tradition relates that Peter will meet us at the pearly gates of heaven. Jesus talked to a Jewish audience and used images that were familiar to them. We see that after death is the condition of Lazarus and the rich man reversed, now is the Lazarus that is on top while the rich man is at the bottom of the ladder. We see that the rich man is in pain, he is tormented by a flame that does not kill him. This is as we all know a parable, one of the many Jesus told. A parable (Greek παραβολή, satellite dish, comparison), or parabola, is the art of literary fiction in which everyday events and events are depicted as mind images of higher truths. The significance of a parable is the main point, everything around a parable is not the point, but there are funds to support that makes up the main point. Here's a definition from "The New Interpreter's Study Bible", "The word comes from the Greek, but the Bible applie the Greek term to a broad range of literary forms (eg, proverb, riddle, simile) than is currently common . In contemporary usage, most persons understand parable to be a brief narrative That forcefully Illustrated a single idea. Often the narrative is in metaphorical rather than direct language, and the term is most Often used with the "Parables" of Jesus. "[/ Spoiler]
The classical interpretation: It is reasonably broad agreement that hell, whether you look at it as a physical place or a state, where the wicked will be tormented forever. Some have a more literal interpretation, and believes in a blazing fire that torments you without killing you. While others are not so specific characteristics of how the pain should be. They say only that it is an eternity without God, and it is a torment in itself. The text above does not say this, but the classical interpretation has gone out on it to be a continual torment to continue for an eternity. This is also something that appears to be supported by the verses below. Some theologians have interpreted the passage in which Lazarus can see the rich man and the other literally. They interpret this as we can see those in Hell. The famous philosopher and Church Father Terullian said in the 2nd century that one of the things that were good with the sky was that you could see the wicked get their punishment in hell. Something similar also said Thomas Aquinas, a renowned theologian and moral teacher from the 1200s.
Alternative interpretation: Before we begin to interpret, I will mention some biblical considerations that we may have in mind as we read the text.
• This is a parable, and all of its content should not be interpreted literally. Details of the story should not be viewed as literal truths, but as effects that highlight the main point. We can say that "punshline" statement is whole thing, in the same way as a joke. (Source: Parables of Jesus - Willmingtons book of Bible lists)
• There are many metaphors used in the Bible to describe God's final sentence / judgment. For example: dark, fire, separation, grief, gehenna ("hell" = a garbage dump outside Jerusalem where the city's waste was burned in the fire).
• The three most common ways in which the Bible refers to God's final judgment, are: Death, Destruction, and to perish (Eng. Perish)
• The Bible sometimes speaks of things that are "eternal" in consequence, and not in time.
These four considerations I will thoroughly BRAZZY later in the program, where I will support them with scripture and by pulling out words from the original Greek text. Anyway. In the text above, we see that it is clearly talking about a terrible pain that the rich man must go through, a pain that seems unbearable. What we also see is that he can not recover based on this place of torment. But if we stick to the text as it does not say that this is a perpetual pain. When we see this as a parable, which it is, it will be bold to make a theological doctrine of the afterlife based on it. If that case we should do it, it must be strongly supported by other verses that build up under and in harmony with the rest of the Bible's teachings. A valid question to ask yourself will the be: Make it? If you read this parable in the context of the whole Bible, is it consistent with the fact that God is the essence of agape-love (1 John 4:8), that he judges and punishes the wicked (not the devil, he's supposed to be disposed of Lake of Fire) (Revelation 14:7, Revelation 20:12-15), he does not want anyone to perish (2.Pet 3:19), that God neither discomfort or offend the children of men (Lamentations 3:32-33) and His righteousness (2 Thessalonians 1:5)? Accord this eternal, constant agony with the nature of God and the Bible teaches us? For example, Tertullian is right when he says that one of the great things about heaven is that we should enjoy the sight of the wicked punished. Accord with how the Holy Spirit has come to know love? We find the fact that all the more Christ is formed in us, and we grow in Him, that increases our love for people. We love even our enemies. How can we be in heaven, where our love is perfected, to enjoy ourselves over the rest of his eternal torment. It may even be that it is one of our friends we see down there. Accord this with your sense of justice? If not, how much less do not you think it coincides with God's perfect justice? In this parable, I think certainly there is a main point Jesus will forward to, and I think this is the main point is that which comes at the very end, namely: "Hear not Moses and the prophets, are they not convince someone rises from the dead. "Why do I do it? Because we see based on the context that Jesus speaks to the Pharisees. We see that just before Jesus begins to tell the parable, the Pharisees begin to mock him, so he says to them: "You want to be perceived as fair in people's eyes, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God's eyes. The law and the prophets were until John. From then preached the good news of God's kingdom, and all need in order to get into. "Here we see some of the reasons Jesus mentions the things he does in the parable. Pharisee was self-righteous, they set themselves high, and Jesus showed that when they came to be "low" after death, the smallest supposed to be the largest in the kingdom of heaven. So he tells them that the law and the prophets were until John, that was when the promised Messiah would come forward (Dan 9:24-27), which these Pharisees had not been joined, this despite the fact that they had read and studied "Moses and the prophets." Jesus was the awaited Messiah who would establish Israel's eternal kingdom would never end (Dan 2:44). He stood before them and laid out on the writings of great wisdom (Matt 6:2), they saw that he rose from the dead, as the parable tells us in verse 30, but they believed him anyway not. Jesus was so right, even one who was resurrected from the dead would have them believe. The main point of the parable is that the Pharisees would not believe, even if one rose from the dead, even if they do not even read "Moses and the prophets."
Matt 25:46
And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into eternal life. (Norwegian translation of the Bible from 1930)
Background Knowledge: In 1930, Bible translation is the Greek word kolasis / κόλασις for the Norwegian word "torture", which we are about to see is an incorrect translation. But it is always appropriate to examine several different sources for the meaning of the word kolasis. Blue letter Bible says that it means, correction, punishment, penalty. C.L. W. Grimm's Greek-Latin lexicon (In libros Novi Testamenti) writes that the word means, punishment, punishment, eventuellt associated with pain, and according to I.'s Greek-Danish dictionary: discipline of hands, punishment, reproof. Diploma Engineer Lars Berg, who writes in his book No Pine - biblical message of punishment and eternity that he has talked with several theologians about the meaning of this word, where one of them told him that "kolasis" can mean both torture as punishment, but that sentence was correct here. He writes on p.53 of his book that the other claimed that certain "kolasis" means a penalty or punishment and torment. As the diploma engineer Lars Berg has done such outstanding work to investigate various translations around this word, I write almost directly from the passage in his book mentioned above. His writes that in most translations of the Bible is the word translated punishment. This applies to the new Norwegian youth edition (not so new for us today since the book was published in 1962), Nynorsk edition, Professor Sounds Bruns translation, the Danish, Swedish, English, French translation, a number of German (he has even seen eight), five different American translations, the Swiss "Zürcher-Bible" and undoubtedly many others. He writes so that the outside of the Norwegian (1930 translation) know him only three editions that make use of the word torture in Matthew 25:46. It is the Catholic translation of the New Testament into Norwegian, 1938, the General Luther edition and a second German edition of the New Testament (Lic. Ludwig Thimme).
The Greek word kolasis (κόλασις) occurs elsewhere only once in the New Testament - 1 John 4:18. Where is the word in the 1930 translation translated sentence. The corresponding verb "kolazein" is used twice in the New Testament, in Acts 4:21 and 2:9 2.Pet. In the first place it is translated to punish, at the second spot with punishment.
Kolasis Kolazein and are thus rare words in the New Testament. But we have however another source to go to. In the Septuagint, the Jewish translation from Hebrew into Greek of the Old Testament, including the apocryphal books, occurs "kolasis" 16 times and "Kolazein" 23 times. This translation into Greek of the Old Testament was widely known and used in Christian circles in the apostolic times, and formed, one might say, a starting point for Nyetestamentets Greek. With the assistance of a young Greek expert theologian and using a meticulous performed Septuagint-concordance (Edwin Hatch and Henry A. Redpath, "Concordance to the Septuagint", Oxford 1897) compared to Lars Berg places in the Septuagint with the corresponding locations in the Old Testament (the Norwegian Bible translation from 1930) and the apocryphal books (in Danish translation from 1953). He then writes that "kolasis" and "Kolazein" appeared to respond to criminal and punish wherever they were used. Not a single place was the word used torture. Lars Berg writes that in paragraph 3, s.54-55 that he ought to point out that the Danish edition of the Old Testament apocryphal books were not quite complete. Therefore, the study included not correct all 23 + 16 case. (Source: No Eternal Pine - the biblical message of punishment and the eternity of Lars Berg, s.54-55 paragraphs 2-3)
Classical interpretation: It interpreted the verse to eternal punishment shall consist of a perpetual torment. Some have a more concise interpretation of what the agony will be, as it will consist of a fire that burns you. But most of us see the various descriptions of agony as metaphors which confirms that there will be an awful eternity. An eternity in a conscious state, without God.
Alternative interpretation: It is not interpreted the verse as anything more than what actually is written. We read the verse on the basis that they shall go away into eternal punishment (as we have seen is the correct translation), not eternal torment as if it were to apply a constant perpetual pain. The Bible teaches that the wicked will be eternal punishment, not that they endure the penalty for an eternity. They will be destroyed, turned into nothing (Matthew 10:28, John 3:16), here the Greek word used apollymi / ἀπόλλυμι, which means: destruction, disposal, to eliminate completely, make an end. They will get an "eternal judgment" (Hebrews 6:2) and "everlasting destruction" (2 Thessalonians 1:9) as the chosen experience "eternal salvation" (Hebrews 5:9, 9:12). Those selected will not go through a perpetual process of being saved. Their salvation is "forever" in the sense that it is sealed and can not be reversed. In a similar way, not the damned undergo a perpetual process of punishment and destruction. But when the punishment and the destruction occurs, this is forever. Hell is thus forever in consequence, not the length of time. They condemned the "destroyed forever", not "forever destroyed."
2 Thessalonians 1:9
The punishment will be their eternal destruction away from the Lord's face and from his glory and power
Background Knowledge: In this verse, it becomes critical to find out what the Norwegian word perdition is late. The basic text used the Greek word olethros / ὄλεθρος, which means according to blue letter bible: ruin, destroy, death. So the good Norwegian, ruin, ruin, death.
Classical interpretation: There is probably no surprise how this verse is interpreted. "An eternal destruction away from God," read also that it would involve a constant and perpetual pain.
Alternate interpretation: You mean this verse that the punishment of the lost will be an everlasting "destruction" or death away from God. Something that matches well with a annhilistisk view of hell.
Hebrews 6:2
... With teaching about renselsesbad and the laying on of hands, about the resurrection and of eternal judgment.
Classical interpretation: Not much to say here except that this is a verse that they use to support his theory of hell.
Alternative interpretation: In this verse we conclude only that the judgment is eternal. Nothing here indicates that there is a perpetual torment, it is said only that it is a judgment, and that it is eternal.
Mark 9:47-48
And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out! It is better for you to go one-eyed into the kingdom of God than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, where the field who eat them, do not die and the fire goes out.
Background Knowledge: See the beginning of Section 2 for the historical details of hell, ie gehenna, which is the word used in this passage.
Classical interpretation: The majority interprets this passage in which "the field ... not die ..." as a metaphorical description of the eternal conscious condition where you constantly feel the pain of jealousy and regret (Source: Walker, p.61). And many interpret that "... the fire does not go off ..." as a reference to the ever-burning flames that torture the damned.
Alternative interpretation: Jesus chose not to use the example of gehenna by chance. It was aware that he pulled out concrete public photos from the garbage dump outside of Jerusalem. He had a point he wanted to outer - a meaning behind his words that he did live through the pictures. Without the proper historical understanding (audience relevance) of how Jesus used the familiar images of the audience, it is often easy to go wrong conclusions from these passages. This scripture is well known to have been interpreted out of its context. Note that the "... ground that eat them, do not die and the fire does not go off" is written in italics in several translations. This is to show that Jesus quotes from Isaiah 66:24, where a proper understanding of the meaning of his may be clearer. The context in Isaiah refers to a time when, God says, "all men come, bow down and worship before Me ..." (V.23). It is a time when the unjust are no longer going to be. What happened to them? In verse 24 we read that when people "... they go away again, they see the bodies of the men who rebelled against me. Marken who eat them, shall not die, and the fire is not quenched. They will be a horror for all that lives. "Notice that Jesus refers to a passage in the Old Testament where the humans are dead move because of the fields.
Matt 5:22
... And the one that says: Your wicked fun! shall be in danger of hell fire.
Background Knowledge: The word which in the Norwegian Bible is translated hell, written geenna (γέεννα) in Greek. The word derives from the Hebrew Ge-Hinnom or Ge Hinnom legs: Hinnomdalen. In this valley, according to the Old Testament (Jeremiah 32.35), Israel sacrificed their children to the god Molech. During Jesus' time was this valley a garbage dump outside Jerusalem where the city's waste was burned in the fire. The fire that burned here was constantly to prevent disease spread. The idea of hell has been around for many different religious cultures, which the Christian way of thinking has been strongly influenced by. The word hell comes from the goddess norrønske "Hell" that was the lord of the underworld. The norrønske religion has strong similarities to the Babylonian and Greek.
Classical interpretation: It is customary to interpret the fire of hell, that is, in the underworld. This is meant to be a verse that supports up under the classical doctrine of hell.
Alternative interpretation: Here we read that Jesus simply says that some people are guilty of hell fire, which represents a penalty. It says nothing about this is a perpetual torment and the like. Here we konstanterer that Jesus uses an image that is known to the people, because the text is there because "Gehenna fire."
Revelation 8:10 p.m.
And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. There they tormented day and night forever and ever.
Background Knowledge: The word ever used in this verse is the Greek aion, meaning the time or era. The word is used 129 times in the New Testament. The word aion 1/1 creates confusion in the biblical context. It is in most translations in Norwegian translated forever. In English translations somewhat more nuanced, and the word eternal is increasingly replaced with forever, everlasting, etc. In some verses are aion, gr. also translated as the age in Norwegian. The word aion, gr. In the Greek texts not meaning endless, endless, so we usually associate with the word forever. Aion means straight time, for an indefinite and varying duration. Aion always refer to a longer period of time, but it is not always endless so we associate with the word forever. A clear example is the translation of Matthew 12:32, NKJ, "Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, get it forgiven. But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not get it forgiven, either in this age (aion) or in the future. "The Norwegian Bible Society writes:" ... neither in this world (aion) or the next. "Something that is far from correct, as the basic text refers to an era, an era. In some verses, the word aion used only once. In many verses, such as this, aion used twice in a row as an amplifier.
Classical interpretation: This is considered one of the verses that speak most clearly and strongly for a perpetual torment, as it is "day and night for ever and ever."
Alternative interpretation: First and foremost, this verse tells us that the devil, the beast and the false prophet shall be tormented forever, not people. But many "hell fighters" says that as it says in verse 15 that those who were not enrolled in the book of life also should be thrown into the lake of fire, have to also mean that the next they will be tormented in "forever". But is this something that the Bible says? Or is it a biased mindset that has crept in? Now, the more we also have some background knowledge of the Greek word "forever" is translated from, namely, aion. We have also seen that this word does not necessarily mean for ABSOLUTELY ALL the time, but that it may have for a long period of time. This view also corresponds with 1 Corinthians 3:26 p.m., where it says: "The last enemy to be destroyed is death." Here is the Greek word kartageo / καταργέω if destroyed, which means just that. Here it is in fact that death will be destroyed! How was the death should be disposed of? In the lake of fire, which is the symbol of the second death. So death will be destroyed following the "lake of fire." With this view it will not say that the devil should not get the punishment he deserves, it is the more that he should be "... pint of aion aion", namely time and times, which is a very long time. He is in other words, the punishment he deserves a just punishment.
Revelation 20:12-15
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, the book of life. The dead were judged according to what was written in the books, according to their deeds. The sea gave up the dead who were there, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them, and all were judged according to their deeds. Then death and Hades cast into the lake of fire. And the lake of fire, it is the second death. And if anyone was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
Background Knowledge: These verses and the last are all from the last book of the Bible, namely the revelation of the book. The important thing to know is that this book is full of symbolism and imagery. These are all symbols and images that are used to explain something, often a spiritual reality. It explains themselves any images used, such as: "... Then I saw seven golden candlesticks, and between the candlesticks one like a son of man ... In the right hand he held seven stars, and from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its force. The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and the seven lampstands of gold: the seven stars are messengers of the seven churches, and the seven candlesticks are the seven churches. "Other public-known images from the book is f . items: the Grim Reaper, pearl gate and the lake of fire.
Classical interpretation: Here is a little late the same as above. This is the second verse which speaks strongly for the classic doctrine of hell. Those that are not written in the book of life is thrown into the "lake of fire" and implied they tormented there "forever" in the same manner as djevclen, beast and the false prophet.
Alternative interpretation: We read the verses and see that all the dead stand before the throne, everyone is judged according to their works, namely a fair trial. Then they are thrown into the "lake of fire" along with death and Hades. Lake of Fire is here that is explained as the second death, which can not be construed as anything but a metaphor for the just punishment of the wicked, each will get. They should in fact be judged "each according to his deeds", which is clearly illustrated by a repetition of this passage. In addition, it is written about the "book of life", a book containing the mentioned to those who come to life. Question is yes, what do those who do not have lives?
Revelation 14:10-11
".... He will drink of God's wrath wine that is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the sight of the holy angels and the Lamb. The smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever - neither night or day, they rest, those who worship the beast and beast, and receives its name to the brand. "
This passage in Revelation is held up as the best argument for the doctrine of eternal torment in hell. Many people take this granted, as written in stone. For it is there, in black and white, that it "... shall be tormented with fire and brimstone ..." their torment shall ascend up forever and ever, and it is not clear enough, emphasized it by saying, "... neither night or day get the rest .... "
This should probably be sufficient evidence for me to lay down my stationery and give up. I hold out a little, and here's why.
The phrase "forever" is translated from the Greek word aion. Because the text is here added to aion twice to emphasize. Even though this is forever, is not necessarily the case. Here the translator taken a chance, often from great medieval tradition, and put all the money on a horse. The word can with confidence be translated into time or age, which implies an indefinite length of time, not necessarily a perpetual and continuous length of time. In addition, it is important to be aware that the book of Revelation is the literature of a special symbolic nature. Its apocalyptic imagery should not be interpreted literally. This can for example be stressed by pulling out just the word forever. There are numerous (did you notice that the 'countless' can not be interpreted literally?) Similar phrases in the Bible as kontekstuellt seen can not be interpreted to hold the sense of "forever" .1
Perhaps the most obvious example, almost parallel to our passage, found in Isaiah 34:9-10. It tells the prophet Isaiah that fire which shall devour the land of Edom will burn "day and night" and shall not be extinguished. It says further: "the eternal smoke rising from it" and no one should ever, "for ever" go through the country. Naturally, this is about symbolism as fire and smoke does not rise up from Edom in the day. The judgment was for those who lived then and was forever in the impact, not the length of time. In this case, which obviously is the passage in Isaiah, we should also leave the valley open to the possibility that there may be a case of something similar in the book of Revelation.
Part 3 - Other arguments
3.0 - Death vs. Life
In the Bible it is constantly set up contrasts between life and death. Is this a coincidence?
• 5.Mos 30:19 "This day I call heaven and earth to witness that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose life, that you and your descendants may live, "In this passage we see that God tells the people of Israel, he has presented to them life and death, that is two opposites, which are confirmed immediately after the words" ... blessing and a curse ... ". God says in other words, choose life. No matter how you read this passage, if you read the death and life here on earth or whether you read it with an eternal perspective, it will not make any changes to the content. There are two opposites, death and life.
• John 3:16 "For so God loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish (apollymi / ἀπόλλυμι), but have everlasting life." Here we see that the Greek word used for apollymi lost in Norwegian. As we have seen earlier, we know that the word speaks of annihilation, death. Please refer to the blue letter bible's definition in bold below. What Jesus tells us further in the verse is that whoever believes in Him shall be given eternal life, that they will not experience death / destruction such as non-believers.
1) to destroy a) two put out of the way Entirely, Abolisher, put an end to ruin b) render useless c) to kill d) to declare That one must be put to Death s) metaph. devote two or employer over two eternal misery in hell f) two Perish, to be lost, ruined, destroyed 2) two destroyer a) two wireless
• Rom 6:23 "The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Here we see again the two contradictions: If you do not achieve life through God's gift of Jesus, you will experience the opposite, Death. Let us just emphasize that there is again talk of death, not eternal torment in hell.
• Matthew 7:13-14 where Jesus makes a clear point of the two opposites, death and life. He says: "Enter by the narrow gate! For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction (apoleia / ἀπώλεια), and many there be which go in thereat. But strait is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and few there be that find it. "
blue letter bible's definition of the word apoleia:
1) destroying, utter destruction a) of vessel 2) a perishing, ruin, destruction a) of money b) the destruction Which consister of eternal misery in hell
• James 4:12 "There is one who is the legislator and judge, who has the power both to salvation (Sozo / σῴζω) and destroy (apollymi / ἀπόλλυμι)."
• The example of Jesus' death (Heb. 2:9). He tasted death for everyone, which is an indication of what we all would have.
That wicked deeds leads to death, not eternal torment, it is a solid biblical evidence. Lists a few verses here:
• Those who live a life of unrepented sin, "deserves to die" - Room 1:32
• "All who have sinned without law shall perish (apollymi / ἀπόλλυμι) without the law." - Rom. 2:12 a
• Sin "leads to death" - Rom. 6:16
• "The wages of sin is death." - Rom. 6:23
• If we live by our sinful nature we will die - Room 8:13
• "For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing (apollymi / ἀπόλλυμι)" - 1 Corinthians 1:18
• Those who preach the gospel is a "scent of death for those who are perishing." - 2 Corinthians 2:15-16
• That they are as worthless land that is under a curse, "and it ends with the fact that the fields are burned." - Hebrews 6:8
• Those who "pulls away will Lose (apoleia / ἀπώλεια) t," while we are of those who "believe and save his soul" - Hebrews 10:39
3.1 - Some valid questions
When there is something in the Bible there are tensions between them, it may be wise to ask the question about the vision you have about the case is right or not. Is that the vision you have about a biblical theme corresponds with a different biblical theme, or are there differences between them? Do you feel that something is amiss? That case it is wise to check out if this is so or not. This applies to most things we encounter in everyday life, so why not do it when it comes to the word of God? This will not say that we all will understand ALL the depths of God, and must try to get God's word to fit into our thinking. No, quite the opposite. That is, we use the word of God to let it speak for itself, explain themselves and try to put aside our preconceived ideas.
1.How is everlasting torment consistent with the biblical picture of God's anger lasts for a moment?
While his love, grace and favor lasts forever? (Psalm 30:6, Psalm 103:9, 1 Chronicles 4:24 p.m., 2.Krøn 20:21) and how to match this with the complainant 3:32-33, "Though He causes grief, compassion, he in his great faithfulness . For the Lord does not have the heart to subdue or annoy people. "Some people can come to the meeting by saying: But people choose to get there. Is not it their fault? Now, would not God be blamed. This is something that is wrong according to the Bible, Hebrews 1:3 says that "... he holds all things by his powerful word." God, through Jesus holds everything up. Nothing exists without God wants it to exist (Acts 5:25 p.m., 28). The only reason that those in hell would exist, will be solely to be tortured. As is the case that case that it is God who torments them, since it is he who keeps everything up and running. It may not be the devil or some other evil forces as they are all even been thrown in the "lake of fire" (Revelation 8:10 p.m., Revelation 20:12-15).
2.HOW is everlasting torment consistent with the doctrine that "God is love?" (1 John 4:8, 16)
Love is not just something he does, but it is something he does. It is the very essence of Yahweh. Everything He does is motivated by love. How is it then that case possible to burn people forever and forever and forever?
3.Hvordan is everlasting torment consistent with biblical teachings about God's ultimate victory?
The Bible paints a wonderful picture of how it will be when the kingdom of God comes forth in full measure.
◦ All things will be brought together under one head, even Christ (Eph. 1:10, 21).
◦ One day God will be all in all (1 Cor 15:28) and His love will fill every square inch in the whole cosmos. All creatures, both in heaven and on earth will bow down in worship before the throne (Phil. 2:10-11, Rooms 14:10-11).
◦ All things were restored and reunited with God (Col. 1:20, Acts 3:21).
◦ There will be no more sorrow, tears, pain or violence (Rev. 21:4). How can people tormented in hell if there will be no tears, violence (burning in hell is violence), grief or pain? How then can God be all in all?
3.2 - Four biblical considerations to think about
Luke 16:19-31 - The rich man and Lazarus is a parable, which is important to see. Since this is a parable is not everything in the text used as a coating to make a theological doctrine. The main point is that it is essential. That case could be there are very many more peculiar doctrines out there. Consider for example the parable of the dishonest manager (Luke 16:1-9), and if we were to take the words "... the Lord gave the dishonest manager praised because he had acted wisely." But what he had actually done was to be dishonest. The question then becomes: Does this parable Christians an excuse to act dishonestly and use this as a Christian principles of management? No, it was just a "prop" to support the hovedpoenge in the parable.
2. There are many metaphors used to describe God's final judgment / punishment:
◦ Gehenna ("hell"), a garbage dump outside Jerusalem.2
◦ To burn with a fire that can not be extinguished. Matthew 3:12 "He has a kasteskovl in hand and will purge his threshing floor. The wheat he will gather in the barn, chaff he will burn with a fire that can not be extinguished. "Bait burned by this flame unquenchable. The word unquenchable not refer to the duration of the flame but the flame is inevitable. If we look at the word "unquenchable fire" in both the Old and New Testaments, we see that it is the security of being burned up by ilden.3
◦ More metaphors: Separation / dark / sadness / anger / lake of fire. Matt 8:12 "Kingdom will be thrown out into the darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. "Here we see that the metaphor used is dark. We also know that fire and flames are used to describe "hell", which is a contradiction if we were to interpret all these descriptions literally. We can clearly see that the metaphors used throughout the Bible to describe God's judgment / punishment, we can not interpret them literally.
3.De three most common ways in which the Bible refers to God's final judgment:
◦ Death:
Rom. 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ our Lord."
James 1:5 "... but when sin is fully matured, brings forth death."
◦ Destruction:
Matthew 7:13 Jesus makes a contrast between the way "that leads to life" with the path "that leads to perdition" or destruction which is a better translation of the Greek word apoleia.
Matt 10:28 Jesus says that we should fear him as "able to destroy both body and soul in gehenna (hell)." But what is corruption, you can say. Can not mean eternal torment in hell? Then you have to have that case used a promoted definition of the word "ødellegge" (gr. apollumi) who never used in the Bible.
I use the commentary to the evangelical commentator John R. Scott, when he says:
"... It would seem strange ... if people who are said two Suffer destruction are in fact not destroyed; and ... it is Difficult to imagine a perpetually inconclusive process of perishing." (J. Stott and D. Edwards, Essentials: A Liberal-Evangelical Dialogue (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1988, s.316)
◦ Perdition (Perish, English. From the Greek word apollymi)
John 3:16 "For so God loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."
The wicked will "vanish like smoke" (Psalm 37:20) and as "a dream for nothing when you've woken up" (Psalm 73:20). Their "memory has become nothing" (Psalm 9:7, 34:17) and "shall be as though they had never been." (Obadiah 1:16).
4.Bibelen talk sometimes about things that are eternal in consequence, not the length of time.
Hebrews 5:9 Jesus "was the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him ..."
Does the term "eternal salvation" that we will experience eternal salvation? That case it means strictly speaking that we have ever experienced forgiveness, which in turn means that we must sin recurring need for forgiveness and salvation. Does this or does it simply that when we are saved, that entered the sealed phase saved after death, it lasts forever. So konskvensen is eternal, we do not need forgiveness for ever.
Hebrews 9:12 Jesus "went into the holy place once for all and obtained eternal redemption." Does this mean that we will forever experience the forgiveness of our sins? This means that case that we must continuously sinning and that God still must forgive us, which there is no evidence that it shall be in heaven. In fact precludes the passage that. He did it once. You hang with the train of thought?
In this case it is also possible that there is also the case with the damned, not that they ever will be destroyed, but that the destruction, when it is final, is forever in the impact. The ends thus to exist (Psalm 92:8).
The Messianic Rabbi Loren Jacobs writes:
"Hell is a place of eternal punishment, but there is a difference Between eternal punishment and eternal
punishing. It is one thing to experience a punishment That is eternal in its Consequences, it is another thing to experience eternal punishing. The Bible also speaks of eternal judgment (Hebrews 6:2), but it is not a judgment That continues eternally, rather a judgment That comes to an end That has eternal Consequences. "
3.3 - Fair judgment
Justice is something most people want. Most believe that such a person who steals a purse deserves punishment, and most believe the punishment should be fair. Thus, the outcome of the judgment should reflect the deeds which the offender has done. Most will agree that this case does not bite should receive the same punishment as someone who torture babies for fun. It would have been unfair! I imagine that you, like me, feel anger at such an unfair distribution of punishment. This is something we might call a sense of justice, all to a certain extent. Today, we mean such that it was wrong to burn witches at the stake as they did 300 years ago. Why? Because today we do not believe in the myths that existed about the witches at the time. They thought they were people who had sold himself to the devil, received supernatural powers from him in the profits, and that they used them to kill their neighbors, make them obsessed, bringing bad weather, curses upon them, and the like. Had we believed that they would also we have wanted to give them punishment. The difference is not a lack of sense of justice, but a lack of knowledge. It could have been said so very much more about this, but it will come in a separate study. My point is that at least people have a strong sense of justice.
A worthy question to ask is whether God also has a similar sense of justice? What the Bible says about this?
• Psalm 89:15: "Righteousness and justice are your (God's) throne foundation of love and faithfulness go before you."
• Matthew 5:6 Jesus says: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."
• Acts 5:31 p.m.: "For he (God) has set a day when he will judge the world in righteousness by a man he has appointed. He has given proof to all men by raising him from the dead. "
• Rom 1:17: "For in it (the gospel) the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, The just shall live by faith."
• Rom 3:21: "But now the righteousness of God, as the law and the prophets bear witness, was obviously independent of the law."
• Rom. 14:17: "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."
• Hebrews 1:8: "But if the Son: Thy throne, O God, is forever, scepter of righteousness is your royal scepter."
Above here we see some pretty clear verses that justice is a priority with God. "Fairness and justice" is actually foundation of his throne, and "scepter of righteousness" is his "royal scepter". If we humans as a sense of justice, how much more then has not God who is perfect, a sense of justice. We human beings are created in God's image (1.Mos 1:27), we have invested in us some of what God is and has. Although we humans certainly do not have a perfect rettfedighetssans God, we can at least see an occasional glimpse of the divine in us. We have to keep in mind the aspect that came through the fall. Then came the sickness, sin and death into the world, which has affected us in great abundance.
What I am trying to emphasize here is the perfect sense of justice, God, and how this affects how he will judge people. It is certainly a biblical principle that God is punishing (Romans 2:16, Room 2:3, 2 Thessalonians 1:5, Jude 1:15, Rev 14:7, Rev 16:7 James 4:12) , not the devil and that God's punishment and judgment is fair. God will judge people just based on the works they have done (Revelation 20:11-15, Ezekiel 36:19, Ezekiel 24:14, 1 Peter 1:17). How do these Bible verses accord with the doctrine that He gives everyone the same sentence regardless of their deeds. Is it fair of God to torment them forever in hell?
Compare the lake of fire, the second death, with Midsummer Eve bonfire. If you take your running speed and jumping into the middle of the flames you're sure to experience intense pain as long as you are conscious. After a very short while, the pain become so unbearable that you lose consciousness and burns up. Similarly, it will be when the wicked are cast into the lake of fire. Those who have done a lot of unfair and has a stricter judgment will experience a longer conscious of pain than those who have done less injustice. The outcome of the judgment is different from person to person, based on their deeds. The length of the penalty determined by the severity of the violations. The atheist, different kind grandmother down the street, the sense enough not get the same amount of punishment such as Adolf Hitler.
The Bible gives a picture of God as a righteous judge who judges people based on their deeds.
• Mark 12:40 "They devour widows' houses, and long prayers for show. But they will get the harder judgment. "
• Luke 8:47 p.m. "They devour widows' houses, and long prayers for show. But they will get the harder judgment. "
• Revelation 20: 12b-13 "And the dead were judged according to what was written in the books, according to their deeds. The sea gave up the dead who were there, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them, and all were judged according to their deeds. "
• Ezekiel 36:19 "I scattered them among the nations, and they were scattered through the countries. I judged them according to their life and deeds. "
• Ezekiel 24:14 b "After your ways and your deeds you shall be judged, says the Lord God."
• 1 Peter 1:17 describes how God of Peter, "You call upon God as Father, who is no respecter of people, but judge each according to his deeds. "
• 5.Mos 25:2-3 "If the offender shall be punished with blows, the referee let him lie down, and in his presence, they give him so many hits that he deserves for the wrong he has done. Forty strokes they can give him no more. Gives him more, your compatriot considered dishonorable. "
In the same way as the current legal system can give a judgment based on aggravating circumstances, God gives a harder judgment to those who have chosen to put themselves in a position of authority to other people. The judgment is not unjust, but it may be more stringent based on the circumstances. Please check out Bible verses: Revelation 18:5-7, Matt 11:24, Isa 40:2, Jer 16:1, James 3:1. Luke 12:47-48
3.4 - Short summary of what Jesus and the Apostles taught about judgment
They taught that the wicked would die (John 11:26; Room 8:13 -> here is the Greek word apothnēskō), that they would experience death (John 8:51, Room 6:23, James 5:20 -> thanatos ), that destruction would happen (Matthew 7:13, 3:7 2.Pet -> apōleia), that their souls and bodies would be destroyed (Matthew 10:28, James 4:12 -> apollymi) and that they would stop to exist (John 3:16, 3:9 2.Pet -> apollymi).
What language is what we are left with after reading these passages? Is there eternal torment or is it death and destruction? Above here we see briefly the language used about those who do not win eternal life in Christ. They will die, will experience death, be has destroyed and destroyed.
• A few more verses that support up under this doctrine:
Room 1:32, 2:12, 6:16, 6:21, 1 Corinthians 1:18, 2 Corinthians 2:15-16, 2 Corinthians 3:6-7, 2 Corinthians 3:6-7 , 2 Corinthians 4:3, Gal 6:8, Phil 1:28, Phil 3:19, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, 2 Thessalonians 2:10, 2 Timothy 1:10, Hebrews 6:8, Hebrews 9:14, Hebrews 10:27, Hebrews 10:39, 2.Pet 2:6, Jude 7, 2:12, Revelation 18:5-7a, Matt 11:24, Obadiah 16, Hebrews 10:31 .
3.5 - 'Why I believe in hell ... "
It is important for me to emphasize that the doctrine of eternal destruction, not a denial of hell. Nor is there a more correct way to look at how the judgment will unfold sets based on the Bible. Why is this an important point to stress? This is on the basis that many people dismiss this doctrine as unscriptural as soon as someone mentions that people should be allowed nothing done. They think in fact that it is only what this doctrine amounts to. To use an example: a well-known fundamentalist "kjetterjeger" gave a sermon over the radio to defend the doctrine of eternal torment in hell in response to the view of everlasting destruction. Sermon title was: "Why I believe in hell." There are two things that immediately strikes me as wrong about this title. The first is that it gives the impression that the supporters of the vision everlasting destruction do not believe in hell, while supporters of eternal torment does. This is simply not the case. Fans of both the different teachings believe that hell, the lake of fire exists and that wicked people will be thrown there on judgment day. The whole thing is that is what these people are going to experience the lake of fire. The Bible calls it "the second death." Contains the second death, eternal conscious torment or literal everlasting destruction? As you can see is not the case on hell exists or not, but what will happen there.
One reason why supporters of eternal torment adopt such tactics is because they do not want people to be informed of all the biblical support the basis for eternal destruction. If they fail to stamp supporters of literal everlasting destruction as "heretics who do not believe in hell," will not even consider most of the biblical support for the view. If they can keep people away from studying the subject, then they can also keep them away to believe in it. The reason that many acts in this way is because they can not disprove it based on the Bible.
The other problem with this sermon title is the weakness of the word hell. Hell can mean quite a bit different based on which person you ask. But most of us have a kind of macabre middelalderaktigt picture of a place of fire høygaffler and high screams. The word can give us pictures in my head about everything from cartoon-like red devils, demons with long hair and horns that play the devil's hottest rock, or the biblical idea of gehenna, Ge Hinnom Valley. My point is that adherents of eternal destruction, could also be in the same manner used this sermon titled "Why I believe in hell."
3.6 - the topic of the Church
I recently read in some newspaper articles that "the doctrine of hell" almost no mention of the church's side. Why is this so? Why are supporters of this doctrine to avoid the topic? Why would they "mask" that they believe in, with formulations that the wicked will be "lost" or experience "eternal separation from God"? The theme fuck dolls always up from time to time, but rarely will you hear some really explain what is behind these terms. Could it be because the "truth" is so unfair that they will try to avoid it? Is it weird that case that Christians with this idea is trying to avoid the subject? No, I wanted God to emerge as one that is worse than Hitler 1000000000x, one that torments people forever and forever without stopping. What is fair about that?
3.7 - Is the doctrine of the "immortal soul" lie?
The doctrine of the "immortal soul" does not come from the biblical writings, but through the influence of Greek philosophy on the church fathers (Crim 212). This doctrine "forces" near the people to have a vision of an eternal torment in hell, as we see from many creeds, "We believe in the immortality of the soul, that the righteous will receive eternal life in fellowship with God and that the wicked will suffer forever away from God's presence. " It is clear based on the philosophy of Plato and many other Greek philosophers that they believed that the soul was immortal. This had a major influence on many Jewish sects during the great Hellenistic influence that started about 300 years BC
The belief in the Immortality of the Soul overcame to the Jews from contact with Greek thought and chiefly through the philosophy of Plato, its principal exponent, who was suffered two it through Orphic and Eleusinian mysteries in Babylonian and Egyptian Which views were Strangely blended ...
"Among major schools of Greek thought, only Epicurean denied the soul's Immortality." (Craig S. Keener, The IVP Bible Background Commentary New Testament, Downers
Grove, Inter Varsity Press, 1993, p.374)
"'Immortality of the soul', as Normally Understood, is not a Biblical doctrine ..." (The International Bible Commentary, second edition, Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan Publishing House, 1986, p.60 column 2)
"It is a truism That Plato's teaching has profoundly influenced Christian anthropology." (Forward by FFBruce, The Fire That Consume, Edward Fudge.)
The Bible teaches that God alone is the one who is immortal (1 Timothy 6:16) and he offers it to people solely through the gospel: "... our Savior Christ Jesus came to earth. He has destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel (2 Timothy 1:10). The only biblical coating supporters of eternal torment can bring out on the table regarding the doctrine of the immortal soul is to mention that humans are created "in God's image" (1.Mos 1:27) and that they therefore have an eternal soul that is not may die. God blessed Adam actually the gift eternal life when he created him; Adam was thus immortal. But there was still a condition that Adam would continue to have this eternal life. If he sinned, he would "die" (1.Mos 2:16-17). God made it very clear from the beginning that to "go the wrong way", it egosime and rebellion, would lead to death. This harmonizes with the Bible's teaching that "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). When Satan, the father of lies (John 8:44), tempted Eve in 1.Mos 3:4, contradicting him what God had said when he told them that "you are not going to die." The snake might as well say, "God is a liar when he says that you will die - you have an immortal soul." Unfortunately, people have believed this lie side; this doctrine without biblical cover infiltrated Christianity early, and developed into what it is Now. General learning.
After the fall of Adam and Eve, God said in 1.Mos 3:22 "The Lord God said: Now, man is become as one of us, knowing good and evil. Only now do not stretch out your hand and remove the tree of life also and eat and live forever! "Here we see that Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat from the tree of life because of their sin, and we also see that those who eat of the Tree of Life live forever . If Adam and Eve had an immortal soul, after they had sinned, why did they then eat of the "tree of life" to live forever? We know, as we read above, that "the tree of life" is a shadow image of Jesus, and that everyone who "eat" of Him is an immortal soul, and live forever. Without Jesus, people will not last forever. Therefore, this doctrine of the immortal soul ubibelsk.4
A few verses of the human mind can actually die (1.Mos 2:7, 1 Corinthians 15:22, 1 Peter 1:23).
The respected Messianic Rabbi, Loren Jacobs says:
"The human soul is not immortal. The Torah teaches us That in the beginning Mon was banished from the Garden of Eden and forbidden to eat from the Tree of Life, That so he would not live forever, so That he would not be immortal. Mankind is headed toward death - the first death, Followed By The Second Death. He is not, by nature, immortal. In 1 Timothy 6:15 16, Paul says That God alone possesses Immortality - not us.
Based on 1 Corinthians 3:53 p.m. he teaches us that: "For this PERISHABLE must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put Wed Immortality." In other words, immortality a gift from God that he gives the grace. In 2 Timothy 1:10 Paul states that Jesus has "... put an end to death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel." There is no reason to believe that people will be tormented forever in hell if the human soul is not immortal in itself.
Basically there is nowhere in the Bible that confirms the doctrine of man's immortal soul. Only through Christ we have eternal life. Nepesh, the Hebrew word for soul, pop up over 750 times in the OT, and psuche, the Greek word for soul is over 100 times in the NT. So there is more than 850 references about what we need to know about the soul. Yet none of them mention anything about it is immortal by nature. If the immortal soul doctrine is true, why God has inspired hundreds of references to the soul without even any mention that it is immortal. Instead, God told Adam, who was a living soul, straight out that he "certainly would die" if he sinned (1.Mos 2:17). He confirmed also in Ezekiel 18:4, 20 that "the soul (nepesh) that sins [...] is going to die." And as we have seen previously told them plainly that God would "destroy both soul (psuche) and body in hell "(Matthew 10:28).
Some might argue that the Bible places are taken out of context. My response will be asking the same question to Bible verses that support the doctrine of the immortal soul. Something I can not, because no such passages exist! (Griesmeyer 4:2-3).
3.8 - What Jews believed in
Because the Christian faith is not a religion that springs from nowhere, but actually has its roots in Judaism, it may be interesting not least instructive to see how this traditional folk battle looks / looked at life after death.
Traditional Judaism does not believe that death is the end of human existence. However, it has mainly a focus on life here and now rather than the afterlife. Judaism has no special dogmas about life after death, leaving much room for personal interpretation. It is possible for an Orthodox Jew to believe that the souls of the righteous go to a place similar to the Christian heaven, that they are reincarnated through many lifetimes, or that they just "waiting" unconscious until the resurrection of the Messiah's coming. Orthodox Jews also believe that the dead souls undergo torment by demons or that they will be destroyed and cease to exist.
The place of spiritual reward for the righteous is often referred to as Gan Eden (GAHN ehy-Dehn) in Hebrew. This is not the same place that Adam and Eve were, it is a place for spiritual perfection. Only the truly righteous go directly to Gan Eden. The average person goes to a place of punishment and / or purification, which often becomes the place called Gehinnom (guh-hee-NOHM), but sometimes it is called Sheol or any other name. According to one of the mystical visions creates every sin we make an angel of destruction (a demon), and after we die we are punished by the demons that we created. A view looking at Gehinnom as a place of severe punishment, a bit like the typical Christian / Greco-Hellenistic hell with fire and brimstone. Other sources see it as a time we can see the works that we have committed in this life from an objective standpoint, seeing all the damage we have done and the options we have missed and thus experience remorse for the deeds. Most Jews believe that the time is spent in Gehinnom not exceeding 12 months, and that they arrive after the Olam Ha-Ba (the world to come, often called the messianic age). (SOURCES: 1, 2, 3)
Only the utterly wicked people do not come on to the Olam Ha-Ba after his time in Gehinnom. Their souls are punished for a full 12 months. Sources at what happens to them after the 12 months vary: some say that the wicked will be destroyed completely done and that they cease to exist, while others say that the soul continues to exist in a conscious state of regret. (SOURCES: 1)
To read more about what Jews teach about life after death are some book tips:
- The Thirteen petalled Rose (Hardcover) - Adin Steinsaltz
- The Death of Death: Resurrection and Immortality in Jewish Thought - Neil Gillman
- Jewish Views of the Afterlife (Hardcover) - Simcha Paull Raphael
Part 4 - Conclusion
4.0 - The purifying "fire"
I see God's love as a fire that purifies everything that can go along with God's character and will. It burns up everything that stands against, all who refuse to repent. The Bible teaches that everyone and everything will be burned by the metaphorical fire. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 that everyone's life work will was tried as by fire, to see what work it is. If there is something that does not match the character of God and the will, the person will lose the work, but even be saved. In the passages we see that Paul speaks of believers who have Jesus Christ as their foundation. Peter writes in 2.Pet 3:7 that all creation will be screened and purified by fire, a fire that will "destroy (ἀπώλεια) the wicked." This "fire" will clean both believers and non believers, leaving it clean.
This is the one and the same fire. A fire-loving scans and cleans what it can, and just punishes and destroys everything it needs. God is that He will clean all and not ruin anyone (2.Pet 3:9), but God let alone want is to create robotic people. If someone does not want to accept the gift of God (Jesus), then the same love to burn them up.
In this metaphorical fire, there is mercy, punishment and justice merged into each other. Where everything is motivated by love (1 Corinthians 1:13 p.m., 1 John 4:8). This is my God, Yahweh. Eric Horde
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