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mandag 5. mars 2012
Nr. 259: It is only in Jan Aage Torp's life is turbidity and lawlessness, no other than him!
Nr. 259:
It is only in Jan Aage Torp's life is turbidity and lawlessness, no other than him!
Pastor and Apostle Jan Aage Torp is in good company when he married again as a believer, when he came into the path of perdition and can surely be no longer preach?
Jan Aage Torp throw out their subjective opinions at random torture, and anything to hide and not debating what I'm working out, that for the believer's life-long marriage, and as pastor and teacher, yes Torp is also the Apostle. After a break up is something he should have realized that we need to take a break and collect themselves before continuing his ministry. But on the contrary, Torp does just the opposite. He finds himself a new woman 20 years younger, married and proclaims that now is the great Apostle back. Please respect me and accept my choices, those who do not show me no respect and have turbidity in their lives. But here is exactly the opposite. The Torp, who now live in adultery, and he lives, of course, unfit to be a Pastor and aposel, turbid sitting in Torp's heart and mind, why does he also the choices he makes.
Here are some excerpts from Torp's article "Torp to be a leper!" -
"I recently discovered the blog of Jan-Kåre Christensen, a Pentecostal preacher who runs mate coaches near our home in Southern Nordstrand in Oslo. His bus-driving, I appreciate. Currently there is enough with his scribblings, where Espen Ottosen raised and where he calls Emanuel Minos, Jan Hanvold & me "wolves in sheep's clothing", "gateway for demons" and he declares leprosy with King Uzziah ...
I do not accept this kind of description of myself, and not by others. We should all work together to set a standard for respectful and acceptable coverage, regardless of the opinions. I smile not of curses, but let me tell you that I do not lose sleep either.
It may be useful to know tankegrumset that unfold in the environment that I have uncovered in this blog post.
On his website has Christensen posted a link to a text from "Two Shoes", a group of Norwegian soil working for the restoration of marriage - which in principle is good - but that parallel work by prayer and info apart demolition of marriages where the One or both are re-married. This is to some extent, a Roman Catholic view, but actually much, much worse, because in "Two Shoes", efforts are being targeted with "beans" that are nothing less than curses. Christensen has posted on its site a text that has been translated into Norwegian by the leader of this group. The link contains only a tiny part of the mind in "Two Shoes", which I know very well from real life. "Quote end.
This will be a lot and get down to brief me what is the essence. I do not know anything regarding two shoes nor to all of Torp's life, but when he chooses to remarry after a divorce so he lives in sin. And this also applies to Pastor Jan Hanvold, Pastor Arvid Fosse and everyone else who makes the same choice. Then they will step out of the service and the sexually immoral and adulterers shall not inherit the kingdom of God. We will not even eat with them. Contrary to what these preachers preach and practice, preach two shoes as God's word says, so far as I can see, namely the creation of broken marriages. This is indeed a minefield and a difficult subject for many, but it is when preachers in this way looks right, then a right and duty to speak out because then a conscious against the word of God and as a role model teaches the disciples to do the same.
1. Kor. 5. 9 I wrote unto you in my letter that I should not have sexual relations with adulterers - 10 I did not mean the ordinary adulterer in this world or the covetousness and robbers, or idolaters, or had in the exit of the world, 11 but what I wrote to you, was that I should not have sexual relations with anyone called a brother and an adulterer or an idolater, or havesyk or a railer or a drunkard, or robber, so I do not even eat with him. 12 For what have I to do to judge them that are without? I do not judge too just those that are within? 13 But those who are outside, God will judge. Shock as the evil out of you.
When I hold up God's word says, it's very strange that more and more of the faithful take neither a whore bucks in defense - as scripture says we will not even eat with - but to defend myself who keep God's word forward. But these gjengiftetde they eat more and more in and is soon accepted everywhere within its Protestant Christianity even though they are adulterers and live in sin!
The problem and turbid is not with me or others who keep the commandments of God, but those who take their freedoms for an occasion to the flesh. It is Hanvold, Torp, Fosse and all others who are re-married as believers who are the problem and do the same as Achan, Ananias, Sapphira and others who have lived in sin and brings judgment and blessing of God church.
The fact that Emanuel Minos accept Torp's not surprising, the old man has lost his spiritual gangsyn so to the point that I do not know if one can say that he is a spiritually blind man's buff. But he does exactly what he wants to see and support one of the false prophet after another. I am ashamed on his behalf, be so spiritually blind in his old days, when he should rather have taken his pension along to Spain and lived there. It would be much better both for himself and the Church in Norway. We do not need such as door openers Emanuel Minos, he is just to open up to Satan. It is sad that so many believers have confidence in him, even though the Lord has of course left him long ago, it's pretty obvious when I heard him on Vision Norway. He blabbering about some old revelations, and otherwise it is mostly nonsense that he, David Ostby, Lise Karlsen, Norvald Yri and Jan Hanvold comes with the panel they have there. There are five helpless old people sitting there that the Lord has left long ago, when they have neither the spirit of God anymore. I know it's a harsh judgment, but it is still the truth. I am not a spiritually blind man's buff when I'm living clean and stick to Jesus every day. They are like King Saul, Samuel and others that the spirit of God departed from, it is obvious, only it will be obvious to even more.
1. Sam. 16. 14 But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him.
Dom 4:20 p.m. And she said, The Philistines are upon you, Samson! When he woke up from his sleep and said, I will probably make me free from this time as before and hard me loose. But he did not know that the Lord was departed from him.
Let's look at King Saul to the end:
For years Israel had longed to be controlled by a human king. And finally, God allowed this. He told the prophet Samuel to anoint Saul to be ruler over Israel. So the Prophet met with Saul, emptied a jar of oil over his head and kissed him. Then he told Saul: "Now the Lord has anointed you leader over his inheritance." (1 Sam. 10:1).
No man could be given a greater compliment. Samuel said, in essence, "The Lord is with you Saul. You are a chosen vessel, hand-picked by God." Further, God blessed Saul immediately with a heart to fulfill his calling: ".... when God gave him (Saul) another heart, and .... God's Spirit upon him, and he prophesied ....". (Verses 9-10).
Now Saul was no braggart. He brisket is not with his anointing or position. The Bible says in fact that he saw himself as a child (see 15:17). We see an example of Saul's reticence when he returned home after his meeting with Samuel. His uncle stopped him, curious about what had happened. This uncle was aware that Samuel had a reputation to speak only when he had a larger purpose. So he asked his nephew: "Please, tell me Saul - what Samuel said to you?"
But Scripture says: "But what Samuel had said about the kingdom, said he (Saul) him." (10:16). Saul was the incredible news - but hinted he was not a word about it. I ask you - how many people you know would keep something for themselves?
Soon afterward Samuel gathered the entire nation at Mizpah. The Prophet had two purposes in mind: First, he wanted to punish people for having abandoned the Lord and ask for a human king. Secondly, he wanted to present to them Saul as God's chosen ruler. But when the time came to Saul was to be introduced, he could not find him anywhere. Samuel sent a delegation to find him - and they finally located Saul hiding among some luggage.
When Saul was brought before the crowd, he was all that they might have wished for a king. He was tall and handsome, "He was a head taller than all the people." (10:23). Samuel said of him: "There is none like him among all the people." (Verse 24). And Israel called his recognition: "Long live the king!" (Same verse).
In the first two years as King Saul showed himself as a strong, godly leader. When he heard that Ammon invaded Jabesh Gilead, "God came upon him (Saul)." (11:6). Saul then mustered an army of 330,000 men - and the motley, ill-equipped army cut down the Ammonites. Then Saul gave all glory to God (see verse 15). And soon led the pious king of Israel to victory over all the nations who had plundered them - Moab, Ammon, Edom, Amalek, even the mighty Philistines (see 14:47-48).
Who would not want such a man to be king? Saul was humble, courageous, impressive in appearance, favored by God, anointed by the Spirit strong, vigilant to the instructions of a holy prophet. Saul was the model of a godly leader.
But, incredibly enough, this same anointed man to die in the extreme rebellion. Shortly after his incredible victories, Saul lost his anointing and was robbed of his kingdom. He was abandoned by God, no longer able to hear the voice of Spirit, and finally he was possessed by an evil spirit. He ended up killing innocent people. He ordered the killing of God's anointed priests. And on the day of his death he sought the advice of a witch. The king who had once led Israel to triumph over its enemies ended his days as a crazed maniac.
How sad endeligt on a once-anointed servant of God. What happened to Saul? What was it that sent this humble man spiraling into madness and destruction? Was there a particular turning point in Saul's life when he began to disintegrate?
Saul turning point occurred in 1 Samuel 13
Saul faced a turning point that every believer should finally meet face to face. There is a critical time when we are forced to decide whether we want to wait on God in faith, or become impatient and take matters into their own hands.
Saul's turning point came when ominous clouds of war gathered over Israel. The Philistines had gathered a large army with 6,000 horsemen, 30,000 chariots of iron, and several legions of soldiers who turned the most modern weapons. Their number appeared to Israel as ".... as many as the sands of the sea shore." (1 Sam. 13:5). Unlike the Israelites had only two swords at the disposal of the army - one for Saul and one for his son Jonathan. Everyone else had to use surrogate weapons, such as wooden spears or rough agricultural implements.
Now that Israel saw the mighty Philistines approaching, they panicked. "When the men of Israel saw that they were at risk because the people were severely attacked, hid themselves in caves and mountains nor ravines and pits and wells." (13:6). Some sneaked across the borders to other countries to avoid being entered in Saul's army. Others deserted the obvious cowardice. Suddenly, the army of 330,000 that had turned Ammon dwindled to 600 And even those who were left shivering in fear (see 13:7). Israel's situation as hopeless.
A week earlier, Samuel warned Saul that he had to wait for him at Gilgal before he went out to battle. The Prophet had said he would arrive after seven days to bring the proper sacrifice to the Lord. We are not told anything about the importance of this seven day period, perhaps Samuel knew he was coming from somewhere far away where they needed his presence. But it is more likely that this week-long wait was meant as a test of Saul's faith.
When the seventh day came and Samuel had not appeared, Saul's army began to split up. Worse was that the king had not God's guidance for the battle. Put yourself now in Saul's situation for a moment. You see the vast Philistine army to move against you. You feel the rumble of the mighty chariot wheels. And when you turn to look at your few remaining soldiers, you see them shaking their poor weapons. Everything whirls out of control. What should you do?
You may wonder, "Was it expected that Saul would just sit there and wait without doing anything?" Yes - that's exactly what he should have done, wait and pray. In fact, this was foreseen when Samuel first presented Saul as king. The prophet said to Israel: "If you now just want to fear the Lord and serve him and obey him and not be rebellious against the Lord, but follow the Lord your God, both you and the king that prevails upon you: but if you do not obey the Lord, but rebel against the Lord say, and the hand of the Lord be upon you as it was against their fathers. " (1 Sam. 12:14-15).
Samuel explained: "The Lord wants to receive all the glory for what He does through our king. He wants the world to know that victory does not come through the strategies, weapons, or the number - but by bringing offerings to God through prayer in faith and trust in Him . "
So the approach chosen Saul? He stood firm and declared: "I do not care if it takes Samuel eight days to get here. I'm going to stand on God's word to me. Live or die, I will obey his commandments"? No - Saul panicked. He allowed himself to be overwhelmed by their circumstances. And he ended up having to manipulate a way around God's word. He ordered the priest who was present to make the sacrifice without Samuel.
When Samuel finally arrived, he was horrified. He smelled like burnt meat from the sacrificial altar. So he asked Saul, "What have you done?" (13:11). Prophet's question suggests that Saul had no idea about the size of the sin he had committed. Samuel asked, "Do you realize what you have done? I gave you a clear and simple command. You should not do anything until I arrived. You were not in any danger, but you took matters into your own hands. You acted in fear, not faith. You have committed a grievous sin against the Lord. "
Here is Saul's explanation: "I saw that the people began to spread and leave me. You did not come to the appointed time, and the Philistines gathered together at Michmash." (13:11). Notice the accusation in Saul's words: "You did not come soon enough, Samuel." He spoke to the prophet, but his indictment was actually addressed to God. Saul said, "I had to do something - all left me. Lord certainly not expected that I should hold out longer."
No - God is never too late. All the way the Lord knew every step that Samuel was in the direction of Gilgal. He had put the prophet on a celestial navigation system, exactly where he decided his arrival at the second. Samuel would be there on the seventh day, even though it was one minute before midnight. We know that God has not forsaken Saul in this case, so we know that Samuel arrived on time.
At first glance, God's response to Saul's disobedience real hard. Samuel said: "You have acted like a fool, you've not kept the commandment which the Lord your God gave you. When the Lord would now have established thy kingdom over Israel forever. But now thy kingdom shall not stand. Lord sought out a man after his heart, and him, the Lord has appointed to be ruler over his people. For you have not kept what the Lord commanded you. " (Verses 13-14).
You may wonder, "Why did not God Saul wiggle room here? This man was in an impossible situation. Besides, all he wanted was to win a victory for the Lord. Why was Saul's obedience so important here?" God wanted all the powers of hell would know that the battle is the Lord - and it is won by selected religious people who trust and wait on him.
What does this teach us today?
God has not changed over the years. And he is still concerned about whether his people obey his commandments: "But if you do not obey the Lord, but rebel against the Lord say, and the hand of the Lord be upon you as it was against their fathers." (1 Sam. 12:15). It does not matter if life whirls out of control - we should walk in complete trust in the Lord. Even when things look hopeless, we will not act in fear. Rather, we expect faithful that he delivereth us, as His word promises.
The fact is that God was standing right next to Saul, when the massive Philistine army pressed on. Lord carriages that roared, and he saw the sharp weapons flashing. He knew the crisis Saul was with his soldiers over the hills. And his eyes came with every detail.
In the same way God sees every detail of our crisis. He sees all of life's problems that press in on you. And he is fully aware that your situation gets worse every day. Those who wait for him in the faith is never in any real danger. Furthermore, he knows all your panic thoughts: "I do not know how to repay this debt .... I have no hope for my marriage .... I do not know how to keep my work." But his command to you is still in force: "Do not panic or run in front of me. You shall not do anything except to pray - and trust me. I will honor all who put their trust in me."
Consider these words that God has given to His Church: "But without faith it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11:6). "Put your trust in him at all times, ye people! Pour out your heart before him: God is our refuge." (Ps. 62:9). "You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord for he is help and shield them." (Psalm 115:11). "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding acknowledge him in all your ways, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6).
The Lord is very patient with us. He actually invites us: "Come with your cause, saith the Lord." (Isaiah 41:21). He knows that our ancestors experienced times of doubt, from Abraham until the New Testament saints. At times, they wanted to die, and cried, "I can do no more." Even Jesus had a moment of agitation, and asked, "Why have you forsaken me?"
Our Lord feel any pain, fear and panic that hits us. We may receive a sudden, terrible news - a loved one who has died, a son or daughter who is different, or a spouse who has had a love affair. In such moments God sends the Holy Spirit to give us comfort, ease our pain and bring our hearts to rest.
But Saul had remained in fear and panic for seven whole days. And all this time the Holy Spirit told him to take a decision: "Yes, Saul, it looks hopeless. But you have been in the minority before the Ammonites, and God delivered you the time. So what will you do today? Will you obey God's word no matter what happens to you or kingdom? Would you say as Job, 'Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.'? " (Job 13:15).
We know that God knows the heart of every man. And the Lord knew that the decision took Saul, would determine his life's course from that moment. After all, he would be facing many more such crises. We get some insight into Saul's decision through his words to Samuel: "When I took the courage and sacrifice the burnt offering." (1 Sam. 13:12). Root word for "against" here means "to restrain himself." Saul said: "I tried to be obedient. I kept myself from being disobedient as long as possible. But eventually I had to act on their own."
As a result, God left Saul and withdrew his appointment as king. Why? The Lord knew that from that day on Saul would offer him a dead faith. He knew that Saul would not endure yet another test of obedience. Instead, he would end up running scheming and manipulating.
Unbelief is deadly, and its consequences are tragic. And we face dire consequences if we try to save ourselves from our trials instead of relying on God to lead us through them. This is evident from Saul's life. From that moment Saul took a significant decision to take matters into their own hands, so his life went quickly downhill. His unbelief opened for all kinds of evil in his heart.
In fact, Saul's life illustrates the steps towards destruction caused by the infidels.
1. Saul was a legalist Of The Worst Battle
After Saul sinned, his soul inflexible and legalistic. And this legalistic spirit almost caused the death of his beloved son, Jonathan.
Jonathan and his armor bearer had decided to take a sneak attack on a filistergarnison. Ambush caused such confusion in the Philistine camp that they began to fight among themselves and killing each other. Oppskakingen was so loud that "the earth shook and there came a fear of God." (1 Sam. 14:15).
When Saul saw the Philistines on the run he launched a decisive attack. He ordered his troops to fight the whole day without delay. At the end of the day, the Israelites looked worn out that they were ready to collapse. But Saul swore a foolish oath: If someone stopped to eat before the battle was over, would that man be cursed.
Jonathan did not know about the oath because he fought in a remote area. So he took a brief break from the skirmish. And while he did, he ate some honey from a hive in order to strengthen himself for battle.
The evening could not Saul's soldiers succeed more. They threw themselves greedy of the spoils they had taken and began to roast animals to eat them. Now, said Jewish law that the blood had drained from an animal before it could be eaten. So when Saul saw this, he flew into a rage. He scolded: "You people have no respect for the law of God." ".... The people sin against the Lord and eat meat with the blood .... You've been unfaithful!" (14:33).
Saul had been legalistic, and appointed themselves as God's holiness police. Undoubtedly applauded the priests who were present and said: "Thank God, Saul takes a stand for holiness." But Saul was in fact even the greatest sinner. This man was totally disobedient and walked in obvious disbelief. Still, he could exclaim without thinking about: "God help the hungry soldier who breaks a jot of the law by eating foods with blood in."
That night, Saul took yet another foolish decision: He decided that his army would stay up all night to continue the battle. The priests protested, however, and insisted that they should first ask God for advice. But when they asked, did not God. Now Saul was indignant again. He decided, "God is not because someone has sinned. Who is guilty?" He said: "For as the Lord lives .... if so the blame is with my son Jonathan, he shall surely die!" (14:39).
This type of self-righteousness found in all legalistic. They do not trust God to give them their righteousness, they try to make their own. And they end up creating a system that disregards their own sin but points to the other's defeat.
Saul decided to cast lots to find out who had sinned. The last ticket was for him and Jonathan. Immediately Saul turned to his son and said, "I know I have sinned, so it must be you." Jonathan admitted that he had eaten the honey, but said he had not known about the oath. But Saul was out on a moral crusade now, and struggling to take the public out. If God had not intervened with the help of the people, Saul would have killed his own son - all to prove their holy zeal.
In my opinion, unbelief, the root of all legalism. How? It refuses to accept God's covenant promises - that his Spirit will subdue our sins, give us strength to obey, submit his fear in our lives, cause us to walk uprightly, give us loathe sin. If we turn away from the truth of God's covenant, and no longer trust and wait for him to do the work, we turn to legalism. We design our own set of strict rules devoid of spiritual power.
2. Saul Lost All Spiritual Discernment
Saul disbelief seared his conscience and made him indifferent to sin. Suddenly lost his sin "exceeding sinfulness" in this once-godly man's eyes.
We see an example of this when Samuel ordered Saul to destroy Amalek. The Prophet gave Saul directly instructed to destroy all that concerned Amalek - their families, their livestock, everything. He would not save anything or anyone.
But when the battle was over, Saul had kept King Agag as a living trophy. He also held back some of the spoils - the best of the Amalekites livestock, clothing and possessions. Saul even had nerve enough to put up a monument to himself, to commemorate his victory. Once again, he showed a brazen disregard for God's word.
When Samuel arrived, he could not believe what he saw. The battlefield was like a huge flea market. People traded cattle, tried their new clothes and grilled meat from the animals. But most astonishing of all, there stood the King Agag in the middle of all the fuss.
Samuel marched over to Saul and asked, "What is the bleating I hear, Saul?" Saul responded with a shameless lie: "Oh, the people saved some animals so they could sacrifice to God for the great victory. But I have ruined the rest of them. I was faithful in carrying out the Lord's command. What a great revival we are going to get . "
Samuel wept loudly. He asked Saul. "Why do you not obey the Lord's word, but threw upon the spoil and did what was evil in the eyes?" (1 Sam. 15:19). Saul replied, "I have obeyed the Lord and have gone the way the Lord sent me. I have brought Agag king of Amalek, hit and struck Amalek and utterly destroy." (Verse 20).
How could Saul be so blind? He lied openly, despite the clear evidence that he had been disobedient. But tragically enough, Saul believed their own lies. He had lost all judgment.
Some Christians today are just like Saul. They indulge in every conceivable kind of disobedience, so they go directly to church and pray, "Lord, I have given you my best. Here - accept my sacrifice of praise." These believers are like the woman described in Proverbs: "the way of an adulteress that: She eats and wipes her mouth and says: I have not done anything wrong!" (Proverbs 30:20).
How do Christians fall to such a condition? It starts when they refuse to accept God's righteousness by faith. They try to establish their own righteousness by turning to legalism and judging others. They waver in their faith, and do not wait on God for guidance - and they do things his own way. Over time they lose all judgment and their conscience is completely seared. Eventually, they become arrogant in relation to their own sin.
According to scripture, it is here occultism seed takes root. In God's eyes, failure to obey and trust his word synonymous with magic. As Samuel told Saul in this context: "For rebellion is better than the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry." (1 Sam. 15:23).
3. When you have lost all judgment and conscience is seared, then there is no longer a defense against the spirit of jealousy and envy.
"But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him." (1 Sam. 16:14). Now God did not literally an evil spirit of Saul. He simply allowed the inevitable to happen. You see, when a person is driven by the infidels get to this point - and turn to legalism, loses judgment and burned his conscience - he has no defense against invading spirits of jealousy and envy. And these twin spirits terrorize every soul they enter.
At this point, Saul actually demonic convulsions, and yelled and talked in delirium with everyone. His servants were so terrified that they summoned David to play on his harp and singing hymns to Saul, to try to calm his spirit. David was of course a man who relied wholly on the Lord - and his anointed music brought peace to Saul's troubled soul.
The king was so grateful that he made David the head of his army. But when David showed courage and skill in battle, Saul was insanely jealous of him. Jealousy makes people of faith to the terrifying creatures. Anyone who does not trust in God will not rely on others. And jealous people accuse others of the sin that is most obvious in themselves. Furthermore, they see themselves as victims. They are convinced that others are always jealous of them, and constantly talking about them, and constantly pursuing them. Jealousy is not just a stage people go through - it is a spirit from hell. It robs God-fearing people all heavenly intentions. And it causes them to focus on their own small, fleshly battles.
Do you wonder where your spirit of jealousy come from? I urge you to look back at your time of testing, and ask yourself how you reacted. Surrender yourself to trust in God, no matter what happened? Or did you take over you the idea that God did not show up on time for you?
Just look at the tragic end of Saul's unbelieving soul. His last consultation before he faced eternity was a witch. Listen to his sad, last words: "God is departed from me and answers me no more, ...." (1 Sam. 28:15).
But there is good news for all believers of this New Covenant times. Christ paid the blame for our rebellion: (Of course, God's grace and forgiveness available to Saul. But his heart remained stubborn - and a stubborn heart would never grace.)
Jesus came to break the spell and the spell of unbelief - to break our legalistic links and free us from jealousy bands. But first we must confess our sin. We must confess our unbelief - and then throw our future, freedom and deliverance fully in Jesus' custody. He will come in time. Our part is to not do anything else - than to trust him.
We must be aware that we are being tested. And God assures us that all who adhere to the faith and trust in him, no matter how hopeless the situation seems, will be paid. "This is so that their trial of your faith, being much more precious than the perishable gold - as the more refined by fire - to be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." (1 Pet. 1:7).
Related links: http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/01/nr-231-pastor-and-apostle-jan-aage-torp.html
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