No. 1557:
We do not always know what succeeds and fails - but the scripture says we must stand for what we have done and believe in, then it is the Lord who decides what succeeds or not!
In this world, one has to settle for a life as a Christian that there are ups and downs. But through all this we gain victory, says the scripture.
That is why it is so important to praise God no matter what, for faith in victory is our guiding star!
King David says so well, the following:
Gather 31. 15 But I, I put my trust in you, Lord! I say: You are my God. 16 In your hand are my times; save me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors! / 17 Let thy face shine upon thy servant: save me for thy mercies' sake. 18 Lord, do not let me be put to shame. for I call on you. Let the wicked be put to shame, be silent in the realm of the dead! 19 Let the lips of a liar be speechless, that speak wickedly against the righteous with contempt and contempt. 20 How great is thy goodness, which thou hast hid from them that fear thee, which thou hast shewed unto them that take refuge in thee, in the sight of the children of men! 21 Thou hidest them in the secret of thy presence from the grave of men: thou hidest them in a pavilion from the strife of tongues. 22 Blessed be the Lord! for he has strangely shown his mercy to me in a firm city. 23 And I, in my anguish, said, I am torn from thine eyes. Yet you heard the voice of my fervent prayers as I cried out to you. 24 Love the Lord, all ye his saints. The Lord watches over the faithful and rewards abundantly the one who goes forward with pride. 25 Be of good cheer, and let your heart be strong, all you who wait for the Lord!
King Solomon says the same thing. Listen!
Ecclesiastes 11. 4 He that regardeth the wind, shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. 5 As little as you know what the wind blows, or how the bones are formed in the life of the fertile woman, so little do you know what God will do, who does it all. 6 Sow your seed in the morning, and do not let your hand rest in the evening; for you do not know what will succeed, one or the other, or whether both are good.
At the same time, God will also show us what is happening, in advance. The prophet Amos speaks of this, hear:
Amos 3. 7 For the Lord God of Israel does nothing without revealing his secret counsel to his servants the prophets.
What we must be aware of is that the good, the right, and the will of God do not always happen in this world.
But when we point out the right thing, it will testify against them both in this day and in the day of judgment!
This is written on the website Searchlight:
Ansgar Braut:
You serve the living God Jan Kåre Christensen. That's why everything goes against you. It is written "The sufferings of the righteous are many," and we have seen how the devil persecutes you through the employer, the municipality and even a pastor was looking to lower you.
No one succeeds. The wall is still there, the shed is there, you are still driving a bus and you are free to write on your blog against fools and whores who live contrary to the Word of God,
This goes to victory in the end. Possibly you lose down here, lose your job and lose your wall and shed and are looted financially.
But in the new world you will have a job, stairs, storage room, wall and probably a bigger pool as well.
Some victories are won on earth, other victories we will first reap the fruits of heaven. Take things in stride and try not focus too much on the problem.
(end of quote.)
Closing comment:
We read Hebrews 11, which is very instructive and here we are talking about two types of outcomes of believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is wonderful no matter what!
The entire book of Hebrews in Chapter 11 is about living in faith, victories in faith. But also endure and suffer "defeat" that shows that we trust God, love and honor him through everything.
Lewi Pethrus writes in the book Victory Times - Breaking Times in the chapter Victory Faith - our guiding star the following: The victory at Calvary is the victory above all others!
The large crowds began to fail him as he began to talk about his suffering and death. Even the twelve he had chosen as his apostles, failed him and fled. Before that happened, one of them had succeeded in selling him thirty pieces of silver to his enemies. The most trusted of them all denied his discipleship three times during the public trial against him.
He cursed that he did not know him. From a human point of view, the beginning of Christianity ended with its founder hanging alone and abandoned by God and people on a cross between two robbers. According to Jesus' enemies, this was the collapse of Christianity in the very beginning, and many of the believing Jews saw in this his defeat forever.
They did not see God's plan of salvation behind these seemingly depressing external events. But in what appeared to be the greatest defeat lay the greatest victory for the cause of God ever won.
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