torsdag 27. juni 2019

No. 1440: Cohabitation ethics - A document prepared by Theological Reflection Group in the Pentecostal movement, is unfortunately a mighty work and dangerous seductive when it opens up for remarriage before one spouse is dead!

No. 1440:
Cohabitation ethics - A document prepared by Theological Reflection Group in the Pentecostal movement, is unfortunately a mighty work and dangerous seductive when it opens up for remarriage before one spouse is dead!

Picture of the Pentecostal Movement three great spirit chiefs at the beginning of the Pentecostal revival.
Pastor A. Endersen from Denmark, Copenhagen. Pastor T. B. Barratt from England / Norway, Oslo and Pastor Levi Pethrus from Sweden Stockholm

(Here is also the link: http: // /.../ Cohabitation ethics% 20 ...)

There are several things in this document that are bad.
The worst is undoubtedly the words Pastor T. B. Barratt. This is pure and delicate story fake, nothing else.

They write for example. this and then they cite Barratt.

This sight is also lifted by Barratt. In the book Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage, he writes:
If one marries another woman or husband, when the spouse does not commit adultery, then one is guilty of adultery (forced divorce except). But if the wife or husband has committed adultery, and then one goes and marries, one does not commit adultery! For the good reason that the first marriage is dissolved
(Quote end.)

This is a Barratt quote. But this was not the Pentecostal proclamation in 1932 and around there when Barratt wrote that book.
He laid it before the elders council in Philadelphia, Oslo, and it was voted down.
In other words, they refused Barratt both to give it out and stand behind that preaching as they saw this as unbiblical teaching.
It was released well 25 years ago or around in consultation with his family, but then this "apostasy" message "fit".

Furthermore, they do not realize that marriage is an example of the church and Christ. If we are unfaithful and fail, does Christ fail? Never!

In other words, as "everlasting" as the relationship between Christ and the church is, the relationship between man and woman is when they are married.
Only death alone can separate them, nothing else.

Back to the storylessness - it's bad when they've been together for 5 years as they write and haven't settled into history.

In short, remarriage among believers was in fact completely excluded by the church almost 2000 years of history. Before the Reformation, the humanist Erasmus from Rotterdam presented this in the 16th century.
Read it yourself here and in Øyvind Kleiveland's answer.

Here are some excerpts from there, and the articles you can read are here:

Here is Brother Øyvind Kleiveland's writing which is reproduced with permission and obtained from ToSko's Facebook page.


The Pentecostal Theological Reflection Group came yesterday with its conclusion on marriage, divorce and remarriage. And that's sad reading.

In the early part of the text, the group claims that "the innocent party must decide whether the marriage should be terminated or whether there is hope for restoration". Not even throughout the document is mentioned that the thesis of the "innocent" party did not appear before Erasmus from Rotterdam presented this in the 16th century. The Bible has no references to "the innocent party" and the command of God's Word is that everyone should honor the marriage, which one does not get the feeling that the reflection group does in this conclusion, which has taken them more than five years to produce.

With statements like "Maybe we should have a greater focus on how to preserve the marriage than to debate for and against divorce and remarriage?"
 "," There are no biblical texts that give unambiguous answers to the problem raised here
 "And" No one will argue that the path to restoration of family life will happen if we forbid divorce and remarriage
 "Shows that the reflection group has probably lost all relevance. When they move into thoughts like "should we have an alternative marriage ritual for those who are remarried?"
 "So you realize that this fight they do not intend to address, at all.

Who's been talking about banning anything? People do what they want, anyway. What is important is to make God's command, to honor the marriage, only between a man and a woman who has never been married before, as the only approved cohabitation between humans. This must be done in speeches, conversations, book form, by articles by all preachers, priests, pastors, and rulers in our country. It is the only way we can make the Lord's will happen, on earth as in heaven.

Everything else is not in line with God's word, no matter how much the Pentecostal movement claims there are cases where marriage will not be "practical"
 ”And asks the question“ how long do you have to wait before you get married again?
 "And claim that it is possible to" wait too long
 "To get married again.

The book is referred to several times as T.B. Barratt wrote about marriage, divorce and remarriage, which was never released, when the elders council in Philadelphia did not allow Barratt to release this, when it fought against the word of God. The book was first published several decades after his death.

What appears to be a total lack of knowledge about the relationship between Mary and Joseph, as betrothed Jews who had not yet undergone the second feast of the betrayal phase (Nisuin), is almost comical to read about. Jews were allowed to give their betrothed wife (still not married) a divorce letter, in the betrayal phase, if evidence of adultery had been found. This is not the case in John 8, where the woman was caught in adultery after Nisuin was executed. We read that punishment was stoning, not divorce.

We also see this in Pauli's letter to the Corinthian congregation, where he writes to those who are "redeemed from a wife," in other words, Jews who had taken out divorce in the betrayal phase, just as Joseph considered doing to Mary. If Mary had been unfaithful in the faith phase, as the Jew Joseph believed, he would be able to marry another, and that would not be a sin. Now we know that Mary was pregnant with the Holy Ghost, and that Joseph actually married Mary (took her home to him), but this lack of knowledge of the reflection group is grave. In the English Standard Version Bible, we see that they actually include the words betrothed, in order to bring out the meaning that this permission applied to Jews who had divorced in the betrothal phase, not western divorces, where one did not have a betrothal phase which for the Jews was extremely important.

Now concerning the betrothed
 , I have no command from the Lord, but I give my judgment as one who by the Lord's mercy is trustworthy. I think that in view of the present distress it is good for a person to remain as he is. Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you free from a wife? Do not seek a wife. But if you do not marry, and if you have a marrying woman, she has no idea.
 1. Cor

The most serious thing about this reading is that the marriage is basically regarded as a contract, which - under the "right" circumstances - can set aside. You get no understanding that holiness, honor, and a bond are only separated by death.

Finally: Jesus' own words that as long as one is on this earth, one is not right on a new wife, seems to be completely away from the Pentecostal Theological Reflection Group:

Then Jesus answered and said, "Verily I say unto you, There is none that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or fields, for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, which shall not return a hundredfold now in this. time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, along with persecutions, and in the time to come, eternal life. But many who are the first will be the last, and the last ones the first. "
 Mark 10: 29-31

Here we see that Jesus says that even if you were to have the choice of following Jesus or leaving everything you have for his sake and the gospel, you are not right on a new wife. And this is not so weird, since God has already told us that it is only death that separates a man and a wife who have not been married before?

As I said, do not be seduced by the secular currents that have crept into the Pentecostal Movement, and which the Theological Reflection Group promotes in its document!

Øyvind Kleiveland

onsdag 26. juni 2019

No. 1439: Marius Vamnes Must do a "neutral" job - but it is so colored by having money like Kjell Inge Røkke so get a law for most, but being in the "middle class" like us, one can statue an example!

No. 1439:
Marius Vamnes Must do a "neutral" job - but it is so colored by having money like Kjell Inge Røkke so get a law for most, but being in the "middle class" like us, one can statue an example!

Picture of Marius Vamnes as one can count almost as a "running boy" for Kjell Inge Røkke, but for us he is anything but this when he once again says no to anything that has to do with us.
The problem is, in fact, that the County Governor protects the PBE, the Civil Ombudsman protects the County Governor. That protects the PBE and the Ombudsman. The court protects everything and everyone, not least the PBE and the City of Oslo.
How to win over such a system as a regular man? Better then being rich like Røkke and getting everyone to say yes, he-he! No, God is bigger than both Marius Vamnes, Kjell Inge Røkke and everyone else, Hallelujah, Amen!

Has written about this before, but follows a line with Kjell Inge Røkke so-called illegalities and construction at Konglungen in Asker. There among others he got no both regarding construction, and when he "pluses" with a lot of tons of stone all over the property he got dispensation. The person who gave him the dispensation was the same person who said no to us. In other words, here it is done to the degrees of difference between people in my eyes.
But at the same time, I like Røkke to have done what he has done by all means.
Røkke only does what he wants and has the desire and opportunity on his own property, something that everyone else should be allowed to do on the whole.

We read here, for example. a former Storting politician says about Røkke:
Kristin Halvorsen about Kjell Inge Røkke: - An unstable, irrational and dejected boy.

We also experienced a bunch of ladies who first said yes, so it has become no on no.

Here an excerpt for a report in the newspaper VG before Kjell Inge Røkke built:

The case ended this afternoon.

- We considered Asker municipality's decision as correct. The legal conditions for the reason for the exemption are fulfilled, says adviser at the county governor of Akershus Marius Vamnes to VG Nett.

The smokehouse was first assessed by Asker municipality as approved the plans, but after complaints from the county municipality and neighbors, the case was re-evaluated by the county governor in Oslo and Akershus.

Here it is actually the same man who also approves when Røkke is accused of having built eg. own jetty and lots of other things with lots of stones. Or rather, carved mountains obtained without passing Larvik. This Marius Vamnes was, of course, super-fit in the case, but got everything Røkke mind building approved.

note that there were many who defended Røkke, and with shoots that were powerful. Blue. there was a bunch of ladies who prevented Røkke from building what he wanted and wanted.

Here from the newspaper VG:

Think Røkke is a victim of women's revenge

Architect responds to building law

Finn's architect Finn Sandmæl (62) blames "incompetent, premenstrual women" for Kjell Inge Røkke's rejection of his solid construction project in Asker.


At home in Sandmål's own luxury villa on Nesøya in Asker, the architect points out to VG that Røkke has been the victim of revengeful "premenstrual women" in the building case.

- It's time to get it out: That women in all teams, from the building industry to the county level, have made the politicians make a decision on wrong terms. Had this happened in the United States, politicians had been sued personally. In Norway, the developer is powerless, says Sandmæl to VG.

- According to the Act on Outdoor Activities, the public does not have anything to do with land. As Konglungen is an inland market, Røkke should therefore be built as he wants. The safety plan that it is talking about does not deal with the Konglungen, he believes.

According to Sandmæl, it is not just legal interpretation this is about: In the reader post, he looks at gender-based descriptions of central women in the Røkke case:

"With female case officers, you as a man should feel what hormonal cycle does with the individual's character."

And further:

"In the Røkke case, several central women's cycles have clearly interfered. These women are pestered to such an initiative in this building case, an initiative the man in the age of equality wishes he experienced in the bedroom, but unfortunately rather gets served in Budstikka. "

Sandmeal further acknowledges that "such a statement as this is, of course, labeled as female hostile".


At the same time, he writes that he "loves women, other than those in politics, construction, or other power agencies".

- What do you have against women, Sandmeal?

- Nothing. But it is a fact that for many years there are women who have stuck sticks in the wheels of my building projects. For example, a giant year-round country home I designed for Kjell Inge Røkke on an island in Bærum a few years ago.

- What do you want to achieve with the reader post?

- Nothing, just confirm it's a fact that women should see their own position in say n own time. Expertise is independent gender, but women should pay tribute to old sticks. Women are detailed, they never forget, they repeat the same many times. What I am looking for is a democratic, honest public system, says Sandmæl.

Sandmeal is tired of rich people "knocking down" when they want to build big projects, saying especially women are hard at practicing the law of jantles.
(quote end.)

Final Comment:

Marius Vamnes is "a little" of a guy. He approves Kjell Inge Røkke's solid palace with exemptions at most. Before he has built.
When he has built and has a whole lot of "illegality" with eg. to get tons of rocks or blocks of mountains larger than a pyramid block. Bigger than our wall and bigger than most. This approves the same Marius Vamnes, although obviously he is incompetent in the case, this is Norway. No one is ever held responsible for anything just about whatever they do wrong.
Then we get rejected not only once, but twice by the same Marius Vamnes. Here is the money, power and other things that matter.
That we receive rejection that has not really built something that is a hindrance to anyone, just to the joy and favor of all. It is so unfair it is possible and remains!

It was someone who wrote that I was whining. But this is the opposite of whining.
Sutre means: Crying for something childish and trivial, sewn, sipping
Example: Ola got more soda than me! - END OF CUT!

Answer: It's just the opposite of whining I do.
What we are experiencing is the opposite when others are allowed to do what they want, but the little we've done about "transgressions" should be punished the most.
In other words, I do the opposite than whining !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I point out injustice, injustice and democracy do not work. Blue. then it becomes completely wrong when eg. Riches such as Kjell Inge Røkke receive an exemption for all the same men every time he searches. This Marius Vamnes berry will soon be on the payroll for Aker and Røkke?
By all means, what Røkke has built I do not mind. But that same man can give Røkke exemption not only once, but several times in the same construction project and case. It testifies to so much discrimination that words do not extend!
Røkke asks for extended exemption on the extreme both before he starts to build. And after he has built, and Marius Vamnes says yes time after time.
We meet the same man, and here there is talk of minimal conditions after we have built something extra after eg. received guidance from PBE, however oral. When we complain to PBE both once and twice, Marius Vamnes answers as a standard no to us. It is obvious that here it is made to the degrees of difference between people!

tirsdag 25. juni 2019

No. 1438: In this conflict between us and the Planning and Building Administration here in Oslo, this agency has in fact made every possible mistake, abuse, abuse of power and authority that it is possible to do, is the Norwegian record?

No. 1438:
In this conflict between us and the Planning and Building Administration here in Oslo, this agency has in fact made every possible mistake, abuse, abuse of power and authority that it is possible to do, is the Norwegian record?

Picture of Nils-Henrik Henningstad who tried to trick me into thinking that there was nothing special about our property, that it was "common" practice to tear walls.
When I went in to look at those issues, it turned out that it was comparing our case with the issues that night and day. Here we see how PBE has always tried to seduce us, not to guide us in a good and fair manner. This is one of many cases with authority tyranny I will call it. Here, there are attempts, when I revealed it and paired this with what I have done with everything else in this matter. Here they actually have no arguments left to use against us than the one that we need dispensation. But when a thousand other things speak to our favor and favor, then dispensation should and should be given.

We have experienced systemic cheating, manipulation and abuse of authority, and which I unfortunately believe is widespread throughout public Norway. Are we the last communist that a Swedish minister claimed a few years ago?
There is a lot in what he pronounced, and he got a very disgust when he stated what he was doing. But it was true, and it is true if there is no change for the better!

In many ways one can say that the Planning and Building Administration here in Oslo has made two big and almost completely incomprehensible mistakes, with subsequent abuse of power and authority in our eyes.

1.) We who have built according to PBE recommendation, however oral. Will they on the deaths and lives be submersible. Then it turns out afterwards that what we have built is actually not a single negative encumbrance with. Not an actual, just positive, to everyone's advantage.

2.) Secondly, those who have obviously built illegally and who should have been stopped and demanded that they have changed what is built. Almost all of them have either received an exemption, or what is built they overlook and leave it as it stands.

For me, this is an agency that appears unfit and unfit for the task.

It is as I write in another article about PBE here in Oslo municipality.
"Can't understand how it is possible to mess up so much of a public agency and in retrospect do not admit anything or show better judgment to others afterwards when one even makes those mistakes and needs the grace of others.
It again shows that they make a difference between people, and that they seem to be untidy, rotten, non-jealous, schizophrenic, unpredictable and acutely obscene! "

What is PBE really doing? They do not do their job, as they exaggerate our minimal small errors that actually only have positive and beneficial benefits (I shall explain later in the article).
But what is really criminal offenses and which creates negative conditions for both car and bus traffic here in Stormyrveien, and other traffic conditions. As well as the aesthetic and legal. Blue. so the neighbor has a little further down the street been given permission and exemption during the same period to build as us dispensation 57 times than us in exploiting the plot. And the worst walls in Stormyrveien that are at least 2. Which are both approx. 20 cm from the road, they are allowed to stand.
I also mean those garages that one has to drive straight out of their own property and one does not have the opportunity to turn inside on their own property, 1 Million times more traffic is dangerous than for example. Our stairs as one had a good overview while one was walking down. As we were told to change with PBE 11.04.2019, we testify that what is really bad. It does not care about PBE, but of all the crap they have, they attack only those who have housing and property against the Stormyrveien. They then make two real roars to attack us for minimal overruns. While the overshoots that are large and obstructive, they are devoid of interest and commitment to bring the relationships into an arrangement. This testifies to a work that does not attain goals.

It says in Jeremiah that two people have done evil things.

Jeremiah 2. 13 For my people have done evil things:

Now the similarity between Israel's children and PBE here in Oslo is nothing more than that they both have done two evil things. The evil that PBE here in Oslo has done is to attack me, my family and property without the gentleness of so-called offenses that we have received guidance from them to build.
And that what is real illegal and which should have been changed and ordered to demolish and build up again.
Gets totally overlooked and not grasped at all!

Picture of our closest neighbor just across the road, both of which have signed on Roar Telje's campaign against us where he will have removed everything we have built. Bid, staircase and wall even though he signed that we should set up a store closer than 1 meter from his land border. The man appears to us as erratic and moody. Not easy to associate with such people.
Note that this is set up obviously on its own and illegal. And that it is to ease the problem they have as they cannot turn inside on their own site as they have required us to. Here there are neighbors with evil and hateful eyes facing us, but even they have far greater problems and illegality then also the one neighbor and Telje even wall which is 20 cm from the road. Telje has made a garage with a car parking space that is half on his property. And half in the road. What he has done is not just illegal. But it is to take care of that afterwards he demands of us the impossible that we should not even be able to go down the Stormyrveien which our property is against. Here is life and then learn to the degrees without being intact, to listen to such people I would say is dangerous. The fact that PBE has unfortunately done so and not brought order to conditions that are obviously illegal is evidence that they have become heavily obsolete.

Picture of Neighbors' illegal signs. This they have both neighbors right opposite us as they have to straighten out a one-way street as the bus runs several times an hour. The fact that PBE ignores this and attacks us with the hardest of witnesses testifies to a totally inadequate understanding of right and wrong. They are simply dangerous and colored by their judgment. Where to take that has something that works perfectly, while neighbors have something built that is not legitimate and workable, are allowed to stand up. Understand the one who can.

Picture of Roar Telje get the right parking space. That these neighbors are allowed to hold on, but that we should tear. Witnesses how bad the PBE here in Oslo is doing. That they should be professional, there is not much trial on this at least!
One also sees the back edge of the wall on the garage which is also only 20 cm from the road. These are conditions that are 1 Million more illegal than ours as PBE totally ignores. There, Telje cars often park far in the road, testifying that this is a man with a standard for himself, where everything is allowed. While others should not be allowed the smallest thing, not even getting in from their own property down the road closest to it. He is obviously hateful, not good!

Here's how it gets when Telje parks, a bit on his own property, the rest out in the road. This is of course both dangerous and illegal.

We really have nothing to do with other properties and conditions, but when one is attacked and "pissed" on by other neighbors, then one must be allowed to tell!

When other neighbors have built both before and after us both higher walls, larger walls, larger stalls, the plot utilized much more than us. And what we j
Completion certificate Byggesak AS by our responsible applicant Paal Løvaas mentions this here in our application to PBE. That was rejected for reasons that I cannot understand and which is perceived as abuse of power and authority when it was rejected.

Comment on "good faith" action:

It is important in the end to point out again that the project owner in the project in question has acted in "good faith". Initiatives have consulted with PBE, and listed what they experienced as very common conditions in the immediate area. By a search on the "Stormyrveien" in case view you will, as far as we can see, no uplift cases. Initiatives have no interest in "entering" neighbors, but when one has ended up in the situation one has done, it is difficult not to try to explain all aspects of why one has done what one has done - and why one thought this was correct. Images from the surrounding area are by no means intended to be proof that the measure is not an obligation to apply (which has now been understood), but it appears to be relatively clear that the initiative owner acted in good faith when seeing all intersections / fillings and walls in the immediate area. In this context, the owner of the initiative feels somewhat discriminated against in relation to several other landowners in the immediate area. There is a hilly terrain in the area, and one has something difficult to understand that the municipality has taken this over itself in sc. approved Small house plan covering more than approx. 29,000 properties. 29,000 different properties.

Neither do you need to move around in the immediate area to see that there are many walls there. It is sufficient to look at the image the agency itself has taken on inspection. In this connection, PBE must have passed dozens of walls on its inspection. The initiative owner finds it strange that both the case officer who signaled that the establishment of a wall over the old wall is referred to the situation map the municipality has sold. In this connection, it may seem that several walls have been established against a road that has not been sought, without the initiative owner wishing that we should take a closer look at this.
(end of quote).

So we have built with a pretty wall at Max height 185 cm. The fence on top of it at 1 meter, it fits perfectly to our house, the property and access. Then there is such an insight that it is not exaggerated, at the same time that we are somewhat protected.

Seeing that PBE has now settled on a line where several have a wall of ½ meter and some huge Tuva hedges that make it want no access to the degrees. That PBE almost compels than to have a completely different property than it has. In other words, they take both the freedom and the aesthetic desire that one has as a homeowner. It becomes a deprived and PBE exaggerates its power towards ordinary people.

Here in Stormyrveien there are several of the neighbors who have a garage so that they have to back straight into a dangerous and busy road as they write it themselves. In other words, they have made this easier for themselves by setting up illegal signs and barriers, including stands private parking. One neighbor feared another neighbor that she would now send mail to the municipality to get Stormy the road closed for parking. Of course, when one has been heard to the degrees of PBE before, one thinks that is so. No, this is what is written here, as it is written in the text that black is white, and white is black. What is right is wrong, and vice versa. In other words, PBE has not done or does its job. They attack us with guns, and others who do illegal things ignore them. Can't see that PBE deserves respect or reputation for the quiet and bad job they do here in Oslo.

Final Comment:

Must also mention in the end here a relationship that makes this matter between me and really the public Norway a bedriten case. That's when we appealed this decision to the County Governor and received a rejection. Then it turned out that the one who gave us rejection, Marius Vamnes had given Kjell Inge Røkke a dispensation for conditions compared to ours as astronomical.
In other words, it is free to those with money, power and influence. For us "normal" it is about doing that we should be taken, staffed and it should be horror and warning for others not to do the same.
What we have been exposed to is the City of Oslo, the Civil Ombudsman, the County Governor and the Norwegian Courts. There is so much discrimination, rude and unfounded that this must be like a Norwegian record in poor treatment of law-abiding citizens.

Røkke has tons of extra stones all over her own property. Also made an artificial pier of the same stone, all without searching. The "transgressions" were just as great if not greater than our entire property together. Okay for me, he did everything on his own property. What we have done is like a drop in the ocean, and should be punished as hard as possible.
Equality for the law? It is so bad the treatment we have received from the public agency, not least PBE here in Oslo. That it must be the Norwegian record in bad and plain treatment.
PBE and the entire public agency are to the degrees not only on thin ice, they are not on ice at all. Most deeply, it is criminal that they have done so much discrimination, and that they lie constantly and try to distort the truth.
Let me finally give an example of a criminal act in my eyes. When we pointed out that everyone who had applied for dispensation in small conditions here in Oslo had received an exemption. Then I presented this to PBE here in Oslo. They replied by Nils-Henrik Henningstad that there were several who had to demolish, so we were not unique.
Then I went in and looked at those cases, and they could not be compared to our case whatsoever.
Here were fire and other agencies inside the picture. They said the wall was obstructing, among other things. emergency vehicles.
With us it is the opposite, among other things. The staircase we have is a big plus for emergency vehicles when Krokstien and inside our yard are cramped and not easy for emergency cargo gear to come to.
I wrote this back without getting an answer. This is how they keep, eg. when we suggested that they come to visit in 2015. Then they were on a hidden visit, but they would not come to have inspection with us. How to keep PBE without wanting to realize that they should and should have approved everything we have built for a long time, long ago.

No case has taken away so many illusions about public Norway as objective and with fair judgments / treatment in circumstances where one is treated according to Norwegian law in a good and fair manner.

This case is probably the most serious thing I have experienced about the abuse of authority.
It is the sum of everything the government has done, which makes this a very serious matter, it is ours and my personal opinion!

søndag 23. juni 2019

No. 1437: For reasons that I do not understand, PBE here in Oslo wants Kjell Henning Thon to know that when our neighbor Roar Telje has run his hat campaign against us will also be on other issues that do not affect these matters at all!

No. 1437:
For reasons that I do not understand, PBE here in Oslo wants Kjell Henning Thon to know that when our neighbor Roar Telje has run his hat campaign against us will also be on other issues that do not affect these matters at all!

Our neighbor Roar Telje, who has run a regular hate campaign, all that he has written has certainly been a lie and fabricated falsehood.

It is obvious that what we consider right and normally do not always consider the PBE here in Oslo the same.
Must say it is very frustrating and one knows a sense of excitement when they want things that have nothing to do with them to be in case numbers that have zero to do with it.
They should have been on our case, something they do not always do when they are misplaced.

Roar Telje, our closest neighbor and run a hat campaign against everything we have done. Bringing other neighbors with him as he has signed up for his hate campaigns against us. All the arguments he has used have never been taken. Even when we built a wall, it would not be possible for the seagull car to arrive and lay snow in and around our property.
This has seemed to be so wrong and fabricated lies that are possible.

But afterwards he went to several other neighbors and made a petition against us. As he forwarded to Oslo municipality as a complaint about what we had built.
Those who joined his hat campaign against us were Randi Lavik in Stormyrveien 4, and Ragnhild Skramstad in Stormyrveien 6, where her husband did not join this hat campaign between neighbors. Which is totally useless and ugly.

Here they sit in houses that are worth at least 10 million, good pension and otherwise have it very well.

What do they do right away they can? Have fun and be happy that they have good health and otherwise mostly on "care" in life? No, they go to frontal attacks on us, and report us to PBE here in Oslo.

Ragnhild Skramstad in no. Stormy road's "most" illegal wall located 20 cm from the road with an illegal sign on its property which also Randi Lavik in Stormyrveien 4 has. They have made their garage so that they have to back out in the Stormyrveien which also Roar Telje must.
This is so illegal and insane that they will subdue us witnesses, nothing but the one here sees the beam in their own eye, only the tile in our eye.
They shoot sparrows with a cannon, and unfortunately PBE here in Oslo has been involved in this and is part of this.

Here is our mail correspondence, which shows that they do not want to remove from our cases the things that we really want to completely get away from the net as all that is written against us is really nothing but a hatred and bullying campaign.

I am writing this, and we have also talked on the phone, so there is actually more information here to download which I cannot document.

I write:

Hi Kjell Henning Thon! Oslo 7 / 6-2019

Thanks for the phone call. I believe that all these emails should be handed over to us, there may be more. But I mention a few here.

Ranked. 56
Ranked. 57
Ranked. 63
Ranked. 64
Ranked. 65
Ranked. 67
Ranked. 98 accuse us of interfering in this matter, preferably remove this as well.

It is located on the house Krokstien 2 d.
But it should have been at our house.

Jan Kåre Christensen
Crocodile 2 c
0672 Oslo


Here is another one who is going over to us. Item # 10.

Jan Kåre Christensen
Crocodile 2 c
0672 Oslo

Got this answer:


I have taken a round about the documents in cases in Krokstien 2 A-D with our document center, which are the ones that manage the filing of documents.

We have come to the conclusion that we keep the documents where they are, and thus do not completely agree with you.

We believe that we come to different conclusions because we look differently on the issues. You look at the issues as related to different people, while we see the documents as related to different building issues.

For us, it is therefore relevant to keep the documents in the 201011373 case because they are comments related to the legality of cases relating to the listing of the four homes in the 2010 cases on the property. These could perhaps have been linked to the case number before (201011372), as this is what is housing C, but since these cases contain references to each other and are closely linked, and that several of these documents contain comments and answers to various elements in The same thing, then we choose to keep them as they are.

With best regards

Kjell Henning Thon
senior architect, Resource Center, Planning and Building, Oslo Municipality

I answer this and have since not heard any of the world's things.

To Kjell Henning Thon Oslo 17 / 6-2019

You write this:

I have taken a round about the documents in cases in Krokstien 2 A-D with our document center, which are the ones that manages the filing of documents.

We have come to the conclusion that we keep the documents where they are, and thus do not completely agree with you.

We believe that we come to different conclusions because we look differently on the issues. You look at the issues as related to different people, while we see the documents as related to different building issues.

For us, it is therefore relevant to keep the documents in the 201011373 case because they are comments related to the legality of cases relating to the listing of the four homes in the 2010 cases on the property. These could perhaps have been linked to the case number before (201011372), as this is what is housing C, but since these cases contain references to each other and are closely linked, and that several of these documents contain comments and answers to various elements in The same thing, then we choose to keep them as they are.


What you come up with here we totally disagree with when we believe that the emails have no relevance to the case with neighbor Peter Faarlund.
The emails we have pointed out are solely a neighbor, Roar Telje who is harsh and hateful to us with really everything we do.
Be it rental, construction of storage room, staircase and wall.
He mentions that it will also offer problems with plowing, parking etc. Everything has been known to be calling "wolf, wolf!"
None of his arguments have stuck. That this should be important for this matter seems very sought after!

Hope you remove everything we have pointed out and are put over where it belongs, on our cases.

This is not a complaint, just pointing out through this email that we hope that you realize that the cases discussed do not belong to Peter's case.
But they belong to us, no one else. Then they should also be in our directory, nowhere else.

One final question, when does this matter come to a decision? You set dates for feedback, but they are not followed.
For example, we have followed everything that PBE has come up with dates, and it has worked out that they have opposed us so much they have been able to. It looks like it doesn't pay to be dutiful to PBE?

Jan Kåre Christensen
Krokstien 2 c
0672 Oslo
Found even more, sent this also, has not received any answer, yet.

From: Jan Kåre Christensen
Posted: Thursday, June 20, 2019 at. 6:43 p.m.
To: Kjell Henning Thon
Topic: also remove this, it has nothing to do here.

Ranked. 86, remove it,

Jan Kåre Christensen
Krokstien 2 c
0672 Oslo

lørdag 22. juni 2019

No. 1436: Our struggle against PBE here in Oslo has been the little man's fight against the bureaucracy, but I think we will "win" and eventually win as David prevailed over Goliath!

No. 1436:
Our struggle against PBE here in Oslo has been the little man's fight against the bureaucracy, but I think we will "win" and eventually win as David prevailed over Goliath!

1 Sam. 17. 42 When the Philistine looked ahead and became David, he despised him because he was young and reddish and fair-haired. 43 And the Philistine said unto David, Am I a dog, because thou art come unto me with sticks? And the Philistine cursed David by his god. 44 And the Philistine said unto David, Come unto me, and I will give thy flesh to the birds of the air, and to the beasts of the field. 45 David answered the Philistine, "You come to me with swords and lances and spears; but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, who is God of the nations of Israel, whom you have reproached. 46 On this day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will kill you and separate your head from your body, and on this day I will give the bodies of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the sky and to the wild beasts of the earth, and all the earth shall see that Israel has a God. 47 And all this people shall see that it is not by the sword, but by the spear of the Lord; for the Lord is in charge of the war, and he shall deliver you into his hand. 48 And when the Philistine arose and went forth, and drew near to David, David hastened, and ran toward the host, the Philistine to meet. 49 And David put his hand in his bag, and took of it a stone; he flung it out and hit the philistine in his forehead, and the stone penetrated deep into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground. 50 So David overcame the Philistine with the sling and the stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him, though David had no sword in his hand. 51 And David sprang up, and stood near the Philistine, and took his sword out of his vagina, and slew him, and cut off his head with it. And when the Philistines saw that their giants were dead, they took flight.

Picture of case manager Kjell Henning Thon with neighbor who publishes notes, but in retrospect he claims that this should have been understood.
Can't understand how it is possible to mess up so much of a public agency and in retrospect do not admit anything or show better discretion towards others afterwards when one even makes those mistakes and needs the grace of others.
It again shows that they make a difference between people, and that they seem to be untidy, rotten, non-jealous, schizophrenic, unpredictable and academically obscene!

The Planning and Building Administration's double standard with which they operate is both abuse of power and authority, as one should not make a difference between the country's inhabitants.

What is also marvelous with PBE here in Oslo is that, in my opinion, they are simply academically unfit.
Will almost say dangerous, therefore I would say that only it should and should others in and around them make them stop and make a big change internally throughout the public agency.

Let me mention an example, if I could have taken much more.

Our neighbor also applied for exemption from masonry.
They thought they had gotten, but it turned out that it was a note so lay out for several years. Who can from "ordinary" people see a difference between a note and not a note?
PBEs are really some rock cups when they publish drafts publicly.
Would think they are using drugs.
We are not working on this and believe that what is on the website is valid and approved documents.
Sure you can't be, since PBE here in Oslo is busy posting their own notes under approved documents.
See here for documentation of what I write, read for yourself.

The City of Oslo The Planning and Building Administration
Kjell Henning Thon
Archive code: 531 Construction site: CROATIA 2 D Property: 143/104/0/0
Address: Sjølyst plass 4, 0278 OSLO
Applicant: Link Arkitektur AS Address: PB 204, 1602 FREDRIKSTAD Action type: Detached house Species type: Entry Answer to transmission in ongoing case-Crocodile path 2 D The Planning and Building Administration refers to the letter from the responsible applicant Link Architecture 22.03.2019. In the letter the responsible applicant indicates that the said case has been granted a permit for amendment 22… 06.2015 (document number 2010 11373-85).

The agency has looked at the said document, and this is a draft which by an obsolescence has been available on case inspection a period. The agency strongly regrets this and the misunderstanding that has arisen due to the error. We emphasize that the document has now been removed, and does not represent a legally adopted decision, as it has no date, no signature and also has parts that clearly indicate that there is a draft through missing fields for authorized rights, internal comments marked / separated by a star (***). The agency therefore maintains our request in a letter dated 11.03.2019 where we ask for a reply to the last letter with Need for additional documentation.

We also extend the deadline for submitting this documentation to 03.05.2019.
Planning and Building Services Department for Construction Projects North / East
This document is electronically approved 04.04.2019 by: Kjell Henning Thon - case officer
Nils-Henrik Henningstad-functioning unit manager

They replied to this email:

Oslo municipality v / Plan and building agency Sak: 201011373. Crocodile path 2D

After receiving their letter of June 4, 2018, in this connection have gone through all the documents in the case.
It is striking that several documents sent from PBE refer to an illegality case on the neighboring property Krokstien 2C. We suspect that mail reception has mistakenly assigned documents to this case. Therefore, there has been an impression that the support wall was not approved.
We therefore wish to point out that the support wall in the measure Krokstien 2D (case number 2010 11373) has been approved by PBE in connection with a given permit granted on 22 June 2015 (2010 11373-85).

All documents after this date are colored by the fact that there was an illegal case with the neighbor in Krokstien 2 C at the same time.
It is therefore our opinion that support wall in connection with. The case 2010 11373 has been clarified and that everything is ready for the final certificate to be transmitted.
Yours sincerely Martin Ebert LINK arkitektur AS Fredrikstad, 29.05.2018
(Quote end.)

Furthermore, the Planning and Building Administration is striving to make things worst for us. I don't understand why either. We called down and received guidance not just once, but at least twice. And that our then case officer Kaja Aubert Lange defended us against our malicious and furious neighbor Roar Telje who was so angry at all that we did. He was furious because we had tenants. He was furious because we had built funkishus, which didn't fit in here, and he was furious because we had parked our car at Stormyrveien. +++ many other things. When he did not hear at Kaja Aubert Lange, then he reinforced his rage against us and hatred I would almost call it to get more neighbors to sign what he sent by mailer and other to PBE. Talk about that this neighbor has got a lot of misery. Then it turns out afterwards that everything he has come up with has only been a solid bluff. Blue. he writes about plowing and other things that it will cause problems with the wall we have built. In fact, it is the place in Oslo city that the haulage car runs best by!

This writes Roar Telje in mail to PBE.
«On the Wall towards Stormyrveien It is claimed in the Nabov War that the wall has been established above the previously specified boundary and old wall. This is not right! The old, natural delimitation of the plot was a mountain cliff that ended well within where the wall is now built. The "new" slope made by the builders ended slightly longer than the "old" border (with fence), but due to the slope there was room for road maintenance and snow skiing. This is a road with bus traffic, and chanterelle for space for snow from the quarry car is absolutely essential in a road that has 1st priority after snowfall. The consequence of the location of the wall is that the snow is pushed along the road and filled into the access and parking areas of other neighbors along the way. "

All of the indictments and hate-mails that our neighbors have sent to the PBE of arguments have been shamed. Nothing has turned on. The snow run has worked perfectly, there is not a single place in Oslo city that snow skiing works better than here.
There is a straight wall at 11 meters which is 1 meter from the 5-meter road where you can also push endless amounts of snow in if you need it.
The problem is on the other side of our wall where the neighbor's wall is only 20 cm from the road, that is the real and real problem in Stormyrveien.
Telje also writes that our wall is no longer out in the road than what our slope was before we set up the wall. It is 20 cm longer than before, which again shows that our wall is only a win-win situation.

Furthermore, it is also strange that not only have we built our wall according to their directions, but they also have the neighbor's wall and garage just across the road with us. If we have built illegally, what about them right across the road? They have to back straight from their own garage right out into a one-way street. And they have built a wall 20 cm from the road.
They cannot hold on to such frivolity and create so much frustration, annoyance and certainly much more.

Our responsible applicants, Ferdigattest also write about this in our application to PBE, which was rejected for completely incomprehensible reasons!

This is what Ferdigattest AS writes in his application on behalf of us:
Concerning the wall, negative consequences for road traffic and maintenance are: This point also seems to be necessary to point out that it is somewhat striking that neighbor in Stormyrveien 4, 5 and 6 has signed these statements. It is important to emphasize in this context that the promoter of this project does not in any way want to indicate his neighbors as he sees that some have done in this case, because he has misunderstood the regulations and the listed wall. But when all three neighbors Stormyrveien 4, 5 and 6 themselves have walls that are all close to or within regulated road boundaries, it becomes difficult not to mention this. When there are also several other walls in the area with corresponding location, then it must be said to be an established practice in the area in question with mures until - and indeed also in - regulated road boundaries. In fm. Both Stormyrveien 4 and 6 also lie the walls all the way out to the paved road. In Stormyrveien 5 is a garage and a wall with approximately the same location in ft. the roadway as the measure now being sought. We can hardly see that the wall in Krokstien 2c significantly affects the road surface more than these measures. The fact that 2 neighbor (s) have a continuous exit of more than 20 m, and that none of the 3 neighbors have a random access on their own grounds, is considered to contribute significantly more negatively with respect to. traffic conditions than the right wall along the road for which this is sought. But as mentioned - it is not the responsibility of the shipper to hang up in the neighborhood. You only want to get your order in order. Mht. This point is also obvious that the wall that lies right out in the road surface to some extent affects road technical considerations. However, after an overall assessment, the wall is not considered to have a significant impact on road technical considerations. Mht. Road traffic is affected to a limited extent since visibility etc. on the right stretch is not changed to any great extent. In this connection, it appears to the previous statement. Mht. maintenance, it is pointed out that the asphalt edge remains with sufficient distance to the wall, and that there is a road fault in the area in question, so that one can store some snow here. Otherwise, there is a considerable area where the wall goes to terrain where snow has been stored in recent years. Initiatives have never experienced this as difficult. As far as we understand, the City Environment Agency has not registered a single complaint or incident in recent years, neither with respect to the case. that the areas in question are hazardous to traffic or maintenance problems. We note that the wall has been standing for a long time without the road authority in the municipality - who manages and maintains the road - has not registered any problems, neither with regard to. use or operation.
(Quote end.)

Final Comment:

I wrote the following in the headline: "Our fight against PBE here in Oslo has been the little man's struggle against the bureaucracy, but I think we will" win "and eventually win as David prevailed over Goliath!"

We read in the word of God that the mighty Goliath felt so powerful but had not expected him to have any weak and bad sides as well.
That's how it is with PBE here in Oslo.
They think if we don't have the brain to think about? It is perceived as strange that they to such a degree run so hard against us. Not least because we had a positive dialogue with them before we started our construction projects.
Then they turn around 180 degrees and welcome us. We did nothing but what we did on the advice and guidance of them. Furthermore, we look around here that the neighbors who have opposed ourselves have exceeded both one and the other.
They back out terribly into Stormyrveien, because they have arranged themselves so badly that they do not have a snap spot or something on their own property.
They have put illegal signs with private parking. This does not matter to PBE that it is not. The argument is inter alia that it was done before 2006.
But our responsible applicants and Ferdigattest also point out this point that no one has applied for a wall here at Hellerudtoppen in 100 years.

Then we shall be taken, and in time.

So it turns out that what is the problem here is, at least, us.
Even in retrospect and what has emerged. So, apparently, PBE did not think that the neighbor above us should have a wall 1 meter from the road that is natural to have. But they can still have their wall just 20 cm from the road.
Here with us this creates double with problems. Why do you ask? That's because the road is one-way. Where we can park our car, it is not up to our wall. Parking is prohibited there. But there next door has its wall only 20 cm from the road. The wall is as illegal as it is possible to have a wall. This does not concern PBE at all, it bears witness to awkwardness, and that they are professionally obscene.

That they leave that wall, but want us to tear our wall.
It again shows that they make a difference between people, and that they seem to be untidy, rotten, non-jealous, schizophrenic, unpredictable and academically obscene!

One thing is certainly, I / we have mated all things that PBE has come up with to us. Not a single one now stands back. Eg. Nils-Henrik Henningstad claimed that there were several here in Oslo city who had to demolish wall under the order of PBE.
I went in to look at those things. There, the Fire Department and other agencies had been in there and ordered and said it was dangerous with that wall. Blue. that there could be no emergency vehicles.
With us it is the opposite, there is a clear advantage for everyone. Even for emergency vehicles as we have built.
This compares Nils-Henrik Henningstad with our property. This is not only rude, but it is worse. It is both lies and to fabricate a "truth" that is directly manipulative. To keep PBE on and adjust to such people I see as an impossibility.
They do as the scripture says, call the light dark and dark light.

Isaiah 5. 20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who make darkness the light and light

torsdag 20. juni 2019

No. 1435: New application with new case officers!

No. 1435:
New application with new case officers!

We as the responsible applicant see us confronted with a large workload in this matter that we have neither caused nor believe we are responsible for.
PBE binds up our resources against conditions that should and should have been settled to our advantage long, long ago!

As well, as here as a wall obviously is incorrectly set up. The fact that they use zero resources and have all the world's resources on us shows just what "madness" and abuse of power, resources and other people's time and money that PBE is responsible for.
Actually, we should have been compensated for tort, stinging and abuse of power and authority!

Picture of wall in Stormyrveien 5 which has wall 20 cm from the road surface. This is so illegal it is possible at the same time they have also set up illegal signs and other things. This does not care about the PBE itself, but all of us who are and work perfectly put themselves in the air.
What is really illegal and hinders traffic, they totally ignore.
But what we have built that makes everything better for the better, it must be demolished.
There are not only two sets of laws they have, but unfortunately there is direct abuse of power and abuse of authority. But we have to hope and believe in a change that they realize their own crime and change.

Have now been given the opportunity to apply again, even if the application process is now set to 3 months. Here is the mail we received from PBE here in Oslo.

Here's our answer:

To PBE Oslo 19 / 6-19

You write:

Date: 17.06.2019 Their ref .: Our ref .: 201908605-5 Always stated upon request Case file: Tommy Monge Archive code: 531

Construction site: KROKSTIEN 2C Property: 143/104/0/0 Initiative: JAN KÅRE CHRISTENSEN Address: KROKSTIEN 2 C, 0672 OSLO Seeking: JAN KÅRE CHRISTENSEN Address: KROKSTIEN 2 C, 0672 OSLO Type of measure: Bod / garage Storage type: Entry type

We cannot process your application in three weeks - Krokstien 2 C The Planning and Building Administration refers to your application for formal approval of already implemented measures that include storage, staircase and support wall received on 31.05.2019.
The application is not in accordance with provisions given in or pursuant to the Planning and Building Act because it is dependent on an exemption from S-4220 sections 6.5 and 10, as well as section 29 of the Act. You have already applied for the exemptions. An application for permission for measures that are dependent on exemption in order to be approved cannot be processed within three weeks.
Unfortunately, the application you have submitted does not satisfy the requirements for three weeks' processing time, cf. Section 21-7 of the Planning and Building Act.
What happens to your case? Since we cannot process the application within three weeks, it will now receive up to 12 weeks of processing time.
The application will be transferred to the Department of Construction projects unit north / east (ABNO) where it will be distributed to a new case officer. When the case officer has gone through the application, it may turn out that we need further information. You will then receive a new letter about this.
(quote end.)

Answer. Our reply sent to PBE here in Oslo.

You write that the application needs dispensation, which is correct.
You write that it is my application, it is only in my name. It is from me and my wife Berit Nyland Christensen, so we are two about this.

But there are minimal issues that are involved, and today everything works perfectly from what is set up.

Then it should also be in PBE interest to get approval on these conditions as soon as possible, and add the "goodwill" so that what we have built in good faith and under the guidance of PBE, albeit orally.
Must be an approved and no longer illegal, but legal relationship.

We emphasize that what has been set up is not a hindrance to anyone.
Not a bus that runs past here, not a bus or anyone else.
There has not been a complaint of 5 years and when we applied for the first time there were no objections or remarks against any of what has been built.
There are only benefits and in favor of all that is built. Even the road has become 20 cm wider and before, it was south-pointed from our slope down into the road look and often. Now it's dry and nice, always.
The booth can hardly be seen before one enters our property.
Trapp goes one up and down from our property after change made after PBE demanded that it not go down the road in the meeting we had with PBE 11.4.19.

The wall is over a ½ meter lower than the neighbor's other side, and lies from the roadway approx. 1 meter like all other walls and others do along the Stormyrveien which is also set up after 2006 when the law on small houses came.
The wall follows the terrain so that it becomes as flat as possible for us and in this way we get the most out of the plot.
There will be a natural insight from the road, which it had not been with, for example. ½ m high wall, or as it was before when there was a steep slope as it ran mold and mourn, and out into the road.

Those set up before that are up to 20 cm from the road surface that PBE should rather get in order than many other things. This is the real problem in Stormyrveien if there are any problems. "Old sins" where one has built up to 20 cm from the road that creates unnecessary and daily problems. This should have been done something more than ravaging and overrun us as it has now been done for 5 years. The abuse of power and the abuse of authority against us has been mistakenly evident when one can leave such things "go home!"

This is the way we see the real problem in Stormyrveien. What we have built has only raised the standard and everything is beneficial, not the back of anyone. Not least of us, it is after all our property, and everything is built on our property, not someone else's.

As I said, all things should be appropriate to grant an exemption here and have this case approved.
It is searched here before, and missing than some things I expect there is documentation there ?!
If not, then of course we will do what we can to get what is desired and what you need.

Hear from you.

Berit Nyland Christensen and Jan Kåre Christensen
Crocodile 2 c
0672 Oslo

Final Comment:

Key factor in life for us - me and my wife Berit are prayer. Whatever one encounters in the life of challenges, and here a difference treatment that is unparalleled. Where neighbor and others are allowed to exploit their plot just as they want. They get an exemption to build walls both to the road, from the road. Larger and longer than ours, yes, I do not know what is not allowed to others.

Here, PBE operates in Oslo with two sets of laws. Where others are allowed to do everything, and our minimum exceedance has been treated in the strictest possible way even though we have exceeded all requirements for exemption that is possible. What?
Pray and pray again. It is an appetizer that we as believers have, and I am happy for all who pray for and with us in this matter.

Scripture clearly states that if we unite in prayer and pray for God's will. It is obvious that this is God's will that the PBE should not vandalize and destroy anything that works perfectly and in no way hinders anyone from being destroyed. We know what Jesus wants, and what the Evil One wants. God wants what is good, and the Evil One will murder, steal and destroy.

1 Joh.b. 5. 14 And this is the bold confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask for anything according to his will, he hears us; 15 And if we know that he hears us what we are praying for, then we know that we have the things we have asked of him.

tirsdag 18. juni 2019

No. 1534: After 5 years of struggle - so came the answer we expected and waited for, admission from the PBE and that they approve the wall, staircase and storage room as it stands today!

No. 1534:
After 5 years of struggle - so came the answer we expected and waited for, admission from the PBE and that they approve the wall, staircase and storage room as it stands today!

This is obviously a fax letter, but of course would have wanted it to be true!

Got this letter today from PBE where they approve of wall, staircase and storage room as it stands today. Read it yourself, it is signed by Per G. Borchgrevink.

He writes that all our applications are granted, Hallelujah, for a day of joy!

All rejections are due to case processing errors, it is of course correct and correct!

The documents have been reviewed by the audit committee.

They apologize for the first time for all the discomfort and noise.

It has inflicted on me and my family, who are not clean little!

Final Comment:

Still pray for the matter, we deserve at least 1 Million in redress for me and my family for these gross and ugly service errors, bullying, manipulation, discrimination and abuse of public power against me and my family, in the name of Jesus!

søndag 9. juni 2019

No. 1533: We have been treated really manipulative, harassed and overlooked by actually "the whole" of the public Norway in these cases we have been through, but to threaten and seek out these people privately is totally reprehensible and shameful!

No. 1533:
We have been treated really manipulative, harassed and overlooked by actually "the whole" of the public Norway in these cases we have been through, but to threaten and seek out these people privately is totally reprehensible and shameful!

I have clear opinions and views on what I write and speak. But to seek out individuals privately and even worse. It is to threaten and use physical violence. But I think it may be right and ask for a meeting and chat together to, if possible, solve a situation, but never threaten or use physical power!
A waffle and a cup of coffee, and chat is a good starting point for clarity on what is what.

Genesis 50. 15 When Joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead, they said, "Now Joseph will not hate us, and will repay us all the evil we have done to him." 16 And they sent messengers unto Joseph, saying, Before thy death, thy father hath given us this commandment: 17 And ye shall say unto Joseph, Forgive, dear, the iniquity of thy brethren, and their sin, that they have done wickedly against thee. Then forgive us, who also serve your father's God, our iniquity! And Joseph wept as they spoke to him. 18 And his brethren also came and fell down before him, saying, Behold, we will be thy servants. 19 And Joseph said unto them, Be not afraid; is I well in God's place? 20 You thought evil against me; But God thought it good to do what he has done now, and keep alot of people alive. 21 So be not afraid, I will provide for you and your children. And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them. 22 And Joseph dwelt in Egypt, both he and his father's house; and Joseph was a hundred and ten years old. 23 And Joseph saw the children of Ephraim in the third paragraph; Also the children of Makir the son of Manasseh were born on Joseph's knees. / 24 And Joseph said unto his brethren, I die; but God shall surely see you, and bring you up out of this land unto the land which he sware unto Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. 25 And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God shall surely see you, and ye shall bring up my bones from hence. 26 And Joseph died, a hundred and ten years old; and they embalmed him, and put him in a coffin in Egypt.

It is always bad and unpleasant to suffer injustice, get frozen and badly treated.

We read about Joseph, one of the 12 sons of Patriarch Jacob, the man whom Jacob's father favored on a special and really too clearly favored, and set Joseph above his other brothers.
This made Joseph only more bitter and envious.

Genesis 37. 3 Israel loved Joseph more than all the other sons, for he had received him in his old age. He made him an elaborate robe. 4 But when the brethren saw that his father loved him more than all the others, they laid him up for hatred, and could not say a kind word to him.

In order not to extract this story, we know what happened. Includes this in short form.

Genesis 39. Joseph was brought down to Egypt. Potiphar, an Egyptian who was the court officer of Pharaoh and chief of the bodyguard, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him there.

After Joseph's brothers sold him to some Midianite slave traders for twenty shekel silver. Which again led him to Egypt where he became a simple slave.

So what happened in Egypt? He was sold again to Potiphar, where his wife lied to him and all the false charges that were directed against Joseph actually led and he was thrown into jail. We read about him in prison.

Genesis 40. Some time later, the King's wife and the baker of Egypt insulted their lord, the Egyptian king. 2 Pharaoh was angry with his two courtiers, the great-grandmother and the master. 3 He put them in prison with the leader of the bodyguard, in the prison where Joseph was captive. 4 The leader of the guard put Joseph in charge of them and serve them. They were sitting a while in custody.
     5 While the Egyptian king's baker and baker sat chained in the prison, the two of them had their own dream with a different meaning on one and the same night. 6 When Joseph came in to them in the morning, he saw that they were depressed. 7 He asked Pharaoh's courtiers who were in custody with him in his master's house, "Why are you so sad today?" 8 They replied, "We have both had a dream, but there is no one here to interpret them. "Then Joseph said to them," Does not the interpretation of God belong to it? Tell! "
     9 Then the great-grandmother told his dream to Joseph. He said, "Look, in my dream stood a vine in front of me. 10 There were three branches on it. As soon as it began to shoot buds, the flowers sprang out and the clusters became mature grapes. 11 I had pharaoh's cup in my hand. I took the grapes, pushed them out into the cup and handed it to Pharaoh. "12 Then Joseph said," This is the interpretation: The three branches are three days. 13 In three days Pharaoh will exalt you and give you your position back. You must row his pharaoh cup in the same way as before, when you were his mouthpiece. 14 Only you would remember me when you do well! Show me goodness, mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this house. 15 For I am stolen from the land of the Hebrews, and here I have done nothing which deserves me the dungeon. "
    16 Then bakers n saw that Joseph had given a good explanation, he said to him: "I was also in my dream. And behold, I had three baskets of wheat bread on my head. 17 In the upper basket there were all kinds of pastries to Pharaoh, but the birds ate the pastry from the basket on my head. "18 Joseph answered," This is the interpretation: The three baskets are three days. 19 In three days Pharaoh shall exalt thee, and hang thee in a tree, and the fowls shall eat of thee.
    20 The third day - that was Pharaoh's birthday - Pharaoh held a feast for all his servants. Then he raised the upper man and the master in the middle between the servants. 21 He gave back the position of the great-grandmother, so that he received a lot of Pharaoh's cup, 22 but the master of the baker he hung. It went as Joseph had pointed out to them the dreams. 23 But the great-grandmother did not remember Joseph; he forgot him.

Although Joseph had made clear his ability to declare his dreams, he was forgotten even though he was promised to be helped. But at the next crossroads Joseph was pulled back, we read.

Genesis 41. 8 But in the morning he was troubled. He sent for all the prophets and sages of Egypt. Pharaoh told them his dreams, but there was no one who could declare them to him. 9 Then the great-grandmother said to Pharaoh, "Today I came to think of my sins. 10 Once, Pharaoh was angry with his servants and put me in custody with the commander of the bodyguard with the master. 11 In one night, each of us had our dream, I and he, each with their own meaning. 12 There was a young Hebrew with us there, a slave with the chief of the bodyguard. We told him our dreams, and he gave his dreams a different meaning. 13 And as he told them to us, so it went. Pharaoh gave me the position back, but the master hung him. "
    14 Then Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and they hurried to get him out of the dungeon. He shaved and changed clothes and then went in to Pharaoh. 15 Pharaoh said to Joseph, "I have had a dream, and there is no one here to interpret it. But I have heard of you that when you hear a dream, you can declare it. ”16 Joseph answered Pharaoh,“ It is not up to me, but God can give an answer that is good for Pharaoh. ”17 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph: "Look, in the dream I was standing by the river bank. 18 From the river came seven cows, fat and fine, and they began to graze in the reeds. 19 After them came seven other cows, thin, lean and ugly. I have never seen such ugly cows in all of Egypt. 20 And the lean, ugly cows ate up the first seven, the fat cows. 21 But when they had put them to death, they could not be noticed; they were as ugly as before. Then I woke up.

25 Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, "Pharaoh has had one dream. God has let Pharaoh know what he wants to do. 26 The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good axes are seven years. It's one and the same dream. 27 The seven lean and ugly cows that come after them are seven years. And the seven grain axes, thin and scorched by the east wind, are seven years of famine. 28 That's what I meant when I said to Pharaoh: God has shown Pharaoh what he wants to do. 29 Behold, there shall be seven years of abundance in all Egypt. 30 After them seven years of famine will come, so that all the abundance will be forgotten in Egypt. Hunger will devour the country. 31 No one shall remember the abundance of the land, for the hunger that follows shall be hard. 32 When Pharaoh had the same dream twice, it is because this is set by God. He will hurry to do so. 33 Now Pharaoh must look out a wise and prudent man and set him over Egypt. 34 Pharaoh must intervene. He must point out overseers over the land and charge a fifth of the crop from Egypt for the seven years of abundance. 35 They will gather all the food from the good years to come, and store the carved grain under Pharaoh's protection in the cities and take care of it. 36 The food shall be the store of the land for the seven years of famine that is coming upon Egypt. Then the land shall not perish by famine. "

What happened next? Yes, Joseph's brothers came to Egypt and there they bowed to him as it had been said and prophesied of what would happen.

After Jacob died, the father of all the brothers became anxious and afraid. What did Joseph do then? He forgave them and here we read what he said:
"You thought evil against me; but God thought it good to do what he has done now. "

That's exactly what my family and I have been exposed to and how to deal with it?
It is forgiving and this will serve both me and everyone else for the good.

Final Comment:

Genesis 50. 15 When Joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead, they said, "Now Joseph will not hate us, and will repay us all the evil we have done to him." 16 And they sent messengers unto Joseph, saying, Before thy death, thy father hath given us this commandment: 17 And ye shall say unto Joseph, Forgive, dear, the iniquity of thy brethren, and their sin, that they have done wickedly against thee. Then forgive us, who also serve your father's God, our iniquity! And Joseph wept as they spoke to him. 18 And his brethren also came and fell down before him, saying, Behold, we will be thy servants. 19 And Joseph said unto them, Be not afraid; is I well in God's place?
20 You thought evil against me; But God thought it good to do what he has done now, and keep alot of people alive. 21 So be not afraid, I will provide for you and your children. And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.

What happens to our lives as believers - positive or negative!
Everything is part of God's plan and will, when God also uses "negative" circumstances to try, test, and shape us believers. But above all, through this which is many times negative, God shows silence the way and will and who he is. At the same time, through such things, the true nature of Satan has come to the surface. Just imagine here what we have experienced. There are so many events I can mention that show that we are faced with a dark staged by Satan's clear conviction.

1.) When a neighbor right above us builds at the same time with us and then allowed to exploit its plot infinitely many times more than us (57). Then we know who is behind such a huge and enormous injustice.
2.) We were told that it was not unique to us regarding demolition. Then we got examples presented. I investigated these examples and quickly found that comparing this with us was nothing but lies and manipulation. Here were our fire and other agencies inside and warned against this wall. Our wall has meant that the road has become larger and it is dry now that it does not become sad and disgusting as before. PBE appears to be directly manipulative. We know who is doing this.

As a headline, I had the following:

"We've been treated really manipulative, harassed and overlooked by actually" the whole of the public Norway in these cases we've been through, but threatening and seeking out these people privately is totally reprehensible and shameful! "

Although we have been treated so poorly as it is almost possible and remain. Then it is totally wrong and totally against the word of God and Jesus' teachings to avenge and seek such people to threaten them.
Yes, it may be good to visit some people sometimes to be able to chat if necessary in a cafe or office. Or where it is perceived as best to do so. But seeking out people to threaten and otherwise hurt people also with physical violence is totally unacceptable. Scripture says the following:

Room. 12. 19 Do not take revenge, my loved ones, but leave the wrath to God. For it is written, The vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.

We see this with Joseph, he left everything in God's hands. And when the time came, he didn't just get redress. But everyone around him also got it when both his family and indeed the entire "world-center" of the time were salvaged for disaster and famine. Yes, everything is in God's hands. There we can rest assured that God looks at our cause and above all. He looks to us!

fredag 7. juni 2019

No. 1532: New Video - Is there a bunch of hottents who control it publicly in Norway !?

No. 1532:
New Video - Is there a bunch of hottents who control it publicly in Norway !?

torsdag 6. juni 2019

No. 1531: Rejection from county county again and our answer!

No. 1531:
Rejection from county county again and our answer!

Here's the rejection.


Here's our answer:

Answer regarding rejection to the County Assembly in Oslo and Viken.

Ref. No. 2019/1716 Oslo 6/6-2019


As expected, this inquiry was not taken seriously.

We have received oral guidance and approval to build the wall. Without it, it had never been built.

There is only a few sqm2 sports booth built on our own property, which means that our sports booth will be demolished. It is completely meaningless.
The booth is only for the benefit of everyone.
When neighbor is allowed to build at the same time, and after us both the utility shed, carport and other things.
Utilizes the plot 57 times more than us. Then it is completely incomprehensible that they are allowed to have their standing and we had to demolish when all that we have built is actually not a single negative thing with.

Don't understand what you're doing. See that Marius Vamnes was in the process of approving all of Kjell Inge Røkke who was just a thousand times more "illegal" and "dispensations" than us.

Just all the stone he got was several times our plot.
There is still a big difference between people in Norway.

That we had to and should tear this that is so perfect and not get dispensation and when we have received oral approval and it turns out in hindsight that everything that is built is not for the sake of anyone. Only in favor and there is talk of minimal conditions for which dispensation is needed.
Then there are obviously gross and meaningless service errors by all state agencies.

Will never tear anything down or bow down to such rigid and lying conditions staged by PBE, and followed up by all the other state agencies that have had to do with the matter.
It is the County Governor, the Civil Prosecutor or the court.

Looks at the neighbor who has the same type of house as us and who has also now been allowed to build. It looks so artificial and ugly with lowering the terrain and houses appearing as an even more colossal colossus than necessary since everything called nature, diversity and mold is gone.
PBE is anti-environmentally friendly, now there is a wall but a slope down the road with grief for the neighbor to have what PBE has decided it should be.
But with us it is neat and dry, but we must tear.

Of all the arguments used against us, it is actually not one that has stuck. Do not believe in a thing of what the government agencies are doing when everything is in our eyes rail arguments and fabricated lies and half-truths that are used to us for all that is worth.
What we have come up with is everything. Therefore, PBE has a tactic, no response just overrun us. This is so much abused by the power that words do not extend to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
The fact that you find no errors and see that PBE decisions are invalid is just sad!

Berit Nyland and Jan Kåre Christensen
Crocodile 2 c
0672 Oslo

mandag 3. juni 2019

No. 1530: Is it right of us believers to "catch up", or should we always be a "doormat" for the children of the world who belong and do not serve the living God as we do?

No. 1530:
Is it right of us believers to "catch up", or should we always be a "doormat" for the children of the world who belong and do not serve the living God as we do?

Prime Minister Erna Solberg points out that we in Norway live in a trust community.
Yes, I trusted the public agency and trusted what they told me.
Now they use this against me / us for everything it is worth and want what we agreed to build to be demolished.
It's so bad, only criminals and mafia are doing the way PBE here in Oslo is doing. Our trust in public Norway is greatly weakened and as long as such people must never be responsible for their misdeeds, it is free!

What we have experienced by the City of Oslo over the past five years is nothing but government bullying, abuse of authority, discrimination and harassment.
What does the scripture say? What does the word of God say? How to deal with this, since the script says, among other things. this:

Room. 13. Every soul is obedient to the guardian authorities! for there is no authority except of God, but those who are, they are ordained of God, 2 so that whoever opposes the government opposes God's order; But those who oppose will get their judgment.

Whoever opposes the authority opposes God's order says the scripture. But the writing does not stop here, we read on.

Room. 13. 3 For the rulers are not afraid of the good work, but of the evil one. But will you not have to fear the government? Do what is good, and praise it; 4 For it is the servant of God, good for you. But do what evil is, then fear! for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is the servant of God, a vengeance of punishment upon him that doeth evil.

Scripture says: "But do what evil is, then fear!"

But here's the opposite, it's the authorities that do evil, and we the good.
What we have experienced by the City of Oslo over the past five years is nothing but government bullying, abuse of authority, discrimination and harassment.

Should we be obedient to the authorities that run the opposite than they are set for?

As I see this situation, it is just as much a spiritual conflict as it is against the authorities. Let me try to explain.

Here are the authorities that act and have "mafia methods" against us. They put out a "bait" by allowing us to build our wall on top of the old wall.
We do as they say, and then this is suddenly illegal, these are known "mafia methods". Let me give one of many examples.

Susanne Klatten maybe Germany's richest lady and who was co-owner of BMW.

What did she do? Well, she was tricked around. And later pushed for staggering sums. Blue. she apparently paid to the group and the man who seduced her.

Here from the newspaper VG about the said case, the discussion is from 2008.

At first, the married wooden grandmother was seduced, then filmed - and then pushed for millions. Gigolo Helg Sgarbi (41) and sect guru Ernano Barretta (63) had full control until the BMW heiress Susanne Klatten (46) went to police report of the piquant case.
The wealthy woman, who earns almost nine million a day, sought warmth and tenderness when she met Sgarbi in the hotel bar at Holiday Inn in Munich in late summer last year.
The trip went up on the sixth floor, where the two-span ended in the bed of the Swiss. What Klatten did not know, however, was that Barretta was sitting at the next room, number 629, and filmed the love oven.

The couple met several times for hot nights together, without Klatten understanding that she was dealing with criminals. They had regular rallies in luxury hotels in Monte Carlo, in her hometown of Munich and in other European cities.
Even when Sgarbi asked for a million loan to get out of financial trouble, she understood the madness.
It was only when the Swiss asked for an even higher amount, which Klatten would not give him, that things began to change. To push her for the huge sum, the man picked up the erotic images of the Holiday Inn and showed them to her.
The billionaire gave in and climbed into a parking garage in Munich, where she handed him $ 65 million in 200-euro banknotes. Gigoloen first stated that there were strife with the mafia that made him need so much money.
He probably didn't give up on this, because later in the fall he began to threaten to publish also the films from the couple's shared nights. Now he wanted $ 45 million and sent Klatten a DVD to force her to pay. If she didn't, pictures and movies would be given to the press.
(quote end.)

What does PBE here in Oslo accept? We call down, agree to build a wall on ala 1.5 - 2 meters with 1 meter fence.

We build and our wall is no higher than the neighbor's other side.
It is being built as agreed.
Then we get the counter note well in 2015 after PBE has been on a hidden inspection after neighbor Roar Telje has gossiped and written hateful mail to PBE.
What happens next?
As law-abiding citizens, we want to bring this to an end.
We are stupid enough and think that this should be arranged and we order and pay well Ferdigattest AS approx. 50.000, - kr to apply and that this should come in legal "forms".
What does PBE do? They sit on their hind legs and will not even comment that we had an appointment. They do not want to come to the inspection even if we ask them to come. They have been on hidden inspections and we get a lot of case officers who just say no, no and no again. After first saying yes, yes and again yes.

In many ways we are fooled by PBE as Germany's richest woman Susanne Klatten gets it from her "gigolo" Weekend Sgarbi. Later, she was also tried extortionate as we also concede that they demanded that we demolish a wall which they have given us permission to set up. Talk about being crooks and acting like "mafia!"

What really happened between me and PBE? Read about this:

This is typically Satan's method, to find something to accuse us believers for. This also experienced Jesus several times.
Here from my Bible commentaries Markus 3.1. He went back into the synagogue. There was a man with a hand who was withered.

Jesus worked under Jewish conditions as a Jewish Rabbi. He also went to the synagogue of custom. Here he meets a man who has a wise hand.

2 And they watched Jesus to see if he would heal the man on the sabbath, that they might accuse him.

We meet the bad shepherds in Ezekiel 34, so were those who had control of the synagogue. They would not accuse Jesus of healing, but of breaking the Sabbath. They had rules and ordinances in the center, not God and people!

3 But he said to the man with the withered hand, "Get up and come!"

It must be a very great inner self-control to act the way Jesus did. Having someone around you who just wants to hurt and find fault with one but at the same time be able to serve the sick and needy around them. The focus is easy to become the difficult person instead of the needs.

4 Then he asked them, "What is permitted on the Sabbath? Doing good or doing evil, saving life or taking life? ”But they were talking.

Jesus was never guilty of any answer. It says that the law is good, holy and just.

God has never given men bad and evil ordinances, but good ones.

Here Jesus asked straight out and straightforward, what is from God and not!

5 Then he looked at those who stood around, angry and saddened that they had such hard hearts, and said to the man, "Get out your hand!" The man did, and his hand was restored.

Jesus received no answer and he continued what he came for. Jesus' mission is clear. 1. John 3.8b. And it was to end the devil's deeds that the Son of God revealed.

Sin, sickness, and curse are from Satan. But salvation, life, and blessing are from God. It was this that Jesus brought with them into the world.

6 But the Pharisees went out, and together with the Herodians, they immediately began to make plans against Jesus to kill him.

Even here we see it hate and how strongly the dislike Jesus. How strange they are to the God of Israel, they do not know Him. It is deliberately they are planning on Jesus to get him killed. He who is just lovely and good.
(Quote end.)

We read here that those who wanted to take Jesus had not gone into anger. It says about them the following:
"They watched Jesus to see if he would heal the man on the Sabbath so that they could accuse him." of him. "

Here we see the same thing as the "mafia" does, as PBE does here in Oslo, they try to find something wrong. Use it against the person for all it's worth. This is so dirty it can remain.

Final Comment:

Can't see that we as Jesus believers are obliged to obey the statutes even by the authorities who are pissed off. On the contrary, as believers, we should and should be the first to oppose all injustice. Scripture says that the authority should be servants of the good, here they are obviously the opposite of this!
Then the scripture says that we should obey God and our conscience, rather than bow to the government. Now there are several ways to bow to the government, and more ways to oppose them. Then we also need wisdom, to meet wicked and evil people with power. Then also need wisdom, for here are people who abuse their power against us. We have tried them for the court, but here everyone protects and lies and other crap they are doing.
Therefore, my clear call is dear believing Jesus friends and servants, pray for and with us. Support us in every way, we think the scripture says. That justice will prevail, finally, Amen Hallelujah!

Includes a small comment on Salem 21 by Nils Dybdal-Holthe.

Psalm 21

This hymn is written by David and is about the king, and ultimately it is Jesus the Messiah.

Here Israel thank God for the king, vv. 2-8. He is richly blessed and always puts his trust in his God. It is the right mind we should all have. And for the one who has looked into the gospel and tasted some of its benefits, the thanks are born in the heart.

David knows that the King will overcome the enemy by God's help, v. 9-13. The world's evil plans must not succeed.The kingdom of God will ultimately prevail, though many times it has looked difficult. And it can blame the faith when we see how the world powers win victory in the land by country and the kingdom of God can call so lose ground. But our certainty is that in the end Jesus will prevail. He is the King of kings forever.

God's people have always faced opposition, sometimes there were great persecutions. Jesus also experienced it. And there will always be evil people who find out new and cruel methods of harassing people. But the Lord is a protection for anyone who takes refuge in Him. "Whoever works for a good cause and fights with blank weapons will win" (Fr. Wisløff).

Then comes a prayer and praise. It fits in with God's people at all times. And there is a powerful force in the worship. It lifts the soul from the earthly into the eternal.

Here also the people of Israel ask God to intervene and use his great power. It is the need for the unsaved and the Gentiles as we see here. God's people have some of it, when it's right with us. The world and dullness must not take away from us what God has given.

Psalm 21. To the Magistrate; a hymn of David. 2 Lord! The king rejoices in your power, and in how high he rejoices in your salvation! 3 Whatever his heart desires, you have given him, and whatever his lips have asked you have not denied him. Sela. 4 Because you came to meet him with blessing and happiness, you put a crown of gold on his head. 5 He asked you for life; You gave it to him, a long life forever and ever. 6 Great is his glory in thy salvation; highness and glory lay upon him. 7 For you have blessed him forever; 8 For the king trusteth in the LORD, and he shall not be shaken by the mercy of the Most High. 9 Thy hand shall find all thine enemies; thy right hand shall find thine enemies. 10 Thou shalt make them an oven, when thou shalt see thy face; The Lord shall swallow them up in his wrath, and fire shall devour them. 11 You shall destroy their fruit from the earth, and their offspring among the children of men. 12 For they have dealt wickedly against you; they have devised evil counsel; they must not do anything. 13 For you shall cause them to turn their backs; with your bow strings you aim at their faces. 14 Rise, O Lord, in your power. We will sing and praise your great work.