No. 675:
Pastor David Yonggi Cho who has the world's largest Pentecost karismatiske church revealed that cheat and crook. Will those whom he has seduced take lessons ? Hardly!
Pastor David Yonggi Cho and his son Cho Hee - Jun who is divorced and married for the fourth time has been exposed as cheaters , crooks and thieves. Trying to catch up if we have something to learn and those who he wondered through all the years take lessons ? Photo of Pastor David Yonggi Cho smiling from ear to ear and deceive , lie and steal from Christians all they have at every level of life when he is a false prophet.
What happened with Cho ?
There he is convicted and revealed with is that he along with his son, the elder who has been married four times has " cheated " others to buy shares that were worth ¼ part of what they paid , approx. 80 Million . And he must pay back in with his son the money. For Cho ` s part is talking about the rain on the Norwegian money around . 30 Million . He will not have to zone owing his advanced age and that he has been impunity before and have done so much good for the Korean society.
Dr. David Yonggi Cho is really the most dangerous type of fraud when he actually also has " much" good to come by and more wholesome theology than many others. It looks more like the "truth" than many others. But he is and remains a liar , cheat , crook, thief and a false prophet.
Has he repented ? Now that he 's been revealed what he says ? From my forje post about him : Now Cho "reverse " up and says the following: No believer should own something that is his own . (state final ) .
Here is the classic fallacy . From trying to own the most to not own anything . But unfortunately , all the Pentecostal Charismatic " famille " will forgive him and take him back , then they are seduced by and large it all. Do not see any light in the tunnel when it comes Pentecostal Charismatic Christians, here it is all black ! ( end of quote ) .
There is something fundamental wrong, seductive and demonic among Pinsekarismatikernerne . There is a building on the experience and not the word of God , it is only the word of God which is our guideline . Here I think there never will be an improvement, had it done so had all been turned on its head in the PinseKaresmatiske Christianity really has been a bunch of false prophets who preach the itching ears and even live as suits themselves !
The prophet Isaiah said: Isaiah 8.a 20 To the law and to the testimony !
How to meet today's Pentecostal and Charismatics ? It is to warn and then turn away from them . They lead and being deceived ! There is no improvement in sight, just a clear deterioration and the more demonic it will be!
What preached and prophesied Cho ? The man who founded and was senior pastor of the world's largest Pentecostal church ? He was a false prophet and deceiver , which I warned against in all those years , and now it has shown once again that I was right !
It's too much to mention everything. But here's something false prophecies, visualization is demonic , dreams that are spiritualist and a life where one can live like a self desires and will with regard to , inter alia, sexuall place where his son was a "good" example with four marriages behind him and he was to pray in congregation with Cho himself. Which deceit and villainy .
Final Comment:
There is no excuse for this. He has always been a heretic , now also exposed as someone who does not live according to God's word. And his son who has been with this, a sexgal freak and rogue . How easily fooled and deceived will present Pentecostal and Charismatics are before they start waking up from their spiritual anesthetic sleep ? I do not know, but after all it is good that this comes to the surface and hopefully , sooner or later , those who belong to the Lord wake up and start going back to the word of God .
Here some excerpts from Searchlight who writes about this :
The founder of what is known as the world's largest church , Pastor David Yonggi Cho, has been sentenced to three years' imprisonment for embezzling funds from the church. " Yoido Full Gospel Church " , in Seoul , South Korea, is one of the world 's largest churches , perhaps the biggest. Yonggi Cho is convicted of having caused the church about 73 million in losses in 2002 by receiving ward managers to buy shares with his son Hee -Jun Cho, to four times their real value, the paper reported Yonhap . Yonggi Cho representing the South Korean edition of " Word Of Faith " has written a number of books containing classic forward gangs and religious preaching.
The now- convicted pastor put gloss on Word of Life's 30 - year anniversary of the European Conference in Uppsala in 2013 . The 77 year old pastor who has emphasized healing and signs and wonders a la it brought to the table by traditional religious preachers. " He broke the curse , so in this life - ordlivet can be free , to have health, have financial abundance . You are no longer a sinner ! Through the Holy Spirit , you are sanctified and healed. It's your new I , " he preached in his quiet way but in good trosforkynnelsesånd and then shared several strong testimony of the strong healings , wrote Norway in Day last year's European conference. However, it was open it now convicted pastor not even totally lived what he preached . " 77- year-old has even struggled with health the past five years , after he resigned as the head pastor of his church in Seoul, South Korea. He said he is seriously ill and that the forecasts are basically bad . - But I said to the devil : I am healthy and I have health and strength in Christ. And here I am , standing on my two feet, said the living legend to a cheering crowd consisting of 70 different nationalities. " Now, six months later it must soon 78 year old pastor plan on a possible prison if he violates the wild conditions of its conditional judgment which read in three years suspended sentence with probation for five years.
The news that Pastor David Yonggi Cho and his son Cho Hee -Jun was sentenced to three years probation today has shaken the charismatic world. The verdict has made headlines in Christian newspapers at home and abroad and the first to refer to yongi - cho -to - jaildommen was Christian Post that he was followed by Charisma magazine as today trying to excuse the aging pastor that one can not expect that he was twelve years ago " did not take the time to read and check the papers he signed " which resulted in the church and thus his faithful brothers were defrauded of more than 70 million dollars. The aging pastor last summer visited the Word of Life Europe Conference in Uppsala was also convicted of tax evasion. The penalty world-renowned trosforkynneren did remain in South Korea considered mild when the sentence was suspended with five years probation . This means that the man newspaper in Norway Day last year gave honorable term " man of God " in its coverage of the Word of Life will not have to serve if he does not commit new offenses . Pastor Cho must also pay a fine of 5 million U.S. dollars.
The news that Pastor Yonggi Cho who is well known both as a speaker, writer and dychogrunnlegger one of the largest churches if one only focuses on quantity and high numbers hit yesterday and today like a bomb in charismatic circles . David Yonggi Cho who is also known as Paul Yonggi Cho was known in Norway through the release of the bestselling " The Fourth Dimension" which in Norway was published by Logos publishers . Yonggi Cho 's book quickly became popular in parts of the charismatic movement but also controversial and criticized because it contained a mix of Christianity and what he claimed was " spiritual laws and principles " which in many ways was inspired by oriental neo- religious thinking. The main idea of Pastor Cho 's best-selling book was the need to " visualize forward the things you want God to give us" - and has enough faith , God must ( on the basis of the moral principles and laws which exist ) fulfill your wishes as another errand boy or servant . His book met with many objections from believers who denounced the glory theology Pastor Cho and numerous other religious preachers preached.
Once the scammers receive honorary designation " god men "
In the summer of 2013 organized the Word of Life in Uppsala its annual " European Conference" . One of last year's speakers who had already been under investigation since 2011, Pastor Cho was hailed as a star when he arrived at Word of Life's platform to deliver a rather absurd sermon. From the newspaper in Norway Day ( link) cites the following praise of the 77 year old scammer : "Wednesday evening he preached at Word of Life and helped to put the gloss on the Word of Life's 30 - year anniversary of the European Conference in Uppsala. - Around 7,000 people had joined up , and it was easier chaotic at Word of Life's major conference before the meeting. The atmosphere was electric as the 77 year old man of God ( fraudster and man of God maybe? ) Proved , a little out of the meeting, together with the Word of Life's undisputed figurehead Ulf Ekman .
Classic religious preaching with convicted " spiritual leader "
Norway Day in praise of the convicted pastor becomes almost naive when we read dimensjonfortsettelsen : " But if anyone was expecting a show and" something new ", they were possibly disappointed. A very simple and humble aging preacher ( who through his " side business " shares sold for four times the real value and thus contributed to that he and his son defrauded the church for more than 70 million) - came forward with a very simple religious message, without making use of effects other than its own quiet voice. And the message was the good old gospel preaching and strong faith in the Word of Life's spirit. Cho preached the cross and resurrection that gives every Christian an opportunity for a new and different life. The problem is that many people do not know their identity in Christ because they have not renewed their thought life through God's Word, the Spirit said chief ( who now also honored with the title " convicted " .
Living as learning
The 77 year old pastor who had struggled with ill health for five years had a lot of cool to say about God's promises to the faithful : " - Jesus Christ washed us when he shared his blood and gave his body . He cried, It is finished , and neutralized syndensog ekman - ulfdjevelens power. He broke the curse , so in this life can be free , to have health, have financial abundance . ( in what way he got the economic abundance of the aging pastor said nothing about) - You are no longer a sinner ! Through the Holy Spirit , you are sanctified and healed. It's your new I , he preached his quiet way but in good trosforkynnelsesånd and then shared several strong testimony of strong healings. Despite his fine promises " riches and " it was obvious that the pastor himself not quite got things to work , " 77- year-old has even struggled with health the past five years , after he resigned as the head pastor of his church in Seoul in South Korea.
He said he is seriously ill and that the forecasts are basically bad . - But I said to the devil : I am healthy and I have health and strength in Christ. And here I am , standing on my two feet, said the living legend to a cheering crowd consisting of 70 different nationalities , " wrote Norway in the day ahead . The aged and now convicted pastor is not the only faith or prosperity preacher who despite their promises of healing not quite lived and died as they learned. -At Word of Life Assembly may rejoice statement : " And here I am , standing on my two feet" tells at least me how little it has to be of the power of thought among the 7,000 attending , - unless Pastor Cho was lame then!
Angel with needle guaranteed that Pastor Cho would be 100
According to the then 77 year old preacher he had even met an angel in a dream , and purely biblical theological can of course happen . However, there is something new that angels driver acupuncture , " Cho also had the dream pain in his body , but he saw himself stand and preach , and then came an angel and" performed acupuncture "on him. He felt immediately better from the pain , and the angel, Cho began a conversation. How long will you live, asked the angel in the dream. As my parents until I'm 94, said Cho . Add another year, then another ... And so it continued until Cho came to 100 Then the angel said stop. Since you aim to be 100 , you will get that wish come true , was life - ordengelens message to the man of God , who is looking forward to another 20 years of service.
- I do not mind to invite Yonggi Cho here for 20 years , said a laughing Ekman in after the meeting, though somewhat confused dream. " That Ulf Ekman was confused , we can well understand when it is rarely cost to hear about angels (though in dream ) that operates acupuncture, - but to negotiate lifespan where an angel decides that it will be one hundred years , is hardly a big surprise for Ulf Ekman which are used in prosperity preachers even though it usually does not vote themselves, states that one has enough faith , -so shall you die old and full of years without being sick.
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