No. 676:
Pastor David Yonggi Cho has been exposed as a crook , thief and manipulator . When the supreme leader 's that have to be like sheep shepherd and leader in a greater or less degree!?
The first invited Cho Norway is the now deceased false prophet Aril Edvardsen . It is so sad after this revelation is that those who have allowed themselves willingly deceive and mislead is not helped by this disclosure. It's just an excuse and everything else that there is nothing wrong either with them or Cho . The old man will always let themselves be deceived and be misled. When Aril Edvardsen died , he was Executive Board Member of Church Growth International and chairman Dr. David Yonggi Cho . These two false prophets were good friends and had the same spirit of apostasy and preaching. When he was in Farsund his name was Paul Yonggi Cho, but changed his name to David Yonggi Cho . The man is crazy sure , too, that's why he served these lies both before and after he was exposed , imagine believing that he was tricked by his son who was a crook. He " proud " he . Any sensible person would never rely on the family black sheep as they call him now , right? It serves the lies on a conveyor belt , there are so many gullible and deceived Christians of this "can" they . The Apostle Peter says they are trained for this.
Photo of the false prophet Aril Edvardsen who invited Cho first to Norway , which has been as a catalyst for all this false and seductive we see among today's Pentecostal Charismatic Christians.
It is inconceivable now that various Pentecostal Charismatics taken Cho in defense .
It is said that Cho was cheated etc. But this is really the second rear light . He was not at all wise , he is a cheat , crook and thief. His son was the same cloth . Signs for the fourth time and many extra- marital affairs and other Crimea. One does not get fooled by such a person even if it is your own son , how stupid and naive can one be? Obviously this is a smokescreen for their own deception and lies.
Anyone who defends Cho did not realize that they are defending a crook and a false prophet.
Cho has taught and preached unbiblical in all the years he has held on . But his glory theology or progress theology , false revelation , false prophecies, visualization , dreams and I do not know what. And this he has hidden behind his request and have a great church , but all this is and remains a mega deception and a mega seduction.
Aril Edvardsen who invited Cho first to Norway was also a mega liar and crook.
I've been on four summer events in Farsund . From 1982 to 1985. through the four years I heard utålige prophecies. Among other another day of Nordic countries in that almost all of Scandinavia might be saved etc. The fact is that of all the prophecies I heard both there and by and large it all through thirty years among Pentecostals and charismatics so hardly a single prophecy held true !
What is this? We read about this " revival " in Paul 's letters :
2 Thess. 2 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now holds again, cleared the way ; 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed , whom the Lord shall consume with the breath of his mouth and bring to naught by the manifestation of his coming. 9 And his coming is after the working of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders , 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they received not the love of the truth , that they might be saved. 11 And therefore God shall send them strong delusion , that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness .
Final Comment:
This is the third article I write about Cho . And I could have written much, much more. But will stop here . Just want to say that there is a part that says we should not go against these men of God . Firstly , these are not men of God , and if there are men of God or not, everything will be tested on the word of God by what we preach , teach and how we live. Here are some that neither preaching or living right , then they are false prophets God's word learn!
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fredag 28. februar 2014
torsdag 27. februar 2014
No. 675: Pastor David Yonggi Cho who has the world's largest Pentecost karismatiske church revealed that cheat and crook. Will those whom he has seduced take lessons ? Hardly!
No. 675:
Pastor David Yonggi Cho who has the world's largest Pentecost karismatiske church revealed that cheat and crook. Will those whom he has seduced take lessons ? Hardly!
Pastor David Yonggi Cho and his son Cho Hee - Jun who is divorced and married for the fourth time has been exposed as cheaters , crooks and thieves. Trying to catch up if we have something to learn and those who he wondered through all the years take lessons ? Photo of Pastor David Yonggi Cho smiling from ear to ear and deceive , lie and steal from Christians all they have at every level of life when he is a false prophet.
What happened with Cho ?
There he is convicted and revealed with is that he along with his son, the elder who has been married four times has " cheated " others to buy shares that were worth ¼ part of what they paid , approx. 80 Million . And he must pay back in with his son the money. For Cho ` s part is talking about the rain on the Norwegian money around . 30 Million . He will not have to zone owing his advanced age and that he has been impunity before and have done so much good for the Korean society.
Dr. David Yonggi Cho is really the most dangerous type of fraud when he actually also has " much" good to come by and more wholesome theology than many others. It looks more like the "truth" than many others. But he is and remains a liar , cheat , crook, thief and a false prophet.
Has he repented ? Now that he 's been revealed what he says ? From my forje post about him : Now Cho "reverse " up and says the following: No believer should own something that is his own . (state final ) . Here is the classic fallacy . From trying to own the most to not own anything . But unfortunately , all the Pentecostal Charismatic " famille " will forgive him and take him back , then they are seduced by and large it all. Do not see any light in the tunnel when it comes Pentecostal Charismatic Christians, here it is all black ! ( end of quote ) .
There is something fundamental wrong, seductive and demonic among Pinsekarismatikernerne . There is a building on the experience and not the word of God , it is only the word of God which is our guideline . Here I think there never will be an improvement, had it done so had all been turned on its head in the PinseKaresmatiske Christianity really has been a bunch of false prophets who preach the itching ears and even live as suits themselves !
The prophet Isaiah said: Isaiah 8.a 20 To the law and to the testimony !
How to meet today's Pentecostal and Charismatics ? It is to warn and then turn away from them . They lead and being deceived ! There is no improvement in sight, just a clear deterioration and the more demonic it will be!
What preached and prophesied Cho ? The man who founded and was senior pastor of the world's largest Pentecostal church ? He was a false prophet and deceiver , which I warned against in all those years , and now it has shown once again that I was right !
It's too much to mention everything. But here's something false prophecies, visualization is demonic , dreams that are spiritualist and a life where one can live like a self desires and will with regard to , inter alia, sexuall place where his son was a "good" example with four marriages behind him and he was to pray in congregation with Cho himself. Which deceit and villainy .
Final Comment:
There is no excuse for this. He has always been a heretic , now also exposed as someone who does not live according to God's word. And his son who has been with this, a sexgal freak and rogue . How easily fooled and deceived will present Pentecostal and Charismatics are before they start waking up from their spiritual anesthetic sleep ? I do not know, but after all it is good that this comes to the surface and hopefully , sooner or later , those who belong to the Lord wake up and start going back to the word of God .
Here some excerpts from Searchlight who writes about this :
The founder of what is known as the world's largest church , Pastor David Yonggi Cho, has been sentenced to three years' imprisonment for embezzling funds from the church. " Yoido Full Gospel Church " , in Seoul , South Korea, is one of the world 's largest churches , perhaps the biggest. Yonggi Cho is convicted of having caused the church about 73 million in losses in 2002 by receiving ward managers to buy shares with his son Hee -Jun Cho, to four times their real value, the paper reported Yonhap . Yonggi Cho representing the South Korean edition of " Word Of Faith " has written a number of books containing classic forward gangs and religious preaching.
The now- convicted pastor put gloss on Word of Life's 30 - year anniversary of the European Conference in Uppsala in 2013 . The 77 year old pastor who has emphasized healing and signs and wonders a la it brought to the table by traditional religious preachers. " He broke the curse , so in this life - ordlivet can be free , to have health, have financial abundance . You are no longer a sinner ! Through the Holy Spirit , you are sanctified and healed. It's your new I , " he preached in his quiet way but in good trosforkynnelsesånd and then shared several strong testimony of the strong healings , wrote Norway in Day last year's European conference. However, it was open it now convicted pastor not even totally lived what he preached . " 77- year-old has even struggled with health the past five years , after he resigned as the head pastor of his church in Seoul, South Korea. He said he is seriously ill and that the forecasts are basically bad . - But I said to the devil : I am healthy and I have health and strength in Christ. And here I am , standing on my two feet, said the living legend to a cheering crowd consisting of 70 different nationalities. " Now, six months later it must soon 78 year old pastor plan on a possible prison if he violates the wild conditions of its conditional judgment which read in three years suspended sentence with probation for five years.
The news that Pastor David Yonggi Cho and his son Cho Hee -Jun was sentenced to three years probation today has shaken the charismatic world. The verdict has made headlines in Christian newspapers at home and abroad and the first to refer to yongi - cho -to - jaildommen was Christian Post that he was followed by Charisma magazine as today trying to excuse the aging pastor that one can not expect that he was twelve years ago " did not take the time to read and check the papers he signed " which resulted in the church and thus his faithful brothers were defrauded of more than 70 million dollars. The aging pastor last summer visited the Word of Life Europe Conference in Uppsala was also convicted of tax evasion. The penalty world-renowned trosforkynneren did remain in South Korea considered mild when the sentence was suspended with five years probation . This means that the man newspaper in Norway Day last year gave honorable term " man of God " in its coverage of the Word of Life will not have to serve if he does not commit new offenses . Pastor Cho must also pay a fine of 5 million U.S. dollars.
The news that Pastor Yonggi Cho who is well known both as a speaker, writer and dychogrunnlegger one of the largest churches if one only focuses on quantity and high numbers hit yesterday and today like a bomb in charismatic circles . David Yonggi Cho who is also known as Paul Yonggi Cho was known in Norway through the release of the bestselling " The Fourth Dimension" which in Norway was published by Logos publishers . Yonggi Cho 's book quickly became popular in parts of the charismatic movement but also controversial and criticized because it contained a mix of Christianity and what he claimed was " spiritual laws and principles " which in many ways was inspired by oriental neo- religious thinking. The main idea of Pastor Cho 's best-selling book was the need to " visualize forward the things you want God to give us" - and has enough faith , God must ( on the basis of the moral principles and laws which exist ) fulfill your wishes as another errand boy or servant . His book met with many objections from believers who denounced the glory theology Pastor Cho and numerous other religious preachers preached.
Once the scammers receive honorary designation " god men "
In the summer of 2013 organized the Word of Life in Uppsala its annual " European Conference" . One of last year's speakers who had already been under investigation since 2011, Pastor Cho was hailed as a star when he arrived at Word of Life's platform to deliver a rather absurd sermon. From the newspaper in Norway Day ( link) cites the following praise of the 77 year old scammer : "Wednesday evening he preached at Word of Life and helped to put the gloss on the Word of Life's 30 - year anniversary of the European Conference in Uppsala. - Around 7,000 people had joined up , and it was easier chaotic at Word of Life's major conference before the meeting. The atmosphere was electric as the 77 year old man of God ( fraudster and man of God maybe? ) Proved , a little out of the meeting, together with the Word of Life's undisputed figurehead Ulf Ekman .
Classic religious preaching with convicted " spiritual leader "
Norway Day in praise of the convicted pastor becomes almost naive when we read dimensjonfortsettelsen : " But if anyone was expecting a show and" something new ", they were possibly disappointed. A very simple and humble aging preacher ( who through his " side business " shares sold for four times the real value and thus contributed to that he and his son defrauded the church for more than 70 million) - came forward with a very simple religious message, without making use of effects other than its own quiet voice. And the message was the good old gospel preaching and strong faith in the Word of Life's spirit. Cho preached the cross and resurrection that gives every Christian an opportunity for a new and different life. The problem is that many people do not know their identity in Christ because they have not renewed their thought life through God's Word, the Spirit said chief ( who now also honored with the title " convicted " .
Living as learning
The 77 year old pastor who had struggled with ill health for five years had a lot of cool to say about God's promises to the faithful : " - Jesus Christ washed us when he shared his blood and gave his body . He cried, It is finished , and neutralized syndensog ekman - ulfdjevelens power. He broke the curse , so in this life can be free , to have health, have financial abundance . ( in what way he got the economic abundance of the aging pastor said nothing about) - You are no longer a sinner ! Through the Holy Spirit , you are sanctified and healed. It's your new I , he preached his quiet way but in good trosforkynnelsesånd and then shared several strong testimony of strong healings. Despite his fine promises " riches and " it was obvious that the pastor himself not quite got things to work , " 77- year-old has even struggled with health the past five years , after he resigned as the head pastor of his church in Seoul in South Korea.
He said he is seriously ill and that the forecasts are basically bad . - But I said to the devil : I am healthy and I have health and strength in Christ. And here I am , standing on my two feet, said the living legend to a cheering crowd consisting of 70 different nationalities , " wrote Norway in the day ahead . The aged and now convicted pastor is not the only faith or prosperity preacher who despite their promises of healing not quite lived and died as they learned. -At Word of Life Assembly may rejoice statement : " And here I am , standing on my two feet" tells at least me how little it has to be of the power of thought among the 7,000 attending , - unless Pastor Cho was lame then!
Angel with needle guaranteed that Pastor Cho would be 100
According to the then 77 year old preacher he had even met an angel in a dream , and purely biblical theological can of course happen . However, there is something new that angels driver acupuncture , " Cho also had the dream pain in his body , but he saw himself stand and preach , and then came an angel and" performed acupuncture "on him. He felt immediately better from the pain , and the angel, Cho began a conversation. How long will you live, asked the angel in the dream. As my parents until I'm 94, said Cho . Add another year, then another ... And so it continued until Cho came to 100 Then the angel said stop. Since you aim to be 100 , you will get that wish come true , was life - ordengelens message to the man of God , who is looking forward to another 20 years of service.
- I do not mind to invite Yonggi Cho here for 20 years , said a laughing Ekman in after the meeting, though somewhat confused dream. " That Ulf Ekman was confused , we can well understand when it is rarely cost to hear about angels (though in dream ) that operates acupuncture, - but to negotiate lifespan where an angel decides that it will be one hundred years , is hardly a big surprise for Ulf Ekman which are used in prosperity preachers even though it usually does not vote themselves, states that one has enough faith , -so shall you die old and full of years without being sick.
Related links:
Pastor David Yonggi Cho who has the world's largest Pentecost karismatiske church revealed that cheat and crook. Will those whom he has seduced take lessons ? Hardly!
Pastor David Yonggi Cho and his son Cho Hee - Jun who is divorced and married for the fourth time has been exposed as cheaters , crooks and thieves. Trying to catch up if we have something to learn and those who he wondered through all the years take lessons ? Photo of Pastor David Yonggi Cho smiling from ear to ear and deceive , lie and steal from Christians all they have at every level of life when he is a false prophet.
What happened with Cho ?
There he is convicted and revealed with is that he along with his son, the elder who has been married four times has " cheated " others to buy shares that were worth ¼ part of what they paid , approx. 80 Million . And he must pay back in with his son the money. For Cho ` s part is talking about the rain on the Norwegian money around . 30 Million . He will not have to zone owing his advanced age and that he has been impunity before and have done so much good for the Korean society.
Dr. David Yonggi Cho is really the most dangerous type of fraud when he actually also has " much" good to come by and more wholesome theology than many others. It looks more like the "truth" than many others. But he is and remains a liar , cheat , crook, thief and a false prophet.
Has he repented ? Now that he 's been revealed what he says ? From my forje post about him : Now Cho "reverse " up and says the following: No believer should own something that is his own . (state final ) . Here is the classic fallacy . From trying to own the most to not own anything . But unfortunately , all the Pentecostal Charismatic " famille " will forgive him and take him back , then they are seduced by and large it all. Do not see any light in the tunnel when it comes Pentecostal Charismatic Christians, here it is all black ! ( end of quote ) .
There is something fundamental wrong, seductive and demonic among Pinsekarismatikernerne . There is a building on the experience and not the word of God , it is only the word of God which is our guideline . Here I think there never will be an improvement, had it done so had all been turned on its head in the PinseKaresmatiske Christianity really has been a bunch of false prophets who preach the itching ears and even live as suits themselves !
The prophet Isaiah said: Isaiah 8.a 20 To the law and to the testimony !
How to meet today's Pentecostal and Charismatics ? It is to warn and then turn away from them . They lead and being deceived ! There is no improvement in sight, just a clear deterioration and the more demonic it will be!
What preached and prophesied Cho ? The man who founded and was senior pastor of the world's largest Pentecostal church ? He was a false prophet and deceiver , which I warned against in all those years , and now it has shown once again that I was right !
It's too much to mention everything. But here's something false prophecies, visualization is demonic , dreams that are spiritualist and a life where one can live like a self desires and will with regard to , inter alia, sexuall place where his son was a "good" example with four marriages behind him and he was to pray in congregation with Cho himself. Which deceit and villainy .
Final Comment:
There is no excuse for this. He has always been a heretic , now also exposed as someone who does not live according to God's word. And his son who has been with this, a sexgal freak and rogue . How easily fooled and deceived will present Pentecostal and Charismatics are before they start waking up from their spiritual anesthetic sleep ? I do not know, but after all it is good that this comes to the surface and hopefully , sooner or later , those who belong to the Lord wake up and start going back to the word of God .
Here some excerpts from Searchlight who writes about this :
The founder of what is known as the world's largest church , Pastor David Yonggi Cho, has been sentenced to three years' imprisonment for embezzling funds from the church. " Yoido Full Gospel Church " , in Seoul , South Korea, is one of the world 's largest churches , perhaps the biggest. Yonggi Cho is convicted of having caused the church about 73 million in losses in 2002 by receiving ward managers to buy shares with his son Hee -Jun Cho, to four times their real value, the paper reported Yonhap . Yonggi Cho representing the South Korean edition of " Word Of Faith " has written a number of books containing classic forward gangs and religious preaching.
The now- convicted pastor put gloss on Word of Life's 30 - year anniversary of the European Conference in Uppsala in 2013 . The 77 year old pastor who has emphasized healing and signs and wonders a la it brought to the table by traditional religious preachers. " He broke the curse , so in this life - ordlivet can be free , to have health, have financial abundance . You are no longer a sinner ! Through the Holy Spirit , you are sanctified and healed. It's your new I , " he preached in his quiet way but in good trosforkynnelsesånd and then shared several strong testimony of the strong healings , wrote Norway in Day last year's European conference. However, it was open it now convicted pastor not even totally lived what he preached . " 77- year-old has even struggled with health the past five years , after he resigned as the head pastor of his church in Seoul, South Korea. He said he is seriously ill and that the forecasts are basically bad . - But I said to the devil : I am healthy and I have health and strength in Christ. And here I am , standing on my two feet, said the living legend to a cheering crowd consisting of 70 different nationalities. " Now, six months later it must soon 78 year old pastor plan on a possible prison if he violates the wild conditions of its conditional judgment which read in three years suspended sentence with probation for five years.
The news that Pastor David Yonggi Cho and his son Cho Hee -Jun was sentenced to three years probation today has shaken the charismatic world. The verdict has made headlines in Christian newspapers at home and abroad and the first to refer to yongi - cho -to - jaildommen was Christian Post that he was followed by Charisma magazine as today trying to excuse the aging pastor that one can not expect that he was twelve years ago " did not take the time to read and check the papers he signed " which resulted in the church and thus his faithful brothers were defrauded of more than 70 million dollars. The aging pastor last summer visited the Word of Life Europe Conference in Uppsala was also convicted of tax evasion. The penalty world-renowned trosforkynneren did remain in South Korea considered mild when the sentence was suspended with five years probation . This means that the man newspaper in Norway Day last year gave honorable term " man of God " in its coverage of the Word of Life will not have to serve if he does not commit new offenses . Pastor Cho must also pay a fine of 5 million U.S. dollars.
The news that Pastor Yonggi Cho who is well known both as a speaker, writer and dychogrunnlegger one of the largest churches if one only focuses on quantity and high numbers hit yesterday and today like a bomb in charismatic circles . David Yonggi Cho who is also known as Paul Yonggi Cho was known in Norway through the release of the bestselling " The Fourth Dimension" which in Norway was published by Logos publishers . Yonggi Cho 's book quickly became popular in parts of the charismatic movement but also controversial and criticized because it contained a mix of Christianity and what he claimed was " spiritual laws and principles " which in many ways was inspired by oriental neo- religious thinking. The main idea of Pastor Cho 's best-selling book was the need to " visualize forward the things you want God to give us" - and has enough faith , God must ( on the basis of the moral principles and laws which exist ) fulfill your wishes as another errand boy or servant . His book met with many objections from believers who denounced the glory theology Pastor Cho and numerous other religious preachers preached.
Once the scammers receive honorary designation " god men "
In the summer of 2013 organized the Word of Life in Uppsala its annual " European Conference" . One of last year's speakers who had already been under investigation since 2011, Pastor Cho was hailed as a star when he arrived at Word of Life's platform to deliver a rather absurd sermon. From the newspaper in Norway Day ( link) cites the following praise of the 77 year old scammer : "Wednesday evening he preached at Word of Life and helped to put the gloss on the Word of Life's 30 - year anniversary of the European Conference in Uppsala. - Around 7,000 people had joined up , and it was easier chaotic at Word of Life's major conference before the meeting. The atmosphere was electric as the 77 year old man of God ( fraudster and man of God maybe? ) Proved , a little out of the meeting, together with the Word of Life's undisputed figurehead Ulf Ekman .
Classic religious preaching with convicted " spiritual leader "
Norway Day in praise of the convicted pastor becomes almost naive when we read dimensjonfortsettelsen : " But if anyone was expecting a show and" something new ", they were possibly disappointed. A very simple and humble aging preacher ( who through his " side business " shares sold for four times the real value and thus contributed to that he and his son defrauded the church for more than 70 million) - came forward with a very simple religious message, without making use of effects other than its own quiet voice. And the message was the good old gospel preaching and strong faith in the Word of Life's spirit. Cho preached the cross and resurrection that gives every Christian an opportunity for a new and different life. The problem is that many people do not know their identity in Christ because they have not renewed their thought life through God's Word, the Spirit said chief ( who now also honored with the title " convicted " .
Living as learning
The 77 year old pastor who had struggled with ill health for five years had a lot of cool to say about God's promises to the faithful : " - Jesus Christ washed us when he shared his blood and gave his body . He cried, It is finished , and neutralized syndensog ekman - ulfdjevelens power. He broke the curse , so in this life can be free , to have health, have financial abundance . ( in what way he got the economic abundance of the aging pastor said nothing about) - You are no longer a sinner ! Through the Holy Spirit , you are sanctified and healed. It's your new I , he preached his quiet way but in good trosforkynnelsesånd and then shared several strong testimony of strong healings. Despite his fine promises " riches and " it was obvious that the pastor himself not quite got things to work , " 77- year-old has even struggled with health the past five years , after he resigned as the head pastor of his church in Seoul in South Korea.
He said he is seriously ill and that the forecasts are basically bad . - But I said to the devil : I am healthy and I have health and strength in Christ. And here I am , standing on my two feet, said the living legend to a cheering crowd consisting of 70 different nationalities , " wrote Norway in the day ahead . The aged and now convicted pastor is not the only faith or prosperity preacher who despite their promises of healing not quite lived and died as they learned. -At Word of Life Assembly may rejoice statement : " And here I am , standing on my two feet" tells at least me how little it has to be of the power of thought among the 7,000 attending , - unless Pastor Cho was lame then!
Angel with needle guaranteed that Pastor Cho would be 100
According to the then 77 year old preacher he had even met an angel in a dream , and purely biblical theological can of course happen . However, there is something new that angels driver acupuncture , " Cho also had the dream pain in his body , but he saw himself stand and preach , and then came an angel and" performed acupuncture "on him. He felt immediately better from the pain , and the angel, Cho began a conversation. How long will you live, asked the angel in the dream. As my parents until I'm 94, said Cho . Add another year, then another ... And so it continued until Cho came to 100 Then the angel said stop. Since you aim to be 100 , you will get that wish come true , was life - ordengelens message to the man of God , who is looking forward to another 20 years of service.
- I do not mind to invite Yonggi Cho here for 20 years , said a laughing Ekman in after the meeting, though somewhat confused dream. " That Ulf Ekman was confused , we can well understand when it is rarely cost to hear about angels (though in dream ) that operates acupuncture, - but to negotiate lifespan where an angel decides that it will be one hundred years , is hardly a big surprise for Ulf Ekman which are used in prosperity preachers even though it usually does not vote themselves, states that one has enough faith , -so shall you die old and full of years without being sick.
Related links:
onsdag 26. februar 2014
No. 674: Pastor David Yonggi Cho revealed as the villain , but the Pentecostal Charismatic Christians will probably be fooled again and nozzle down this when they do not live as Christians surrendered!
No. 674:
Pastor David Yonggi Cho revealed as the villain , but the Pentecostal Charismatic Christians will probably be fooled again and nozzle down this when they do not live as Christians surrendered!
Photo of the deception and sentenced villain David Yonggi Cho after the verdict against him where he was convicted of fraud in many millions.
David Yonggi Cho has not been a crook and a thief , he has been all along . He's just been revealed. This I wrote 20 years ago :
It says in Scripture that one should not take yoked . Robert Schüller 's more a mixed product of Catholic New-age and worldly prosperity theology. His program broadcast from the Crystal Church in Los Angeles is an alienation from healthy evangelical preaching the word of the cross in the center . But I most want to stop by Dr. David Yonggo Cho . It is regrettable that the Pentecostal movement in Norway invite this man , time after time . In 1977, when he came to Norway first time , he prophesied with his former pastor with Housten , that 2 million Norwegians should be saved and 50 million in Europe in 10 years . This has not happened. Therefore, one can safely say that this man is false by God's own words. Jeremiah 28.9 . Furthermore preach Yonggi Cho about the fourth dimension which is very close to the same as Schüller preach about the possibility thinking.
So what is the fourth dimension ? You can read it in his book, The Fourth Dimension , published by Logos publishers . To try to give a description of the occult teachings imparted here , which some column inches . Just preface makes it a little difficult to explain. For there Schuller writes : "Do not try to understand it , ( the fourth dimension ) Just start to enjoy it! That's true. It works. I tried it ."
I will here try to explain simply what Yonggi Cho believes the fourth dimension : He believes the Holy Spirit is creative , but if we want, we can go into the fourth dimension , which animals , plants and all creation can not, and through our dreams and thoughts go in and take dominion over 1 ) God 2 ) Jesus ( word) and 3) the Holy Spirit.
1 ) God , by being given the honor of what we will experience
2 ) Jesus by Rhema ( revelation ) is greater than the Logos (the word that is written in the Bible ) .
3 ) The Holy Spirit is the power that we can control who we want. Furthermore defends Yonggi Cho charismatic preachers in Pentecostal circles no matter what they preach and stand for.
We must be clear to us that this is now happening in the Pentecostal movement , is apostasy from the faith in Jesus as the Word and our Savior , Redeemer and Lord. The prophet Jeremiah says it so eloquently in chapter 23 and verse 16: " Thus says the LORD of hosts, Hearken not to the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you : they ye vanity , they speak a vision of their own heart , not words mouth of the LORD .
How could one taken up one after another as these false preachers are doing. It seems that it is Peter's words in 2 letter in chapter 2 verse 9 and the section as death. (Read for yourself) .
Turn away from this, it is delusion, but ask them if it was possible for some of them to repent and come back to the Lord so He can heal their backsliding.
Evangelist Jan Kåre Christensen . Excerpt from a post of the day 29/03/94 .
Now Cho "reverse " up and says the following: No believer should own something that is his own . (state final ) .
Here is the classic fallacy . From trying to own the most to not own anything . But unfortunately , all the Pentecostal Charismatic " famille " will forgive him and take him back , then they are seduced by and large it all. Do not see any light in the tunnel when it comes Pentecostal Charismatic Christians, here it is all black !
End Comment.
David Yonggi Cho . The head of the church Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul , today is the largest Pentecostal church and counts over 750,000 members. He is the senior pastor . But he is and remains a trickster , more is there to say about the matter. Having deceived approx. 80 Million and must repay 30 Million . And a sentence of three years imprisonment which he totally safe release when he is almost 80 years old and after all impunity before and have done a lot of "good" with what he has influenced such large crowds and thus do not have to zone . But who preach and shepherd he is a cheat , crook and as a manager and lead astray !
Related links:
Pastor David Yonggi Cho revealed as the villain , but the Pentecostal Charismatic Christians will probably be fooled again and nozzle down this when they do not live as Christians surrendered!
Photo of the deception and sentenced villain David Yonggi Cho after the verdict against him where he was convicted of fraud in many millions.
David Yonggi Cho has not been a crook and a thief , he has been all along . He's just been revealed. This I wrote 20 years ago :
It says in Scripture that one should not take yoked . Robert Schüller 's more a mixed product of Catholic New-age and worldly prosperity theology. His program broadcast from the Crystal Church in Los Angeles is an alienation from healthy evangelical preaching the word of the cross in the center . But I most want to stop by Dr. David Yonggo Cho . It is regrettable that the Pentecostal movement in Norway invite this man , time after time . In 1977, when he came to Norway first time , he prophesied with his former pastor with Housten , that 2 million Norwegians should be saved and 50 million in Europe in 10 years . This has not happened. Therefore, one can safely say that this man is false by God's own words. Jeremiah 28.9 . Furthermore preach Yonggi Cho about the fourth dimension which is very close to the same as Schüller preach about the possibility thinking.
So what is the fourth dimension ? You can read it in his book, The Fourth Dimension , published by Logos publishers . To try to give a description of the occult teachings imparted here , which some column inches . Just preface makes it a little difficult to explain. For there Schuller writes : "Do not try to understand it , ( the fourth dimension ) Just start to enjoy it! That's true. It works. I tried it ."
I will here try to explain simply what Yonggi Cho believes the fourth dimension : He believes the Holy Spirit is creative , but if we want, we can go into the fourth dimension , which animals , plants and all creation can not, and through our dreams and thoughts go in and take dominion over 1 ) God 2 ) Jesus ( word) and 3) the Holy Spirit.
1 ) God , by being given the honor of what we will experience
2 ) Jesus by Rhema ( revelation ) is greater than the Logos (the word that is written in the Bible ) .
3 ) The Holy Spirit is the power that we can control who we want. Furthermore defends Yonggi Cho charismatic preachers in Pentecostal circles no matter what they preach and stand for.
We must be clear to us that this is now happening in the Pentecostal movement , is apostasy from the faith in Jesus as the Word and our Savior , Redeemer and Lord. The prophet Jeremiah says it so eloquently in chapter 23 and verse 16: " Thus says the LORD of hosts, Hearken not to the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you : they ye vanity , they speak a vision of their own heart , not words mouth of the LORD .
How could one taken up one after another as these false preachers are doing. It seems that it is Peter's words in 2 letter in chapter 2 verse 9 and the section as death. (Read for yourself) .
Turn away from this, it is delusion, but ask them if it was possible for some of them to repent and come back to the Lord so He can heal their backsliding.
Evangelist Jan Kåre Christensen . Excerpt from a post of the day 29/03/94 .
Now Cho "reverse " up and says the following: No believer should own something that is his own . (state final ) .
Here is the classic fallacy . From trying to own the most to not own anything . But unfortunately , all the Pentecostal Charismatic " famille " will forgive him and take him back , then they are seduced by and large it all. Do not see any light in the tunnel when it comes Pentecostal Charismatic Christians, here it is all black !
End Comment.
David Yonggi Cho . The head of the church Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul , today is the largest Pentecostal church and counts over 750,000 members. He is the senior pastor . But he is and remains a trickster , more is there to say about the matter. Having deceived approx. 80 Million and must repay 30 Million . And a sentence of three years imprisonment which he totally safe release when he is almost 80 years old and after all impunity before and have done a lot of "good" with what he has influenced such large crowds and thus do not have to zone . But who preach and shepherd he is a cheat , crook and as a manager and lead astray !
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mandag 24. februar 2014
No. 673: Jan Hanvold teaches that God forgives everything anyway so everything is allowed with regard to marriage , fidelity and family life!
No. 673:
Jan Hanvold teaches that God forgives everything anyway so everything is allowed with regard to marriage , fidelity and family life!
Jan Hanvold is a mega Nicolaitans which is an offspring of Christianity that has followed the true Christianity as a shade from the Acts of the day until today . They interpreted God's grace as a license to be as happy with sinful habits that Hanvold . Their doctrine advocated that sinful thoughts, mentality , actions and life, ( ie active sin ) , did not affect salvation . Gospel , they thought , offered a technical , theological and "spiritual " salvation , which God declared righteous people , without doing anything to or with them. They further claimed that this " act of God " outside man , did not have to prove in life and conduct.
Photo by Jan Hanvold .
Jesus says that adultery sake, can you stand . And the obvious that this man has committed adultery . So you should not feel guilty for getting married again . Marriage is for man and not man for marriage. As Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath . What about all those who have lived together ? That's equivalent to marriage. Today we have a chaos of cohabitation , that breaks all of the perfect relationship that God intended marriage to be. When one listens to some legalistic theologians who take divorce and remarriage as an eternal sin. My Bible says that it is just a shame there is no forgiveness . Sin against the Holy Spirit. Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses the basis of all sin , even divorce. People have messed up and sinned before they were saved . And had cohabiting and married , so everything has gone overboard . They have been saved and born again , then to the old life was buried with Christ in baptism. When one is free to marry again . Paul writes in 1 Kor6 9 that we shall not go astray ! Neither fornicators , nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who allow themselves to use unnatural fornication , nor men who practice fornication with men , etc., shall not inherit the kingdom of God . But then it says in verse 11: How was it even with some of you. But you 've let you wash clean . You are sanctified , but ye are justified . In the name of Jesus and in the spirit of our God . " So when a divorce has confessed that sin to have repented , then one has been forgiven and clean. Then can one enter into a new marriage. Simply because God is watching you as if you had never been married . If we believe in family and marriage , we must help people to start over. and help people, especially to Christians who feel shame and guilt in a divorce . World makes this very superficially, to says: we just grew away from each other . I believe that Jesus is concerned that a marriage should work and that nuclear family shall consist . So why should we help people a second chance. and if people do not understand that, then there is no hope . then get the mess with his legalistic theology and fariserisme . letter kills, but the Spirit makes alive. Christians who have gone through a divorce , have suffered enough. Whether they should not be condemned for life, because they marry again . anything wonder that people do not feel at home in such churches , which have condemnation instead of reconciliation . ( end of quote ) .
When we currently use express " once saved, always saved " means exactly the same as the Nicolaitans taught. Present theologians often write about a " forinsic " salvation , which means that the saving ratio is arranged outside the U.S. and in the spiritual system or sphere , and not have to express themselves in the lives saved ' . One example is the idea that a technical executed baptism of an infant conveys salvation when the right code words and rituals are followed , without the child knows nothing about what is happening. When God does something that does not affect " the saved , " in that the individual is an unconscious , unaffected and passive product in the salvation process. This will be a perception that was in full harmony with the Nicolaitans accounted for and that Jesus says he hates the Bible and therefore warns .
What preach Hanvold really? He stood up here on the radio here in Oslo that he himself was responsible for two of adultery, but now it stand out anyway.
1 ) It is a pity that there is no forgiveness for teacher Hanvold , it is a sin against the Holy Ghost. But what is the sin against the Holy Ghost? It is not to repent brief . It is clear that if one does not repent as sins , or ? Hanvold sin against the Holy Spirit by living as unrepentant and adultery.
From my commentaries Mark 3 28 Verily I say unto you, All will be forgiven for both sin and shame , how much they mock . How great is God's grace ? Infinitely large , bulky and comprehensive. Jesus died for all the sins of all times . Rom.5 . 8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that Christ died for us while we were yet sinners .
29 But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, will never forgiveness, but is guilty of everlasting sin. " Here is one of the most misinterpreted and misinterpreted passages in the whole word of God . There were many who claimed , especially among the leadership in Israel claimed that Jesus was possessed . They denied other words, Jesus. With this attitude , they are guilty of an eternal sin. As long as one goes with such an attitude and opinion is lost forever . There is something not even the Spirit of God can overrule and do something . To blaspheme the Holy Spirit is not wanting and desire to repent , and if one holds fast by not repent. When is a debt of eternal sin. Think of Judas and Peter both betrayed Jesus and Peter all bad to curse and swear that he knew Jesus . Did Judas repented before he put the noose around his neck he had been forgiven . And did not Peter repented , he had been lost forever . We can be forgiven for everything kind of sin no matter how ugly and serious it is if one repents and asks for mercy and forgiveness. There must be repentance and recognition of, all things are possible with God teaches us God's word .
30 He said this because they had said , "He is possessed by an unclean spirit. " But as here they go with the attitude of Jesus, He hath an unclean spirit. But when they repent , regardless of what sin is forgiveness and grace to get. Even many who once stood against Jesus, saying such things about him that he was from Satan , full of hatred and lies were saved and received the grace of God. Ap.gj.6 . 7 The word of God came more and more , and the number of disciples in Jerusalem increased greatly. A great many of the priests were obedient to the faith. But forgiveness is linked to repentance . A remarried believers will not be forgiven until he runs out of that relationship and a homosexual would not be forgiven until he repents . But when one repents and asks for mercy, the mercy to all sins . But it must happen in this life or is it too late. ( end of quote ) .
To believe that the only sin that God can not forgive is the sin against the Holy Spirit is so badly it is possible to become . The only sin God can not forgive is if we do not repent of our sins after we have confessed them. Therefore Jesus said again and again after they had experienced His healing power , "Go to sin no more ."
Joh 8:11 And she said, No, Lord ! none. Jesus said , Neither do I condemn thee : go, and sin no more !
2 ) Jan Hanvold adds: " Today we have a chaos of cohabitation , that breaks all of the perfect relationship that God intended marriage to be."
Here he spread chaos even to go free . God's Word was clear 2,000 years ago, and just as clearly today regardless of what we humans are on . This as Hanvold here are doing is a form of hersketeknikk by throwing out a claim that no one can contradict but that has nothing to do with reality when we as Christians have only a guideline . It is God's word about the world's people stand and marry as in Noah's day . But the tragedy is that this is now as prevalent in the church was that it is among the nations in the world .
3 ) Hanvold also says this : " So when a divorce has confessed that sin to have repented , then one has been forgiven and clean. One can then enter into a new marriage. Simply because God looks at you as if you had never been married . "
Hanvold adhere to the teaching of the Nicolaitans , there are more and more forward . It is a free- to sin , God forgives anyway, especially me who sees more than the others. It is such an exaltation of himself and his own flesh . He should have thrown himself on his knees and asked God for mercy , but walks off just as it suits him , with new marriages. There are both legal and contrary to what Jesus and Paul taught and taught . Hanvold is without doubt one ul in sheep's clothing that Jesus said when he lawlessness . He is not bound by the word of God all true believers , but by his own flesh and their own visual projections .
4 ) Pastor Hanvold writing this at the end: "Is it any wonder that people do not feel at home in such churches , which have condemnation instead of reconciliation ."
Yes , that's right it Hanvold writing . It is a condemnation across the world , the flesh and all that belongs to darkness, and that those who live and walk in darkness do not feel at home where God's Word is being held up is nothing new .
Joh . e 3 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God .
Final comment regarding Hanvold infamous and completely unbiblical laying on divorce and remarriage .
Hanvold cried out on the airwaves here in Oslo some time ago the following: "To hell with all those who do not accept that I am re- married ." Since Hanvold yourself in this situation (having been divorced twice and married for the third time ) , it is well that no wonder he interprets the Bible for his own good. What surprises me is that he makes so very hard on cohabitation and marriage between two of the same sex. He lives just as much of a sin as mentioned .
It is such a person as Emanuel Minos , David Ostby , Norvald Yri and all other support when they stand up for him and Vision Norway . How far into the night we arrived? It's about Hanvold and his preaching of God's word more seats . Among other in:
2 Tim . 4 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine , but after their own lusts take themselves teachers in droves, having itching in the ear, 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth , and be turned unto fables .
We just have to take it inwards us that we live no longer in the dark middle ages , but the Protestant dark end of time where a do as the Apostle Paul teaches , " when they will not endure sound doctrine , but after their own lusts take themselves teachers in droves, because the itching ears , and they shall turn away their ears from the truth . " What they turn to the word of God says ? Adventure ! Hanvold minded live there and those who point out something for them even though scripture says that God's Spirit also speaks to exhortation , they are under condemnation .
This is so rude , brash and unbiblical it may be . Hanvold is and remains one of the Nicolaitans . Includes eventually some excerpts of who and what is Nicolaitans learn.
In Åpb.2 , 14.15 we read that " I have a few things against you : you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam , who taught Balak to put a stumbling block for Israel - to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication . To also someone who likewise hold on Nicolaitans learn. "
Nicolaitans teaching is akin to Balaam . Nicolaitans were a sect which they believe was named after a deacon named Nicholas . They taught a false Christian freedom, where one was not so careful with things sacrificed to idols and from fornication , and who had a false teaching about the Christian community . This began to make itself felt in Pergamum .
It was not just the properties they should have in common, but all would they have in common. They went so far that they learned that they could have shared wives . This led to adultery , a sin against the sixth commandment. "Speak thus to them and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD : every one of Israel who gives his idols in his heart and puts it 's him a temptation to sin , for his eyes, and then comes to the prophet , him will I , the Lord, even answering his many idols . "( Esek.14 , 4) .
It speaks of what is " temptation to sin , for their eyes" We should note that what we see is a very power over us, it is dangerous when it takes our heart , then one begins to live as the other both in thought and action .
This answer God's Word . Jesus says, " If your right eye causes you to sin , pluck it out and cast it from you! For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. "Also, movies with sex , profanity and rottenness call EO for " pretty decent movies . " I have no doubt that most who have been dependent on this entertainment agree with him. The need is apparently huge for such productions. I see this however as a dangerous bridge over to something that the Bible condemns in the strongest . Which unfortunately is becoming very common in our church , namely deeds of the Nicolaitans . It would combine Christianity with idolatry and sin against the sixth commandment. Jesus hates this ! Read Revelation . 2:6 . Therefore, you should certainly not Christian leaders speak so ! "( Oddvar Dahl ) .
" Everyone who goes astray and not in the doctrine of Christ , hath not God . He who abides in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house and greet him welcome! For he who greets him welcome, being an accomplice with him in his evil deeds. "(2 Jn . V.9 -11) .
Can one make themselves complicit in the sins of others and thus also the punishment ? Yes, when one think well of others' sins , agrees with them , and does not prevent or punish them, if one can. " Do not be quick to lay hands on some ! Do you not complicit in the sins of others ! Keep yourself pure "(1 Tim.5 , 22) . Cf . 3 Mos.19 , 17 - Åpb.18 , 4
" The majority of the church in Pergamum did not join the teaching of the Nicolaitans , but they tolerate those who held to this doctrine. This tolerance was sinful. Therefore exhorted the congregation to repent. Otherwise I come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth . "
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Jan Hanvold teaches that God forgives everything anyway so everything is allowed with regard to marriage , fidelity and family life!
Jan Hanvold is a mega Nicolaitans which is an offspring of Christianity that has followed the true Christianity as a shade from the Acts of the day until today . They interpreted God's grace as a license to be as happy with sinful habits that Hanvold . Their doctrine advocated that sinful thoughts, mentality , actions and life, ( ie active sin ) , did not affect salvation . Gospel , they thought , offered a technical , theological and "spiritual " salvation , which God declared righteous people , without doing anything to or with them. They further claimed that this " act of God " outside man , did not have to prove in life and conduct.
Photo by Jan Hanvold .
Jesus says that adultery sake, can you stand . And the obvious that this man has committed adultery . So you should not feel guilty for getting married again . Marriage is for man and not man for marriage. As Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath . What about all those who have lived together ? That's equivalent to marriage. Today we have a chaos of cohabitation , that breaks all of the perfect relationship that God intended marriage to be. When one listens to some legalistic theologians who take divorce and remarriage as an eternal sin. My Bible says that it is just a shame there is no forgiveness . Sin against the Holy Spirit. Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses the basis of all sin , even divorce. People have messed up and sinned before they were saved . And had cohabiting and married , so everything has gone overboard . They have been saved and born again , then to the old life was buried with Christ in baptism. When one is free to marry again . Paul writes in 1 Kor6 9 that we shall not go astray ! Neither fornicators , nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who allow themselves to use unnatural fornication , nor men who practice fornication with men , etc., shall not inherit the kingdom of God . But then it says in verse 11: How was it even with some of you. But you 've let you wash clean . You are sanctified , but ye are justified . In the name of Jesus and in the spirit of our God . " So when a divorce has confessed that sin to have repented , then one has been forgiven and clean. Then can one enter into a new marriage. Simply because God is watching you as if you had never been married . If we believe in family and marriage , we must help people to start over. and help people, especially to Christians who feel shame and guilt in a divorce . World makes this very superficially, to says: we just grew away from each other . I believe that Jesus is concerned that a marriage should work and that nuclear family shall consist . So why should we help people a second chance. and if people do not understand that, then there is no hope . then get the mess with his legalistic theology and fariserisme . letter kills, but the Spirit makes alive. Christians who have gone through a divorce , have suffered enough. Whether they should not be condemned for life, because they marry again . anything wonder that people do not feel at home in such churches , which have condemnation instead of reconciliation . ( end of quote ) .
When we currently use express " once saved, always saved " means exactly the same as the Nicolaitans taught. Present theologians often write about a " forinsic " salvation , which means that the saving ratio is arranged outside the U.S. and in the spiritual system or sphere , and not have to express themselves in the lives saved ' . One example is the idea that a technical executed baptism of an infant conveys salvation when the right code words and rituals are followed , without the child knows nothing about what is happening. When God does something that does not affect " the saved , " in that the individual is an unconscious , unaffected and passive product in the salvation process. This will be a perception that was in full harmony with the Nicolaitans accounted for and that Jesus says he hates the Bible and therefore warns .
What preach Hanvold really? He stood up here on the radio here in Oslo that he himself was responsible for two of adultery, but now it stand out anyway.
1 ) It is a pity that there is no forgiveness for teacher Hanvold , it is a sin against the Holy Ghost. But what is the sin against the Holy Ghost? It is not to repent brief . It is clear that if one does not repent as sins , or ? Hanvold sin against the Holy Spirit by living as unrepentant and adultery.
From my commentaries Mark 3 28 Verily I say unto you, All will be forgiven for both sin and shame , how much they mock . How great is God's grace ? Infinitely large , bulky and comprehensive. Jesus died for all the sins of all times . Rom.5 . 8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that Christ died for us while we were yet sinners .
29 But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, will never forgiveness, but is guilty of everlasting sin. " Here is one of the most misinterpreted and misinterpreted passages in the whole word of God . There were many who claimed , especially among the leadership in Israel claimed that Jesus was possessed . They denied other words, Jesus. With this attitude , they are guilty of an eternal sin. As long as one goes with such an attitude and opinion is lost forever . There is something not even the Spirit of God can overrule and do something . To blaspheme the Holy Spirit is not wanting and desire to repent , and if one holds fast by not repent. When is a debt of eternal sin. Think of Judas and Peter both betrayed Jesus and Peter all bad to curse and swear that he knew Jesus . Did Judas repented before he put the noose around his neck he had been forgiven . And did not Peter repented , he had been lost forever . We can be forgiven for everything kind of sin no matter how ugly and serious it is if one repents and asks for mercy and forgiveness. There must be repentance and recognition of, all things are possible with God teaches us God's word .
30 He said this because they had said , "He is possessed by an unclean spirit. " But as here they go with the attitude of Jesus, He hath an unclean spirit. But when they repent , regardless of what sin is forgiveness and grace to get. Even many who once stood against Jesus, saying such things about him that he was from Satan , full of hatred and lies were saved and received the grace of God. Ap.gj.6 . 7 The word of God came more and more , and the number of disciples in Jerusalem increased greatly. A great many of the priests were obedient to the faith. But forgiveness is linked to repentance . A remarried believers will not be forgiven until he runs out of that relationship and a homosexual would not be forgiven until he repents . But when one repents and asks for mercy, the mercy to all sins . But it must happen in this life or is it too late. ( end of quote ) .
To believe that the only sin that God can not forgive is the sin against the Holy Spirit is so badly it is possible to become . The only sin God can not forgive is if we do not repent of our sins after we have confessed them. Therefore Jesus said again and again after they had experienced His healing power , "Go to sin no more ."
Joh 8:11 And she said, No, Lord ! none. Jesus said , Neither do I condemn thee : go, and sin no more !
2 ) Jan Hanvold adds: " Today we have a chaos of cohabitation , that breaks all of the perfect relationship that God intended marriage to be."
Here he spread chaos even to go free . God's Word was clear 2,000 years ago, and just as clearly today regardless of what we humans are on . This as Hanvold here are doing is a form of hersketeknikk by throwing out a claim that no one can contradict but that has nothing to do with reality when we as Christians have only a guideline . It is God's word about the world's people stand and marry as in Noah's day . But the tragedy is that this is now as prevalent in the church was that it is among the nations in the world .
3 ) Hanvold also says this : " So when a divorce has confessed that sin to have repented , then one has been forgiven and clean. One can then enter into a new marriage. Simply because God looks at you as if you had never been married . "
Hanvold adhere to the teaching of the Nicolaitans , there are more and more forward . It is a free- to sin , God forgives anyway, especially me who sees more than the others. It is such an exaltation of himself and his own flesh . He should have thrown himself on his knees and asked God for mercy , but walks off just as it suits him , with new marriages. There are both legal and contrary to what Jesus and Paul taught and taught . Hanvold is without doubt one ul in sheep's clothing that Jesus said when he lawlessness . He is not bound by the word of God all true believers , but by his own flesh and their own visual projections .
4 ) Pastor Hanvold writing this at the end: "Is it any wonder that people do not feel at home in such churches , which have condemnation instead of reconciliation ."
Yes , that's right it Hanvold writing . It is a condemnation across the world , the flesh and all that belongs to darkness, and that those who live and walk in darkness do not feel at home where God's Word is being held up is nothing new .
Joh . e 3 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God .
Final comment regarding Hanvold infamous and completely unbiblical laying on divorce and remarriage .
Hanvold cried out on the airwaves here in Oslo some time ago the following: "To hell with all those who do not accept that I am re- married ." Since Hanvold yourself in this situation (having been divorced twice and married for the third time ) , it is well that no wonder he interprets the Bible for his own good. What surprises me is that he makes so very hard on cohabitation and marriage between two of the same sex. He lives just as much of a sin as mentioned .
It is such a person as Emanuel Minos , David Ostby , Norvald Yri and all other support when they stand up for him and Vision Norway . How far into the night we arrived? It's about Hanvold and his preaching of God's word more seats . Among other in:
2 Tim . 4 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine , but after their own lusts take themselves teachers in droves, having itching in the ear, 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth , and be turned unto fables .
We just have to take it inwards us that we live no longer in the dark middle ages , but the Protestant dark end of time where a do as the Apostle Paul teaches , " when they will not endure sound doctrine , but after their own lusts take themselves teachers in droves, because the itching ears , and they shall turn away their ears from the truth . " What they turn to the word of God says ? Adventure ! Hanvold minded live there and those who point out something for them even though scripture says that God's Spirit also speaks to exhortation , they are under condemnation .
This is so rude , brash and unbiblical it may be . Hanvold is and remains one of the Nicolaitans . Includes eventually some excerpts of who and what is Nicolaitans learn.
In Åpb.2 , 14.15 we read that " I have a few things against you : you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam , who taught Balak to put a stumbling block for Israel - to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication . To also someone who likewise hold on Nicolaitans learn. "
Nicolaitans teaching is akin to Balaam . Nicolaitans were a sect which they believe was named after a deacon named Nicholas . They taught a false Christian freedom, where one was not so careful with things sacrificed to idols and from fornication , and who had a false teaching about the Christian community . This began to make itself felt in Pergamum .
It was not just the properties they should have in common, but all would they have in common. They went so far that they learned that they could have shared wives . This led to adultery , a sin against the sixth commandment. "Speak thus to them and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD : every one of Israel who gives his idols in his heart and puts it 's him a temptation to sin , for his eyes, and then comes to the prophet , him will I , the Lord, even answering his many idols . "( Esek.14 , 4) .
It speaks of what is " temptation to sin , for their eyes" We should note that what we see is a very power over us, it is dangerous when it takes our heart , then one begins to live as the other both in thought and action .
This answer God's Word . Jesus says, " If your right eye causes you to sin , pluck it out and cast it from you! For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. "Also, movies with sex , profanity and rottenness call EO for " pretty decent movies . " I have no doubt that most who have been dependent on this entertainment agree with him. The need is apparently huge for such productions. I see this however as a dangerous bridge over to something that the Bible condemns in the strongest . Which unfortunately is becoming very common in our church , namely deeds of the Nicolaitans . It would combine Christianity with idolatry and sin against the sixth commandment. Jesus hates this ! Read Revelation . 2:6 . Therefore, you should certainly not Christian leaders speak so ! "( Oddvar Dahl ) .
" Everyone who goes astray and not in the doctrine of Christ , hath not God . He who abides in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house and greet him welcome! For he who greets him welcome, being an accomplice with him in his evil deeds. "(2 Jn . V.9 -11) .
Can one make themselves complicit in the sins of others and thus also the punishment ? Yes, when one think well of others' sins , agrees with them , and does not prevent or punish them, if one can. " Do not be quick to lay hands on some ! Do you not complicit in the sins of others ! Keep yourself pure "(1 Tim.5 , 22) . Cf . 3 Mos.19 , 17 - Åpb.18 , 4
" The majority of the church in Pergamum did not join the teaching of the Nicolaitans , but they tolerate those who held to this doctrine. This tolerance was sinful. Therefore exhorted the congregation to repent. Otherwise I come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth . "
Related links:
søndag 23. februar 2014
No. 672: Secretary General of Human Liv Kjersti Skjeggestad Thoresen living in open sin by Jesus' teaching when she married a divorced as a Christian!
No. 672:
Secretary General of Human Liv Kjersti Skjeggestad Thoresen living in open sin by Jesus' teaching when she married a divorced as a Christian!
To marry a divorced is a sin scripture says , then it only makes Wind worse to keep on Liv Kjersti Skjeggestad Thoresen does. Or should one just emphasize the word of God as love ?
Jesus , Paul and the New Testament says that marrying a divorcee is adultery.
General of Human Liv Kjersti Skjeggestad Thoresen living in open sin by Jesus' teaching when she married a divorced as a Christian . This teaching and preaching Jesus and Paul :
Luke 16 18 Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery , and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery .
Rooms . 7 2 For the married woman is bound by law to her husband so long as he is alive, but if her husband be dead , she is loosed from the law of her husband . 3 Therefore she is called an adulteress if she , while her husband lives , marries another man : but if her husband dies, she is free from that law , so she is not an adulteress if she marries another man.
1 Cor. 7 10 The married I command , yet not I, but the Lord , that a wife should not separate herself from her husband ; 11 but divorced him when she abide, being unmarried or be reconciled herself with her husband - and that a man shall put away his wife.
The New Testament is very clear here , it is impossible to go wrong . Marrying again as a Christian or a divorcee is adultery.
Here one should take care of the unborn life and human dignity , but ignoring the weightier matters of God's word . The straight and pure life . This is the alpha and omega , this is what we are made of and , live holy and pure before God . Not in sin and adultery is now Secretary General of Human Liv Kjersti Skjeggestad Thoresen does after she married the divorced Yngvar Thoresen.
The word of God says we are created from my commentaries Ephesians 4 24 and clothe you in the new self, created after the image of God to a life of righteousness and holiness of truth .
The new man is Christ , and he shall we clothe us. Baptism hear , but there is something far more. A daily journey where we become more and more like Jesus . The new life is growing , thriving in what is right , true and holy . Just like a flower or a plant thrives in the right atmosphere with the right amount of sunlight thrive on the new man in the light of God and under the influence of Christ.
The secret to victory , really victory in the Christian life is the good habits . And why do we suffer defeat, even as " old" Christians? We break with the habits and the penalties themselves . King David went every spring to war but the year he broke the habit was also the year the disaster struck him and his house . There are tobacco , alcohol habits , play habits , TV habits and other habits that will ultimately lead us away from Christ and in the large tilintelsgjørelsen . While good habits will lead us closer to Christ and each other. Habits are formed and prevention !
27 Let not the devil a foothold .
How do we not let Satan ? I thought life first and foremost. We will take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. And we will make your life much easier with the Lord more we live in the word and prayer. ( end of quote ) .
Paul teaches and encourages us to: "Do not let the devil a foothold ."
What helps it to stand up for both the one and the other , the leader makes everything that much worse. When a release Satan and sin to ? This makes now the Secretary General of Human Liv Kjersti Skjeggestad to marry a divorcee , and will continue to be a leader. Had she not continue as president goodbye I never wrote this article. This is from the Lutheran Free Church magazine:
The two organizations Norwegian Pro Vita and order right to life and human dignity was in 2002 merged to Human . Since January 2004, Liv Kjersti Skjeggestad Thoresen been Secretary General of the organization.
In human dignity membership , there are many different people . Some wish that you should take action as anti - abortion organization , while others think that the Christian expression and use of language is too strong. The Evangelical Lutheran Free Church is a member organization that supports the work and individual members belong to the Lutheran Free Church . As Mrs. Thoresen himself. A year ago she married Yngvar Thoresen belonging Greåker Free Church and now she is even a member of the congregation .
- Most of our members are the Christians, and we build on the Christian view of man . But we argue general ethical. As Secretary General of Human she attended numerous meetings and conferences in Christian auspices , own and in different networks. She meets politicians , write letters to the editor in newspapers and comments on the debates. Every morning she , information responsibly and adolescent consultant a news event . ( end of quote ) .
If one builds a Christian reason and basis. Why ignore one part of the word of God and emphasizes just what a self- will ? We must bring the whole teaching of Jesus and the whole New Testament doctrine and teaching , or deceive ourselves and others. Jesus himself says if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit .
Matthew 15:14 Let them alone: they are blind leaders of the blind And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit .
Luk 6:39 He spake also a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? are not they both fall into the ditch ?
Can Christians take their place as they want , especially the leaders and those who shall be shepherds ? They are exempt ? Or are the wolves in sheep's clothing that Jesus said ? It gets you decide what you believe and think, for me the answer is clear . No one should be Christians can ignore part or clear words and exhortations of the New Testament , they do so they are wolves in sheep's clothing.
Remarriage or marrying a divorced
The Bible also speaks clearly in this case. In Luke 4:18 p.m. says, " Whoever divorces his wife and marries another , commits adultery. And whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery. "
Jesus' words in Mark 10:11-12 is not to be misunderstood : " Whoever divorces his wife and marries another , is guilty of adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery . "
Paul writes as clear in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 : " And unto the married I command, yet not I , but the Lord : A wife must not separate from her husband . But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband . And a husband must not divorce his wife. "
We note that Paul refers to a commandment from the Lord. It is given only two options for the divorced wife, to remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband.
The theory that the innocent party may remarry after a divorce based on Matthew 19:9 where Jesus says : " But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness , and marries another doth commit adultery . And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery . "
From this it is believed to have coverage that a man who is separated from his wife because she has committed adultery can remarry. But such an interpretation violates the parallel Bible verses quoted above . True biblical interpretation has always been the guiding star that the clear words must illuminate the less clear, and in this case it is more clear verses that go against remarriage .
Final Comment
I never attack "ordinary" Christians, but only managers and those who want to be pastors . It is therefore entirely justified and appropriate that we in the Heavenly blog takes up this stuff called Christians take the freedom and opportunity for the flesh and their own desires and lust for living in adultery and sin. Shameful , sensual and devilish , this according to what God's word says and teaches .
Related links:
Secretary General of Human Liv Kjersti Skjeggestad Thoresen living in open sin by Jesus' teaching when she married a divorced as a Christian!
To marry a divorced is a sin scripture says , then it only makes Wind worse to keep on Liv Kjersti Skjeggestad Thoresen does. Or should one just emphasize the word of God as love ?
Jesus , Paul and the New Testament says that marrying a divorcee is adultery.
General of Human Liv Kjersti Skjeggestad Thoresen living in open sin by Jesus' teaching when she married a divorced as a Christian . This teaching and preaching Jesus and Paul :
Luke 16 18 Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery , and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery .
Rooms . 7 2 For the married woman is bound by law to her husband so long as he is alive, but if her husband be dead , she is loosed from the law of her husband . 3 Therefore she is called an adulteress if she , while her husband lives , marries another man : but if her husband dies, she is free from that law , so she is not an adulteress if she marries another man.
1 Cor. 7 10 The married I command , yet not I, but the Lord , that a wife should not separate herself from her husband ; 11 but divorced him when she abide, being unmarried or be reconciled herself with her husband - and that a man shall put away his wife.
The New Testament is very clear here , it is impossible to go wrong . Marrying again as a Christian or a divorcee is adultery.
Here one should take care of the unborn life and human dignity , but ignoring the weightier matters of God's word . The straight and pure life . This is the alpha and omega , this is what we are made of and , live holy and pure before God . Not in sin and adultery is now Secretary General of Human Liv Kjersti Skjeggestad Thoresen does after she married the divorced Yngvar Thoresen.
The word of God says we are created from my commentaries Ephesians 4 24 and clothe you in the new self, created after the image of God to a life of righteousness and holiness of truth .
The new man is Christ , and he shall we clothe us. Baptism hear , but there is something far more. A daily journey where we become more and more like Jesus . The new life is growing , thriving in what is right , true and holy . Just like a flower or a plant thrives in the right atmosphere with the right amount of sunlight thrive on the new man in the light of God and under the influence of Christ.
The secret to victory , really victory in the Christian life is the good habits . And why do we suffer defeat, even as " old" Christians? We break with the habits and the penalties themselves . King David went every spring to war but the year he broke the habit was also the year the disaster struck him and his house . There are tobacco , alcohol habits , play habits , TV habits and other habits that will ultimately lead us away from Christ and in the large tilintelsgjørelsen . While good habits will lead us closer to Christ and each other. Habits are formed and prevention !
27 Let not the devil a foothold .
How do we not let Satan ? I thought life first and foremost. We will take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. And we will make your life much easier with the Lord more we live in the word and prayer. ( end of quote ) .
Paul teaches and encourages us to: "Do not let the devil a foothold ."
What helps it to stand up for both the one and the other , the leader makes everything that much worse. When a release Satan and sin to ? This makes now the Secretary General of Human Liv Kjersti Skjeggestad to marry a divorcee , and will continue to be a leader. Had she not continue as president goodbye I never wrote this article. This is from the Lutheran Free Church magazine:
The two organizations Norwegian Pro Vita and order right to life and human dignity was in 2002 merged to Human . Since January 2004, Liv Kjersti Skjeggestad Thoresen been Secretary General of the organization.
In human dignity membership , there are many different people . Some wish that you should take action as anti - abortion organization , while others think that the Christian expression and use of language is too strong. The Evangelical Lutheran Free Church is a member organization that supports the work and individual members belong to the Lutheran Free Church . As Mrs. Thoresen himself. A year ago she married Yngvar Thoresen belonging Greåker Free Church and now she is even a member of the congregation .
- Most of our members are the Christians, and we build on the Christian view of man . But we argue general ethical. As Secretary General of Human she attended numerous meetings and conferences in Christian auspices , own and in different networks. She meets politicians , write letters to the editor in newspapers and comments on the debates. Every morning she , information responsibly and adolescent consultant a news event . ( end of quote ) .
If one builds a Christian reason and basis. Why ignore one part of the word of God and emphasizes just what a self- will ? We must bring the whole teaching of Jesus and the whole New Testament doctrine and teaching , or deceive ourselves and others. Jesus himself says if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit .
Matthew 15:14 Let them alone: they are blind leaders of the blind And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit .
Luk 6:39 He spake also a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? are not they both fall into the ditch ?
Can Christians take their place as they want , especially the leaders and those who shall be shepherds ? They are exempt ? Or are the wolves in sheep's clothing that Jesus said ? It gets you decide what you believe and think, for me the answer is clear . No one should be Christians can ignore part or clear words and exhortations of the New Testament , they do so they are wolves in sheep's clothing.
Remarriage or marrying a divorced
The Bible also speaks clearly in this case. In Luke 4:18 p.m. says, " Whoever divorces his wife and marries another , commits adultery. And whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery. "
Jesus' words in Mark 10:11-12 is not to be misunderstood : " Whoever divorces his wife and marries another , is guilty of adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery . "
Paul writes as clear in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 : " And unto the married I command, yet not I , but the Lord : A wife must not separate from her husband . But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband . And a husband must not divorce his wife. "
We note that Paul refers to a commandment from the Lord. It is given only two options for the divorced wife, to remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband.
The theory that the innocent party may remarry after a divorce based on Matthew 19:9 where Jesus says : " But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness , and marries another doth commit adultery . And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery . "
From this it is believed to have coverage that a man who is separated from his wife because she has committed adultery can remarry. But such an interpretation violates the parallel Bible verses quoted above . True biblical interpretation has always been the guiding star that the clear words must illuminate the less clear, and in this case it is more clear verses that go against remarriage .
Final Comment
I never attack "ordinary" Christians, but only managers and those who want to be pastors . It is therefore entirely justified and appropriate that we in the Heavenly blog takes up this stuff called Christians take the freedom and opportunity for the flesh and their own desires and lust for living in adultery and sin. Shameful , sensual and devilish , this according to what God's word says and teaches .
Related links:
lørdag 22. februar 2014
No. 671: Torstein Langsæter from Ullensvang we were going to have to shut out from the Heavenly blog!
No 671:
Torstein Langsæter from Ullensvang we were going to have to shut out from the Heavenly blog!
The Heavenly blog is in my opinion the best and most important blog, it is completely wrong to drop to such an extreme and somewhat manipulative man who Torstein Langsæter from Ullensvang without saying stop before or since. Photo by Torstein Langsæter from Ullensvang / Lofthus
Here an article in which I discuss the part of our dispute on the blog:
We engaged in Smyrna Oslo and the Heavenly blog also wish that others with different opinions, beliefs , teachings and spiritual standpoint should be allowed to come forward . But when a repeat again and again that as here with Torstein Langsæter from Ullensvang / Lofthus change , moderating and stop writing about it , he repeats to the extreme. But would not or wanted , but rather grew worse , and bolder . Remember to put your foot down and eventually shut these out . Here are some nedforbi of what we have between us . And there is much more on our website .
Hey . It's nice to focus on these 6000 years. I have read countless posts on this value debate , which I now no longer allowed to participate . ( end of quote ) .
It says Torstein Langsæter that he's been shut out of the Value debate , but then he bursts loose with approx . over a hundred posts on our blog , without trying to change and moderating them . Then say it stops for me. Here is my card appeal points against Torstein Langsæter :
1 ) He rejects Paul and think he is a heretic .
2 ) The law should we as Christians follow, even though the word of God says that we are dead to the Law to live for God. Keeping the law will set us free by grace .
3 ) Luke is not from God , just the other three . This is absolutely disgusting to exclude Luke .
4 ) Torstein look at the Heavenly blog as a place he can perform with their warped and highly peculiar and unbiblical views .
5 ) The print than on others blog and call them for everything that is ugly , it is both vulgar and disrespectful not to take this Ad Notam and even leave the blog. It's the least one can expect if one comes with strong profanity and verbal abuse of others.
6 ) I have an editorial responsibility and can not indefinitely allowable extreme and unscriptural utterances we try to have a very high ceiling also from highly divergent viewpoints.
7 ) Torstein also writes more like a monologue , not as one that will discuss, he knows the answers in advance .
8 ) Torstein also act as God himself by judging , lecturing and he knows everything , empty when 1000 årsriket begins. Even Jesus does not know it, but it does Torstein . There is arrogance in its strongest form .
Does anyone know exactly when Christ will return to earth ? It's in the Bible, Matthew 24.36 . But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven , nor the Son , but only the Father. Neither knows this Torstein who do not know Jesus , there is only the one true God the Father knows this , no other!
Related links:
Torstein Langsæter from Ullensvang we were going to have to shut out from the Heavenly blog!
The Heavenly blog is in my opinion the best and most important blog, it is completely wrong to drop to such an extreme and somewhat manipulative man who Torstein Langsæter from Ullensvang without saying stop before or since. Photo by Torstein Langsæter from Ullensvang / Lofthus
Here an article in which I discuss the part of our dispute on the blog:
We engaged in Smyrna Oslo and the Heavenly blog also wish that others with different opinions, beliefs , teachings and spiritual standpoint should be allowed to come forward . But when a repeat again and again that as here with Torstein Langsæter from Ullensvang / Lofthus change , moderating and stop writing about it , he repeats to the extreme. But would not or wanted , but rather grew worse , and bolder . Remember to put your foot down and eventually shut these out . Here are some nedforbi of what we have between us . And there is much more on our website .
Hey . It's nice to focus on these 6000 years. I have read countless posts on this value debate , which I now no longer allowed to participate . ( end of quote ) .
It says Torstein Langsæter that he's been shut out of the Value debate , but then he bursts loose with approx . over a hundred posts on our blog , without trying to change and moderating them . Then say it stops for me. Here is my card appeal points against Torstein Langsæter :
1 ) He rejects Paul and think he is a heretic .
2 ) The law should we as Christians follow, even though the word of God says that we are dead to the Law to live for God. Keeping the law will set us free by grace .
3 ) Luke is not from God , just the other three . This is absolutely disgusting to exclude Luke .
4 ) Torstein look at the Heavenly blog as a place he can perform with their warped and highly peculiar and unbiblical views .
5 ) The print than on others blog and call them for everything that is ugly , it is both vulgar and disrespectful not to take this Ad Notam and even leave the blog. It's the least one can expect if one comes with strong profanity and verbal abuse of others.
6 ) I have an editorial responsibility and can not indefinitely allowable extreme and unscriptural utterances we try to have a very high ceiling also from highly divergent viewpoints.
7 ) Torstein also writes more like a monologue , not as one that will discuss, he knows the answers in advance .
8 ) Torstein also act as God himself by judging , lecturing and he knows everything , empty when 1000 årsriket begins. Even Jesus does not know it, but it does Torstein . There is arrogance in its strongest form .
Does anyone know exactly when Christ will return to earth ? It's in the Bible, Matthew 24.36 . But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven , nor the Son , but only the Father. Neither knows this Torstein who do not know Jesus , there is only the one true God the Father knows this , no other!
Related links:
onsdag 19. februar 2014
No. 670: Explanation of eternity!
No. 670:
Explanation of eternity!
Image of Earth, seen from outside, the earth is like a microbe in the universe.
The misunderstanding of the concept of infinity SKA site Questions about fortapelseslæren the day 18.06 and 6.21. Is there anything more difficult in Bible? Most displaces question . Person LIG I have chosen to go into the , with a motivational sensation of that something is not right . The Bible is challenging to understand here, because we are shaped by misunderstandings that maintained by Bible translation r and theology . Consider: Aion is the Greek word in the NT as translates me d eternity. The special feature is that it also translates m ed age, time (s), old-time and world. Bible user actually a word for " infinity " (Except aidios , two times ) . How to distinguish s then between time and eternity, when the Bible translated? In Jude 25 says (N B88): "Him be glory, majesty, strengthening e and power, before all TIME and now and in all ETERNITY ". Any r which has a Greek interlinear, see that the two case ne of aion translated with two different words, TIME and ETERNITY , In one verse! If the translators had remained consistent to that aion = Infinity, would obey the word " To Him belong ... power for all eternity and now and forever " . But before forever songs as impossible, so the one to be replaced with time, but not the other. Hm. And d is the more. 1 Corinthians 2:7 speaks of "the wisdom of God the hidden as Gu d FROM eternity has provided destined for our glory. " In Greek it says PRO ton aionon , Literally translating BEFORE Forever! Again, this is not possible with our understanding of infinity, so when are BEFORE the FRA, and Everlasting to everlasting. We we l find emulate NDE things in Titus 1:2 and Romans 4:25 p.m. etc. If we go to GT, we find the same. In Ecclesiastes 8:23 says " FROM infinity I (wisdom) has been inserted, from the beginning, before the earth was ". Septuagint (L X X) is a pre-Christian translation of the Hebrew Old Testament into Greek, and expr ykker this with PRO ton aionos , BEFORE eternity, if we are to maintain that aion = infinity. What is the error here? The error is that aion does not mean forever, but age (Eng. age). We see in these examples that replace infinity with age, everything becomes understandable. Feed r eternities go not but before ages is understandable . If we look so forward in Time , We find new things to wonder about. Matthew 28:20 says, "... I (Jesus) am with you all days up World end ". The word for world is here aion. Should we f astholde that aion = Infinity, here would be that Jesus is with us until the end of eternity. Again, an impossibility. In 1 Corinthians 10:11 is On the written for our admonition, upon whom the last times has come. Here comes times from aion in majority. If we retain r aion = infinity, standing here in Greek literally: to whom the ends of the eternities is come (take tele ton aion on). Again, use aion = age, this more understandable. Time s nev the ends come close. Ages, "eternal ties ", has the Which they start. Jesus is m ed us up to this present age end. When Ephesians 2:7 speaks of God to show His grace wealth against us in the coming times , It's the coming ages (aion) as described. Spring "Eternity" and sky starting at next age when the Kingdom of God is emerging . God h adde a purpose in the ages which he purposed in Christ, Ephesians 3:11. This is unfortunately also hidden in translation. They n surprising conclusion is that the Bible speaks of an eternity before creation of our world, or a future eternity by creating lsen of the new heaven and earth, - " eternities " between. Thats. it speaks of the ages in this world perspective And d eretter the newly created universe. £ 04.07. 13 2 What about the phrase in Revelation 20.10, where it says about the Devil who will be tormented day and night In ALL ETERNITY (Day and night, see 1MOS 8:22)? What is surprising is that GT user same Greek phrase in the LXX of this the world's duration. Psalm 104:5 says that the earth shall not be moved forever . But we know that the earth and sky shall pass away before the new universe is created. Thats. a t term in forever must be understood as Until last age . Should the Bible be related here, must stand against the evil cease at this end of the world. More detailed justification can be read on . --- - So far the abridged newspaper article, the features should also have this (with some repetition): H va so the expression in Revelation 20: 10, where it says about the Devil who will be tormented day and night ETERNITY (Day and night, see 1MOS 8:22)? Forever come here fr a Greek term eis tous Aion ton Aion . If we still maintain that aion = infinity, this verbatim to Norwegian: the eternities of eternities, or eternal heat n es forever (Ie ages s ages). What does this mean? Off surprises one finds GT is that the same expression is used of this world duration. Psalm 104:5 says that the earth shall not be moved for ever. Psalm 148:6 speaks of the stars, the sun and the moon, and the law, he gave their place forever, forever. In both cases, use LXX same out pressure Revelation 8:10 p.m., as also corresponds to the strongest expression of the future in Hebrew: "Eon - duck - futurity "According meadow. heb. internal linear (eon = heb. olam , = Gr. aion) . Psalm 89:37 f says like the moon shall Davids (ie the Messiah) throne stand forever . How long is this? 1Cor 3:25 p.m. says that Christ will rule his enemies are put under his feet. This is also expressed in Heb 1:8 the Son: "Your throne, God, is for ever." Christ's dominion in forever and forever so long as the moon rises, ie up END when H depends hands over the kingdom to God the Father and God becomes all in all. Here comes the turn of the universe. After the words of that world will last forever, even forever and ever, it is abundantly clear that this Heaven and earth shall pass away. H ow hangs when this together? Our world can not both remain and pass away? The only possibility I see is that utt relegated forever (the ages ages) means the distant era, ie to the end of the world. If so, terminate the punishment of the devil end of the world, before death as the last enemy destroyed, 1Cor 3:26 p.m., and does not exist in the new earth, - for, for, period, the former things are passed away, Revelation 21:1 - 5 If this is so, the prevailing understanding, dualism (that good and evil always remained ir side page), not even a possibility. The settlement with evil occurs within the confines of this world. There are no endless punishment in the New World. There are only two possibilities, either the annihilation of the lost, or restoration, before the new univ ers appear. What about when Matt 25:46: "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." This is perhaps the main word for dualism. Again occurs a misunderstanding of a term, here the word forever, gr. aionios. I'd like t a in a next post. R K (day 24.06) suggests that the parable the rich man and Lazarus preclude an escape via ordmagi (my words). When he ignores this parable about the state of the grave before the resurrection of judgment, not Gehenna. I has not directly answered SKA's questions, only points to a framework of understanding that probably will challenge established truths. What option is, - He is right that there are directions in universalism attacked the badly basis. Maybe dualists should go quieter in the doors?
£ 04.07. 13 1 The misunderstanding of the concept of eternal The term forever is just misunderstood as the before mentioned term e vighet (Day.A . .). The NT does this from the noun aion ("Infinity", ie age), s about being the adjective aionios which translates to forever (Literally : "Evighetisk" ). In GT comes word forever in our Bible from the Hebrew word olam . In the Greek Old Testament, Septuagint , come the words aion and aionios mainly from olam . Olam comes from a word s if does cover their, hide. Dr. theol. Thorleif Boman (1959) says: " O l a m is either beyond or Chrono lo cal infinity, but TIME WITHOUT BORDERS " - ie indefinitely. Olam describes the time that go beyond the immediate time, and swine n hen is beyond our understanding and range past and future. We do not know when the begins or ends. This is the special m ed olam, which makes it may denote time under both e of a lifetime and time line k is outside this . Two examples: 2mos 21:6 is about the servant who received an awl through the ear as a sign that he should tj one's lord FOREVER (NB88). It uses L OLAM , in Hebrew. In the Septuagint reproduced this that eis ton Aiona = into the e on (Eon = age ) . In Norwegian, it almost verbatim: for eternity (Age) Which imprecisely become more common THE ETERNAL TIME That here is life. And it is the time of indefinite duration. No one knows how long someone lives. On the other hand, we have previously seen Sal 89:38 : "As the moon shall (David's throne) stand FOREVER .. ". The same expression is used here as in 2mos 21:6, eis ton Aiona , THE ETERNAL TIME . But the timeframe is a completely different and again indeterminate, but not infinite, since the moon as earth shall pass away. How is it connection. time. What about other ? We understand that to live forever time can not be the same as forever life . Adam and Eve were in danger of living forever in the fallen state, but it was eternal life. Eternal life is a specific character of life, which is to know God, John 17:3 "And this is life eternal, that they know thee the only true God, and him you u Tsend, Jesus Christ. " E vig use es here descriptive character. There is examples of some translations of the Old Testament where olam reproduced in whole time-independent, with the word hidden (Psalm 90:8, Ecclesiastes 3:11). Isaiah 40:28 says, "The Lord is the eternal God as created the ends of the earth. He is not tired He becomes not exhausted His sense unsearchable " . E vig associated here with properties that assumes of human limitations, not only related to time. When we go over in the NT takes over gres k e aionios s same meaning as olam in GT. 2 Corinthians 4:18 given considerable power to define: "For the visible items briefly But the unseen is eternal " . It is common to think that there be infinity up against temporality, but neither olam or aion / aionios describe infinity, but something that goes beyond the limited and close , without position taken on whether , or when , This ends the incalculable. It is God who governs. So : Adjective forever used as DESCRIPTIO e of all that go beyond (transcend) the near and limited in time and character. The eternal covenant in the Old Testament was put out by the power of God himself. But it was forever , Ie a continuous, u mutable covenant, which stretched into the future without an expiry date, still in KKE incessant. £ 04.07. 13 2 S river hove Dordt for dualism is Matt 25:46: " And these shall l go away to eternal punishment, but the fair to eternal life " . Since Augustin , have r fol following mantra sounded Because eternal life without the need also eternal punishment have no end, especially when it is in the same sentence . This can not be. Eternal does not infinite. Eternal life e r a grade of life , in all types exceeds what we now know, : it sealed in the resurrection with immortality. E vig punishment is corresponding to a character of s hit that exercised by God , Until E NDE n The settlement with the evil must end this world, and a new heaven and earth appear, wherein dwelleth righteousness. So it must be about The Bible should not contradict itself, as explained in connection. concept of infinity. More explanatory spoken of laugh's on . ---- So far the abridged newspaper article, the features should also have this (with some repetition): A large apple and a large universe are not equal, even if it's in the same sentence. The universe can well be infinite, - that does not apple greater. Forever is an adjective that equals any other controlled by word it stands for, such as for the apple. Life and st raff are two very different things. Eternal life is the life that is Please God, by virtue of its quality. It is given to those who believe and sealed with incessant in Resurrection. Eternal punishment is composed, uncompromising, uomgjørlig punishment until the end But ask not sealed with incessant. The eternal God made an everlasting covenant with Israel. It is actually and linguistically correct. Try setting Augustin in reverse here: The eternal covenant with Israel ceased to exist, therefore God must also cease! These in Matthew 25:46 that go away to eternal punishment, Jews and Gentiles who do not get to go to the Messiah Kingdom blessings, when it occurs on Earth, but are outside, Revelation 21:8, Matthew 8:12 13:42. I have given two good argument against the doctrine of eternal punishment. Förrien ge Article demonstrates that the settlement with the evil must take place within the framework of this world. There are no eternal punishment in the newly created universe. Now pointed to excess that eternal punishment can mean punishment without end. Much confusion is created by the sauce together no of hell (Gehenna gr.), Hades (Gr. Hades) and lake of fire. Hades is a temporary phase between death and resurrection, and is relatively unimportant connection. question of incessant punishment. Still used the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in Hades that ex ple in hell. It is impermissible. Worm does not die and the fire is not quenched, taken as pictures of conscience who should stick without cessation, and God's fiery wrath. For it brought this worm that eats rotting meat. It others are unquenchable fire (Gr. asbestos) used in classical Greek for fire is so fierce that it can not stopped, not that it never goes out. Eternal fire is used synonymously in the Gospels, and in Jude 7 ( about Sodom and Gomorrah fire). These descriptions describe the punishment of those who sin m ot the Lord in the coming Messiah Kingdom (see like Isaiah 66:24), where the knowledge of the Lord shall fill the earth (Isa. 11:9). The consequence of sin is then equivalent. This is hell, Gehenna (Hinnom valley Son) outside Jerusalem, mentioned several times in the OT. The lake of fire is the place where the wicked ends, after they arose to judgment. This comes after Hades and Hell. I will not think of the end of this, I only repeat what I have £ 04.07. 13 3 shown that iIdsjøen is a transition before the new universe is created. Where God will dwell with men, to forget the sorrows of life and the joy of creation. What I have outlined is basically an understanding that contains all the elements of salvation, damnation and judgment, which is dualism, except: punishment ceases. Hv a purpose of punishment, will be a timely question for another time.
KR 31 .07.13 1 Misleading about eternity ? Thanks to A . S . for response p to my articles about terms forever and ever. A 4 5 page study terms is on . A . S . says "Both life and punishment that Jesus gives is without end, so a straightforward reading of Matt 25:46 dictates. " This " forthright " l swell I practiced, up problems accumulated when the entirety was investigated . I added inconsistent r s When I time indication ig says that "aion only be translated with age" and ends up that "Forever and ever" must understood as "the last age " . G jennomført concordant translations are But has its weaknesses . The importance lies " age " close "Aion". The translation of idiom "Eternity" is another matter. "In every age" is more correct than "forever". "T il last age "Covers idiom meaning . It follow r of the Bible says that h in m m e l o g j o r d shall consist of eternity, yet pass away. And a t Christ will reign forever (Heb. 1:8), but also surrender the kingdom God in the end, when God becomes all in all (1 Corinthians 3:24 p.m. f). Inconsistency t in l h ø r e r d e m s o m flows r that "in all eternity "means without end, m e n s o m l in k e v e l faith r a new heaven and earth. S itate from Bible Study on the gr boxed expression for " forever and ever " well-known . At this presented as the strong ste expression of infinity , there is no problem But - What means eternity? If aion alone involves " infinite temporal extent " , Why when talking about uendeligheters infinity? And how can one when use aion time and age ("age" era), or the world? Translations and theology maintains misunderstanding r Is visible for example. in Tit 1:2 Where Greek has "BEFORE ( pro ) Eternal " While NB88 has "FROM forever named by ". BEFORE eternity go not an, so therefore FROM . V in are trained that the Bible uses olam / ai on both of bygone and future infinity . But NT and GT I have not found exception f ra rule: Because lyrics (Interlinear) user olam / aion Exclusion those of ages between creation and new creation of the world. I requested to explain terms like "Him (Christ) be glory for ever and ever", if "Forever" understood as "the last age" ( or "all ages" ) . We find similar problem in Commission: "I am with you always, to the (aion - of the age) end. " Not anymore? Of course, but it is now that we need everlasting consolation (2Tess 2:16) - persistent, unfailing comfort and a good hope, UNTIL we're home. Then we wave all this farewell, for the hope that is seen is no hope (Romans 8:24). Christ be honored through the ages That in the new creation. But the latter is not problems , for when God is all in all. Scriptural message is that God will prevail in this E WORLD, and through the ages, through Christ. Therefore, we ask "Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth." The eternity we await the coming era, when God raises his kingdom on earth, and all the saved occurs to immortality. This is l angel before the end, before the new heaven and earth. It was this age Jesus was talking about When he spoke of eternal life in the world (aion ! ), Mark 10:30. Rev. 1:18, that Christ was dead, but is alive forevermore , Not So e to the statement that Christ d e r e t t e r has infinite existence. He had before his death. But he shall not die more, but rule until KR 31 .07.13 2 End, where death destroyed, the last enemy. God is from everlasting to everlasting, but mainly is also Israel should stay in l andet from everlasting to everlasting hot (Jer. 7:7) . How it if eternity are before and for the two creations? I do not introduce different understanding of the eternal "life eternal" and "everlasting punishment" . In both cases describes a character that goes beyond the present . But we can not stop that eternal ang ir uendelighe t f ordinary d e t o g s to s t to r t in l n o e s o m e t t e r s in n n a t u r e r u o p p h ø r l in g , s o m in u t t r y k k e t "The e vige God " . How should we when could explain terms like "The eternal mountains were shattered" Hab 3:6? God is pr. def. the one always was, is and will be. Eternal describes his being, as in Isaiah 40:28. Eternal life sealed es with immortality, eternal punishment end in this world.
1 Still misleading about eternity? Take kk to A . S . for Posts , 16.08 . I know well the arguments of relative and absolute importance of forever, from Bible Study. I have tried to apply it, but found that the in fact introduces two meanings of eternal : Absolute eternal = infinite, and relatively eternal = finite. Finite and infinite can not covered by one word , forever. A. S. comparing the use of forever with solid. When Jesus says Mark 10:17 that b are is God who is good, then it is because people are Evil , as he says in Matt 7:11 M. M. It is KKE certainly well , against relatively well, but good versus evil. When Barnabas pulled in, we must not forget that He was born and v ar "a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith" , Acts 11:24. Was he thus relatively good ? It which was Barnabas by the Holy Spirit was just absolutely well as God himself, although Barnabas was a man also with flesh. Comparison of spores. S tudiebibelen sie r that material things have ever seen relatively, ie as fina g, we what have with God to do Must forever be perceived absolute, ie as infinity. Then it just said that finally is finite and the infinite is infinite . So what then of eternal life? How do we about forever life must be considered absolute , without end? Can we read it out forever life? No , we must find answers in context one or other places. We read cycle. that we are immortal resurrection. Eternal life is perceived when absolute , that life without end. What so with eternal punishment , M To also perceived absolute? We read that Satan will tormented day o g night in all ever, Revelation 8:10 p.m.. A main point of what I have said in ten dligere posts is , that this does not describe punishment without end. There are many reasons for this , Bl . a: The basic text in Titus 1:2 etc. show that " infinity "Aion, not denotes the time before creation , but the ages for. Likewise, neither aion denote time after the new heaven and earth, because: past ages (Aion) has come to us, 1Cor 10:11, and Christ is revealed by the ages end, Hebrews 9:26. And, Israel is given the land for ever ever, Jer 7:7, ie that "infinity" is located within the confines of this world. And, Son throne is for ever, Heb 1:8, but cessation Nevertheless, in the end, 1Cor 3:24 p.m. f to o gså Dan 6:27 says that "his lordship lasts until the end " . And, The earth shall not be moved for ever? Psalm 104:5, but will still pass away, and replaced with a new . There are thus many statements that all must implicate that the term "forever" must be understood in n for frame of this world , as all ages until the end. Taking j I error here I am left with arguments as not e s worth the ink in the day. If not, must eternal punishment TLC ear in the end, ie perceived relative t , and opposite of what we found for eternal life; and we ended up in a situation that "is so unreasonable that it knap t need to be challenged " , says Study the Bible. Either we must nevertheless accept the absolute and relative importance side by side in the same verse, or detect errors in understanding ove r . Or do like me: discard relative - absolute - argument . In covenant with grunnbetydnin tion of olam (forever in GT) realize r I that eternal not describe infinity, but border nature of the content and pass the unit outside the temporal constraints . Eternal life is a character of life by the pleasing , sealed together with immortality and This Life (True, 1 Timothy 6:19) persist without end. Eternal punishment is a grade of punishment ceases to End , when God will. An vs. Revelation 1:18 (I was dead .. but live grace forever) I rendered inaccurate . I say "he will not die more, but the rule until End. . ". It is here a cure r ant expression of both living and rule, in all 2 infinity . I do not see antics , that "to live" in reality is replaced . And f ortsatt is mission - command comparability r with the situation in Rev. 1:18. Jesus was dead, but alive forevermore, not only to exist, but exert a most important role as regent, together with their servants (Rev. 22:5) Until E Spirit. On equivalent way he us now until the end of the age and in both cases the he still be with us when they nn e world battle is over.
KR - 20 .08.13 9 It is initially demonstrated that bib el translate locks handles these concepts with apparently low level of precision compared to the original text. Mainly are quotes from Norwegian Bible 88 (NB88) , but there are indications that this is more the rule than the exception, for translations in general. Infinity Word aion translates in NT infinity, world, age, time (s), ancient, ancient days M. M. Variation is the corresponding GT. Thus, a single word, aion , Translated with the " Hereafter " - infinity , as well as it present - age and World . How can this be possible? And how do you when one or the other should be used? There are some translations that have taken the matter seriously, blah. Young's Literal Translation (YLT), and Concordant Version (see ). YLT translates eternity with age And forever with ageduring . CV uses consistent the transcribed form eon for aion And eonian for aionois ( eon and eonisk the Norwegian ). The advantage of this is that the reader has sufficient proximity to the basic text, and Avoid CE . Vran g Imagine in nge r due. misleading translations . U Lemper is that it feels strange having to talk about eonisk life , Instead of eternal life. People After all, a common former speedy PROVISIONS that there is a life as stre k increases beyond this And our name on it eternal life . A more appropriate strategy may be to fill the term eternal life with proper understanding (As we shall see , - to live forever (Live forever) is not the same as eternal life ) . Similarly who ask seized God must also be filled with the correct understanding. PAST e vighet ? Wrong Forest in lling (?) which follows the concepts forever and infinity is clearly displays using one Greek - Norwegian / English interlinear. There are several Bible verses that use the term from eternity , and etc., referring apparently to the "bygone eternity" ie before creation. Tit 1:2 is one example, where it says that the promise God has given from eternity , Of eternal life. Basic text uses here pro ch Ronon aionios n , Which at norwegianised form becomes: before eonisk e time is . If you choose here to translate aionios with forever , Standing there thus before forever e time is . But this does not match our view, - where was well nothing before forever Before the "bygone eternity"? And how can there be many eternal time is ? In NB88 is then before eoniske times become out t pressure from eternity . The preposition and the majority are not taken seriously, but theology becomes so you are used to : A t there was an eternity even first, then came the creation and time and the world , where people live their short lives, and so coming eternity left up ahead. If we now rather chose to translate aion with age would look different: before eonisk time are when to before tidsalderlig e time is . This is KKE good Norwegian, but we begin to sense the meaning. Tit 1:2 talk about the promise of eternal life which God gave before time s ages ! The translation feed r eternal , would be right enough Only one understands that before forever when referring to the beginning, before Ages . In Romans 4:25 p.m. occurred m is a similar u t pressure, where it is a question of a secret that has been fortidd in eternal time is , In Greek chronois aioni o in s . This refers not to a concealment of the "bygone ages "before creation, but it refers to the bygone ages . The secret is simply not revealed in the Old Testament, but d It has now come to light through the prophetic writings that Paul has conveyed. KR - 20 .08.13 10 Ephesians 3:9 refers to the same secret, "which has been hidden from Eternal times in God. " Colossians 1:26 out t jerk that "this secret has been hidden from eternity ... ". In both cases states on Greek apo ton aionion , Which in Norwegian becomes from Aeons , ie f ra eternities , or from the ages (English is closer to the Greek, since they use the definite article the same way, in English becomes from the eons Or from the ages ). The importance tion is that in Romans 4:25 p.m., the secret was hidden from the ages, not from "Pioneer n e infinity is "Before creation. That God decided something before creation n is undoubtedly true, but it utt indented differently. In 1 Cor 2:7 speaks of "the wisdom of God the hidden s God of ordained before the world unto our glory. " The phrase in Greek is per ton aion on (Distribution before the eons / ages ), I.e. before Aeons = before Ages . Everyone perceives that before eternities not fit. God is omnipotent, but operate forever require more than omnipotence , I believe . D a look as if translators choose to take care of recognition t Theology at the expense of respect to preposition is and plural. In Jud 25 we read : "Him be glory and majesty, dominion and power all time and now and in all infinity ". Here are aion translated both time and infinity in the same verse! Study the Bible choose to be consistent and use the word infinity for aion "The Lord be our honor and glory, power and might, before all eternity and now and to all eternities ". V to get ie strange truth before all eternity . This problem disappears when age used "... Before all age and now and in all ages." NB: Before all " Eternity " does not occur in all manuscripts . More examples r This in NT are discussed in this st udiet. V in are the same in GT. In Ecclesiastes 8: 2 3 says " From eternity I (wisdom) has been inserted, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. " LXX - interline distinction renders this English as " Before the eon ( age ) he founded me in the beginning, before making of the earth. " The Greek expression eries LXX is per ton aionos = before eon . Again , if aion means infinity, f years we meaninglessness until eternity , But what it says is thus that V isdommen (Son) was inserted before Earth was, that before time (Age / " Eternity " ). Psalm 25:6 speaks of the Lord's mercy works , Which is from infinity , = from the eon , LXX. These must necessarily hear the time, not a bygone "eternity", although his grace intent had its originated before time. In Psalm 119:52 there is a so m remembering the Lord's judgments from eternity = m Oulm ( from eon ), Hebrew. This was the Lord judge the throughout history was narrated about in the Holy Scriptures , not from an unknown Bygone "Eternity". Jer 7:7 (see also 25:5 ) speaks of the land which the Lord gave Israel, from eternity to eternity = from the eon and unto the eon LXX. No one will believe this speaks of a property before creation, and any for future end. The same phrase is in Jer 25:5, about the country as "the Lord gave you and your fathers, from infinity t il forever ". And in Isaiah 45:17 we read, even: "Israel is saved by the LORD with an everlasting salvation. You will forever do not be ashamed and confounded. " It must be extremely difficult to be Replacement theology in the light of these words, but there are also other shows have tried it. H va then with the t fumes tion in Psalm 93:2: Wired is your t r o ne from ancient times , from eternity you , = from eon you , Heb. int., = fr o m the eon you are LXX. Not to speak of expression in Psalm 90:2, from eternity the everlasting God , = from eon u nt o eon you El Hebrew int erlineær . The whole verse reads in Norwegian Translation: "Before the mountains were born, and you made the earth and the earth - yes (?), from everlasting to everlasting you are God " . According to the Hebrew interline honor this should also sound e: "Before the mountains were born, and you created the earth and the world - AND from everlasting to everlasting, you are God ": KR - 20 .08.13 11 Thus, God is before creation n , who is from it farthest past to the distant future. Do we have any reason to believe that Psalm 90:2 covers a completely different perspe k tive than Jer 7 7 above ? I do not think so, although God pr. def. always has been and always will be. We shall see that olam speaks of it hidden and inaccessible . From eternity to eternity (From olam to olam) = from the distant past to the distant future . If he e r from tomorrow morning till the end of time, he is also the beginning and end, God above all things. Therefore, also his mercy not only from eternity But from eternity to infinity , Psalm 103:17, exactly the same expression as in Jer 7:7 , About Israel . It speaks of his mercy has been and always will be through time, - it is Now mercy is needed. It responds fully ten l expression everlasting consolation , 2 Thessalonians 2:16, it is not designed for "eternity" but time. I stand by this in danger of "reducing" God. That's not what I do or want to do I will only raise awareness that when we for s Sip from eternity to eternity used of God, and associate with This " from infinity to infinity " Then it is not due to expression one in itself, but the nature of God, ie . he pr. Definition WAS, IS And IS . And it is a main point connection. use of aion , and not at least aionios Where re g elen for all adjectives is that they take the form of the nouns they stands for. As I going to say several times, a large apple is not as big as a large universe, although the same adjective large used in the same sentence. 99.999% of the Bible mentions concerns purpose eon e / selves as God complete in Christ , see Ephesians 3 : 11 ( is misleading translated in NB88). We who have an unclear understanding of aion , need to acknowledge this . When it says in the Great Commission, Matthew 28:20, Jesus is with us to the very / eonens end, it does not mean that he then leaves us, just as the expression from eternity to eternity limiting God. And the statement in Dan 6:27 where Daniel's God Riek discussed: the not destroyed and his dominion until the end . Not long, yes, but we we must to face up to the Bible recognizes Enner an end to this world, where virtually a new tidregning begins, and a new world is created where God is all in all. Worth mentioning is also to 5Mos 33:27: "A housing is The eternal God , And underneath are the everlasting arms ... ". The eternal God is Elohim - of aforetime (Alei qdm) that LXX translator with Theou arche , God begins God from the beginning. Hebrew does not use olam , and LXX user not aion , However, using such KJV The eternal God . Basic text uses the words concepts with an awareness that is not reflected in the translations, and distinguishes God from the beginning / The eternal God And God from eternity (S) / Age (s) . It may seem insignificant, but this lack of general precision in dc. the expressions that are mentioned may prove to have ended in a absolutely impermissible theological Misconception . I've gone through everything I have found the passages from the Bible about this, and it is as close as possible all Bible verse, and not found one deviation from the rule - that aion and olam used over the past aimed exclusively the ages following creation. There are no "bygone infinity "Before creation. It that was before the creation discussed eg as the beginning (gr. arc h e) - "In the beginning Gu d heaven and earth ", 1MOS 1:1. Ephesians 1:4 etc. use the term before the foundation of the . The term forever and ever Or forever Has not yet been discussed. This is used many times in the NT the expression in Galatians 1:5: "He (God / Jesus) be glory for ever and ever." It may seem almost as majesty insult, when I now want to argue that infinity should be replaced with age. "Him be glory KR - 20 .08.13 14 In Psalm 89:37 f speaks of David's offspring will be forever , And his throne as the sun God face, " s about the moon shall (David's throne) stand forever .. " . This may look like as a prophecy of Messiah 'Throne . Anyway, here is said the sun and the moon shall be forever / forever . The same expression used in both cases , eis ton Aiona , = into the eon , = to (I) Eternity . Psalm 78:69 says that the earth is establish t for ever; eis ton Aiona , Again. In Psalm 148:6 speaks of the stars, the sun and the moon, and the law he gave "their place forever, forever". The expression in Hebrew l od l = Oulm for the future of eon Which LXX is expressed as into the eon an d into the eon of the eon . This is o m possible yet greater than into the eon of the eon , Which also translated in Heb 1:8 as forever . It is interesting to Note that there are various ways to express that the earth shall pass "forever". B oth it to consist forever And " in all eternity a "(" Forever and ever "), MUST ultimately end up in the same, me n is expressed with different weights . For earth and heaven will pass away, and they can not consist in perpetuity. D ette begins to fall in place. After these statements that the universe should forb l in forever, yeah in all ever, it is still Bible diverse testimony that the world s cal pass away, see section below. Only possible way to get this to hang on is that the statements forever right simply must bet own "So l angel world is. " 1MOS 8:22 says that as long as the earth remains, ... shall day and night never end. With what has been said above, and n year Revelation 8:10 p.m. express the so : "They will be tormented day and night forever ", is Conclusion one in the air, the forever must perceive tes in framework of this world. Day and night are rooted. God is light, and in his world ends Darkness . Mourning and crying and pain will be gone from the new heaven and earth, for for too!: the first thing is passed away , Rev. 21:4. It heard the old world . In Matthew 6:13 terminating ter Our Father so : "For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever ". It uses basic text into the eon s , = To / in the eternities. Yes, the kingdom belongs to Him, but in this province one of universe is not His kingdom estab lated, - they r for we ask "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth. " Son shall establish the And shall surrender it God the Father in perfect order. We have seen that the Son's throne are forever (Hebrews 1:8) and his servants shall Reign forever (Rev. 22:5). A similar statement found in Dan 7:18, which says about the saints who shall have the kingdom Owning forever, yeah forever and ever = unto the eon, and unto the eon of the eon s , in the LXX ( unto and into used with variable a tion in such expressions without meaning change). I do not perceive this was in ant one expressing anything other than forever Even though this is the only place in the NB88 translation forever and forever occurs. Dan 6:27 speaks of God (Eloah) and his kingdom shall not be destroyed and that it lasts until the end . The word for end is here "into the terminus" from heb RAISK - meadow love internal linear, and in the LXX, the word for end = telos . Maybe when speaking about this the same as in 1 Corinthians 1 5 : 23f : 1 Corinthians 3:23 p.m. - 28 23 But h ver in his own order: Christ the firstfruits. Then they that are Christ's 's at his coming. 24 Then comes the end (Telos), when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has put down all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he shall reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet . 26 The last Enemy that shall be destroyed is d Oden. 27 For he has put everything under his feet. But when he says that everything is subject to Him, then it is clear that He who put all things under Him is excepted. KR - 20 .08.13 15 28 But when all things are subjected to him, then shall the Son also himself subdue him who put all things under him, that God will be all in all . In Psalm 45:6, Hebrews 1:8 as quoted, is the word for God, Elohim, and in Dan 6:27 Eloah (God's name can require a study in itself, see for example www.hebrew4ch / Names_of_G - d / names_of_g - d.html ) . It is difficult (?) understand this differently than they refers to both cases to the Son, who will reign as king of all his enemies are his subject. Then he surrender the kingdom, and even submit a look g God Father , Which is supposed to be all in all. This will be the universe most honorable abdisering. This makes it great telos , The completion of the whole purpose of having played out through Aeons / Ages. When does this happen? We have seen that j order shall consist of eternity, and of the Son dominion shall consist of forever. Thats. that the end has come when this world is passing away, and the new heaven and the new earth appears. V in see then that " eternities " / Ages / Aeons ends with the formation of the new universe. At the same manner in which is a beginning, there is a end, and among these is " eternities " / Ages / Aeons. Scripture speaks neither about a bygone eternity, or about a future eternity outside respectively the beginning and end , - they between. Then this statement perhaps a trusting Opinion : Revelation 10:13 p.m. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. J I will point out that there exists diverse views on expression the eon (S) of the eon (S) Scroll. because there is something variation expression (with and without plural etc.). Some would argue that the variation the eon of the eon s (Ephesians 3:21) , Corresponds to the expression is found for the most holy, as in the LXX (Greek NT) expressed as the holy of holies the And aims to the n past and then assumed the chief of all ages . Likewise argued that the eon s of the eon s , referring to the last two ages, the penultimate ages are Mil l Enni . This is again by comparison with the holy and the holy of holies in tabernacle, but I find this to be unfounded. There you also made comparisons with the expression the sons of sons , Which is the Hebrew the expression for grandsons, that the sons of sons, which expresses rek k EFollow and that one come out of it andr e . Heaven of heavens is also one, and does not describe a number h Imler, since the third heaven already is the paradise of God (2 Corinthians 12:2). But I do not think this is relevant. M possible should be careful not to attach special significance in what is due to natural variations in language. Time can be referred to both the singular and fl ISNUMBER without it necessarily means anything, likewise skies and heavens, eon and eons etc. , Without thereby exclude that any of they t t e also k have an special meaning in certain contexts (In Norwegian, we also use the word trousers is , Just as well as pants, surely because there are two legs of which form one unit) . It determines Importance of expression forever is neither tabernacle - comparisons or another, but that the LXX translator direct the Hebrew eon and futurity with the Greek the eon of the eon . The e r further reasonably clear that the eon of the eon is synonymous t with the eons of the eons (See said mmenligningen over, re Heb 1:8 and Rev. 22:5). Both the Hebrew eon and futurity And the eon ( s ) of the eon ( s ) expresses something like of the furthest of the Far , ( within the perspective of this world). Finally, I will comment Revelation 14:9 - 11: KR - 20 .08.13 16 9 And another angel, the third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship is animal and his image, and takes mark on their foreheads or their hands, 10 he shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out his anger beaker. And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11 The smoke of their torment rises forever . They have no rest day nor night, those acces is beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. This is also taken as a description of the torments of hell "for eternity". But the context shows this belongs in the tribulation period , The 70 åruke in Daniel's Prophecy (Dan 9:23 f), before Millennia occurs. D continue dealing with the agony they incurred denn e period of time hopping WORSHIP beast and his image. Isaiah 30:27 and 34:10 using similar images in Revelation. Isaiah 34:10: "Neither night nor day shall be quenched for ever t id be the smoke of it rise up. From generation to generation shall lie waste, never drag someone through it. " This deals with the judgment of Edom .. The streams thereof shall be turned into brimstone, land burning pitch (34:9). Equilib e l will pelican and the porcupine and more other animals live there. In both these cases it is natural to understand the smoke as a testimony of the judgment. Similar d e description is given about judgment of Babylon: Revelation 6:16 p.m. f 16 Woe, woe, the great city! You clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, and who desire e of gold and precious stones and pearls - so great riches is destroyed in one hour ! 17 Every officer and every shipmaster, and all the sailors, and all who travel on the sea, stood far away, 18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning And said, Who is like unto the s tore city? Rev. 19:2 f 2 For true and righteous are his judgments. For he hath judged the great whore, which corrupted the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. 3 And again they said, Alleluia! Her smoke rose up forever infinity . The smoke that rises up forever and ever may not be the judgment itself, but rather testimony it (As Abraham saw the smoke of Sodom and Gomorrah, 1MOS 7:28 p.m.) . The everlasting gospel mentioned in Revelation 14:6, also seems to deal with a message of Baby lons case (whatever Babylon represent) And the testimony of its case, stand the future , Until the end . Earth and sky will pass away Where are many statements in the Bible that the earth and heavens will pass away. About the new heaven and earth is a total new creation, or rather a recreation of this is, I do not know if I can answer. But whatever the Bible speaks clearly about a distinction between d Vivienne creation and the new. Already 1MOS 8:22 denote day and night will never end, - ie as long as the earth says: 1MOS 8:22 22 As long as the earth remains hereinafter, the sowing and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night never end. KR - 20 .08.13 17 It is given as an insurance policy after the flood, and seem to respond to the covenant with day and night mentioned in Jer 33:20 , as is as secure as the covenant with David about a prince (the Messiah). Already here we see the context of a Messiah kingdom, which should last as long as this world order exists. So, we can mention the: 2 Peter 3:6 f 6 Whereby the world that then-under, d a it was flooded by water. 7 But the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same word are kept in store. They are held up until the day that ungodly men of judgment and perdition. 2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then s cal heavens perish with very bump and heavenly bodies will come in fire and disintegrate And the earth and all that is built on it will burn up. 2 Peter 3:12 12 while you are waiting for the day of God shall come, and accelerate it. Then the heavens dissolved in fire and celestial bodies melt in fire. 2 Peter 3:13 13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. The Greek word for perish Is parerchomai . It means literally to "pass, pass by," and metaphorically "Pass away, two p Erish "( Vine). It bukes 27 places in the NT . In the latter meaning it is used for example in James 1:10 on the kingdom shall pass away as the flower of grass, and in 2 Corinthians 5:17 M. M., mentioned below. We f inside the same word again too in Revelation 21:1: Revelation 21:1 1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth were passed away ( parerchomai ) And the sea is no more. You see that John that the first Heaven and earth are passed away And a new heaven and earth is occurred. True enough, does it g Reks word for new here are not necessarily new in time, it can also mean new in nature (Greek has two words new ) . What that means, if the new universe has been created parallel, or if it is a total transformation, what do I know. It sounds much the same as 2 Corinthians 5:17: " Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed ( passed away) Behold, all things have become new "Ie, new in character, and it will also be new in and with a glorious body, but person ity is the same. Whatever so John that the first heaven and earth took place. And Psalm 102:26 - 28 says: Psalm 102:26 - 28 26 In ancient times established the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. 27 They shall perish But you remain. They will all wear out like a garment, like clothing changes them out And they are replaced. 28 But you are the same, and your years will no end . KR - 20 .08.13 18 It is said therefore that earth and heaven will pass away , Unlike God to stand. And we have the same in several places in the Gospels: Matt 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away ( parerch omai ) But my words shall not pass away ( parerchomai ) . See also Matthew 5:18, Mark 1:31 p.m., 4:17 p.m. Luke, Luke 9:33 p.m.. The Bible says that heaven effort should shaken: Matt 24:29 But immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. The stars will fall from the sky And powers of the heavens shall be shaken: (See also Luke 9:26 p.m., Mark 1:25 p.m.). Heb 12:26 - 27 26 Whose voice then shook the earth. Me n now he has promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not only earth but also heaven . 27 And this word, yet once more, to know that those things that are shaken will be removed . For they are the created things. And then what can not be shaken, be halts the. And finally: Revelation 8:11 p.m. 11 I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it. Whose face the earth and the sky away, and the place was found for them . What this means, I can not answer, but both this and Hebrews 24:27 seems to talk about something so m being taken away. It's time to look at the two aforementioned verse in the Old Testament, containing the terms forever In light of the which is fremkommmet the Bible verses above: Psalm 104:5 5 He established the earth upon its support, it shall not be moved in all evi ility . Psalm 148:4 - 6 4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that are above the heavens! 5 They shall praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created. 6 He set them in their place forever, forever ( forever ). He made a law that none of them switch. After Psalm 104:5 say that j order should not be moved forever, yet the Bible says that both heaven and earth shall be shaken even in the future And that those things that are shaken will be taken away. It becomes difficult to argue that Earth never ever be shaken. Thus, forever must be understood within the scope of this world. Psalm 104:6, the last part, reproduced in the LXX as: He made an order and it Shall not pass away ( parerchomai ) . When we read that the powers of heaven shall be shaken , they be pass away with very Brackets And that heavens and earth KR - 20 .08.13 19 will pass away and rolled up like a robe and replaced, it must again be hard to believe other than that the order shall not pass away forever Only need apply in n the framework of this world. World both the eternity, and pass away. D vs. that forever must mean end of the world . They support is one argumentation line. But there are also several other lines which clearly shows that forever must understood within the context of this world. As Christ's h errdømme doomed to end, to Despite the fact that it is said to eternity (Heb. 1:8). Both 1Cor 3:24 p.m. f and Dan 6:27 says this independently. And to excess is said that in the past ages has come, 1Cor 10:11, and that Christ is manifest in tidsald Rene's end, Hebrews 9:26, which means that forever and ever not mean an infinite number of ages up ahead. And for the right to spoil myself away with arguments Even before all is said : from eternity to eternity , Comes within the scope of this world, since it refers to Israel housing in the country. Finally it should be noted that it is not easy to understand all of this to review connection. that world to pass away. It may seem as if it referring to two begiveheter, one at entrance of the millennium, and the transition after the final judgment , to the final new heaven and earth. And I have a f o rnemmelse that the former is a kind of model for the latter, as is millenni partly a kind m odell for the final condition of d And it seems to me that the term the new heavens and new earth to partly used for both. Revelation 6:12 - 14 12 And I saw when the Lamb opened the sixth seal - and see: There was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth , As a fig tree casts its unripe figs down when shaken by a strong wind. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together. And every mountain and island were moved out of their places. D parietal verses sight s for me to refer to the tribulation, and the judgments which precedes establishment of the millennium. And some of the same language use We see here which 2Pet 3:6 f, but due. context must be understood to refer to various events. And it is likely that also M att 24:29 etc. listed above , refer to the same event as Revelation 6:12 - 14 . Similar things we read in Acts 2:19 f, which in turn comes from Joel's prophecy about the events related to the Messiah coming and going among his people " after the flesh " And make a the captivity of Jerusalem , See Joel 2:27 - 3:1 f All this concerns introduction to what is called the Day of the Lord (Joel 3:4, 2Pet 3:10 and others), and denotes the final stage in history where the Lord decide where the cabinet will be (through Millennium where Satan email r bound and judgment period after). The term the new heavens and new earth occurs a few places in the OT : Isaiah 65:17 f 17 For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth. And the former things shall not be remembered, no be more remember them. 18 Yes, glad and rejoice the 're forever in what I create! For behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy. KR - 20 .08.13 28 resurrection, that scroll. Revelation 20:6 speaks of: "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power. They will v honor God and Jesus priests and reign with him in thousand years'. Eternal fire is the character of God against sin. It is unchangeable. Eternal punishment is inappelabel, uomgjørlig punishment Whose duration and content only God knows. The mark of this is, like everything else forever As largely hidden from us here and now. But it is impossible that this has to do with punishment without end , as already demonstrated. Sodom and Gomorrah " is as such for our ø eyes and and suffer punishment one eternal fire " , Jud 7 They are set as an example of the wicked life in the future, say 2 Peter 2:6, perhaps term end to Rev. 20:9, which does not refer to the judgment of the great white throne, but the judgment affects people's last rebellion against God. The eternal ilds effect was short-lived. Sodom men shall rise in the judgment, and d eres penalty shall be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. But this is not something that is without end. Several verses speak of being saved from God's wrath, for instance Rooms 5:9, ie, a wrath that will frame before God's kingdom come (and whose term k onsekvenser through the upcoming age). His afire has been shown in various ways over time, and it will do so in the future of those who have delighted in unrighteousness, 2 Thessalonians 2:12. In 2Tess 1:8 said that "He flaming fire taking huh vn ("out - justing ") on them that know not God, and that not obey our Lord Jesus Christ. " If the penalty for sin was meant to be without end, how could Jesus, as our substitute, return from the dead after three days? About our stra ff would be eternal punishment in eternal fire, and had so his punishment be. Or, I / we misunderstood something here? Punishment for sin is death ( separation from God, not incessant torment) And Jesus suffered the death. In Romans 5:21 and 6:23 there is death and eternal life as are opposites. Therefore, eternal penal f can have something else to do. Justice and judgment is side of it. But it is also conceivable that it should b evirke restoration? We are it "First death" and from death comes life through Jesus Christ. Can there Also coming life of the second death ? A timely matter is ie criminal intends to bring people the truth recognition (Eng. remedial ), Or whether it concerns retaliation (Distribution retributive ). I mean that the purpose with punishment from God s side in prin s in PPET is to bring people to knowledge of the truth, so that the can return to their creates And rebellion against God's authority ceases . God let punishment frame Son that we might be rebuilt to fellowship with God. Those reject the victim, must take punishment itself. What if this were causing all bow the knee to Christ, God can forgive be fair, due. Jesus' atonement. Christ experienced all aspects of death , both physically and spiritually. H was an forced into death of Satan s AIM Elser And men eskers cruelty, but even under loss of fellowship with the Father, he showed for all the powers and authorities, he was fair. He bore everybody's sin, no one reproachful words. There was no justice; their disposal in that death should have no claim on him. Therefore , death could not keep him. He was a foreign element in death, and was there to fulfill S PRINTING that after three days he was to occur . I have read theories about how one m anns sin can pay "evigv Arendt "punishment for all Despite Jesus only was three days in death. The e r a type of "math" j I not recommended for any but it is part of theology around this. I have my own views on the : KR - 20 .08.13 29 God is no less willing to forgive than us, denn e will is one of the key assumptions for our salvation, - it only that he can not break the principles of justice. There are no ro in the universe, about God does not even act fairly. He is not a despot who controls the injustice of creatures required more off than by himself . Nor can he see through his fingers with one sin. For d a is the foundation of justice sp o trolled. He can not but appear as moral impeccable, though there should ever be harmony in heaven and on earth . And it was this that was Satan's strong hands, that God generation after generation not punished sin. God was unfair, - he had removed Satan's sin, but then wink at an dres . Jesus' death were loose e mon for God, as well as for us (Pe rson is the only (?) perspective I see who can explain how é n man's death may apply to everyone, you can not just punish é n all, - it's cheating, if this is qualified as Parties agreed) . L øsepenge speaks of a " a vtalt price " , under certain conditions and requirements. Satan demanded the Son of God in his sold (as he demanded Adam , - in the name of justice, God could not simply dismiss Satan without evidence that those who took management of this world, was better ; temptation in Eden was not Ridiculous ) Yes e ndog try him completely in death. It was a just claim. Could he showed injustice the anointed one Would Satan could invoke its position return. D a was there still no second was more Worthy and fit the parish sauna room. Was Jesus s fair, would the penalty that hit him , apply for the genus, - God thus redeem and pardon for his heart, and be fair to Satan and against all. How could " Agreement " is principally have been . I do not think God decided these things sovereign itself, it is contrary to realities In such a situation, where in fact Satan set of supremacy t of the genus. And Powers the universe would look fairness of it. The e next was shown injustice was Jesus. And d the only one with the Divine Mind could wear something like , Utav love for the Father and to the world . I quote from memory: "What would the u n arious be without a Lamb? ". Thus, criminal f one affected have m that we might have peace, and by his wounds we are healed, Isaiah 53:5 . They n's sins can now get tilgivels e, whatever sin. Hitler Breivik like myself. The last problem that remains for God, is that people continue in their enmity against him . That God has reconciled ve rden with itself, through Jesus C in s tus , is not alone enough that everyone bow to his authority, whereby his dominion in heaven and on earth can be restored . B Islands we Us not for His goodness, we must experience his strictness, Romans 11:20. It is in this perspective that God's upper Dec sentences have meaning Although there are many side r by God's judgment . Those who despise God justice open Bar t at C ice tus should perhaps see it in the sentence? In Revelation 15:4 says: "Who would not fear you, O Lord, and glorify thy name? You alone are wholly l ig, and all people One will come and worship before thee , because your right final judgments are made manifest t ". I have previously mentioned that 1 Corinthians 15:2 4f says end comes when Christ hands over the kingdom to God and Father, after all principality and power is destroyed. He ska l reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet . This is effected in through the last age, the judgment s day. It does not reflect an annihilation. Rooms 2:11 p.m. says: "As I live, saith the Lord, for me should each knee bend and each tongue praise God. " And File 2:10 "In Je s u name shall each knee bend , As their in heaven and on earth and under the earth ". This is the situation when Aeons / Ages / "Eternities" going to end, and the new heaven and the new earth is created. We will al le bow the knee to Christ. We can do it now and inheritance all things with him, or to do it when the Lord comes in power and glory To judgment And tape this possibility. But God is rich enough for everyone, and that will be all in all, will he not also announced e dry the tears of those who heard the gospel? Is not the work of Christ greater than the fall of Adam, who pulled us all into death, either KR - 20 .08.13 32 this world and a new world is created, wherein dwelleth righteousness, 2 Peter 3:1 3 Secondly, d is not two categories of time (Within Aeons / eternities / Ages ) : Eternity is time outside spring limited existence in Present , In biblical language. However, there are two categories of existence, deadly or immortal. The last beteg tions it Eternal life in its fullness From our perspective here and now . Eternal indicates a grade description that is foreign to the temporal. The eternal covenant was for everyone Israelite covenant that line tea into the distant future as unchanging and consisting , but termination tea anyway. E vig denotes not Infinite e ity connection. time dimension But indefinite duration . The eternal God is forever by his character, that is, his understanding is unsearchable, he ceased not He was, is and will be, - and because He is God, we understand that he never ceases to be God. But it is the word forever alone makes a t we believe it. If we say: "The eternal God made an everlasting covenant with Israel", as it is both actual t ic and grammatical properly. We know that the covenant ceased. If we then running Augustine's reasoning in foxes s, it means that God Also cessation e r , But we know that it H an IKK e can do. The error lies in attributing the adjective , quality, same quantity in both cases. The big apple and the vast universe is not equal because the adjective is the same e and stands in the same sentence. They are two completely different things, and limited Unlike quantity in terms of the noun it stands for, although they describe a common quality , - forever . This is normal when using adjectives. Therefore, neither Matt 25:46 um uliggjøre that eternal life persists (And sealed with immortality) , although punishment ceases, - seals v we only see clean Grammatically on this. Eternal Hot, aion , denotes indefinite duration , and aionios is character description if the duration is different because it are two very different nouns. In addition, coming also that eternal life we receive in faith here, sealed with Immortality in Resurrection. It is explicitly stated that we should turn into immortality, and can no more die. Eternal itself brings ik ke this information itself. For eternal punishment does not say anything accordingly. There is nothing to indicate that the penalty should be made permanent nent and without intermission ever. Secondly, it is shown former the context in s ikter the special sit u a tio tion by entrance to the Kingdom of Christ, where the nations be judged for the Son of Man glorified throne. Eternal life denotes the life in Christ Kingdom, and eternal punishment is to be shown away from this blessing. Eternal life consists here through the age to by s in quality in knowing the Lord But Scripture suggests that death also limits here, see Isaiah 65:20 and 66:24. Eternal punishment is a punishment which God administrative t rein, and uomgjørlig and composed. But it is not without end. Vengeance of eternal fire on Sodom and Gomorrah were short-lived. The concept of eternal fire and unquenchable fire used about each other in the Gospels. In Hjort's Compendium 1996: "Hell - Yes, eternal torment - No " quote from Evangelii Fuller, Dr. Ekman, P. 63: "Finally, we recall that the Greek word asbestos is translated by unquenchable , Absolutely not have the meaning you put into it. On the contrary, occur in profane Greek, especially in Homer, that provision of such words show that not speak about something that will never end. It is used for example for glory, lazy ter, shouts, and the violent but short-lived fire that consumed the Greek fleet. And Eusebius says twice its Church History (Church History, b 6, p 41) that the martyrs were consumed by unquenchable fire . Of course extinguished the fire, but the word used to emphasize the violence of fire and violence. " Study the Bible operates (See above) with a understanding that constitute an absolute and relative importance of aionios : When aionios used connection. Feeder in tional things and earthly life, perceived it in KR - 20 .08.13 33 relative importance tion, accounting for a long period of time, life, as long as the mount ne stands etc. When used for God and the Hereafter, Hereafter, referring to the unlimited time, ie eternal in absolute terms. I find that this just confuse the issue, and provides forever n ærmest two meanings. E vig has not two meanings . D is a noun or any other circumstances determines the duration of the discussion s Eternal on time specifies itself indeterminate for time / future , beyond the present , and that is d é h And, the neglect r that ever used idi omatisk (figuratively), and is a character description , where tidsutstrek tion is more a result of the quality rate than opposite. Eternal life is to know God , ie v glory in His presence and fellowship p It life which was unavailable and concealed lt is to be available And consists in knowing God. Gehenna, Hades & Lake of Fire There has obviously (?) been a persistent and dominant misconception regarding the words forever and infinity in the official k grating device . It has given us d one shocking learn n about eternal torment . Not only the words forever and ever and ever misunderstood and the meaning of prepositions overlooked, but words as hell, Sheol t and that lake has been sauces together to mean pretty much the same. Parable D one r ike man and La Sarus in d ødsriket has been taken as an example of the state of hell, and added the incessant. Regardless of how one understands the parable, - Hades is only between the state before the resurrection of damnation. The narratives in the Gospels about the worm does not die and the fire in KKE extinguished, is also taken as example of the state of hell, and shall allegedly continue without cessation , some anger. And the lake of fire is been taken the same as hell. Part of the reason these P fores t Illing Set in a wrong understanding of the coming e ones, the coming ages. Dominating learn directions have operated with a form where small t e Event is "eternity" with the new heaven and the new earth. One then has no opportunity to placing hell and / or the lake of fire elsewhere than in the upcoming "e vighet " as a reality in the new earth. So much confusion due. which many believe means little: Why should we care o m to understand the Bible's outline or eschatology , - what comes , it comes. This undergo åelsen view it is essential to f orstå it outline as Bible worker below, to be able to understand also basic questions. I would be 56 years before I even Now experience that things begin to fall into place (?) , - questions that previously h ar threatened to from take me faith. It has bothered me since I was 15 Not that God will judge the world, there is reason enough to believe him, - otherwise there is no justice. But this infinity of suffering seems so aimlessly. And it becomes very difficult to think that God Actual isk allegedly allowed the suffering without end. As omniscient and omnipotent creator, he knew what was coming when he put it all started, and we must Stop depriving God responsibilities and add more on people than it deserves . We are not irresponsible, far from it, but the e r After all, God is omniscient, and that creates and maintains And that have the power and wisdom to complete his advice. NT distinguishes Gehenna ("hell"), Hades (Sheol), and the Lake of Fire. Gehenna comes from it Hebrew word "ge Hinnom" , means Hinnom valley. Some observers argue that this was one valley outside Jerusalem where the city's waste was burned / eaten by worms. Body n e to death row for switches sea net KR - 20 .08.13 38 Beginning and end It's already said something about asking beginning (arche) and end (tel os). I b egynnelsen was thus this world created and will terminate at the end, when the new Heaven and earth are created, where righteousness dwells. I have shown that the use of the word Bible olam and aion , Which denotes the we call eternities, or ages, limited by the beginning and the end. Where fi nd simply not there we by the Norwegian B Ibels k vast eternity before creation , or after end. I take one last reality check on this and cites Isaiah a s ' statements about the new heaven and earth: Isaiah 66:22 22 For as the new heavens and the new earth that I make will remain forever for before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name is, remain forever . If what I have said is correct, should not expression forever could be used at the time by end. It should simply be left as it stands above a r about the new heaven and earth. But it does not. ISA Hebrew - English interlinear shows that expression forever just a inclusion in NB88. "Past infinity" is referred to as the beginning, before the foundation was laid before the ages or LIG lar. The eternity we await , is the age to which we arise in immortality, and to see God's kingdom in its glory, and inherit all things of the anointed. Then comes the judgment, and so end, with the (Final) new heaven and the new earth, where r ettferdighet live. I have dwelt a little on the new heaven and earth under section Heaven and earth will pass away And said it also aimed at a transformed ground during millennia. But not only that, and to the extent term also describes the final state, where the age is no longer a relevant term (but belongs to the ages), one should expect other expressions of persistence. And what we see is case, as shown above. The purpose of Aeons Ephesians 3 : 5 speaks of the previous generations Where secret hot n of Christ and the ecclesia (church) was not revealed. In Ephesians 3:9 referred to the same secret was hidden eternal in God ( from the eons ). This is not referring to a past eternity, but in previous eras, corresponding to what Ef 3:5 expresses so m previous generations (see also Colossians 1:26, here are both expressions together). Then Ephesians 3:11, where translations (both NB88 and KJV) hides matter. Here we read "This his eternal purpose , Which he purposed in Christ .. " (" According To the eternal purpose Which he purposed in Christ .. ", KJV) . Basic text says (Bible Study), "according to eternal heat rs intent as he did in Christ (This is imprecise; aion is ask s tamed form: eternities s / the ages hen term) . ISA interlinear, "in accord with The purpose of the eons wooden He makes in Christ " : Bagster interlinear: "According to (the) purpose of the eons wooden he made in Christ. " ISA's aorist (?) - Rendering is most correct. Thus, there is a purpose of the ages, which is completed in Christ. U ttryk k and an emphasis on Aeons / Ages / eternities made for a purpose between beginning and the end, I not Set until now. It has been hidden the translators' "good theology", it may look like. KR - 20 .08.13 39 Norwegian Bible 88 Initially it was shown to NB88's focus to strive for a concordant translation, and avoid meaningful translation (idiomatic translation). Regarding the words forever and infinity I must state that they have not succeeded, but seems rather to translate for good tea theology, than what is. In this way they are helping to conceal the fundamental realities, and thus continue one Tragic Misconception . Or is it just me who is wrong? NB88 and many other translations have much to correct in terms of translation words forever and forever, to hold me to this. But I do not think that the way to go is to follow the example of Young's Literal Tr anslation and Concordant Version, although these translations has its value. It have established good Norwegian word that renders the Greek meaning in different contexts. I do not think it is possible to consistently translate something into a readable text at a concordant translation. And I think that translate lse without render meaning, may seem as wrong as to render appropriate words . Now r to in Additionally, claims to have translated idi omatisk and equal well predisposes to specific understanding , then it is doubly wrong. It's better to v honor open about that accounts for a specific for understanding of the important points, and provide access to basic text, footnotes, and u tfyllende attachment. Maximum damage is may not s k Jedd connection. aion , But using the prepositions in front forever and etc., have been mistranslated. Aion has its difficulties, but prepositions should be easy enough (?) . The adjective forever might retained for the used as an idiom, and should still be used forever life, and forever, just that the meaning is emphasized. Word infinity is perhaps the hardest to keep. Etymologically come infinity Or Aeve in Norwegian, from aion . The Old Norse AEVI Or AEF in , replied to latin 'search æ vum and the Greeks aion, and originally had the same meaning as these, i.e. life lev e time era. Latin also has words Aeternum (Forever) and Aeternitas (Infinity), which comes originally from the same root as æ vum . The Norwegian words forever and infinity thus after all judge recorded in a different sense than what aion and aionios represents the corresponding Aeternitas and Aeternum . The table below provides some " preliminary " suggestions for possible translations of aion and aionios in the NT, which can possibly extended GT. If necessary, they can act as footnotes with the comb sk e expression, If the "traditional" translation retained. KR - 20 .08.13 41 Summary 1 Eternal life - true life, one characteristic r of life is to know God and have jointly with Ha m L IVET was from the beginning in the Father and the Son by the Holy Spirit L IVET - it Eternal , is beyond our limitations in character and fullness LIFE - eternal, can be received through the ages by faith LIFE - the eternal will pass by their nature to know God LIFE - eternal, sealed with Immortality and immortality in the resurrection of life LIFE continues to God sus veins and have been all in all 2 Eternal punishment - uomgjørlig punishment as God manages and that lasts as long he will Eternal punishment has beginning and end (as the eternal covenant GT ) Eternal fire is the character of God against sin 3 Eternal life and eternal punishment in Matthew 25:46 Life and punishment for people in the age to come when Millennia occurs ( Revelation 20:2 - 5) 4 Infinity - olam (GT) - aion (NT) = Undefined time beyond present , Past and future d B rukes of time with u specific beginning or unknown duration, outside Present , Time lost in the distant past and future , Off known, t ilgjengelig and foreseeable time Used both of u specific time Lif d, the stray the age , as long verde n stands, but denotes itself not infinite; Greek word used here aid in o s Eternities = tidsald re / era / eons, and is currently ( e ) between beginning beginning (ARCHE) and the end (TELOS) The past ages has come, 1Cor 10:11, and Christ was revealed at the end of the ages, Heb 9:20; thus the term eternity does not mean an infinity of ages The purpose t with evi Ghetar / ages / Aeons Finish es through currently Christ innti l end (TELOS), when he surrenders supremacy to the Father, and the new universe is created, wherein dwelleth righteousness The eternity and sky we are waiting for is the age to which we arise to LIFE in immortality and God occurs on Earth , Then comes the new universe, which is 5 Eternal - olam - aionios - " evighetisk " = Non - temporal , consisting character , The exceeds / transcends our cups n solutions Olam - comes from a word meaning hidden, unknown E vig represents the hidden and inaccessible, it is beyond our reach in time, knowledge and experience Eternal describes everything that goes beyond our limitations in character and duration; duration indicated by the word it stands for, or other info rmation The large Apple and the vast universe is not as large, and so so with the adjective eternal ; they eternal mountains were shattered (Hab 3:6) and GT's eternal e pact have varying terms The eternal God carries all the characters that can be described by the eternal: inscrutable, imperishable, unfailing, etc., but he always was, is and will be, we know because he is God To live forever (Live forever), 1MOS 3:22 ≠ Not equal to Eternal life KR - 20 .08.13 42 Eternal time Eon / ages / eternities - 99.999% of the Bible's focus - "The purpose of the ages " 6 From eternity to eternity = 99.999 % Of biblical focus: God Kingdom will prevail in it ne World 7 Forever = as long as the world stands, the last age / eon (All ages) F FOLLOWING (Ia) is said to last, - or must be understood to last, forever (= The tidsaldres ages = into the eon (s) of the eon (s) ) Ie the last age before the new creation of the universe , end : Universe (Soil , sun, moon) , Sal 104:5, 148:6 - Goods " forever " - but shall perish in E Spirit Son domination , Heb 1: 8 (Ps. 45:7 f) Dan 2:44 - goods " forever " - but terminates in end His kingdom will not be destroyed - but goods ("only") to end, Dan 6:27 Then coming E spirit, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all rule and all authority and power . For he must reign king to he hath put all enemies under his feet. Lamb servants, Revelation 22:5 - kings "Forever" => until end S Traffen of Satan lake of fire , Rev. 8:10 p.m. - forever => Until the end Death , The s list enemy destroyed in E Spirit, 1 Corinthians 3:26 p.m. Eternal life LIFE GOD From eternity to eternity = From age to age = From olam / eon to olam / eon GOD END NY HEAVEN AND EARTH GOD ER ALT In ALL The first things are departed away GOD BEGINNING END KR - 20 .08.13 43 Conclusion It is said relatively much (?) on small (?) space, and everything is not as well justified, or to be given same weight. It is main story in this study are illustrated in the sketch below. The old understanding that the past eternity was before the creation of this world, and the future eternity comes after the creation of the new heaven and earth, must reassessed . The biblical reality, as I see it , is that e vighetene, i.e. time s ages, Aeons, is between These acts of creation. INCORRECT (?) : MORE CORRECT : E N D E N B E G Y N N E L S E N Gehenna That which was from beginning before Ages 1 John 1:1, before the foundation Ephesians 1:4 Ages / "Eternities" / Aeons It being before God Isaiah 66:22 The Eternal - Kosmos - World Upcoming age Life Dom Lake of Fire 70'de year - week Daniel New Heaven and soil Life - the eternal Eternal punishment Eternal life Eternal life E N D E N B E G Y N N E L S E N Hell / Lake of Fire F ortidig infinity Ages Future e vighet Eternal life Kosmos - World New Heaven and soil KR - 20 .08.13 44 S ubstantivet " infinity " , aion in Greek, olam in Hebrew both represent indefinite time beyond temporal and into foreseeable past / future And responds closely to our word age , meadow. age Or era . Olam comes from a word meaning hidden, secret . As an adjective denoting the character a v any as in all properties are beyond our limit , reach and experience, where the duration Hazards es of the noun it stands for, or otherwise information. Eternal life is a character of life existed in beginning and entered the time when Jesus Christ. It may received and experienced by Spirit, but experienced in its fullness in up s Tanda And characterized by know the Lord . There is also a level of eternal life in the age to come when Christ Kingdom occurs on earth. Although the eternities / Ages ends does not end everlasting life as k arakter of life , for it is from before " e vighetene "/ Ages . And eternal life is the name we give it from this our limited perspective, since it is now the hidden and inaccessible character. But when we must assume eternal life is nothing hidden, and we s Cal might not congratulate each other with eternal life in resurrection, then we are in Life And it shall remain before God in the new universe. The taste of eternal life we already receive here sealed with immortality in the resurrection. One consequence of that "eternities" / ages ending in the large telos Where God becomes all in all, and d a new universe is created, is that all pain , Sorrow and death ends. The settlement with the evil belongs to this world, and must cease when the new heavens and earth appear; righteousness speeD live. Death destroyed as the last enemy, death, ie separation between God and men Liquids not longer possible. Where can simply be no creature in the new universe to appear away from the sight of God to a new death. How can there be nothing left that do not fit r in, or may be the source of evil, when Death is gone and God is all in all? Thats. that the D ualismen, it prevailing understanding n that good and evil must always exist side by side, is not even is a possibility. One of krist unit's most fundamental e dogma thus appears as P learn. "Eternal punishment "In conservative understanding punishment without ceasing, is not Biblical thought. The remaining options are rash the hands of the wicked, or give nopprettels E. Even I believe that s list option has a not insignificant support in this light that emerged (And others) , without I have a conclusion here , and can not be dismissed as the deadlock e it has been manufactured as , from conservative side. The positions are now reversed his head. Yes, it is completely necessit ndig for forever life in the age to to confess Jesus as Lord now, and it is this belief fundamentally about. But it does not mean that those who incurs God's wrath, have no hope. Every tongue shall even admitting Jesus C ice t us is Lord, to God's glory. Could God's purpose Atonement be anything less? I is inclined to intervene that hope for a world where grief and pain at times even from take r people faith in God. K anskje I can now understand what is 1T Ace 5:18: "Thanks for everything! For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. " The statement , "Blessed Fall as g of us so great salvation " Can not possibly be said by a dualist (but it was well Luther?) This, for me, new understanding n of "eternities", has see lvs agt its price, though small against the t hoped it provides . It is not all songs I can sing hereinafter the same conviction, although we need to make it worse than it is. "When the eternal morning dawn" f ortsatt viable terminology, but the significance email s not quite the same as before. And , it's not easy to be KR - 20 .08.13 45 silent witnessed we continue to widens e lead what to me now seems to be one serious P - performance . A big problem view to a tilfre d sstill end solution But another is created : H vor ed to an overall Christianity , To all appearances, have been so wrong So long? It may simply not be the case, the must be something I have misunderstood s Tale here. The problem must be me . No problem resolved, however. In a nutshell does not change that emerged essentially in the usual fortåelsen of salvation, destruction and judgment. There is a salvation to seek and to escape the wrath of God, the difference is mainly that God's punishment for sin shall not last without end. But God's judgment is not t il to be taken lightly. And the salary, to inherit all things with Christ, theirs who follow him now. All shall bow before him . It's just a question of when. We have this incredible opportunity and grace to do it now. I have followed the reason there Spirit has led the G uds words. D a is certainly too much to claim. Reason makes us an reply rural people Than more about Spirit enlightens . I can not believe blindly, and I can not stick to irrationality , Where I my creator s moral support. Now it remains for others to point out where I left it right road . Let me conclude with these words, thus suggesting the theme of the next study: Isaiah 45:7 7 It is I who am the light's origin and create darkness , Providing happiness and creates accident. I, Lord, doing all this. What is that God create darkness? The essence of d the problem of evil for me fortapelseslæren. Evil may have a function, if it comes across and thousand-fold again. But if this world's suffering is only a foretaste of something much worse , as God's creation, will experience no end, then the problem of evil really evil. K it depends when be that we have done more evil than it is ? I think, unfortunately, that this is so. Pic el l are questions, please send them to
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The misunderstanding of the concept of infinity SKA site Questions about fortapelseslæren the day 18.06 and 6.21. Is there anything more difficult in Bible? Most displaces question . Person LIG I have chosen to go into the , with a motivational sensation of that something is not right . The Bible is challenging to understand here, because we are shaped by misunderstandings that maintained by Bible translation r and theology . Consider: Aion is the Greek word in the NT as translates me d eternity. The special feature is that it also translates m ed age, time (s), old-time and world. Bible user actually a word for " infinity " (Except aidios , two times ) . How to distinguish s then between time and eternity, when the Bible translated? In Jude 25 says (N B88): "Him be glory, majesty, strengthening e and power, before all TIME and now and in all ETERNITY ". Any r which has a Greek interlinear, see that the two case ne of aion translated with two different words, TIME and ETERNITY , In one verse! If the translators had remained consistent to that aion = Infinity, would obey the word " To Him belong ... power for all eternity and now and forever " . But before forever songs as impossible, so the one to be replaced with time, but not the other. Hm. And d is the more. 1 Corinthians 2:7 speaks of "the wisdom of God the hidden as Gu d FROM eternity has provided destined for our glory. " In Greek it says PRO ton aionon , Literally translating BEFORE Forever! Again, this is not possible with our understanding of infinity, so when are BEFORE the FRA, and Everlasting to everlasting. We we l find emulate NDE things in Titus 1:2 and Romans 4:25 p.m. etc. If we go to GT, we find the same. In Ecclesiastes 8:23 says " FROM infinity I (wisdom) has been inserted, from the beginning, before the earth was ". Septuagint (L X X) is a pre-Christian translation of the Hebrew Old Testament into Greek, and expr ykker this with PRO ton aionos , BEFORE eternity, if we are to maintain that aion = infinity. What is the error here? The error is that aion does not mean forever, but age (Eng. age). We see in these examples that replace infinity with age, everything becomes understandable. Feed r eternities go not but before ages is understandable . If we look so forward in Time , We find new things to wonder about. Matthew 28:20 says, "... I (Jesus) am with you all days up World end ". The word for world is here aion. Should we f astholde that aion = Infinity, here would be that Jesus is with us until the end of eternity. Again, an impossibility. In 1 Corinthians 10:11 is On the written for our admonition, upon whom the last times has come. Here comes times from aion in majority. If we retain r aion = infinity, standing here in Greek literally: to whom the ends of the eternities is come (take tele ton aion on). Again, use aion = age, this more understandable. Time s nev the ends come close. Ages, "eternal ties ", has the Which they start. Jesus is m ed us up to this present age end. When Ephesians 2:7 speaks of God to show His grace wealth against us in the coming times , It's the coming ages (aion) as described. Spring "Eternity" and sky starting at next age when the Kingdom of God is emerging . God h adde a purpose in the ages which he purposed in Christ, Ephesians 3:11. This is unfortunately also hidden in translation. They n surprising conclusion is that the Bible speaks of an eternity before creation of our world, or a future eternity by creating lsen of the new heaven and earth, - " eternities " between. Thats. it speaks of the ages in this world perspective And d eretter the newly created universe. £ 04.07. 13 2 What about the phrase in Revelation 20.10, where it says about the Devil who will be tormented day and night In ALL ETERNITY (Day and night, see 1MOS 8:22)? What is surprising is that GT user same Greek phrase in the LXX of this the world's duration. Psalm 104:5 says that the earth shall not be moved forever . But we know that the earth and sky shall pass away before the new universe is created. Thats. a t term in forever must be understood as Until last age . Should the Bible be related here, must stand against the evil cease at this end of the world. More detailed justification can be read on . --- - So far the abridged newspaper article, the features should also have this (with some repetition): H va so the expression in Revelation 20: 10, where it says about the Devil who will be tormented day and night ETERNITY (Day and night, see 1MOS 8:22)? Forever come here fr a Greek term eis tous Aion ton Aion . If we still maintain that aion = infinity, this verbatim to Norwegian: the eternities of eternities, or eternal heat n es forever (Ie ages s ages). What does this mean? Off surprises one finds GT is that the same expression is used of this world duration. Psalm 104:5 says that the earth shall not be moved for ever. Psalm 148:6 speaks of the stars, the sun and the moon, and the law, he gave their place forever, forever. In both cases, use LXX same out pressure Revelation 8:10 p.m., as also corresponds to the strongest expression of the future in Hebrew: "Eon - duck - futurity "According meadow. heb. internal linear (eon = heb. olam , = Gr. aion) . Psalm 89:37 f says like the moon shall Davids (ie the Messiah) throne stand forever . How long is this? 1Cor 3:25 p.m. says that Christ will rule his enemies are put under his feet. This is also expressed in Heb 1:8 the Son: "Your throne, God, is for ever." Christ's dominion in forever and forever so long as the moon rises, ie up END when H depends hands over the kingdom to God the Father and God becomes all in all. Here comes the turn of the universe. After the words of that world will last forever, even forever and ever, it is abundantly clear that this Heaven and earth shall pass away. H ow hangs when this together? Our world can not both remain and pass away? The only possibility I see is that utt relegated forever (the ages ages) means the distant era, ie to the end of the world. If so, terminate the punishment of the devil end of the world, before death as the last enemy destroyed, 1Cor 3:26 p.m., and does not exist in the new earth, - for, for, period, the former things are passed away, Revelation 21:1 - 5 If this is so, the prevailing understanding, dualism (that good and evil always remained ir side page), not even a possibility. The settlement with evil occurs within the confines of this world. There are no endless punishment in the New World. There are only two possibilities, either the annihilation of the lost, or restoration, before the new univ ers appear. What about when Matt 25:46: "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." This is perhaps the main word for dualism. Again occurs a misunderstanding of a term, here the word forever, gr. aionios. I'd like t a in a next post. R K (day 24.06) suggests that the parable the rich man and Lazarus preclude an escape via ordmagi (my words). When he ignores this parable about the state of the grave before the resurrection of judgment, not Gehenna. I has not directly answered SKA's questions, only points to a framework of understanding that probably will challenge established truths. What option is, - He is right that there are directions in universalism attacked the badly basis. Maybe dualists should go quieter in the doors?
£ 04.07. 13 1 The misunderstanding of the concept of eternal The term forever is just misunderstood as the before mentioned term e vighet (Day.A . .). The NT does this from the noun aion ("Infinity", ie age), s about being the adjective aionios which translates to forever (Literally : "Evighetisk" ). In GT comes word forever in our Bible from the Hebrew word olam . In the Greek Old Testament, Septuagint , come the words aion and aionios mainly from olam . Olam comes from a word s if does cover their, hide. Dr. theol. Thorleif Boman (1959) says: " O l a m is either beyond or Chrono lo cal infinity, but TIME WITHOUT BORDERS " - ie indefinitely. Olam describes the time that go beyond the immediate time, and swine n hen is beyond our understanding and range past and future. We do not know when the begins or ends. This is the special m ed olam, which makes it may denote time under both e of a lifetime and time line k is outside this . Two examples: 2mos 21:6 is about the servant who received an awl through the ear as a sign that he should tj one's lord FOREVER (NB88). It uses L OLAM , in Hebrew. In the Septuagint reproduced this that eis ton Aiona = into the e on (Eon = age ) . In Norwegian, it almost verbatim: for eternity (Age) Which imprecisely become more common THE ETERNAL TIME That here is life. And it is the time of indefinite duration. No one knows how long someone lives. On the other hand, we have previously seen Sal 89:38 : "As the moon shall (David's throne) stand FOREVER .. ". The same expression is used here as in 2mos 21:6, eis ton Aiona , THE ETERNAL TIME . But the timeframe is a completely different and again indeterminate, but not infinite, since the moon as earth shall pass away. How is it connection. time. What about other ? We understand that to live forever time can not be the same as forever life . Adam and Eve were in danger of living forever in the fallen state, but it was eternal life. Eternal life is a specific character of life, which is to know God, John 17:3 "And this is life eternal, that they know thee the only true God, and him you u Tsend, Jesus Christ. " E vig use es here descriptive character. There is examples of some translations of the Old Testament where olam reproduced in whole time-independent, with the word hidden (Psalm 90:8, Ecclesiastes 3:11). Isaiah 40:28 says, "The Lord is the eternal God as created the ends of the earth. He is not tired He becomes not exhausted His sense unsearchable " . E vig associated here with properties that assumes of human limitations, not only related to time. When we go over in the NT takes over gres k e aionios s same meaning as olam in GT. 2 Corinthians 4:18 given considerable power to define: "For the visible items briefly But the unseen is eternal " . It is common to think that there be infinity up against temporality, but neither olam or aion / aionios describe infinity, but something that goes beyond the limited and close , without position taken on whether , or when , This ends the incalculable. It is God who governs. So : Adjective forever used as DESCRIPTIO e of all that go beyond (transcend) the near and limited in time and character. The eternal covenant in the Old Testament was put out by the power of God himself. But it was forever , Ie a continuous, u mutable covenant, which stretched into the future without an expiry date, still in KKE incessant. £ 04.07. 13 2 S river hove Dordt for dualism is Matt 25:46: " And these shall l go away to eternal punishment, but the fair to eternal life " . Since Augustin , have r fol following mantra sounded Because eternal life without the need also eternal punishment have no end, especially when it is in the same sentence . This can not be. Eternal does not infinite. Eternal life e r a grade of life , in all types exceeds what we now know, : it sealed in the resurrection with immortality. E vig punishment is corresponding to a character of s hit that exercised by God , Until E NDE n The settlement with the evil must end this world, and a new heaven and earth appear, wherein dwelleth righteousness. So it must be about The Bible should not contradict itself, as explained in connection. concept of infinity. More explanatory spoken of laugh's on . ---- So far the abridged newspaper article, the features should also have this (with some repetition): A large apple and a large universe are not equal, even if it's in the same sentence. The universe can well be infinite, - that does not apple greater. Forever is an adjective that equals any other controlled by word it stands for, such as for the apple. Life and st raff are two very different things. Eternal life is the life that is Please God, by virtue of its quality. It is given to those who believe and sealed with incessant in Resurrection. Eternal punishment is composed, uncompromising, uomgjørlig punishment until the end But ask not sealed with incessant. The eternal God made an everlasting covenant with Israel. It is actually and linguistically correct. Try setting Augustin in reverse here: The eternal covenant with Israel ceased to exist, therefore God must also cease! These in Matthew 25:46 that go away to eternal punishment, Jews and Gentiles who do not get to go to the Messiah Kingdom blessings, when it occurs on Earth, but are outside, Revelation 21:8, Matthew 8:12 13:42. I have given two good argument against the doctrine of eternal punishment. Förrien ge Article demonstrates that the settlement with the evil must take place within the framework of this world. There are no eternal punishment in the newly created universe. Now pointed to excess that eternal punishment can mean punishment without end. Much confusion is created by the sauce together no of hell (Gehenna gr.), Hades (Gr. Hades) and lake of fire. Hades is a temporary phase between death and resurrection, and is relatively unimportant connection. question of incessant punishment. Still used the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in Hades that ex ple in hell. It is impermissible. Worm does not die and the fire is not quenched, taken as pictures of conscience who should stick without cessation, and God's fiery wrath. For it brought this worm that eats rotting meat. It others are unquenchable fire (Gr. asbestos) used in classical Greek for fire is so fierce that it can not stopped, not that it never goes out. Eternal fire is used synonymously in the Gospels, and in Jude 7 ( about Sodom and Gomorrah fire). These descriptions describe the punishment of those who sin m ot the Lord in the coming Messiah Kingdom (see like Isaiah 66:24), where the knowledge of the Lord shall fill the earth (Isa. 11:9). The consequence of sin is then equivalent. This is hell, Gehenna (Hinnom valley Son) outside Jerusalem, mentioned several times in the OT. The lake of fire is the place where the wicked ends, after they arose to judgment. This comes after Hades and Hell. I will not think of the end of this, I only repeat what I have £ 04.07. 13 3 shown that iIdsjøen is a transition before the new universe is created. Where God will dwell with men, to forget the sorrows of life and the joy of creation. What I have outlined is basically an understanding that contains all the elements of salvation, damnation and judgment, which is dualism, except: punishment ceases. Hv a purpose of punishment, will be a timely question for another time.
KR 31 .07.13 1 Misleading about eternity ? Thanks to A . S . for response p to my articles about terms forever and ever. A 4 5 page study terms is on . A . S . says "Both life and punishment that Jesus gives is without end, so a straightforward reading of Matt 25:46 dictates. " This " forthright " l swell I practiced, up problems accumulated when the entirety was investigated . I added inconsistent r s When I time indication ig says that "aion only be translated with age" and ends up that "Forever and ever" must understood as "the last age " . G jennomført concordant translations are But has its weaknesses . The importance lies " age " close "Aion". The translation of idiom "Eternity" is another matter. "In every age" is more correct than "forever". "T il last age "Covers idiom meaning . It follow r of the Bible says that h in m m e l o g j o r d shall consist of eternity, yet pass away. And a t Christ will reign forever (Heb. 1:8), but also surrender the kingdom God in the end, when God becomes all in all (1 Corinthians 3:24 p.m. f). Inconsistency t in l h ø r e r d e m s o m flows r that "in all eternity "means without end, m e n s o m l in k e v e l faith r a new heaven and earth. S itate from Bible Study on the gr boxed expression for " forever and ever " well-known . At this presented as the strong ste expression of infinity , there is no problem But - What means eternity? If aion alone involves " infinite temporal extent " , Why when talking about uendeligheters infinity? And how can one when use aion time and age ("age" era), or the world? Translations and theology maintains misunderstanding r Is visible for example. in Tit 1:2 Where Greek has "BEFORE ( pro ) Eternal " While NB88 has "FROM forever named by ". BEFORE eternity go not an, so therefore FROM . V in are trained that the Bible uses olam / ai on both of bygone and future infinity . But NT and GT I have not found exception f ra rule: Because lyrics (Interlinear) user olam / aion Exclusion those of ages between creation and new creation of the world. I requested to explain terms like "Him (Christ) be glory for ever and ever", if "Forever" understood as "the last age" ( or "all ages" ) . We find similar problem in Commission: "I am with you always, to the (aion - of the age) end. " Not anymore? Of course, but it is now that we need everlasting consolation (2Tess 2:16) - persistent, unfailing comfort and a good hope, UNTIL we're home. Then we wave all this farewell, for the hope that is seen is no hope (Romans 8:24). Christ be honored through the ages That in the new creation. But the latter is not problems , for when God is all in all. Scriptural message is that God will prevail in this E WORLD, and through the ages, through Christ. Therefore, we ask "Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth." The eternity we await the coming era, when God raises his kingdom on earth, and all the saved occurs to immortality. This is l angel before the end, before the new heaven and earth. It was this age Jesus was talking about When he spoke of eternal life in the world (aion ! ), Mark 10:30. Rev. 1:18, that Christ was dead, but is alive forevermore , Not So e to the statement that Christ d e r e t t e r has infinite existence. He had before his death. But he shall not die more, but rule until KR 31 .07.13 2 End, where death destroyed, the last enemy. God is from everlasting to everlasting, but mainly is also Israel should stay in l andet from everlasting to everlasting hot (Jer. 7:7) . How it if eternity are before and for the two creations? I do not introduce different understanding of the eternal "life eternal" and "everlasting punishment" . In both cases describes a character that goes beyond the present . But we can not stop that eternal ang ir uendelighe t f ordinary d e t o g s to s t to r t in l n o e s o m e t t e r s in n n a t u r e r u o p p h ø r l in g , s o m in u t t r y k k e t "The e vige God " . How should we when could explain terms like "The eternal mountains were shattered" Hab 3:6? God is pr. def. the one always was, is and will be. Eternal describes his being, as in Isaiah 40:28. Eternal life sealed es with immortality, eternal punishment end in this world.
1 Still misleading about eternity? Take kk to A . S . for Posts , 16.08 . I know well the arguments of relative and absolute importance of forever, from Bible Study. I have tried to apply it, but found that the in fact introduces two meanings of eternal : Absolute eternal = infinite, and relatively eternal = finite. Finite and infinite can not covered by one word , forever. A. S. comparing the use of forever with solid. When Jesus says Mark 10:17 that b are is God who is good, then it is because people are Evil , as he says in Matt 7:11 M. M. It is KKE certainly well , against relatively well, but good versus evil. When Barnabas pulled in, we must not forget that He was born and v ar "a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith" , Acts 11:24. Was he thus relatively good ? It which was Barnabas by the Holy Spirit was just absolutely well as God himself, although Barnabas was a man also with flesh. Comparison of spores. S tudiebibelen sie r that material things have ever seen relatively, ie as fina g, we what have with God to do Must forever be perceived absolute, ie as infinity. Then it just said that finally is finite and the infinite is infinite . So what then of eternal life? How do we about forever life must be considered absolute , without end? Can we read it out forever life? No , we must find answers in context one or other places. We read cycle. that we are immortal resurrection. Eternal life is perceived when absolute , that life without end. What so with eternal punishment , M To also perceived absolute? We read that Satan will tormented day o g night in all ever, Revelation 8:10 p.m.. A main point of what I have said in ten dligere posts is , that this does not describe punishment without end. There are many reasons for this , Bl . a: The basic text in Titus 1:2 etc. show that " infinity "Aion, not denotes the time before creation , but the ages for. Likewise, neither aion denote time after the new heaven and earth, because: past ages (Aion) has come to us, 1Cor 10:11, and Christ is revealed by the ages end, Hebrews 9:26. And, Israel is given the land for ever ever, Jer 7:7, ie that "infinity" is located within the confines of this world. And, Son throne is for ever, Heb 1:8, but cessation Nevertheless, in the end, 1Cor 3:24 p.m. f to o gså Dan 6:27 says that "his lordship lasts until the end " . And, The earth shall not be moved for ever? Psalm 104:5, but will still pass away, and replaced with a new . There are thus many statements that all must implicate that the term "forever" must be understood in n for frame of this world , as all ages until the end. Taking j I error here I am left with arguments as not e s worth the ink in the day. If not, must eternal punishment TLC ear in the end, ie perceived relative t , and opposite of what we found for eternal life; and we ended up in a situation that "is so unreasonable that it knap t need to be challenged " , says Study the Bible. Either we must nevertheless accept the absolute and relative importance side by side in the same verse, or detect errors in understanding ove r . Or do like me: discard relative - absolute - argument . In covenant with grunnbetydnin tion of olam (forever in GT) realize r I that eternal not describe infinity, but border nature of the content and pass the unit outside the temporal constraints . Eternal life is a character of life by the pleasing , sealed together with immortality and This Life (True, 1 Timothy 6:19) persist without end. Eternal punishment is a grade of punishment ceases to End , when God will. An vs. Revelation 1:18 (I was dead .. but live grace forever) I rendered inaccurate . I say "he will not die more, but the rule until End. . ". It is here a cure r ant expression of both living and rule, in all 2 infinity . I do not see antics , that "to live" in reality is replaced . And f ortsatt is mission - command comparability r with the situation in Rev. 1:18. Jesus was dead, but alive forevermore, not only to exist, but exert a most important role as regent, together with their servants (Rev. 22:5) Until E Spirit. On equivalent way he us now until the end of the age and in both cases the he still be with us when they nn e world battle is over.
KR - 20 .08.13 9 It is initially demonstrated that bib el translate locks handles these concepts with apparently low level of precision compared to the original text. Mainly are quotes from Norwegian Bible 88 (NB88) , but there are indications that this is more the rule than the exception, for translations in general. Infinity Word aion translates in NT infinity, world, age, time (s), ancient, ancient days M. M. Variation is the corresponding GT. Thus, a single word, aion , Translated with the " Hereafter " - infinity , as well as it present - age and World . How can this be possible? And how do you when one or the other should be used? There are some translations that have taken the matter seriously, blah. Young's Literal Translation (YLT), and Concordant Version (see ). YLT translates eternity with age And forever with ageduring . CV uses consistent the transcribed form eon for aion And eonian for aionois ( eon and eonisk the Norwegian ). The advantage of this is that the reader has sufficient proximity to the basic text, and Avoid CE . Vran g Imagine in nge r due. misleading translations . U Lemper is that it feels strange having to talk about eonisk life , Instead of eternal life. People After all, a common former speedy PROVISIONS that there is a life as stre k increases beyond this And our name on it eternal life . A more appropriate strategy may be to fill the term eternal life with proper understanding (As we shall see , - to live forever (Live forever) is not the same as eternal life ) . Similarly who ask seized God must also be filled with the correct understanding. PAST e vighet ? Wrong Forest in lling (?) which follows the concepts forever and infinity is clearly displays using one Greek - Norwegian / English interlinear. There are several Bible verses that use the term from eternity , and etc., referring apparently to the "bygone eternity" ie before creation. Tit 1:2 is one example, where it says that the promise God has given from eternity , Of eternal life. Basic text uses here pro ch Ronon aionios n , Which at norwegianised form becomes: before eonisk e time is . If you choose here to translate aionios with forever , Standing there thus before forever e time is . But this does not match our view, - where was well nothing before forever Before the "bygone eternity"? And how can there be many eternal time is ? In NB88 is then before eoniske times become out t pressure from eternity . The preposition and the majority are not taken seriously, but theology becomes so you are used to : A t there was an eternity even first, then came the creation and time and the world , where people live their short lives, and so coming eternity left up ahead. If we now rather chose to translate aion with age would look different: before eonisk time are when to before tidsalderlig e time is . This is KKE good Norwegian, but we begin to sense the meaning. Tit 1:2 talk about the promise of eternal life which God gave before time s ages ! The translation feed r eternal , would be right enough Only one understands that before forever when referring to the beginning, before Ages . In Romans 4:25 p.m. occurred m is a similar u t pressure, where it is a question of a secret that has been fortidd in eternal time is , In Greek chronois aioni o in s . This refers not to a concealment of the "bygone ages "before creation, but it refers to the bygone ages . The secret is simply not revealed in the Old Testament, but d It has now come to light through the prophetic writings that Paul has conveyed. KR - 20 .08.13 10 Ephesians 3:9 refers to the same secret, "which has been hidden from Eternal times in God. " Colossians 1:26 out t jerk that "this secret has been hidden from eternity ... ". In both cases states on Greek apo ton aionion , Which in Norwegian becomes from Aeons , ie f ra eternities , or from the ages (English is closer to the Greek, since they use the definite article the same way, in English becomes from the eons Or from the ages ). The importance tion is that in Romans 4:25 p.m., the secret was hidden from the ages, not from "Pioneer n e infinity is "Before creation. That God decided something before creation n is undoubtedly true, but it utt indented differently. In 1 Cor 2:7 speaks of "the wisdom of God the hidden s God of ordained before the world unto our glory. " The phrase in Greek is per ton aion on (Distribution before the eons / ages ), I.e. before Aeons = before Ages . Everyone perceives that before eternities not fit. God is omnipotent, but operate forever require more than omnipotence , I believe . D a look as if translators choose to take care of recognition t Theology at the expense of respect to preposition is and plural. In Jud 25 we read : "Him be glory and majesty, dominion and power all time and now and in all infinity ". Here are aion translated both time and infinity in the same verse! Study the Bible choose to be consistent and use the word infinity for aion "The Lord be our honor and glory, power and might, before all eternity and now and to all eternities ". V to get ie strange truth before all eternity . This problem disappears when age used "... Before all age and now and in all ages." NB: Before all " Eternity " does not occur in all manuscripts . More examples r This in NT are discussed in this st udiet. V in are the same in GT. In Ecclesiastes 8: 2 3 says " From eternity I (wisdom) has been inserted, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. " LXX - interline distinction renders this English as " Before the eon ( age ) he founded me in the beginning, before making of the earth. " The Greek expression eries LXX is per ton aionos = before eon . Again , if aion means infinity, f years we meaninglessness until eternity , But what it says is thus that V isdommen (Son) was inserted before Earth was, that before time (Age / " Eternity " ). Psalm 25:6 speaks of the Lord's mercy works , Which is from infinity , = from the eon , LXX. These must necessarily hear the time, not a bygone "eternity", although his grace intent had its originated before time. In Psalm 119:52 there is a so m remembering the Lord's judgments from eternity = m Oulm ( from eon ), Hebrew. This was the Lord judge the throughout history was narrated about in the Holy Scriptures , not from an unknown Bygone "Eternity". Jer 7:7 (see also 25:5 ) speaks of the land which the Lord gave Israel, from eternity to eternity = from the eon and unto the eon LXX. No one will believe this speaks of a property before creation, and any for future end. The same phrase is in Jer 25:5, about the country as "the Lord gave you and your fathers, from infinity t il forever ". And in Isaiah 45:17 we read, even: "Israel is saved by the LORD with an everlasting salvation. You will forever do not be ashamed and confounded. " It must be extremely difficult to be Replacement theology in the light of these words, but there are also other shows have tried it. H va then with the t fumes tion in Psalm 93:2: Wired is your t r o ne from ancient times , from eternity you , = from eon you , Heb. int., = fr o m the eon you are LXX. Not to speak of expression in Psalm 90:2, from eternity the everlasting God , = from eon u nt o eon you El Hebrew int erlineær . The whole verse reads in Norwegian Translation: "Before the mountains were born, and you made the earth and the earth - yes (?), from everlasting to everlasting you are God " . According to the Hebrew interline honor this should also sound e: "Before the mountains were born, and you created the earth and the world - AND from everlasting to everlasting, you are God ": KR - 20 .08.13 11 Thus, God is before creation n , who is from it farthest past to the distant future. Do we have any reason to believe that Psalm 90:2 covers a completely different perspe k tive than Jer 7 7 above ? I do not think so, although God pr. def. always has been and always will be. We shall see that olam speaks of it hidden and inaccessible . From eternity to eternity (From olam to olam) = from the distant past to the distant future . If he e r from tomorrow morning till the end of time, he is also the beginning and end, God above all things. Therefore, also his mercy not only from eternity But from eternity to infinity , Psalm 103:17, exactly the same expression as in Jer 7:7 , About Israel . It speaks of his mercy has been and always will be through time, - it is Now mercy is needed. It responds fully ten l expression everlasting consolation , 2 Thessalonians 2:16, it is not designed for "eternity" but time. I stand by this in danger of "reducing" God. That's not what I do or want to do I will only raise awareness that when we for s Sip from eternity to eternity used of God, and associate with This " from infinity to infinity " Then it is not due to expression one in itself, but the nature of God, ie . he pr. Definition WAS, IS And IS . And it is a main point connection. use of aion , and not at least aionios Where re g elen for all adjectives is that they take the form of the nouns they stands for. As I going to say several times, a large apple is not as big as a large universe, although the same adjective large used in the same sentence. 99.999% of the Bible mentions concerns purpose eon e / selves as God complete in Christ , see Ephesians 3 : 11 ( is misleading translated in NB88). We who have an unclear understanding of aion , need to acknowledge this . When it says in the Great Commission, Matthew 28:20, Jesus is with us to the very / eonens end, it does not mean that he then leaves us, just as the expression from eternity to eternity limiting God. And the statement in Dan 6:27 where Daniel's God Riek discussed: the not destroyed and his dominion until the end . Not long, yes, but we we must to face up to the Bible recognizes Enner an end to this world, where virtually a new tidregning begins, and a new world is created where God is all in all. Worth mentioning is also to 5Mos 33:27: "A housing is The eternal God , And underneath are the everlasting arms ... ". The eternal God is Elohim - of aforetime (Alei qdm) that LXX translator with Theou arche , God begins God from the beginning. Hebrew does not use olam , and LXX user not aion , However, using such KJV The eternal God . Basic text uses the words concepts with an awareness that is not reflected in the translations, and distinguishes God from the beginning / The eternal God And God from eternity (S) / Age (s) . It may seem insignificant, but this lack of general precision in dc. the expressions that are mentioned may prove to have ended in a absolutely impermissible theological Misconception . I've gone through everything I have found the passages from the Bible about this, and it is as close as possible all Bible verse, and not found one deviation from the rule - that aion and olam used over the past aimed exclusively the ages following creation. There are no "bygone infinity "Before creation. It that was before the creation discussed eg as the beginning (gr. arc h e) - "In the beginning Gu d heaven and earth ", 1MOS 1:1. Ephesians 1:4 etc. use the term before the foundation of the . The term forever and ever Or forever Has not yet been discussed. This is used many times in the NT the expression in Galatians 1:5: "He (God / Jesus) be glory for ever and ever." It may seem almost as majesty insult, when I now want to argue that infinity should be replaced with age. "Him be glory KR - 20 .08.13 14 In Psalm 89:37 f speaks of David's offspring will be forever , And his throne as the sun God face, " s about the moon shall (David's throne) stand forever .. " . This may look like as a prophecy of Messiah 'Throne . Anyway, here is said the sun and the moon shall be forever / forever . The same expression used in both cases , eis ton Aiona , = into the eon , = to (I) Eternity . Psalm 78:69 says that the earth is establish t for ever; eis ton Aiona , Again. In Psalm 148:6 speaks of the stars, the sun and the moon, and the law he gave "their place forever, forever". The expression in Hebrew l od l = Oulm for the future of eon Which LXX is expressed as into the eon an d into the eon of the eon . This is o m possible yet greater than into the eon of the eon , Which also translated in Heb 1:8 as forever . It is interesting to Note that there are various ways to express that the earth shall pass "forever". B oth it to consist forever And " in all eternity a "(" Forever and ever "), MUST ultimately end up in the same, me n is expressed with different weights . For earth and heaven will pass away, and they can not consist in perpetuity. D ette begins to fall in place. After these statements that the universe should forb l in forever, yeah in all ever, it is still Bible diverse testimony that the world s cal pass away, see section below. Only possible way to get this to hang on is that the statements forever right simply must bet own "So l angel world is. " 1MOS 8:22 says that as long as the earth remains, ... shall day and night never end. With what has been said above, and n year Revelation 8:10 p.m. express the so : "They will be tormented day and night forever ", is Conclusion one in the air, the forever must perceive tes in framework of this world. Day and night are rooted. God is light, and in his world ends Darkness . Mourning and crying and pain will be gone from the new heaven and earth, for for too!: the first thing is passed away , Rev. 21:4. It heard the old world . In Matthew 6:13 terminating ter Our Father so : "For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever ". It uses basic text into the eon s , = To / in the eternities. Yes, the kingdom belongs to Him, but in this province one of universe is not His kingdom estab lated, - they r for we ask "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth. " Son shall establish the And shall surrender it God the Father in perfect order. We have seen that the Son's throne are forever (Hebrews 1:8) and his servants shall Reign forever (Rev. 22:5). A similar statement found in Dan 7:18, which says about the saints who shall have the kingdom Owning forever, yeah forever and ever = unto the eon, and unto the eon of the eon s , in the LXX ( unto and into used with variable a tion in such expressions without meaning change). I do not perceive this was in ant one expressing anything other than forever Even though this is the only place in the NB88 translation forever and forever occurs. Dan 6:27 speaks of God (Eloah) and his kingdom shall not be destroyed and that it lasts until the end . The word for end is here "into the terminus" from heb RAISK - meadow love internal linear, and in the LXX, the word for end = telos . Maybe when speaking about this the same as in 1 Corinthians 1 5 : 23f : 1 Corinthians 3:23 p.m. - 28 23 But h ver in his own order: Christ the firstfruits. Then they that are Christ's 's at his coming. 24 Then comes the end (Telos), when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has put down all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he shall reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet . 26 The last Enemy that shall be destroyed is d Oden. 27 For he has put everything under his feet. But when he says that everything is subject to Him, then it is clear that He who put all things under Him is excepted. KR - 20 .08.13 15 28 But when all things are subjected to him, then shall the Son also himself subdue him who put all things under him, that God will be all in all . In Psalm 45:6, Hebrews 1:8 as quoted, is the word for God, Elohim, and in Dan 6:27 Eloah (God's name can require a study in itself, see for example www.hebrew4ch / Names_of_G - d / names_of_g - d.html ) . It is difficult (?) understand this differently than they refers to both cases to the Son, who will reign as king of all his enemies are his subject. Then he surrender the kingdom, and even submit a look g God Father , Which is supposed to be all in all. This will be the universe most honorable abdisering. This makes it great telos , The completion of the whole purpose of having played out through Aeons / Ages. When does this happen? We have seen that j order shall consist of eternity, and of the Son dominion shall consist of forever. Thats. that the end has come when this world is passing away, and the new heaven and the new earth appears. V in see then that " eternities " / Ages / Aeons ends with the formation of the new universe. At the same manner in which is a beginning, there is a end, and among these is " eternities " / Ages / Aeons. Scripture speaks neither about a bygone eternity, or about a future eternity outside respectively the beginning and end , - they between. Then this statement perhaps a trusting Opinion : Revelation 10:13 p.m. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. J I will point out that there exists diverse views on expression the eon (S) of the eon (S) Scroll. because there is something variation expression (with and without plural etc.). Some would argue that the variation the eon of the eon s (Ephesians 3:21) , Corresponds to the expression is found for the most holy, as in the LXX (Greek NT) expressed as the holy of holies the And aims to the n past and then assumed the chief of all ages . Likewise argued that the eon s of the eon s , referring to the last two ages, the penultimate ages are Mil l Enni . This is again by comparison with the holy and the holy of holies in tabernacle, but I find this to be unfounded. There you also made comparisons with the expression the sons of sons , Which is the Hebrew the expression for grandsons, that the sons of sons, which expresses rek k EFollow and that one come out of it andr e . Heaven of heavens is also one, and does not describe a number h Imler, since the third heaven already is the paradise of God (2 Corinthians 12:2). But I do not think this is relevant. M possible should be careful not to attach special significance in what is due to natural variations in language. Time can be referred to both the singular and fl ISNUMBER without it necessarily means anything, likewise skies and heavens, eon and eons etc. , Without thereby exclude that any of they t t e also k have an special meaning in certain contexts (In Norwegian, we also use the word trousers is , Just as well as pants, surely because there are two legs of which form one unit) . It determines Importance of expression forever is neither tabernacle - comparisons or another, but that the LXX translator direct the Hebrew eon and futurity with the Greek the eon of the eon . The e r further reasonably clear that the eon of the eon is synonymous t with the eons of the eons (See said mmenligningen over, re Heb 1:8 and Rev. 22:5). Both the Hebrew eon and futurity And the eon ( s ) of the eon ( s ) expresses something like of the furthest of the Far , ( within the perspective of this world). Finally, I will comment Revelation 14:9 - 11: KR - 20 .08.13 16 9 And another angel, the third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship is animal and his image, and takes mark on their foreheads or their hands, 10 he shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out his anger beaker. And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11 The smoke of their torment rises forever . They have no rest day nor night, those acces is beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. This is also taken as a description of the torments of hell "for eternity". But the context shows this belongs in the tribulation period , The 70 åruke in Daniel's Prophecy (Dan 9:23 f), before Millennia occurs. D continue dealing with the agony they incurred denn e period of time hopping WORSHIP beast and his image. Isaiah 30:27 and 34:10 using similar images in Revelation. Isaiah 34:10: "Neither night nor day shall be quenched for ever t id be the smoke of it rise up. From generation to generation shall lie waste, never drag someone through it. " This deals with the judgment of Edom .. The streams thereof shall be turned into brimstone, land burning pitch (34:9). Equilib e l will pelican and the porcupine and more other animals live there. In both these cases it is natural to understand the smoke as a testimony of the judgment. Similar d e description is given about judgment of Babylon: Revelation 6:16 p.m. f 16 Woe, woe, the great city! You clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, and who desire e of gold and precious stones and pearls - so great riches is destroyed in one hour ! 17 Every officer and every shipmaster, and all the sailors, and all who travel on the sea, stood far away, 18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning And said, Who is like unto the s tore city? Rev. 19:2 f 2 For true and righteous are his judgments. For he hath judged the great whore, which corrupted the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. 3 And again they said, Alleluia! Her smoke rose up forever infinity . The smoke that rises up forever and ever may not be the judgment itself, but rather testimony it (As Abraham saw the smoke of Sodom and Gomorrah, 1MOS 7:28 p.m.) . The everlasting gospel mentioned in Revelation 14:6, also seems to deal with a message of Baby lons case (whatever Babylon represent) And the testimony of its case, stand the future , Until the end . Earth and sky will pass away Where are many statements in the Bible that the earth and heavens will pass away. About the new heaven and earth is a total new creation, or rather a recreation of this is, I do not know if I can answer. But whatever the Bible speaks clearly about a distinction between d Vivienne creation and the new. Already 1MOS 8:22 denote day and night will never end, - ie as long as the earth says: 1MOS 8:22 22 As long as the earth remains hereinafter, the sowing and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night never end. KR - 20 .08.13 17 It is given as an insurance policy after the flood, and seem to respond to the covenant with day and night mentioned in Jer 33:20 , as is as secure as the covenant with David about a prince (the Messiah). Already here we see the context of a Messiah kingdom, which should last as long as this world order exists. So, we can mention the: 2 Peter 3:6 f 6 Whereby the world that then-under, d a it was flooded by water. 7 But the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same word are kept in store. They are held up until the day that ungodly men of judgment and perdition. 2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then s cal heavens perish with very bump and heavenly bodies will come in fire and disintegrate And the earth and all that is built on it will burn up. 2 Peter 3:12 12 while you are waiting for the day of God shall come, and accelerate it. Then the heavens dissolved in fire and celestial bodies melt in fire. 2 Peter 3:13 13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. The Greek word for perish Is parerchomai . It means literally to "pass, pass by," and metaphorically "Pass away, two p Erish "( Vine). It bukes 27 places in the NT . In the latter meaning it is used for example in James 1:10 on the kingdom shall pass away as the flower of grass, and in 2 Corinthians 5:17 M. M., mentioned below. We f inside the same word again too in Revelation 21:1: Revelation 21:1 1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth were passed away ( parerchomai ) And the sea is no more. You see that John that the first Heaven and earth are passed away And a new heaven and earth is occurred. True enough, does it g Reks word for new here are not necessarily new in time, it can also mean new in nature (Greek has two words new ) . What that means, if the new universe has been created parallel, or if it is a total transformation, what do I know. It sounds much the same as 2 Corinthians 5:17: " Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed ( passed away) Behold, all things have become new "Ie, new in character, and it will also be new in and with a glorious body, but person ity is the same. Whatever so John that the first heaven and earth took place. And Psalm 102:26 - 28 says: Psalm 102:26 - 28 26 In ancient times established the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. 27 They shall perish But you remain. They will all wear out like a garment, like clothing changes them out And they are replaced. 28 But you are the same, and your years will no end . KR - 20 .08.13 18 It is said therefore that earth and heaven will pass away , Unlike God to stand. And we have the same in several places in the Gospels: Matt 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away ( parerch omai ) But my words shall not pass away ( parerchomai ) . See also Matthew 5:18, Mark 1:31 p.m., 4:17 p.m. Luke, Luke 9:33 p.m.. The Bible says that heaven effort should shaken: Matt 24:29 But immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. The stars will fall from the sky And powers of the heavens shall be shaken: (See also Luke 9:26 p.m., Mark 1:25 p.m.). Heb 12:26 - 27 26 Whose voice then shook the earth. Me n now he has promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not only earth but also heaven . 27 And this word, yet once more, to know that those things that are shaken will be removed . For they are the created things. And then what can not be shaken, be halts the. And finally: Revelation 8:11 p.m. 11 I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it. Whose face the earth and the sky away, and the place was found for them . What this means, I can not answer, but both this and Hebrews 24:27 seems to talk about something so m being taken away. It's time to look at the two aforementioned verse in the Old Testament, containing the terms forever In light of the which is fremkommmet the Bible verses above: Psalm 104:5 5 He established the earth upon its support, it shall not be moved in all evi ility . Psalm 148:4 - 6 4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that are above the heavens! 5 They shall praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created. 6 He set them in their place forever, forever ( forever ). He made a law that none of them switch. After Psalm 104:5 say that j order should not be moved forever, yet the Bible says that both heaven and earth shall be shaken even in the future And that those things that are shaken will be taken away. It becomes difficult to argue that Earth never ever be shaken. Thus, forever must be understood within the scope of this world. Psalm 104:6, the last part, reproduced in the LXX as: He made an order and it Shall not pass away ( parerchomai ) . When we read that the powers of heaven shall be shaken , they be pass away with very Brackets And that heavens and earth KR - 20 .08.13 19 will pass away and rolled up like a robe and replaced, it must again be hard to believe other than that the order shall not pass away forever Only need apply in n the framework of this world. World both the eternity, and pass away. D vs. that forever must mean end of the world . They support is one argumentation line. But there are also several other lines which clearly shows that forever must understood within the context of this world. As Christ's h errdømme doomed to end, to Despite the fact that it is said to eternity (Heb. 1:8). Both 1Cor 3:24 p.m. f and Dan 6:27 says this independently. And to excess is said that in the past ages has come, 1Cor 10:11, and that Christ is manifest in tidsald Rene's end, Hebrews 9:26, which means that forever and ever not mean an infinite number of ages up ahead. And for the right to spoil myself away with arguments Even before all is said : from eternity to eternity , Comes within the scope of this world, since it refers to Israel housing in the country. Finally it should be noted that it is not easy to understand all of this to review connection. that world to pass away. It may seem as if it referring to two begiveheter, one at entrance of the millennium, and the transition after the final judgment , to the final new heaven and earth. And I have a f o rnemmelse that the former is a kind of model for the latter, as is millenni partly a kind m odell for the final condition of d And it seems to me that the term the new heavens and new earth to partly used for both. Revelation 6:12 - 14 12 And I saw when the Lamb opened the sixth seal - and see: There was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth , As a fig tree casts its unripe figs down when shaken by a strong wind. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together. And every mountain and island were moved out of their places. D parietal verses sight s for me to refer to the tribulation, and the judgments which precedes establishment of the millennium. And some of the same language use We see here which 2Pet 3:6 f, but due. context must be understood to refer to various events. And it is likely that also M att 24:29 etc. listed above , refer to the same event as Revelation 6:12 - 14 . Similar things we read in Acts 2:19 f, which in turn comes from Joel's prophecy about the events related to the Messiah coming and going among his people " after the flesh " And make a the captivity of Jerusalem , See Joel 2:27 - 3:1 f All this concerns introduction to what is called the Day of the Lord (Joel 3:4, 2Pet 3:10 and others), and denotes the final stage in history where the Lord decide where the cabinet will be (through Millennium where Satan email r bound and judgment period after). The term the new heavens and new earth occurs a few places in the OT : Isaiah 65:17 f 17 For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth. And the former things shall not be remembered, no be more remember them. 18 Yes, glad and rejoice the 're forever in what I create! For behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy. KR - 20 .08.13 28 resurrection, that scroll. Revelation 20:6 speaks of: "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power. They will v honor God and Jesus priests and reign with him in thousand years'. Eternal fire is the character of God against sin. It is unchangeable. Eternal punishment is inappelabel, uomgjørlig punishment Whose duration and content only God knows. The mark of this is, like everything else forever As largely hidden from us here and now. But it is impossible that this has to do with punishment without end , as already demonstrated. Sodom and Gomorrah " is as such for our ø eyes and and suffer punishment one eternal fire " , Jud 7 They are set as an example of the wicked life in the future, say 2 Peter 2:6, perhaps term end to Rev. 20:9, which does not refer to the judgment of the great white throne, but the judgment affects people's last rebellion against God. The eternal ilds effect was short-lived. Sodom men shall rise in the judgment, and d eres penalty shall be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. But this is not something that is without end. Several verses speak of being saved from God's wrath, for instance Rooms 5:9, ie, a wrath that will frame before God's kingdom come (and whose term k onsekvenser through the upcoming age). His afire has been shown in various ways over time, and it will do so in the future of those who have delighted in unrighteousness, 2 Thessalonians 2:12. In 2Tess 1:8 said that "He flaming fire taking huh vn ("out - justing ") on them that know not God, and that not obey our Lord Jesus Christ. " If the penalty for sin was meant to be without end, how could Jesus, as our substitute, return from the dead after three days? About our stra ff would be eternal punishment in eternal fire, and had so his punishment be. Or, I / we misunderstood something here? Punishment for sin is death ( separation from God, not incessant torment) And Jesus suffered the death. In Romans 5:21 and 6:23 there is death and eternal life as are opposites. Therefore, eternal penal f can have something else to do. Justice and judgment is side of it. But it is also conceivable that it should b evirke restoration? We are it "First death" and from death comes life through Jesus Christ. Can there Also coming life of the second death ? A timely matter is ie criminal intends to bring people the truth recognition (Eng. remedial ), Or whether it concerns retaliation (Distribution retributive ). I mean that the purpose with punishment from God s side in prin s in PPET is to bring people to knowledge of the truth, so that the can return to their creates And rebellion against God's authority ceases . God let punishment frame Son that we might be rebuilt to fellowship with God. Those reject the victim, must take punishment itself. What if this were causing all bow the knee to Christ, God can forgive be fair, due. Jesus' atonement. Christ experienced all aspects of death , both physically and spiritually. H was an forced into death of Satan s AIM Elser And men eskers cruelty, but even under loss of fellowship with the Father, he showed for all the powers and authorities, he was fair. He bore everybody's sin, no one reproachful words. There was no justice; their disposal in that death should have no claim on him. Therefore , death could not keep him. He was a foreign element in death, and was there to fulfill S PRINTING that after three days he was to occur . I have read theories about how one m anns sin can pay "evigv Arendt "punishment for all Despite Jesus only was three days in death. The e r a type of "math" j I not recommended for any but it is part of theology around this. I have my own views on the : KR - 20 .08.13 29 God is no less willing to forgive than us, denn e will is one of the key assumptions for our salvation, - it only that he can not break the principles of justice. There are no ro in the universe, about God does not even act fairly. He is not a despot who controls the injustice of creatures required more off than by himself . Nor can he see through his fingers with one sin. For d a is the foundation of justice sp o trolled. He can not but appear as moral impeccable, though there should ever be harmony in heaven and on earth . And it was this that was Satan's strong hands, that God generation after generation not punished sin. God was unfair, - he had removed Satan's sin, but then wink at an dres . Jesus' death were loose e mon for God, as well as for us (Pe rson is the only (?) perspective I see who can explain how é n man's death may apply to everyone, you can not just punish é n all, - it's cheating, if this is qualified as Parties agreed) . L øsepenge speaks of a " a vtalt price " , under certain conditions and requirements. Satan demanded the Son of God in his sold (as he demanded Adam , - in the name of justice, God could not simply dismiss Satan without evidence that those who took management of this world, was better ; temptation in Eden was not Ridiculous ) Yes e ndog try him completely in death. It was a just claim. Could he showed injustice the anointed one Would Satan could invoke its position return. D a was there still no second was more Worthy and fit the parish sauna room. Was Jesus s fair, would the penalty that hit him , apply for the genus, - God thus redeem and pardon for his heart, and be fair to Satan and against all. How could " Agreement " is principally have been . I do not think God decided these things sovereign itself, it is contrary to realities In such a situation, where in fact Satan set of supremacy t of the genus. And Powers the universe would look fairness of it. The e next was shown injustice was Jesus. And d the only one with the Divine Mind could wear something like , Utav love for the Father and to the world . I quote from memory: "What would the u n arious be without a Lamb? ". Thus, criminal f one affected have m that we might have peace, and by his wounds we are healed, Isaiah 53:5 . They n's sins can now get tilgivels e, whatever sin. Hitler Breivik like myself. The last problem that remains for God, is that people continue in their enmity against him . That God has reconciled ve rden with itself, through Jesus C in s tus , is not alone enough that everyone bow to his authority, whereby his dominion in heaven and on earth can be restored . B Islands we Us not for His goodness, we must experience his strictness, Romans 11:20. It is in this perspective that God's upper Dec sentences have meaning Although there are many side r by God's judgment . Those who despise God justice open Bar t at C ice tus should perhaps see it in the sentence? In Revelation 15:4 says: "Who would not fear you, O Lord, and glorify thy name? You alone are wholly l ig, and all people One will come and worship before thee , because your right final judgments are made manifest t ". I have previously mentioned that 1 Corinthians 15:2 4f says end comes when Christ hands over the kingdom to God and Father, after all principality and power is destroyed. He ska l reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet . This is effected in through the last age, the judgment s day. It does not reflect an annihilation. Rooms 2:11 p.m. says: "As I live, saith the Lord, for me should each knee bend and each tongue praise God. " And File 2:10 "In Je s u name shall each knee bend , As their in heaven and on earth and under the earth ". This is the situation when Aeons / Ages / "Eternities" going to end, and the new heaven and the new earth is created. We will al le bow the knee to Christ. We can do it now and inheritance all things with him, or to do it when the Lord comes in power and glory To judgment And tape this possibility. But God is rich enough for everyone, and that will be all in all, will he not also announced e dry the tears of those who heard the gospel? Is not the work of Christ greater than the fall of Adam, who pulled us all into death, either KR - 20 .08.13 32 this world and a new world is created, wherein dwelleth righteousness, 2 Peter 3:1 3 Secondly, d is not two categories of time (Within Aeons / eternities / Ages ) : Eternity is time outside spring limited existence in Present , In biblical language. However, there are two categories of existence, deadly or immortal. The last beteg tions it Eternal life in its fullness From our perspective here and now . Eternal indicates a grade description that is foreign to the temporal. The eternal covenant was for everyone Israelite covenant that line tea into the distant future as unchanging and consisting , but termination tea anyway. E vig denotes not Infinite e ity connection. time dimension But indefinite duration . The eternal God is forever by his character, that is, his understanding is unsearchable, he ceased not He was, is and will be, - and because He is God, we understand that he never ceases to be God. But it is the word forever alone makes a t we believe it. If we say: "The eternal God made an everlasting covenant with Israel", as it is both actual t ic and grammatical properly. We know that the covenant ceased. If we then running Augustine's reasoning in foxes s, it means that God Also cessation e r , But we know that it H an IKK e can do. The error lies in attributing the adjective , quality, same quantity in both cases. The big apple and the vast universe is not equal because the adjective is the same e and stands in the same sentence. They are two completely different things, and limited Unlike quantity in terms of the noun it stands for, although they describe a common quality , - forever . This is normal when using adjectives. Therefore, neither Matt 25:46 um uliggjøre that eternal life persists (And sealed with immortality) , although punishment ceases, - seals v we only see clean Grammatically on this. Eternal Hot, aion , denotes indefinite duration , and aionios is character description if the duration is different because it are two very different nouns. In addition, coming also that eternal life we receive in faith here, sealed with Immortality in Resurrection. It is explicitly stated that we should turn into immortality, and can no more die. Eternal itself brings ik ke this information itself. For eternal punishment does not say anything accordingly. There is nothing to indicate that the penalty should be made permanent nent and without intermission ever. Secondly, it is shown former the context in s ikter the special sit u a tio tion by entrance to the Kingdom of Christ, where the nations be judged for the Son of Man glorified throne. Eternal life denotes the life in Christ Kingdom, and eternal punishment is to be shown away from this blessing. Eternal life consists here through the age to by s in quality in knowing the Lord But Scripture suggests that death also limits here, see Isaiah 65:20 and 66:24. Eternal punishment is a punishment which God administrative t rein, and uomgjørlig and composed. But it is not without end. Vengeance of eternal fire on Sodom and Gomorrah were short-lived. The concept of eternal fire and unquenchable fire used about each other in the Gospels. In Hjort's Compendium 1996: "Hell - Yes, eternal torment - No " quote from Evangelii Fuller, Dr. Ekman, P. 63: "Finally, we recall that the Greek word asbestos is translated by unquenchable , Absolutely not have the meaning you put into it. On the contrary, occur in profane Greek, especially in Homer, that provision of such words show that not speak about something that will never end. It is used for example for glory, lazy ter, shouts, and the violent but short-lived fire that consumed the Greek fleet. And Eusebius says twice its Church History (Church History, b 6, p 41) that the martyrs were consumed by unquenchable fire . Of course extinguished the fire, but the word used to emphasize the violence of fire and violence. " Study the Bible operates (See above) with a understanding that constitute an absolute and relative importance of aionios : When aionios used connection. Feeder in tional things and earthly life, perceived it in KR - 20 .08.13 33 relative importance tion, accounting for a long period of time, life, as long as the mount ne stands etc. When used for God and the Hereafter, Hereafter, referring to the unlimited time, ie eternal in absolute terms. I find that this just confuse the issue, and provides forever n ærmest two meanings. E vig has not two meanings . D is a noun or any other circumstances determines the duration of the discussion s Eternal on time specifies itself indeterminate for time / future , beyond the present , and that is d é h And, the neglect r that ever used idi omatisk (figuratively), and is a character description , where tidsutstrek tion is more a result of the quality rate than opposite. Eternal life is to know God , ie v glory in His presence and fellowship p It life which was unavailable and concealed lt is to be available And consists in knowing God. Gehenna, Hades & Lake of Fire There has obviously (?) been a persistent and dominant misconception regarding the words forever and infinity in the official k grating device . It has given us d one shocking learn n about eternal torment . Not only the words forever and ever and ever misunderstood and the meaning of prepositions overlooked, but words as hell, Sheol t and that lake has been sauces together to mean pretty much the same. Parable D one r ike man and La Sarus in d ødsriket has been taken as an example of the state of hell, and added the incessant. Regardless of how one understands the parable, - Hades is only between the state before the resurrection of damnation. The narratives in the Gospels about the worm does not die and the fire in KKE extinguished, is also taken as example of the state of hell, and shall allegedly continue without cessation , some anger. And the lake of fire is been taken the same as hell. Part of the reason these P fores t Illing Set in a wrong understanding of the coming e ones, the coming ages. Dominating learn directions have operated with a form where small t e Event is "eternity" with the new heaven and the new earth. One then has no opportunity to placing hell and / or the lake of fire elsewhere than in the upcoming "e vighet " as a reality in the new earth. So much confusion due. which many believe means little: Why should we care o m to understand the Bible's outline or eschatology , - what comes , it comes. This undergo åelsen view it is essential to f orstå it outline as Bible worker below, to be able to understand also basic questions. I would be 56 years before I even Now experience that things begin to fall into place (?) , - questions that previously h ar threatened to from take me faith. It has bothered me since I was 15 Not that God will judge the world, there is reason enough to believe him, - otherwise there is no justice. But this infinity of suffering seems so aimlessly. And it becomes very difficult to think that God Actual isk allegedly allowed the suffering without end. As omniscient and omnipotent creator, he knew what was coming when he put it all started, and we must Stop depriving God responsibilities and add more on people than it deserves . We are not irresponsible, far from it, but the e r After all, God is omniscient, and that creates and maintains And that have the power and wisdom to complete his advice. NT distinguishes Gehenna ("hell"), Hades (Sheol), and the Lake of Fire. Gehenna comes from it Hebrew word "ge Hinnom" , means Hinnom valley. Some observers argue that this was one valley outside Jerusalem where the city's waste was burned / eaten by worms. Body n e to death row for switches sea net KR - 20 .08.13 38 Beginning and end It's already said something about asking beginning (arche) and end (tel os). I b egynnelsen was thus this world created and will terminate at the end, when the new Heaven and earth are created, where righteousness dwells. I have shown that the use of the word Bible olam and aion , Which denotes the we call eternities, or ages, limited by the beginning and the end. Where fi nd simply not there we by the Norwegian B Ibels k vast eternity before creation , or after end. I take one last reality check on this and cites Isaiah a s ' statements about the new heaven and earth: Isaiah 66:22 22 For as the new heavens and the new earth that I make will remain forever for before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name is, remain forever . If what I have said is correct, should not expression forever could be used at the time by end. It should simply be left as it stands above a r about the new heaven and earth. But it does not. ISA Hebrew - English interlinear shows that expression forever just a inclusion in NB88. "Past infinity" is referred to as the beginning, before the foundation was laid before the ages or LIG lar. The eternity we await , is the age to which we arise in immortality, and to see God's kingdom in its glory, and inherit all things of the anointed. Then comes the judgment, and so end, with the (Final) new heaven and the new earth, where r ettferdighet live. I have dwelt a little on the new heaven and earth under section Heaven and earth will pass away And said it also aimed at a transformed ground during millennia. But not only that, and to the extent term also describes the final state, where the age is no longer a relevant term (but belongs to the ages), one should expect other expressions of persistence. And what we see is case, as shown above. The purpose of Aeons Ephesians 3 : 5 speaks of the previous generations Where secret hot n of Christ and the ecclesia (church) was not revealed. In Ephesians 3:9 referred to the same secret was hidden eternal in God ( from the eons ). This is not referring to a past eternity, but in previous eras, corresponding to what Ef 3:5 expresses so m previous generations (see also Colossians 1:26, here are both expressions together). Then Ephesians 3:11, where translations (both NB88 and KJV) hides matter. Here we read "This his eternal purpose , Which he purposed in Christ .. " (" According To the eternal purpose Which he purposed in Christ .. ", KJV) . Basic text says (Bible Study), "according to eternal heat rs intent as he did in Christ (This is imprecise; aion is ask s tamed form: eternities s / the ages hen term) . ISA interlinear, "in accord with The purpose of the eons wooden He makes in Christ " : Bagster interlinear: "According to (the) purpose of the eons wooden he made in Christ. " ISA's aorist (?) - Rendering is most correct. Thus, there is a purpose of the ages, which is completed in Christ. U ttryk k and an emphasis on Aeons / Ages / eternities made for a purpose between beginning and the end, I not Set until now. It has been hidden the translators' "good theology", it may look like. KR - 20 .08.13 39 Norwegian Bible 88 Initially it was shown to NB88's focus to strive for a concordant translation, and avoid meaningful translation (idiomatic translation). Regarding the words forever and infinity I must state that they have not succeeded, but seems rather to translate for good tea theology, than what is. In this way they are helping to conceal the fundamental realities, and thus continue one Tragic Misconception . Or is it just me who is wrong? NB88 and many other translations have much to correct in terms of translation words forever and forever, to hold me to this. But I do not think that the way to go is to follow the example of Young's Literal Tr anslation and Concordant Version, although these translations has its value. It have established good Norwegian word that renders the Greek meaning in different contexts. I do not think it is possible to consistently translate something into a readable text at a concordant translation. And I think that translate lse without render meaning, may seem as wrong as to render appropriate words . Now r to in Additionally, claims to have translated idi omatisk and equal well predisposes to specific understanding , then it is doubly wrong. It's better to v honor open about that accounts for a specific for understanding of the important points, and provide access to basic text, footnotes, and u tfyllende attachment. Maximum damage is may not s k Jedd connection. aion , But using the prepositions in front forever and etc., have been mistranslated. Aion has its difficulties, but prepositions should be easy enough (?) . The adjective forever might retained for the used as an idiom, and should still be used forever life, and forever, just that the meaning is emphasized. Word infinity is perhaps the hardest to keep. Etymologically come infinity Or Aeve in Norwegian, from aion . The Old Norse AEVI Or AEF in , replied to latin 'search æ vum and the Greeks aion, and originally had the same meaning as these, i.e. life lev e time era. Latin also has words Aeternum (Forever) and Aeternitas (Infinity), which comes originally from the same root as æ vum . The Norwegian words forever and infinity thus after all judge recorded in a different sense than what aion and aionios represents the corresponding Aeternitas and Aeternum . The table below provides some " preliminary " suggestions for possible translations of aion and aionios in the NT, which can possibly extended GT. If necessary, they can act as footnotes with the comb sk e expression, If the "traditional" translation retained. KR - 20 .08.13 41 Summary 1 Eternal life - true life, one characteristic r of life is to know God and have jointly with Ha m L IVET was from the beginning in the Father and the Son by the Holy Spirit L IVET - it Eternal , is beyond our limitations in character and fullness LIFE - eternal, can be received through the ages by faith LIFE - the eternal will pass by their nature to know God LIFE - eternal, sealed with Immortality and immortality in the resurrection of life LIFE continues to God sus veins and have been all in all 2 Eternal punishment - uomgjørlig punishment as God manages and that lasts as long he will Eternal punishment has beginning and end (as the eternal covenant GT ) Eternal fire is the character of God against sin 3 Eternal life and eternal punishment in Matthew 25:46 Life and punishment for people in the age to come when Millennia occurs ( Revelation 20:2 - 5) 4 Infinity - olam (GT) - aion (NT) = Undefined time beyond present , Past and future d B rukes of time with u specific beginning or unknown duration, outside Present , Time lost in the distant past and future , Off known, t ilgjengelig and foreseeable time Used both of u specific time Lif d, the stray the age , as long verde n stands, but denotes itself not infinite; Greek word used here aid in o s Eternities = tidsald re / era / eons, and is currently ( e ) between beginning beginning (ARCHE) and the end (TELOS) The past ages has come, 1Cor 10:11, and Christ was revealed at the end of the ages, Heb 9:20; thus the term eternity does not mean an infinity of ages The purpose t with evi Ghetar / ages / Aeons Finish es through currently Christ innti l end (TELOS), when he surrenders supremacy to the Father, and the new universe is created, wherein dwelleth righteousness The eternity and sky we are waiting for is the age to which we arise to LIFE in immortality and God occurs on Earth , Then comes the new universe, which is 5 Eternal - olam - aionios - " evighetisk " = Non - temporal , consisting character , The exceeds / transcends our cups n solutions Olam - comes from a word meaning hidden, unknown E vig represents the hidden and inaccessible, it is beyond our reach in time, knowledge and experience Eternal describes everything that goes beyond our limitations in character and duration; duration indicated by the word it stands for, or other info rmation The large Apple and the vast universe is not as large, and so so with the adjective eternal ; they eternal mountains were shattered (Hab 3:6) and GT's eternal e pact have varying terms The eternal God carries all the characters that can be described by the eternal: inscrutable, imperishable, unfailing, etc., but he always was, is and will be, we know because he is God To live forever (Live forever), 1MOS 3:22 ≠ Not equal to Eternal life KR - 20 .08.13 42 Eternal time Eon / ages / eternities - 99.999% of the Bible's focus - "The purpose of the ages " 6 From eternity to eternity = 99.999 % Of biblical focus: God Kingdom will prevail in it ne World 7 Forever = as long as the world stands, the last age / eon (All ages) F FOLLOWING (Ia) is said to last, - or must be understood to last, forever (= The tidsaldres ages = into the eon (s) of the eon (s) ) Ie the last age before the new creation of the universe , end : Universe (Soil , sun, moon) , Sal 104:5, 148:6 - Goods " forever " - but shall perish in E Spirit Son domination , Heb 1: 8 (Ps. 45:7 f) Dan 2:44 - goods " forever " - but terminates in end His kingdom will not be destroyed - but goods ("only") to end, Dan 6:27 Then coming E spirit, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all rule and all authority and power . For he must reign king to he hath put all enemies under his feet. Lamb servants, Revelation 22:5 - kings "Forever" => until end S Traffen of Satan lake of fire , Rev. 8:10 p.m. - forever => Until the end Death , The s list enemy destroyed in E Spirit, 1 Corinthians 3:26 p.m. Eternal life LIFE GOD From eternity to eternity = From age to age = From olam / eon to olam / eon GOD END NY HEAVEN AND EARTH GOD ER ALT In ALL The first things are departed away GOD BEGINNING END KR - 20 .08.13 43 Conclusion It is said relatively much (?) on small (?) space, and everything is not as well justified, or to be given same weight. It is main story in this study are illustrated in the sketch below. The old understanding that the past eternity was before the creation of this world, and the future eternity comes after the creation of the new heaven and earth, must reassessed . The biblical reality, as I see it , is that e vighetene, i.e. time s ages, Aeons, is between These acts of creation. INCORRECT (?) : MORE CORRECT : E N D E N B E G Y N N E L S E N Gehenna That which was from beginning before Ages 1 John 1:1, before the foundation Ephesians 1:4 Ages / "Eternities" / Aeons It being before God Isaiah 66:22 The Eternal - Kosmos - World Upcoming age Life Dom Lake of Fire 70'de year - week Daniel New Heaven and soil Life - the eternal Eternal punishment Eternal life Eternal life E N D E N B E G Y N N E L S E N Hell / Lake of Fire F ortidig infinity Ages Future e vighet Eternal life Kosmos - World New Heaven and soil KR - 20 .08.13 44 S ubstantivet " infinity " , aion in Greek, olam in Hebrew both represent indefinite time beyond temporal and into foreseeable past / future And responds closely to our word age , meadow. age Or era . Olam comes from a word meaning hidden, secret . As an adjective denoting the character a v any as in all properties are beyond our limit , reach and experience, where the duration Hazards es of the noun it stands for, or otherwise information. Eternal life is a character of life existed in beginning and entered the time when Jesus Christ. It may received and experienced by Spirit, but experienced in its fullness in up s Tanda And characterized by know the Lord . There is also a level of eternal life in the age to come when Christ Kingdom occurs on earth. Although the eternities / Ages ends does not end everlasting life as k arakter of life , for it is from before " e vighetene "/ Ages . And eternal life is the name we give it from this our limited perspective, since it is now the hidden and inaccessible character. But when we must assume eternal life is nothing hidden, and we s Cal might not congratulate each other with eternal life in resurrection, then we are in Life And it shall remain before God in the new universe. The taste of eternal life we already receive here sealed with immortality in the resurrection. One consequence of that "eternities" / ages ending in the large telos Where God becomes all in all, and d a new universe is created, is that all pain , Sorrow and death ends. The settlement with the evil belongs to this world, and must cease when the new heavens and earth appear; righteousness speeD live. Death destroyed as the last enemy, death, ie separation between God and men Liquids not longer possible. Where can simply be no creature in the new universe to appear away from the sight of God to a new death. How can there be nothing left that do not fit r in, or may be the source of evil, when Death is gone and God is all in all? Thats. that the D ualismen, it prevailing understanding n that good and evil must always exist side by side, is not even is a possibility. One of krist unit's most fundamental e dogma thus appears as P learn. "Eternal punishment "In conservative understanding punishment without ceasing, is not Biblical thought. The remaining options are rash the hands of the wicked, or give nopprettels E. Even I believe that s list option has a not insignificant support in this light that emerged (And others) , without I have a conclusion here , and can not be dismissed as the deadlock e it has been manufactured as , from conservative side. The positions are now reversed his head. Yes, it is completely necessit ndig for forever life in the age to to confess Jesus as Lord now, and it is this belief fundamentally about. But it does not mean that those who incurs God's wrath, have no hope. Every tongue shall even admitting Jesus C ice t us is Lord, to God's glory. Could God's purpose Atonement be anything less? I is inclined to intervene that hope for a world where grief and pain at times even from take r people faith in God. K anskje I can now understand what is 1T Ace 5:18: "Thanks for everything! For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. " The statement , "Blessed Fall as g of us so great salvation " Can not possibly be said by a dualist (but it was well Luther?) This, for me, new understanding n of "eternities", has see lvs agt its price, though small against the t hoped it provides . It is not all songs I can sing hereinafter the same conviction, although we need to make it worse than it is. "When the eternal morning dawn" f ortsatt viable terminology, but the significance email s not quite the same as before. And , it's not easy to be KR - 20 .08.13 45 silent witnessed we continue to widens e lead what to me now seems to be one serious P - performance . A big problem view to a tilfre d sstill end solution But another is created : H vor ed to an overall Christianity , To all appearances, have been so wrong So long? It may simply not be the case, the must be something I have misunderstood s Tale here. The problem must be me . No problem resolved, however. In a nutshell does not change that emerged essentially in the usual fortåelsen of salvation, destruction and judgment. There is a salvation to seek and to escape the wrath of God, the difference is mainly that God's punishment for sin shall not last without end. But God's judgment is not t il to be taken lightly. And the salary, to inherit all things with Christ, theirs who follow him now. All shall bow before him . It's just a question of when. We have this incredible opportunity and grace to do it now. I have followed the reason there Spirit has led the G uds words. D a is certainly too much to claim. Reason makes us an reply rural people Than more about Spirit enlightens . I can not believe blindly, and I can not stick to irrationality , Where I my creator s moral support. Now it remains for others to point out where I left it right road . Let me conclude with these words, thus suggesting the theme of the next study: Isaiah 45:7 7 It is I who am the light's origin and create darkness , Providing happiness and creates accident. I, Lord, doing all this. What is that God create darkness? The essence of d the problem of evil for me fortapelseslæren. Evil may have a function, if it comes across and thousand-fold again. But if this world's suffering is only a foretaste of something much worse , as God's creation, will experience no end, then the problem of evil really evil. K it depends when be that we have done more evil than it is ? I think, unfortunately, that this is so. Pic el l are questions, please send them to
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