Nr. 548:
Rune Edvardsen leads people behind light by saying that people were primitive, uvitne and single-minded before! Before they lived clean, nowadays people concerned with pleasure, it is great tune and sin in all shapes!
It has recently become clear to me that unfortunately is very hard to warn against the deterioration that it is in Christianity. I could have written several books on this topic, could be thought to have written two books on the Pentecostal Charismatic movement. One of 1000 sites about their lack of morals, unbiblical teachings and more. And one of the 1,000 pages on false prophecies, double standards, etc. But I think unfortunately there is a big change, the only thing that can and will change people's God's own words, do you believe in what we're doing? You can support us dear friend, see here:
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Round Edvardsen, really a very sad story this when he has been trained and has seen his father Aril many years to be a master of manipulation, seduction, and we can safely say that he was a false prophet by what Scripture teaches.
Rune Edvardsen is interviewed in KS, here's a little excerpt:
"White Book" would never have been written today. It was quite simply a mistake. It says Rune Edvardsen in the book about his life that was launched at the weekend. This week he leads the competition number 50 in Farsund.
"White Book" was a book that was published by some Pentecostal leaders Pentecostal preacher conference center på1970 century. It was full of accusations against Aril Edvardsen.
Good relationship with Pentecostalism
- Later, after I started working in Farsund, Dad was invited to Oslo a day of reckoning. Then he wanted me to be with. There I met many of the involved parties from the conflict at the time. Now it was admittedly been a completely different atmosphere: Brodden was gone, and most regretted well at most they had done in the conflict. Luckily I'm not keen to take care of conflicts.
Rune believes that controversy was characterized by the fact that it happened in a different time. When society was more single-minded and primitive. There was little tolerance for the people who were a bit different, and it was greater ignorance in so many areas. We live in a much more enlightened and developed societies today, with considerably greater openness to different methods and ways of thinking. The conflict would therefore never have taken place today. Conflict with Pentecostalism is buried story for me. There is no one who acknowledges "white book" today. It was quite simply a mistake, concludes Rune Edvardsen. (End of quote).
Rune Edvardsen live in a bubble that unfortunately most other believers do. We're about to enter an era reminiscent of the time before the Roman Empire went jaunt into and home!
Edvardsen says that the book would be written about again and no one acknowledges the book.
I acknowledge with when the book as a very useful and true book, and it pointed out many aspects Edvardsen unhealthy and unbiblical theology and doctrine. And why would it not be written such things today? Because too many either been silenced and those who speak against things before "reverse" and become as apostates as those who were warned against before.
Further, Edvardsen: When society was more single-minded and primitive. There was little tolerance for the people who were a little different, and it was greater ignorance in so many areas. We live in a much more enlightened and developed societies today, with considerably greater openness to different methods and ways of thinking. (End of quote).
All this does not, the community, especially among the Christians there at full speed back it up. There is more and more sin, especially among the believers there be a formidable drop in all areas. The spiritual condition has never been as bad as today, it is Babylon the church.
From my commentaries Revelation 22 10 And he said to me, "Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book! For the time is near.
God does not give their revelations for us to fend for ourselves and wonder at the most. Everything should be in the light and we can discuss it with both leg and scholar. At the time was near when, testify that it must be even closer today.
Knowledge will be great in the end times, this is especially true in the spiritual realm. These Bible commentaries I write here is written by a man who work full time and have family. But anyway, I think I can say that it is revelation and exegesis which even the apostles if they had read it 2000 years ago had been spellbound by!
Daniel 12 4 But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book until the end of time. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.
11 Let him who does wrong, still do wrong, and the unclean continue in their filth! Let the righteous still do what is right, and the Saints continue in sanctification.
Now we return to what we otherwise find in God's word of truth and learning. We find the same in a prophet in the Old Testament that is often compared to John, the prophet Daniel. 12th 10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and refined. But the wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will know something. But the wise shall understand.
The world is hopelessly lost, but what about Christians? Do they go on and on with the Lord? Unfortunately, it turns out that all too often becomes a present by the way. But it goes with the Lord shall be glorious pilgrimage and glory. As believers we resemble more and more on Jesus as we walk with Him.
12 Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to each according to his work.
We as a people will get slither with the Lord. It is important to collect treasures in heaven than on earth. It is more precious than anything. The Bible gives instructions here too.
Matt. 6 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and ye shall receive all the others as well.
13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet like A is in Norwegian. And Omega is the latest in the same alphabet just like it is in Norwegian.
Jesus is God's first creation and that the last he will stand upon the earth. He is the first and the last. He is Alpha and, with all that it contains.
Heb. 12th 2 looking unto Him who is the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus. To get the joy he had in store, he endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. We read again that many other people that Jesus is the author and finisher. The dichotomy of Jesus is something that recurs. By his death and by his life, the last Adam, the second man etc.
14 Blessed are those who wash their clothes, so they get right to the tree of life and go through the gates into the city.
We look up to people who get something. We feel sorry for people who fail. We think and talk like humans. But the real failure is failing to accept Jesus, and to truly succeed is to accept Jesus. And if one reaches one day, when they have succeeded more than anyone else.
15 But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
Now there are those who read this verse so that there is someone outside and is such as these. It is not true, there are those who live like this and want to believe. But they will never reach, whether they think. As living here mentioned. Paul speaks in 2 Tim. 3 of those living in sin. But they are actually many of them also love God, but there is nothing they love more than God, "their appetites."
2 Tim. 3 4 treacherous, rash, conceited. They love pleasure rather than God. (End of quote).
This, he argues further:
There is no one who acknowledges "white book" today. It was quite simply a mistake, concludes Rune Edvardsen
In order not to repeat myself, but unfortunately there is no spiritual conflict among believers anymore. Why? Those who think otherwise are all too quickly silenced or those who once were barikardene has now gone over to "the enemy"! This is ståa, but where are people going? Towards the Abyss is a grower himself, his own pleasure and will not listen to authority but only themselves!
I write the headline: "Rune Edvardsen leads people behind light by saying that people were primitive, uvitne and single-minded before! Before they lived clean, nowadays people concerned with pleasure, it is storlåt and sin in all shapes, ".
What did the prophet Isaiah?
Isaiah 5 20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
When t.o.m. believers live the Lord's "happy days" of sin, glamorous. Think of a great revival, yes, I know not what.
How are people today here in Norway on the way? We are approaching more and more what it was like in the ancient Roman Empire before it went under.
They were tired, had lost the battle glow, disillusioned and discouraged. Reminiscent of today's people. In all, they had nothing to live for, everything was tested! How are people currently in the process of being, in which pleasure, free sex, follow their passions and material abundance. Is the world improved as Edvardsen claim? Scripture clearly states how it will be in the end times.
Matt. 24th 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many will grow cold most.
Injustice to take over. What does that mean? The way I see it, for example. a very injustice that Jan Hanvold living in blatant sin and glory theologian has become a "great" Christian leader. When Edvardsen claims that he does not be contradicted or someone else the opportunity to give a rebuttal, this is deeply unfair, but that will characterize the end times scripture says.
E. Ekholt writes:
These strong words of Jesus found in Matt.24, 12! And love will grow cold because iniquity shall abound.
When it says that love will grow cold, so it tells us at once that it was once warm. The angel of the church in Ephesus had left its first love. At Rev. 2, 1-7. It was Jesus who first discovered this fact, no church there, which otherwise appears to be a great church. Is this also the actual reality in our country today? Thus, at most?
Can we really face up to the realism of this? It must first apply to Christianity, as the world well people can not be said to have had a warm love for Jesus? So most people, the bulk going to get a cold love! What can be achieved with it, the development of life and business is achieved with it? Yes, results that are measurable with menneskemål (Revelation 21.17), such as the number of members, the size of the house, the collector on the content etc. However, results regarding the church's inner life is not measured by menneskemål, they are the only Jesus that measure!
That Jesus loves us with a burning hot love he has proven to the fullest, but what proves a cold love back? What bride or groom will go into a marriage where the man's love grown cold? Where in this realism we will place the meter columns of discussions back and forth about right or wrong with gays in ordained positions in the church? And the church's top leadership? No, touching this is not modern enough, it is not timely! "Away with this" can be read out of the discussion.
But Jesus is the realistic reality! And he described the prophetic period about 2,000 years ago.
Fortunately, he said not that this applies to everyone. It is possible to maintain a hot love under the most difficult and unjust conditions. We have in Scripture the best examples of that. The very best speaks the words of Jesus: "Father, forgive them! For they know not what they do. "And Stephen, who rained stones said," Lord, lay not this sin! "And all the thousands of martyrs who endured the worst tortures without denying Jesus. They maintained love hot under gross injustice. By faith and the Holy Spirit and God's grace, it is possible also for us. Such opportunities afforded us by faith in Jesus Christ. What we should be very grateful! But maybe it needed a radical conversion here and there first? A conversion that throws the world and the things in the world of the heart and mind? Only then can Jesus move in there, and only then it becomes a reality that we love him, 1 John. 2.15.
The above examples it is good to dwell on, they are a great challenge for us, because we do possess the same invincible love that they had. We do not know what the future will bring, only that Jesus wants to meet us in a warm re-love.
Ibsen understood and wrote as follows: "What you are, be there totally, not bits and pieces! (End of quote).
Final comment:
Do we need such as lime string Edvardsen? There are those Christians would have said the Apostle Paul in the end times, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts take themselves teachers in droves, having itching in the ear, and the shall turn away their ears from the truth, and be turned unto fables. "
The old Pentecostals were not there, they loved the word of God if they were single-minded and primitive confident in many things, and they strived to follow the word of God in the life and teachings. Today's Pentecostals and charismatics, they do as they please them, follow their natural needs even if it goes straight to God's word. Progress? There is a huge drop in progress. Aril Edvardsen, Rune Edvardsen father claimed that the great apostasy had been and never came back. What a lie! We live today in the middle of the great apostasy in Christendom!
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