Nr. 433:
After I rejected the Trinity, I've got a bigger view of God the Father, greater gratitude and reverence to Christ Jesus. And know that I am more responsible for my life than I was before!
Jesus spoke of the fruits as a right faith would work out. Therefore, it is so important not just to have a right heart for God, a doctrine that is overstemmelse with God's word. Satan hate the law, the church at Ephesus was praised by Jesus to take care of God's word and expose the liars. This, he says: "But this you that you hate the Nicolaitans works, which I also hate." Nicolaitans led foreign doctrine into the church, the church at Ephesus hated foreign learning praising Jesus. Illustration amphitheater in Ephesus
The subjective experience can not take from me, it is my own!
I once believed in the Trinity, that there was a triadegud who was a god to worship, honor and should be on a par three. And the three gods were from eternity, I was taught to believe both Lutheran hold and after I became a Christian, then I got the same doctrine. But this was the tradition that taught, but the word of God has never spoken about a triadegud!
What I once thought, conceived as biblical!
I'm no different than any other, the one being taught to believe, that I thought also. I thought that the Pentecostal doctrine was right, proper and biblical in one and all. What was it?
There were three equal gods, all of which were from eternity. There, the three had been mutually agree on who should be who. And the mission and function of the individual in what was called to be a deity. Father was equal with Jesus, Jesus was equal with the Holy Spirit. And Jesus had desired and would be the one that was human, and he was then the only true God who became a true man. After Jesus had done his work, his deputy, the Holy Spirit. He is a person, the only true God, Jesus is the only true God, and God the Father is the only true God. Three true Gods, who nevertheless is a true God. This can hardly be understood, but just have to believe it and honor all three as a God. True God from everlasting to everlasting. This I once believed in, even if it has no basis in reality and in God's word.
From Wikipedia: A mask is a face clothing used as protection, camouflage or ritual and entertaining situations. Masks have been used since antiquity for both ceremonial and practical use. The oldest known mask is a 5000 years old mask from Iraq. [Citation needed]
In ancient Rome was called persona masks. This word was also used to denote the full Roman citizens. Throughout history, the relationship between the mask and the person has been changing and ambiguous. The mask hides the real face and thus represents something false and superficial. At the same time clarifies and exaggerating human features mesh in a way that normal face can not. Masks have been used to portray the divine, the demonic, the monstrous and the ridiculous.
Because of its great expressive force, the masks used in theater for more than three thousand years (end of quote).
That is why the Trinity is an occult and demonic doctrine that allows Satan and demons have a foothold within its large parts of Christianity that believes in a triad god. What is this mask? It is the only true God graduate under three different people, which the Bible teaches not at all. I was taught to believe that the only true God revealed in the Old Testament as the Father in the gospels that Jesus and from the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit. All this was the only true God. But where it says in the bible? Not a single place.
Jesus taught that he was the only true God, the Father was there!
Joh.e. 17. 3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, whom thou hast sent, Jesus Christ.
Notice a-century form, that the Father is the only true God, the Son Jesus Christ. Jesus did not have a mask on and became the only true God, he was not the one to say that he was a god who also angels in Scripture is referred to as gods. But he was above all the Son of Man.
I was even arrogant and difficult
I must admit that I was difficult and arrogant to those who claimed that God was not three but one. I had such a brother who had rejected the Trinity. When he argued managed not I hear what he actually said, which I understand in retrospect. What does this mean? I think that it was a form of demonic activity that was present in my life that kept me away from understanding and acknowledging the biblical truths.
R Karl Heinz Schgaguler became a special instrument of God that redeemed what I really thought.
God had given me such as a dream or a vision that I describe here: I had a wonderful experience 4 years ago that allows me for my part makes me even more sure that both the Trinity is wrong and likewise Jesus only doctrine. Jesus alone doctrine is actually more right, but those who believe in the doctrine seems so hard against others, I do not like.
I taught from Revelation and began to look at this with the Trinity again. Then one Saturday morning in March 2009 Well, I was first back in the Spirit to speak. Before everything and saw that it was the Father who was there alone with the Holy Spirit. Then the Holy Spirit is a part of him, the clear understanding I received. And Jesus was there when not only the Father alone. The idea of three Gods who found each other out in space and became a God, it is difficult for me to believe in a Big Bang itself. It is and remains nonsense and nonsense. As I see it, it's this: The Father is from before time, Jesus is His firstborn and that is his right hand and reigns, performing and acting on behalf of the Father fully. And who showed us who the Father is when he was here on earth! (End of quote).
Karl Heinz I got in contact with ca. ½ years after this experience. As a Jew and a believing Jew, he managed to explain to me what the word of God really said?
It is sometimes God sends "key" people in our path. For Paul it was the alpha and omega to get a Barnabas, one for Moses Aaron, etc. Such was Karl Heinz for me that made the vision of what the Bible really said and what I really believed. He released something in me. Jesus said to his disciples, when Lazarus had been raised from the dead, "loose him and launching him go," Hallelujah Amen.
Can say that Aage Samuelsen writes in one of his songs: "the doctrine I have now I do not go in from the" Hallelujah how good God is, Amen!
Want to take an interview we have on our website by Karl Heinz, read it and enjoy it, Amen!
Who is GOD?
"What does the Trinity for you as a Jew?"
A conversation with Karl Heinz.
You have a background as karaitisk Jew. Who do you think is the God of Israel? Is he one or three, or both?
- This has not been an issue that I have been concerned. There are few such discussions among Jews, in some circles, it has been discussed from the pressure to respond to the Christian conception of God. It is therefore not a common theme. There is only one God, it's that simple. Some Jewish communities goes even further in his quest to demonstrate that they are monotheists they say that they believe God is ones than one. They do more to protect themselves and defend themselves from any debate that might come from Christian quarters.
I have always previously that others understood that the Christians believed in three gods.
- But you have even begun to ask the Christians on this doctrine? What are your impressions of these calls?
- My general impression has been that Christians themselves are unsure of how it should be perceived. I'm amazed that people have different understanding, even in the same church, and regardless of what level they are in the hierarchy. Another thing that amazes me is that even though most communities have stated that this doctrine, as it is not taught in the Trinity. What makes me sad is that many communities learn and practice a god understanding that at best the Father redundant. At worst, he is pushed out of the back door. Son takes over and is in lieu of the Father, and not at his right side.
-It is written that he who has seen me has seen the Father?
- There are texts that indicate that there is a Trinity, but few go deeply into the text to see what it really meant. The whole doctrine is influenced by it. They believe in something, but know little. Where does this doctrine come from? Trinity doctrine is created by theologians, the Western Trinity from Augustine to fetch thinking from Greek philosophy to explain how it could have happened. Monotheism survived longest in the Byzantine church.
- Why is this doctrine important for you?
- Because it's easy to fall into the trap that the Son is perceived to be to the Father and so much a part of him that he is worshiped as if he were the Father? For me that is important to distinguish between Yeshua and the Father. Yeshua is not the Father, but He is in the Father's errand. The fact that He sits at the Father's right hand is actually the Jewish understanding one's available for one task, perform one else will. This does not reduce Yeshua, His role is clear and all-encompassing for us. He is given the authority and the right to give us a new life and a new kingdom. But it is the Father who is the highest (Heb.:! Wyla), the biggest and the strongest. He is the sovereign of the universe overlord. Yeshua said, Meg is given all power in heaven and on earth (Matt.28: 18). This is a delegated power given him by the person who may delegate such power. Think of Israel's God's greatness and thickness! Moses came one day to Pharaoh, saying: OUR God has told you to let people go. Pharaoh with their gods sat as head of the then greatest world power. But the God of Israel humiliated all Pharaoh and Egypt gods. In this context, we see the Father. Son says that he has received all power from Him. Then the Son a powerful position! He is the cornerstone of a large building. This is a very important stone. He represented the Father fully.
This is God's status and position. He who is God of all gods. The only true God.
"I am he. Before Me there is no God formed, and after me there is no ... (Isaiah 43:10)
Paul says the same thing in the fight against other gods, and also tell who this is (not three, but a): For yet it is for us only one God, the Father .... and one Lord, Jesus Christ.
Word came and realized that God had determined.
"If Yeshua replaces Father there is a problem ...»
Father is the initiator of salvation, therefore, we see in the OT that he also refers to as the Savior.
Worship, prayer should be to the Father. The Yeshua taught us. If Yeshua replaces Father, it's just wrong.
Father will you worship. Him only shalt thou serve, Yeshua said.
For Jews who grow up Monotheism is believing in the one true God.
- Who would be the Messiah?
- GOD reviews his son long before he was born. The Son is the Messiah. In redemptive principle, it is clear that he had come from outside. He had come as the second Adam. This includes the concept of a pre-existence. This also explains the Jew Matthew when he speaks about Mary and her conception.
Son is also the son of the Old Testament. "The Lord said to me: You are my son, today I have begotten you .... Kiss the son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way ... Blessed are all those who seek refuge in Him. Salm 2:7.12
- Do Jews God as a Father?
- God of Israel is also defined as the Father in the Old Testament. "As a father has compassion on his children .. Psalm 103:13 .... and Mal. 1:6: For I am the Father, where is my honor? See also Salm. 89:27 and Jer.3: 19: I said, "My Father" will you call me.
"It is the patriarchal family system in the Jewish community ..."
Why has he defined himself as Father? And what signals it gives to the Israelite people?
His father is the chairman of the family. It is the patriarchal family system in the Jewish community.
Therefore, it provides a clear signal to Israel, He is greater than the Son.
- Is it a major obstacle that Jesus can be accepted for who he really is with the Jews when he becomes part of a trinity?
- I often point out to individuals in the church that it is strange that the God of Israel once again throughout 1600 years has repeated Shema Israel! Lord our God. The Lord is one, and also difficult to understand why he might have withheld important information as to the Jews that He really is three. Far later, in church history, He has given to the Christians an outstanding addition information that actually contradicts what he has said. Many stop then up and think.
For me it is hard to understand that I have to rely more on Augustine and the Church Councils from a later apostate church, than the doctrine that is passed from the God of Israel. Who should I read? Israel's God or the Church Fathers?
For me the choice is easy.
In Malachi 3:6 says: For I am the Lord, I change not. This must also apply to His Being, not only His purpose.
- Do you feel that there is a slowing among Christians to discuss this issue?
- No one is genuinely concerned with the issue. Leading Bible schools in Oslo, describes it really thin. Argument and thoughts are uncertain. Teachers are uncertain. In conversation with a priest told me that he had reasonable doubt about the doctrine was correct and what it entails.
Many theologians believe that the doctrine goes further in his explanation than the freedom of Scripture.
In ancient heat was a move early in the "trenches" and argued for different views. They misunderstood entity and one.
Most Christians are therefore confused, but few dare to speak out or take up the issue. It is mysterious and important at the same time.
But the doctrine is dogmatisert very early. In several treenighetstro mentioned as a condition for you to be saved. It is said by someone I've talked to. It is also an important question of belonging.
- But is not the father and son one?
Yes, they are. But how should we understand the concept of one?
In the Gospel of John chapter 17, we get an explanation that illustrates what I think about this. Yeshua takes up the unity of the disciples (I pray that all may be one) It does the same mind and the same thought. To be one with Christ is to have the same intention, meaning and thought. In the Old Testament it says that marriage may be one. There is nothing mysterious about it.
"Whom shall I read? Israel's God or the Church Fathers? ... "
The meaning of the word one, however, is the opposite of another number, two or three or four.
- Do you have a challenge to pass on?
- Yes, I do. I would encourage everyone to go to their priest / pastor and ask him to teach the doctrine of the Trinity. Secondly, we must have an awareness that it is important to have love for the truth no matter what it costs. How could it be otherwise possible for a Jew to think Messianic? A Jew must consider whether it is possible that Yeshua was the Messiah as we always have been waiting for? Then they must face the consequences of the belief they arrive. So must we all totally unprejudiced go into the material that's also the Trinity, regardless of the consequences it may have.
To lead the love of truth continue to - obedience to the truth.
"This is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3) (end of quote).
Here is something I wrote for maybe 2 years ago, although also read more on the website and our blog:
The only true God!
Joh.e.17. 3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, whom thou hast sent, Jesus Christ.
It says in Isaiah 44 6 Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last, and besides me there is no God.
What it says here in the Hebrew is: besides me there is no God like me. This says God the Father himself. He is the only one who is from everlasting. The only true God. All others after him both in rank and origin.
Son and son remains. He is born as the firstborn, but not from eternity with the Father. Ord.8.23 From eternity I have been to, from the beginning, before the earth was. 24 When chasms still not going, I was born, when there was still no fountains filled with water. 25 Before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills was born, I was born.
Notice when Jesus describes himself, he was born before anything else of creation. Before abyss referring to the angelic rebellion against God? Further tales about the creation of heaven and earth, I was born, when there was still no fountains filled with water. 25 Before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills was born, I was born. Jesus was born as the only begotten completely different Adam (Joh.e.3.16).
What I have been taught
I have been taught that there are three Gods who is from eternity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All three are equal in majesty, glory and power and should be worshiped.
For me today, this is heresy.
The Holy Spirit, we can not find a scripture that should be directed to or worshiped. Why? There is no separate person, but God and the Spirit of Christ.
But what does Jesus say about himself?
Joh.e.12. 49 For I have not spoken of myself: but the Father which sent me, he hath given me commandment what I should say and what I should speak, 50 and I know that his commandment is eternal life. Therefore, what I speak, I speak just as the Father has told me.
Jesus is sent from the Father. He is the one who does the Father want? Why? Joh.e.10. 29a My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all.
The Father is greater than the Son. But Jesus is God. Yet created by the Father of His attributes. The Son is the image of God to us.
We also read in Mark 12 35 And as Jesus taught in the temple, he said to them: How is it that the scribes say that the Christ is David's son? 36 David himself has said in the Holy Spirit, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet! 37 David himself calls him Lord, how is he his son? And the mass heard him gladly.
Here Jesus says about himself that he calls God the Father of men who also is Lord. David understood that God the Father would send His son who was also Lord. But in the less significant one God the Father when he called him Lord.
The Queen is not present regent and King. It's Steve. But is not she Royal? Yes, but she is under Harald and by his side. But there are two kingdoms, then? No, but because of it is a subordinate principle therefore it is only about a kingdom and Queen Sonja are also royal.
So it is with the Father and the Son as well.
I have been taught
There was a consultation in the Godhead where Jesus stood willing to be sacrificed. But it is pure imagination and unbiblical teachings.
Father decided that Jesus would be sacrificed.
Efes.1. 5 because he in love predestinated us to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ himself his own will free advice.
God the Father decided that we would experience salvation only through Jesus.
We read a similar verse in Hebr.6. 13 For when God gave Abraham the promise, he swore by himself, since he had no one greater to swear by.
Father was with the Son who was then in his pre-existence, but he consulted no one. Why? Because God the Father is and remains the largest. There is no God like me, he says about himself in Isaiah
When is Jesus coming back?
Nobody knows, not even the Son. Mark 13 32 But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father. Why? Because Father decides and knows everything, as opposed to his son!
Only the Father, worship and praise Him. Thanks Son, that he was willing and able to provide salvation when he was obedient. But above all, worship and honor the Father who is the one who takes the incentive for all. Åpenb.22. 9 And he said to me: Were you for it! I'm yours and your brothers the prophets and their fellow servant who keep the words of this book. God you worship!
Do not worship other than God the Father. Worship the Holy Spirit and ask "him" is spray and delusion. And Jesus always gave glory to God the Father.
The Christians in Norway can make like ostriches and stick head in the sand hoping that the danger is over. But why not open up for bigger, more accurate and biblical teachings about God?
Let alone both Jesus and the Trinity go on the boat and accept what Paul said.
1. Kor.8.4b. there is no God but one. 5 For if there are also so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth - which there are many gods and many lords - 6 so it's dog for us only one God, the Father, of whom all are, and we to him, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all are, and we through him.
Can it be said better? There is only one God, the Father. And he has only one Son, Jesus Christ. And there is only one Holy Spirit, not a separate god person. But the Holy Spirit is God's and Christ's emissary who do God's will.
Wikipedia writes: Father or Father, among people called my dad, a male (parent) who have offspring. Father's seed is the Son, but because he gave him up for us all, he has by him had many sons and daughters.
God the Father had never referred to himself as Father without being there! Or is it?
Wikipedia also has a very nice description of God the Father: In Christianity the idea of God as a father a very special position. The reason for this is that he is the Bible the source of everything. He "is the right father for all that is called family in heaven and on earth" (Ephesians 3:15). In addition to being the one who created the world and sustains it, he is also the father of Jesus Christ. Through Christ he is perceived by most Christians as well as a father of a personal sense of all that is reborn. In Matthew 11, 27 Christ says: "No one knows the Son except the Father, nor does anyone know the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son will reveal him."
It is the interaction but also a subordination. In a family to work there must be both structural and love. The origin for this is God himself!
Evangelist and Bible teacher Jan Kåre Christensen Oslo
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