Nr. 378:
Remarriage, any problem? No, it is sin and adultery teach God's word! Now also former Bishop Odd Bondevik married a divorcee in his old age according Gjendem, when he turns himself into the ranks of so many others! Part 3
Retrieved from newspaper article about their day where former Bishop Odd Bondevik has taken the leap into adultery in his old days of what God's word teaches then to marry a divorced woman is to commit adultery.
Luke 16 18 Whosoever putteth away his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
The Bible clearly states, both here and several other places that divorce (away sending spouses) is not God's will, and that one who is divorced can not remarry while the first spouse is still living. But there is also a "mistake" to the Norwegian translation. Both Greek and Hebrew has two different words for "adultery". Jesus says here in Matt.19: "But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife
for no other reason than fornication (porneia, fornication) and marries another, commits adultery (moikjatai, driver adultery). And whoever marries a divorced woman
adulteress (moikjatai). The disciples said to
Him: Is the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry! "
Bible's original text
uses two different words in this verse are both translated into the same
Norwegian word adultery. The Greek
the word "porn" prostitute comes from another Greek word, pernemi, which means
sell. It was spent on prostitutes who committed indecent acts against payment, thereby
sold the bodies of those who wanted to. "Porneia"
was the usual word for fornication and correspond with the Hebrew "tsenut". More
dictionaries translates this word with prostitution.
The other Greek
word is "moicheia", which corresponds to
the Hebrew "na'af" and expresses action in relation to marriage and
translated usually with adultery. That is just "porneia" which provides the basis
for divorce according to Jesus. The word should be translated
with fornication here as elsewhere, as some translations do as well.
What is so
divorce because of "porneia"?
When Jesus comes
with this statement, he is in discussion with the Pharisees who debated the topic
from the Law of Moses. Divorce because of "porneia" is featured in 5.Mos 22.13 to 21. Here
it is the Hebrew "tsenut" used, but this precisely match the
Greek "porneia". We see here that the divorce because of "tsenut" (fornication) is
relevant when a woman has given himself out to be a virgin, but as it turns
that she was not there yet, but had driven "tsenut" in his father's house. "Tsenut / porneia"
Nothing stands for fornication committed before marriage. Then the marriage contract built
a deception from the woman's side and was therefore not final and could
canceled. If the man would demand a divorce on the grounds of "tsenut" so
he had to provide proof of the elders who was to decide the case. Won
man is not forward with his claim he had to take her in marriage and not divorce
from her as long as he lived (verse 19). Therefore Ceremony in Israel usually
held the day before the elders had their weekly council meeting so that any issues
be processed promptly.
In this light, it
therefore difficult to interpret Jesus' statement that when a marriage is in
solution because one party is cheating as it provides a basis for
divorce and remarriage. Had Jesus meant what He would have used the word for adultery
("Moicheia"). Alternatively, he could use both "porneia" and
"Moicheia" as he does in Matt.15, 19 But when he does not, we must
be careful not to add anything to what Jesus said. The last sentence is then
also difficult to misunderstand. Here Jesus says plainly, "He who marries a
divorced woman driver adultery. "
Such an understanding of what Jesus said to us seem
very strict, and it is difficult to get it to fit with Jesus' great
charity. But we must not
change the biblical words to get it to fit in our environment, even if
It could be tempting. Among the Pharisees had a party a very liberal
views on divorce / remarriage while the other party believed that only fornication / adultery
was good enough reason. Then when Jesus took a stance that was more stringent than the
highest among the Pharisees were also disciples of Jesus marveled. We are also allowed to
wonder about it, but we would do well to take Jesus' words seriously and not try to
explain it away.
The nail: Another thing we should be mindful of the fact that marriage should be a representative picture of the love and loyalty that exists between Jesus and the church.
To the man and woman become "one flesh" in marriage, Jesus and the church as well as "one body". The same can be said of every individual who accept Christ as their personal savior. The two become "one flesh."
Put on the basis of this perspective, divorce is actually a pretty serious affair.
34 Helen: Thanks for the Spikern. Yes, let us interpret scripture with an open mind and heart, but in all situations in life, you have two situations - especially in relation to Scripture. 1) Some have "use of a new interpretation," because they start with vicarious personal motives, and to customize the font, even acc. political diktat. And you'll know it's a lot of straw man arguments, and "beautiful object." And here is often inclusive and charity glibly, these two are everything, and nothing but Machiavellian control techniques of those who have faith that fixed point in life. Then they slam this: Right extremist, ultra conservative Christians. Call me "I am out of here!" They frequently get his way, but a big group of us are never "amused." Truth was the same 100 years ago, that in those days, where everything is in flux. I do not buy a single reform, for I know who initiated them.
2) So it is a matter of grasping what God's Word actually says, and I fully accept that no one should be judgmental, but honest scholars in the font should do that study, no hidden motives, and "services" to anyone. Here there is a cycle with option 1), where churches ends up as parodies, though I will mention examples here. I've decided to put more emphasis on those nice words from the Master in the future - Matt from 7.1 to 3:
"Judge not, lest ye be condemned: for with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with the same measure that, shall be measured to you again. Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye, but the beam in your own eye was not? "
It does not prevent me from being kirkeløs, I'll just take dictation directly from the Master hereafter, and the true scholars I trust, and daisy is not a requirement - rather the opposite.
Jesus never talks about some innocent party. I suppose it could be because people rarely will judge court in such cases. The Bible is very clear in that remarriage is not allowed.
Final Comment: It is alarming that there are so called shepherds of the church of God which is the most liberal in their statements and in their lives. They open up for Sodom and Gomorrah in the church!
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