Nr. 145:
Questions regarding eternal damnation!
I have read some on your website, and I must say that I find pretty much as I completely agree with you i.
Bl. else can I mention the view you have the charismatic and Vision Norway, and the preachers that Emanuel Minos should come forward to call sin sin, instead of accepting it Hanvold do.
But, as I read that you think that Hell is not eternal, but that it should cease, etc. etc.
This is the Adventist thought. Have you Adventist background, or where you have these thoughts from?
Have you carefully considered what those in the other camp are learning about this?
If there is a hell to escape, then are not the salvation particularly great or what?
Then suddenly not life worth so much? There are many who are tired life and who do not care if they get wiped out, only they are allowed to live, hence the suicide.
I would strongly advise you to reconsider your views on this as I think at this point has been deceived. Go into the throne of God in prayer that He will show you the whole truth, so far he is willing to reveal. We NOK not know all the details as long as we live on this earth,
5 Exodus 29:29 says that the hidden things of the Lord, so one should be careful not to touch it as he has not yet revealed to us.
When it comes to the word "eternal" (Group Images AION) As a part used in the Gospels, so one must be aware that when the Lord speaks of them to go to "tidsalderlig" torment that it really means, as is the explanation for that those here referred to and which will go to the grave only be there until 1000 year Empire is over, hence the "tidsalderlig (Aion) torment. But then, when the 1000 year is over, then death and Hades be thrown in the lake of fire.
Then the pines in the "environmental status Aion ton aionon" "eternities, eternity's", ie, for all eternity.
Even the demons know that they once will be tormented (Matthew 8:29)
You write a lot about that when something burns up, then go out there. But one should be aware that the Lord here uses images.
But if the images are so serious, how much more real.
I think honestly that you are the enemy's mission by learning what you do, and I would therefore recommend that you withdraw these articles until you have studied this more closely.
Put in love - Wish you God's peace and renewed light on this area,
Regards, Godfrey
First of all, guesses, I think not. If someone takes suicide or not, it has nothing to do with what God's word teaches about this, it's biblical teachings about what I relate to, everything else is not relevant and something that I will dwell on.
I've never had anything to do with Adventists. Do not know how you have it from?
I have studied God's word carefully for 30 years and found this out on your own! Jehovah's Witness people have the same view as well, but I have no contact with them.
Notice to the wording that they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. But what is written in scripture? That night will be terminated, and it will just be a perpetual sunny day. Then you have to understand that this is in the pictures and your argument does not hold. When all the wicked have been "burned" up, then begin an eternal day and the night ends. Night is a picture of sin and the evil one area, today is the opposite.
Joh. Revelation. 22. 5 And night shall be no more, and they need no light of lamp and light of the sun, for the Lord God will shine upon them: and they shall reign forever and ever.
Then it is obvious that your interpretation does not hold. God will gather in one all things in Christ, then there is no room for someone who stands against him, it would be a big contradiction! That God the Father to torment someone forever without the possibility of change is totally meaningless and it is on the same intellectual level as to believe in a Big Bang, total stupidity and meaningless. Had it been that pain would lead to repentance and improvement, so I could understand the doctrine, but not pine for tormented for all eternity, it is without meaning.
Furthermore, type: Even the demons know that they once will be tormented (Matthew 8:29)
We read in: "For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them into the pit and delivered them into chains of darkness, that they might be in custody for sentence" (2 Peter 2.4)
In Jude 6-7: "And the angels which are not maintained his high position, but left their own habitation, he keeps in custody in the darkness with everlasting chains for the verdict on the big day (the great white throne judgment), as as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities round about, as in the same way, was a prostitute and went after strange flesh, and now stands as an example for our eyes and suffer the punishment of eternal fire. "
Who are these angels? They are Satan's angels, for His angels are free, and wander about as he. But these angels are in captivity, in darkness and in the custody of the links to the ruling. The place of their captivity is not hell.
The evil spirits tormented now, not later when they shall be destroyed together with the "all others" who do not have their names written in the book of life with God.
The doctrine of the immortality of the soul is really a doctrine derived from the ancient pagan religions that Trinity also.
Will not pull any items back, but glad you liked what I wrote about in January Hanvold and Emanuel Minos, thank you for it.
Here are some related articles that you can read more and I take with some thoughts I have from my commentaries from Judas letter:
5 Then there is something I would remind you, though you already know all this: the Lord saved the people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those that he would not believe.
We can not distort the word of God and God's grace. Israel experienced glorious victories in Egypt and at the end, but it transformed not contained hearts. It is only Christ who can transform a person's heart. Psalm 103 7 He announced his ways to Moses, his deeds for the people of Israel.
During and great experience in itself can not change, only Christ and God's word.
6 And the angels who did not take care of his high office, but left their own habitation, he keeps tied in darkness with everlasting chains for the verdict on the big day.
God had given the fallen angels allowed to reign in the air the sky, but they came down to Earth and performed sexual intercourse with women who indulged in sin. It resulted in huge child perverter the human race. They are now in chains after the flood after they took themselves to the right. This is written us to learn that God punishes his entire being.
7 Another example is Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring cities, where people lived in adultery like those angels, and of unnatural lusts. Now they lie there as an example of the punishment of eternal fire.
It's bad with sin, but sin begets sin. Finally sin mature.
James 1 15 When desire has conceived, brings forth sin and when sin is ripe, brings forth death.
We would do well to look seriously at the very least sin and the smallest mistake. Judas began to steal the case and later betrayed him Jesus for some lusne silver. In Sodom and the other three cities on the plains was the sin of mature and was punished with an eternal flame scripture says that the total annihilation. Never to rise again, the only thing we see today is the fire effects.
How will it go with all the wicked, they will be totally destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah that we find in 1.Mosebok 19 scripture says that the eternal fire!
God does with His creation exactly what he wants and has predetermined.
8 Nevertheless, these people are the same. Powered by their sins they soiled their bodies, despise the authority over them, and mocks englemakter.
My God has been said a well-known now deceased False Prophets and got himself and others to do all that God's word warns against. Visions and revelations is God-given thing, but to follow it blindly is a delusion. When a trust blindly on the revelation of knowledge, but do not check it against the word of God is really Spiritism.
All who turn from God's word in life or learn sooner or later be judged. God keeps account of all. Here they had not been possible to warn either deliberately will.
Heavenly blog! We need your support: Account number of Post: 0535 06 05 845 How is that coming to the New Jerusalem? We have many questions that we want to answer! Now you can experience the sky in advance, you can submit your spiritual-related questions here: Questions may be sent by mail to me or SMS. Jk.chris @ SMS: 004799598070.See also:
onsdag 30. november 2011
søndag 27. november 2011
Nr. 144: Against you alone have I sinned, and what is evil in your sight!
Nr. 144:
Psalm 51 6 Against you alone have I sinned, and what is evil in your sight, I have done, that you may be justified when thou speakest, and be clean when you judge.
Most people, even believers are not aware of the dire consequences of sin and its enormous range. Sin creates a separation between us and God even if God is love.
Isaiah 59 2 But your iniquities have made a divorce between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you, so he does not hear.
Rooms. 3. 23 all have sinned and come short of God's honor.
The sin is first and foremost to violate God's law and lose his pleasure and favor. Here we are all guilty and comes up short, that's why we all need Jesus as it is only and solely in his name there is salvation to be had.
Acts 4. 12 And there is salvation in any other: for there is neither any other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
After salvation, we are responsible before God with everything we do
Before we are saved we are constant sinners. But after salvation, we are no longer sinners, even if the fall into sin and do sin. We are new creatures, holy and righteous. This teaches the New Testament, we are not sinners, but righteous.
Rooms. 5. 1. As we now therefore justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
What is sin for a believer?
It misses the vast majority of believers, they do not understand that we are fair and it requires a pletfritt life. I will divide sin into three (3) categories, and try to explain about it.
1) Follow the light we have.
2) Violations of God's word.
3) We sin when we hurt others.
1) Follow the light we have.
God does not require the impossible of us, just what is achievable and that it can be expected of us. There are things I can do now that I could do before, even before I did not get a bad conscience for it. We must and will follow the light we always have, even if it turns out in retrospect that we did not know better. It's like a child and an adult. God does not require us to be adults when we are spiritual children, but by the time the "demands", he of us that we put away childish and mature as believers. By the time you should be teachers teach Paul church in Jerusalem and to the Corinthians he says that they could take only milk, not solid food. But the spiritual development are the basis for how God treats us, and what he at any time require of us.
File. 3. 15 Let us then, as many as are mature, have this mind; and I are different from the mind of something, then God will also reveal to you this, 16 just that, so far we have come, hold up the same track.
We all should keep out of the track we came in and never stop in our spiritual development. The stagnation and decline that really is a shame, not only all the "mistakes" that we do. It is through making mistakes, falling and rising up again that we develop, mature and fostered.
God wants us to grow and mature from 1 grade and step by step and class for class as we grow up to a perfect man. It does not have to skip a class because we grow too fast and can be high on the bulb and it is not good. Perhaps we also fall back and have to start again.
Word. 24. 16 For seven times fall the righteous and stands up again, but the wicked of the calamity.
2) Violations of God's word.
There is a lot wrong, really wrong. We can do "everything" for Jesus, yet it can have no meaning. We can do "small" but it is of great importance, everything depends on what we ARE, not what we DO!
It's a shame to break the word of God, no matter what we or do. It is the most important and most required is not all we do, but we are. We can live like Mother Teresa and allikvel perish if we do not do it with love. We can evangelize the world and pray for the sick and they are healed, but allikvel perish if we do the rest of our lives living in accordance with God's will. A items. one of the world's foremost Bible teachers Derek Prince went on to marry a divorced after he had been a widower as 63 years old. Think of a bad example and such a great sin that would keep the good Bible hour and yet fail so badly on the moral. God's word clearly says that whoever marries a divorced operates at. Also with some passages, I confine myself to five (5) that anyone can stop to ponder.
Matt. 7. 22 Many will say to me on that day, Lord! Lord! have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out devils in thy name done many wonderful works in Your name? 23 And then shall I bear witness for them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity!
1. Kor. 13. 1. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. 2 And if I possess the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so I can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And if I give food to the poor all that I own, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing.
1. Kor. 9. 27 but I subdues my body and keep it in bondage, lest I preach to others, themselves should be a castaway.
James 2 21 Abraham, our father, he was not justified by works when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that faith wrought with his works, and that faith was perfected by works, 23 and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness: and he was called God's friend. 24 I see that man is justified by works and not by faith alone
1. Joh. b. 2 6 He that saith he abideth in him, he is guilty and to walk as He walked.
3) We sin when we are offended.
The Christian life to be lived in community with others, therefore it is very necessary and it is of lactation much emphasis on never to be offended, even though you can still do it. A items. is regarding alcohol drinking, it's a shame to put alcohol on the table, if anyone has a problem with it, a weak and strong. The strong should take into account in such cases. This is to socialize with other people, love is important. Do not we sin we are. It can be about food, dress, manners, way of life, etc. As a believer and a Christian, we do everything we can to not hurt anyone, but rather joining us and especially to other believers. This is true regarding our behavior, but not when it comes to doctrine. There we must stand firm and are allowed to say what we believe in, for example. like a loud music and others see it as violently as one should calm down. And do not be anstør for some. Christian freedom is great, when we actually have laws for everything, but not all are helpful. We will only do what is pleasing and delight others, nothing seems to stumble. Not when it comes to following God's word, but in our way we will be obedient and do what we can to not be a stumbling block for some. Includes three (3) passages finally here.
1. Kor. 10. 23 I have laws for everything, but not all benefits, I have allowed everything, but not all edifying. 24 No one seek his own, but all seek the other's best!
28 But if anyone says to you: This is the idol, then refuse to eat it, for his sake that told it to you, and for conscience 'sake! 29 I do not mean one's own conscience, but almost. For why should my liberty judged by another's conscience? 30 If I enjoy it with thanks, why am I ridiculed for what I give thanks for? 31 Whether ye eat or drink, or what ye do, do all to the glory of God! 32 Be not offended both Jews and Greeks, and the church of God, 33 even as I in all strive to please everyone and not think about my own benefit, but for the many, that they must be saved.
Rooms. 14. 1. Take you out of that is weak in faith, without putting you into court over his thoughts! 2 One has faith to eat everything, but that is weak, eats only herbs, 3 the ether, trifle not he who does not eat, and he who does not eat, not the judge who eats! for God has taken care of him. 4 Who are you to judge a foreign journeyman? He stands or falls on its own master, however, he will stand, for the Lord is able to hold him up. 5 The one intends one day above another, the other acts all day just means anyone be fully confident in his own mind!
Gal. 5. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision or uncircumcision anything, but faith which worketh by love.
For non believers, it is really only a sin not to believe in Jesus.
For a believer it is a shame to not be responsible for his life and always live in the light of life in all areas. When we live and walk in the light, we live as children of light who we are!
All sin is fundamentally against God even though it is against other people we do wrong, and we have caused ourselves against anyone, we must in such cases, ask people for forgiveness. Confess your sins to each other and you will be healed scripture says, and it is a condition to experience this promise of healing. It is first and foremost to God to pray for forgiveness, why should we all do like King David when we confess our sins.
Psalm 51 6 Against you alone have I sinned, and what is evil in your sight, I have done, that you may be justified when thou speakest, and be clean when you judge.
Psalm 51 6 Against you alone have I sinned, and what is evil in your sight, I have done, that you may be justified when thou speakest, and be clean when you judge.
Most people, even believers are not aware of the dire consequences of sin and its enormous range. Sin creates a separation between us and God even if God is love.
Isaiah 59 2 But your iniquities have made a divorce between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you, so he does not hear.
Rooms. 3. 23 all have sinned and come short of God's honor.
The sin is first and foremost to violate God's law and lose his pleasure and favor. Here we are all guilty and comes up short, that's why we all need Jesus as it is only and solely in his name there is salvation to be had.
Acts 4. 12 And there is salvation in any other: for there is neither any other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
After salvation, we are responsible before God with everything we do
Before we are saved we are constant sinners. But after salvation, we are no longer sinners, even if the fall into sin and do sin. We are new creatures, holy and righteous. This teaches the New Testament, we are not sinners, but righteous.
Rooms. 5. 1. As we now therefore justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
What is sin for a believer?
It misses the vast majority of believers, they do not understand that we are fair and it requires a pletfritt life. I will divide sin into three (3) categories, and try to explain about it.
1) Follow the light we have.
2) Violations of God's word.
3) We sin when we hurt others.
1) Follow the light we have.
God does not require the impossible of us, just what is achievable and that it can be expected of us. There are things I can do now that I could do before, even before I did not get a bad conscience for it. We must and will follow the light we always have, even if it turns out in retrospect that we did not know better. It's like a child and an adult. God does not require us to be adults when we are spiritual children, but by the time the "demands", he of us that we put away childish and mature as believers. By the time you should be teachers teach Paul church in Jerusalem and to the Corinthians he says that they could take only milk, not solid food. But the spiritual development are the basis for how God treats us, and what he at any time require of us.
File. 3. 15 Let us then, as many as are mature, have this mind; and I are different from the mind of something, then God will also reveal to you this, 16 just that, so far we have come, hold up the same track.
We all should keep out of the track we came in and never stop in our spiritual development. The stagnation and decline that really is a shame, not only all the "mistakes" that we do. It is through making mistakes, falling and rising up again that we develop, mature and fostered.
God wants us to grow and mature from 1 grade and step by step and class for class as we grow up to a perfect man. It does not have to skip a class because we grow too fast and can be high on the bulb and it is not good. Perhaps we also fall back and have to start again.
Word. 24. 16 For seven times fall the righteous and stands up again, but the wicked of the calamity.
2) Violations of God's word.
There is a lot wrong, really wrong. We can do "everything" for Jesus, yet it can have no meaning. We can do "small" but it is of great importance, everything depends on what we ARE, not what we DO!
It's a shame to break the word of God, no matter what we or do. It is the most important and most required is not all we do, but we are. We can live like Mother Teresa and allikvel perish if we do not do it with love. We can evangelize the world and pray for the sick and they are healed, but allikvel perish if we do the rest of our lives living in accordance with God's will. A items. one of the world's foremost Bible teachers Derek Prince went on to marry a divorced after he had been a widower as 63 years old. Think of a bad example and such a great sin that would keep the good Bible hour and yet fail so badly on the moral. God's word clearly says that whoever marries a divorced operates at. Also with some passages, I confine myself to five (5) that anyone can stop to ponder.
Matt. 7. 22 Many will say to me on that day, Lord! Lord! have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out devils in thy name done many wonderful works in Your name? 23 And then shall I bear witness for them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity!
1. Kor. 13. 1. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. 2 And if I possess the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so I can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And if I give food to the poor all that I own, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing.
1. Kor. 9. 27 but I subdues my body and keep it in bondage, lest I preach to others, themselves should be a castaway.
James 2 21 Abraham, our father, he was not justified by works when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that faith wrought with his works, and that faith was perfected by works, 23 and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness: and he was called God's friend. 24 I see that man is justified by works and not by faith alone
1. Joh. b. 2 6 He that saith he abideth in him, he is guilty and to walk as He walked.
3) We sin when we are offended.
The Christian life to be lived in community with others, therefore it is very necessary and it is of lactation much emphasis on never to be offended, even though you can still do it. A items. is regarding alcohol drinking, it's a shame to put alcohol on the table, if anyone has a problem with it, a weak and strong. The strong should take into account in such cases. This is to socialize with other people, love is important. Do not we sin we are. It can be about food, dress, manners, way of life, etc. As a believer and a Christian, we do everything we can to not hurt anyone, but rather joining us and especially to other believers. This is true regarding our behavior, but not when it comes to doctrine. There we must stand firm and are allowed to say what we believe in, for example. like a loud music and others see it as violently as one should calm down. And do not be anstør for some. Christian freedom is great, when we actually have laws for everything, but not all are helpful. We will only do what is pleasing and delight others, nothing seems to stumble. Not when it comes to following God's word, but in our way we will be obedient and do what we can to not be a stumbling block for some. Includes three (3) passages finally here.
1. Kor. 10. 23 I have laws for everything, but not all benefits, I have allowed everything, but not all edifying. 24 No one seek his own, but all seek the other's best!
28 But if anyone says to you: This is the idol, then refuse to eat it, for his sake that told it to you, and for conscience 'sake! 29 I do not mean one's own conscience, but almost. For why should my liberty judged by another's conscience? 30 If I enjoy it with thanks, why am I ridiculed for what I give thanks for? 31 Whether ye eat or drink, or what ye do, do all to the glory of God! 32 Be not offended both Jews and Greeks, and the church of God, 33 even as I in all strive to please everyone and not think about my own benefit, but for the many, that they must be saved.
Rooms. 14. 1. Take you out of that is weak in faith, without putting you into court over his thoughts! 2 One has faith to eat everything, but that is weak, eats only herbs, 3 the ether, trifle not he who does not eat, and he who does not eat, not the judge who eats! for God has taken care of him. 4 Who are you to judge a foreign journeyman? He stands or falls on its own master, however, he will stand, for the Lord is able to hold him up. 5 The one intends one day above another, the other acts all day just means anyone be fully confident in his own mind!
Gal. 5. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision or uncircumcision anything, but faith which worketh by love.
For non believers, it is really only a sin not to believe in Jesus.
For a believer it is a shame to not be responsible for his life and always live in the light of life in all areas. When we live and walk in the light, we live as children of light who we are!
All sin is fundamentally against God even though it is against other people we do wrong, and we have caused ourselves against anyone, we must in such cases, ask people for forgiveness. Confess your sins to each other and you will be healed scripture says, and it is a condition to experience this promise of healing. It is first and foremost to God to pray for forgiveness, why should we all do like King David when we confess our sins.
Psalm 51 6 Against you alone have I sinned, and what is evil in your sight, I have done, that you may be justified when thou speakest, and be clean when you judge.
Nr. 143: lazy is from Satan!
Nr. 143:
lazy is from Satan!
Poul Madsen, Copenhagen, Denmark
"She eats ... not ladheds bread" (Proverbs 31.27)
Pride, and sloth and falsehood (laziness)
is due to Karl Barth sin nature.
Let us consider the last, the talks
not much about these days.
In relation to God
"Thou shalt love the Lord your God with all
your heart! "Thus saith the basic
bid. But sin prevents man
to fulfill the commandment, and sloth is sin
Does it also Christians who confess
that Jesus is their Savior? It should not
be true, but it is still too
often. He who writes these lines, know
ladheden in himself.
But two old sisters in the Lord kept me
to help, without them even knowing it. The
one approaching the eighty years, the other is
several years older. We had a worship
out in Valby, where we would otherwise not come together
Sunday. It was not so easy to find there.
The day after I heard that these two old
sisters got up at. 6 Sunday morning
to participate in our midst! In the case belongs,
that they both are fragile, and both are
fallen in the street sometimes armbrud
and another to follow.
The lover, however, the Lord their God
with all their hearts, and has overcome
ladheden and its incentives
to protect themselves: "How long will you lie,
you leave? When you stand up on your
sleep? A little sleep yet, a little rest with
samlagte hands ... "(Proverbs 6.9 following).
Whoever does not love the Lord with all his
heart that loves Him not at all - and it helps
not that he confesses that he believes in
Jesus! It does not help, he says,
that he loves Him!
Sloth in Bible Reading - slothfulness in prayer
- Sloth in the testimony - the sloth victim will
- Sloth love in deeds
- Sloth in visiting the sick - sloth in
serving - more terrible scale may sin
unlikely to surrender.
And particularly terrible is ladheden with so-called
full-time workers, among whom I
even hear! Alas, many full-time workers
work far from all the time! A
Norwegian once said that preachers are
people who hold some meetings and eating
many cream cakes! Pastor Bartholdy
talked, as we know about the lazy priests.
Oswald Chambers said in his time that
no decent man has time to be
Christian - he must take (capture) time there
by bl. a. getting up early and go late to rest!
As Karl Barth, who served as pastor of
Switzerland, were called to a professorship in Germany
he felt that his theological knowledge
was very limited and that he only
through "iron diligence" to obtain what
he lacked. From then on he showed a
"Iron diligence", so it's almost giddy for us
average people. And he felt
so happy! He would not serve God
Dropside hand (Jerem. 48.10).
Paul could testify that he had
worked more than all the others (1 Cor.
15.10) and that it was a manifestation of God
mercy! He could testify to wear and fatigue,
often during the night awake (2 Cor. 11.27) and
he kept his legme in check (1st Cor. 9.27).
But all this deprived him not
least of his joy - on the contrary was
joy far richer and more glorious.
Are we not about to get under
Law Enforcement? Are we not about to
put unnecessarily heavy burden at each other?
Yes, the danger is present and we must heed
that we can not draw a certain pattern of life
("Iron diligence", night waking, wear and fatigue
and rigorous self-discipline) as a normative
for everyone who calls themselves a Christian.
When we rob the gospel of its power
and Christian people of their joy in the Lord.
But the danger of sin sloth is also
present - and I know it, son mentioned
from my own life.
The narrow road with loviskhedens ditch
on one side and ladhedens ditch on the
other side is a road that goes from glory
to glory, and the road is our Lord Jesus
(John, 14.6). Let us stay close to Him
every day when we fall in any of the ditches!
Let us again and again consider Him
as he is painted in mind in the Gospels,
because the Holy Spirit confesses that Jesus is
Christ is come in the flesh (1 John 4.2) -
and his life in the flesh is described in the four
gospels. Here we see him who loved
Father with all his heart and made
Father (John 14.31) - he who
no hesitation, as the Father commanded him
go to Calvary and to be victims
Lamb of God who carries the world's sins.
With his eye fixed on Him, we summarize the
unimaginable that God so loved the world -
yes me that He gave His Son, the beloved,
for my sake - and because "forcing" of God
love me to love Him so that
it really is with all my heart, my whole
soul and all my wits! Since losing ladheden
His power over me - and I want
to do God's will completely.
Probably there are some things or
habits, I must repent from - but with
Ham, painted for the eye as crucified, makes
I have it with gratitude.
But I do not come under my
own will power, it is in the long run, in vain.
The gospel brings me a better place
go! It awakens the faith in me - and it is
not a desire exertion - it leads me
not back to myself but to our
Lord Jesus - and deleted from Him the Spirit
which allows me to love the Lord my God
all my heart - and do it with joy!
It is not my achievement, but God
gift to me by our Lord Jesus Christ.
I saved only by my indolence of my
Savior, not by my own efforts.
They bring me into an unbearable cramp soul,
where I always have doubt about
I am now "iron industrious" enough.
The gospel, however, gives me that "serve
God with joy "(Psalm 100.3) - serve
Him with all my heart with the joy of
had to do it!
Compared to my next
My relationship with God is best illustrated by my
relationship with my neighbor. Love and serve my
him / her with all my heart - or have
ladheden crept in and undermined
my love and my service?
How about prayer? The Prophet
Samuel said to Israel: "Be
far from me to sin against the Lord and
cease to pray for you "(1 Sam.
How to row a cup of cold
water - a visit - send an encouragement
- How to love
works at all?
The big problem for us all is probably that
there was complete concordance between
our confession and our lives - between
our words and our deeds - and that ladheden
do not take this discrepancy
seriously, but lull us into a sedative
habit that so it is now again!
Ladheden reject God's chastisement when he
wish to speak on this matter and
speak with us.
Ladheden have nothing against "orthodoxy
"But it abhors Truth
Spirit, who is not satisfied with mere
'Orthodoxy', but requires work (see
How do we overcome ladhedens power
and influence in our daily lives with the Lord?
It may be helpful to take
some healthy decisions in our Lord Jesus
Christ's name - but the real help is
Towards the goal - articles by Poul Madsen September 1994 page 2
come to light, i.e. come to the judgment
and grace God.
One day we are accountable for
Christ's court. Let us, however, accelerate
the day to day today!
Well it is humiliating to come
to the light, to the judgment God - but it
is also liberating, because we humble ourselves under
God's mighty truth about ourselves, we find
mercy. As is our crucified Savior and
Lord in mind of an innovative way
with new grace and power to do God's will
compared to my neighbor with joy. It is
again the love of God, which "compels" us
there, as it poured into our hearts by
the Holy Spirit.
And then ladheden lost its grip on
our inner man. Well, we are not perfect,
and well, we still have a few things that
contend with, but faith has been renewed
- And thus all things were different!
In this belief there is power and rest on a
time - the power to do all of the heart as
for the Lord - and the rest in the middle of our deeds,
so it does not become a lovisk performance
that sucks power out of us, but a gift from
Now we are serving God with joy
is our strength! It runs ladheden vain
storm against.
In the congregation there are false brothers (the second
Kor. 11.26), false teachers (2 Peter 2.1),
false witnesses about God (1 Corinthians 15.15), false
prophets (Matt. 24.11) - all leading to the
false speech (Acts 20.30 G.) and will on the one
Somehow yield congregations
with fake words (2 Peter 2.3).
As a fake coin or banknote
indistinguishable from the genuine, but in
Unlike it's worthless, so
looks like fake people leading forward
in churches, true Christians, but in
Unlike them only a detrimental effect
on others.
The spiritual world
The deliberate falsehood is falsehood. There is
no place for falsehood into God's kingdom - and
However, it infuses into church life.
"Take the falsehood and speak truth each one with its
next, "says Paul (Ephesians 4.25), and he
repeats it: "Do not lie to each other '
(Col. 3.9).
How can Christians find to lie?
There are two main causes.
The first is the urge for self preservation.
The real truth about me in a certain
situation can be so humiliating that
I cover it with false words.
The second reason is anxious to please.
One will win the people for themselves, therefore
flatters Mon, speaks outside of the truth
- You dare not be sincere sand
for then you risk losing influence.
Particularly bad is it when you lie in
the testimony. I remember what impression
it did on me, as an experienced Christian
said approximately the following to me: "I yearn
to hear a truthful testimony
- A testimony from the mission field for
all the defeats they have suffered - all the failed
events - a testimony
home from Christians who do not hide,
how small and inadequate they are. "
Lie characterizes too many reports
the results of revival meetings,
rallies and 'promotion'. Respect
the churches have suffered great harm thereby.
The question is: has the lie
yet a place in my life? Pastor Fjord
Christensen believed that the last thing a human
are saved from is the lie. But then
long lie still exist, are
falsity is not out of our lives and our work
of Christ - and a little leaven permeates
As we know all the dough!
The unconscious falsehood is
even more dangerous because it is difficult to
uncover. This falsehood is due to two things:
(1) that there can be no external characteristics
on what is spiritual and what is
falsely spiritually, and (2) that in our day
has become too easy for people to come
a voice and influence in the congregation
spiritual life.
Nothing external characteristics
In the seven church letters of John Revelation. 2
and 3, says the Lord in each of these
Letters: "He who has ears, let him hear what the
Spirit saith unto the churches! "It is a
underlines what He said when he
walked down here. But then has he
stressed that everything depends on whether I
have ears that can hear.
If not I have it, give me
no other means whereby I can
determine whether it is God who by his Spirit
works, or it is not God.
Now however, there are assemblies, which
claim that "we are baptized with the Holy Spirit!
"Is it not a guarantee that such
have God's Spirit in them, and then I
safely go there and recommend others the same?
Alas, no - far from it!
If they speak in tongues, is it not
a clear proof that here is the Spirit and only
Spirit powerfully present? Alas, no - far
If they tell of the wonders and signs,
about healing and exorcism of evil spirits
then it must surely be clear to everyone that
here has the Holy Ghost power! No - far
If they say they are Bible-believing - the
believe that the Bible is the Word of God - there can
when no danger! Oh yes - one is
to say that you believe the Bible is God's
infallible word - another is to be faithful
at the word by doing what it says!
No, it is the Holy Spirit that speaks
and work, or if it is only something that
pretending to be the Spirit, can only
he who has ears to hear, determine. There
be no external evidence - so the possibilities are
the false spirituality so large
and therefore there is so much conscious and unconscious
falsity of Christendom.
As the false prophets in the Old Testament
said, "Thus says the Lord ..."
so many come forward in the name of Jesus and
speak on his behalf - and they know perhaps than
not saying that they are false.
Today accumulate in many congregations
a heated atmosphere with loud
and bodily gestures of the one or
otherwise, and publishes it to the Holy Spirit.
It helps not, however - the unconscious
falsity of mass suggestion violence
will only further cemented it.
It is deceiving himself without knowing it -
but God will not deceive!
Should you finally point was a characteristic
to some extent can tell whether
Spirit is active or whether it is a forgery,
I will point out - the fear of God -
Gudsrædselen - Fear God! Where the
ails - even where safety is prevalent
- Where gaiety and joviality are
ȁndsindholdet" as well as large insurance
about everything that we can achieve when simply
we think - where the concept of sin is not something
Taking pronounced seriously - there have
falsity great opportunities, both the conscious
and the unconscious.
Too easy
The spiritual world is dangerous territory.
It was known in the past and took his measures
against hazards.
Mon reared children and young people with authority
and let them not come too quickly.
It was a good thing against them.
This preserved the lot of falsehood.
Mon demanded conformity between
experience and words. Then they demanded good behavior.
Upbringing gave them useful inhibitions.
Mon listened not uncritical, admiring
on young people that led to
Towards the goal - articles by Poul Madsen September 1994 page 3
forward, but rather gave them a bucket of cold
water in the head so they could get to
Today is different. Children and young people
are now in the foreground. It has been almost
so that though they are eager and want to
rather, they are also suitable. There are
no requirement for them. It has become too easy for
them to come to assert themselves in
manifold assemblies.
Therefore, the falsity now open doors.
Many do not always know how empty they are
the true Spirit of content and how gaping
chasm is between their assertion that
serve in the Spirit of God and reality itself.
You do them great harm - and to do
Testimony terrible injury - and it corrupts
the churches.
But also all those who accept the falsity,
helps to promote it. There is
a collective guilt over all of us to lie
and the falsity of the testimony today.
When the state has become so eroded
Truth of the Assemblies, it is even
easier for crooks to get directly to
with a seductive voice, words, miracles and other
A spiritual charlatan can say exactly
the same as a true servant of the Spirit,
but he says it is not by virtue of the Spirit
but by virtue of its own easy moving
soul-life that causes him to believe that he
is full of the Spirit of God, while in reality he
is utterly inane. Anyone who
have ears, hear once that it is the Spirit
speaking, and that it is not the good
Shepherd's voice.
It is rather those who do not want
rather, the modest, the dedicated, those who are
afraid to say too much, those who fear
of misrepresenting God, those who have
Small thoughts about themselves - it is rather
them, God wants the - the ones the Spirit of God
speaks through. They never talk machines
there, they have too much respect for truth,
who is Jesus himself.
"But they have no clout!
"Objected that against them. "They can
not gather people in skarevis! They are
too quiet, too weak, too little convincing.
I wonder if they know the power of the Spirit? "
Yes, this is argued - and it gives
falsity even greater opportunities -
for this very argument purports
of unconscious falsehood or lie, namely the
false assertion that human weakness is
an obstacle to God's Spirit.
It is exactly the opposite! Human brashness,
strength and confidence is the real
obstacle to the Spirit.
Congregation dare not return
of powerlessness and the daily
total dependence on God. It will have
'Success' - any agent that creates
'Success', approved - hence the door
opened to falsehood, lies and seduction. We
is in deep danger today that the Lord has said
in advance.
Salvation from falsehood
There is, thank God, salvation from the lie
and falsity. All we are guilty, all have
we falsity of our old man, all
We have on one way or another brought
falsehood mask at certain occasions.
But we might also all built
reluctance to see our own falsehood and
become aware of it. We see rather
mote in our brother's eye than the beam in
our own. And maybe we're also in defense position
when the congregation seductive falsehood
be revealed.
Adam is hiding rather than for God
coming to light. Truth can
be so cruelly humiliating. Adam defends
and excuses himself rather than departs
by death.
"It is not without pain being reviewed saved
"Emil says Gustavsson. No, that
fries of falsehood and a lie is sometimes
which to fight their way through a very narrow
But there is salvation to be found - not on
our conditions, but the truth!
"Who is guilty?" Asks
The truth you - and you are truthful, then match
You: "I am the guilty - I is false
- I lied! "- And the Spirit of Truth shows
up situation after situation where you
dodged the truth and entrenched
you excuses, i.e. the lie.
The word in Rome. 3.13 hits you now
a completely different way than before.
The truth always leads verdict
the depth and withering!
You sneak up now no denying the slangevis,
when you lower your head to God in
shame and hits your mouth. Now you have
nothing more to say!
Well, one thing you stammer: "God,
Be merciful to me a sinner. I have known
you for many years and now stands convicted anyway!
As the Savior He you from your sin - so
true gospel is the power of God unto salvation -
falsehood and lies are being crucified
- And you're free!
Not like that now you're perfect -
but such that the falsity has been revealed
convicted and stripped of his power - you have
made up with the presence of Truth -
such a confrontation deprives the falsity any
favor with you.
Can this happen to any of us before
it's too late!
Essence of sin is pride. And
of total arrogance is the Christian the worst.
Let us consider it to take us in the last
Our Lord Jesus
He could say: "I am meek and humble
of the heart! "As things often illustrated
best of its opposite, illuminated vanity
Perhaps best of its total opposite: our
Lord Jesus.
His humility was reflected in the fact that
He always did the Father's will. Therefore went
humility go hand in hand with courage, bravery,
stamina and virility. He
was humble of heart, and therefore not puny.
The false humility is queasy.
He was humble, therefore course he
never. He bore it quietly and did not open
his mouth when tribulations culminating and
human wickedness poured in on
Humility and faith-obedience are two sides
of the same coin. The humble looks unlike
the haughty God behind all - God
as that which governs, so not even a sparrow
falls to the ground without his will - therefore
responds the opposite of humble the haughty,
who has himself as the center of existence.
He takes the hand of the Father
adversity and disappointments and hardships, while
the haughty rage against them and
especially against the people who cause
The humble is confident in the right
way. Jesus knew who he was.
Paul knew who he was. Their self-awareness
was the same as their responsibility
- They were called to
do God's will and nothing else. Therein included,
they were called to be rejected
and disgrace - it took not as a
accident, but as part of their service.
Therefore, they sulked when it happened.
They let themselves do not prevent it, that they
let his hands sink.
The humble owner of a special joy.
Let us call it the joy of knowing
God. Jesus was anointed with the oil of gladness
rather than his brothers, for he who does not seek
his own, retain the joy when others lose
it. The arrogant can be irritating,
and he never avoids irritations, for he
looking after all his own - and it is not always!
Towards the goal - articles by Poul Madsen September 1994 page 4
You never see our Lord Jesus offended
irritated, angry, hysterical, irascible,
temper, shouting and screaming and gesticulating
- And yet he was anything but feeling cold
- He was humble of heart -
the proud are however extremely vulnerable.
The humble never indulges his friends
but love them. The haughty pampers
them but not love them. He will
win them for himself. Jesus won them
for God. The humble so warrant the truth,
even when he might lose his
friends. But he speaks of the love that
looking their best. The haughty speeches
otherwise, for the pride lurks always a
secret fear - a fear of man - a
fear of losing too much.
The humble know however not to
fear. What should he fear? Therefore
he erect without being proud. He is free.
We have attempted to describe the pride by considering
our Lord Jesus. By this comparison
get our own pride,
our pride is in the day.
The Christian arrogance is spiritual
ostentation. You are doing great with the help of
God bless! It's sad and it
is ridiculous. They talk big words, and when
Mon "witnesses," You make your own at the center.
This arrogance conceals terrible
opportunities themselves, first and foremost, the possibility
to be seduced. "Lord, Lord!
have we not prophesied in thy name, and has
we not cast out demons in your name;
and we have not done many miracles
by your name? 'must say many of the
big day. And only then (and now it is too
late) it dawns on them to perdition
horror, that their whole Christian life and their entire
"Wonderful" service was driven by pride
spirit for the Lord says to them: "I have
never knew you: depart from me, ye that
iniquity "(Matthew 7:22-23).
But in the Christian arrogance conceals
ability to deceive others as well.
The Bible tells of false prophets, false
teachers - men who are in spiritual pride
took no heed, and therefore in the 'spiritual'
confidence was lost leaders, although they
spoke in God's name.
There can scarcely be any limit
the pride of awful possibilities. God
hate it (Ordspr.8, 13).
It helps, of course not mean that you dress
the haughty man and a devout
humble attire. It tries many, but
it is both futile and harmful.
Sermon on the Mount is the first long
service, we have the Lord's mouth. The
is an invaluable help to get his
pride of life. Wetterlund read it regularly.
Had the men who "testified
"So boldly about everything they had done
in Jesus' name, done that when they had
not counted, as they did, and when the Lord had
not shown them away. For in the Sermon on the Mount
mirror had been clearly see
what ailed them. Had the mirror
periodically, then had their own security
got the crack it needed. Since
they had begun to fear God, to tremble for
the Saints. Since they were also beginning to
be afraid of themselves - and all their
great thoughts about everything they mettle was
been replaced by this thought: I wonder if the Lord
will ever know me?
When was the glorious opportunity to present
the Lord by his Spirit revealed them
Cross secret - and when it does, the
the spiritual arrogance of a deathblow.
When they were in their nothingness come to
Jesus for him to learn to be meek
and humble of heart - and they were never gone
away from him with a diploma that
now they were trained - now they had no more
to learn in this regard. They had been at
him throughout his life.
So had their service had a completely different
tone. The apostle Paul could also
testify that he had performed mighty
deeds of God - but in such a
way that he came into the background - he says
not: "I did great things for
God "- he says instead that" the characteristics
that I am an apostle, was of course with all
stamina worked among you both by
signs and wonders and mighty deeds "(second
Kor. 12.12) - and you ask him who they
was influenced by, he would reply: 'the Lord
- Who else? "
Pastor Fjord Christensen believed that
lie is the last thing a human being
saved from - I do not agree with him in it
- I think that pride is the last thing we
fries completely.
For while lie is relatively easy
revealing the arrogance able to hide
themselves, so that even the haughty not see it
- Does not see it in herself.
The congregation can be a fun place
for all kinds of arrogance. It happens sometimes,
that a man who can not be great at
the world sees an opportunity to be
the congregation! That is one reason
that one should be cautious about
let those who want to be on the podium
or in the service, have an opportunity there.
For ambition driven not unconditional
Spirit of God! Well, do not dig his
talent down, and surely you are responsible for
develop his talents and gifts, and well is hard work
and energy and go-do attitude a good thing, but
it is usually best that these properties
develops in the earthly affairs
home and at work - for pride
must not be allowed to solidify
in a "service" in the church.
The haughty pride of people seeking
- But it should be excluded in any
service to the Lord. He seeks to become
large in people's eyes. His service is
terribly dangerous - especially for him.
Salvation from there
None of us can free himself from arrogance.
We must be saved from there. This applies not
at least us "full-time workers."
As previously highlighted, highlights a
things often most clearly by its opposite. Let us
'Full-time workers' therefore compare ourselves
the servant of the Lord our Lord Jesus! Let
us not run away too quickly from this comparison
For in it we find the verdict
and the liberating grace which we need.
He gave up - he humbled himself -
He took the servant figure - he never sought
his own glory and did not accept honor of
people - he is our example - and
fortunately also our Savior when we get
to be ashamed of all that pride,
hiding in our service.
He is so great a Redeemer, that he can free
care of that stick longest in us: our
spiritual arrogance.
He lodges us a fervent distaste for
it, even a hatred for it. He gets us onto his
side, so we his Spirit struggles with Him
against our own arrogance.
The battle is victorious, for we are fighting
not in its own power, but by faith in Him who
was meek and humble of heart. And all
that which is born of God overcomes the world
- And the world falls just pride of life,
pride, the pride and the carnal
lazy is from Satan!
Poul Madsen, Copenhagen, Denmark
"She eats ... not ladheds bread" (Proverbs 31.27)
Pride, and sloth and falsehood (laziness)
is due to Karl Barth sin nature.
Let us consider the last, the talks
not much about these days.
In relation to God
"Thou shalt love the Lord your God with all
your heart! "Thus saith the basic
bid. But sin prevents man
to fulfill the commandment, and sloth is sin
Does it also Christians who confess
that Jesus is their Savior? It should not
be true, but it is still too
often. He who writes these lines, know
ladheden in himself.
But two old sisters in the Lord kept me
to help, without them even knowing it. The
one approaching the eighty years, the other is
several years older. We had a worship
out in Valby, where we would otherwise not come together
Sunday. It was not so easy to find there.
The day after I heard that these two old
sisters got up at. 6 Sunday morning
to participate in our midst! In the case belongs,
that they both are fragile, and both are
fallen in the street sometimes armbrud
and another to follow.
The lover, however, the Lord their God
with all their hearts, and has overcome
ladheden and its incentives
to protect themselves: "How long will you lie,
you leave? When you stand up on your
sleep? A little sleep yet, a little rest with
samlagte hands ... "(Proverbs 6.9 following).
Whoever does not love the Lord with all his
heart that loves Him not at all - and it helps
not that he confesses that he believes in
Jesus! It does not help, he says,
that he loves Him!
Sloth in Bible Reading - slothfulness in prayer
- Sloth in the testimony - the sloth victim will
- Sloth love in deeds
- Sloth in visiting the sick - sloth in
serving - more terrible scale may sin
unlikely to surrender.
And particularly terrible is ladheden with so-called
full-time workers, among whom I
even hear! Alas, many full-time workers
work far from all the time! A
Norwegian once said that preachers are
people who hold some meetings and eating
many cream cakes! Pastor Bartholdy
talked, as we know about the lazy priests.
Oswald Chambers said in his time that
no decent man has time to be
Christian - he must take (capture) time there
by bl. a. getting up early and go late to rest!
As Karl Barth, who served as pastor of
Switzerland, were called to a professorship in Germany
he felt that his theological knowledge
was very limited and that he only
through "iron diligence" to obtain what
he lacked. From then on he showed a
"Iron diligence", so it's almost giddy for us
average people. And he felt
so happy! He would not serve God
Dropside hand (Jerem. 48.10).
Paul could testify that he had
worked more than all the others (1 Cor.
15.10) and that it was a manifestation of God
mercy! He could testify to wear and fatigue,
often during the night awake (2 Cor. 11.27) and
he kept his legme in check (1st Cor. 9.27).
But all this deprived him not
least of his joy - on the contrary was
joy far richer and more glorious.
Are we not about to get under
Law Enforcement? Are we not about to
put unnecessarily heavy burden at each other?
Yes, the danger is present and we must heed
that we can not draw a certain pattern of life
("Iron diligence", night waking, wear and fatigue
and rigorous self-discipline) as a normative
for everyone who calls themselves a Christian.
When we rob the gospel of its power
and Christian people of their joy in the Lord.
But the danger of sin sloth is also
present - and I know it, son mentioned
from my own life.
The narrow road with loviskhedens ditch
on one side and ladhedens ditch on the
other side is a road that goes from glory
to glory, and the road is our Lord Jesus
(John, 14.6). Let us stay close to Him
every day when we fall in any of the ditches!
Let us again and again consider Him
as he is painted in mind in the Gospels,
because the Holy Spirit confesses that Jesus is
Christ is come in the flesh (1 John 4.2) -
and his life in the flesh is described in the four
gospels. Here we see him who loved
Father with all his heart and made
Father (John 14.31) - he who
no hesitation, as the Father commanded him
go to Calvary and to be victims
Lamb of God who carries the world's sins.
With his eye fixed on Him, we summarize the
unimaginable that God so loved the world -
yes me that He gave His Son, the beloved,
for my sake - and because "forcing" of God
love me to love Him so that
it really is with all my heart, my whole
soul and all my wits! Since losing ladheden
His power over me - and I want
to do God's will completely.
Probably there are some things or
habits, I must repent from - but with
Ham, painted for the eye as crucified, makes
I have it with gratitude.
But I do not come under my
own will power, it is in the long run, in vain.
The gospel brings me a better place
go! It awakens the faith in me - and it is
not a desire exertion - it leads me
not back to myself but to our
Lord Jesus - and deleted from Him the Spirit
which allows me to love the Lord my God
all my heart - and do it with joy!
It is not my achievement, but God
gift to me by our Lord Jesus Christ.
I saved only by my indolence of my
Savior, not by my own efforts.
They bring me into an unbearable cramp soul,
where I always have doubt about
I am now "iron industrious" enough.
The gospel, however, gives me that "serve
God with joy "(Psalm 100.3) - serve
Him with all my heart with the joy of
had to do it!
Compared to my next
My relationship with God is best illustrated by my
relationship with my neighbor. Love and serve my
him / her with all my heart - or have
ladheden crept in and undermined
my love and my service?
How about prayer? The Prophet
Samuel said to Israel: "Be
far from me to sin against the Lord and
cease to pray for you "(1 Sam.
How to row a cup of cold
water - a visit - send an encouragement
- How to love
works at all?
The big problem for us all is probably that
there was complete concordance between
our confession and our lives - between
our words and our deeds - and that ladheden
do not take this discrepancy
seriously, but lull us into a sedative
habit that so it is now again!
Ladheden reject God's chastisement when he
wish to speak on this matter and
speak with us.
Ladheden have nothing against "orthodoxy
"But it abhors Truth
Spirit, who is not satisfied with mere
'Orthodoxy', but requires work (see
How do we overcome ladhedens power
and influence in our daily lives with the Lord?
It may be helpful to take
some healthy decisions in our Lord Jesus
Christ's name - but the real help is
Towards the goal - articles by Poul Madsen September 1994 page 2
come to light, i.e. come to the judgment
and grace God.
One day we are accountable for
Christ's court. Let us, however, accelerate
the day to day today!
Well it is humiliating to come
to the light, to the judgment God - but it
is also liberating, because we humble ourselves under
God's mighty truth about ourselves, we find
mercy. As is our crucified Savior and
Lord in mind of an innovative way
with new grace and power to do God's will
compared to my neighbor with joy. It is
again the love of God, which "compels" us
there, as it poured into our hearts by
the Holy Spirit.
And then ladheden lost its grip on
our inner man. Well, we are not perfect,
and well, we still have a few things that
contend with, but faith has been renewed
- And thus all things were different!
In this belief there is power and rest on a
time - the power to do all of the heart as
for the Lord - and the rest in the middle of our deeds,
so it does not become a lovisk performance
that sucks power out of us, but a gift from
Now we are serving God with joy
is our strength! It runs ladheden vain
storm against.
In the congregation there are false brothers (the second
Kor. 11.26), false teachers (2 Peter 2.1),
false witnesses about God (1 Corinthians 15.15), false
prophets (Matt. 24.11) - all leading to the
false speech (Acts 20.30 G.) and will on the one
Somehow yield congregations
with fake words (2 Peter 2.3).
As a fake coin or banknote
indistinguishable from the genuine, but in
Unlike it's worthless, so
looks like fake people leading forward
in churches, true Christians, but in
Unlike them only a detrimental effect
on others.
The spiritual world
The deliberate falsehood is falsehood. There is
no place for falsehood into God's kingdom - and
However, it infuses into church life.
"Take the falsehood and speak truth each one with its
next, "says Paul (Ephesians 4.25), and he
repeats it: "Do not lie to each other '
(Col. 3.9).
How can Christians find to lie?
There are two main causes.
The first is the urge for self preservation.
The real truth about me in a certain
situation can be so humiliating that
I cover it with false words.
The second reason is anxious to please.
One will win the people for themselves, therefore
flatters Mon, speaks outside of the truth
- You dare not be sincere sand
for then you risk losing influence.
Particularly bad is it when you lie in
the testimony. I remember what impression
it did on me, as an experienced Christian
said approximately the following to me: "I yearn
to hear a truthful testimony
- A testimony from the mission field for
all the defeats they have suffered - all the failed
events - a testimony
home from Christians who do not hide,
how small and inadequate they are. "
Lie characterizes too many reports
the results of revival meetings,
rallies and 'promotion'. Respect
the churches have suffered great harm thereby.
The question is: has the lie
yet a place in my life? Pastor Fjord
Christensen believed that the last thing a human
are saved from is the lie. But then
long lie still exist, are
falsity is not out of our lives and our work
of Christ - and a little leaven permeates
As we know all the dough!
The unconscious falsehood is
even more dangerous because it is difficult to
uncover. This falsehood is due to two things:
(1) that there can be no external characteristics
on what is spiritual and what is
falsely spiritually, and (2) that in our day
has become too easy for people to come
a voice and influence in the congregation
spiritual life.
Nothing external characteristics
In the seven church letters of John Revelation. 2
and 3, says the Lord in each of these
Letters: "He who has ears, let him hear what the
Spirit saith unto the churches! "It is a
underlines what He said when he
walked down here. But then has he
stressed that everything depends on whether I
have ears that can hear.
If not I have it, give me
no other means whereby I can
determine whether it is God who by his Spirit
works, or it is not God.
Now however, there are assemblies, which
claim that "we are baptized with the Holy Spirit!
"Is it not a guarantee that such
have God's Spirit in them, and then I
safely go there and recommend others the same?
Alas, no - far from it!
If they speak in tongues, is it not
a clear proof that here is the Spirit and only
Spirit powerfully present? Alas, no - far
If they tell of the wonders and signs,
about healing and exorcism of evil spirits
then it must surely be clear to everyone that
here has the Holy Ghost power! No - far
If they say they are Bible-believing - the
believe that the Bible is the Word of God - there can
when no danger! Oh yes - one is
to say that you believe the Bible is God's
infallible word - another is to be faithful
at the word by doing what it says!
No, it is the Holy Spirit that speaks
and work, or if it is only something that
pretending to be the Spirit, can only
he who has ears to hear, determine. There
be no external evidence - so the possibilities are
the false spirituality so large
and therefore there is so much conscious and unconscious
falsity of Christendom.
As the false prophets in the Old Testament
said, "Thus says the Lord ..."
so many come forward in the name of Jesus and
speak on his behalf - and they know perhaps than
not saying that they are false.
Today accumulate in many congregations
a heated atmosphere with loud
and bodily gestures of the one or
otherwise, and publishes it to the Holy Spirit.
It helps not, however - the unconscious
falsity of mass suggestion violence
will only further cemented it.
It is deceiving himself without knowing it -
but God will not deceive!
Should you finally point was a characteristic
to some extent can tell whether
Spirit is active or whether it is a forgery,
I will point out - the fear of God -
Gudsrædselen - Fear God! Where the
ails - even where safety is prevalent
- Where gaiety and joviality are
ȁndsindholdet" as well as large insurance
about everything that we can achieve when simply
we think - where the concept of sin is not something
Taking pronounced seriously - there have
falsity great opportunities, both the conscious
and the unconscious.
Too easy
The spiritual world is dangerous territory.
It was known in the past and took his measures
against hazards.
Mon reared children and young people with authority
and let them not come too quickly.
It was a good thing against them.
This preserved the lot of falsehood.
Mon demanded conformity between
experience and words. Then they demanded good behavior.
Upbringing gave them useful inhibitions.
Mon listened not uncritical, admiring
on young people that led to
Towards the goal - articles by Poul Madsen September 1994 page 3
forward, but rather gave them a bucket of cold
water in the head so they could get to
Today is different. Children and young people
are now in the foreground. It has been almost
so that though they are eager and want to
rather, they are also suitable. There are
no requirement for them. It has become too easy for
them to come to assert themselves in
manifold assemblies.
Therefore, the falsity now open doors.
Many do not always know how empty they are
the true Spirit of content and how gaping
chasm is between their assertion that
serve in the Spirit of God and reality itself.
You do them great harm - and to do
Testimony terrible injury - and it corrupts
the churches.
But also all those who accept the falsity,
helps to promote it. There is
a collective guilt over all of us to lie
and the falsity of the testimony today.
When the state has become so eroded
Truth of the Assemblies, it is even
easier for crooks to get directly to
with a seductive voice, words, miracles and other
A spiritual charlatan can say exactly
the same as a true servant of the Spirit,
but he says it is not by virtue of the Spirit
but by virtue of its own easy moving
soul-life that causes him to believe that he
is full of the Spirit of God, while in reality he
is utterly inane. Anyone who
have ears, hear once that it is the Spirit
speaking, and that it is not the good
Shepherd's voice.
It is rather those who do not want
rather, the modest, the dedicated, those who are
afraid to say too much, those who fear
of misrepresenting God, those who have
Small thoughts about themselves - it is rather
them, God wants the - the ones the Spirit of God
speaks through. They never talk machines
there, they have too much respect for truth,
who is Jesus himself.
"But they have no clout!
"Objected that against them. "They can
not gather people in skarevis! They are
too quiet, too weak, too little convincing.
I wonder if they know the power of the Spirit? "
Yes, this is argued - and it gives
falsity even greater opportunities -
for this very argument purports
of unconscious falsehood or lie, namely the
false assertion that human weakness is
an obstacle to God's Spirit.
It is exactly the opposite! Human brashness,
strength and confidence is the real
obstacle to the Spirit.
Congregation dare not return
of powerlessness and the daily
total dependence on God. It will have
'Success' - any agent that creates
'Success', approved - hence the door
opened to falsehood, lies and seduction. We
is in deep danger today that the Lord has said
in advance.
Salvation from falsehood
There is, thank God, salvation from the lie
and falsity. All we are guilty, all have
we falsity of our old man, all
We have on one way or another brought
falsehood mask at certain occasions.
But we might also all built
reluctance to see our own falsehood and
become aware of it. We see rather
mote in our brother's eye than the beam in
our own. And maybe we're also in defense position
when the congregation seductive falsehood
be revealed.
Adam is hiding rather than for God
coming to light. Truth can
be so cruelly humiliating. Adam defends
and excuses himself rather than departs
by death.
"It is not without pain being reviewed saved
"Emil says Gustavsson. No, that
fries of falsehood and a lie is sometimes
which to fight their way through a very narrow
But there is salvation to be found - not on
our conditions, but the truth!
"Who is guilty?" Asks
The truth you - and you are truthful, then match
You: "I am the guilty - I is false
- I lied! "- And the Spirit of Truth shows
up situation after situation where you
dodged the truth and entrenched
you excuses, i.e. the lie.
The word in Rome. 3.13 hits you now
a completely different way than before.
The truth always leads verdict
the depth and withering!
You sneak up now no denying the slangevis,
when you lower your head to God in
shame and hits your mouth. Now you have
nothing more to say!
Well, one thing you stammer: "God,
Be merciful to me a sinner. I have known
you for many years and now stands convicted anyway!
As the Savior He you from your sin - so
true gospel is the power of God unto salvation -
falsehood and lies are being crucified
- And you're free!
Not like that now you're perfect -
but such that the falsity has been revealed
convicted and stripped of his power - you have
made up with the presence of Truth -
such a confrontation deprives the falsity any
favor with you.
Can this happen to any of us before
it's too late!
Essence of sin is pride. And
of total arrogance is the Christian the worst.
Let us consider it to take us in the last
Our Lord Jesus
He could say: "I am meek and humble
of the heart! "As things often illustrated
best of its opposite, illuminated vanity
Perhaps best of its total opposite: our
Lord Jesus.
His humility was reflected in the fact that
He always did the Father's will. Therefore went
humility go hand in hand with courage, bravery,
stamina and virility. He
was humble of heart, and therefore not puny.
The false humility is queasy.
He was humble, therefore course he
never. He bore it quietly and did not open
his mouth when tribulations culminating and
human wickedness poured in on
Humility and faith-obedience are two sides
of the same coin. The humble looks unlike
the haughty God behind all - God
as that which governs, so not even a sparrow
falls to the ground without his will - therefore
responds the opposite of humble the haughty,
who has himself as the center of existence.
He takes the hand of the Father
adversity and disappointments and hardships, while
the haughty rage against them and
especially against the people who cause
The humble is confident in the right
way. Jesus knew who he was.
Paul knew who he was. Their self-awareness
was the same as their responsibility
- They were called to
do God's will and nothing else. Therein included,
they were called to be rejected
and disgrace - it took not as a
accident, but as part of their service.
Therefore, they sulked when it happened.
They let themselves do not prevent it, that they
let his hands sink.
The humble owner of a special joy.
Let us call it the joy of knowing
God. Jesus was anointed with the oil of gladness
rather than his brothers, for he who does not seek
his own, retain the joy when others lose
it. The arrogant can be irritating,
and he never avoids irritations, for he
looking after all his own - and it is not always!
Towards the goal - articles by Poul Madsen September 1994 page 4
You never see our Lord Jesus offended
irritated, angry, hysterical, irascible,
temper, shouting and screaming and gesticulating
- And yet he was anything but feeling cold
- He was humble of heart -
the proud are however extremely vulnerable.
The humble never indulges his friends
but love them. The haughty pampers
them but not love them. He will
win them for himself. Jesus won them
for God. The humble so warrant the truth,
even when he might lose his
friends. But he speaks of the love that
looking their best. The haughty speeches
otherwise, for the pride lurks always a
secret fear - a fear of man - a
fear of losing too much.
The humble know however not to
fear. What should he fear? Therefore
he erect without being proud. He is free.
We have attempted to describe the pride by considering
our Lord Jesus. By this comparison
get our own pride,
our pride is in the day.
The Christian arrogance is spiritual
ostentation. You are doing great with the help of
God bless! It's sad and it
is ridiculous. They talk big words, and when
Mon "witnesses," You make your own at the center.
This arrogance conceals terrible
opportunities themselves, first and foremost, the possibility
to be seduced. "Lord, Lord!
have we not prophesied in thy name, and has
we not cast out demons in your name;
and we have not done many miracles
by your name? 'must say many of the
big day. And only then (and now it is too
late) it dawns on them to perdition
horror, that their whole Christian life and their entire
"Wonderful" service was driven by pride
spirit for the Lord says to them: "I have
never knew you: depart from me, ye that
iniquity "(Matthew 7:22-23).
But in the Christian arrogance conceals
ability to deceive others as well.
The Bible tells of false prophets, false
teachers - men who are in spiritual pride
took no heed, and therefore in the 'spiritual'
confidence was lost leaders, although they
spoke in God's name.
There can scarcely be any limit
the pride of awful possibilities. God
hate it (Ordspr.8, 13).
It helps, of course not mean that you dress
the haughty man and a devout
humble attire. It tries many, but
it is both futile and harmful.
Sermon on the Mount is the first long
service, we have the Lord's mouth. The
is an invaluable help to get his
pride of life. Wetterlund read it regularly.
Had the men who "testified
"So boldly about everything they had done
in Jesus' name, done that when they had
not counted, as they did, and when the Lord had
not shown them away. For in the Sermon on the Mount
mirror had been clearly see
what ailed them. Had the mirror
periodically, then had their own security
got the crack it needed. Since
they had begun to fear God, to tremble for
the Saints. Since they were also beginning to
be afraid of themselves - and all their
great thoughts about everything they mettle was
been replaced by this thought: I wonder if the Lord
will ever know me?
When was the glorious opportunity to present
the Lord by his Spirit revealed them
Cross secret - and when it does, the
the spiritual arrogance of a deathblow.
When they were in their nothingness come to
Jesus for him to learn to be meek
and humble of heart - and they were never gone
away from him with a diploma that
now they were trained - now they had no more
to learn in this regard. They had been at
him throughout his life.
So had their service had a completely different
tone. The apostle Paul could also
testify that he had performed mighty
deeds of God - but in such a
way that he came into the background - he says
not: "I did great things for
God "- he says instead that" the characteristics
that I am an apostle, was of course with all
stamina worked among you both by
signs and wonders and mighty deeds "(second
Kor. 12.12) - and you ask him who they
was influenced by, he would reply: 'the Lord
- Who else? "
Pastor Fjord Christensen believed that
lie is the last thing a human being
saved from - I do not agree with him in it
- I think that pride is the last thing we
fries completely.
For while lie is relatively easy
revealing the arrogance able to hide
themselves, so that even the haughty not see it
- Does not see it in herself.
The congregation can be a fun place
for all kinds of arrogance. It happens sometimes,
that a man who can not be great at
the world sees an opportunity to be
the congregation! That is one reason
that one should be cautious about
let those who want to be on the podium
or in the service, have an opportunity there.
For ambition driven not unconditional
Spirit of God! Well, do not dig his
talent down, and surely you are responsible for
develop his talents and gifts, and well is hard work
and energy and go-do attitude a good thing, but
it is usually best that these properties
develops in the earthly affairs
home and at work - for pride
must not be allowed to solidify
in a "service" in the church.
The haughty pride of people seeking
- But it should be excluded in any
service to the Lord. He seeks to become
large in people's eyes. His service is
terribly dangerous - especially for him.
Salvation from there
None of us can free himself from arrogance.
We must be saved from there. This applies not
at least us "full-time workers."
As previously highlighted, highlights a
things often most clearly by its opposite. Let us
'Full-time workers' therefore compare ourselves
the servant of the Lord our Lord Jesus! Let
us not run away too quickly from this comparison
For in it we find the verdict
and the liberating grace which we need.
He gave up - he humbled himself -
He took the servant figure - he never sought
his own glory and did not accept honor of
people - he is our example - and
fortunately also our Savior when we get
to be ashamed of all that pride,
hiding in our service.
He is so great a Redeemer, that he can free
care of that stick longest in us: our
spiritual arrogance.
He lodges us a fervent distaste for
it, even a hatred for it. He gets us onto his
side, so we his Spirit struggles with Him
against our own arrogance.
The battle is victorious, for we are fighting
not in its own power, but by faith in Him who
was meek and humble of heart. And all
that which is born of God overcomes the world
- And the world falls just pride of life,
pride, the pride and the carnal
Nr. 141: Jesus resurrection!
Nr. 141:
Jesus resurrection!
That Jesus rose again, is also from God the Father side of his response to Jesus's work is finished and after the resurrection fik his divine status "back" after having given up on it in 33 1 \ 2 years. So I take some taker about the resurrection.
The doctrine of the resurrection is so important, that it is embodied in what we call the church confessional. Those wishing to call themselves Christians must believe and accept that Jesus really was bodily raised from the dead.
The Bible says that Jesus ascended to heaven, and sat down at the Father's right hand after his resurrection. It also teaches that Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead. Jesus, who is man's only savior, is also the one that all men once to meet the judges of their lives. This is expressed as follows in the Apostolic creeds second article:
"I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried, descended into hell, rose from the dead the third day , for up to heaven, is seated at God the Father Almighty, right hand, He will come again to judge the living and the dead. " Yes, Jesus is the only true God, but his son.
Since the resurrection day, many have tried to explain away that Jesus rose bodily. We can read about in Food 28 12 - 13 There we are told that "the elders and rulers," who had abandoned Jesus to the Romans that he was crucified, paid the guards at Jesus' tomb that they would put out a rumor that Jesus' disciples had stolen Jesus' body. Similar explanations can be found also among representatives of the newer criticism. We can not go into this further here. Now we will look closely at what the resurrection means.
That a man that is dead is alive again, is a violation of the order of nature which we otherwise know of. There is a single event that has no parallel in history, and therefore defy any scientific explanation of the basis. In the wild are still parallel to the bodily resurrection of Jesus himself refers to when he explains his disciples why he must die, and so arise. Jesus refers in this connection to what is happening with wheat grain when it is sown in the earth, and says: "Unless the grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, only one grain. But if it dies, it produces much fruit." John 12 24.
The purpose of Jesus' resurrection was that his death would give fruit. What this means, we will return to below. First, it is said that the resurrection can not be explained any other way than by showing that God has intervened across what we call natural laws. However, it is not going to get past the resurrection as a historical event, is strongly attested, if you put the history of scientific requirements for accountability to the ground. Yet is there for the resurrection as for any other historical events: One can not cause any definite evidence that it actually took place. When it comes down to it, one must either believe it or not believe.
It will take too long to give any detailed analysis of the historical arguments for the resurrection of Jesus here. Instead, we focus on what is the point and purpose of Jesus' bodily resurrection, namely, that death's power over man and creation to overcome the definitive way.
The power of death could, according to Scripture, only to be overcome by human sin was taken away. Death was in fact his power over men as a result of a sin entered the world. Thus, death is a part of the trial and punishment which God did come upon mankind, as a result of the first man's sin. But - if the sin is taken away and be served, so will life get back. Room 5 12, 5 18, 2 Corinthians 15 12 ff.
Natural science can ascertain that death has power over all living creatures. People are born, they grow old, and like all other living creatures, they must die. This is what we call nature's time, a law that can not be broken by any man. The truth is that science can only consider the legality of death as a phenomenon, and on that basis conclude that everything that lives must die. It can not explain why or how, death has come into the world. But at this point, therefore the Bible something to say.
The legality of death that came into creation through the fall, is defeated by Jesus Christ. By his resurrection from the dead, he has defeated and broken the power of death. The consequence of this is that we avoid the bodily death, but that those who believe in him getting in a resurrection from the dead, and a life similar to his. 1 Corinthians 15 45 - 58 How this is possible, we shall examine the following:
Just as there is a legitimate or necessary relation between sin and death, is, according to Scripture, a similar legal relationship between a sinless life, and living. The fulfilling God's commandments shall live, we read in the 3rd Exodus 18 5. Here we must note that both of these statutory conditions were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. When Jesus was imputed to our sins, he came under sin and death laws. He had to die under God's wrath and doom. At the same time, it was so, that because Jesus lived a sinless life, he had the right to live. God raised Jesus from the dead because he was fair in relation to the law of God, and therefore had the right to life. The fair, the one who fulfills the law, to live, says the Bible.
This is a truth that is expressed in Acts 8 33. Here we read that the verdict was taken away from Jesus when he was deeply humbled, because he had taken responsibility for the sins of men. But even Jesus was righteous. He had really lived as a perfect man should live, so he had to follow God's law the right to life. For this reason, he also declared fair and as a result of it raised from the dead. File 3.16. On this basis we can say that it is the righteousness of Jesus that has triumphed over sin and death power.
According to the Bible, man can become righteous before God in two different ways. One way is by self-improvement and self-effort. This is still a way that no one, except Jesus, has been able to go. Rooms. 3. 23. The other way man can be justified is by faith - and - according to the Bible, also the justice that a person gets the right to live. "The righteous by faith shall live," we read in Rom. 1. 17.
Jesus fulfilled the legal requirement that God would give His righteous life to those who believe in him. That God gives a person the life that Jesus lived, does not mean that God transforms this man, but he considers Jesus' fulfillment of the law as if it was this man's own lovoppfyllelse. This is why we in Room 4 25, can read that Jesus is risen for our justification.
Whoever believes in Jesus' grace, can therefore expect the righteousness of Jesus as its own righteousness. On this basis, he or she also know that you have the right to live.
Jesus resurrection!
That Jesus rose again, is also from God the Father side of his response to Jesus's work is finished and after the resurrection fik his divine status "back" after having given up on it in 33 1 \ 2 years. So I take some taker about the resurrection.
The doctrine of the resurrection is so important, that it is embodied in what we call the church confessional. Those wishing to call themselves Christians must believe and accept that Jesus really was bodily raised from the dead.
The Bible says that Jesus ascended to heaven, and sat down at the Father's right hand after his resurrection. It also teaches that Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead. Jesus, who is man's only savior, is also the one that all men once to meet the judges of their lives. This is expressed as follows in the Apostolic creeds second article:
"I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried, descended into hell, rose from the dead the third day , for up to heaven, is seated at God the Father Almighty, right hand, He will come again to judge the living and the dead. " Yes, Jesus is the only true God, but his son.
Since the resurrection day, many have tried to explain away that Jesus rose bodily. We can read about in Food 28 12 - 13 There we are told that "the elders and rulers," who had abandoned Jesus to the Romans that he was crucified, paid the guards at Jesus' tomb that they would put out a rumor that Jesus' disciples had stolen Jesus' body. Similar explanations can be found also among representatives of the newer criticism. We can not go into this further here. Now we will look closely at what the resurrection means.
That a man that is dead is alive again, is a violation of the order of nature which we otherwise know of. There is a single event that has no parallel in history, and therefore defy any scientific explanation of the basis. In the wild are still parallel to the bodily resurrection of Jesus himself refers to when he explains his disciples why he must die, and so arise. Jesus refers in this connection to what is happening with wheat grain when it is sown in the earth, and says: "Unless the grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, only one grain. But if it dies, it produces much fruit." John 12 24.
The purpose of Jesus' resurrection was that his death would give fruit. What this means, we will return to below. First, it is said that the resurrection can not be explained any other way than by showing that God has intervened across what we call natural laws. However, it is not going to get past the resurrection as a historical event, is strongly attested, if you put the history of scientific requirements for accountability to the ground. Yet is there for the resurrection as for any other historical events: One can not cause any definite evidence that it actually took place. When it comes down to it, one must either believe it or not believe.
It will take too long to give any detailed analysis of the historical arguments for the resurrection of Jesus here. Instead, we focus on what is the point and purpose of Jesus' bodily resurrection, namely, that death's power over man and creation to overcome the definitive way.
The power of death could, according to Scripture, only to be overcome by human sin was taken away. Death was in fact his power over men as a result of a sin entered the world. Thus, death is a part of the trial and punishment which God did come upon mankind, as a result of the first man's sin. But - if the sin is taken away and be served, so will life get back. Room 5 12, 5 18, 2 Corinthians 15 12 ff.
Natural science can ascertain that death has power over all living creatures. People are born, they grow old, and like all other living creatures, they must die. This is what we call nature's time, a law that can not be broken by any man. The truth is that science can only consider the legality of death as a phenomenon, and on that basis conclude that everything that lives must die. It can not explain why or how, death has come into the world. But at this point, therefore the Bible something to say.
The legality of death that came into creation through the fall, is defeated by Jesus Christ. By his resurrection from the dead, he has defeated and broken the power of death. The consequence of this is that we avoid the bodily death, but that those who believe in him getting in a resurrection from the dead, and a life similar to his. 1 Corinthians 15 45 - 58 How this is possible, we shall examine the following:
Just as there is a legitimate or necessary relation between sin and death, is, according to Scripture, a similar legal relationship between a sinless life, and living. The fulfilling God's commandments shall live, we read in the 3rd Exodus 18 5. Here we must note that both of these statutory conditions were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. When Jesus was imputed to our sins, he came under sin and death laws. He had to die under God's wrath and doom. At the same time, it was so, that because Jesus lived a sinless life, he had the right to live. God raised Jesus from the dead because he was fair in relation to the law of God, and therefore had the right to life. The fair, the one who fulfills the law, to live, says the Bible.
This is a truth that is expressed in Acts 8 33. Here we read that the verdict was taken away from Jesus when he was deeply humbled, because he had taken responsibility for the sins of men. But even Jesus was righteous. He had really lived as a perfect man should live, so he had to follow God's law the right to life. For this reason, he also declared fair and as a result of it raised from the dead. File 3.16. On this basis we can say that it is the righteousness of Jesus that has triumphed over sin and death power.
According to the Bible, man can become righteous before God in two different ways. One way is by self-improvement and self-effort. This is still a way that no one, except Jesus, has been able to go. Rooms. 3. 23. The other way man can be justified is by faith - and - according to the Bible, also the justice that a person gets the right to live. "The righteous by faith shall live," we read in Rom. 1. 17.
Jesus fulfilled the legal requirement that God would give His righteous life to those who believe in him. That God gives a person the life that Jesus lived, does not mean that God transforms this man, but he considers Jesus' fulfillment of the law as if it was this man's own lovoppfyllelse. This is why we in Room 4 25, can read that Jesus is risen for our justification.
Whoever believes in Jesus' grace, can therefore expect the righteousness of Jesus as its own righteousness. On this basis, he or she also know that you have the right to live.
fredag 25. november 2011
Nr. 140: Jesus is not the only true God, but the only true son of God!
Nr. 140:
Jesus is not the only true God, but the only true son of God!
Trinity Teachers do not read correctly Norwegian when they read that the Son of God = God. Jesus is the only true God, but his son, the firstborn!
The Apostolic Fathers has been recognized by the Roman Church as the leading religious teachers in the first centuries after Christ's birth. What they learned is of interest.
Justinus Martyr, who died about the year 165 AD, spoke of Jesus in his førmenneskelige existence as a created angel, that "someone other than the God who created all things." He said that Jesus was subordinate to God and "never [did] something without the Creator of the universe would have him do and say."
Irenaeus, who died about the year 200 AD, said that Jesus in his førmenneskelige life was separated from God and subordinate to him. He showed that Jesus is not equal to the "true and only God," who is "above all, and that there is no next."
Clemens Alexandrinus, who died about the year 215 AD, called Jesus in his førmenneskelige existence "a creature" while he spoke of God as "the uncreated and imperishable and only true God." He said that the Son "is next to the only omnipotent Father" but not equal.
Tertullian, who died about the year 230 AD, learned about God's sovereignty. He said: "The Father is other than the Son, because he is bigger, like the one who begets is different from the one being bred, as the emitter, is different from the one being issued." He also said: " There was a time when the Son was not. . . . Before all things God was alone. "
Hippolytus, who died about the year 235 AD, said that God is "the one God, the first and the only one, everyone's Creator and Lord." "Nothing is as eternal as he. . . But he was one, alone, and because he wanted it, until he brought something that had not been to before, "so that when he made his only begotten Son - Jesus in his førmenneskelige existence.
Origen, who died around the year 250 AD, said that "the Father and the Son are two substances. . . two things what their being concerned "and that" compared with the Father's [son] very little light. "
Historian Alvan Lamson summarizes the historical facts in this way:
"The doctrine of the Trinity, which is so prevalent in our time. . . receives no support in the language Justinus [martyr] user, and this observation can be extended to include all the pre-Nicene fathers, that all Christian writers for three centuries after Christ's birth. They speak indeed of the Father, the Son, and. . . The Holy Spirit, but not as equals, not as a being, not as Three in One, in some of the meanings treenighetslærens supporters give access to. The opposite is the case. "
In biblical language is "name" often of "fame" or reputation. (1kR 14: 17; see AN, NB, NW, fotn.) Setting out a bad reputation (bokst.: name) if someone meant to correct false accusations against the person, thereby damaging his reputation. (5Mo 22: 19) The fact that his name was 'rejected as evil', meant that they lost their good reputation. (Lu 6: 22) When the people after the flood in opposition to Jehovah began to build a tower and a city, it was to make himself "a famous name." (1MO 11: 3, 4)
On the other hand, the Lord God promised to make Abram's (Abraham's) name great if he would leave his country and his relatives and go to another country. (1MO 12: 1, 2) That this promise was fulfilled, is confirmed by the fact that today few people from ancient times has been such a big name like Abraham, in particular as an example of an outstanding faith. Millions still argue that because of their carnal descent are heirs of the blessing was pronounced upon Abraham. Jehovah did in a similar way David's name great by to bless him and grant him victory over the enemies of Israel. - 1SA 18: 30; 2Sa 7: 9
At birth, a man no reputation, and name it then get is not much more than a label. For this reason it is said in Ecclesiastes 7: 1: "A name is better than good oil, and the day of death better than the day one was born."
It is not when a person is born, but in the course of its life that its "name" is really important in the sense that it identifies the person as either a practicing justice, or as someone who does what is evil. (Proverbs 22: 1)
Because Jesus was faithful until death, his name was the one name "that has been given among men by which we must be saved," and he "inherited a name more excellent" than the angels. (Acts 4: 12; He 1: 3, 4) When it came to Solomon, was the expressed hope that his name would be "more glorious" than David, but he ended his days with a bad name, because he had fallen from the true worship. (1kg 1: 47: 11: 6, 9-11) "The evil one's name is going to rot away," or be an unpleasant smell. (Proverbs 10: 7) It is a good name, "preferable to great wealth." - Words 22: 1
We also know that Massoretene divided the Hebrew Scriptures in verse. Later, in the 1200s, they were divided into chapters. The first complete Bible in the current chapter and verse division was Robert Estienne French Bible, which was released in 1553. And it has never been the Holy Spirit pernonlig pronouns, holy spirit is impersonal pronouns.
In Matthew 28: 19 is the voice of "the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost." A "name" can mean something other than a proper name. When the Norwegian says "in the legal name" or "in the name of truth," referring not to a person.
Just aims in the first case, the law stands for, its authority, and in the second case to the truth stand for, what it requires.
Scriptures do not say that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is coequal or coeternal or that all is God.
An effective strength
Biblical use of the term "Holy Spirit" shows that this spirit is a controlled force that Jehovah God uses to carry out a number of its intentions. It may to some extent compared with electricity, a power that can be used to perform many different types of work.
In 1 Genesis 1: 2 the Bible says that "the Spirit of God [Hebrew: ru'ach] hovered over the water." Here was God's spirit his "active force" (NW) that formed the earth. - See also Today's English Version (TEV).
God uses his spirit to educate those who serve him. David asked: "Teach me to do thy will, for you are my God! Your good Spirit [ru'ach] to lead me on the regular trails. "(Psalm 143: 10) When 70 capable men were appointed to help Moses, God said to him:" I will take of the Spirit [ru'ach ] which is upon you, and give to them. "- 4 Genesis 11: 17
Biblical prophecies were written down as men of God were "moved by the Holy Spirit [Greek: from pneu'ma]." (2 Peter 1: 20, 21) In this way the Bible was "inspired by God" (Greek: The o'pneu ‧ ‧ stos, which means "God-breathed"). (2 Timothy 3: 16, the New Testament in modern Norwegian [NTM]) And the Holy Spirit led certain people so that they saw visions and received prophetic dreams. - 2 Samuel 23: 2, Joel 3: 1, 2, Luke 1: 67; Acts 1: 16, 2: 32, 33
After Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit drove him out into the desert. (Mark 1: 12) The spirit was like a fire in the servants of God, so they were activated by this power. And it helped them to speak in a bold and courageous way. - Micah 3: 8, Acts 7: 55-60, 18: 25, Romans 12: 11; 1 I Thessalonians 5: 19
By his spirit completes God's judge of people and nations. (Isaiah 30: 27, 28, NW; 59: 18, 19, NW) And the Spirit of God can reach everywhere and seem to benefit people, but it may also go against them. - Psalm 139: 7-12.
The power of the normal
The Bible says that when Jesus was baptized, came the Holy Spirit descending on him like a dove, not in human form. (Mark 1: 10) The God's active force put Jesus able to heal the sick and raising the dead. As Luke 5: 17 says: "Jesus was the Lord's power that he could heal."
Spirit of God did also Jesus' disciples are able to do miraculous things. Acts 2: 1-4 says that the disciples were gathered together at Pentecost, when the 'one got a soda from the sky when the wind blows a strong wind, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. 'So the Holy Spirit, Jesus and other servants of God the power to do things that people usually could not do.
But there is no scripture that speaks of the Holy Spirit in such terms that it looks as if it is about a person? Yes, but note what the Catholic theologian Edmund Fortman says about this: "Although this spirit is often described in such terms that it looks as if it concerns a person, it seems clear that [the Hebrew writings] sacred writers never seen this spirit that a particular person or the person who produced it. "- The Triune God.
In the Bible it is not unusual that something is personified. It is said that wisdom has children. (Luke 7: 35, A) sin and death is referred to as kings. (Romans 5: 14, 21, NW; see also LB.) I 1 Genesis 4: 7 says The New English Bible (NE): "Sin is a demon who is huddled at the door," and personifies the way of sin as an evil spirit who is huddled at Cain's door. But sin is of course not a spiritual person, and that the Holy Spirit is personified, nor will it to a spiritual person.
Similarly, it is said in the 1st John 5: 6-8 (NE) that not only the spirit but also "water and blood" is "witness." But water and blood are obviously not people, and the Holy Spirit is not a person. This is in harmony with the Bible usually refers to the Holy Spirit as something impersonal, such as when it refers to the parallel with the water and with fire. (Matthew 3: 11; Mark 1: 8) People are encouraged to be filled with the Holy Spirit rather than to fill up with wine. (Ephesians 5: 18) It is said that they are filled with the Holy Spirit just as they are filled with wisdom, faith and joy. (Acts 6: 3, 11: 24: 13: 52) And 2 Corinthians 6: 6 is the Holy Spirit spoken with a number of properties.
Such expressions would not be so common if the Holy Spirit was in reality a person.
It is also worth noting that while some scriptures say that the spirit speaks, there are other scriptures that show that it really did this through people or through angels. (Matthew 10: 19, 20, Acts 4: 24, 25, 28: 25; Hebrews 2: 2) the Spirit may in such case be compared with radio waves that transmit messages from one person to another, which is far away.
In Matthew 28: 19 is spoken of "the Holy Spirit." But the word "name" does not aim to be a proper name, either in Greek or Norwegian. When we say "in the legal name", we aim not to a person. We are referring to the law stands for, its authority. Archibald Thomas Robertson said: "This is a common way to use the 'name' (onoma) of the Septuagint and in papyrer as an expression of power or authority." (Word Pictures in the New Testament) So a baptism 'in the Holy Spirit name 'is a recognition of the spiritual authority, that it comes from God and acts in accordance with God's will.
Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit as an "advocate" or a "help" (LB), and he said that it would "teach", "guidance" and "speech". (John 14: 16, 26, 16: 13) The Greek word he used for the "spokesman" or "help" (pa ‧ ‧ ra'kle tos), are male. In his discussion of "spokesman" or "Companion" and what this would do, he used so personal pronouns in the masculine gender. (John 16: 7, 8) When the Greek neuter word for "spirit" (pneu'ma) is used, on the other hand, a pronoun in the neuter rightly used.
No part of a Trinity
Different sources admit that the Bible does not support the idea that the Holy Spirit is the third person in a trinity. Here are some examples:
"In the Old Testament we find nowhere any clear manifestation that there is a third person."
- The Catholic Encyclopedia.
"The Jews never regarded the spirit as a person, and there is also no compelling evidence that some of the Old Testament writers had such an opinion. . . . The Holy Spirit is in the Synoptists [the first three Gospels] and in Acts usually portrayed as a divine force or power. "
- The Catholic theologian Fortman.
"It is clear that the OT [Old Testament] not perceive God's spirit as a person. . . God's spirit is simply God's power. If it is sometimes portrayed as separate from God, it is because Yahweh's breath seems beyond him. "" The vast majority of passages in the NT [New Testament] reveals God's spirit as something, not as some, this is particularly evident in the parallel ism between the spirit and power of God. "
- New Catholic Encyclopedia.
"On the whole, speaking the New Testament, like the Old Testament of the Spirit as a divine power."
- A Catholic Dictionary.
From this we see that the Holy Spirit is not a person and not a part of a trinity. The Holy Spirit is God's active force, which he uses to accomplish his will. It is not equal to God, but is always at his disposal and is subordinate to him.
What will it mean to sin against the "spirit"?
What sins are not forgiven? LR also my commentaries from Mark's gospel to sin against the spirit.
Jewish religious leaders in the first century who made malicious opposition to Jesus Christ, sinned against the Holy Spirit. They saw that the Spirit of God worked in Christ when He performed miracles which was in honor of Jehovah. Yet they claimed the enemies of Christ that he had his power from Satan the Devil. Those who spoke blasphemy against God's Holy Spirit in this way, according to Jesus committed a sin that would not be forgiven, "neither in this system of things or it will come". - Matthew 12: 22-32.
Slander is malicious, libelous or profane speech. Since it is God who is the source of the holy spirit, it is to speak to his spirit the same as to speak against him. To do this without regret is unforgivable. What Jesus said about such a sin, showing that he was referring to those who deliberately opposes God's Holy Spirit business. When the Spirit of God worked in Jesus, but his opponents still argued that he had his power from the devil, they committed the sin of speaking blasphemy against the spirit. Jesus declared thus: "Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, will never forgiveness, but is guilty of everlasting sin." - Mark 3: 20-29.
Consider also the case with Judas Iscariot. He followed a dishonest price by stealing from the cash box he was entrusted. (John 12: 5, 6) Judas went later to the Jewish rulers and agreed with them that he would betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Although he had remorse for treason, he never regretted his willful sin. Judas is therefore not worthy of a resurrection. Jesus called him thus "annihilation son." - John 17: 12, Matthew 26: 14-16.
Apostles authority to forgive or retain sins came partly into the picture in the case of Ananias and Sapphira, who tried to run fake game against the Holy Spirit. Peter, who heard Jesus say that we read in John 20: 22, 23, revealed Ananias and Sapphira. Peter spoke first with Ananias, who fell dead, and then later Sapphira came in and stuck to their lies, announced Peter also her conviction. He forgave her her sins, but said: "Behold, the feet that have buried thy husband are at the door, and they shall bear you out." Then she too fell dead. - Acts 5: 1-11.
It used the apostle Peter's special authority to determine that these particular sins had been maintained, and that he could do because he had miraculous knowledge that God would not forgive Ananias' and Sapphira sin. It also seems as if the apostles had superhuman insight in cases where they were sure that the sins were forgiven on the basis of Christ's sacrifice. The apostles who had received such special authority through the Holy Spirit, could then declare that sins had been forgiven or retained.
As we see as a common denominator is that is knowledge. Knowledge means more responsibility. Pilate did not commit a big sin that the Jewish religious leaders, who gave Jesus to the governor, or as Judas, who betrayed his Lord. (John 19: 11: 17: 12) Jesus said to the contemporary Pharisees that if they were blind, they would have no sin. By this he meant clearly that God could forgive their sins if they were due to ignorance, but because they denied that they were ignorant, 'remained their sin'. (John 9: 39-41)
Jesus said that they had no "excuse for their sin" because they heard the powerful words he spoke, and witnessed the mighty works he did in that God's spirit seemed to him. (John 15: 22-24; Lu 4: 18) Those who by word or deed, knowingly blasphemed God's holy spirit when it was revealed in this way, would make themselves guilty of "eternal sin" and could not be forgiven.
New Catholic Encyclopedia says about what the church believed the pagan doctrine of the Trinity:
"The formulation 'one God in three Persons' was not completely designed and certainly not fully incorporated into the Christian life and profession of faith before the end of the fourth century. But it is precisely this formulation that first and foremost can claim the term trinity dogma. Among the Apostolic Fathers had it not been something that the head was approaching such a mentality or perspective. "
Judaism is, to put it simply, a people's religion. One who goes over to Judaism, joins therefore both to the Jewish people and the Jewish religion. Judaism is a monotheistic religion in the strictest sense of the word, claiming that God intervenes in human history, especially in connection with the Jews. Jewish worship include a variety of annual festivals and different customs.
There are no creeds or dogmas that are accepted by all Jews, but a central part of worship in the synagogue is to confess that God is one, as it is expressed in the Shema, a prayer that is based on the 5 Deuteronomy 6: 4: "Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God is one Lord. "
This belief in one God was passed on to Christianity and Islam. Rabbi Dr. JH Hertz says, "This lofty declaration of absolute monotheism was a declaration of war against all polytheism. . . At the same time exclude the Shema, the Christian creeds Trinity as a desecration of God's unity. "
Muslims do not see the Trinity as a true Biblical doctrine. This is also interesting, as the Muslims see the Bible as the Word of God
When Mohammed was present, had Thurs the 1st religions in his opinion deviated from the path of truth. According to some Islamic commentators suggest the Koran that Jews and Christians will be rejected, when it says: "Do not their [the way], which has aroused Your wrath, or their, who have chosen the false direction." (Sura 1: 7)
In what way had they turned onto the wrong path?
A commentary on the Quran says: "The book [the Bible] people acted wrong: Jews by breaking their covenant and vilify Mary and Jesus. . . and the Christians by the Apostle exalt Jesus to God as "the help of the Trinity. - Sura 4: 153-176, AYA.
Islam's most important learning is, in all simplicity, what is called shahādah, creed, and that every Muslim know by heart: "La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah" (There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah). This agrees with the Koran's words: "Your God is one God, there is no God except Him, the Compassionate, the Merciful." (Sura 2: 158)
The Quran says about God's position: "Believe in God and His messengers and say not, '(God's) three'. Let it be, for their own good! God is one God "(Sura 4: 169)
The Catholic theologian Hans Küng says in a book he has written about Christianity and world religions, that the Trinity is one of the reasons why the churches have not had any major success among non-Christian peoples.
He says: "Even well-informed Muslims simply can not grasp the idea of a trinity, which Jews until now not been able to do. . . . The fact that the Trinity distinguish between one God and three hypostases, do not satisfy Muslims, who are rather confused than enlightened by theological terms derived from Syriac, Greek and Latin.
Muslims see it as a play with words. . . .
Why would anyone want to add something to the notion of God's unity and uniqueness that can only dilute or rescind the unity and uniqueness? "
- Christianity and the World Religions
Spots not as God, when men shall revile DHÅ if these is a deity?
How can we be forgiven for that one and not others?
If DHÅ and Jesus is A, then one can ask why the thief who mocked Jesus, also was promised to get in paradise?
SPOTTED he not DHÅ, when he mocked Jesus?
When and how we know who is what if they all are?
But to take a closer look at it with sin against the Spirit of God:
Slander is malicious, libelous or profane speech. Since it is God who is the source of the holy spirit, it is to speak to his spirit the same as to speak against him.
To do this without regret is unforgivable. What Jesus said about such a sin, showing that he was referring to those who deliberately opposes God's Holy Spirit business. When Jehovah's spirit appeared in Jesus, but his opponents still argued that he had his power from the devil, they committed the sin of speaking blasphemy against the spirit. Jesus declared thus: "Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, will never forgiveness, but is guilty of everlasting sin."
- Mark 3: 20-29.
Consider also the case with Judas Iscariot. He followed a dishonest price by stealing from the cash box he was entrusted. (John 12: 5, 6) Judas went later to the Jewish rulers and agreed with them that he would betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Although he had remorse for treason, he never regretted his willful sin. Judas is therefore not worthy of a resurrection. Jesus called him thus "annihilation son." - John 17: 12, Matthew 26: 14-16.
Is the idea of a trinity come from the Bible, or are there other sources that suggest that this is a doctrine that has come as the influence of other sources?
In the Ancient world, dating back to Babylon, it was common to worship pagan gods in groups of three, triads. Worship of the triads were also prevalent in Egypt, Greece and Rome when Christ was on earth, and in the centuries before and after his time. After the death of the apostles began these pagan beliefs to penetrate Christianity.
The historian Will Durant said: "Christianity destroyed not paganism, it was assumed it. . . . From Egypt came the ideas of a divine trinity. "And in his book on Egyptian religion maintains Siegfried Morenz:" Trinity was a main occupation of Egyptian theologians. . . Three gods come together and treated as a single being and will be prosecuted in the singular. In this regard, the Egyptian theology spiritual content directly related to Christian theology. "- Egyptian Religion.
Church men in Alexandria in Egypt in the late third and early fourth century, Athanasius, among others, bore clear signs of this influence as they formulated ideas that led to the Trinity. Their own influence grew, as Morenz considers "Alexandrian theology as a link between the Egyptian religious heritage and Christianity."
In the preface to Edward Gibbons's work on the history of Christianity, we read: "If paganism was conquered by Christianity, it is equally true that Christianity was corrupted by paganism. The first Christians unadulterated doctrine of the deity. . . was of the Roman church changed to the incomprehensible dogma of the Trinity. Many of the pagan tenets, invented by the Egyptians and idealized by Plato, were retained as something worth believing. "
- History of Christianity.
A work on religious knowledge notes that many say that the Trinity "is a corruption borrowed from the pagan religions and grafted into the Christian faith." (A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge) and a book about paganism and Christianity say that treenighetslærens' origin is entirely pagan. "
- The Paganism in Our Christianity.
That is why James Hastings wrote: "In Indian religion, we meet as the trinitarian group of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, and in Egyptian religion, the trinitarian group of Osiris, Isis and Horus. . . Nor is it only in historical religions that we find that God is seen as a Trinity. We especially remember the nyplatonske view of the highest or last and fundamental reality, "as is" triadic represented. " (Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics)
What did the Greek philosopher Plato in the Trinity to do?
Plato lived, for it is believed, from 428 to 347 BC He maintained no doctrine of the Trinity in the form it has today, but his philosophy paved the way for this doctrine. Later arose the philosophical movements that had triadic views, and these were influenced by Plato's thoughts about God and nature.
A French dictionary says this about Plato's influence: "The Platonic trinity, which was just a rearranging of older trinities that came from earlier peoples, appears to be the rational, philosophical attribute trinity that gave rise to the three hypostases or divine people that the Christian churches teach about. . . . This Greek philosopher's conception of the divine trinity. . . one can find in all the ancient [pagan] religions. "
- Nouveau Dictionnaire Universel.
Another reference work shows the influence that Greek philosophy was: "The doctrine of the Logos and the Trinity received their shape from Greek Fathers, who. . . was strongly influenced, directly or indirectly, of the Platonic philosophy. . . There can be no denying that the errors and corruptions gained ground in the Church from this hand. "
- The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.
A book about the church in the first three centuries, says: "Trinity doctrine was designed gradually and at a relatively late stage. . . . they arise from a source that does not have anything with the Jewish and Christian scriptures to do,. . . it evolved and was instilled in the Christianity of the Church Fathers who made use of Plato's principles. "
- The Church of the First Three Centuries.
By the end of the third century was "Christianity" and the new Platonic philosophical views were inseparable. As Adolf Harnack points out in his book on the history of dogma, the church's teaching "sound rooted in rock collapse [the pagan Greek thinking detection] soil. Thus, it was a mystery to the vast majority of Christians. "
- Outlines of the History of Dogma.
The church claimed that its new doctrine was based on the Bible. But Harnack says: "In fact legitimized the the Hellenic speculation in their midst, the superstitious views and customs of the heathen mysteriedyrkelse."
Professor Andrews Norton said of the Trinity: "We can follow this teaching history backwards in time and discovers that it has originated, not in the Christian revelation, but in the Platonic philosophy. . . Trinity doctrine is a doctrine derived from Christ and his apostles, but a fiction derived from the later Platonists school. "
- A Statement of Reasons.
Can it be expected that Christians believe that God, centuries after Christ's time and after he had inspired the write-down of the Bible, would support the formulation of a doctrine which had been unknown to his servants for thousands of years, a doctrine which is a 'unfathomable mystery' as is' beyond human comprehension, "a doctrine that had a pagan background, and as' largely a matter of church politics'?
"He was God and did not see it as a robbery to be equal with God"
Jesus was created in the image - like the rest of God's sons. What does it say that he did not view it as a "predatory" to be equal with God? He wanted not to make himself equal to God (in opposition to Satan, who wants to be worshiped). Adapt to Jesus to God's control, without brewing after (chasing after a predator chasing prey) to be equal to God. To put it another way: "not thought of a seizure, namely, that he should be equal with God"
"But gave up on his own, took on the servant and becoming like men. When he came forward as a human being"
God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, is a prime example of someone who has a self-sacrificing spirit. In his førmenneskelige life he must have lived a life in the highest degree was stimulating and satisfying. He stood in a close and confidential relationship with his father and many other angels (angel means messenger that Jesus also was). In addition, he can use his skills in challenging and exciting activities as "master works". (Proverbs 8: 30, 31) He was in a situation far beyond anything that even the richest man on earth has been able to enjoy. As it was second only to Jehovah God, he had an exalted and privileged position in the sky.
Yet "exhausted [Jesus] himself and took a slave's form and came to be in human equality." (Philippians 2: 7) He gave willingly renounce all their personal benefits to be human and sacrifice his life as a ransom to redress the damage Satan has caused. (1 Genesis 3: 1-7; Mark 10: 45) This meant he had to live among sinful people in a world which is Satan the Devil's power. (1 John 5: 19) It also meant that he had to endure personal discomfort and fatigue. But Jesus Christ was determined to do his Father's will, whatever it would cost him. (Matthew 26: 39; John 5: 30; 6: 38) His love and loyalty was thus put on the biggest test.
How far he was willing to go? According to the apostle Paul, "he humbled himself and became obedient until death, even death on a torture stake." - Philippians 2: 8
This shows that Jesus is God? No, it shows us how wonderful self-sacrificing and humble Jesus is. He wants the really do not go in opposition to Jehovah. What was the reward for his obedience was the great task that God had put on him?
If we include also verse 9, we get the answer:
"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name, 10 so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and on earth and under the earth,"
Can someone who already is Almighty, be raised? Or this suggests that Jesus had more authority after his return to his beloved father?
These verses teach us a lot of very important thing to take with them. But is not that there is a Trinity. What about a server form?
As in the visible creation, there is a hierarchy in the spirit world, among the angels. The foremost angel, both in power and authority is concerned, Michael, the archangel. And Gabriel always reveal themselves on behalf of God (Da 10: 13, 21, 12: 1, Jude 9, Revelation 12: 7, Luke 1).
A group of angels who have high rank, both privilege and honor is concerned, seraphs. (Isaiah 6: 2, 6) The cherubim are mentioned frequently in the Bible (about 90 times), and on the basis of the description of their duties and responsibilities, it is clear that they also occupy a special position among the angels. (1MO 3: 24; Ese 10: 1-22) Then there is the great multitude of angels (messengers) that God uses to communicate with people. To convey the messages are not the only thing they do.
As representatives of the Most High God has the responsibility to carry out his purpose, whether for protection and deliverance of his people or the destruction of the wicked. - 1MO 19: 1-26.
We also know that God created humans so that they were "slightly lower than the angels" (He 2:7).
Kol. 1: 15, 16: "He [Jesus Christ] is the invisible image of God, the firstborn, which are of the creation [all creation first-born, Danish 1907, NW; all creation's firstborn, EG, the first born of all creation, Study Bible ( Oslo 1981)]. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth. "
In what sense is Jesus Christ "the firstborn of all creation"?
1) Treenighetslærens supporters say that the 'first born' here means all, the highest, most prominent, and that we must understand that Christ is not part of creation, but the most prominent in relation to those that were created. (This is also interpreted in the 1978 left over.) If this is correct and the Trinity is true, we may ask: Why not say that the Father and the Holy Spirit is the firstborn of all creation? The Bible uses this term only Son. The usual meaning of "firstborn" implies that Jesus is the oldest in Yahweh's family of sons.
2) Prior to Colossians 1: 15 occurs the phrase 'first born' several times in the Bible, and when used on living creatures, the meaning usually the same - the firstborn belongs to a group. "Israel's firstborn" is one of the sons of Israel, "the firstborn son of Pharaoh" is a member of Pharaoh's family, "the firstborn of cattle" belonging to even the cattle. What is it that makes someone to ascribe to this phrase a different meaning in Colossians 1: 15? Is that the way this term is used in the Bible, or is it an article of faith that they already have, and they are trying to find evidence?
3) Excludes Colossians 1: 16, 17 that Jesus has been created? It is said there: "In him all things were created. . . All things were created through Him and for Him. "The Greek word here rendered by" everything ", is mortgaged, the inflected forms of pas. In Luke 13: 2 it is rendered "all others" in 1978-overs., EN and LB, while NTM and EG says "all the others." (See also Luke 21: 29, 1978-overs., LB, NTM, and Philippians 2: 21, 1978-overs., LB.) Consistent with everything else that the Bible says about the Son, adds NW panta the same meaning in Colossians 1: 16, 17 Parts of this scripture reads that way: "With him were all things created. . . All other things have been created through him and for him. "Thus it is shown that he is a creature, that he too is created by God.
What a problem for people who want to get to know God, is that his name not be used. During the 100-number or 200-number e.v.t. replaced depreciation founders name of God, Jehovah, with the words Kỵrios (Lord) and Theos (God) in the copies of the Septuagint, a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek.
In other translations, such as the Latin Vulgate, Douay-translation (based on the Vulgate) and the King James Version, and many newer translations (EN, EN, NB, GN, AT, RS, NIV, TEV) has followed a similar practice . It has replaced God's name with the terms "God" and "Lord", sometimes written with capital letters to signify that they are being used instead of the Tetragrammaton, the name of God.
So there you have bitten your marker is absolutely right - translations have fjærnet God's name. Was this what Jesus told the disciples to pray the Our Father?
Now it's not anywhere that says "Lord", it refers to Jehovah as not God everywhere refers to Jehovah. But is it correct to replace God's name with a title?
Is Jehovah or Yahweh in all your translation 6973 times in the Hebrew Scriptures and 237 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures?
Had it been easier to know God, if you used his name?
Look at Romans 10:13,14
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
But how can they call on someone they do not believe in?
How can they believe in they have not heard about?
And how can they hear without someone preaching?
It shows Paul to Joel 2:32 when he writes this.
Do you know which name belongs there?
Do you see the value of knowing the name?
We can examine some of John 1:1. It was, after all, what was the reason why the Jews of Berea were more noble - that they examined the Scriptures carefully. (Acts 17:10,11)
JOHN 1: 1 have this wording in many Bible translations, including the Norwegian of 1978/85: "In the beginning was the Word. Word was with God, and the Word was God. "Treenighetslærens supporters argue that this means that" the Word "(Greek: ho lo'gos), who came to earth as Jesus Christ was Almighty God himself.
But note that the context here is the basis for an accurate understanding. The translation of 1978-1985 says: "the Word was with God." One who is "in" another person, may not be the same as the other person. A magazine that treats biblical literature (Journal of Biblical Literature), which is edited by Jesuit Joseph A. Fitzmyer, said in accordance with this that if the last part of John 1: 1 should be understood to mean "god", the most high God, this would "be contrary to the preceding sentence," which says that the Word was with God.
In John 1: 1 occurs the Greek noun the ‧ os' (god) twice. The first aim is to Almighty God, the Word was with ("and the Word [lo'gos] was with God [a form of the os ‧']»). In front of the first occurrence of the ‧ os' is the word ton, a form of the Greek definite article, which refers to a particular identity, a particular person, in this case Almighty God ("and the Word was with God [God]") .
However, it is no article in front of the ‧ os' the second time the word occurs in John 1: 1 A literal translation would therefore read as follows: "and God was the Word." But we have seen that many translations render this second the ‧ os' (which here is predicative, predikatsord) with the "divine", "the deity delicate" or "a god ". On what basis do they do this?
Greek has a definite article (which in Norwegian is set by, God, the Word), but not an indefinite article (a, a, a). Once the particular article does not stand in front of a noun is predicative (predikatsord), the noun can thus be indefinite, depending on the context shows.
Journal of Biblical Literature says that structures "in which a predicative no article precedes the verb, is primarily a qualitative significance." As this magazine says, it means that lo'gos comparable to a god. It also says the following about John 1: 1: "predicative qualitative content is so prominent that the noun [the ‧ os'] can not be regarded as certain."
John 1: 1 highlight words Word-quality, a quality in him, that he was "divine," "the divine species," "a god" but not Almighty God. This is consistent with the rest of the Bible, which shows that Jesus, which here is called "word" in his role as God's spokesman, was an obedient subordinate sent to earth by his superiors, the Almighty God.
There are many other verses in the Bible where almost all the translators consistently insert the indefinite article in which the Greek text has the same syntax as here. The Norwegian translation of the 1978/85 says, for example, in Mark 6: 49 that when the disciples saw Jesus walking on water, "they thought it was a ghost." In Greek there is no indefinite article ("a") in front of the "ghost". But almost all translations put it in because a literal translation, "there was a ghost," would not fit in context. It relates in a similar way in John 1: 1 As this passage shows that the Word was with God, he could not be "God" but was "a god" or "divine."
Joseph Henry Thayer, a theologian and Greek expert who helped develop the American Standard Version, said simply: "the Logos was divine, not the divine Being himself." And Jesuit John L. McKenzie wrote: "Strictly speaking, should Jn 1: 1 translated. . . 'Word was a divine being'. "- Dictionary of the Bible.
In violation of a rule?
Some argue that such representations are contrary to a rule of Greek grammar, which was maintained by the Greek expert EC Colwell in 1933. He claimed that a noun which stands as predicative in Greek, "has [the specific] article when it follows the verb: it is not [the specific] article when it precedes the verb." By this he meant that a noun which stands as a predicative in front of the verb should be understood as if it had the definite article in front. In John 1: 1 is the second noun (the ‧ os '), predicative, in front of the verb - "and [the ‧ os'] was the Word." Colwell argued therefore that John 1: 1 should read "And God [a] was the Word."
But consider just two examples that we find in John 8: 44 Where does Jesus say about the devil: "He was a murderer," and "he is a liar." Just as in John 1: 1 is predicative (nouns "killer" and "liar") in front of verbs ("have" and "is") in Greek. There is no indefinite article in front of some nouns, because there is no indefinite article in Greek. But most translations insert the word "one", because the Greek grammar and the context so requires. - See also such passages as Mark 11: 32 and John 4: 19, 6: 70, 9: 17, 10: 1, 12: 6
Requires context an indefinite article in John 1: 1? Yes, the Bible shows that Jesus is not Almighty God. There should be guidelines for the translator in such cases is therefore not Colwell uncertain grammatical rule, but the context. And it appears from the many translations that insert the indefinite article "a" in John 1: 1 and elsewhere, that many Greek experts do not agree to such an artificial rule, and that it is not in accordance with God's Word.
No one opposed
Is it to say that Jesus is "a god", in conflict with biblical teaching that there is only one God? No, because sometimes the Bible this term is about mighty creatures. Psalm 8: 6 (NW) reads: "You made him [man] a little less than godlike [Hebrew: elo ‧ heaven ']', ie the angels. When Jesus defended himself against the Jews, who accused him of claiming that he was God, he said: "The word of God came to be. . . of the Act referred to as gods. "Here we are talking about human judges. (John 10: 34, 35, Psalm 82: 1-6) And Satan is referred to as the "god of this world" in 2 Corinthians 4: 4
What does the Bible say about God and Jesus?
If anyone read the Bible from cover to cover without any preconceived opinion about a Trinity, would they even have formed such an opinion? No, they would not.
For an objective reader, it is clear that only God is the Almighty, the Creator, that He is separate and distinct from any other, and that Jesus, in his førmenneskelige existence, are separate and distinct from God, a creature that is subordinate God.
A biblical doctrine is that God is one, is called monotheism. And LL Paine, professor of church history, suggests that monotheism in its purest form does not give room for the doctrine of a trinity: "The Old Testament is strictly monotheistic. God is a personal being. The view that the doctrine of a Trinity was found there. . . is completely without foundation. "
Join the monotheistic perception changed after Jesus came to earth? Paine answers: "At this point there is no break between the Old Testament and New Testament. The monotheistic tradition continues. Jesus was a Jew, and he was trained in the Old Testament writings of Jewish parents. His teaching was thoroughly Jewish, it was certainly a new gospel, but not a new theology. . . . And he accepted and believed himself to Jewish monotheism important scripture: 'Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God is one Lord. '"
These words appear in the 5th Deuteronomy 6: 4 The Catholic translation The New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) renders this passage thus: "Hear, O Israel: Yahweh our God is one, the only Yahweh." In this verse grammatical structure, there is nothing to suggest that the word "one" means something more than one person.
The Christian apostle Paul suggested nor that there had been a change in the nature of God, even after Jesus had come to earth. He wrote: "God is one." - Galatians 3: 20; see also 1 Corinthians 8: 4-6.
Throughout the Bible is God thousands of times spoken of as one person. When he speaks, it's like an entirely individual character. The Bible could not be clearer on this point. As God puts it: "I am Jehovah. It is my name and I give no other my honor. "(Isaiah 42: 8, NW)" I am the Lord [Jehovah, NW] your God. . . You shall have no other gods before me. "(Emphasis by us) - 2 Genesis 20: 2, 3
Why should all the biblical writers under the inspiration mention God as a person if he was actually three persons? What purpose would it serve, except to mislead people? If God consisted of three persons, he would naturally have been his Bible writers make it clear so that there could be no doubt about it. At least they would have to write down the Christian Greek Scriptures, and who was personally in touch with God's own Son, having done so. But they did not.
The Bible writers have made clear, is rather that God is one person - a unique, undivided Being, who do not have someone who is his equal: "I am the Lord [Jehovah, NW], there is no other, besides me there no God. "(Isaiah 45: 5)" You alone, you whose name is the Lord [Jehovah, NW], is the most high over all the earth. "- Psalm 83: 19
Jesus called God "the only true God." (John 17: 3) He never spoke of God as a deity, consisting of several persons. That is why none other than Jehovah called Almighty in the Bible. If others had been called, it would have been contrary to the meaning of the word "almighty." Neither Jesus nor the Holy Spirit is ever called it, for it is Jehovah alone is the Supreme. In 1 Genesis 17: 1 declares: "I am God Almighty." And 2 Genesis 18: 11 says: "The Lord [Jehovah, NW] is greater than all gods."
In the Hebrew Scriptures, the word eloh'ah (God) two plural forms, namely elo ‧ heaven 'and elo ‧ heh'. These plural forms usually refer to Jehovah, and they are then translated singular word "God". Showing these plurals that God is a Trinity? No, they do not. William Smith says: "The imaginative perception that [elo ‧ heaven '] refers to a trinity of persons in the Godhead, is now hardly support among philologists. Whether it's the grammarians call the majesty of majority, or it denotes the fullness of the divine is strengthened, the sum of the powers which God displays. "- A Dictionary of the Bible.
A scientific journal that discusses the Semitic languages, says the elo ‧ heaven ': "The word [is] almost without exception. . . together with a verbal singular and takes adjektivisk attribute in the singular. "(The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature) title elo ‧ heaven 'occurs, for example, 35 times in Genesis, and every time it is the verb describing what God said and did , in the singular. (1 Genesis 1: 1 to 2: 4) The journal therefore draw the following conclusion: "Elo ‧ heaven 'should rather be explained as a reinforcing plural, signifying the greatness and majesty."
Elo ‧ heaven 'does not mean "people", but "gods." Those who claim that this word denotes a Trinity, making therefore the polytheists, worshipers of more than one God. How can we say? Because it would mean that there were three gods in the Trinity. But almost everyone who supports the Trinity, rejects the view that the Trinity consists of three separate gods.
The Bible also uses the words elo ‧ heaven 'and elo ‧ heh' when it reviews a number of false gods. (2 Genesis 12: 12: 20: 23) But other times it refers to a single false god, for example, when the Philistines spoke of "Dagon, the god [elo ‧ heh '] her." (Judges 16: 23, 24) Baal is called "god" (elo ‧ heaven '). (1 Kings 18: 27) The word is also used on humans. (Psalm 82: 1, 6) Moses was told he would serve as "God" (elo ‧ heaven ') for Aaron and Pharaoh. - 2 Deuteronomy 4: 16; 7: 1
When the titles elo ‧ heaven 'and elo ‧ heh' is used of false gods and even about people, it is obvious that it does not mean that the individual had multiple gods. The fact that the word elo ‧ heaven 'or elo ‧ heh' is used of Jehovah, does not that he is more than one person, especially when we take into account the testimony of the Bible also comes with.
Jesus, a special creature
When Jesus was on earth, he was a man, though he was perfect, because God had transferred Jesus' life force to the womb of Mary. (Matthew 1: 18-25) This was not of his beginnings. He said that he had "come down from heaven." (John 3: 13) It was therefore only natural that he later told his followers: "What about when you see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before?" - John 6: 62
Jesus had thus an existence in heaven before he came to earth. But it was one of the persons in an almighty, eternal, triune God? No, the Bible clearly shows that Jesus in his førmenneskelige existence was a created spirit being, just as angels were spirit beings who were created by God. Neither angels or Jesus had existed before they were created.
In his førmenneskelige life was Jesus' all creation's firstborn. " (Colossians 1: 15, Erik Gunnes' translation [EG], see also NJB) He was "God's creature's beginning." (Revelation 3: 14, Sounds Bruns translation [LB]) The word "beginning" (Greek: ar ‧ KHE ') can not be rightly interpreted to mean that Jesus was the one who' started 'God's creatures. Some translations render the word ar ‧ KHE 'with' origins', but in their books of the Bible John uses various forms of this Greek word over 20 times and they always have the common sense of "beginning."
Yes, Jesus was created by God as God's invisible creature's beginning, the first of God's invisible creatures.
Notice how well these statements about Jesus' origins respond to the statements the symbolic "wisdom" in the Bible book of Proverbs comes with: "The Lord [Jehovah, NW] made me as his first work, before his other works, in ancient times. Before the mountains were lowered, before the hills was, I was born, before he had created the earth and land and soil rich first muldklump. "(Proverbs 8: 12, 22, 25, 26, elderly Norwegian translation [A]) Although the word "wisdom" is used to personalize it as God created, most biblical scholars agree that there really is a metaphorical expression is used of Jesus as a spirit creature in his førmenneskelige existence.
As the "wisdom" in his førmenneskelige life Jesus says further that he was "the works manager with [God]." (Proverbs 8: 30, A) In harmony with this role as a works manager says Colossians 1: 16 on Jesus that "all things were created by him."
It was thus with the help of his "works manager" Almighty God created all things. The Bible sums it all up this way: "For us there is only one God, the Father. By him are all things. . . And for us it is only one Lord, Jesus Christ. Through him all things. "- 1 Corinthians 8: 6
It was without doubt the work of the master God said "Let us make man in our image." (1 Genesis 1: 26) Some have argued that the words "us" and "our" in this statement suggests that there is talk of a trinity. But if you said: 'Let us create something for ourselves', no one would normally interpret this as if you meant that you were a composite of several people. You said simply that two or more people would work together on something. So it was when God used the words "us" and "our". He spoke simply of another person, his first spiritual creature, plant master Jesus in his førmenneskelige existence.
The Bible is to seek truth as a process of constantly learning new things. This means of course that one must also correct itself as that you possibly see that you have the wrong perception here or there - when one is driven by knowledge and not blind faith.
For if there is one thing the Bible really encourages us to do, then it's just that - study and research to learn the precise knowledge.
My perception is that those who believe in the Trinity is not completely safe transactions even on this myself - when no one really answer the same when you talk with them.
Outside a church here in Oslo says something like "I do not understand you - but I think (eler chairs - hukser not) on you." It seemed I put into words the incredible lack of response found in Christianity today.
Jesus is not the only true God, but the only true son of God!
Trinity Teachers do not read correctly Norwegian when they read that the Son of God = God. Jesus is the only true God, but his son, the firstborn!
The Apostolic Fathers has been recognized by the Roman Church as the leading religious teachers in the first centuries after Christ's birth. What they learned is of interest.
Justinus Martyr, who died about the year 165 AD, spoke of Jesus in his førmenneskelige existence as a created angel, that "someone other than the God who created all things." He said that Jesus was subordinate to God and "never [did] something without the Creator of the universe would have him do and say."
Irenaeus, who died about the year 200 AD, said that Jesus in his førmenneskelige life was separated from God and subordinate to him. He showed that Jesus is not equal to the "true and only God," who is "above all, and that there is no next."
Clemens Alexandrinus, who died about the year 215 AD, called Jesus in his førmenneskelige existence "a creature" while he spoke of God as "the uncreated and imperishable and only true God." He said that the Son "is next to the only omnipotent Father" but not equal.
Tertullian, who died about the year 230 AD, learned about God's sovereignty. He said: "The Father is other than the Son, because he is bigger, like the one who begets is different from the one being bred, as the emitter, is different from the one being issued." He also said: " There was a time when the Son was not. . . . Before all things God was alone. "
Hippolytus, who died about the year 235 AD, said that God is "the one God, the first and the only one, everyone's Creator and Lord." "Nothing is as eternal as he. . . But he was one, alone, and because he wanted it, until he brought something that had not been to before, "so that when he made his only begotten Son - Jesus in his førmenneskelige existence.
Origen, who died around the year 250 AD, said that "the Father and the Son are two substances. . . two things what their being concerned "and that" compared with the Father's [son] very little light. "
Historian Alvan Lamson summarizes the historical facts in this way:
"The doctrine of the Trinity, which is so prevalent in our time. . . receives no support in the language Justinus [martyr] user, and this observation can be extended to include all the pre-Nicene fathers, that all Christian writers for three centuries after Christ's birth. They speak indeed of the Father, the Son, and. . . The Holy Spirit, but not as equals, not as a being, not as Three in One, in some of the meanings treenighetslærens supporters give access to. The opposite is the case. "
In biblical language is "name" often of "fame" or reputation. (1kR 14: 17; see AN, NB, NW, fotn.) Setting out a bad reputation (bokst.: name) if someone meant to correct false accusations against the person, thereby damaging his reputation. (5Mo 22: 19) The fact that his name was 'rejected as evil', meant that they lost their good reputation. (Lu 6: 22) When the people after the flood in opposition to Jehovah began to build a tower and a city, it was to make himself "a famous name." (1MO 11: 3, 4)
On the other hand, the Lord God promised to make Abram's (Abraham's) name great if he would leave his country and his relatives and go to another country. (1MO 12: 1, 2) That this promise was fulfilled, is confirmed by the fact that today few people from ancient times has been such a big name like Abraham, in particular as an example of an outstanding faith. Millions still argue that because of their carnal descent are heirs of the blessing was pronounced upon Abraham. Jehovah did in a similar way David's name great by to bless him and grant him victory over the enemies of Israel. - 1SA 18: 30; 2Sa 7: 9
At birth, a man no reputation, and name it then get is not much more than a label. For this reason it is said in Ecclesiastes 7: 1: "A name is better than good oil, and the day of death better than the day one was born."
It is not when a person is born, but in the course of its life that its "name" is really important in the sense that it identifies the person as either a practicing justice, or as someone who does what is evil. (Proverbs 22: 1)
Because Jesus was faithful until death, his name was the one name "that has been given among men by which we must be saved," and he "inherited a name more excellent" than the angels. (Acts 4: 12; He 1: 3, 4) When it came to Solomon, was the expressed hope that his name would be "more glorious" than David, but he ended his days with a bad name, because he had fallen from the true worship. (1kg 1: 47: 11: 6, 9-11) "The evil one's name is going to rot away," or be an unpleasant smell. (Proverbs 10: 7) It is a good name, "preferable to great wealth." - Words 22: 1
We also know that Massoretene divided the Hebrew Scriptures in verse. Later, in the 1200s, they were divided into chapters. The first complete Bible in the current chapter and verse division was Robert Estienne French Bible, which was released in 1553. And it has never been the Holy Spirit pernonlig pronouns, holy spirit is impersonal pronouns.
In Matthew 28: 19 is the voice of "the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost." A "name" can mean something other than a proper name. When the Norwegian says "in the legal name" or "in the name of truth," referring not to a person.
Just aims in the first case, the law stands for, its authority, and in the second case to the truth stand for, what it requires.
Scriptures do not say that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is coequal or coeternal or that all is God.
An effective strength
Biblical use of the term "Holy Spirit" shows that this spirit is a controlled force that Jehovah God uses to carry out a number of its intentions. It may to some extent compared with electricity, a power that can be used to perform many different types of work.
In 1 Genesis 1: 2 the Bible says that "the Spirit of God [Hebrew: ru'ach] hovered over the water." Here was God's spirit his "active force" (NW) that formed the earth. - See also Today's English Version (TEV).
God uses his spirit to educate those who serve him. David asked: "Teach me to do thy will, for you are my God! Your good Spirit [ru'ach] to lead me on the regular trails. "(Psalm 143: 10) When 70 capable men were appointed to help Moses, God said to him:" I will take of the Spirit [ru'ach ] which is upon you, and give to them. "- 4 Genesis 11: 17
Biblical prophecies were written down as men of God were "moved by the Holy Spirit [Greek: from pneu'ma]." (2 Peter 1: 20, 21) In this way the Bible was "inspired by God" (Greek: The o'pneu ‧ ‧ stos, which means "God-breathed"). (2 Timothy 3: 16, the New Testament in modern Norwegian [NTM]) And the Holy Spirit led certain people so that they saw visions and received prophetic dreams. - 2 Samuel 23: 2, Joel 3: 1, 2, Luke 1: 67; Acts 1: 16, 2: 32, 33
After Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit drove him out into the desert. (Mark 1: 12) The spirit was like a fire in the servants of God, so they were activated by this power. And it helped them to speak in a bold and courageous way. - Micah 3: 8, Acts 7: 55-60, 18: 25, Romans 12: 11; 1 I Thessalonians 5: 19
By his spirit completes God's judge of people and nations. (Isaiah 30: 27, 28, NW; 59: 18, 19, NW) And the Spirit of God can reach everywhere and seem to benefit people, but it may also go against them. - Psalm 139: 7-12.
The power of the normal
The Bible says that when Jesus was baptized, came the Holy Spirit descending on him like a dove, not in human form. (Mark 1: 10) The God's active force put Jesus able to heal the sick and raising the dead. As Luke 5: 17 says: "Jesus was the Lord's power that he could heal."
Spirit of God did also Jesus' disciples are able to do miraculous things. Acts 2: 1-4 says that the disciples were gathered together at Pentecost, when the 'one got a soda from the sky when the wind blows a strong wind, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. 'So the Holy Spirit, Jesus and other servants of God the power to do things that people usually could not do.
But there is no scripture that speaks of the Holy Spirit in such terms that it looks as if it is about a person? Yes, but note what the Catholic theologian Edmund Fortman says about this: "Although this spirit is often described in such terms that it looks as if it concerns a person, it seems clear that [the Hebrew writings] sacred writers never seen this spirit that a particular person or the person who produced it. "- The Triune God.
In the Bible it is not unusual that something is personified. It is said that wisdom has children. (Luke 7: 35, A) sin and death is referred to as kings. (Romans 5: 14, 21, NW; see also LB.) I 1 Genesis 4: 7 says The New English Bible (NE): "Sin is a demon who is huddled at the door," and personifies the way of sin as an evil spirit who is huddled at Cain's door. But sin is of course not a spiritual person, and that the Holy Spirit is personified, nor will it to a spiritual person.
Similarly, it is said in the 1st John 5: 6-8 (NE) that not only the spirit but also "water and blood" is "witness." But water and blood are obviously not people, and the Holy Spirit is not a person. This is in harmony with the Bible usually refers to the Holy Spirit as something impersonal, such as when it refers to the parallel with the water and with fire. (Matthew 3: 11; Mark 1: 8) People are encouraged to be filled with the Holy Spirit rather than to fill up with wine. (Ephesians 5: 18) It is said that they are filled with the Holy Spirit just as they are filled with wisdom, faith and joy. (Acts 6: 3, 11: 24: 13: 52) And 2 Corinthians 6: 6 is the Holy Spirit spoken with a number of properties.
Such expressions would not be so common if the Holy Spirit was in reality a person.
It is also worth noting that while some scriptures say that the spirit speaks, there are other scriptures that show that it really did this through people or through angels. (Matthew 10: 19, 20, Acts 4: 24, 25, 28: 25; Hebrews 2: 2) the Spirit may in such case be compared with radio waves that transmit messages from one person to another, which is far away.
In Matthew 28: 19 is spoken of "the Holy Spirit." But the word "name" does not aim to be a proper name, either in Greek or Norwegian. When we say "in the legal name", we aim not to a person. We are referring to the law stands for, its authority. Archibald Thomas Robertson said: "This is a common way to use the 'name' (onoma) of the Septuagint and in papyrer as an expression of power or authority." (Word Pictures in the New Testament) So a baptism 'in the Holy Spirit name 'is a recognition of the spiritual authority, that it comes from God and acts in accordance with God's will.
Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit as an "advocate" or a "help" (LB), and he said that it would "teach", "guidance" and "speech". (John 14: 16, 26, 16: 13) The Greek word he used for the "spokesman" or "help" (pa ‧ ‧ ra'kle tos), are male. In his discussion of "spokesman" or "Companion" and what this would do, he used so personal pronouns in the masculine gender. (John 16: 7, 8) When the Greek neuter word for "spirit" (pneu'ma) is used, on the other hand, a pronoun in the neuter rightly used.
No part of a Trinity
Different sources admit that the Bible does not support the idea that the Holy Spirit is the third person in a trinity. Here are some examples:
"In the Old Testament we find nowhere any clear manifestation that there is a third person."
- The Catholic Encyclopedia.
"The Jews never regarded the spirit as a person, and there is also no compelling evidence that some of the Old Testament writers had such an opinion. . . . The Holy Spirit is in the Synoptists [the first three Gospels] and in Acts usually portrayed as a divine force or power. "
- The Catholic theologian Fortman.
"It is clear that the OT [Old Testament] not perceive God's spirit as a person. . . God's spirit is simply God's power. If it is sometimes portrayed as separate from God, it is because Yahweh's breath seems beyond him. "" The vast majority of passages in the NT [New Testament] reveals God's spirit as something, not as some, this is particularly evident in the parallel ism between the spirit and power of God. "
- New Catholic Encyclopedia.
"On the whole, speaking the New Testament, like the Old Testament of the Spirit as a divine power."
- A Catholic Dictionary.
From this we see that the Holy Spirit is not a person and not a part of a trinity. The Holy Spirit is God's active force, which he uses to accomplish his will. It is not equal to God, but is always at his disposal and is subordinate to him.
What will it mean to sin against the "spirit"?
What sins are not forgiven? LR also my commentaries from Mark's gospel to sin against the spirit.
Jewish religious leaders in the first century who made malicious opposition to Jesus Christ, sinned against the Holy Spirit. They saw that the Spirit of God worked in Christ when He performed miracles which was in honor of Jehovah. Yet they claimed the enemies of Christ that he had his power from Satan the Devil. Those who spoke blasphemy against God's Holy Spirit in this way, according to Jesus committed a sin that would not be forgiven, "neither in this system of things or it will come". - Matthew 12: 22-32.
Slander is malicious, libelous or profane speech. Since it is God who is the source of the holy spirit, it is to speak to his spirit the same as to speak against him. To do this without regret is unforgivable. What Jesus said about such a sin, showing that he was referring to those who deliberately opposes God's Holy Spirit business. When the Spirit of God worked in Jesus, but his opponents still argued that he had his power from the devil, they committed the sin of speaking blasphemy against the spirit. Jesus declared thus: "Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, will never forgiveness, but is guilty of everlasting sin." - Mark 3: 20-29.
Consider also the case with Judas Iscariot. He followed a dishonest price by stealing from the cash box he was entrusted. (John 12: 5, 6) Judas went later to the Jewish rulers and agreed with them that he would betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Although he had remorse for treason, he never regretted his willful sin. Judas is therefore not worthy of a resurrection. Jesus called him thus "annihilation son." - John 17: 12, Matthew 26: 14-16.
Apostles authority to forgive or retain sins came partly into the picture in the case of Ananias and Sapphira, who tried to run fake game against the Holy Spirit. Peter, who heard Jesus say that we read in John 20: 22, 23, revealed Ananias and Sapphira. Peter spoke first with Ananias, who fell dead, and then later Sapphira came in and stuck to their lies, announced Peter also her conviction. He forgave her her sins, but said: "Behold, the feet that have buried thy husband are at the door, and they shall bear you out." Then she too fell dead. - Acts 5: 1-11.
It used the apostle Peter's special authority to determine that these particular sins had been maintained, and that he could do because he had miraculous knowledge that God would not forgive Ananias' and Sapphira sin. It also seems as if the apostles had superhuman insight in cases where they were sure that the sins were forgiven on the basis of Christ's sacrifice. The apostles who had received such special authority through the Holy Spirit, could then declare that sins had been forgiven or retained.
As we see as a common denominator is that is knowledge. Knowledge means more responsibility. Pilate did not commit a big sin that the Jewish religious leaders, who gave Jesus to the governor, or as Judas, who betrayed his Lord. (John 19: 11: 17: 12) Jesus said to the contemporary Pharisees that if they were blind, they would have no sin. By this he meant clearly that God could forgive their sins if they were due to ignorance, but because they denied that they were ignorant, 'remained their sin'. (John 9: 39-41)
Jesus said that they had no "excuse for their sin" because they heard the powerful words he spoke, and witnessed the mighty works he did in that God's spirit seemed to him. (John 15: 22-24; Lu 4: 18) Those who by word or deed, knowingly blasphemed God's holy spirit when it was revealed in this way, would make themselves guilty of "eternal sin" and could not be forgiven.
New Catholic Encyclopedia says about what the church believed the pagan doctrine of the Trinity:
"The formulation 'one God in three Persons' was not completely designed and certainly not fully incorporated into the Christian life and profession of faith before the end of the fourth century. But it is precisely this formulation that first and foremost can claim the term trinity dogma. Among the Apostolic Fathers had it not been something that the head was approaching such a mentality or perspective. "
Judaism is, to put it simply, a people's religion. One who goes over to Judaism, joins therefore both to the Jewish people and the Jewish religion. Judaism is a monotheistic religion in the strictest sense of the word, claiming that God intervenes in human history, especially in connection with the Jews. Jewish worship include a variety of annual festivals and different customs.
There are no creeds or dogmas that are accepted by all Jews, but a central part of worship in the synagogue is to confess that God is one, as it is expressed in the Shema, a prayer that is based on the 5 Deuteronomy 6: 4: "Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God is one Lord. "
This belief in one God was passed on to Christianity and Islam. Rabbi Dr. JH Hertz says, "This lofty declaration of absolute monotheism was a declaration of war against all polytheism. . . At the same time exclude the Shema, the Christian creeds Trinity as a desecration of God's unity. "
Muslims do not see the Trinity as a true Biblical doctrine. This is also interesting, as the Muslims see the Bible as the Word of God
When Mohammed was present, had Thurs the 1st religions in his opinion deviated from the path of truth. According to some Islamic commentators suggest the Koran that Jews and Christians will be rejected, when it says: "Do not their [the way], which has aroused Your wrath, or their, who have chosen the false direction." (Sura 1: 7)
In what way had they turned onto the wrong path?
A commentary on the Quran says: "The book [the Bible] people acted wrong: Jews by breaking their covenant and vilify Mary and Jesus. . . and the Christians by the Apostle exalt Jesus to God as "the help of the Trinity. - Sura 4: 153-176, AYA.
Islam's most important learning is, in all simplicity, what is called shahādah, creed, and that every Muslim know by heart: "La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah" (There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah). This agrees with the Koran's words: "Your God is one God, there is no God except Him, the Compassionate, the Merciful." (Sura 2: 158)
The Quran says about God's position: "Believe in God and His messengers and say not, '(God's) three'. Let it be, for their own good! God is one God "(Sura 4: 169)
The Catholic theologian Hans Küng says in a book he has written about Christianity and world religions, that the Trinity is one of the reasons why the churches have not had any major success among non-Christian peoples.
He says: "Even well-informed Muslims simply can not grasp the idea of a trinity, which Jews until now not been able to do. . . . The fact that the Trinity distinguish between one God and three hypostases, do not satisfy Muslims, who are rather confused than enlightened by theological terms derived from Syriac, Greek and Latin.
Muslims see it as a play with words. . . .
Why would anyone want to add something to the notion of God's unity and uniqueness that can only dilute or rescind the unity and uniqueness? "
- Christianity and the World Religions
Spots not as God, when men shall revile DHÅ if these is a deity?
How can we be forgiven for that one and not others?
If DHÅ and Jesus is A, then one can ask why the thief who mocked Jesus, also was promised to get in paradise?
SPOTTED he not DHÅ, when he mocked Jesus?
When and how we know who is what if they all are?
But to take a closer look at it with sin against the Spirit of God:
Slander is malicious, libelous or profane speech. Since it is God who is the source of the holy spirit, it is to speak to his spirit the same as to speak against him.
To do this without regret is unforgivable. What Jesus said about such a sin, showing that he was referring to those who deliberately opposes God's Holy Spirit business. When Jehovah's spirit appeared in Jesus, but his opponents still argued that he had his power from the devil, they committed the sin of speaking blasphemy against the spirit. Jesus declared thus: "Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, will never forgiveness, but is guilty of everlasting sin."
- Mark 3: 20-29.
Consider also the case with Judas Iscariot. He followed a dishonest price by stealing from the cash box he was entrusted. (John 12: 5, 6) Judas went later to the Jewish rulers and agreed with them that he would betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Although he had remorse for treason, he never regretted his willful sin. Judas is therefore not worthy of a resurrection. Jesus called him thus "annihilation son." - John 17: 12, Matthew 26: 14-16.
Is the idea of a trinity come from the Bible, or are there other sources that suggest that this is a doctrine that has come as the influence of other sources?
In the Ancient world, dating back to Babylon, it was common to worship pagan gods in groups of three, triads. Worship of the triads were also prevalent in Egypt, Greece and Rome when Christ was on earth, and in the centuries before and after his time. After the death of the apostles began these pagan beliefs to penetrate Christianity.
The historian Will Durant said: "Christianity destroyed not paganism, it was assumed it. . . . From Egypt came the ideas of a divine trinity. "And in his book on Egyptian religion maintains Siegfried Morenz:" Trinity was a main occupation of Egyptian theologians. . . Three gods come together and treated as a single being and will be prosecuted in the singular. In this regard, the Egyptian theology spiritual content directly related to Christian theology. "- Egyptian Religion.
Church men in Alexandria in Egypt in the late third and early fourth century, Athanasius, among others, bore clear signs of this influence as they formulated ideas that led to the Trinity. Their own influence grew, as Morenz considers "Alexandrian theology as a link between the Egyptian religious heritage and Christianity."
In the preface to Edward Gibbons's work on the history of Christianity, we read: "If paganism was conquered by Christianity, it is equally true that Christianity was corrupted by paganism. The first Christians unadulterated doctrine of the deity. . . was of the Roman church changed to the incomprehensible dogma of the Trinity. Many of the pagan tenets, invented by the Egyptians and idealized by Plato, were retained as something worth believing. "
- History of Christianity.
A work on religious knowledge notes that many say that the Trinity "is a corruption borrowed from the pagan religions and grafted into the Christian faith." (A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge) and a book about paganism and Christianity say that treenighetslærens' origin is entirely pagan. "
- The Paganism in Our Christianity.
That is why James Hastings wrote: "In Indian religion, we meet as the trinitarian group of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, and in Egyptian religion, the trinitarian group of Osiris, Isis and Horus. . . Nor is it only in historical religions that we find that God is seen as a Trinity. We especially remember the nyplatonske view of the highest or last and fundamental reality, "as is" triadic represented. " (Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics)
What did the Greek philosopher Plato in the Trinity to do?
Plato lived, for it is believed, from 428 to 347 BC He maintained no doctrine of the Trinity in the form it has today, but his philosophy paved the way for this doctrine. Later arose the philosophical movements that had triadic views, and these were influenced by Plato's thoughts about God and nature.
A French dictionary says this about Plato's influence: "The Platonic trinity, which was just a rearranging of older trinities that came from earlier peoples, appears to be the rational, philosophical attribute trinity that gave rise to the three hypostases or divine people that the Christian churches teach about. . . . This Greek philosopher's conception of the divine trinity. . . one can find in all the ancient [pagan] religions. "
- Nouveau Dictionnaire Universel.
Another reference work shows the influence that Greek philosophy was: "The doctrine of the Logos and the Trinity received their shape from Greek Fathers, who. . . was strongly influenced, directly or indirectly, of the Platonic philosophy. . . There can be no denying that the errors and corruptions gained ground in the Church from this hand. "
- The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.
A book about the church in the first three centuries, says: "Trinity doctrine was designed gradually and at a relatively late stage. . . . they arise from a source that does not have anything with the Jewish and Christian scriptures to do,. . . it evolved and was instilled in the Christianity of the Church Fathers who made use of Plato's principles. "
- The Church of the First Three Centuries.
By the end of the third century was "Christianity" and the new Platonic philosophical views were inseparable. As Adolf Harnack points out in his book on the history of dogma, the church's teaching "sound rooted in rock collapse [the pagan Greek thinking detection] soil. Thus, it was a mystery to the vast majority of Christians. "
- Outlines of the History of Dogma.
The church claimed that its new doctrine was based on the Bible. But Harnack says: "In fact legitimized the the Hellenic speculation in their midst, the superstitious views and customs of the heathen mysteriedyrkelse."
Professor Andrews Norton said of the Trinity: "We can follow this teaching history backwards in time and discovers that it has originated, not in the Christian revelation, but in the Platonic philosophy. . . Trinity doctrine is a doctrine derived from Christ and his apostles, but a fiction derived from the later Platonists school. "
- A Statement of Reasons.
Can it be expected that Christians believe that God, centuries after Christ's time and after he had inspired the write-down of the Bible, would support the formulation of a doctrine which had been unknown to his servants for thousands of years, a doctrine which is a 'unfathomable mystery' as is' beyond human comprehension, "a doctrine that had a pagan background, and as' largely a matter of church politics'?
"He was God and did not see it as a robbery to be equal with God"
Jesus was created in the image - like the rest of God's sons. What does it say that he did not view it as a "predatory" to be equal with God? He wanted not to make himself equal to God (in opposition to Satan, who wants to be worshiped). Adapt to Jesus to God's control, without brewing after (chasing after a predator chasing prey) to be equal to God. To put it another way: "not thought of a seizure, namely, that he should be equal with God"
"But gave up on his own, took on the servant and becoming like men. When he came forward as a human being"
God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, is a prime example of someone who has a self-sacrificing spirit. In his førmenneskelige life he must have lived a life in the highest degree was stimulating and satisfying. He stood in a close and confidential relationship with his father and many other angels (angel means messenger that Jesus also was). In addition, he can use his skills in challenging and exciting activities as "master works". (Proverbs 8: 30, 31) He was in a situation far beyond anything that even the richest man on earth has been able to enjoy. As it was second only to Jehovah God, he had an exalted and privileged position in the sky.
Yet "exhausted [Jesus] himself and took a slave's form and came to be in human equality." (Philippians 2: 7) He gave willingly renounce all their personal benefits to be human and sacrifice his life as a ransom to redress the damage Satan has caused. (1 Genesis 3: 1-7; Mark 10: 45) This meant he had to live among sinful people in a world which is Satan the Devil's power. (1 John 5: 19) It also meant that he had to endure personal discomfort and fatigue. But Jesus Christ was determined to do his Father's will, whatever it would cost him. (Matthew 26: 39; John 5: 30; 6: 38) His love and loyalty was thus put on the biggest test.
How far he was willing to go? According to the apostle Paul, "he humbled himself and became obedient until death, even death on a torture stake." - Philippians 2: 8
This shows that Jesus is God? No, it shows us how wonderful self-sacrificing and humble Jesus is. He wants the really do not go in opposition to Jehovah. What was the reward for his obedience was the great task that God had put on him?
If we include also verse 9, we get the answer:
"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name, 10 so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and on earth and under the earth,"
Can someone who already is Almighty, be raised? Or this suggests that Jesus had more authority after his return to his beloved father?
These verses teach us a lot of very important thing to take with them. But is not that there is a Trinity. What about a server form?
As in the visible creation, there is a hierarchy in the spirit world, among the angels. The foremost angel, both in power and authority is concerned, Michael, the archangel. And Gabriel always reveal themselves on behalf of God (Da 10: 13, 21, 12: 1, Jude 9, Revelation 12: 7, Luke 1).
A group of angels who have high rank, both privilege and honor is concerned, seraphs. (Isaiah 6: 2, 6) The cherubim are mentioned frequently in the Bible (about 90 times), and on the basis of the description of their duties and responsibilities, it is clear that they also occupy a special position among the angels. (1MO 3: 24; Ese 10: 1-22) Then there is the great multitude of angels (messengers) that God uses to communicate with people. To convey the messages are not the only thing they do.
As representatives of the Most High God has the responsibility to carry out his purpose, whether for protection and deliverance of his people or the destruction of the wicked. - 1MO 19: 1-26.
We also know that God created humans so that they were "slightly lower than the angels" (He 2:7).
Kol. 1: 15, 16: "He [Jesus Christ] is the invisible image of God, the firstborn, which are of the creation [all creation first-born, Danish 1907, NW; all creation's firstborn, EG, the first born of all creation, Study Bible ( Oslo 1981)]. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth. "
In what sense is Jesus Christ "the firstborn of all creation"?
1) Treenighetslærens supporters say that the 'first born' here means all, the highest, most prominent, and that we must understand that Christ is not part of creation, but the most prominent in relation to those that were created. (This is also interpreted in the 1978 left over.) If this is correct and the Trinity is true, we may ask: Why not say that the Father and the Holy Spirit is the firstborn of all creation? The Bible uses this term only Son. The usual meaning of "firstborn" implies that Jesus is the oldest in Yahweh's family of sons.
2) Prior to Colossians 1: 15 occurs the phrase 'first born' several times in the Bible, and when used on living creatures, the meaning usually the same - the firstborn belongs to a group. "Israel's firstborn" is one of the sons of Israel, "the firstborn son of Pharaoh" is a member of Pharaoh's family, "the firstborn of cattle" belonging to even the cattle. What is it that makes someone to ascribe to this phrase a different meaning in Colossians 1: 15? Is that the way this term is used in the Bible, or is it an article of faith that they already have, and they are trying to find evidence?
3) Excludes Colossians 1: 16, 17 that Jesus has been created? It is said there: "In him all things were created. . . All things were created through Him and for Him. "The Greek word here rendered by" everything ", is mortgaged, the inflected forms of pas. In Luke 13: 2 it is rendered "all others" in 1978-overs., EN and LB, while NTM and EG says "all the others." (See also Luke 21: 29, 1978-overs., LB, NTM, and Philippians 2: 21, 1978-overs., LB.) Consistent with everything else that the Bible says about the Son, adds NW panta the same meaning in Colossians 1: 16, 17 Parts of this scripture reads that way: "With him were all things created. . . All other things have been created through him and for him. "Thus it is shown that he is a creature, that he too is created by God.
What a problem for people who want to get to know God, is that his name not be used. During the 100-number or 200-number e.v.t. replaced depreciation founders name of God, Jehovah, with the words Kỵrios (Lord) and Theos (God) in the copies of the Septuagint, a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek.
In other translations, such as the Latin Vulgate, Douay-translation (based on the Vulgate) and the King James Version, and many newer translations (EN, EN, NB, GN, AT, RS, NIV, TEV) has followed a similar practice . It has replaced God's name with the terms "God" and "Lord", sometimes written with capital letters to signify that they are being used instead of the Tetragrammaton, the name of God.
So there you have bitten your marker is absolutely right - translations have fjærnet God's name. Was this what Jesus told the disciples to pray the Our Father?
Now it's not anywhere that says "Lord", it refers to Jehovah as not God everywhere refers to Jehovah. But is it correct to replace God's name with a title?
Is Jehovah or Yahweh in all your translation 6973 times in the Hebrew Scriptures and 237 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures?
Had it been easier to know God, if you used his name?
Look at Romans 10:13,14
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
But how can they call on someone they do not believe in?
How can they believe in they have not heard about?
And how can they hear without someone preaching?
It shows Paul to Joel 2:32 when he writes this.
Do you know which name belongs there?
Do you see the value of knowing the name?
We can examine some of John 1:1. It was, after all, what was the reason why the Jews of Berea were more noble - that they examined the Scriptures carefully. (Acts 17:10,11)
JOHN 1: 1 have this wording in many Bible translations, including the Norwegian of 1978/85: "In the beginning was the Word. Word was with God, and the Word was God. "Treenighetslærens supporters argue that this means that" the Word "(Greek: ho lo'gos), who came to earth as Jesus Christ was Almighty God himself.
But note that the context here is the basis for an accurate understanding. The translation of 1978-1985 says: "the Word was with God." One who is "in" another person, may not be the same as the other person. A magazine that treats biblical literature (Journal of Biblical Literature), which is edited by Jesuit Joseph A. Fitzmyer, said in accordance with this that if the last part of John 1: 1 should be understood to mean "god", the most high God, this would "be contrary to the preceding sentence," which says that the Word was with God.
In John 1: 1 occurs the Greek noun the ‧ os' (god) twice. The first aim is to Almighty God, the Word was with ("and the Word [lo'gos] was with God [a form of the os ‧']»). In front of the first occurrence of the ‧ os' is the word ton, a form of the Greek definite article, which refers to a particular identity, a particular person, in this case Almighty God ("and the Word was with God [God]") .
However, it is no article in front of the ‧ os' the second time the word occurs in John 1: 1 A literal translation would therefore read as follows: "and God was the Word." But we have seen that many translations render this second the ‧ os' (which here is predicative, predikatsord) with the "divine", "the deity delicate" or "a god ". On what basis do they do this?
Greek has a definite article (which in Norwegian is set by, God, the Word), but not an indefinite article (a, a, a). Once the particular article does not stand in front of a noun is predicative (predikatsord), the noun can thus be indefinite, depending on the context shows.
Journal of Biblical Literature says that structures "in which a predicative no article precedes the verb, is primarily a qualitative significance." As this magazine says, it means that lo'gos comparable to a god. It also says the following about John 1: 1: "predicative qualitative content is so prominent that the noun [the ‧ os'] can not be regarded as certain."
John 1: 1 highlight words Word-quality, a quality in him, that he was "divine," "the divine species," "a god" but not Almighty God. This is consistent with the rest of the Bible, which shows that Jesus, which here is called "word" in his role as God's spokesman, was an obedient subordinate sent to earth by his superiors, the Almighty God.
There are many other verses in the Bible where almost all the translators consistently insert the indefinite article in which the Greek text has the same syntax as here. The Norwegian translation of the 1978/85 says, for example, in Mark 6: 49 that when the disciples saw Jesus walking on water, "they thought it was a ghost." In Greek there is no indefinite article ("a") in front of the "ghost". But almost all translations put it in because a literal translation, "there was a ghost," would not fit in context. It relates in a similar way in John 1: 1 As this passage shows that the Word was with God, he could not be "God" but was "a god" or "divine."
Joseph Henry Thayer, a theologian and Greek expert who helped develop the American Standard Version, said simply: "the Logos was divine, not the divine Being himself." And Jesuit John L. McKenzie wrote: "Strictly speaking, should Jn 1: 1 translated. . . 'Word was a divine being'. "- Dictionary of the Bible.
In violation of a rule?
Some argue that such representations are contrary to a rule of Greek grammar, which was maintained by the Greek expert EC Colwell in 1933. He claimed that a noun which stands as predicative in Greek, "has [the specific] article when it follows the verb: it is not [the specific] article when it precedes the verb." By this he meant that a noun which stands as a predicative in front of the verb should be understood as if it had the definite article in front. In John 1: 1 is the second noun (the ‧ os '), predicative, in front of the verb - "and [the ‧ os'] was the Word." Colwell argued therefore that John 1: 1 should read "And God [a] was the Word."
But consider just two examples that we find in John 8: 44 Where does Jesus say about the devil: "He was a murderer," and "he is a liar." Just as in John 1: 1 is predicative (nouns "killer" and "liar") in front of verbs ("have" and "is") in Greek. There is no indefinite article in front of some nouns, because there is no indefinite article in Greek. But most translations insert the word "one", because the Greek grammar and the context so requires. - See also such passages as Mark 11: 32 and John 4: 19, 6: 70, 9: 17, 10: 1, 12: 6
Requires context an indefinite article in John 1: 1? Yes, the Bible shows that Jesus is not Almighty God. There should be guidelines for the translator in such cases is therefore not Colwell uncertain grammatical rule, but the context. And it appears from the many translations that insert the indefinite article "a" in John 1: 1 and elsewhere, that many Greek experts do not agree to such an artificial rule, and that it is not in accordance with God's Word.
No one opposed
Is it to say that Jesus is "a god", in conflict with biblical teaching that there is only one God? No, because sometimes the Bible this term is about mighty creatures. Psalm 8: 6 (NW) reads: "You made him [man] a little less than godlike [Hebrew: elo ‧ heaven ']', ie the angels. When Jesus defended himself against the Jews, who accused him of claiming that he was God, he said: "The word of God came to be. . . of the Act referred to as gods. "Here we are talking about human judges. (John 10: 34, 35, Psalm 82: 1-6) And Satan is referred to as the "god of this world" in 2 Corinthians 4: 4
What does the Bible say about God and Jesus?
If anyone read the Bible from cover to cover without any preconceived opinion about a Trinity, would they even have formed such an opinion? No, they would not.
For an objective reader, it is clear that only God is the Almighty, the Creator, that He is separate and distinct from any other, and that Jesus, in his førmenneskelige existence, are separate and distinct from God, a creature that is subordinate God.
A biblical doctrine is that God is one, is called monotheism. And LL Paine, professor of church history, suggests that monotheism in its purest form does not give room for the doctrine of a trinity: "The Old Testament is strictly monotheistic. God is a personal being. The view that the doctrine of a Trinity was found there. . . is completely without foundation. "
Join the monotheistic perception changed after Jesus came to earth? Paine answers: "At this point there is no break between the Old Testament and New Testament. The monotheistic tradition continues. Jesus was a Jew, and he was trained in the Old Testament writings of Jewish parents. His teaching was thoroughly Jewish, it was certainly a new gospel, but not a new theology. . . . And he accepted and believed himself to Jewish monotheism important scripture: 'Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God is one Lord. '"
These words appear in the 5th Deuteronomy 6: 4 The Catholic translation The New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) renders this passage thus: "Hear, O Israel: Yahweh our God is one, the only Yahweh." In this verse grammatical structure, there is nothing to suggest that the word "one" means something more than one person.
The Christian apostle Paul suggested nor that there had been a change in the nature of God, even after Jesus had come to earth. He wrote: "God is one." - Galatians 3: 20; see also 1 Corinthians 8: 4-6.
Throughout the Bible is God thousands of times spoken of as one person. When he speaks, it's like an entirely individual character. The Bible could not be clearer on this point. As God puts it: "I am Jehovah. It is my name and I give no other my honor. "(Isaiah 42: 8, NW)" I am the Lord [Jehovah, NW] your God. . . You shall have no other gods before me. "(Emphasis by us) - 2 Genesis 20: 2, 3
Why should all the biblical writers under the inspiration mention God as a person if he was actually three persons? What purpose would it serve, except to mislead people? If God consisted of three persons, he would naturally have been his Bible writers make it clear so that there could be no doubt about it. At least they would have to write down the Christian Greek Scriptures, and who was personally in touch with God's own Son, having done so. But they did not.
The Bible writers have made clear, is rather that God is one person - a unique, undivided Being, who do not have someone who is his equal: "I am the Lord [Jehovah, NW], there is no other, besides me there no God. "(Isaiah 45: 5)" You alone, you whose name is the Lord [Jehovah, NW], is the most high over all the earth. "- Psalm 83: 19
Jesus called God "the only true God." (John 17: 3) He never spoke of God as a deity, consisting of several persons. That is why none other than Jehovah called Almighty in the Bible. If others had been called, it would have been contrary to the meaning of the word "almighty." Neither Jesus nor the Holy Spirit is ever called it, for it is Jehovah alone is the Supreme. In 1 Genesis 17: 1 declares: "I am God Almighty." And 2 Genesis 18: 11 says: "The Lord [Jehovah, NW] is greater than all gods."
In the Hebrew Scriptures, the word eloh'ah (God) two plural forms, namely elo ‧ heaven 'and elo ‧ heh'. These plural forms usually refer to Jehovah, and they are then translated singular word "God". Showing these plurals that God is a Trinity? No, they do not. William Smith says: "The imaginative perception that [elo ‧ heaven '] refers to a trinity of persons in the Godhead, is now hardly support among philologists. Whether it's the grammarians call the majesty of majority, or it denotes the fullness of the divine is strengthened, the sum of the powers which God displays. "- A Dictionary of the Bible.
A scientific journal that discusses the Semitic languages, says the elo ‧ heaven ': "The word [is] almost without exception. . . together with a verbal singular and takes adjektivisk attribute in the singular. "(The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature) title elo ‧ heaven 'occurs, for example, 35 times in Genesis, and every time it is the verb describing what God said and did , in the singular. (1 Genesis 1: 1 to 2: 4) The journal therefore draw the following conclusion: "Elo ‧ heaven 'should rather be explained as a reinforcing plural, signifying the greatness and majesty."
Elo ‧ heaven 'does not mean "people", but "gods." Those who claim that this word denotes a Trinity, making therefore the polytheists, worshipers of more than one God. How can we say? Because it would mean that there were three gods in the Trinity. But almost everyone who supports the Trinity, rejects the view that the Trinity consists of three separate gods.
The Bible also uses the words elo ‧ heaven 'and elo ‧ heh' when it reviews a number of false gods. (2 Genesis 12: 12: 20: 23) But other times it refers to a single false god, for example, when the Philistines spoke of "Dagon, the god [elo ‧ heh '] her." (Judges 16: 23, 24) Baal is called "god" (elo ‧ heaven '). (1 Kings 18: 27) The word is also used on humans. (Psalm 82: 1, 6) Moses was told he would serve as "God" (elo ‧ heaven ') for Aaron and Pharaoh. - 2 Deuteronomy 4: 16; 7: 1
When the titles elo ‧ heaven 'and elo ‧ heh' is used of false gods and even about people, it is obvious that it does not mean that the individual had multiple gods. The fact that the word elo ‧ heaven 'or elo ‧ heh' is used of Jehovah, does not that he is more than one person, especially when we take into account the testimony of the Bible also comes with.
Jesus, a special creature
When Jesus was on earth, he was a man, though he was perfect, because God had transferred Jesus' life force to the womb of Mary. (Matthew 1: 18-25) This was not of his beginnings. He said that he had "come down from heaven." (John 3: 13) It was therefore only natural that he later told his followers: "What about when you see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before?" - John 6: 62
Jesus had thus an existence in heaven before he came to earth. But it was one of the persons in an almighty, eternal, triune God? No, the Bible clearly shows that Jesus in his førmenneskelige existence was a created spirit being, just as angels were spirit beings who were created by God. Neither angels or Jesus had existed before they were created.
In his førmenneskelige life was Jesus' all creation's firstborn. " (Colossians 1: 15, Erik Gunnes' translation [EG], see also NJB) He was "God's creature's beginning." (Revelation 3: 14, Sounds Bruns translation [LB]) The word "beginning" (Greek: ar ‧ KHE ') can not be rightly interpreted to mean that Jesus was the one who' started 'God's creatures. Some translations render the word ar ‧ KHE 'with' origins', but in their books of the Bible John uses various forms of this Greek word over 20 times and they always have the common sense of "beginning."
Yes, Jesus was created by God as God's invisible creature's beginning, the first of God's invisible creatures.
Notice how well these statements about Jesus' origins respond to the statements the symbolic "wisdom" in the Bible book of Proverbs comes with: "The Lord [Jehovah, NW] made me as his first work, before his other works, in ancient times. Before the mountains were lowered, before the hills was, I was born, before he had created the earth and land and soil rich first muldklump. "(Proverbs 8: 12, 22, 25, 26, elderly Norwegian translation [A]) Although the word "wisdom" is used to personalize it as God created, most biblical scholars agree that there really is a metaphorical expression is used of Jesus as a spirit creature in his førmenneskelige existence.
As the "wisdom" in his førmenneskelige life Jesus says further that he was "the works manager with [God]." (Proverbs 8: 30, A) In harmony with this role as a works manager says Colossians 1: 16 on Jesus that "all things were created by him."
It was thus with the help of his "works manager" Almighty God created all things. The Bible sums it all up this way: "For us there is only one God, the Father. By him are all things. . . And for us it is only one Lord, Jesus Christ. Through him all things. "- 1 Corinthians 8: 6
It was without doubt the work of the master God said "Let us make man in our image." (1 Genesis 1: 26) Some have argued that the words "us" and "our" in this statement suggests that there is talk of a trinity. But if you said: 'Let us create something for ourselves', no one would normally interpret this as if you meant that you were a composite of several people. You said simply that two or more people would work together on something. So it was when God used the words "us" and "our". He spoke simply of another person, his first spiritual creature, plant master Jesus in his førmenneskelige existence.
The Bible is to seek truth as a process of constantly learning new things. This means of course that one must also correct itself as that you possibly see that you have the wrong perception here or there - when one is driven by knowledge and not blind faith.
For if there is one thing the Bible really encourages us to do, then it's just that - study and research to learn the precise knowledge.
My perception is that those who believe in the Trinity is not completely safe transactions even on this myself - when no one really answer the same when you talk with them.
Outside a church here in Oslo says something like "I do not understand you - but I think (eler chairs - hukser not) on you." It seemed I put into words the incredible lack of response found in Christianity today.