Nr. 67:
The basic text says in the Greek and Hebrew spelling: holy spirit, note the spelling, lower case and without the personal pronoun in front.
It is a Catholic addition to that it would vote with the Emperor Constantine's trinity doctrine that he got through when the church was an institution and not a living church and the church of God.
The church should be truth and support the foundation. Constantine was an idolater all his life and used the church as a vehicle to retain its political power and to keep the Empire together. (The Roman Catholic Church was at first more uniform, first in the year 1054 it was divided between east and west.) Pope was the emperor when the Roman Empire went under, but the papacy grew strong and had power over Eastern Europe until 1054, ie Papacy survived the Roman Empire as a power factor. Yes, in fact up to the present time, the Catholic church considered the largest and most influential Christian community.
From early on it began a few ultra-special Christians to claim the Trinity doctrine, but they were a very few souls. When the first Christians were mostly Jews who did not believe in a trinity, and they won for the gospel was the same faith and doctrine. 1. and 2 generation of Christians had the same faith and teachings, even if the 2nd generation Christians were largely Gentile. It was in the 3rd and 4 generation of Christians that this delusion mind asserted itself. That Paul had also predicted would happen that apostasy would come, and new and unbiblical teaching would gain a large following his death, including Trinity, church hierarchy, eternal fiery hell, purgatory, prayer for the dead and saint worship etc.
When it comes to female elders and pastors, it has actually been unknown up to the present time, but now are also Christians who may be gay and lespisk reached. You have to back to the ancient pagan and Babylonian religions to find female priests, gay and lespisk who were involved in idolatry and the Trinity originates from the ancient pagan religions. This is apostasy ripe for Judgement, when all the apostate churches and congregations to go into the great whore described in Revelation 17-18.
The Holy Spirit is not a person, it is found out by allowing God's words speak for themselves. Not more difficult than that.
1) The Holy Spirit is not mentioned in scripture with their own name when he is God's power!
2) The Holy Spirit is not self-will, as he takes from Christ and giving to us!
3) The Holy Spirit is "Jesus." When the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus Christ!
4) The Holy Spirit is part of God the Father, God the Father is Spirit!
5) God will you worship, but never the Holy Spirit when he is neither God nor a person.
6) The Holy Spirit has always been with God the Father because he is Spirit.
7) After the resurrection Jesus was the Spirit of the Father to give it to us.
8) We will never meet the Spirit in the sky as a separate person, but be filled with the Spirit where we need it here. (Then we'll all be Pentecostals in the heart).
9) Protestants can not explain about the Holy Spirit, therefore, one must only believe even if one can not explain and understand.
10) Catholics are slightly better, they can neither explain this, but they call it a mystery that they can not understand but must accept.
11) We can experience the Spirit, he is part of God and God is Spirit and it is through our Spirit and His Spirit, we humans can and must communicate and have fellowship.
12) Many have target vessel ran rejected the Trinity, but it has not been noticed.
This was a short twelve points which I will briefly explain a little about and around.
1) A person without a name, I will not believe is a separate person, but the Trinity asserts the opposite, just like Jesus, only the teachers do it.
2) We read through all of Scripture that the Holy Spirit acts as a servant when he never has its own will and agenda, but does it all as Christ and God the Father wants. God's Spirit is omnipresent and seems that he has come to, but forcing himself never on and forward. Ergo, the Spirit is God's power, wisdom and the way he, the Spirit of God, communicates itself to us.
Joh. 4:13 p.m., but when he, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself, but what he hears, he will speak, and the things to come he will tell you. 14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and preach unto you. 15 All that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I that he shall take of mine and declare unto you.
Everyone has a spirit, but we humans can not send our spirits away, but it can Jesus and the Father as they are unlimited in time, space and place. Spirit's own will is not its own, it's Jesus and the Father's will. God's holy spirit is like a servant who is sent in God and Jesus' ministry. Why should not the Holy Spirit is worshiped, but the Father and the Son. We should not ask or command of the Holy Ghost but only in Jesus' name.
We receive the Spirit when we are obedient, Spirit pulls away when we are disobedient. It's like when we follow traffic rules, it goes well for us when we obey traffic rules and poor when we do not follow them.
We believe that the Spirit has a will and his own agenda when we read in 1 Cor. 12 on gifts. But we must understand it so that the Spirit knows the secret of human beings and, therefore, he shares out the gifts that fit best for us, not those we think we necessarily need and even want to have. We can not build a doctrine on one scripture, but on what scripture says overall about one thing, otherwise we come into the same errors as the Trinity and Jesus Only doctrine is built on!
3) We read in the commission of the Norwegian Bible is mistranslated concerning baptism, following. Matt. 28. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in as the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. But we read that the early Christians baptized people always to Jesus Christ. Spirit is linked to Christ in the New Covenant as he in the old covenant was linked to God the Father. We must also remember that the Spirit is in all the Bible stated that God's Spirit and the new covenant, it emerges that he is Jesus Christ's Spirit. The basic text is the following: Matt. 28. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in as to the character of God. It is the same as Paul says in Colossians. 2. 9 For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Who are all linked up to? Jesus, therefore baptized the first Christians that Jesus taught and said.
Here are the passages that show in the name of the first Christians baptized:
Ap.gj.2.38. Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, every one of you, that ye may receive forgiveness of sins, and ye shall receive the Holy Ghost.
Ap.gj.10. 48.Så he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to stay with them a few days.
Ap.gj.19.5. After hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord.
4) God is Spirit and God gives us of his Spirit. Ergo, the Spirit is part of the Father himself!
Taking a bucket of sea, so it is just as much left in the ocean, the ocean contains far beyond what we can understand with our intellect, likewise it is with God and his spirit, it is infinite. Pure Mathematics is the world's oceans a limitation, but God has no limit.
5) We read through all of Scripture that one should worship God the Father and of the new covenant we find that Jesus also worshiped after the resurrection when he has a name that is above every name because redemption work. It is a fact that the worship of the Holy Spirit was first introduced soon after the council of Sardica, 343 AD Otherwise discussed Catholics who they would take up in the Trinity if they were to take Mary and the Holy Spirit. The problem was that they could not accept a woman in the Trinity, so the choice fell upon the Holy Spirit. Then the Holy Spirit from being God's Holy Spirit to be a person of the Godhead. Mary was later taken up by the deity in the 1950's. For Catholics, there are 4 persons in the Godhead when Mary also born without sin and have eternal life in him just like Jesus. There is an errant teaching that we should not go more into here right now.
In addition, Pelle Karlsson was the one who introduced the worship of the Holy Spirit and prayer to the spirit when he visited Hedmarktoppen in the 70s among Pentecostals. Charismatics have then hung up. Before that it was unknown territory to pray or worship the Holy Spirit among Protestants. It was seen as Catholic delusion, but now they are united on this because they believe in the same unbiblical doctrine of the Trinity as a leader in the occult and into demonic activity!
6) God is Spirit, and on that basis it is fair to say that the Spirit has always been with the Father as a part of himself.
Joh. e. 4 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
For it is plainly written in John 4 <24 that "God is Spirit" and just as that: "Lord, it is the Spirit and where the Spirit is, there is freedom" cf. 2 Corinthians 3:17,
This means that the Spirit is associated with God as part of the Eternal One's overall personality next to the person of God who bears the name the Father and the Son.
Similarly, one can say that God is Love, God is Consciousness, God is peace, God's Wisdom and God is Truth.
God "Is" ie their qualities and character .. and "have" not just as his creatures.
7) Labor. Acts. 2. After the 33 he is now exalted at the right hand of God and of His Father has given the Holy Spirit of promise, as he shed it like I see and hear.
After Jesus had risen, he was put back into the position he had before he became a man, if not even more glorious!
8) In heaven we will never meet the Spirit, but God will be all in all. In what way? By that we are more filled with the Spirit than ever, be you sure, Hallelujah!
1. Cor. 15. 28 but when everything subject to him, then shall the Son even submit himself to him who put everything under him, that God may be all in all.
We read that the Spirit came upon Jesus in the form of a dove, and on the day of Pentecost as tongues of fire over the disciples. Ergo said the Trinity teaches that the Spirit is a person. This is not a person to do, but a sign to outsiders that God is at work on a supernatural way and sanction it with a character that was there and then. For example those who feel the Spirit baptism experience no tongues of fire that often, but it was the one time to make it known that it was the Spirit come to all. And when the Spirit came upon Jesus, was the first and last time that the Son of God came down to this earth to live a faultless life in our place when he met the statutory requirements and bids for our sins and died a death in our place.
1. Cor. 14. 22 So then tongues are a sign not for believers but for unbelievers; the prophetic voice is not for unbelievers but for believers.
Joh. e. 12 28 Father, glorify your name! Then came a voice from heaven: Both, I have glorified it and will glorify it again. 29 people who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered: others said it was an angel spoke to him. 30 Jesus answered and said: Not for me came this voice, but for your sake.
We see that God reveals himself sometimes as a character and to do to know that now is something quite extraordinary.
9) Protestants are generally more extreme than Catholics when it comes to learning issues. Their views on the Trinity is romantic and the occult!
10) Catholics who introduced the doctrine of the Trinity has also held onto some of the original vision of the Godhead when they learn that the Holy Spirit is the bond of love between the Father and the Son, but they can not explain this with the Trinity, therefore, they do so to a mystery that they do with most of what they can not explain the Eucharist, etc.
11) We humans are different from animals, plants, etc. when we are spiritual beings and that God has a spirit that God has so we can communicate, share community and fellowship in a completely different plan than what God may be with all of His creatures.
2. Cor. 13. 12. "The Lord Jesus Christ, grace, love of God and the Holy Spirit, be with you all."
Psalm 8 6 And you made him a little lower than God, and honor and glory kronte to him. 7 You made him ruler over your hands, everything is put under his feet, 8 sheep and oxen, all together, yes, even the wild animals, 9 birds and marine fishes, all that travel on the ocean paths. 10 O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful your name is above all the earth!
Filip. 2. Is it any consolation in Christ, there is some love husvalelse, it is something spiritual community, there are some compassion and mercy,
12) There are many over the centuries who have rejected the Trinity, but with the totalitarianism of which in many ways Christianity is, it's not always easy to stand for truth and are easily seen as abnormal.
Isaac Newton was one of them and was aware that God is the source of all truth, and in accordance with the profound awe he had for his creator, it seems that he spent more time searching the true God than to explore scientific truths. A survey of all that Newton wrote, shows that of about 3.6 million words were only 1 million spent on scientific topics, while about 1.4 million was spent on religious topics.
In his writings, Newton occupied much of the Trinity doctrine. One of his most important contributions to biblical investigation at the time was his work of AN. Historical Account
The smaller part of this thesis was consecrated 1 Tim 3: 16 that reads (according to the King James Version): And indisputably great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed in the world, interested in glory.
Newton showed how it was made a little change in the Greek text. The word God was inserted and the sentence would read: God was manifest in the flesh. He pointed out that they had no knowledge of such a change. Because the text is that Christ revealed in the flesh, who is Christ, the Anointed Messiah.
Why public did not Newton this while he was alive. The time may explain this. Those who wrote against the Trinity was still persecuted in England. Those who did so could be punished by losing their work or imprisonment. A publication that attacked the Trinity was seized and burned by order of the house. An 18-year-old student who was accused of denying the Trinity was hanged in Scotland. This happened in the 1600s.
When Newton studied a doctrine, he is always the Bible be the touchstone. Newton made this clear when he discussed the church's confessions: It does not require us to accept them because of church meetings authority. Although the councils have failed and may fail in matters of faith and what they have adopted as necessary to achieve salvation is without power or authority if it can be proven that it is taken from the Bible.
As another argument to throw Trinity said Newton: the doctrine that the Son is consubstantial with the Father is incomprehensible. It was not understood at the Council of Nicaea, and it has not been understood since.
Newton therefore found him on the basis of biblical evidence, logic and the authentic teachings that were preached in the early Christian period, he could not accept the Trinity. He believed firmly in Jehovah God as the supreme overlord and recognized Jesus Christ position of either compromising him as God's son or to elevate him to the position of his father meant.
It is clear what conclusion Newton is going to and it is shown always clear from his writings how he looked at the relationship between the Father and the Son. Another place he says, therefore, that prayers should be directed to God in the Lamb's name, but not to the Lamb of God's name.
Leo Tolstoy was so frustrated treenighetsdogmets lack of rationality, he rejected it. That should any other thinking people also do, neither the words Trinity, triad, or anything that indicates that God is three or three or three to a stand in the font, but that God is one. Who is the only true God, which they learned and improved knowledge about the dispute. But it's not as difficult as the Word of God provides a unified and very simple answer to this, especially in the New Testament. There is only one God, Father, no one, not even his son is that the Father when Jesus has a beginning which is not God the Father has. Without the Father had been nothing, not even the Son Jesus Christ, therefore Jesus says it again and again that the Father is greater than me, and not the opposite!
This is just a short little snippets that show that the whole doctrine of the Trinity and Jesus only doctrine is a worm works and that has its origins not in the word of God but in pagan religions and church meetings and by what it has become a common Christian faith, I think of the Trinity . But the truth is that training doctrine is that Jesus only doctrine, doctrine of demons that come from Satan himself who wanted to be God Father. Discard the Trinity and all the other teachers that do not correspond to the Scriptures, it is my recommendation and wishes to you dear friend. Act now before it's too late and always up for those who stand before the Lord and learn the truth of God's word.
Newton believed that I believe God is everywhere - he represents the space and the time we exist in.
I think it's a bit silly when some claim that the Holy Spirit is a mystery, and often it is a mystery, but one must still be allowed to debate and examine what Scripture says and former ministers claimed and what the early Christians practiced and preached ang . this mystery. Why tolerate the not to hear others' research and why they can not themselves also examine carefully about this and other mysteries in the Bible but just dismiss that? When they do not know themselves, then they should either close his mouth shut and let others know something more be allowed to communicate God's truth! Otherwise, this whole God really not that hard, we had not had a 1700-year obfuscation and distortion of the truth when it comes to such an important and simple question that goes to God and the Godhead!
The early Christians debated hotly and thoroughly regarding Christian issues and teachings of the Bible and why should not we do it today, perhaps it is even more important today when the writing has been so tampered with and many Bible verses have been so mistranslated that one can hardly understand what exactly is the meaning of the word. It's scary and it is very important to be aware of this.
I have in my time in the Pentecostal movement, for example. never heard preaching why the early Christians baptized in the name of Jesus and why we should not follow this, and regarding the Trinity is never taken up scriptures that speak against this doctrine, just, etc. etc.
5. Genesis 6 4 Hear, O Israel! Lord our God, the Lord is one.
The correct translation is: Hear O Israel, Jehovah is their God and he is a unit.
Who is this unit? Father and Son, and they have a common spirit that because the text is not printed with the personal pronoun in front, but the following holy spirit!
With great consternation, one must see the hazy mystery people have done to God. Trinity doctrine does not come directly from the Bible. Although Luther had to admit it. How came this doctrine come from? There is certainly no secret. In the book "Who's Who in Church history" we read that the church in Alexandria, Egypt, and through the alexandrinske church fathers were a mix of Hellenistic philosophy and Christianity as they took in both Plato and Aristotle teaching. Both lived in pre-Christian times.
The story of this is well documented. Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullian is considered treenighetslærens father and the first, of God, used the Latin word, Trinite. He lived from year 160 to 230 But he also believed that Jesus was the Father and that there was a time when the universe was created alone, and since then created a son. This Trinity's father would today be considered a false teacher of Trinity teachers. None of the apostles knew of the Trinity. It was thus more than a century after they were gone. Trinity was contradicted by four successive bishops of Rome, and the strange is that all these belong to the Catholic Church calls "the papal succession." It is Eleutherus, Victor, Zephyrinus and Calixtus. Tertullian himself said that most believers in his time were shocked by his speech about three in one. Cf. "AntiNicene Church Fathers" 3.bind: "The winds that constantly against us that we preach two or three gods, while they consider themselves to be those who worship one God." This was 150 years after Paul, and still believed the majority of the believers in the Jewish understanding of God, and thus rejected the Trinity and attacks Tertullian.
And it is because these teachings are not from God's Word, but from Greek philosophy and mysticism. It is because of his own defenders called a mystery you can not understand. Through four Church Councils, Nicaea in 325, Constantinople in 381, Ephesus in 431 and Chalcedon in 451 men of the church tried to find out who Jesus really is. And from these came the trinitarianske creed that is handed to us. The entire profession is a theological, pagan, philosophical and grammatical stew. But this was associated with a curse, a Anatema clause: "Whosoever will be saved must think thus about the Trinity." Immediately thereafter, the executions of those who did not think so. Something that the Catholic church and other institutional indices of churches and congregations have always done. Today there are no executions, but a strict embargo and censorship line against those who are clear that God is not three but one. And this one God has a son who is a Spirit, referred to in scripture as a Spirit who is holy. Therefore it says about the Holy Spirit following the basic text and holy spirit. Why not stick to the script and let all the fables, Synod doctrines and everything else go away and let go? It is just wonderful and delightful if you ask me!
After studying this, I bl. a discovery of many Adventists think straight about this in the beginning of the Advent movement.
Here is something from net: One of many quotes from a famous adventistpioner may be one explanation for why many of today's Adventist ministers now accept the Trinity dogma:
"Trinity-advocates big mistake when they argue that the theme is: They do not see any of the scales on it to deny the Trinity and denying the divinity of Christ ... and they take every expression that refers to Christ preeksistens as a confirmation of the Trinity. Scripture gives a lot of documentation on preeksistens Christ and his divinity, but is completely silent regarding the Trinity. "
JH Waggoner, Review and Herald, November 10, 1863. During prayer to God and enlightened by His Spirit, was the first Adventist led to rediscover a number of important biblical truths of God's people had to accept in order to preserve the end-time violent religious deception and apostasy. These messages may be served on the Reformation back to the Scriptures could be completed. This is the message that is equally relevant to both Christianity for the unchurched. The same depth Bible studies, heartfelt prayers and love to God's revelation, which led the pion viewers to discover the Biblical truths of the Reformation had overlooked, led them to reject the Trinitarian dogma, which they did not find any biblical evidence. None of the present adventistteologer know some of these pioneering did not know, it is rather the opposite. Adventistpioneren e.g. White puts it neatly and easily in one of his many statements about the relationship of Christ to his Father. "The man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty." (Ms. 150, SDA Bible Commentary Vol 5, p. 1129. (Translation: "Man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty.")
Pioneers accepted problematic scriptural teaching that Jesus, the Son of God, both were and are just as divine as the Father, that he was the Son of God from eternity and that he should be worshiped. They saw him as a savior from sin, that he was equal with the Father, and therefore can carry the title God, as the name of the Father is in him, and that he is exalted and given all authority in heaven and on earth, and that he is this creator of the world, without even being created.
They considered not of God and the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit, which is only an impersonal and neutral force. While they were thus sparkling clear that the trinity dogma represented the unbiblical teachings and was an artificial philosophical explanation that contradicted a number of biblical statements. Present verdict from some of the Adventist leader layer in Norway, however, is the pioneer founders were wrong in terms of its rejection of the Trinitarian dogma. This criticism affects adventistpionerer known as James White, Joseph Bates, John N. Andrews, JN Loughborough, Uriah Smith, J.H. Waggoner, S.N. Haskell. Roswell F. Cottrell, John G. Matteson, Alonzo T. Jones, of broken and J. Waggoner, WW Prescott, James E. White, William C. White, MC Wilcox and several other of the Advent movement's early leaders and pastors.
The book "The Tidehverv", published in the second edition of the Adventist Church in Norway as late as 1960, written by Adventist TS Valentine, includes a solid review of the Adventist Church's former teaching. The book shows natural NOK a clear faith in Christ preeksistens and deity, but of course, gives no indication that the author believed in or were forced to believe in the trinity dogma. This doctrine was in fact not part of our society's belief system at the time. We do not ignore the fact that Pastor TSValens position also applies to a number of Norwegian Adventist who proclaimed after World War II. Due to the mentioned learning change would probably not one of them was allowed to stand on a adventisttalerstol today.
The following well-published statement from adventistprofessor George Knight may be an example of these consequences of this theological turnaround. Pastor Knight teaches at Adventist theology seminar at Andrews University. The quotation is taken from the magazine "Ministry", which is the official journal of the Adventist Adventist. This claim is not only an individual random interpretation of the theology of change effect, but reflects an attitude and action decisions that are now filtered down to all management levels in the Adventist Church.
Professor George Knights observation: "Most of the seventh-day Adventism's founders would not have been able to become members of our church today, if they had to accept our church community's fundamental beliefs. In particular, the majority could not agree on religious point No. 2, which deals with the Trinity dogma ". Ministry, October 1993, page. 10.
We note that some Norwegian adventistledere is far more authoritarian approach to the topic, in that they forbid people to be baptized, to be members and be able to stand in our pulpits if they do not accept this new belief change, even if people accept and live by all the biblical truths Adventist otherwise stand for.
In order to push this new doctrine into the Adventist faith, some managed to find a couple of statements from the pioneer Ellen G. White, who with strong motivation and liberal orientation, can be interpreted to approach one of treenighetsdogmets reflections. These quotes have been with us all the time without being considered to open the door to this doctrine, and do it then either. You have to actually "run downhill" through both the Bible and EG White's writings, to avoid information that makes the Trinity dogma unacceptable to Adventists.
Alpha and Omega apostasy.
In 1904, writes e.g. White that is revealed from God to her that before Jesus comes again, will take place an eerie apostasy among Adventists. What she calls the "deadly false doctrine" (eng: "deadly heresies"), would be introduced and accepted. She saw that people would stand in our pulpits (read: allowed and approved to stand there, since no release of the Adventist pulpits before their doctrine is approved by management), with Satan's false preaching torch in his hand, and that books would be written among us, as advocated unbiblical teachings. She called this end-time apostasy for "Omega apostasy", and pointed out that in the case and the content was linked to a theological apostasy which took place on her own time, called "Alpha-defection", and that had to do with a false learn about the deity published in the book "The Living Temple" written by Adventists, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg.
Get Adventists have obviously studied the problem of Dr. Kellogg's divine teachings, and therefore has not seen his pantheistic ideas are anchored in his published confession that he had begun to believe in the trinity dogma. The deity theology Dr. Kellogg advocated, was naturally NOK violently opposed by EG White, and she got from God to know that a similar mistake would be repeated in the future all of these, "Omega-drop" and that it would do enormous damage to our church community. She writes that she trembled in despair when it was shown her. We're a few hundred Adventists in our country, and probably many tens of thousands worldwide who feel the same way, since we unfortunately have to realize that this is expected and prophesied apostasy no longer belongs to the future.
In order to provide historical background to the topic, we choose to include in this article some quotes from Ellen White said. New light can never compromise with the former God-given biblical truths. Trinitarian dogma does just that.
Some statements from the pioneer e.g. White.
"Satan is working with men in senior positions to eliminate the foundation of our faith. Brothers! If we allow this to happen? "Manuscript 125, 1903, the Review and Herald, vol 4, p 578
"Let the pioneers identify the truth. When the power of God witness what is truth, then this truth forever remain as a truth. No later assumptions, as opposed to the light God has given, must be accepted. Some will come forward with interpretations of Scripture that they consider to be the truth, but that is not, "(Preach the Word, p. 5, written in 1905, also reproduced in two Counsel Writers and Editors, p.31-32 .)
"The main points of our faith that we currently hold on, was built on rocky ground. Point after point was clearly identified and all the brothers agreed. Our members were united in the truth. There were some who came with strange doctrines, but we were never afraid to meet and oppose them. Our experience was a wonderful way confirmed by the revelation of God's Spirit. "(EGW Manuscript Releases vol. 3, p. 413 - written in 1903.)
"As a nation we must stand firm on the platform of eternal truth which has withstood all tests and examinations. We must hold fast to the sure pillars of our faith. Truth principles that God has revealed to us is our only solid foundation. These truths have made us the people we are and the elapsed time has not reduced the message value. "(EGW Special Testimonies, Series B, no. 2 p. 51, written in 1904, also reproduced in two Counsel Writers and Editors, p. 52)
"Not a single line of truth that has made the seventh-day Adventists to what they are, must be weakened. We have received the truth landmarks, experience and responsibilities and we must stand firm in protecting our principles ... "(EG White, Testimonies for the Church, volume 6, p. 17, written in 1911.)
"God has given me light about our magazines ... He has said that the dead will speak. How can that be? In their efforts to follow them. We must repeat the pion's words in our work, those who knew what it cost to search for hidden truths and to work to lay the foundation for our faith. They moved forward step by step under the guidance of God's Spirit. One by one, these pioneer founders laid to rest. The message was given to me: Leave these men have written be reproduced ... Let the truths that are our foundation to be kept alive for our people. "
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tirsdag 27. september 2011
søndag 25. september 2011
Nr. 66: Are Israel and the Jews a chosen people still?
Nr. 66:
Are Israel and the Jews a chosen people still?
How long is God's promise of fixed and to Israel? Scripture answers:
Jeremiah 31 35 Thus says the Lord,
who gives the sun for light by day
and arranged so
the moon and the stars for light by night,
who stirs up the sea as the waves roar,
- The Lord of hosts is his name:
36 Do I allow these schemes to give way,
declares the Lord,
is also the house of Israel forever
cease to be my people.
37 Thus says the Lord:
If heaven above can be measured
and the foundations down there to explore,
I will also reject
the whole house of Israel
because of everything they have done, saith the Lord.
God's word will never depart from Israel, before the heavens and earth pass away. Then God's promise to Israel no longer be around, because that is all fulfilled in Christ to the fullest.
We read in Rom. 9-11 that we Gentiles were part of salvation, but when the fulness of the Gentiles has come in, the Lord will again have compassion on Israel.
Israel was God's people in Old Testament times. But far from everyone would agree that Israel is God's people in New Testament times. Most will NOK say that the Jews of today is to understand on an equal footing with other nations and the State of Israel on an equal footing with other states. Israel's unique position is wiped away completely.
The general understanding of the Jews as a people, is NOK colored by the Middle East conflict. Influential circles both here with us in the Western world, is highly critical of Israel. Many have been left with a negative attitude - not just the state of Israel - but also to the Jews as a people. How negative this attitude is, we had demonstrated in Jostein Gaarder's article in Aftenposten in August 2006. It states:
"We do not believe in the notion of God's chosen people. .. To act as God's chosen people is not only stupid and arrogant, but a crime against humanity. We call it racism. "
To claim that Jews are God's chosen people, is therefore a crime against humanity, yes, it is downright racism. Unfortunately, subsequent poll that this understanding of Israel had great support of the Norwegian people.
2. But not just secular people ask themselves negatively to the Jews, the Christians are strongly influenced by the spirit. Clearly feeling the Christians it is imperative to be politically correct. Few are willing to stand on biblical standpoint - in this case as in so many other issues. Whoever Israel in defense with reference to the Bible, is put in the doghouse, and there is of course no one wants to stand.
It is not NOK that people's general attitude towards the Jews is marked by anti-Semitism. Worse is that the Christian church has beliefs that are in the same direction. I am thinking especially of the so-called replacement theology, which says that the church has replaced the Jewish people. The promises and the calling as Israel did in the old covenant times, is now transferred to the church. The church is the new God's people.
As a practical consequence of this view, the church has persecuted Jews over the centuries. There is a large and ugly chapter in church history. In our time is the church's anti-Jewish attitude especially apparent in the Middle East conflict. I think when the succession of bishops and church leaders who in turn has visited Israel - not to express his sympathy with the Jews, but Jews' enemies. Last couple out in this respect was Baasland and Byfuglien that branded Israel as an apartheid state. Nothing less.
In parallel with replacement theology, we also have a different theological phenomenon called the historical-critical methods of research. This is a collective term for a wide variety of research techniques, collectively have the consequence that the Old Testament is desavuert. It is less appreciated in light of the New Testament. The promises given to Israel in the Old Testament, can no longer be understood according to their historical content. In light of the New Testament are the words of images, signs and symbols of something else. They must be understood according to its spiritual significance, it is said, whatever it may be.
In sum, this means that Israel as a historical phenomenon isolated to the Old Testament. The people and the country has no function in God's revelation in the history of New Testament times. Israel is in a salvation historical side track, said the theologians.
The salient point in today's theology is the understanding of the Old Testament. For us this is important. For it is here - in the Old Testament - that we find the promises to Israel. If we crossed the Old Testament, we have set the bar of the promises to Israel.
But no one needs to be in doubt. The Bible must of course be read and understood by its wording. This applies to both the Old and New Testaments. The entire Bible is God's word. And then the testimony is clear: Israel is the people of God from everlasting to everlasting. Israel's unique position as God's people will never be shaken. Even in eternity, in the new heaven and new earth will keep Israel's special position.
3. Israel described in the Bible as God's servant. As Christians we are all servants of God, but Israel is the only one to have this designation as a people. Israel is in a unique way God's tool, and will remain there through the whole history of salvation.
We should notice that there is an inseparable bond between Jesus Christ and His people. They are in a way linked in a common destiny in which both parties' actions are interdependent. They have parallel tasks in God's plan of salvation - not the same tasks - but tasks that require one another for the purpose of God for salvation to be realized.
It is a common feature that is striking. In the same way that Jesus was both guilty and innocent at the same time, so is Israel the same. Jesus was guilty because he carried all men's sake, and for that he was forsaken by God and always down to the grave, that is hell. He was lost in your and my place. But while he was the Lamb of God who knew no sin. Therefore, he was raised from the grave to every man's justification.
The same duality is repeated with Israel - even it is both guilty and innocent. Israel was guilty of crucifying their Messiah. It was the Jews' disbelief as outwardly brought Jesus on the cross. However, this was an act that the Bible predicts. As early as 1000 years before this happens, writes David in Psalm 22 about a suffering savior who is crucified by his people. It was a mission that the Lord's counsel had put on it, and that the people had no chance to evade. In that sense, the Jews were innocent.
In the following we shall consider these factors in turn:
- First, the selection and the promises of the Old Testament, and then how Paul sees these according to the Romans.
- So we will focus on the Passion story in which to understand the extent of the Jewish people's participation.
- Finally, we will look at the importance of hardening the Jews had for the mission, and the impact of Jewish conversion will have on the nations.
4. The selection of Israel as God's people is done by the Lord calls three people: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - patriarchs. They have three promises: They get a promise of land, a promise that they will be a great nation - as numerous as the stars in the sky and the third gets the blessing. The blessing involves a promise that the Lord will preserve them as a people forever. We read about this in the 1st Genesis Chapter 12 and beyond.
Israel's election rests on these three promises: the promise land, ætteløftet and blessing. What is special about these promises is that they are grace promises. This means that it is unconditional promises from the Lord's side. It required no consideration. It is not something Israel should do or be, for the Lord to stand by its promises. This is in contrast to the law of Moses which the Lord requires something in return for his blessing. But Abraham, the covenant is a unilateral commitment. The Lord has no obligation other than themselves.
This is important to understand and important to maintain. For we know that Israel was disobedient through large parts of the Old Covenant period.
Who is blind but my servant, and deaf like the messenger I send? Who is blind as my intimate friend, blind as the servant?
You've seen a lot, but you do not take care of it.
How to complain The Lord of Israel in Isaiah Chapter 42
The prophets warned the people once again and said that God would punish people for their wickedness. But Israel said: We will be like the Gentiles, that people around the country! We want to grow wood and stone.
It is important to retain here is that Israel's disobedience does not affect the people's selection. The Lord knew that these people were unfaithful, it was a transgressor from the womb, as it is in Isaiah (48.8). But then it says that the Lord will clean it and try it in the furnace of affliction.
Israel could feel the Lord's wrath when the Northern Kingdom was lost under the Assyrians and the southern kingdom was lost under the Babylonians. But the word of God says:
"In a small moment have I forsaken you, but with great mercies will I gather thee." "My anger flowed over, ... but with everlasting mercy, compassion, I over thee." Isa. 54.7-8
Lord punishes his people and he can hide his face, but he does not leave Israel. The Lord let his anger get free room, but he does not reject.
Lord's covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are stuck forever, for a thousand generations, we read 1 Chronicles 16 And here mentioned countries raised specifically. Canaan has given Israel the inheritance. There will never be a time where Canaan ceases to be the land of Israel.
The Lord refers to the natural laws of creation in order to emphasize how safe Israel's election is.
"If these laws are no longer in force before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me every day."
Just as surely as the ocean waves crash against the shore, as surely as night followed by day, as safe is also Israel's election. So long as the world endures, it will never come any time when Israel's election ceases. This is the message of Jeremiah (kap.31).
5. Romans fully confirm that the promises to the patriarchs remains unchanged. Not that we need some confirmation of the New Testament to believe what is written in the old, as many claim. But it is useful to establish that Paul understands the Old Testament according to its wording. He makes no spiritualization of promises. The completion of the saving does not imply that we have reached a new and higher revelation step, which promises to Israel out of date. On the contrary. Israel's disobedience does not change the people's continued selection.
After the Jews had rejected their Messiah, it was of course an obvious idea that God rejected Israel in return. Especially among the Gentile Christians came to this expression. You have murdered the righteous, said Justin Martyr. God hates you, said Chrysostomos. That Israel would be abandoned by God, formed the prelude to the so-called replacement theology that we mentioned earlier.
It is like the apostle Paul must have understood that this development in the church would come. He uses all three chapters of Romans to warn the Gentile against complacency, and to justify the Jews continued special status as God's chosen people.
Paul begins Romans 11 chapter by asking the question: "If then God rejected his people?" He asks the question only to dismiss it. "Far from that," God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew. "They are entitled NOK become hardened, but they are not rejected. A remnant is left, it is the seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal. On this rest the Lord will build his continued selection on.
God can not reject a people whom he foreknew, says Paul. That he has acknowledged that people from all eternity, and therefore can not reject it. How, we may ask?
Yes, Paul says:
"They are the Israelites. To them belong the sonship, the glory and the covenants and laws and worship and the promises. "
Paul points out the gifts and callings that these people have received under the Abrahamic Pact. Although the people have gone astray, is not it true that "God regrets his gifts and his call" (Rom.11.29). They are beloved for the fathers' sake.
That they are beloved for the fathers' sake, it means that God can not go back on something that he has promised. Therefore, Israel is still to be understood as God's chosen people.
If it were true that Israel's position in New Testament times had changed, that God's relationship was no longer the same as before, we must be allowed to assume that the New Testament had been aware of it. But the opposite is true. After his resurrection Jesus blame Emmaus walkers that they are so slow to believe all that is in Scripture - that the Old Testament. He came not to abolish the law and the prophets - that the Old Testament - but to fulfill. The Old Testament is, in other words do not come in any other position after the saving is complete. Consequently, no promises to Israel shaken. The selection is fixed in New Testament times. It is the New Testament's own testimony.
6. Jewish role in Jesus' Passion
We said initially that Israel is in the slot as the Lord's counsel had drawn up. They rejected their Messiah, because they had it. It was something that was predestined. Not everyone likes the word predestined, theologians prefer to speak of God's foreknowledge. Well, this is a discussion that we must leave behind.
When Paul in Romans explains what has happened, he says that "God gave them a spirit of slumber, eyes that see not, ears that hear ..." God gave them! This is typically something that was decided in the counsel of God. It was a gudvillet determination that the Jews were to harden them.
It is this hardness that brings Jesus on the cross.
In 2 Corinthians chapter 3 he writes, that their minds were hardened because there is a veil over their hearts when they read the old covenant. That there is a veil over their hearts, meaning they have an understanding of the Old Testament, that does not make them receptive to Jesus' saving action. That this is the case, is also clear from the conflict calls Jesus had with the Pharisees.
But Paul is not alone in seeing the Jewish people go in pre-submitted works. The Apostle Peter writes about his countrymen that they "stumbled on his disbelief to word - until they set." (1 Pet.2.8). It turns Peter first established that it was the Jews' disbelief, which meant that they rejected their Messiah. But then he adds the violent words that "it is also set." In other Bible translations it says that this was their "destiny". Thus, it was supposed to do what they did.
The same idea is repeated in Peter's Pentecost Speech major. Here it says that Jesus "was delivered by God's determinate counsel and foreknowledge." (Gjern.2.23) It was just NOK Jews who killed him, Peter says, but what happened was determined in the counsels of God.
What does it Jesus himself?
In Gethsemane mason Peter ear of the high priest's servant. He gets a reprimand of Jesus, do not you think that I could ask my Father send me more than twelve legions of angels? And then comes this: "But how would the scriptures be fulfilled, that it must happen? ... But all this was done for the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled. "(Mt.26.54f.)
What is happening now in Gethsemane and on Calvary, is a fulfillment of prophecy. For there - in the scriptures - is his passion and death foretold. This means that if the Jews had persecuted him and crucified him, the prophecies would not have been met. And was not the prophecies have been fulfilled, would the Old Testament have lost their credibility. The Jews' role was, in other words necessary.
7. What is it then that is prophesied in the Old Testament?
It can be helpful with a quick refresher.
We have already mentioned Psalm 22, the hymn that begins with the words: "My God, my God why have you forsaken me?" That was the hymn Jesus prayed on the cross. The psalm describes the Messiah as a suffering crucifixion. And it's pretty amazing when we know that the crucifixion was not a known method of execution at this time. But besides his suffering on the cross, says the psalm also something about them that are about: "They stare, they look at me with malice." There is even something about what these people say. They shake their head and mocks him and says:
Set your path in the hand of the Lord! Let him rescue him! He will deliver him, since he delights in him. "
The Gospels state that it was exactly what happened on Wednesday Jesus died. The Pharisees and the scribes stood by the cross and mocking Jesus. They did with words from Psalm 37.5, just as predicted.
The highlight of the Passion story is thus described in detail 1000 years before it happens. It tells us something about that in God's advice, from the dawn of time, was a plan to bring about human salvation. God's son had to be sacrificed, and God had to have someone who could contribute to this. Who was more to it than just his own people?
Crucifixion is also mentioned several other places in the Bible. Zechariah writes that "they should look up to me as they have pierced." The Jews should look up to him whom they have crucified. It will only happen on the day they turn. But the interesting thing is that the Messiah they are waiting for, is referred to as the one they have pierced.
In 4th Genesis we find the story of Moses hanging up a bronze serpent on a pole. Anyone who is bitten and looks at it to live. Jesus uses this as an image of his own suffering and death. "To be the Son of Man be lifted up that whoever believes in him shall have eternal life." It happens in conversation with Nicodemus (Joh.3.1-21).
Crucifixion was not a work accident. There was no impulsive act or accident, that brought Jesus to the cross. Jesus suffer according to the Scriptures. By his suffering and death, meets his prophecies in the Old Testament. He bringeth about the salvation of men. Besides, he also arrived.
8. We must also mention that besides the discussion of the crucifixion, the Old Testament speaks also of a suffering Messiah. That the Messiah would suffer, was among the things the Jews could not understand. Even among the disciples set this far before. Peter took the Jesus aside to persuade him to facilitate, when Jesus tried to explain to his disciples that he must go up to Jerusalem, there to suffer and die.
The suffering Messiah, we find best described by Isaiah in the songs of God's suffering servant, Chapters 49 to 53
"I gave my back to those who beat and my cheeks to those who caught me in the beard. My face I did not hide from shame and spitting. "(Jes.50.6)
"So bad tilredt was that he did not look like a man." (Isaiah 50.6 and 52.14)
Chapter 53 speaks of "a man of sorrows," one that was abandoned and despised by people.
"Yet it pleased the LORD to crush him ... When tribulation or trial, he was carried away ..."
Jesus was not welcomed by his people. On the contrary, they taunt and persecute him. But so are the words that the Lord was pleased to crush him. It was not something that the Jews were doing. For a determination was made in God's advice, and Isaiah expresses this 700 years before it happens.
Not everyone has gotten with the introduction to Chapter 53, which begins:
"Who believed the message we heard? And who was the Lord's arm revealed? ..
We saw him, but he did not have a look so we could have our pleasure in him.
... And we esteemed him not. "
Here it is in black and white that when the Messiah comes, he will be counted for nothing. He will be rejected by their own, just as John says: "He came unto his own, and his own received him not." NOK once the impression is confirmed, there is something that is predetermined. Here are the Jews given a role whether they like it or not.
Both Jesus' suffering as the Jewish contribution is thus detailed prophesied in the Old Testament. There are two roles that are somehow woven into each other and which are necessary for salvation will be completed. A Messianic Jewish believers put it once as follows:
"It was, unfortunately, our job is to play the villain in the drama of Calvary." I think this is a very proper biblical understanding.
9. It is not Jews, but man's sin that drives Jesus on the cross
Something happens to the people of God as the Jews do not control and which they do not understand. God is reckoning with the Devil's power. Now the prince of this world is shed, Jesus says about his own work. Now was the hour is come, then the power that the Devil was the human race through the fall, was crushed.
We read about the fall in the 1st Genesis 3 chapter. It says the Lord God to the serpent:
"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed. He will crush your head and you shall bruise his heel. "
The woman's seed, it is the Messiah. He represents mankind, and that person should he break the serpent's head. It is a prophecy about the fall in the Garden of Eden one day be overcome. It happens on the cross. When it is finished. But victory has its price, of the hose to "bruise his heel". Even here - in the Bible's first gospel - is notified that there is victory through suffering.
The story of the fall shows us that it is not the Jews disobedience that brings Jesus on the cross, but man's sin. The Adam and Eve's disobedience, the sin and guilt, that makes this sacrifice necessary. On the historical level, at the external level, the cross was erected on Golgotha in the Jewish capital of Jerusalem. But in the spiritual sense, it was built back in the Garden of Eden.
On the surface it is the Jews' cry of "crucify" bringing Jesus on the cross. But on the inner level, it is Jesus' battle against the devil's power prevails. Jesus must be the Adam and Eve were not, and it's just that the devil is trying to prevent. For this match is the Jews only spectators. Or to put it more correctly - they are not even aware that this fight takes place.
10. The Jews' case has been a wealth of world
Salvation work going on in the Jewish people and we can say with the Jewish people's involuntary participation. No one had asked them if they would be God's people, much less whether they would contribute to the accomplishment of God's saving actions. We can say that this is the innocent side of the Jews.
But the Jewish people's participation has also another side. Their rejection of Jesus as the Messiah, meant that the Gospel was spread to all nations. It is the Jews' disbelief that the reason that the gospel will be spread among all peoples of the world. Paul writes that "by their fall salvation has come to the Gentiles .." "their case has been a wealth of the world."
The world has been reconciled to God by the Jews have rejected the gospel. It is as if Paul has been given a glimpse into the highest purpose. He sees the finger of God in what happens and he sees God's plan of salvation with the world.
But Paul says, the Jews' hardness is only a temporary condition. For when the "fullness of the Gentiles has come in" all Israel will be saved. There comes a time when the word return to Israel. Then they will again be grafted into their own olive tree, and the deck above the Jews' hearts will be removed. But until that happens, then the gospel, mission, run its course.
We are thus witnessing a divine strategy in which the Jewish rejection of the gospel, salvation historical significance. Paul writes that it is our fault that the Jews were enemies of the gospel. Thus, it seems to be a prerequisite for the gospel again that Jews initially reject it. For Jews, then this must be a strange experience. For they are the spectators of the world believe "their" religion. But so it must therefore be.
God has a plan that his words will reach all the world's people and this plan seems to assume the Jews' hardness. This tells us something about the Jews' continued role in God's salvation plan. Jews suffer for our sake.
11. It could be a stakeholder to ask the question: What if the Jews had believed Jesus as the Messiah? What about the mission?
If we could imagine that the Jews as people had thought Jesus as the Messiah from the beginning, so the gospel would have been a part of the Jewish religion. The Gentiles - that is, non-Jews - who wanted to believe in Jesus, may in practice be converted to the Jewish religion. They had to Absorb the Jewish people together and commit the Mosaic Law and circumcision.
That this is not just a hypothetical possibility but a reality, is clear from Galatians. Here, Paul deal with the so-called judaister - that is, Jews who had come to faith in Jesus as the Messiah. They reasoned, fully in line with their Jewish heritage, when they advocated that the Gentile Christians had to assume the law of Moses with all that it contained the rules and regulations.
Paul breaks radically with judaistenes promised research. He sets the law of Moses, deeds and circumcision aside and proclaim salvation solely on the basis of faith. The Jewish edicts of the law of Moses was therefore no obstacle to hedningemisjonen.
We must be allowed to believe that the Lord has ordained that every people and every nation should be allowed to accept the gospel in their own terms. Each nation has its history, its culture and its tradition. The Gospel must be accommodated in this that people should get a property relation to that. This must be the gospel should get through.
It seems to have a divine mind that the gospel should be spread on their own terms. The word alone is real powerful, regardless of national origin. But to achieve this, the Jews had to be put out of action. There may be a cover over their hearts, as Paul says. So instead of blaming the Jews, we should rather dwell on what our salvation has cost this nation.
12. The Jews will be a light to the world
One of the great preachers of our time - Øivind Andersen - could say that the greatest thing that Israel should do, still belong to the future. The Lord has chosen a people to also use it in the time ahead. But there is much hidden. The Lord has given us to look into all things. But something is revealed. Israel will be a light to the world the day they turn. It will follow a great blessing to Israel's repentance.
The curse of Israel will gradually give way. We read about this in Ezekiel chapter 37 of the dry bones. These bones are the house of Israel. First, they gather into and become one body - that is, a nation. Then comes the spiritual in them, so they are living. This means that Israel is a Christian nation, just as Paul puts it. Dit is we do not come today, but we are probably not far away.
When that happens, Israel will provide day to be at an end. Isaiah writes (ch. 60-62):
"You will get double in return for their shame, and those who suffered dishonor, should rejoice over his lot
Everyone who sees them will know that they are a seed that the Lord has blessed.
Sons of those who have bothered you, shall come and bow down to you. All those who despised you shall bow down at your feet. .. "
Among the nations of the earth shall be a complete reassessment of Israel. From being despised, they shall now be hailed. Jerusalem must be a worship of the earth, not a heavy stone that now. Israel will get a position as the world's spiritual center.
What happens to Israel is also a testimony to all peoples of the earth. He uses His people to reveal themselves to the world. Israel's repentance is a vekkerrop and a testimony of the living God.
13. We will summarize.
The Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is a grace covenant. The Lord has no obligation other than themselves. It sought not after some consideration from the Israeli side. Why can not Israel's disobedience upset the pact.
God has not rejected his people, says Paul. It may NOK hardened, but they are not rejected. The promises to the fathers remain in force. God does not regret his gifts and his calling.
The Jews rejected their Messiah because they had it. They stumbled in disbelief at the word, says Peter, and it was also set. We respected him for nothing, says Isaiah. The Jews went to the track that provided the laid ready for them.
Cross raised in a spiritual sense, not on Calvary but in the Garden of Eden. It was the Jews' lot to be a mediator in the settlement between God and Satan at the Fall would utsones.
Jews harden themselves against the gospel, but their fall will be for the salvation of the Gentiles. But when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in, all Israel will be saved. The Jews' conversion is a vekkerrop for all the world's people.
The Lord uses Israel in his salvation plan, first in Old Testament times, so to implement the reconciliation and then to call people to repentance and salvation as long as the world endures. Israel is God's special instrument from everlasting to everlasting.
God promised Abraham a large and contiguous territory in the Middle East with Israel as the center. This promise is not abolished or extended to the new earth. It's going to happen just like it says in the Tanach.
This is in keeping with what Oscar Skar Aune wrote in his booklet: Endetid: How to understand the biblical end-time prophecy? There, he introduces a principle which he called for "Kristustransfomasjonen". It is that the Old Testament promises to Israel is through Jesus' atonement transformed into a different meaning than what they originally had. This is completely wrong. It is clear that Oscar Aune Skar hold on a mad theology of Israel.
If you lose the land promise to Israel, it weakens also the following covenants that Israel has received from God:
a) David Pact. In this covenant God promised that there would never lack a man who would sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem, and that the Messiah would come and have this feature. The geographical basis for this promise is the land of Israel.
b) Charter of a new priesthood. This covenant will have as its geographical base is the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.
I do not know what theological education, the people have, which has prepared this policy statement, but I expect that many of them are theologians. One can not entrust such an important work of theologians, for they are steeped in "replacement theology". Although there are few theologians, that has the correct view of these addresses the relation, the theologians and theology not credible on these issues. They have set themselves up as those who have not know these things, because they interpret God's word in the wrong way. Much of the Christian people are aware of this, but they will not speak out, but they bow to what is wrong.
When the DIN has the vision, then it loses credibility also in Israel and among Jews. In Israel, many are looking forward to the Messiah will come to the land that God promised Abraham.
The JEWISH ASPECT has fallen out of the church and in many Christian church's view of Israel and God's promises to the Jews.
When Paul saw God's dealings with us Gentiles and Israel he breaks out in Rome. 11. 28 Because of the gospel, they become enemies of God, that ye may obtain salvation. But because of the selection are the beloved of God - for the fathers sake. 29 For God does not regret his gifts and his selection. 30 You were once disobedient to God, but now you have received mercy, because the others were disobedient. 31 In the same way they have now been disobedient, but the kindness you have received, will cause that they now receive mercy. 32 God put all the disobedience in order to have mercy on all.
33 Oh, the depth of the riches
and wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments,
and how unfathomable His ways!
34 Who knew the Lord's mind,
or who was his counselor?
35 Who gave him something first,
so he should get consideration?
36 From Him and through Him and to Him are all things.
Him be glory forever! Amen.
Israel was God's "enemies" because of us heathens. When the pagan and heathen fullness of time has elapsed, then the gospel go back to Israel. Depth of wisdom and knowledge of God is breaking out Paul on this occasion!
God is not equal to all individuals. He calls people into his kingdom in many different ways, leading them to Christ in the strangest ways and detours. God is not equal with all nations.
God's special about the Jews, both when he turns and when doctors: Nobody has been convicted and disciplined as them. And no one will be saved as them. No people were at his first coming brought the case to them. And no people should be at his second coming will be resurrected as them. Their selection is confirmed, both when the Lord brings down to Sheol, and when he brings up from there.
We read that the Antichrist whole world to war against Jews and against Jerusalem. Such unity and agreement among all the nations and people have been unknown before. But the opposition and hatred against Christ and His people gather and unite once again what really are old enemies. Today chairs the Jews in their defense, and spends 40% of its resources to be on guard.
The day this great army from all corners of the world comes, 40% not be NOK. Even 100% would have been NOK. Nothing can save them. Israel's army will be to-destroyed and the land taken.
They got their land, just to have a place where they could be safe. Now it's included! They built up one of the world's most effective armies just to live in peace within their own borders. Now the army crushed. It was precisely that they had put their trust! It was their hope, their castle, their comfort, their refuge. Now it is no longer any army. The back is broken. The gates open. The enemy is everywhere. All hope to be there, for there is nothing left. Just an open chasm.
Dan 7.21 tells the unvarnished truth that the Antichrist will overcome them. But what seems to be the end, is not the end! It is the beginning! The Antichrist's victory over God's people last only "until the Ancient of Days came," v 22! The Lord himself will come down and get his people to the rescue just as it is humanly not anything left to be reckoned with, or comfort to! Item 14.2 says: For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle. The city will be captured, the houses plundered and the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into exile, but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
Then, then his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives!
The passage continues as follows: For the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as he has struggled on the day of battle. On that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which lies east of Jerusalem in the east. Item 14.3-4.
When all hope is gone, they are in need of repentance and pain cry to the Lord. And he shall come to his people. Powerful. Visible. A specific intervention. "As he has fought before." Old Simon was physically see Jesus, and it was released a new witness to have seen the Lord's salvation. Thomas called the doubter. It is not right. A doubt want to believe, but can not. Thomas would not believe what he says bluntly. He was an infidel, and is rebuked by Jesus. Yet the unbelieving Jew Tomas additional teaching and special treatment. He saw sårmerkene to the risen, and also with him, it led to a new diplomas laid down in both the heart and mouth: My Lord and my God.
Paul was saved by getting to meet and see Jesus. The hard, unrepentant Jew who would not and could not believe, was pushed down on his knees and down to earth where outside Damascus. Everything changed after that meeting and the revelation. Some of this will then happen with the Jewish people. The new is not that Jesus physically revealed to anyone, and that this leads to salvation.
What is new is that it is now happening to an entire people!
What is new is the physical reach and scope! What we read in Romans 11.26? Well this: How will all of Israel, that all people be saved. And that's exactly what Jesus foretold when he stated that Jerusalem should again see him, Behold, your house is left unto you desolate! For I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see Me until you say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord! Food from 23.38 to 39.
At the time he said this, he came on a colt. Now he will come on a white horse, Revelation 19.11-14. Now they will again see him, and therefore hyllingsropet from palm Sunday again sound! The period of hardening and spiritual blindness will now be over, and the gospel will no longer be hidden from your eyes! For when the tire is removed so they can see! And they just look up to him, and beam with joy! All of Jerusalem, daughter of Zion, all the people. An entire people in a day and at the same time, Isaiah 66.8!
The revival will be as extraordinary, and they saved so many individuals, it can be said rightly that it is all the people. As all the people, with few exceptions, today's hardened, the whole nation be saved. And we read again the two wonderful verses:
But the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, I will pour out grace and prayer, Spirit, and then they look up to me as they have pierced. ... On that day there shall be an open source for the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from sin and impurity. Item 12.10, 13.1.
It is an event the world has never seen before:
It is again Christmas night. The Messiah is also now appeared, physically, in flesh and blood on our soil.
It is left palm Sunday. For Christ also comes now from the Mount of Olives into the Old City as King, and daughter of Zion, His people, to see him, receive him and worship him as Son of David. This time they will cry "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord!" It remains Maundy Thursday. The Messiah will clean out all leaven, and all ungodliness, and all uncleanness from Jacob, then Israel's temple and house again the skirt and clean, and he will again hold the meal with their loved ones in the intimate tables and brother together.
It is again on Good Friday. For Calvary nail marks in Jesus is so clear and so prominent, that he this day short, called "the man whom they have pierced." And the old inscription from the cross to be whispered from mouth to mouth, it vibrates in the air and start singing and tone of the heart: this is Yeshua of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
It is again on Easter Sunday. For He is coming, is the risen and glorious, full of power and powerful.
Therefore, the Romans and the world the kingdom soldiers this time throwing themselves down in fear and powerlessness to the resurrection and the risen mighty powers.
It remains Pentecost. For He will again shed his Spirit upon his people, the sons and daughters of young and old, and gjenfødelsesunderet to happen in many, many thousands of hearts.
It is indeed a holiday.
A fusion of all the holidays and all occasions, all gathered in one day. In one eye-glance scooped all the blessings from above God's people, the new creation and rebirth. And the old prophecy of the Lamb, about the suffering Messiah, from Isaiah 53 will begin to sparkle for the Jews.
In the introduction to this chapter, it says in the Bible I was a boy received from his mother and father: "The Prophet lets the future of Israel, who have turned to Christ, confessing that it formerly in disbelief have despised and rejected him for his call custom promotional and deep humiliation's sake, 1-3, but now has come the conviction that he has suffered for his own, but for his iniquity, and to its salvation, 4-6. "
Who believed the message we heard? We saw him, but he did not have a look so we could have our pleasure in him. Surely our sicknesses he has taken on, and our sorrows he carried. But we esteemed him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities. The penalty was on him, that we should have peace, and by his wounds we are healed. But who thought of his time when he was cut off from the living land, it was for my people's iniquity plague hit him? From Isaiah 53 It sounds a tone of sadness in these verses: Who thought in his time that was how it all hung together? And we read in Item 12 on the state of Jerusalem after the battle, we see a strange sight: A grand army on the outside. And the people crying on the inside. Who really won this war? When the Lord intervenes, there is one and only one which is great.
The Jews will cry.
They must weep as the woman in Simon's house. She was crying - in grief and remorse over their sin, and of the many playing years. She was crying - the trembling gratitude to him, despite her infidelity was full of grace and truth. And this daughter of Abraham did kneel down with him who knows everything and does not condemn. For him who, without excuse, something leaving everything. And she cried and cried. And Jesus let her cry, cry it out, all the evil that had gathered in her soul, like a hard, black mass, a long, long time. How will the children of Abraham, Israel, weep on that day. They will cry - the bottomless grief of his infidelity, his sins and the many, many playing years. They will cry - the trembling gratitude to him who came and took pity on them, albeit in the last watch of the night. Hosea portrays this so very beautiful:
"Then the children of Israel return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. Trembling they will seek the Lord and His gifts in the last days. "At 3.5.
David, their king! Now he had come back! He is united with his people, he has given his country and his kingdom. Now everyone can get started on the cleanup and reconstruction after the ravages. The Bible says the Lord of the Sabbath completed his work, a Genesis 2.2.)
It is now standing in line. And above all: the great effort to save the world, be a complete and carried forward to a good and full finish.
To confirm what is written about Israel's borders as mentioned these limits the first time in 1.Mos.15.18, for there it says: the day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt the great river, the river Euphrates. (Euphrates) And we know this river Euphrates is at Iraq. As he mentions in v.19-21 some people and their land was enclosed in the covenant. It mentions the Lord Hittites who are today's Turks. They lived at Hebron, but later fled to the Turkish areas So as Israel is actually going from Egypt border, the whole of today's Palestine including Gaza to Turkey, Lebanon, and part of Syria and into Iraq's border, the river Euphrates. Also note that it is also about ammo races. This is actually Jordan today. Here, in fact God has a covenant to the Jews that Israel will be as big a dag.Israel owned this great country once, but lost it by land volatility. Today, Israel has begun to take their country that God has given them. Piece by piece, he will give them back what they own. Norway and other nations of the world has no such covenant with God. It is only Jews who have. Had not God watched this covenant, Israel had been destroyed long ago. Israel as a people have no power and strength in themselves to keep the other nations away, but by God's strength and help guard him over his people.
Are Israel and the Jews a chosen people still?
How long is God's promise of fixed and to Israel? Scripture answers:
Jeremiah 31 35 Thus says the Lord,
who gives the sun for light by day
and arranged so
the moon and the stars for light by night,
who stirs up the sea as the waves roar,
- The Lord of hosts is his name:
36 Do I allow these schemes to give way,
declares the Lord,
is also the house of Israel forever
cease to be my people.
37 Thus says the Lord:
If heaven above can be measured
and the foundations down there to explore,
I will also reject
the whole house of Israel
because of everything they have done, saith the Lord.
God's word will never depart from Israel, before the heavens and earth pass away. Then God's promise to Israel no longer be around, because that is all fulfilled in Christ to the fullest.
We read in Rom. 9-11 that we Gentiles were part of salvation, but when the fulness of the Gentiles has come in, the Lord will again have compassion on Israel.
Israel was God's people in Old Testament times. But far from everyone would agree that Israel is God's people in New Testament times. Most will NOK say that the Jews of today is to understand on an equal footing with other nations and the State of Israel on an equal footing with other states. Israel's unique position is wiped away completely.
The general understanding of the Jews as a people, is NOK colored by the Middle East conflict. Influential circles both here with us in the Western world, is highly critical of Israel. Many have been left with a negative attitude - not just the state of Israel - but also to the Jews as a people. How negative this attitude is, we had demonstrated in Jostein Gaarder's article in Aftenposten in August 2006. It states:
"We do not believe in the notion of God's chosen people. .. To act as God's chosen people is not only stupid and arrogant, but a crime against humanity. We call it racism. "
To claim that Jews are God's chosen people, is therefore a crime against humanity, yes, it is downright racism. Unfortunately, subsequent poll that this understanding of Israel had great support of the Norwegian people.
2. But not just secular people ask themselves negatively to the Jews, the Christians are strongly influenced by the spirit. Clearly feeling the Christians it is imperative to be politically correct. Few are willing to stand on biblical standpoint - in this case as in so many other issues. Whoever Israel in defense with reference to the Bible, is put in the doghouse, and there is of course no one wants to stand.
It is not NOK that people's general attitude towards the Jews is marked by anti-Semitism. Worse is that the Christian church has beliefs that are in the same direction. I am thinking especially of the so-called replacement theology, which says that the church has replaced the Jewish people. The promises and the calling as Israel did in the old covenant times, is now transferred to the church. The church is the new God's people.
As a practical consequence of this view, the church has persecuted Jews over the centuries. There is a large and ugly chapter in church history. In our time is the church's anti-Jewish attitude especially apparent in the Middle East conflict. I think when the succession of bishops and church leaders who in turn has visited Israel - not to express his sympathy with the Jews, but Jews' enemies. Last couple out in this respect was Baasland and Byfuglien that branded Israel as an apartheid state. Nothing less.
In parallel with replacement theology, we also have a different theological phenomenon called the historical-critical methods of research. This is a collective term for a wide variety of research techniques, collectively have the consequence that the Old Testament is desavuert. It is less appreciated in light of the New Testament. The promises given to Israel in the Old Testament, can no longer be understood according to their historical content. In light of the New Testament are the words of images, signs and symbols of something else. They must be understood according to its spiritual significance, it is said, whatever it may be.
In sum, this means that Israel as a historical phenomenon isolated to the Old Testament. The people and the country has no function in God's revelation in the history of New Testament times. Israel is in a salvation historical side track, said the theologians.
The salient point in today's theology is the understanding of the Old Testament. For us this is important. For it is here - in the Old Testament - that we find the promises to Israel. If we crossed the Old Testament, we have set the bar of the promises to Israel.
But no one needs to be in doubt. The Bible must of course be read and understood by its wording. This applies to both the Old and New Testaments. The entire Bible is God's word. And then the testimony is clear: Israel is the people of God from everlasting to everlasting. Israel's unique position as God's people will never be shaken. Even in eternity, in the new heaven and new earth will keep Israel's special position.
3. Israel described in the Bible as God's servant. As Christians we are all servants of God, but Israel is the only one to have this designation as a people. Israel is in a unique way God's tool, and will remain there through the whole history of salvation.
We should notice that there is an inseparable bond between Jesus Christ and His people. They are in a way linked in a common destiny in which both parties' actions are interdependent. They have parallel tasks in God's plan of salvation - not the same tasks - but tasks that require one another for the purpose of God for salvation to be realized.
It is a common feature that is striking. In the same way that Jesus was both guilty and innocent at the same time, so is Israel the same. Jesus was guilty because he carried all men's sake, and for that he was forsaken by God and always down to the grave, that is hell. He was lost in your and my place. But while he was the Lamb of God who knew no sin. Therefore, he was raised from the grave to every man's justification.
The same duality is repeated with Israel - even it is both guilty and innocent. Israel was guilty of crucifying their Messiah. It was the Jews' disbelief as outwardly brought Jesus on the cross. However, this was an act that the Bible predicts. As early as 1000 years before this happens, writes David in Psalm 22 about a suffering savior who is crucified by his people. It was a mission that the Lord's counsel had put on it, and that the people had no chance to evade. In that sense, the Jews were innocent.
In the following we shall consider these factors in turn:
- First, the selection and the promises of the Old Testament, and then how Paul sees these according to the Romans.
- So we will focus on the Passion story in which to understand the extent of the Jewish people's participation.
- Finally, we will look at the importance of hardening the Jews had for the mission, and the impact of Jewish conversion will have on the nations.
4. The selection of Israel as God's people is done by the Lord calls three people: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - patriarchs. They have three promises: They get a promise of land, a promise that they will be a great nation - as numerous as the stars in the sky and the third gets the blessing. The blessing involves a promise that the Lord will preserve them as a people forever. We read about this in the 1st Genesis Chapter 12 and beyond.
Israel's election rests on these three promises: the promise land, ætteløftet and blessing. What is special about these promises is that they are grace promises. This means that it is unconditional promises from the Lord's side. It required no consideration. It is not something Israel should do or be, for the Lord to stand by its promises. This is in contrast to the law of Moses which the Lord requires something in return for his blessing. But Abraham, the covenant is a unilateral commitment. The Lord has no obligation other than themselves.
This is important to understand and important to maintain. For we know that Israel was disobedient through large parts of the Old Covenant period.
Who is blind but my servant, and deaf like the messenger I send? Who is blind as my intimate friend, blind as the servant?
You've seen a lot, but you do not take care of it.
How to complain The Lord of Israel in Isaiah Chapter 42
The prophets warned the people once again and said that God would punish people for their wickedness. But Israel said: We will be like the Gentiles, that people around the country! We want to grow wood and stone.
It is important to retain here is that Israel's disobedience does not affect the people's selection. The Lord knew that these people were unfaithful, it was a transgressor from the womb, as it is in Isaiah (48.8). But then it says that the Lord will clean it and try it in the furnace of affliction.
Israel could feel the Lord's wrath when the Northern Kingdom was lost under the Assyrians and the southern kingdom was lost under the Babylonians. But the word of God says:
"In a small moment have I forsaken you, but with great mercies will I gather thee." "My anger flowed over, ... but with everlasting mercy, compassion, I over thee." Isa. 54.7-8
Lord punishes his people and he can hide his face, but he does not leave Israel. The Lord let his anger get free room, but he does not reject.
Lord's covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are stuck forever, for a thousand generations, we read 1 Chronicles 16 And here mentioned countries raised specifically. Canaan has given Israel the inheritance. There will never be a time where Canaan ceases to be the land of Israel.
The Lord refers to the natural laws of creation in order to emphasize how safe Israel's election is.
"If these laws are no longer in force before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me every day."
Just as surely as the ocean waves crash against the shore, as surely as night followed by day, as safe is also Israel's election. So long as the world endures, it will never come any time when Israel's election ceases. This is the message of Jeremiah (kap.31).
5. Romans fully confirm that the promises to the patriarchs remains unchanged. Not that we need some confirmation of the New Testament to believe what is written in the old, as many claim. But it is useful to establish that Paul understands the Old Testament according to its wording. He makes no spiritualization of promises. The completion of the saving does not imply that we have reached a new and higher revelation step, which promises to Israel out of date. On the contrary. Israel's disobedience does not change the people's continued selection.
After the Jews had rejected their Messiah, it was of course an obvious idea that God rejected Israel in return. Especially among the Gentile Christians came to this expression. You have murdered the righteous, said Justin Martyr. God hates you, said Chrysostomos. That Israel would be abandoned by God, formed the prelude to the so-called replacement theology that we mentioned earlier.
It is like the apostle Paul must have understood that this development in the church would come. He uses all three chapters of Romans to warn the Gentile against complacency, and to justify the Jews continued special status as God's chosen people.
Paul begins Romans 11 chapter by asking the question: "If then God rejected his people?" He asks the question only to dismiss it. "Far from that," God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew. "They are entitled NOK become hardened, but they are not rejected. A remnant is left, it is the seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal. On this rest the Lord will build his continued selection on.
God can not reject a people whom he foreknew, says Paul. That he has acknowledged that people from all eternity, and therefore can not reject it. How, we may ask?
Yes, Paul says:
"They are the Israelites. To them belong the sonship, the glory and the covenants and laws and worship and the promises. "
Paul points out the gifts and callings that these people have received under the Abrahamic Pact. Although the people have gone astray, is not it true that "God regrets his gifts and his call" (Rom.11.29). They are beloved for the fathers' sake.
That they are beloved for the fathers' sake, it means that God can not go back on something that he has promised. Therefore, Israel is still to be understood as God's chosen people.
If it were true that Israel's position in New Testament times had changed, that God's relationship was no longer the same as before, we must be allowed to assume that the New Testament had been aware of it. But the opposite is true. After his resurrection Jesus blame Emmaus walkers that they are so slow to believe all that is in Scripture - that the Old Testament. He came not to abolish the law and the prophets - that the Old Testament - but to fulfill. The Old Testament is, in other words do not come in any other position after the saving is complete. Consequently, no promises to Israel shaken. The selection is fixed in New Testament times. It is the New Testament's own testimony.
6. Jewish role in Jesus' Passion
We said initially that Israel is in the slot as the Lord's counsel had drawn up. They rejected their Messiah, because they had it. It was something that was predestined. Not everyone likes the word predestined, theologians prefer to speak of God's foreknowledge. Well, this is a discussion that we must leave behind.
When Paul in Romans explains what has happened, he says that "God gave them a spirit of slumber, eyes that see not, ears that hear ..." God gave them! This is typically something that was decided in the counsel of God. It was a gudvillet determination that the Jews were to harden them.
It is this hardness that brings Jesus on the cross.
In 2 Corinthians chapter 3 he writes, that their minds were hardened because there is a veil over their hearts when they read the old covenant. That there is a veil over their hearts, meaning they have an understanding of the Old Testament, that does not make them receptive to Jesus' saving action. That this is the case, is also clear from the conflict calls Jesus had with the Pharisees.
But Paul is not alone in seeing the Jewish people go in pre-submitted works. The Apostle Peter writes about his countrymen that they "stumbled on his disbelief to word - until they set." (1 Pet.2.8). It turns Peter first established that it was the Jews' disbelief, which meant that they rejected their Messiah. But then he adds the violent words that "it is also set." In other Bible translations it says that this was their "destiny". Thus, it was supposed to do what they did.
The same idea is repeated in Peter's Pentecost Speech major. Here it says that Jesus "was delivered by God's determinate counsel and foreknowledge." (Gjern.2.23) It was just NOK Jews who killed him, Peter says, but what happened was determined in the counsels of God.
What does it Jesus himself?
In Gethsemane mason Peter ear of the high priest's servant. He gets a reprimand of Jesus, do not you think that I could ask my Father send me more than twelve legions of angels? And then comes this: "But how would the scriptures be fulfilled, that it must happen? ... But all this was done for the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled. "(Mt.26.54f.)
What is happening now in Gethsemane and on Calvary, is a fulfillment of prophecy. For there - in the scriptures - is his passion and death foretold. This means that if the Jews had persecuted him and crucified him, the prophecies would not have been met. And was not the prophecies have been fulfilled, would the Old Testament have lost their credibility. The Jews' role was, in other words necessary.
7. What is it then that is prophesied in the Old Testament?
It can be helpful with a quick refresher.
We have already mentioned Psalm 22, the hymn that begins with the words: "My God, my God why have you forsaken me?" That was the hymn Jesus prayed on the cross. The psalm describes the Messiah as a suffering crucifixion. And it's pretty amazing when we know that the crucifixion was not a known method of execution at this time. But besides his suffering on the cross, says the psalm also something about them that are about: "They stare, they look at me with malice." There is even something about what these people say. They shake their head and mocks him and says:
Set your path in the hand of the Lord! Let him rescue him! He will deliver him, since he delights in him. "
The Gospels state that it was exactly what happened on Wednesday Jesus died. The Pharisees and the scribes stood by the cross and mocking Jesus. They did with words from Psalm 37.5, just as predicted.
The highlight of the Passion story is thus described in detail 1000 years before it happens. It tells us something about that in God's advice, from the dawn of time, was a plan to bring about human salvation. God's son had to be sacrificed, and God had to have someone who could contribute to this. Who was more to it than just his own people?
Crucifixion is also mentioned several other places in the Bible. Zechariah writes that "they should look up to me as they have pierced." The Jews should look up to him whom they have crucified. It will only happen on the day they turn. But the interesting thing is that the Messiah they are waiting for, is referred to as the one they have pierced.
In 4th Genesis we find the story of Moses hanging up a bronze serpent on a pole. Anyone who is bitten and looks at it to live. Jesus uses this as an image of his own suffering and death. "To be the Son of Man be lifted up that whoever believes in him shall have eternal life." It happens in conversation with Nicodemus (Joh.3.1-21).
Crucifixion was not a work accident. There was no impulsive act or accident, that brought Jesus to the cross. Jesus suffer according to the Scriptures. By his suffering and death, meets his prophecies in the Old Testament. He bringeth about the salvation of men. Besides, he also arrived.
8. We must also mention that besides the discussion of the crucifixion, the Old Testament speaks also of a suffering Messiah. That the Messiah would suffer, was among the things the Jews could not understand. Even among the disciples set this far before. Peter took the Jesus aside to persuade him to facilitate, when Jesus tried to explain to his disciples that he must go up to Jerusalem, there to suffer and die.
The suffering Messiah, we find best described by Isaiah in the songs of God's suffering servant, Chapters 49 to 53
"I gave my back to those who beat and my cheeks to those who caught me in the beard. My face I did not hide from shame and spitting. "(Jes.50.6)
"So bad tilredt was that he did not look like a man." (Isaiah 50.6 and 52.14)
Chapter 53 speaks of "a man of sorrows," one that was abandoned and despised by people.
"Yet it pleased the LORD to crush him ... When tribulation or trial, he was carried away ..."
Jesus was not welcomed by his people. On the contrary, they taunt and persecute him. But so are the words that the Lord was pleased to crush him. It was not something that the Jews were doing. For a determination was made in God's advice, and Isaiah expresses this 700 years before it happens.
Not everyone has gotten with the introduction to Chapter 53, which begins:
"Who believed the message we heard? And who was the Lord's arm revealed? ..
We saw him, but he did not have a look so we could have our pleasure in him.
... And we esteemed him not. "
Here it is in black and white that when the Messiah comes, he will be counted for nothing. He will be rejected by their own, just as John says: "He came unto his own, and his own received him not." NOK once the impression is confirmed, there is something that is predetermined. Here are the Jews given a role whether they like it or not.
Both Jesus' suffering as the Jewish contribution is thus detailed prophesied in the Old Testament. There are two roles that are somehow woven into each other and which are necessary for salvation will be completed. A Messianic Jewish believers put it once as follows:
"It was, unfortunately, our job is to play the villain in the drama of Calvary." I think this is a very proper biblical understanding.
9. It is not Jews, but man's sin that drives Jesus on the cross
Something happens to the people of God as the Jews do not control and which they do not understand. God is reckoning with the Devil's power. Now the prince of this world is shed, Jesus says about his own work. Now was the hour is come, then the power that the Devil was the human race through the fall, was crushed.
We read about the fall in the 1st Genesis 3 chapter. It says the Lord God to the serpent:
"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed. He will crush your head and you shall bruise his heel. "
The woman's seed, it is the Messiah. He represents mankind, and that person should he break the serpent's head. It is a prophecy about the fall in the Garden of Eden one day be overcome. It happens on the cross. When it is finished. But victory has its price, of the hose to "bruise his heel". Even here - in the Bible's first gospel - is notified that there is victory through suffering.
The story of the fall shows us that it is not the Jews disobedience that brings Jesus on the cross, but man's sin. The Adam and Eve's disobedience, the sin and guilt, that makes this sacrifice necessary. On the historical level, at the external level, the cross was erected on Golgotha in the Jewish capital of Jerusalem. But in the spiritual sense, it was built back in the Garden of Eden.
On the surface it is the Jews' cry of "crucify" bringing Jesus on the cross. But on the inner level, it is Jesus' battle against the devil's power prevails. Jesus must be the Adam and Eve were not, and it's just that the devil is trying to prevent. For this match is the Jews only spectators. Or to put it more correctly - they are not even aware that this fight takes place.
10. The Jews' case has been a wealth of world
Salvation work going on in the Jewish people and we can say with the Jewish people's involuntary participation. No one had asked them if they would be God's people, much less whether they would contribute to the accomplishment of God's saving actions. We can say that this is the innocent side of the Jews.
But the Jewish people's participation has also another side. Their rejection of Jesus as the Messiah, meant that the Gospel was spread to all nations. It is the Jews' disbelief that the reason that the gospel will be spread among all peoples of the world. Paul writes that "by their fall salvation has come to the Gentiles .." "their case has been a wealth of the world."
The world has been reconciled to God by the Jews have rejected the gospel. It is as if Paul has been given a glimpse into the highest purpose. He sees the finger of God in what happens and he sees God's plan of salvation with the world.
But Paul says, the Jews' hardness is only a temporary condition. For when the "fullness of the Gentiles has come in" all Israel will be saved. There comes a time when the word return to Israel. Then they will again be grafted into their own olive tree, and the deck above the Jews' hearts will be removed. But until that happens, then the gospel, mission, run its course.
We are thus witnessing a divine strategy in which the Jewish rejection of the gospel, salvation historical significance. Paul writes that it is our fault that the Jews were enemies of the gospel. Thus, it seems to be a prerequisite for the gospel again that Jews initially reject it. For Jews, then this must be a strange experience. For they are the spectators of the world believe "their" religion. But so it must therefore be.
God has a plan that his words will reach all the world's people and this plan seems to assume the Jews' hardness. This tells us something about the Jews' continued role in God's salvation plan. Jews suffer for our sake.
11. It could be a stakeholder to ask the question: What if the Jews had believed Jesus as the Messiah? What about the mission?
If we could imagine that the Jews as people had thought Jesus as the Messiah from the beginning, so the gospel would have been a part of the Jewish religion. The Gentiles - that is, non-Jews - who wanted to believe in Jesus, may in practice be converted to the Jewish religion. They had to Absorb the Jewish people together and commit the Mosaic Law and circumcision.
That this is not just a hypothetical possibility but a reality, is clear from Galatians. Here, Paul deal with the so-called judaister - that is, Jews who had come to faith in Jesus as the Messiah. They reasoned, fully in line with their Jewish heritage, when they advocated that the Gentile Christians had to assume the law of Moses with all that it contained the rules and regulations.
Paul breaks radically with judaistenes promised research. He sets the law of Moses, deeds and circumcision aside and proclaim salvation solely on the basis of faith. The Jewish edicts of the law of Moses was therefore no obstacle to hedningemisjonen.
We must be allowed to believe that the Lord has ordained that every people and every nation should be allowed to accept the gospel in their own terms. Each nation has its history, its culture and its tradition. The Gospel must be accommodated in this that people should get a property relation to that. This must be the gospel should get through.
It seems to have a divine mind that the gospel should be spread on their own terms. The word alone is real powerful, regardless of national origin. But to achieve this, the Jews had to be put out of action. There may be a cover over their hearts, as Paul says. So instead of blaming the Jews, we should rather dwell on what our salvation has cost this nation.
12. The Jews will be a light to the world
One of the great preachers of our time - Øivind Andersen - could say that the greatest thing that Israel should do, still belong to the future. The Lord has chosen a people to also use it in the time ahead. But there is much hidden. The Lord has given us to look into all things. But something is revealed. Israel will be a light to the world the day they turn. It will follow a great blessing to Israel's repentance.
The curse of Israel will gradually give way. We read about this in Ezekiel chapter 37 of the dry bones. These bones are the house of Israel. First, they gather into and become one body - that is, a nation. Then comes the spiritual in them, so they are living. This means that Israel is a Christian nation, just as Paul puts it. Dit is we do not come today, but we are probably not far away.
When that happens, Israel will provide day to be at an end. Isaiah writes (ch. 60-62):
"You will get double in return for their shame, and those who suffered dishonor, should rejoice over his lot
Everyone who sees them will know that they are a seed that the Lord has blessed.
Sons of those who have bothered you, shall come and bow down to you. All those who despised you shall bow down at your feet. .. "
Among the nations of the earth shall be a complete reassessment of Israel. From being despised, they shall now be hailed. Jerusalem must be a worship of the earth, not a heavy stone that now. Israel will get a position as the world's spiritual center.
What happens to Israel is also a testimony to all peoples of the earth. He uses His people to reveal themselves to the world. Israel's repentance is a vekkerrop and a testimony of the living God.
13. We will summarize.
The Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is a grace covenant. The Lord has no obligation other than themselves. It sought not after some consideration from the Israeli side. Why can not Israel's disobedience upset the pact.
God has not rejected his people, says Paul. It may NOK hardened, but they are not rejected. The promises to the fathers remain in force. God does not regret his gifts and his calling.
The Jews rejected their Messiah because they had it. They stumbled in disbelief at the word, says Peter, and it was also set. We respected him for nothing, says Isaiah. The Jews went to the track that provided the laid ready for them.
Cross raised in a spiritual sense, not on Calvary but in the Garden of Eden. It was the Jews' lot to be a mediator in the settlement between God and Satan at the Fall would utsones.
Jews harden themselves against the gospel, but their fall will be for the salvation of the Gentiles. But when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in, all Israel will be saved. The Jews' conversion is a vekkerrop for all the world's people.
The Lord uses Israel in his salvation plan, first in Old Testament times, so to implement the reconciliation and then to call people to repentance and salvation as long as the world endures. Israel is God's special instrument from everlasting to everlasting.
God promised Abraham a large and contiguous territory in the Middle East with Israel as the center. This promise is not abolished or extended to the new earth. It's going to happen just like it says in the Tanach.
This is in keeping with what Oscar Skar Aune wrote in his booklet: Endetid: How to understand the biblical end-time prophecy? There, he introduces a principle which he called for "Kristustransfomasjonen". It is that the Old Testament promises to Israel is through Jesus' atonement transformed into a different meaning than what they originally had. This is completely wrong. It is clear that Oscar Aune Skar hold on a mad theology of Israel.
If you lose the land promise to Israel, it weakens also the following covenants that Israel has received from God:
a) David Pact. In this covenant God promised that there would never lack a man who would sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem, and that the Messiah would come and have this feature. The geographical basis for this promise is the land of Israel.
b) Charter of a new priesthood. This covenant will have as its geographical base is the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.
I do not know what theological education, the people have, which has prepared this policy statement, but I expect that many of them are theologians. One can not entrust such an important work of theologians, for they are steeped in "replacement theology". Although there are few theologians, that has the correct view of these addresses the relation, the theologians and theology not credible on these issues. They have set themselves up as those who have not know these things, because they interpret God's word in the wrong way. Much of the Christian people are aware of this, but they will not speak out, but they bow to what is wrong.
When the DIN has the vision, then it loses credibility also in Israel and among Jews. In Israel, many are looking forward to the Messiah will come to the land that God promised Abraham.
The JEWISH ASPECT has fallen out of the church and in many Christian church's view of Israel and God's promises to the Jews.
When Paul saw God's dealings with us Gentiles and Israel he breaks out in Rome. 11. 28 Because of the gospel, they become enemies of God, that ye may obtain salvation. But because of the selection are the beloved of God - for the fathers sake. 29 For God does not regret his gifts and his selection. 30 You were once disobedient to God, but now you have received mercy, because the others were disobedient. 31 In the same way they have now been disobedient, but the kindness you have received, will cause that they now receive mercy. 32 God put all the disobedience in order to have mercy on all.
33 Oh, the depth of the riches
and wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments,
and how unfathomable His ways!
34 Who knew the Lord's mind,
or who was his counselor?
35 Who gave him something first,
so he should get consideration?
36 From Him and through Him and to Him are all things.
Him be glory forever! Amen.
Israel was God's "enemies" because of us heathens. When the pagan and heathen fullness of time has elapsed, then the gospel go back to Israel. Depth of wisdom and knowledge of God is breaking out Paul on this occasion!
God is not equal to all individuals. He calls people into his kingdom in many different ways, leading them to Christ in the strangest ways and detours. God is not equal with all nations.
God's special about the Jews, both when he turns and when doctors: Nobody has been convicted and disciplined as them. And no one will be saved as them. No people were at his first coming brought the case to them. And no people should be at his second coming will be resurrected as them. Their selection is confirmed, both when the Lord brings down to Sheol, and when he brings up from there.
We read that the Antichrist whole world to war against Jews and against Jerusalem. Such unity and agreement among all the nations and people have been unknown before. But the opposition and hatred against Christ and His people gather and unite once again what really are old enemies. Today chairs the Jews in their defense, and spends 40% of its resources to be on guard.
The day this great army from all corners of the world comes, 40% not be NOK. Even 100% would have been NOK. Nothing can save them. Israel's army will be to-destroyed and the land taken.
They got their land, just to have a place where they could be safe. Now it's included! They built up one of the world's most effective armies just to live in peace within their own borders. Now the army crushed. It was precisely that they had put their trust! It was their hope, their castle, their comfort, their refuge. Now it is no longer any army. The back is broken. The gates open. The enemy is everywhere. All hope to be there, for there is nothing left. Just an open chasm.
Dan 7.21 tells the unvarnished truth that the Antichrist will overcome them. But what seems to be the end, is not the end! It is the beginning! The Antichrist's victory over God's people last only "until the Ancient of Days came," v 22! The Lord himself will come down and get his people to the rescue just as it is humanly not anything left to be reckoned with, or comfort to! Item 14.2 says: For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle. The city will be captured, the houses plundered and the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into exile, but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
Then, then his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives!
The passage continues as follows: For the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as he has struggled on the day of battle. On that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which lies east of Jerusalem in the east. Item 14.3-4.
When all hope is gone, they are in need of repentance and pain cry to the Lord. And he shall come to his people. Powerful. Visible. A specific intervention. "As he has fought before." Old Simon was physically see Jesus, and it was released a new witness to have seen the Lord's salvation. Thomas called the doubter. It is not right. A doubt want to believe, but can not. Thomas would not believe what he says bluntly. He was an infidel, and is rebuked by Jesus. Yet the unbelieving Jew Tomas additional teaching and special treatment. He saw sårmerkene to the risen, and also with him, it led to a new diplomas laid down in both the heart and mouth: My Lord and my God.
Paul was saved by getting to meet and see Jesus. The hard, unrepentant Jew who would not and could not believe, was pushed down on his knees and down to earth where outside Damascus. Everything changed after that meeting and the revelation. Some of this will then happen with the Jewish people. The new is not that Jesus physically revealed to anyone, and that this leads to salvation.
What is new is that it is now happening to an entire people!
What is new is the physical reach and scope! What we read in Romans 11.26? Well this: How will all of Israel, that all people be saved. And that's exactly what Jesus foretold when he stated that Jerusalem should again see him, Behold, your house is left unto you desolate! For I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see Me until you say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord! Food from 23.38 to 39.
At the time he said this, he came on a colt. Now he will come on a white horse, Revelation 19.11-14. Now they will again see him, and therefore hyllingsropet from palm Sunday again sound! The period of hardening and spiritual blindness will now be over, and the gospel will no longer be hidden from your eyes! For when the tire is removed so they can see! And they just look up to him, and beam with joy! All of Jerusalem, daughter of Zion, all the people. An entire people in a day and at the same time, Isaiah 66.8!
The revival will be as extraordinary, and they saved so many individuals, it can be said rightly that it is all the people. As all the people, with few exceptions, today's hardened, the whole nation be saved. And we read again the two wonderful verses:
But the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, I will pour out grace and prayer, Spirit, and then they look up to me as they have pierced. ... On that day there shall be an open source for the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from sin and impurity. Item 12.10, 13.1.
It is an event the world has never seen before:
It is again Christmas night. The Messiah is also now appeared, physically, in flesh and blood on our soil.
It is left palm Sunday. For Christ also comes now from the Mount of Olives into the Old City as King, and daughter of Zion, His people, to see him, receive him and worship him as Son of David. This time they will cry "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord!" It remains Maundy Thursday. The Messiah will clean out all leaven, and all ungodliness, and all uncleanness from Jacob, then Israel's temple and house again the skirt and clean, and he will again hold the meal with their loved ones in the intimate tables and brother together.
It is again on Good Friday. For Calvary nail marks in Jesus is so clear and so prominent, that he this day short, called "the man whom they have pierced." And the old inscription from the cross to be whispered from mouth to mouth, it vibrates in the air and start singing and tone of the heart: this is Yeshua of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
It is again on Easter Sunday. For He is coming, is the risen and glorious, full of power and powerful.
Therefore, the Romans and the world the kingdom soldiers this time throwing themselves down in fear and powerlessness to the resurrection and the risen mighty powers.
It remains Pentecost. For He will again shed his Spirit upon his people, the sons and daughters of young and old, and gjenfødelsesunderet to happen in many, many thousands of hearts.
It is indeed a holiday.
A fusion of all the holidays and all occasions, all gathered in one day. In one eye-glance scooped all the blessings from above God's people, the new creation and rebirth. And the old prophecy of the Lamb, about the suffering Messiah, from Isaiah 53 will begin to sparkle for the Jews.
In the introduction to this chapter, it says in the Bible I was a boy received from his mother and father: "The Prophet lets the future of Israel, who have turned to Christ, confessing that it formerly in disbelief have despised and rejected him for his call custom promotional and deep humiliation's sake, 1-3, but now has come the conviction that he has suffered for his own, but for his iniquity, and to its salvation, 4-6. "
Who believed the message we heard? We saw him, but he did not have a look so we could have our pleasure in him. Surely our sicknesses he has taken on, and our sorrows he carried. But we esteemed him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities. The penalty was on him, that we should have peace, and by his wounds we are healed. But who thought of his time when he was cut off from the living land, it was for my people's iniquity plague hit him? From Isaiah 53 It sounds a tone of sadness in these verses: Who thought in his time that was how it all hung together? And we read in Item 12 on the state of Jerusalem after the battle, we see a strange sight: A grand army on the outside. And the people crying on the inside. Who really won this war? When the Lord intervenes, there is one and only one which is great.
The Jews will cry.
They must weep as the woman in Simon's house. She was crying - in grief and remorse over their sin, and of the many playing years. She was crying - the trembling gratitude to him, despite her infidelity was full of grace and truth. And this daughter of Abraham did kneel down with him who knows everything and does not condemn. For him who, without excuse, something leaving everything. And she cried and cried. And Jesus let her cry, cry it out, all the evil that had gathered in her soul, like a hard, black mass, a long, long time. How will the children of Abraham, Israel, weep on that day. They will cry - the bottomless grief of his infidelity, his sins and the many, many playing years. They will cry - the trembling gratitude to him who came and took pity on them, albeit in the last watch of the night. Hosea portrays this so very beautiful:
"Then the children of Israel return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. Trembling they will seek the Lord and His gifts in the last days. "At 3.5.
David, their king! Now he had come back! He is united with his people, he has given his country and his kingdom. Now everyone can get started on the cleanup and reconstruction after the ravages. The Bible says the Lord of the Sabbath completed his work, a Genesis 2.2.)
It is now standing in line. And above all: the great effort to save the world, be a complete and carried forward to a good and full finish.
To confirm what is written about Israel's borders as mentioned these limits the first time in 1.Mos.15.18, for there it says: the day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt the great river, the river Euphrates. (Euphrates) And we know this river Euphrates is at Iraq. As he mentions in v.19-21 some people and their land was enclosed in the covenant. It mentions the Lord Hittites who are today's Turks. They lived at Hebron, but later fled to the Turkish areas So as Israel is actually going from Egypt border, the whole of today's Palestine including Gaza to Turkey, Lebanon, and part of Syria and into Iraq's border, the river Euphrates. Also note that it is also about ammo races. This is actually Jordan today. Here, in fact God has a covenant to the Jews that Israel will be as big a dag.Israel owned this great country once, but lost it by land volatility. Today, Israel has begun to take their country that God has given them. Piece by piece, he will give them back what they own. Norway and other nations of the world has no such covenant with God. It is only Jews who have. Had not God watched this covenant, Israel had been destroyed long ago. Israel as a people have no power and strength in themselves to keep the other nations away, but by God's strength and help guard him over his people.
Nr. 65: When Jesus comes again?
Nr. 65:
When Jesus comes again?
Do you have studied Revelation in detail. Good. But you have views on when Jesus returns on the Mount of Olives?
This is a very difficult question, but I have some views on this. But to pinpoint exactly, hour, day and year I do not think we can. But knowing the future, we will and should be ready.
Amos 3 7 For the Lord GOD will do nothing unless he has revealed his secret unto his servants the prophets.
The surest sign that we are living in end times and the first thing Jesus said was the error characters.
Matt .24. 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, See that no one leads you astray!
We see this happen right before our eyes. Eg. when prominent Pentecostal preachers that Emanuel Minos, David Ostby and others can help to support Norway's most corrupt and manipulative Christian Leaders TV Evangelists and "Pastor" Jan Hanvold, AOM is a false prophet by God's word clear teaching.
What other things? I think we must also weed out some erroneous views and misinterpretations of Scripture.
We read in Zechariah that the 2 \ 3 shall perish, and 1 \ 3 shall survive, I think referring to what should happen BEFORE the great tribulation. In the great tribulation to Israel will be supernaturally protected by God.
I have been taught to believe that this scripture applies to the Jews, but it does not?
Matt. 24. 34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away before all this happens.
But this word is that those who see the beginning of the Great Tribulation will also see the end.
The fact that Israel was his country and was recognized as a separate state in 1948 is a powerful and a sign that the time is near. Israel is the fig tree, and all other countries the other trees.
I think we can say that what is happening in the world, ie outside of Israel is that storeviseren. What is happening in Israel as langviseren showing minutes and mellomviseren showing seconds, as Jerusalem.
We read in Luke 21 24 and they shall fall by the sword and led captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be nedtrådt of the Gentiles, until the heathen time is over.
Jerusalem would be nedtrådt, ie not free board and that Israel can do whatever they want without being threatened, overwhelmed or otherwise pressured. What happened in year 70 e Kr.?
In 66 broke out extensive revolt against Roman rule in Judea. In Jerusalem, a small Roman garrison massacred. This led to what is called the first Jewish war. The war lasted until the Roman commander Titus captured Jerusalem in 70 The temple was burnt to the ground and the temple's sacred equipment was brought to Rome. Thirty thousand Jews were sold as slaves and 2,500 people were killed in gladiatorial battles in connection with a birthday party for his brother Titus.
If we then year 70 or so that the date of the Gentiles took over all of Jerusalem, and as a milestone. So we read in Hosea 6 2 He will revive us after two days on the third day he will raise us, and we shall live before him.
So we read in 2 Pet. 3. 8 But this one I must not be blind to, the beloved, that one day is in sight of the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
We read that Israel should accept Jesus when he comes on the Mount of Olives several places in the word of God.
If we as a day that thousands of years, then it will be in the year 2070 Jesus comes back to oil the rock.
Furthermore, we read in Daniel 24 to 27 September as I fly in the bible my comments in Mark 13 that there is a week left for Israel who are 7 years. Then the year 2070 to 7 years = 2063 years. If we add a little wiggle room at the wrong calculation, we can end down on the year 2060 up to about 2070. When Jesus will pick up the bride or the church.
No one knows for day or hour, Jesus says, but the Father alone. But time will we know.
Should we be uvitne about this? Or should we try to orient ourselves and live then? I we live accordingly.
But it seems also that we can influence the coming of Jesus to evangelize and to live holy.
Bible Commentary from Mark's gospel 13:
10 And the gospel must first be preached to all nations.
Note the wording here mentions St. Mark Gospel. In Matthew 24 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Jews, especially the 144,000 that book of Revelation speaks of will in the end times preaching the gospel of the kingdom - the 1000 year kingdom. But we as pagans but also Jews Jesus believers are preaching the gospel and the cross in the center. 1. Kor.1. 18 For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
2. Pet. 3. 11 And now everything will fall apart, how holy and godly, you should not live, 12 as I wait for and hasten the day of God come, by which the heavens shall be dissolved in flames and dense bodies melt in fire.
This which I submitted to be tested on the word of God. And everyone who speaks prophecy may also have a bit of himself in it, and my approach can also be critical and affect.
1. Tess. 5. 20 do not despise prophetic speech, 21 but test everything, hold fast to the good.
Furthermore, we read that everything should be tried, even prophetic voice and everything else that one brings up.
1. Cor. 14. 29 But the prophets speak two or three, and the others try it!
Do also remember that I am of the opinion that the church - the bride - to be caught up before the 7 minors anti-Christian oppression. That will start with Israel and the Antichrist makes a covenant, but in the middle of the period, Israel will realize that they have been deceived by the Antichrist roll around and break the covenant. Then they will know to fill his anger, but God will protect them and they will at the end of the great tribulation also see that they were wrong with regard to the Messiah. He was the one they rejected, but that they will repent and they will weep over their mistakes and their misdeeds. But they will also have the grace and experience God's boundless love and forgiveness.
Are there other things and sides to bring? Yes, but that's why we make the blog open so everyone can express themselves and come up with what they have at heart.
There are some who use this scripture. Matt. 24. 36 But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father alone.
We can not slavishly say that we do not know. Jesus was a man here on earth and under the Holy Spirit. Today we know Jesus everything when he, after the resurrection is God. On that basis, we can also acquire more wisdom, knowledge and wisdom. It also wants God to be communicated to us, as he will and we are open to hear, listen and learn.
1. Genesis 18 17 Then the Lord said, Shall I must hide from Abraham what I intend to do? 18 Abraham will surely become a great and mighty nation and all nations on earth shall be blessed in him: 19 for I have chosen him so that he shall command his children and his household after him that they should keep him after the way of the Lord and do justice and righteousness , so the Lord can let Abraham get what he has promised him.
God the Father loves to impart to his trusted servants, and serve inside!
If we follow the trains of thought which I have presented so will the church promotion else happen in 50 years and 1000 years of the kingdom will begin when the team in 60 years. But this can be offset by several factors, but we know that Jesus' second coming closer day by day. And salvation is closer now than the day we came to faith in Jesus as our Savior, Lord, Messiah, friend and husband.
Rom. 13. 11 And this we must do, when we know the time, that the time has come when we will wake up from sleep, for salvation is closer now than when we came to faith. 12 The suffering of the night, and the times to day, let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, but light Put on the whole our weapons! 13 Let us walk decently, as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in promiscuity and lasciviousness, not in KIV and envy, 14 but you Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and the berries are not so caring for the flesh that aroused avid called!
When Jesus comes again?
Do you have studied Revelation in detail. Good. But you have views on when Jesus returns on the Mount of Olives?
This is a very difficult question, but I have some views on this. But to pinpoint exactly, hour, day and year I do not think we can. But knowing the future, we will and should be ready.
Amos 3 7 For the Lord GOD will do nothing unless he has revealed his secret unto his servants the prophets.
The surest sign that we are living in end times and the first thing Jesus said was the error characters.
Matt .24. 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, See that no one leads you astray!
We see this happen right before our eyes. Eg. when prominent Pentecostal preachers that Emanuel Minos, David Ostby and others can help to support Norway's most corrupt and manipulative Christian Leaders TV Evangelists and "Pastor" Jan Hanvold, AOM is a false prophet by God's word clear teaching.
What other things? I think we must also weed out some erroneous views and misinterpretations of Scripture.
We read in Zechariah that the 2 \ 3 shall perish, and 1 \ 3 shall survive, I think referring to what should happen BEFORE the great tribulation. In the great tribulation to Israel will be supernaturally protected by God.
I have been taught to believe that this scripture applies to the Jews, but it does not?
Matt. 24. 34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away before all this happens.
But this word is that those who see the beginning of the Great Tribulation will also see the end.
The fact that Israel was his country and was recognized as a separate state in 1948 is a powerful and a sign that the time is near. Israel is the fig tree, and all other countries the other trees.
I think we can say that what is happening in the world, ie outside of Israel is that storeviseren. What is happening in Israel as langviseren showing minutes and mellomviseren showing seconds, as Jerusalem.
We read in Luke 21 24 and they shall fall by the sword and led captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be nedtrådt of the Gentiles, until the heathen time is over.
Jerusalem would be nedtrådt, ie not free board and that Israel can do whatever they want without being threatened, overwhelmed or otherwise pressured. What happened in year 70 e Kr.?
In 66 broke out extensive revolt against Roman rule in Judea. In Jerusalem, a small Roman garrison massacred. This led to what is called the first Jewish war. The war lasted until the Roman commander Titus captured Jerusalem in 70 The temple was burnt to the ground and the temple's sacred equipment was brought to Rome. Thirty thousand Jews were sold as slaves and 2,500 people were killed in gladiatorial battles in connection with a birthday party for his brother Titus.
If we then year 70 or so that the date of the Gentiles took over all of Jerusalem, and as a milestone. So we read in Hosea 6 2 He will revive us after two days on the third day he will raise us, and we shall live before him.
So we read in 2 Pet. 3. 8 But this one I must not be blind to, the beloved, that one day is in sight of the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
We read that Israel should accept Jesus when he comes on the Mount of Olives several places in the word of God.
If we as a day that thousands of years, then it will be in the year 2070 Jesus comes back to oil the rock.
Furthermore, we read in Daniel 24 to 27 September as I fly in the bible my comments in Mark 13 that there is a week left for Israel who are 7 years. Then the year 2070 to 7 years = 2063 years. If we add a little wiggle room at the wrong calculation, we can end down on the year 2060 up to about 2070. When Jesus will pick up the bride or the church.
No one knows for day or hour, Jesus says, but the Father alone. But time will we know.
Should we be uvitne about this? Or should we try to orient ourselves and live then? I we live accordingly.
But it seems also that we can influence the coming of Jesus to evangelize and to live holy.
Bible Commentary from Mark's gospel 13:
10 And the gospel must first be preached to all nations.
Note the wording here mentions St. Mark Gospel. In Matthew 24 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Jews, especially the 144,000 that book of Revelation speaks of will in the end times preaching the gospel of the kingdom - the 1000 year kingdom. But we as pagans but also Jews Jesus believers are preaching the gospel and the cross in the center. 1. Kor.1. 18 For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
2. Pet. 3. 11 And now everything will fall apart, how holy and godly, you should not live, 12 as I wait for and hasten the day of God come, by which the heavens shall be dissolved in flames and dense bodies melt in fire.
This which I submitted to be tested on the word of God. And everyone who speaks prophecy may also have a bit of himself in it, and my approach can also be critical and affect.
1. Tess. 5. 20 do not despise prophetic speech, 21 but test everything, hold fast to the good.
Furthermore, we read that everything should be tried, even prophetic voice and everything else that one brings up.
1. Cor. 14. 29 But the prophets speak two or three, and the others try it!
Do also remember that I am of the opinion that the church - the bride - to be caught up before the 7 minors anti-Christian oppression. That will start with Israel and the Antichrist makes a covenant, but in the middle of the period, Israel will realize that they have been deceived by the Antichrist roll around and break the covenant. Then they will know to fill his anger, but God will protect them and they will at the end of the great tribulation also see that they were wrong with regard to the Messiah. He was the one they rejected, but that they will repent and they will weep over their mistakes and their misdeeds. But they will also have the grace and experience God's boundless love and forgiveness.
Are there other things and sides to bring? Yes, but that's why we make the blog open so everyone can express themselves and come up with what they have at heart.
There are some who use this scripture. Matt. 24. 36 But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father alone.
We can not slavishly say that we do not know. Jesus was a man here on earth and under the Holy Spirit. Today we know Jesus everything when he, after the resurrection is God. On that basis, we can also acquire more wisdom, knowledge and wisdom. It also wants God to be communicated to us, as he will and we are open to hear, listen and learn.
1. Genesis 18 17 Then the Lord said, Shall I must hide from Abraham what I intend to do? 18 Abraham will surely become a great and mighty nation and all nations on earth shall be blessed in him: 19 for I have chosen him so that he shall command his children and his household after him that they should keep him after the way of the Lord and do justice and righteousness , so the Lord can let Abraham get what he has promised him.
God the Father loves to impart to his trusted servants, and serve inside!
If we follow the trains of thought which I have presented so will the church promotion else happen in 50 years and 1000 years of the kingdom will begin when the team in 60 years. But this can be offset by several factors, but we know that Jesus' second coming closer day by day. And salvation is closer now than the day we came to faith in Jesus as our Savior, Lord, Messiah, friend and husband.
Rom. 13. 11 And this we must do, when we know the time, that the time has come when we will wake up from sleep, for salvation is closer now than when we came to faith. 12 The suffering of the night, and the times to day, let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, but light Put on the whole our weapons! 13 Let us walk decently, as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in promiscuity and lasciviousness, not in KIV and envy, 14 but you Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and the berries are not so caring for the flesh that aroused avid called!
Nr. 64: Counsel of God to salvation!
Nr. 64:
Counsel of God to salvation!
It is a subject of God's word, which has preoccupied me from my youth. It is to live it as Paul speaking to the elders of the church in Ephesus. In Acts 20.27:
"I held nothing back, but preached to you the whole counsel of God to salvation".
Becoming and being a strong Christian, is to have a richer understanding of God's word, as many have today. Having a proper understanding of themselves, others and God, is to come into God's perfect will for their lives and service to God.
Now, after I have grown older, it's really only one person that I admire. It is God himself.
Therefore to obtain the riches that he has revealed to us in his word, wonderful.
Learning self and others to know is also good. That someone would remove the 10 Commandments as part of God's word is confusing things. By understanding, teaching himself to know, is speaking about a thing for me. I have sinful inclinations, selfish plans and human aspirations, which will take me away from God and his word. More than ever, so I experience, I need God, his spirit and the salvation he has provided for me through the mind's beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
I've always been a common Christian in my understanding, although I've seen others that are not. Take the song selection that we Christians sing at meetings, often, so keeping the different churches to a type of song. But after experiencing many Christians from different ones congregations and churches, there is one thing that is for me; variation.
Could vary the song selection, but the important thing is, and remains, that we sing from the heart, a great enrichment. From being able to sing the liturgy almost like a find in the nooks where one experiences solemnity, to the free song As Maranata congregation, with sildigregn and the free way Aage Samuelsen was on. I think that much of the song that is in modern churches, is very monotonous, but if one has the ability to bring out the best songs, it can also be good. Especially some of the praise Koran as a song of 70-80 century. But here in this article that I want to take up, is to "preach the whole counsel of God to salvation" as Paul put such emphasis on.
What is it to preach the whole counsel of God to salvation? It is to preach and practice the truths found in God's word, especially in the New Testament.
In 2 Timothy. 2.15 states: "Try always to be able to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not have anything to be ashamed of, one that correctly distributing the word of truth".
Being able to correctly distribute the word of truth, is very important.
What does it mean? Just as a serving dish with an appropriate portion of each ingredient, so one should share God's word. Little feet, little meat, some vegetables, some sauce and suitably spicy as a perfect dinner. How should one serve God.
That the people of God, the understanding of the spiritual truths and riches are essential.
Today, as God's people suffer from deficiency diseases. Therefore, it is best, right and necessary that a preaching the whole counsel of God to salvation. Do not turn off or add something.
The basic text, it says, "as you rettdelende word." To understand it our way. When cooking a dish food, so it is important to stick to the recipe. Having looked and saw a lot of the different stock parts that I have already mentioned. This will create a savory food. In the same way it is with those who preach God's word. It is necessary to teach all the truths of God's word. And that makes it the right way to the edification of the church. The exhortation, consolation and guidance.
Repentance, purification and redemption in Jesus blood alone. Sanctification, Christ's return. Israel's central place in the prophetic word. Warning against false spiritual direction. False doctrine of the Trinity and the Millennium. Eternal damnation and eternal glory. Here are just some of the spiritual truths that are necessary to proclaim and to be preached and taught and about. Should the church be the truth and support the foundation and church members will be able to put all the good work.
Counsel of God to salvation!
It is a subject of God's word, which has preoccupied me from my youth. It is to live it as Paul speaking to the elders of the church in Ephesus. In Acts 20.27:
"I held nothing back, but preached to you the whole counsel of God to salvation".
Becoming and being a strong Christian, is to have a richer understanding of God's word, as many have today. Having a proper understanding of themselves, others and God, is to come into God's perfect will for their lives and service to God.
Now, after I have grown older, it's really only one person that I admire. It is God himself.
Therefore to obtain the riches that he has revealed to us in his word, wonderful.
Learning self and others to know is also good. That someone would remove the 10 Commandments as part of God's word is confusing things. By understanding, teaching himself to know, is speaking about a thing for me. I have sinful inclinations, selfish plans and human aspirations, which will take me away from God and his word. More than ever, so I experience, I need God, his spirit and the salvation he has provided for me through the mind's beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
I've always been a common Christian in my understanding, although I've seen others that are not. Take the song selection that we Christians sing at meetings, often, so keeping the different churches to a type of song. But after experiencing many Christians from different ones congregations and churches, there is one thing that is for me; variation.
Could vary the song selection, but the important thing is, and remains, that we sing from the heart, a great enrichment. From being able to sing the liturgy almost like a find in the nooks where one experiences solemnity, to the free song As Maranata congregation, with sildigregn and the free way Aage Samuelsen was on. I think that much of the song that is in modern churches, is very monotonous, but if one has the ability to bring out the best songs, it can also be good. Especially some of the praise Koran as a song of 70-80 century. But here in this article that I want to take up, is to "preach the whole counsel of God to salvation" as Paul put such emphasis on.
What is it to preach the whole counsel of God to salvation? It is to preach and practice the truths found in God's word, especially in the New Testament.
In 2 Timothy. 2.15 states: "Try always to be able to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not have anything to be ashamed of, one that correctly distributing the word of truth".
Being able to correctly distribute the word of truth, is very important.
What does it mean? Just as a serving dish with an appropriate portion of each ingredient, so one should share God's word. Little feet, little meat, some vegetables, some sauce and suitably spicy as a perfect dinner. How should one serve God.
That the people of God, the understanding of the spiritual truths and riches are essential.
Today, as God's people suffer from deficiency diseases. Therefore, it is best, right and necessary that a preaching the whole counsel of God to salvation. Do not turn off or add something.
The basic text, it says, "as you rettdelende word." To understand it our way. When cooking a dish food, so it is important to stick to the recipe. Having looked and saw a lot of the different stock parts that I have already mentioned. This will create a savory food. In the same way it is with those who preach God's word. It is necessary to teach all the truths of God's word. And that makes it the right way to the edification of the church. The exhortation, consolation and guidance.
Repentance, purification and redemption in Jesus blood alone. Sanctification, Christ's return. Israel's central place in the prophetic word. Warning against false spiritual direction. False doctrine of the Trinity and the Millennium. Eternal damnation and eternal glory. Here are just some of the spiritual truths that are necessary to proclaim and to be preached and taught and about. Should the church be the truth and support the foundation and church members will be able to put all the good work.
Nr. 63: Do you plan to write a book? Which topic would you take up?
Nr. 63:
Do you plan to write a book? Which topic would you take up?
Book: Preaching of ALL GOD'S ADVICE TO SALVATION! What it means is!
Have had a book in the "belly" since his youth. There would have taken place in Acts 20. 27 for I held nothing back, but preached unto you the whole counsel of God.
The strength of the whole, the need to declare all of God's word and not hold anything back. It's something I have always emphasized. I never like to have one or two special truths that one must emphasize, but all aspects of Christ and God's word. The whole harmony and strength!
Want to have a serial that comes here will be as draft if an upcoming book. Will take up an X number of different topics that will come in autumn \ winter onwards. Enjoy, and do you have any specific topics that you think I should include, please send e-mail to me. It becomes a way!
The word that is translated here is the purpose of God's plan. It is important to explain the word of God so that one understands the meaning, importance and the proper meaning of the word of God. Then we will bear fruit, fruit that lasts.
1 Corinthians 4:1-4
So, as any look at us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.
For managers it is otherwise required that they must show their faith.
That means at least for me, if I judged by you, or by a human court. I am not my own judgments.
For even if I do not know anything about myself, I am not so justified, but who judges me is the Lord.
It is liberating to read Paul's words here. He is not in any obedience with people first and foremost, but to the Lord. The Lord is his Lord over all other authority.
The manager is something we are for others. Then we have to do everything so that the client is satisfied. Such was Paul. Therefore he could say why I testify to you this day that I am clean for everyone's blood. For I have not held anything back, but I have preached to you the whole counsel of God. (Acts 20:26-27)
I am glad it is the apostle who presents himself here as the manager and says he has shown faith in his stewardship. Although I know the flaws and lack of many years when it comes to live as a Christian. But the light I have, I have stretched myself for being a faithful preacher of the Word of God, as it is handed over to us in Scripture. Maybe I have not always succeeded. But it has been my goal.
Stewardship to God is first and foremost this to be true to the mysteries of God, as Paul says. The secrets of God has shown me, I will here try to take out a part of. Then this further as a "serial".
Will start with what is the first reason in God's word and turn on up to what it is like to grow up into him who is the head, Christ. And I will stop with what is left out in preaching and is wrong today. Where the shoe pinches and Satan have a bridgehead into God's church, where I feel like a prophet of the Lord that I will go with the ITU! Where the second tier and falsifies, speeches, and I learn what the word of God and the Lord mean by the biblical text.
This is from my commentaries from Hebrews 6 on the first reason in God's words:
6. 1. Therefore, we now put behind us what we first learned about Christ and seek to reach maturity. We will not again lay the foundation and the voice of repentance from dead works and of faith in God,
The church here was actually totally the wrong way. Instead of going on with Christ, they were about to return to Judaism. The very foundation of your Christian life was added. Repentance from dead works is really Gal. 2 rewritten.
Gal.2. 20 I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. Dead works are works of duty, not out of an inner Christ-life.
2 or teach renselsesbad and the laying on of hands, about the resurrection and the eternal doom.
Renselsesbad belonged to the old covenant and shall not practice in the new covenant. There is blood and the word which today has a purifying force for us. The resurrection of the dead speaking of what awaits us and of course that without Jesus was resurrected is no salvation. The eternal sentence speaks of life's two outs. Whether eternal life or eternal destruction, it decides this is how one sets out to Jesus Christ.
This is from my commentaries Ephesians 4 it to grow up into him who is the head, even Christ:
14 Then we will no longer be immature, do not let us throw here and there and run with the wind from any doctrine, as we become prey to human error and false play cunning tricks.
Paul encourages one to no longer be immature, but become mature. The maturation process is one from one stage to the next, but all the "steps" in our lives belong. We can not go to the next "ladder" until we have passed the "stairs" nedforbi. We must not look at all that we face as the enemy forever, but it is part of our maturation, development and learning to distinguish the noble from the base.
2. Pet. 3. 18 You shall grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Him be glory, now and forever! Amen.
15 We must be faithful to the truth in love and in all things grow up into him who is the head, Christ.
The truth is not only God's word, but a person. Therefore, we have something to learn from Jesus how to communicate the message. Jesus is the message, but his manner and in the spiritual power he brought it up, it sounds even with our maturity.
Matt. 11. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden light. "
16 From him comes the whole body growth, it joined and held together by every supporting band, depending on the task that is allotted to each part, and so grows the body and are built up in love.
From him the Christ at his word and Spirit in the first instance, it is our source of faith. Once this is in place in the believer's life begins a healthy development and maturation. But the maturation and development should also take out so that we have the ability, can and will do the Lord's work. Will this be a continuous and progressive process, as is the love of the Lord and each other decisive. We read in sending the letters in the book of Revelation about good 30 years later that the church had failed because they had lost and abandoned his first love. It is not something to aspire for, but something we should take care of!
My commentaries Revelation Book 2 4 But this I have against you, that you have forsaken your first love.
Of all the congregations of the church's 2000-year long history of the church in Ephesus, a pattern image for everyone in all parts. It is the church rather than someone else who has taken out the potential, ability and power that is in Christ. When the congregation could derail the Word of the Lord is ready for all of us.
1. Cor. 10. 12 Therefore if you think you are standing, watch out lest he fall! (End of quote).
It is important and necessary to begin the Christian life ABC before proceeding. But when one has taken ABC let one go on. Any truth in God's word has its meaning and importance. As we have seen, understood and been taught about everything, then we are mature and are similar to Jesus who is God's goal and purpose for us all as his legitimate children! We go to school spirit like we as children began in the 1st at and learning more and more, just as it is in society with education, etc., so God will also lead our lives into a healthy and well and evolving life. In school, we develop first and foremost, our mental abilities, but in the spiritual school, it is our spiritual capabilities to be developed first and foremost, where a growing in grace and knowledge. It is a healthy track Lord will lead us into the spiritual training, knowledge and guidance.
Luke 6 A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his master.
Of course this is revolutionary, the church has not been as their Master and Teacher since the first Christians, but by God's word revelation and obedience to it, it should and we can experience what the early believers saw and experienced. Nay, even more glorious!
Here is from the Greek because the text of Acts 20.27:
Do you plan to write a book? Which topic would you take up?
Book: Preaching of ALL GOD'S ADVICE TO SALVATION! What it means is!
Have had a book in the "belly" since his youth. There would have taken place in Acts 20. 27 for I held nothing back, but preached unto you the whole counsel of God.
The strength of the whole, the need to declare all of God's word and not hold anything back. It's something I have always emphasized. I never like to have one or two special truths that one must emphasize, but all aspects of Christ and God's word. The whole harmony and strength!
Want to have a serial that comes here will be as draft if an upcoming book. Will take up an X number of different topics that will come in autumn \ winter onwards. Enjoy, and do you have any specific topics that you think I should include, please send e-mail to me. It becomes a way!
The word that is translated here is the purpose of God's plan. It is important to explain the word of God so that one understands the meaning, importance and the proper meaning of the word of God. Then we will bear fruit, fruit that lasts.
1 Corinthians 4:1-4
So, as any look at us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.
For managers it is otherwise required that they must show their faith.
That means at least for me, if I judged by you, or by a human court. I am not my own judgments.
For even if I do not know anything about myself, I am not so justified, but who judges me is the Lord.
It is liberating to read Paul's words here. He is not in any obedience with people first and foremost, but to the Lord. The Lord is his Lord over all other authority.
The manager is something we are for others. Then we have to do everything so that the client is satisfied. Such was Paul. Therefore he could say why I testify to you this day that I am clean for everyone's blood. For I have not held anything back, but I have preached to you the whole counsel of God. (Acts 20:26-27)
I am glad it is the apostle who presents himself here as the manager and says he has shown faith in his stewardship. Although I know the flaws and lack of many years when it comes to live as a Christian. But the light I have, I have stretched myself for being a faithful preacher of the Word of God, as it is handed over to us in Scripture. Maybe I have not always succeeded. But it has been my goal.
Stewardship to God is first and foremost this to be true to the mysteries of God, as Paul says. The secrets of God has shown me, I will here try to take out a part of. Then this further as a "serial".
Will start with what is the first reason in God's word and turn on up to what it is like to grow up into him who is the head, Christ. And I will stop with what is left out in preaching and is wrong today. Where the shoe pinches and Satan have a bridgehead into God's church, where I feel like a prophet of the Lord that I will go with the ITU! Where the second tier and falsifies, speeches, and I learn what the word of God and the Lord mean by the biblical text.
This is from my commentaries from Hebrews 6 on the first reason in God's words:
6. 1. Therefore, we now put behind us what we first learned about Christ and seek to reach maturity. We will not again lay the foundation and the voice of repentance from dead works and of faith in God,
The church here was actually totally the wrong way. Instead of going on with Christ, they were about to return to Judaism. The very foundation of your Christian life was added. Repentance from dead works is really Gal. 2 rewritten.
Gal.2. 20 I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. Dead works are works of duty, not out of an inner Christ-life.
2 or teach renselsesbad and the laying on of hands, about the resurrection and the eternal doom.
Renselsesbad belonged to the old covenant and shall not practice in the new covenant. There is blood and the word which today has a purifying force for us. The resurrection of the dead speaking of what awaits us and of course that without Jesus was resurrected is no salvation. The eternal sentence speaks of life's two outs. Whether eternal life or eternal destruction, it decides this is how one sets out to Jesus Christ.
This is from my commentaries Ephesians 4 it to grow up into him who is the head, even Christ:
14 Then we will no longer be immature, do not let us throw here and there and run with the wind from any doctrine, as we become prey to human error and false play cunning tricks.
Paul encourages one to no longer be immature, but become mature. The maturation process is one from one stage to the next, but all the "steps" in our lives belong. We can not go to the next "ladder" until we have passed the "stairs" nedforbi. We must not look at all that we face as the enemy forever, but it is part of our maturation, development and learning to distinguish the noble from the base.
2. Pet. 3. 18 You shall grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Him be glory, now and forever! Amen.
15 We must be faithful to the truth in love and in all things grow up into him who is the head, Christ.
The truth is not only God's word, but a person. Therefore, we have something to learn from Jesus how to communicate the message. Jesus is the message, but his manner and in the spiritual power he brought it up, it sounds even with our maturity.
Matt. 11. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden light. "
16 From him comes the whole body growth, it joined and held together by every supporting band, depending on the task that is allotted to each part, and so grows the body and are built up in love.
From him the Christ at his word and Spirit in the first instance, it is our source of faith. Once this is in place in the believer's life begins a healthy development and maturation. But the maturation and development should also take out so that we have the ability, can and will do the Lord's work. Will this be a continuous and progressive process, as is the love of the Lord and each other decisive. We read in sending the letters in the book of Revelation about good 30 years later that the church had failed because they had lost and abandoned his first love. It is not something to aspire for, but something we should take care of!
My commentaries Revelation Book 2 4 But this I have against you, that you have forsaken your first love.
Of all the congregations of the church's 2000-year long history of the church in Ephesus, a pattern image for everyone in all parts. It is the church rather than someone else who has taken out the potential, ability and power that is in Christ. When the congregation could derail the Word of the Lord is ready for all of us.
1. Cor. 10. 12 Therefore if you think you are standing, watch out lest he fall! (End of quote).
It is important and necessary to begin the Christian life ABC before proceeding. But when one has taken ABC let one go on. Any truth in God's word has its meaning and importance. As we have seen, understood and been taught about everything, then we are mature and are similar to Jesus who is God's goal and purpose for us all as his legitimate children! We go to school spirit like we as children began in the 1st at and learning more and more, just as it is in society with education, etc., so God will also lead our lives into a healthy and well and evolving life. In school, we develop first and foremost, our mental abilities, but in the spiritual school, it is our spiritual capabilities to be developed first and foremost, where a growing in grace and knowledge. It is a healthy track Lord will lead us into the spiritual training, knowledge and guidance.
Luke 6 A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his master.
Of course this is revolutionary, the church has not been as their Master and Teacher since the first Christians, but by God's word revelation and obedience to it, it should and we can experience what the early believers saw and experienced. Nay, even more glorious!
Here is from the Greek because the text of Acts 20.27: