Nr. 22:
Baptism in water
The Greek word Baptizo means, dive, dive in, dive down. It means full immersion.
The baptism was in fact a commandment that Jesus gave us in what we call the Great Commission.
Matthew 28:18-20 They were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ (see bottom of page related link for the issue).
The early Christians were concerned with one thing, to preach, baptize and to pray. Everything else they did, they did in the name of Jesus Christ, not someone else's name or titles.
We read here about baptism in Acts several places where baptism was always in the name of Jesus:
Ap.gj.2.38. Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, every one of you, that ye may receive forgiveness of sins, and ye shall receive the Holy Ghost.
Ap.gj.10. 48. So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to stay with them a few days.
Ap.gj.19.5. After hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord.
It was in this name baptism took place among the early Christians and God's word tells us to do and practice exactly like the first Christians.
Baptism is union with Jesus in his death - funeral - Resurrection
Rom. 6. 3 Or do not you know that all we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were therefore buried with him when we were baptized with the baptism into death in order that we may live a new life, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father's great power. 5 Do we have grown together with Christ in a death that is similar to his, we shall also be one with him in a resurrection like his
Baptism in water is the gateway to the local church
Acts 2. 41 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day was around three thousand added to the church. 47 glorifying God, and everyone liked them. Every day, new people saved, and the Lord put them to the church.
Baptism is a good conscience covenant between us and God
1. Pet. 3. 20 There were those in Noah's time were disobedient, when God's patience waited while the ark was built. In it was a few people - a total of eight - were saved by water, 21 that in its foreshadowing, baptism now saves you. Baptism is no cleansing of the external impurity, but a good conscience, confession to God, the power of Jesus Christ's resurrection.
Baptism is a proclamation of the world, intellectual powers and all people.
1. Joh. b. 5 8 the Spirit and water and blood, and these three accord.
Baptism saves the world
Markus 16 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned.
Baptism in water by immersion for one have come to faith is to be clothed with Christ.
Gal. 3. 27 All those who are baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves in Christ.
Paul did not baptize but wanted the elders and those who served in the church were baptized church members.
1. Cor. 1. 14 I thank God that I did not baptize anyone of you than Crispus and Gaius, 15 so that no one should say that you were baptized in my name. 16 I have indeed also baptized Stephanas and his family. Otherwise I do not know whether I baptized anyone.
Many examples of water baptism in Gt.
Noah's Ark is like a foreshadowing. Noah was raised above the water, but we go under the water. With that in common that we are separated from the world.
1. Pet. 3. 20 There were those in Noah's time were disobedient, when God's patience waited while the ark was built. In it was a few people - a total of eight - were saved by water, 21 that in its foreshadowing, baptism now saves you. Baptism is no cleansing of the external impurity, but a good conscience, confession to God, the power of Jesus Christ's resurrection.
The children of Israel out of Egypt than the blood of the Lamb rescued them from the angel of death, but the water separated them from the Egyptians who are in a picture of the world.
1. Cor. 10. 2 and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea,
Who can be baptized? Those who believe and confess that Jesus is the Son of God and their personal Savior and Lord.
Acts 8. 36 And as they drove along the road, they came to a place where there was water and the eunuch said, "Here is water. Is there anything to prevent me from being baptized? "37 Philip said," If you believe with all your heart, it can happen. "Then he said:" I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. "38 So he sent cart stop, and both went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch and Philip baptized him.
Faith is essential, only faith and only that.
Acts 18. 8 But the ruler of the synagogue Crispus came to faith in the Lord with all his house, and many of the Corinthians who heard him, came to faith and were baptized.
How do we baptize in Smyrna Oslo? We have first at least one conversation with the baptismal candidates. When it has become clear in this, so we recommend they have a testimony of their faith in Jesus. As we get ready for baptism. The person being baptized, christened when his own faith and BEKJENNESLE!
When rising baptismal candidates and the one who will baptize in the water. Then the baptismal candidates are asked for, and often also prophesied over.
If I baptize, I say the following: I baptize you in Jesus Christ, His death and burial. So do I perform baptism where baptismal candidates are baptized by full immersion in water. Then comes a trosproklamasjon "upright to walk together with Jesus, filled with his spirit and power!"
This was NOK as the apostles and early Christians baptized and we are building on their learning and practice, we want to live and practice all that the first Christians in Smyrna Oslo.
This is from my commentaries Ephesians 2 20 Ye are built upon the apostles and prophets the foundation, but the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself.
1. Kor.3: 10 By the grace of God which is given me, I have laid the foundation as a wise master builder, and another builds on, but any look at how he builds!
For no one can lay a foundation other than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
First, Paul tells the church is built on the apostles and prophets the foundation,-which is built on Jesus Christ.
No one can lay a new foundation on top of it is already there. Therefore, none have any revelation that is not consistent with God's word and an already found in the word of God and the ancient writings we have.
The Apostle John was caught up in the sky and saw the new Jerusalem.
Joh. Revelation 21: 16 And the city wall had twelve foundations, and on them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Here John sees twelve foundation stones with twelve names inscribed.
The names belong to the Lamb's twelve apostles. It is among the first Christians they were and it was Paul who eventually brought the word of God and the apostle John in Revelation. All revelation since is to rediscover what God has already shown its holy men of God and women. We should not draw anything from or add to. This is from my commentaries Colossians Dispenser Letter 1 25 I have become a servant of the church by virtue of the management task God has given me with you: to complete the service of God's word,
With the background he had, not least with his deep knowledge of God's word and all the Jewish regulations, he was ideal for his great mission: to complete the service of God's word. Or as it says in the 1930 translation, ie to complete the word of God. There were many aspects of Paul's teaching \ preaching that was not obvious before he brought it to light. Among other church, the rapture of the church, gifts, service, gifts and many other truths.
What about prophets?
Matt.11: 13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. . .
After John the Baptist came to an end both the law and the prophets.
But the strange thing is that Paul says God placed among other prophets in the churches. Lying Paul?
No, the explanation can be found in the word prophet, and that an Old Testament prophet, and one from the New Testament are two different concepts.
In the Hebrew language uses four words of the prophet, a seer (one who could see into the future) as a mouthpiece for God, one who preached morals of the people, and the last word of a false prophet.
In the New Testament is a word that means to expound divine will in an inspired way, and to comfort, encourage or exhort.
1 Corinthians 14:3: But he who prophesies speaks to people, to the edification, exhortation and consolation.
Those who call themselves prophets today, believe themselves to be the sort of prophet who can see into the future and get revelations directly from God.
Let me explain exactly what I mean, and what I DO NOT mean that there should be any doubt.
When the Holy Spirit guide you in your personal life, this is a prophecy in the New Testament context.
This has never ceased.
The New Testament prophetic gift to make light of what God ALREADY has revealed in his Word, the Bible is NOT the opposite. This has never ceased.
The Bible rules out, is the restoration of the Old Testament prophet-office.
Faith Movement Ministers claim that the Old Testament prophet's office is restored.
However, such a thing never mentions the Bible with a single word.
Faith Movement prophets see into the future, adding the course on the body of Christ, and have revealed new teachings that are contrary to Biblical teachings.
This practice is explicitly contradicted by the Word of God, and God has laid down total ban on such activity.
All the revelations and prophecies until the Day of Judgement has already been prophesied and revealed!
God has given us the revelations and the teachings we need!
Heb.1 :1-2 God, who in the past many times and many ways spake unto the fathers by the prophets, He has in these last days spoken unto us by his Son. . .
Here the Bible tells us again that the Old Testament prophet's era is over.
God is no longer with us through these prophets, but through Jesus.
More clearly it is not possible to say that!
Today's Old Testament prophets have appointed themselves. . . They are not appointed by God.
If someone goes beyond what the Bible talks about, then they are false prophets.
21 He holds the building together, so that in the Lord grows into a holy temple,
The building is the church, the redeemed of Jews and Gentiles. We grow together into a holy temple for the Lord. Catchment area of the Holy Spirit is big in the individual's life. But unity and consensus in the Christian church does the same catchment area huge. It was the church of God Satan never wins.
Matt. 16. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. "20 And he commanded his disciples to strictly tell anyone that he was the Messiah.
5. Genesis 32 30 How could one man chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, unless the Lord had given them up?
22 and through him you also are built into a dwelling for God in the Spirit.
1. Cor. 15. 28 And when all is under him shall the Son also himself submit to God who put all things under him, and God may be all in all.
Here we read that God will fill all in all when we are home in heaven. But we are made partakers of the Spirit here and now. It's the same spirit we have now that we are fully to partake of when we get home. It's just like when we buy a house and write a contract. When one writes a contract and pay a portion of the purchase price, usually 10%. Then pay the rest when the house is finished. So it is with salvation. We are part of God the Father and Christ now, by their common spirit. So are we when we get home to share in the whole "package" in full. When God will fill all in all!
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tirsdag 30. august 2011
Nr. 21: Is the Holy Spirit a person or a part of God?
Nr. 21:
Is the Holy Spirit a person or a part of God?
The Holy Spirit is not a person but a part of God himself! We will never meet any 3 person either in heaven or on earth (which is God). One day we will see everything clearly! Then it will become clear everything, even the most trinity teachings do not believe to see a second God in heaven who is the Holy Spirit as far as I know?
1. Cor. 13. 12 Now we see through a glass, darkly, then we shall see face to face. Now I understand in part, then I shall understand fully, as God knows me completely.
I know that Benny Hinn and some other teaches that the Spirit is a person with body, etc. Most people I know think that the Spirit is a legemsløs person as a not quite manage to define and understand? I myself have been taught to believe in this, of course not find anything hold of God's word that the Holy Spirit is a so-called 3 personal God who is for ever and ever to be worshiped and served on an equal footing with the Father and the Son. We will now go into this topic to first and foremost try to describe how God's word explains this topic. Secondly, to reveal that both Jesus Only doctrine and the Trinity is obfuscation and unbiblical teachings!
Before we go any further so I do not want to be preachy or judgmental as some claim that I am when I claim that the Trinity is unbiblical and has its origins in ancient Egypt and Greece with polytheism and triads among others. a.
If we never meet the Spirit as a person, nor in the sky as it indicates that there is no person, or do we believe in something that is not true and that there is no substance? I choose to relate to what can be found in scripture and that one has written evidence.
We encounter a word that will happen when we get to heaven.
1. Cor. 15. 28 And when all is under him shall the Son also himself submit to God who put all things under him, and God may be all in all.
Spirit's function will be in heaven here on earth, there is no difference. It tells me that when the Spirit can not possibly our own person or so is the Spirit a ventriloquist and magician, which of course is not the case!
If God is triune because we are triune? This also falls by its own absurdity and that one does not know scripture well-NOK. The Bible emphasizes both the Old and New Testament that we humans are first and foremost a twofold creature with an inner and outer man.
Eph. 3. 16 I pray that he is so rich in glory, strengthen them in the inner man by the power of his Spirit.
The inner man and outer man is what we find in scripture as a united witness what we humans are. Spirit and soul is the inner man, while the rest is the outer man.
Belief in God, it's teachings.
Belief in God, it's teachings, why should not it be so difficult or impossible to have a clear understanding about these things.
Heb. 6. 1. Let us therefore go beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and stride towards perfection, so we will not again laying the foundation of repentance from dead works and faith in God.
We see that to believe in God and have a clear understanding of this is children's learning. Then it is quite absurd and incomprehensible when Catholics say that this is a mystery and Protestants that this is so difficult and complex that we just have to believe what it is. No, we do not believe in a triad of God, but one God!
Does the Spirit a determination that a person? No! It tells us again and again again that the Spirit is not a separate person but a part of God as Scripture says.
Joh. e. 16 13 But when He, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truth. For he shall not speak from himself, but whatever he hears, and tell you what is to come. 14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of Mine, and shall show it unto you. 15 All that the Father has is mine. Therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.
Note the wording. He shall receive of mine and give it to you, he will preach to you. It tells us again that we do not have a separate person, but one that is part of another or others, to use a visual language that one can comprehend. I would also say that the Spirit is a mediator.
Was Mary Raped?
If a belief in the Trinity was the Virgin Mary was raped, if the Spirit was a separate person, it tells me once again that the Trinity and Jesus only doctrine is the occult and the ugly. It is and remains unbiblical. It was God himself who with Mary's permission made a body in Mary's stomach scripture says.
Heb. 10. 5 Therefore, says Christ at his coming to the world: Sacrifices and gifts you would not have, but a body made you able to me.
A person MUST have a name, a unique name.
A person MUST have a name, a name, it has not the Spirit. Is he still a person? No and again no for an answer! Spirit is and remains a part of God, not a person.
We find the Spirit never spoken with a real name, never! Why? He is no separate person (there is a man-made learning and understanding). Spirit has properties just like our spirit is. It's bl. a of Daniel that he had a high spirit, most Christians have a spirit that is asleep in the day.
I do not know how much more I have to prove that one should recognize that the Trinity and Jesus only doctrine does not have biblical substance and true biblical content? But this heresy is very real among many religious!
It is the fact that it is the Father and the Son who comes to us by the Spirit. And it says that the Lord is the Spirit that tells us when we experience the Spirit, as we experience and know God the Father and Jesus. They cause the same to feel the Spirit and know Jesus.
2. Cor. 3. 17 The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
Jesus is the Spirit, and God the Father says he is Spirit. When we understand this in plain language of the Spirit is part of God just like mine and your spirit is a part of you and me. If not then will this our speech and understanding of language and language use is completely nonsense and nonsense! But it is not, but the Trinity is to learn who came and were "common Christianity" with the Catholic church on the 300-number. Before that it was actually very little discussion and debate around this because all agreed it was the only one that was the only true God the Father and that was worshiped and glorified. And Jesus Kyrios or Lord. The basic text is the word here for the Spirit: pneuma which one can translate this, that Jesus is available to us by the Spirit. Before he was here physically, but now he is available for all of us BY HIS SPIRIT.
Ap. Gj 2 33 He was elevated to God's right hand and received from the Father the Holy Spirit that was promised us, and poured it. This is what you see and hear.
Before the day of Pentecost God gave the Spirit after Pentecost day gives Jesus the Spirit of now he is exalted! It is the Father and the Son that we meet that person, and they are both God. Jesus subordinate to the Father, but still God and he gives the Spirit after the resurrection. Something happened to the full on the day of Pentecost and until he returns to establish His kingdom of peace.
God will you worship
Matt. 4. 10 Then Jesus said to him: "Depart from me, Satan: for it is written: The Lord your God shall you worship and him only shalt thou serve."
We can not find a single word in Scripture to worship the Holy Spirit, why? Here are both the Trinity and Jesus only to card when they have no answers but I have! It is because he is not a separate person or God but a part of God. Had the Holy Spirit was a separate person and a God, as Scripture had said and taught us to worship and pray to him, but why not? Because the Spirit is PART OF GOD, NOT EVEN GOD!
The sum of God's word is truth
Psalm 119:160 The sum of Your word is truth, and forever is all your righteous law firm.
Of course, words that speak of both Jesus only doctrine and the Trinity, but the sum of God's word says the following: That there is only one true God who is before all and to eternity, the Father. He has a son who has gone out from him from time immemorial. Spirit is from both of them, but it was only after the resurrection that Jesus was fully participate in everything, until then he had been in his preeksistens.
Spirit speaks, but it also makes the blood of Abel, etc. There are of course many difficult verse, if one will look at individual verses and build a doctrine around it. But look a the big picture and ask your heart opplate eyes and humble, as one will find the truth of the promise.
The Reformation has not brought anything back to the church
There are those who believe that after all the revivals that have been from Luther as are all biblical truths comet into its own again, but it does not teach writing. We know John. Revelation. 2-3 is a prophetic representation of the church's development from the early Christians until the present day. The Reformation was from God, but it was not perfect and not brought everything back to the church of lost truths. Therefore, I would say that Pastor Barratt and Joshua said on their death beds, there are more countries to adopt. One of those truths is the right understanding of God or the Godhead!
Joh. Revelation. 3. 2. Stay awake, and strengthen the other, who was about to die! for I have not found your works perfect before my God.
This is prophetic of the Reformation and what happened afterwards. The heresy in many respects, as the Catholics introduced and other heresies, it is not the Protestant movement even brought back to the church. Some of the truths that are not brought back using God, I mean among other things. a us here in Smyrna Oslo and all others who stand up for God's word and preach the whole counsel of God to salvation!
The Holy Spirit is part of God, but no separate God or person!
1. Joh. b. 4 13 The fact that we are in him and he in us, we know because he has given us of his Spirit.
Words and use them right is to form and create a people. Trinity doctrine has been an opening of the demonic as it is a false doctrine and understanding of Scripture (1 Tim. 4 1). The truth is that the Spirit is part of God and is God himself, therefore the strong features of the Spirit. We read in 1 Joh. b. God has given us of his Spirit. We all share in a part of God and Christ by the Spirit. Therefore, the Spirit called the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, Spirit of the Lord, etc. Jesus said it himself when he went to the Father, he would send another in its place, what then? Himself and the Father, not a separate 3 PERSON WHO IS AN IMAGINARY GOD AND I DO NOT KNOW WHAT!
Joh. e. 14 21 Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he that loves me shall be loved of my Father. I too will love him and manifest myself to him. "
Read this 10 times so that it enters: "I will love him and manifest myself to him."
Note that the experience of the Spirit is to experience Jesus, it also says scripture that the Lord is the Spirit. It is wonderful and easy this is, can not understand why one should believe in three equal Gods which avgudsdyrkeri!
Read also 10 times: "The Lord is the Spirit".
Authority believe
Most Christians, even people in general are too aut faith. This in turn means that one does not put himself into another problem position from the one that one is presented by its leader, Priest or Pastor. This is deeply tragic when God himself says in his word that he will teach the individual about what is right or not.
Satan would be God Father
Hosea says that lack of knowledge is my people perish. It is of course sad that spiritual ignorance and being wrong in the spiritual area can and will lead into the disaster and delusion, but the Trinity is and remain occult and satanic. Satan would be God, Father, while Jesus was happy in his preeksistens and also side to be subordinate to the Father. When someone claims that there are three equal Gods of power, honor and dignity, it is seductive and demonic teachings! This does not teach writing. Scripture teaches that only God the Father is the only true God, not someone else. Claiming that the Spirit is a person and Jesus is 100% equal to the Father in the origin and everything else is completely alien thought from God's word! Using the pagan religions representations as a starting point, the Catholic church meetings offered the Christian world an explanation that the devil uses to eventually achieve its ultimate goal, to appear as God: I will make myself like the Most High .., Isa. 14:14.
Shall we meet the Spirit in the sky as a person with all that it entails?
No, neither in time or in heaven we will meet some spirit with a body! We will meet the teacher writing two people physically and empty eat and be able to touch them. It is Jesus Christ and God the Father. See Daniel 7, Acts 7, and John. Revelation. 5. We will also sit down with them and eat and drink. Moses and the 70 elders were experiencing this and Jesus himself gave us the promise of getting to experience the same.
What does the word the Holy Spirit?
We can not find the Holy Spirit in Scripture in the original language, but it is holy Spirit in lowercase when the Bible was written. Spirit of God (1 Gen 1.2 / Ruch Elohim) is the Spirit's "own name". Breathe, just like you and I have breath, God has it!
What is the Spirit's function?
Actually, it is simply and clearly, he is a mediator of God the Father and Jesus's behalf. But not as a person, as God is infinite, so is his spirit there, done work!
Fog Installation
Jesus Alone doctrine and the Trinity is obfuscation. When Catholics claim that the Trinity is a mystery and Protestants that we can not understand but we just have to believe it, witness it on a lack of understanding about the divine things. I can explain all this, it is only to make contact, I have the answers in the whole, as God gives us grace and wisdom.
Trinity is pompous and arrogant
Trinity is pompous and arrogant. Jesus only supporters are eager, without true spiritual discernment and understanding. This is a simple image, but it is by and large all the way I experienced it!
Trinity doctrine is a misinterpretation
Trinity doctrine is a misinterpretation and Jesus alone is a misinterpretation that could end real bad off, so make sure you and search again God and writing about these things. The Apostle Peter and the whole word of God warns us against interpreting the word of God wrong, which will lead to both our and others' destruction.
2. Pet. 3. 16 In this he speaks in all the letters in which he comes in on these questions. There are some things there that are difficult to understand, and the unlearned and unstable wrest, as do also the other scriptures, and it is to their own destruction.
No one can interpret the word of God without the Spirit and the Word of light and revelation. Without it, we all want, why is it so important to be humbled by God about this and ask him to reveal. The fact that many believe in a doctrine and that Christianity has been forced by Emperor Constantine to believe in a doctrine which is neither Christian or Jewish, should get everyone to stop and examine this doctrine and "dogma" something more than that usually been done!
2. Pet. 1. 20 But you must above all know that one can not interpret any prophecy of Scripture on their own.
What is the Spirit mentioned in Scripture that?
He is never mentioned by name, only features like our spirit has properties based on who we are, the Spirit of God there. Can not understand why one can not reject the whole doctrine of the Trinity and Jesus alone doctrine, there are two ditches on either side of the spiritual world.
The Holy Spirit is God's power!
Holy Spirit is the power of God, as simple and as long as it should been, as it says in the basic text in lower case. When the Bible was written so they wrote it that way, not as we do with extra words, verses, chapters and large letters for it to blend into our thought and belief patterns.
Luke 1 35 The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the highest power will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy Son of God.
We read in Hebrews, God made a body of Jesus while in Luke it is the highest power that did it. In other words, the Spirit does, so does the Father. Why? Because the Spirit is a part of him, not a separate person.
Classic Christianity
Is this a classic Christian faith when I am in this article have stripped both the Trinity and Jesus only doctrine? This must surely be the death blow to this doctrine once and for all? Do NOK is not there, unfortunately! But neither the Trinity or Jesus only doctrine is sound biblical doctrines.
We see all the bits and pieces, but still I will say this, I have a light on!
Is it someone who believes something or agree, just write on the blog!
Trinity doctrine in the historical light
It was an unfamiliar learning by and large it all up to the Catholic church came on the 300-number. Before that it was the sight that I argues that prevailed among the early Christians, and before that among the Jews. Trinity doctrine came when defection spread among the believers, it is more correct to say!
2. Tess. 2. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means! For a falling away first and the lawless one will be revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
1. Joh. b. 4 3 And every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not of God. It is the antichrist, which you have heard was coming. And it is already in the world.
It is strange how the trinity teachings interpret God's word, of course, to make it fit into their theology. As far as I know so do not think those who acknowledge the Trinity that the antichrist spirit and Antichrist are two separated individuals, although there are about the antichrist spirit all identically the same as it is about the holy Spirit and Jesus. It is strange how one should interpret God's word for it to blend with a lie learn?
Trinity doctrine is not mentioned in the Word of God
Trinity doctrine is not mentioned in the Word of God even once, did Jesus, Paul, Peter, John and Moses wrong? Or know the trinity teachings which Jesus did not even know? But the arrogant and rude are when I mention this to them in the whole. Little or nothing of Jesus' spirit meets one here, especially among the leaders. As a rule, the majority decided that this will not change, even if the doctrine is not mentioned in the Word of God in either the Old or New Testament only once with a single word or phrase.
Therefore you shall know them by their fruits
Matt. 7. 20 Therefore shall ye know them by their fruits.
Should I tell my honest opinion, the Trinity and those who profess the doctrine very little humble to their own point of view here, an arrogant and pompous manner just because that "meat weight" they have on their side, but the word of God, they have not! Jesus only people are anxious without reason and discernment!
Is the Holy Spirit a person or a part of God?
The Holy Spirit is not a person but a part of God himself! We will never meet any 3 person either in heaven or on earth (which is God). One day we will see everything clearly! Then it will become clear everything, even the most trinity teachings do not believe to see a second God in heaven who is the Holy Spirit as far as I know?
1. Cor. 13. 12 Now we see through a glass, darkly, then we shall see face to face. Now I understand in part, then I shall understand fully, as God knows me completely.
I know that Benny Hinn and some other teaches that the Spirit is a person with body, etc. Most people I know think that the Spirit is a legemsløs person as a not quite manage to define and understand? I myself have been taught to believe in this, of course not find anything hold of God's word that the Holy Spirit is a so-called 3 personal God who is for ever and ever to be worshiped and served on an equal footing with the Father and the Son. We will now go into this topic to first and foremost try to describe how God's word explains this topic. Secondly, to reveal that both Jesus Only doctrine and the Trinity is obfuscation and unbiblical teachings!
Before we go any further so I do not want to be preachy or judgmental as some claim that I am when I claim that the Trinity is unbiblical and has its origins in ancient Egypt and Greece with polytheism and triads among others. a.
If we never meet the Spirit as a person, nor in the sky as it indicates that there is no person, or do we believe in something that is not true and that there is no substance? I choose to relate to what can be found in scripture and that one has written evidence.
We encounter a word that will happen when we get to heaven.
1. Cor. 15. 28 And when all is under him shall the Son also himself submit to God who put all things under him, and God may be all in all.
Spirit's function will be in heaven here on earth, there is no difference. It tells me that when the Spirit can not possibly our own person or so is the Spirit a ventriloquist and magician, which of course is not the case!
If God is triune because we are triune? This also falls by its own absurdity and that one does not know scripture well-NOK. The Bible emphasizes both the Old and New Testament that we humans are first and foremost a twofold creature with an inner and outer man.
Eph. 3. 16 I pray that he is so rich in glory, strengthen them in the inner man by the power of his Spirit.
The inner man and outer man is what we find in scripture as a united witness what we humans are. Spirit and soul is the inner man, while the rest is the outer man.
Belief in God, it's teachings.
Belief in God, it's teachings, why should not it be so difficult or impossible to have a clear understanding about these things.
Heb. 6. 1. Let us therefore go beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and stride towards perfection, so we will not again laying the foundation of repentance from dead works and faith in God.
We see that to believe in God and have a clear understanding of this is children's learning. Then it is quite absurd and incomprehensible when Catholics say that this is a mystery and Protestants that this is so difficult and complex that we just have to believe what it is. No, we do not believe in a triad of God, but one God!
Does the Spirit a determination that a person? No! It tells us again and again again that the Spirit is not a separate person but a part of God as Scripture says.
Joh. e. 16 13 But when He, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truth. For he shall not speak from himself, but whatever he hears, and tell you what is to come. 14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of Mine, and shall show it unto you. 15 All that the Father has is mine. Therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.
Note the wording. He shall receive of mine and give it to you, he will preach to you. It tells us again that we do not have a separate person, but one that is part of another or others, to use a visual language that one can comprehend. I would also say that the Spirit is a mediator.
Was Mary Raped?
If a belief in the Trinity was the Virgin Mary was raped, if the Spirit was a separate person, it tells me once again that the Trinity and Jesus only doctrine is the occult and the ugly. It is and remains unbiblical. It was God himself who with Mary's permission made a body in Mary's stomach scripture says.
Heb. 10. 5 Therefore, says Christ at his coming to the world: Sacrifices and gifts you would not have, but a body made you able to me.
A person MUST have a name, a unique name.
A person MUST have a name, a name, it has not the Spirit. Is he still a person? No and again no for an answer! Spirit is and remains a part of God, not a person.
We find the Spirit never spoken with a real name, never! Why? He is no separate person (there is a man-made learning and understanding). Spirit has properties just like our spirit is. It's bl. a of Daniel that he had a high spirit, most Christians have a spirit that is asleep in the day.
I do not know how much more I have to prove that one should recognize that the Trinity and Jesus only doctrine does not have biblical substance and true biblical content? But this heresy is very real among many religious!
It is the fact that it is the Father and the Son who comes to us by the Spirit. And it says that the Lord is the Spirit that tells us when we experience the Spirit, as we experience and know God the Father and Jesus. They cause the same to feel the Spirit and know Jesus.
2. Cor. 3. 17 The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
Jesus is the Spirit, and God the Father says he is Spirit. When we understand this in plain language of the Spirit is part of God just like mine and your spirit is a part of you and me. If not then will this our speech and understanding of language and language use is completely nonsense and nonsense! But it is not, but the Trinity is to learn who came and were "common Christianity" with the Catholic church on the 300-number. Before that it was actually very little discussion and debate around this because all agreed it was the only one that was the only true God the Father and that was worshiped and glorified. And Jesus Kyrios or Lord. The basic text is the word here for the Spirit: pneuma which one can translate this, that Jesus is available to us by the Spirit. Before he was here physically, but now he is available for all of us BY HIS SPIRIT.
Ap. Gj 2 33 He was elevated to God's right hand and received from the Father the Holy Spirit that was promised us, and poured it. This is what you see and hear.
Before the day of Pentecost God gave the Spirit after Pentecost day gives Jesus the Spirit of now he is exalted! It is the Father and the Son that we meet that person, and they are both God. Jesus subordinate to the Father, but still God and he gives the Spirit after the resurrection. Something happened to the full on the day of Pentecost and until he returns to establish His kingdom of peace.
God will you worship
Matt. 4. 10 Then Jesus said to him: "Depart from me, Satan: for it is written: The Lord your God shall you worship and him only shalt thou serve."
We can not find a single word in Scripture to worship the Holy Spirit, why? Here are both the Trinity and Jesus only to card when they have no answers but I have! It is because he is not a separate person or God but a part of God. Had the Holy Spirit was a separate person and a God, as Scripture had said and taught us to worship and pray to him, but why not? Because the Spirit is PART OF GOD, NOT EVEN GOD!
The sum of God's word is truth
Psalm 119:160 The sum of Your word is truth, and forever is all your righteous law firm.
Of course, words that speak of both Jesus only doctrine and the Trinity, but the sum of God's word says the following: That there is only one true God who is before all and to eternity, the Father. He has a son who has gone out from him from time immemorial. Spirit is from both of them, but it was only after the resurrection that Jesus was fully participate in everything, until then he had been in his preeksistens.
Spirit speaks, but it also makes the blood of Abel, etc. There are of course many difficult verse, if one will look at individual verses and build a doctrine around it. But look a the big picture and ask your heart opplate eyes and humble, as one will find the truth of the promise.
The Reformation has not brought anything back to the church
There are those who believe that after all the revivals that have been from Luther as are all biblical truths comet into its own again, but it does not teach writing. We know John. Revelation. 2-3 is a prophetic representation of the church's development from the early Christians until the present day. The Reformation was from God, but it was not perfect and not brought everything back to the church of lost truths. Therefore, I would say that Pastor Barratt and Joshua said on their death beds, there are more countries to adopt. One of those truths is the right understanding of God or the Godhead!
Joh. Revelation. 3. 2. Stay awake, and strengthen the other, who was about to die! for I have not found your works perfect before my God.
This is prophetic of the Reformation and what happened afterwards. The heresy in many respects, as the Catholics introduced and other heresies, it is not the Protestant movement even brought back to the church. Some of the truths that are not brought back using God, I mean among other things. a us here in Smyrna Oslo and all others who stand up for God's word and preach the whole counsel of God to salvation!
The Holy Spirit is part of God, but no separate God or person!
1. Joh. b. 4 13 The fact that we are in him and he in us, we know because he has given us of his Spirit.
Words and use them right is to form and create a people. Trinity doctrine has been an opening of the demonic as it is a false doctrine and understanding of Scripture (1 Tim. 4 1). The truth is that the Spirit is part of God and is God himself, therefore the strong features of the Spirit. We read in 1 Joh. b. God has given us of his Spirit. We all share in a part of God and Christ by the Spirit. Therefore, the Spirit called the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, Spirit of the Lord, etc. Jesus said it himself when he went to the Father, he would send another in its place, what then? Himself and the Father, not a separate 3 PERSON WHO IS AN IMAGINARY GOD AND I DO NOT KNOW WHAT!
Joh. e. 14 21 Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he that loves me shall be loved of my Father. I too will love him and manifest myself to him. "
Read this 10 times so that it enters: "I will love him and manifest myself to him."
Note that the experience of the Spirit is to experience Jesus, it also says scripture that the Lord is the Spirit. It is wonderful and easy this is, can not understand why one should believe in three equal Gods which avgudsdyrkeri!
Read also 10 times: "The Lord is the Spirit".
Authority believe
Most Christians, even people in general are too aut faith. This in turn means that one does not put himself into another problem position from the one that one is presented by its leader, Priest or Pastor. This is deeply tragic when God himself says in his word that he will teach the individual about what is right or not.
Satan would be God Father
Hosea says that lack of knowledge is my people perish. It is of course sad that spiritual ignorance and being wrong in the spiritual area can and will lead into the disaster and delusion, but the Trinity is and remain occult and satanic. Satan would be God, Father, while Jesus was happy in his preeksistens and also side to be subordinate to the Father. When someone claims that there are three equal Gods of power, honor and dignity, it is seductive and demonic teachings! This does not teach writing. Scripture teaches that only God the Father is the only true God, not someone else. Claiming that the Spirit is a person and Jesus is 100% equal to the Father in the origin and everything else is completely alien thought from God's word! Using the pagan religions representations as a starting point, the Catholic church meetings offered the Christian world an explanation that the devil uses to eventually achieve its ultimate goal, to appear as God: I will make myself like the Most High .., Isa. 14:14.
Shall we meet the Spirit in the sky as a person with all that it entails?
No, neither in time or in heaven we will meet some spirit with a body! We will meet the teacher writing two people physically and empty eat and be able to touch them. It is Jesus Christ and God the Father. See Daniel 7, Acts 7, and John. Revelation. 5. We will also sit down with them and eat and drink. Moses and the 70 elders were experiencing this and Jesus himself gave us the promise of getting to experience the same.
What does the word the Holy Spirit?
We can not find the Holy Spirit in Scripture in the original language, but it is holy Spirit in lowercase when the Bible was written. Spirit of God (1 Gen 1.2 / Ruch Elohim) is the Spirit's "own name". Breathe, just like you and I have breath, God has it!
What is the Spirit's function?
Actually, it is simply and clearly, he is a mediator of God the Father and Jesus's behalf. But not as a person, as God is infinite, so is his spirit there, done work!
Fog Installation
Jesus Alone doctrine and the Trinity is obfuscation. When Catholics claim that the Trinity is a mystery and Protestants that we can not understand but we just have to believe it, witness it on a lack of understanding about the divine things. I can explain all this, it is only to make contact, I have the answers in the whole, as God gives us grace and wisdom.
Trinity is pompous and arrogant
Trinity is pompous and arrogant. Jesus only supporters are eager, without true spiritual discernment and understanding. This is a simple image, but it is by and large all the way I experienced it!
Trinity doctrine is a misinterpretation
Trinity doctrine is a misinterpretation and Jesus alone is a misinterpretation that could end real bad off, so make sure you and search again God and writing about these things. The Apostle Peter and the whole word of God warns us against interpreting the word of God wrong, which will lead to both our and others' destruction.
2. Pet. 3. 16 In this he speaks in all the letters in which he comes in on these questions. There are some things there that are difficult to understand, and the unlearned and unstable wrest, as do also the other scriptures, and it is to their own destruction.
No one can interpret the word of God without the Spirit and the Word of light and revelation. Without it, we all want, why is it so important to be humbled by God about this and ask him to reveal. The fact that many believe in a doctrine and that Christianity has been forced by Emperor Constantine to believe in a doctrine which is neither Christian or Jewish, should get everyone to stop and examine this doctrine and "dogma" something more than that usually been done!
2. Pet. 1. 20 But you must above all know that one can not interpret any prophecy of Scripture on their own.
What is the Spirit mentioned in Scripture that?
He is never mentioned by name, only features like our spirit has properties based on who we are, the Spirit of God there. Can not understand why one can not reject the whole doctrine of the Trinity and Jesus alone doctrine, there are two ditches on either side of the spiritual world.
The Holy Spirit is God's power!
Holy Spirit is the power of God, as simple and as long as it should been, as it says in the basic text in lower case. When the Bible was written so they wrote it that way, not as we do with extra words, verses, chapters and large letters for it to blend into our thought and belief patterns.
Luke 1 35 The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the highest power will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy Son of God.
We read in Hebrews, God made a body of Jesus while in Luke it is the highest power that did it. In other words, the Spirit does, so does the Father. Why? Because the Spirit is a part of him, not a separate person.
Classic Christianity
Is this a classic Christian faith when I am in this article have stripped both the Trinity and Jesus only doctrine? This must surely be the death blow to this doctrine once and for all? Do NOK is not there, unfortunately! But neither the Trinity or Jesus only doctrine is sound biblical doctrines.
We see all the bits and pieces, but still I will say this, I have a light on!
Is it someone who believes something or agree, just write on the blog!
Trinity doctrine in the historical light
It was an unfamiliar learning by and large it all up to the Catholic church came on the 300-number. Before that it was the sight that I argues that prevailed among the early Christians, and before that among the Jews. Trinity doctrine came when defection spread among the believers, it is more correct to say!
2. Tess. 2. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means! For a falling away first and the lawless one will be revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
1. Joh. b. 4 3 And every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not of God. It is the antichrist, which you have heard was coming. And it is already in the world.
It is strange how the trinity teachings interpret God's word, of course, to make it fit into their theology. As far as I know so do not think those who acknowledge the Trinity that the antichrist spirit and Antichrist are two separated individuals, although there are about the antichrist spirit all identically the same as it is about the holy Spirit and Jesus. It is strange how one should interpret God's word for it to blend with a lie learn?
Trinity doctrine is not mentioned in the Word of God
Trinity doctrine is not mentioned in the Word of God even once, did Jesus, Paul, Peter, John and Moses wrong? Or know the trinity teachings which Jesus did not even know? But the arrogant and rude are when I mention this to them in the whole. Little or nothing of Jesus' spirit meets one here, especially among the leaders. As a rule, the majority decided that this will not change, even if the doctrine is not mentioned in the Word of God in either the Old or New Testament only once with a single word or phrase.
Therefore you shall know them by their fruits
Matt. 7. 20 Therefore shall ye know them by their fruits.
Should I tell my honest opinion, the Trinity and those who profess the doctrine very little humble to their own point of view here, an arrogant and pompous manner just because that "meat weight" they have on their side, but the word of God, they have not! Jesus only people are anxious without reason and discernment!
lørdag 13. august 2011
Nr. 20: How do you feel to the climate crisis and climate quotas etc.?
Question 20:
How do you feel to the climate crisis and climate quotas etc.?
This for me is really a non issue and a theme which the whole is made up when I do not think neither the climate crisis or emission allowances. There are flights made by wicked people to lure a stray from the faith. Of course we do all the best for the climate and our fellow man. But the real danger is not climate, but when we do evil and turn away from God.
I explain everything in detail, both directly and indirectly in my commentaries on Revelation and elsewhere, both on our website and blog!
There have always been fluctuations in temperature as the example have grown potatoes in Greenland, even in recent times.
Climate is something that is always changing, we are today barely out of "the little ice age".
The Little Ice Age was not a simple cooling, but rather a convergence of a series of events - volcanism, variable solar activity, changes in ocean currents - which together caused the climate and temperatures in the wall between a bouncing ball for almost 600 years.
Our ancestors had to suffer through an almost endless variety of climate changes, each of which rarely lasted more than one twenty-year period.
And the little ice age was not just cold. There were times as warm as or warmer than today. The only problem was that it did not last. Thus it was difficult to adjust to and prepare for whatever might come.
Millions died in famines, wars raged, witches were burned. Climate Chaos affected European history, writes the historian Brian Fagan in his book The Little Ice Age (2000).
The phenomenon was global, with the dramatic climate changes from New Zealand to Canada, but was, like other historical events, particularly well documented in Europe.
The medieval warmth
The transition must have felt dramatically. In Roman times, the weather in Europe is a bit cooler than today. But the period before the Little Ice Age, from about 800's and upwards, is called the "medieval warm period".
For five centuries, albeit interrupted by some cold years, Europe enjoyed the warm, calm weather, a climate golden age of summer Average temperatures between 0.7 and 1.0 degrees above average for the twentieth century.
The population increased. The favorable climate made possible the Norse settlements in Greenland from 900-number. In Norway, cultivated grains 100 to 200 meters further up the mountains than it is today, and England was a strong competitor to France's wine production.
In particular, the period 1284 to 1311 was characterized by unusually warm and dry summers. And the heat made the peasants even bolder and thus even more vulnerable.
For now came the catastrophe.
Flood started in 1315, seven weeks after Easter. It began to torrential down, and it did not stop. May, June, July, August - it just continued. Fields became lakes, streets and roads were to hang marshes. Livestock stood knee-deep in mud, gushing rivers washed away villages.
An unusually cool August went into a cold September. The corn was flat, not matured.
At Christmas, people began to become desperate, and the ensuing famine was especially serious in the last centuries of population growth.
Those who hoped for better times was disappointed. 1316 continued where 1315 left off, and brought the worst harvest in the Middle Ages. It rained. And it rained. 1317, 1318 - with an extremely cold winter in between, 1319 .. First up on 1320's things began slowly to improve.
But this was only the beginning, the "little ice age".
The Little Ice Age was never a deep hypothermia, it was short and dramatic periods.
Cool storms as "Grote Mandrenke" in January 1362 drowned tens of thousands in the Netherlands and Denmark. More than 100 000 will have died in two storms in 1421 and 1446 - huge numbers in terms of future population size.
In 1588 the storm was greater inroads into the Spanish fleet than the English warships managed, and under the Culbin disaster in Scotland in September 1694 buried storm of 16 farms in the sand - between 20 and 30 square kilometers of farmland disappeared under 30 feet loose sand.
250 years of the cold
The worst came last, however. The period from the end of the 1500s to the middle of the 1800s marks the coldest part of the "Ice Age". In more than 200 years grew glaciers in Scandinavia and the Alps, Iceland, Alaska, China, in the southern Andes and New Zealand.
The summer snowline lay 100 meters further down than it is today, and villages were consumed by ice that oozed down the mountainside.
The greatest crisis of our concerned occurred in 1742 to 1743, when the glaciers reached their maximum extent. It was cold and rained violently, and more than 30 000 people died of starvation and disease. The effect of the bad weather was compounded by the Danish grain monopoly. Together they created the conditions that resembled the things no one had seen since the Black Death.
The years 1805 to 1820 was very cold. And to make matters worse, in 1815 exploded volcano Tambora in Indonesia - one of the largest outbreaks.
The ash from Tambora remained in the atmosphere, and helped to make 1816 the "year without summer", with average temperatures between 2.3 and 4.6 degrees below normal. Red and brown snow fell as far south as southern Italy.
- Will faith Tambora lowered the temperature by about one degree.
Hundreds of thousands died of starvation, and the following year, 1817, "begging the year", was a year of social unrest and violent riots.
This was, however, only trifles to rain, compared with potato disaster in the 1840s, when a potent mixture of dry rot, one-sided dependence on the potato and a series of particularly cold winters led to famine in many parts of Europe and especially in Ireland, where two and half a million people either starved to death or emigrated to America.
This disaster was again made to the trifles in the 1870s, when cold and drought killed somewhere between 14 million and 18 million Chinese and Indians.
As late as the winter of 1894 to 1895 was the ice thick on the Thames - before it slowly became warmer again. Assumption Whisk because a volcanic eruption on the other side of the earth that affected the climate in Europe to be very cold.
In the period 1895 to 1940 the Europeans enjoyed a series of relatively mild winters, before we got a cold period with snowy winters of 1950 -, 1960 - and 1970's - so many of today's scientists and politicians remember them from childhood.
It was cold, as Pieter Breugel the Elder painted this picture in 1565Men is it over?
If the last we saw of the little ice age disappeared completely at the end of the 1800s - how can we really know that it's over?
- Cold periods during the Little Ice Age was constantly interrupted by warm between games. It was relatively warm early in the twentieth century, while the 1960 - and 1970's was as cold as part of the little ice age, before we have entered a warmer liquid.
Why? But why was all this?
- Collected data shows that the Little Ice Age was a global event, it was cold and damp across much of the globe.
- We must therefore look for causes that may have affected the entire planet. Personally I fall down on the effects of small variations in solar radiation.
It is shown that for long periods in the little ice age as it was sunspot activity. Scientists know that the intensity of radiation from the sun varies periodically, and that these periods often linked with variations in solar activity. Years of many sunspots are years with a lot of heat.
We live in an Ice Age
We live today in an ice age, a geological period characterized by large parts of the globe is covered by ice.
The large variation is related to various factors, such as the continents operation of the earth's surface, ocean currents, variations in Earth's orbit around the sun and the angle relative to the sun. In addition, factors such as solar activity and cosmic radiation.
We are currently near the middle of a relatively warm period in an otherwise cold age, an interglacial.
The Little Ice Age may have been only a small ripple in this pattern, perhaps exacerbated by intense volcanism.
On the other hand, volcanoes have always existed. And certainly the "little ice age". There have been many such periods of changing climate in history, and they will surely come again.
- The Little Ice Age may well be an example of what can happen when small variations in the sun!
How do you feel to the climate crisis and climate quotas etc.?
This for me is really a non issue and a theme which the whole is made up when I do not think neither the climate crisis or emission allowances. There are flights made by wicked people to lure a stray from the faith. Of course we do all the best for the climate and our fellow man. But the real danger is not climate, but when we do evil and turn away from God.
I explain everything in detail, both directly and indirectly in my commentaries on Revelation and elsewhere, both on our website and blog!
There have always been fluctuations in temperature as the example have grown potatoes in Greenland, even in recent times.
Climate is something that is always changing, we are today barely out of "the little ice age".
The Little Ice Age was not a simple cooling, but rather a convergence of a series of events - volcanism, variable solar activity, changes in ocean currents - which together caused the climate and temperatures in the wall between a bouncing ball for almost 600 years.
Our ancestors had to suffer through an almost endless variety of climate changes, each of which rarely lasted more than one twenty-year period.
And the little ice age was not just cold. There were times as warm as or warmer than today. The only problem was that it did not last. Thus it was difficult to adjust to and prepare for whatever might come.
Millions died in famines, wars raged, witches were burned. Climate Chaos affected European history, writes the historian Brian Fagan in his book The Little Ice Age (2000).
The phenomenon was global, with the dramatic climate changes from New Zealand to Canada, but was, like other historical events, particularly well documented in Europe.
The medieval warmth
The transition must have felt dramatically. In Roman times, the weather in Europe is a bit cooler than today. But the period before the Little Ice Age, from about 800's and upwards, is called the "medieval warm period".
For five centuries, albeit interrupted by some cold years, Europe enjoyed the warm, calm weather, a climate golden age of summer Average temperatures between 0.7 and 1.0 degrees above average for the twentieth century.
The population increased. The favorable climate made possible the Norse settlements in Greenland from 900-number. In Norway, cultivated grains 100 to 200 meters further up the mountains than it is today, and England was a strong competitor to France's wine production.
In particular, the period 1284 to 1311 was characterized by unusually warm and dry summers. And the heat made the peasants even bolder and thus even more vulnerable.
For now came the catastrophe.
Flood started in 1315, seven weeks after Easter. It began to torrential down, and it did not stop. May, June, July, August - it just continued. Fields became lakes, streets and roads were to hang marshes. Livestock stood knee-deep in mud, gushing rivers washed away villages.
An unusually cool August went into a cold September. The corn was flat, not matured.
At Christmas, people began to become desperate, and the ensuing famine was especially serious in the last centuries of population growth.
Those who hoped for better times was disappointed. 1316 continued where 1315 left off, and brought the worst harvest in the Middle Ages. It rained. And it rained. 1317, 1318 - with an extremely cold winter in between, 1319 .. First up on 1320's things began slowly to improve.
But this was only the beginning, the "little ice age".
The Little Ice Age was never a deep hypothermia, it was short and dramatic periods.
Cool storms as "Grote Mandrenke" in January 1362 drowned tens of thousands in the Netherlands and Denmark. More than 100 000 will have died in two storms in 1421 and 1446 - huge numbers in terms of future population size.
In 1588 the storm was greater inroads into the Spanish fleet than the English warships managed, and under the Culbin disaster in Scotland in September 1694 buried storm of 16 farms in the sand - between 20 and 30 square kilometers of farmland disappeared under 30 feet loose sand.
250 years of the cold
The worst came last, however. The period from the end of the 1500s to the middle of the 1800s marks the coldest part of the "Ice Age". In more than 200 years grew glaciers in Scandinavia and the Alps, Iceland, Alaska, China, in the southern Andes and New Zealand.
The summer snowline lay 100 meters further down than it is today, and villages were consumed by ice that oozed down the mountainside.
The greatest crisis of our concerned occurred in 1742 to 1743, when the glaciers reached their maximum extent. It was cold and rained violently, and more than 30 000 people died of starvation and disease. The effect of the bad weather was compounded by the Danish grain monopoly. Together they created the conditions that resembled the things no one had seen since the Black Death.
The years 1805 to 1820 was very cold. And to make matters worse, in 1815 exploded volcano Tambora in Indonesia - one of the largest outbreaks.
The ash from Tambora remained in the atmosphere, and helped to make 1816 the "year without summer", with average temperatures between 2.3 and 4.6 degrees below normal. Red and brown snow fell as far south as southern Italy.
- Will faith Tambora lowered the temperature by about one degree.
Hundreds of thousands died of starvation, and the following year, 1817, "begging the year", was a year of social unrest and violent riots.
This was, however, only trifles to rain, compared with potato disaster in the 1840s, when a potent mixture of dry rot, one-sided dependence on the potato and a series of particularly cold winters led to famine in many parts of Europe and especially in Ireland, where two and half a million people either starved to death or emigrated to America.
This disaster was again made to the trifles in the 1870s, when cold and drought killed somewhere between 14 million and 18 million Chinese and Indians.
As late as the winter of 1894 to 1895 was the ice thick on the Thames - before it slowly became warmer again. Assumption Whisk because a volcanic eruption on the other side of the earth that affected the climate in Europe to be very cold.
In the period 1895 to 1940 the Europeans enjoyed a series of relatively mild winters, before we got a cold period with snowy winters of 1950 -, 1960 - and 1970's - so many of today's scientists and politicians remember them from childhood.
It was cold, as Pieter Breugel the Elder painted this picture in 1565Men is it over?
If the last we saw of the little ice age disappeared completely at the end of the 1800s - how can we really know that it's over?
- Cold periods during the Little Ice Age was constantly interrupted by warm between games. It was relatively warm early in the twentieth century, while the 1960 - and 1970's was as cold as part of the little ice age, before we have entered a warmer liquid.
Why? But why was all this?
- Collected data shows that the Little Ice Age was a global event, it was cold and damp across much of the globe.
- We must therefore look for causes that may have affected the entire planet. Personally I fall down on the effects of small variations in solar radiation.
It is shown that for long periods in the little ice age as it was sunspot activity. Scientists know that the intensity of radiation from the sun varies periodically, and that these periods often linked with variations in solar activity. Years of many sunspots are years with a lot of heat.
We live in an Ice Age
We live today in an ice age, a geological period characterized by large parts of the globe is covered by ice.
The large variation is related to various factors, such as the continents operation of the earth's surface, ocean currents, variations in Earth's orbit around the sun and the angle relative to the sun. In addition, factors such as solar activity and cosmic radiation.
We are currently near the middle of a relatively warm period in an otherwise cold age, an interglacial.
The Little Ice Age may have been only a small ripple in this pattern, perhaps exacerbated by intense volcanism.
On the other hand, volcanoes have always existed. And certainly the "little ice age". There have been many such periods of changing climate in history, and they will surely come again.
- The Little Ice Age may well be an example of what can happen when small variations in the sun!
Nr. 19: Has it something to eat like GT and indicates that the Jews living today?
Question 19:
Has it something to eat like GT and indicates that the Jews living today?
First, we have ready for us what's what: Kasjrút (Hebrews כַּשְׁרוּת [kašrūt]) is the Jewish system of matføreskrifter. Within kasjrút distinguish between a species that is tahór ("ritually pure" allowed to use) and Tame ("ritually impure", not allowed to use). Food, raw materials and ingredients that are permitted for food after kasjrút called leakage (from Heb. כָּשֵׁר [Cashier]) or kosher (from Yiddish kosher). Food that contains banned matslag or combinations or that is made forbidden show is considered taréf (from Heb.)
We read in Rom. 7. 12 Therefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, just and good. 14a We know that the law of the Spirit.
So we must be clear to us that the law is spiritual and of God, even though we are not required to live by it in the NT. Only a part of the law we are required to live as New Testament Christians.
Acts 15. 28 For the Holy Spirit and we have decided not to add any other burden upon you than these necessary things: 29 that ye abstain from idols, and blood and things strangled, and fornication, and if I watch you for these things, it will go ye well. Farewell!
But it is not to act that we can and should live by the precepts and food law that God has directed in his own words, not as a commandment but a good and right in front of others who have not been disclosed. Know that this can be misunderstood. But imagine that you get an offer to buy a house. Then you would choose the house that was best if they cost the same price? So it is with the matreglene we can find in the OT. God he knows what is best, but we must also take that new knowledge has come, and things have evolved. Pork is now completely safe to eat because of the treatment being done is very good and so it is said in fact in many respects the best and cleanest meat other than fat, which is not good. Why? Now I'm no food expert, but because the treatment is done with the meat in today's society, with the freezing and cooling store and everything else they know about the processing of meat, etc.
But why should not Jews eat pork? We read on Wikipedia: Trichinella is encapsulated parasites (nematodes) that may occur in the meat of the example. pig. We humans can be transmitted infection in that we eat trikinholdig meat that is not sufficiently cooked. Trichinella causes severe muscle pain and high fever. There is no effective medicine. These days occur Trichinella in pigs very rarely, but still be taken try by every pig slaughtered in Norwegian slaughterhouses.
We understand then why God told the Israelites that they should not eat pork, but today it is both lawful and we can recommend it.
I think certainly that it has anything to know what one eats it. But we must also put ourselves into this as I have done, then I recommend the same as Paul did and as the saying goes: "Everything in moderation".
1. Tim. 4. 1. But the Spirit is saying, in clear words that in the coming times will anyone fall from the faith, as they hold themselves to seducing spirits and devils lessons 2 by the hypocrisy of false teachers, who are branded in their own conscience, 3 who forbid to marry, and command to refrain from food, the God has created to be enjoyed with thanksgiving by those who believe and have learned the truth. 4 For all God's creatures are good, and nothing is to reject when it is received with thanksgiving, 5 for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
All God's words are pure. It is sanctified by the word of God and prayer as we pray for the food and everything we eat and drink will be a blessing to us and serve us.
From my commentaries Titus letter 1 14 They must not give in to Jewish myths and commandments given by people who have turned away from the truth.
It has always been the so-called mysteries, fables and insignificant things that have been attached impressionable souls attention. One goes from one to the next healing conference. From one woman to the next conference, etc.
But one never comes to rest in his Christian life, there is danger that lies to wonder.
15 Everything is pure to the pure, but for the impure and unbelieving is nothing pure. No, both sense and conscience are defiled by them.
Here Paul says that sanctification is first and foremost on the inside. Read Jesus' speech in Matt.23 about contemporary religious who were concerned with one thing, to follow God to the exterior. It is to live out in the new creation that is true and fruit-bearing Christian. How did I do it with God when no one sees me and one is all alone, that is where a really shows how it has with God.
Everything is clean for the clean, scripture says, but it is not to act that we should not put ourselves into things. We should acquire knowledge about everything in life, including food and the composition of things. Now I do not consider it here, but it is clear that we are influenced by both what we eat and how we live. The saying goes: "Healthy mind in a sound body".
I have a dream, or to say a big dream. It means that when we build the church here in Oslo, had it been nice also to open a restaurant \ cafe with healthy food and a Spa area. We have in the past 10 years had a swimming pool in the garden and it has become a lifestyle of healthy living and it is a healing and restorative effects in it. This was just some thoughts next question. May God bless you and your dear friend with all the best. Want to bring the blessing that you carry read every day in the morning of your life with the Lord's Prayer. The Aaronic blessing and Oslo Gospel Choir sings it very well: The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you! The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace!
Has it something to eat like GT and indicates that the Jews living today?
First, we have ready for us what's what: Kasjrút (Hebrews כַּשְׁרוּת [kašrūt]) is the Jewish system of matføreskrifter. Within kasjrút distinguish between a species that is tahór ("ritually pure" allowed to use) and Tame ("ritually impure", not allowed to use). Food, raw materials and ingredients that are permitted for food after kasjrút called leakage (from Heb. כָּשֵׁר [Cashier]) or kosher (from Yiddish kosher). Food that contains banned matslag or combinations or that is made forbidden show is considered taréf (from Heb.)
We read in Rom. 7. 12 Therefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, just and good. 14a We know that the law of the Spirit.
So we must be clear to us that the law is spiritual and of God, even though we are not required to live by it in the NT. Only a part of the law we are required to live as New Testament Christians.
Acts 15. 28 For the Holy Spirit and we have decided not to add any other burden upon you than these necessary things: 29 that ye abstain from idols, and blood and things strangled, and fornication, and if I watch you for these things, it will go ye well. Farewell!
But it is not to act that we can and should live by the precepts and food law that God has directed in his own words, not as a commandment but a good and right in front of others who have not been disclosed. Know that this can be misunderstood. But imagine that you get an offer to buy a house. Then you would choose the house that was best if they cost the same price? So it is with the matreglene we can find in the OT. God he knows what is best, but we must also take that new knowledge has come, and things have evolved. Pork is now completely safe to eat because of the treatment being done is very good and so it is said in fact in many respects the best and cleanest meat other than fat, which is not good. Why? Now I'm no food expert, but because the treatment is done with the meat in today's society, with the freezing and cooling store and everything else they know about the processing of meat, etc.
But why should not Jews eat pork? We read on Wikipedia: Trichinella is encapsulated parasites (nematodes) that may occur in the meat of the example. pig. We humans can be transmitted infection in that we eat trikinholdig meat that is not sufficiently cooked. Trichinella causes severe muscle pain and high fever. There is no effective medicine. These days occur Trichinella in pigs very rarely, but still be taken try by every pig slaughtered in Norwegian slaughterhouses.
We understand then why God told the Israelites that they should not eat pork, but today it is both lawful and we can recommend it.
I think certainly that it has anything to know what one eats it. But we must also put ourselves into this as I have done, then I recommend the same as Paul did and as the saying goes: "Everything in moderation".
1. Tim. 4. 1. But the Spirit is saying, in clear words that in the coming times will anyone fall from the faith, as they hold themselves to seducing spirits and devils lessons 2 by the hypocrisy of false teachers, who are branded in their own conscience, 3 who forbid to marry, and command to refrain from food, the God has created to be enjoyed with thanksgiving by those who believe and have learned the truth. 4 For all God's creatures are good, and nothing is to reject when it is received with thanksgiving, 5 for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
All God's words are pure. It is sanctified by the word of God and prayer as we pray for the food and everything we eat and drink will be a blessing to us and serve us.
From my commentaries Titus letter 1 14 They must not give in to Jewish myths and commandments given by people who have turned away from the truth.
It has always been the so-called mysteries, fables and insignificant things that have been attached impressionable souls attention. One goes from one to the next healing conference. From one woman to the next conference, etc.
But one never comes to rest in his Christian life, there is danger that lies to wonder.
15 Everything is pure to the pure, but for the impure and unbelieving is nothing pure. No, both sense and conscience are defiled by them.
Here Paul says that sanctification is first and foremost on the inside. Read Jesus' speech in Matt.23 about contemporary religious who were concerned with one thing, to follow God to the exterior. It is to live out in the new creation that is true and fruit-bearing Christian. How did I do it with God when no one sees me and one is all alone, that is where a really shows how it has with God.
Everything is clean for the clean, scripture says, but it is not to act that we should not put ourselves into things. We should acquire knowledge about everything in life, including food and the composition of things. Now I do not consider it here, but it is clear that we are influenced by both what we eat and how we live. The saying goes: "Healthy mind in a sound body".
I have a dream, or to say a big dream. It means that when we build the church here in Oslo, had it been nice also to open a restaurant \ cafe with healthy food and a Spa area. We have in the past 10 years had a swimming pool in the garden and it has become a lifestyle of healthy living and it is a healing and restorative effects in it. This was just some thoughts next question. May God bless you and your dear friend with all the best. Want to bring the blessing that you carry read every day in the morning of your life with the Lord's Prayer. The Aaronic blessing and Oslo Gospel Choir sings it very well: The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you! The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace!